From a little house in town to a big Fine Arts Complex on the highway, and from Latin conjugations to LOGO on the computer, Palacios ISD has come many giant steps in its 80 years of existence. One thing, however, has remained constant: The community of Palacios and Palacios ISD have remained loyal to the goal of providing the very best education possible for its students. Stating such a goal is easy, but achieving it takes much time and effort. The leadership of Palacios ISD from its earliest beginnings to the present has been dedicated to making Palacios schools the very best. The struggle upward began in 1905 when a small house, presently situated on Duson Street, became a school with Mayme Ayres presiding. It was readily apparent that the community would grow and prosper and a public school was badly needed. Thus, in 1906, Palacios formally opened its doors and East Bay School was erected. That very first year 109 students passed through its doors. W. C. Gray was the superintendent--a bachelor who kept everyone guessing which of his three unmarried teachers he would wed. The mystery was solved upon his marriage to Nellie Lovelady. Gray remained the superintendent for six years, after which he became the county superintendent and practiced law in Palacios. It was during his tenure from 1906-13 that the East Bay School and the Red School were built. The East Bay School was soon bursting its sides and a bond issue was passed in 1910 for more facilities. School had to go on however overcrowded the conditions were. Students were "farmed" out to various places until "cow sheds" or temporary buildings were completed. Classes were held in the Methodist church and the Masonic Lodge. The "cow sheds" were ready to fall apart by the time the new building opened in the 1912-13 school year. The new school, called the "Red School" or "Big School," housed the high school and the upper elementary grades and served well until the 1930s.
From 1913 to 1918, H. L. B. Skinner was the
superintendent of the Palacios schools. He also was charged with the
responsibility of providing education for the children of the
Bayview-Lague area near Cash's Creek as well as the northwest area of
Palacios, called the Illinois Colony. Skinner contracted wagon owners to
provide transportation. He also hired a teacher to hold classes in a
shall building in the area. This superintendent also was responsible for
adding electric lights and drinking fountains in each of the schools. |
In 1905 the first county school opened in Palacios. It was situated in a one room frame building located at the corner of Second Street and Humphrey, where the old high school building now stands. Long seats and desks were rudely constructed and place one row on either side of the building. Four children sat at each desk. Miss Mayme Ayres was the teacher and her salary was $60 a month but the contract specified she could collect tuition from those over four but under scholastic age, so she could supplement her salary. There was no County Superintendent of Schools at that time, but the County Judge supervised the schools and Judge Jesse Matthews visited the school twice during the term. The first school board members were E. T. Riggs, J. W. Powell, T. D. Trick and George Truitt. The school outgrew its one room capacity almost immediately, so in 1906 the East Bay School was built and the one room building sold to Alexander Cunningham. He moved it to a lot on Duson Street and added to the building to make it large enough for his family. His son, Julius, and family lived in the building for many years, and his widow, Bertha Cunningham, still makes her home there (304) Duson. [Picture courtesy of Bertha Cunningham and Palacios Area Historical Association.] Palacios Beacon, February 9, 1983
The scholastic year of Palacios Public Schools closed today. The record of the year’s work has been one of the most gratifying success—the best in all the school’s history. The graduating class of 1911—that is those completing the full four year’s high school course this year, is composed of three young ladies and one young man, who are, Miss Margaret Alice Campbell, Miss Minnie Georgia Hunt, Miss Nannie Alley Truitt, and Mr. Elbert Roy Hunt. Program For Commencement Week
Piano Duet—Misses Nannie Truitt, Alice
The Class Motto is: “Rowing, not
Drifting.” |
The citizens who offered the free site for the new school house just outside the city limits on the north have raised the money for its purchase and are now ready to deliver the property to the district. Funds are also being solicited for the inside site offered by the townsite company as has already been explained. The Beacon is authorized by the school board to say that the special election to give the people of the district opportunity to express their preference of the two sites offered will be held at the city council room one week from tomorrow, which is Saturday, August 3rd. Keep this in mind and go to the voting place and register your preference. Only the two new sites offered will be voted on at this time.
Palacios Beacon, July 26, 1912 |
Grammar School - Palacios, Tex. ![]() |
First Grade - Palacios 1920 - 1921 ![]()
Palacios School - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grades - 1920 - 1921 ![]()
![]() Palacios 8th Grade April 18, 1946 taken in the Home Economics Room. Sponsor Mrs. Mehrens Photo courtesy of Jeanette Angelo |
The Juniors entertained themselves last Saturday with a picnic at Cash Creek. Miss Nix and Mr. Milstead accompanied them. All report an enjoyable time. The O. L. B. Literary Society will give a program this Friday. Come and hear it. Margaret Holsworth has been absent from school quite a bit lately. The Seniors are busily engaged writing their orations for commencement, together with their regular work.
Palacios Beacon, April 11, 1913 |
The school trustees have elected the
following teachers for the public schools of Palacios for the next
year. Prof. H. L. B. Skinner, of Smithville, superintendent; vice W.
C. Gray, resigned; Miss Lula Nix, of Groesbeck; Miss Jamie Winston,
of Grosbeck; Miss Ritta Yockey, Miss Nellie Cope and Mrs. Elma D.
Huffman, of Palacios. The foregoing, with the exception of the
superintendent, are former teachers re-elected. The new teachers
elected are Miss Myrtle Hester, of Bay City; Mr. C. V. Snyder and
Miss Bessie Belknap, of Palacios. This is the complete faculty for
next year, but of course, more teachers will be added by the Board
if necessary. |
Miss Hightower favored chapel exercises Tuesday morning with a couple of violin selections, which were certainly enjoyed by all. A Spanish class was started this week for the benefit of those who do not take Latin of any kind. The Seniors have finished Solid Geometry and are now taking advanced arithmetic. The following are the names of those who were exempt from the mid-term examinations which were given last week, having made an average of 90 or above in each subject and whose deportment was not below 90: Seniors: Lefa Green, Ila Williams, Lydia Parker Sophomores: George Truitt, Marvin Wickham, Pearl Corse, Jay Williams, Leonard Norton Freshmen: Frank Snedaker Seventh Grade: William Clements, Calvin Douglas Following are the names of those who were exempt in at least one subject: Juniors: Rov Backen, Willie Lee Driskill, LeRoy Hillyer, Madge Clements, Maynard Green, Cara Schley Sophomores: Harold Baldwin, Victor Clements, Carlton Crawford, Robert Margerum, Richard Pierce, Josephine Burgmier, Lily Mae Barnett, Grace Sneary, Gladys Sneary, Ella Kielhorn, Mary Morrow, Huldah Elder, Fernley Tatum
Seventh Grade
Palacios Beacon, January 30, 1914 |
At a meeting of the board of trustees last week the entire faculty of the public schools was re-elected with the exception of Misses Taylor and Woods who were not applicants. It is not certain that Miss Taylor will teach at all, and Miss Woods has an offer of a better salary than could be paid here.
Miss Marguerite Barnett, of
Brownwood, was elected to the position of English and Latin, and
Miss Inez Moss, of Llano, to that of History and Spanish. These two
ladies have had their training in Daniel Baker college and the State
University and are thoroughly prepared to do the best high school
work. |
Following is a complete list of the pubic entertainments to be given in connection with Commencement week of the Palacios High School. Friday night, May 22, at 8 o’clock, public school entertainment. Sunday morning, May 24, at 11 o’clock, Commencement sermon delivered by Rev. R. T. Hanks, pastor of the Baptist church.
Thursday night, May 28th,
at 8 o’clock, Grammar School Graduation exercise. Friday night, May 29, at 8 o’clock, High School Graduation exercises. Address by Rev. Edward Owers, pastor of the Christian church. All these exercises will be held in the high school auditorium, and all are free to the public except the first named, the public school entertainment, May 22, for which an admission of 10 and 20 cents will be charged, the proceeds to apply on payment for the school piano.
Post graduates: Leafa Green, Ila
Williams and Lydia Parker.
Palacios Beacon,
May 15, 1914 |
![]() Palacios Beacon, September 28, 1917 |
The grand sum of $270.66 was the net profit made by the ladies in their Parent Teacher’s Association bazaar last Saturday. This amount to be used in carrying out the year’s program of the organization, represents the great financial success of the undertaking. The bazaar was held in the brick building belonging to J. O. Davis, across from the bank, its use being donated. Hundreds of people visited the place during the afternoon and evening. Everything on sale was donated, practically every one in the school district having furnished something through a soliciting committee headed by Mrs. J. F. Barnett. Eight large booths formed the nucleus of the appointments at the bazaar--four on each side of the room. Across the back of the building was arranged the Tea Room, separated from the booths by a grill. The decorations were of Christmas greens, moss, and green and red crepe paper with many suggestions of Christmas. On the left side were arranged in order the fancy work and doll booth, filled to overflowing; the Food Booth, everything for sale from a cocoanut cake to pumpkins; the Coffee and Tea Booth, from which tea, coffee, and Norwegian Rosettes were served all the afternoon. Here the Tatum Grocery company donated and advertised “Sunset Coffee” while the Curtis “Chase and Sanborn’s Teas.” Another booth on the same side of the building served Chili and Hot Tamales. On the opposite side of the building was, first, the candy booth where delicious home-made candies were ready to tempt buyers. Next came the apron booth, where every variety or apron was on display. Another booth was given over to membership enlistment and to the receipt of subscriptions to magazines. Last came the supper booth which served a big number of people with their meal. Everything was sold out early. The candy hardly lasted long enough for the bazaar to start. There were several things to be auctioned off at the close, and that left a group of empty booths but a full treasury. Following is the complete financial report: Receipts
Taken in at the Bazaar……….$277.46 Total Receipts…………………$278.96 Expenditures
Two Dishwashers…………………$1.00 The regular monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers Association will be held at the East Bay school house on December 21 at 3:00 o’clock. All members are requested to be present.
Palacios Beacon,
December 17, 1920 |
Rev. Talley visited us Friday
morning and gave a most fitting talk on “Life” at chapel.
The Chorus Girls are practicing
numbers for the expression recital which will be given on December
27. The proceeds of the entertainment will be used to purchase
equipment for the school.
The School Board told us they were
thinking of the safety of our building when they fitted all the
lower windows with screens. This not only adds neatness to the
appearance, but also allows more freedom in ball playing as the
windows are protected.
We are glad to have Mrs. Bowden back
after a few days of illness last week.
The talk on “First Aid” by Dr.
Elliott last Monday completed the series of lectures given by the
physicians of the town to our town nursing department.
The following have neither been
absent nor tardy during the third month from the first grade: Ruth
Hendricks, Helen Riggs, Mary Aileen Elliott, Edward Key, Gertrude
Dismukes, Clara Mosier, Jim Murry, Celia Goodenough, Albert
Reynolds, Porfidio Samora, Leo Showalter, and Julia Flores. The honor roll of the second grade for the last month includes Clara May Story, Juanita Dunlap, Merle Viets, Wayne Shaw, Wanda Randolph, Lucille Bowden, Henry Lawson, Dessie Phillips, Franklin Lane, Chlora Lunsford, Telesforo Rivas, Eulalie Rodriguez.
Palacios Beacon,
December 17, 1920 |
The School Board has set Monday
Sept. 19, 1921 as the date to open the 1921-22 school term for the
Palacios Independent School District.
The following teachers have been
elected conditionally:
D. K. Withers was selected for the
transfer of pupils from Illinois School District and Geo. W. Curtis
was selected for the transfer of pupils from the Bay View School
John LeCompte elected janitor of
high school; J. S. Parks for the East Bay School.
The conditional clause on the
election of the teachers is based on the fact that we are not
provided with funds to pay the salaries and maintain the school in
accordance with our schedule.
Palacios Beacon,
September 9, 1921 |
Our schools opened last Monday with
both teachers and pupils on tip-toe and full of zest for their work.
At the high school there were chapel exercises with talks by the
teachers and also a number of the patrons, a larger number than
usual of the latter being present, expressing their confidence in
the present corps of teachers. Everything is moving along smoothly
and this promises to be a banner year for the schools, despite the
fact that the condition of the buildings and furnaces is not as it
should be to do first class work or up to the standard required by
the state supervisor.
In the East Bay school they had an
enrollment of 110 the first day which later in the week was
increased to 115, this being the largest enrollment for several
years. At their chapel exercises they had the good fortune to have
present Miss Louise Pybus, who presided at the piano playing their
marches and the accompaniment to their song. A splendid
representation of the others was present, who gave evidence of their
pleasure and delight at the splendid beginning that was being made.
The teachers of the East Bay, as do those of the High School, extend
a cordial invitation to the mothers and fathers to visit the schools
often. There is a total enrollment in both schools of 361, a large
number in both schools being new pupils.
The teachers in charge for the year
are: Miss Linnie Wolf, Supt.; Prof. Earl Rogers, Prin.; Misses
Rowena Clement and Olive Boone; Mrs. W. C. Gray, 7th
grade; Mrs. Bulah Bowden, 6th grade; Miss Claire Partain,
5th grade; Miss Eunice Taylor, 4th grade; Miss
Victoria Elder, 3rd grade; Miss Lorena Ifland, 2nd
grade; Miss Lilla Mae Barnett, 1st grade and
superintendent of East Bay school.
Up to this time the board has been
unable to secure a Domestic Science teacher but hopes to have one in
the very near future.
Palacios Beacon,
September 29, 1922 |
During the remainder of the current
school year, the Palacios High School will arrange and publish two honor
rolls at the end of each six week period. In order for a student to have
his name placed on the “A” honor roll he must be taking a full course,
must make an “A” in at least three-fourths of his subjects, and the
other one-fourth must not be less than a “B.” If he is to get his name
on the “B” honor roll he must be carrying a full course, must be making
at least a “B” in three-fourths of his work and not less than “C” in the
other one-fourth. In either case the pupil must make an “A” in
The honor roll for this six weeks period
is as follows:--
Seniors: Dorothy Smith, Charles Nestor “B” Honor Roll
Seniors: Mamie Angel, Coleman Clement,
Francis Simpson The following is a list of students whose grades would qualify them for the honor roll, but their names were not placed there because they failed to make an “A” in deportment: Ouida Gray, Floye Simpson, Jean Trull, Maxine Price, Ellen Brotemarkle.
Last Tuesday night the greatest event of the year took place in the basement of the P. H. S. The victims being the Fish and Sophs. At the basement stairs they were branded with the "S" (Seniors) and "J" (Juniors) on their cheeks and given a mouthful of green persimmon. Other various events took place such as blowing flower from balls, kissing the rolling pen, walking the board of syrup into a tub of water and take a dose of castor oil. This showed the good sportsmanship of most of them. They then were served with a piece of stick candy and instructed how to dress for school the following day. After the party they formed a line and march through town stopping a Foley's and the show.
Palacios Beacon, December 20, 1928 |
W. C. Gray, president of the
Palacios Independent School District, informs us this week that the
faculty for the 1929-30 school term has been elected as follows:
Miss Oro Ulrich, home economics
Daily Tribune,
August 3, 1929 |
The Palacios Public Schools opened Monday morning with 18 per cent increase of enrollment over last year. A strong faculty is in charge and everything points to a very successful year's work. The school is starting this year with three units of affiliation more than it had at the beginning of last year, the following subjects being accredited last July:--Vocational Agriculture 1 1/2 unites, General Science 1 unit, and Trig. 1/2 unit. The H. S. grades of the Prairie Center School have been consolidated with the Palacios High School for this year and a new truck has been added. Up to this, Thursday morning, the total enrollment is 409; with 112 in the High School; 142 in the Grammar Grades and 153 at East Bay. The Home Economics Department, under Miss Ora Ulrich has a class of 36 girls, and the Vocational Agriculture with R. D. Rawls in charge, has 33 boys. Teachers in the High School and their subjects are: Mark Lowrey, Math; Fred Thompson, History and Spanish; Miss Myrle Bell, English, and Supt. Ralph Newsom, Science. Grade teachers are Miss Claire Partain, Miss Faith Crabill, Mrs. Nora Mae DuBoise and Mrs. A. E. Lauderback. At East Bay, Miss Irene Bachelder, Miss Elizabeth Sisson, Miss Dessie Sullivan and Mrs. Edwards. Fred Thompson, who took a course in coaching this summer at Dallas, under some of the very best instructors, is coach of the athletics and the prospects are bright for a good foot ball team as well as many other activities in this line. The Beacon is planning for a school column this year and hopes to have each department of the work represented, which we feel will be a good thing for the school as well as to give our readers interesting information.
Palacios Beacon, September 12, 1929 |
On account of the crowded condition in the Primary grade at the East Bay School, the board decided to hire one more teacher and Miss Pollyanna Hendricks was elected for the place and began her duties Monday morning. Miss Hendricks has had more than three years of training for primary work at C. I. A., and will no doubt be a helpful addition to the East Bay Faculty.
Palacios Beacon, October 10, 1929 |
"A" Honor Roll
"B" Honor Roll
Palacios Beacon, October 24, 1929 |
"A" Honor Roll
Palacios Beacon, November 14, 1929 |
The first grade children, accompanied by their teacher, Miss Polly Anna Hendrick, enjoyed a picnic Saturday at the B. Y. P. U. Grounds. The day was a beautiful one and an ideal one for a picnic. Many "pirate shops" were sighted along the horizon of the bay by the picnicers and an exciting time was had by all. Those enjoying the picnic were:--Jack Huddleston, Lucille Wilkerson, Peggy Sandusky, George Harrison, Jr., Rufus Buffalo, Arlene Barrett, Joe Edward Richards, Helen Smith, Sunshine Barnett, Geraldine Lauderback, Jimmie Cunningham, Joan Holmes, Henry Martyn, Martin Ragusin, August Mosier, Dan Legg, Wesley Sherrell, Sunny Burton, Bobby Lewis, Patricia Robinson, Agnes Holmes, and Alexander Cunningham.
Palacios Beacon, February 13, 1930 |
Girls: Eva Smith, Ruth Hood, Gladys Cox,
Clara Ward, Opal Bonner, Elva McKissick, Anna Cornelius, Esther Bullock,
Gladys Frankson, Audrey Harvey, Esther Anderson, Margaret Hunter, La-Nelle
Richards, Clella Mae Wolfe, Elizabeth Ruthven, Dorothy Stramblad, Mary
Allen Elliott
Boys: Bob Trull, Harold Bell, Sammie
Hood, Floyd Martin, Willis Michna, Isadore Bentz, Henry Lawson, Rodell
Matteson, Burton Duncan. Palacios Beacon, May 29, 1930
At a meeting of the school board Tuesday evening, Miss Virgie Witt, of Denton, was elected for the H. E. department of the Palacios High School. H. C. Lewis, president of the board, tells us this now completes the faculty for the 1930-31 term, which is as follows:--Ralph Newsom, superintendent; Misses Wanda Gray and Myrle Bell and Rupert Elliott, for the high school; Misses Claire Partain, Clara Schley, Beryl Forehand, Mrs. A. E. Lauderback, seventh, sixth, fifth and fourth grade teachers, while Misses Irene Bachelder, Dessie Sullivan, Elizabeth Sisson, Pollyanna Hendrick and Mrs. G. W. Edwards will be at the East Bay School. Miss Witt, Home Economics, Harry Smith, Vocational Agriculture, and Rupert Elliott, athletics. Everything is favorable for a most successful term the ensuing year and Palacios is very proud of her schools.
Palacios Beacon, July 31, 1930 |
“A” Honor Roll Second Grade: Grace Pearl Pierce, Martin Ragusin
First Grade: Lola Dickert, Rae Beth
Stapp?, Ona Lee Ledbetter “B” Honor Roll Third Grade: Ben Roach, Ray Legg, Byron Maples, LaVern Curtis, Lenadene Ramsey, Patricia Robinson Second Grade: Irene Hughes, Jasper Baldree, Elizabeth Glaros, Lucille Wilkerson, Charles Wellbourn, Leroy Stearns, Geraldine Lauderback, Jimmie Cunningham
First Grade: Wilburn Bingham, Alexander
Cunningham, Jack Glaros, Henry Jackson, Buddy Linquist, Wilber Maples,
Kermit Wright, Esther Gormey, Laura Mae Harrison, Elizabeth Holmes,
Martha Jeanne Koontz, Edith Phillips, Mary Emma Robinson, Adene Starr,
Geraldine Foster, Leona Jensen, Peggy Sandusky, Novella Stallard, Gladys
Trull, Felipe Gonzales, Lupe Samora, Jesse Rodriquez
Palacios Beacon,
October 23, 1930 |
Supt. Ralph P. Newsom announces everything is ready for the opening of the Palacios schools on Monday, Sept. 10. High School pupils can register Friday and Monday, but those registering Friday need not come until Tuesday. Members of the faculty besides Mr. Newsom are: Mrs. Meryle Bell Burton, Mrs. Melba Sullivan and J. E. Mercer; Grammar Grades: Miss Claire Partain, O. D. Brown, Miss Laura Sutton, Miss Lilliam Schiller, Miss Clara Schley, Mrs. Clara Shomette and Miss Theresa Pawelik, Home Economics; East Bay: Misses Irene and Thelma Batchelder, Elizabeth Sisson, Ione Biggs, Mrs. A. E. Louderback and Mrs. C. E. Traylor; Mrs. George Edwards, the Mexican class. The Vocational teacher has not yet been secured but will be by the time school opens. The buildings and grounds have been put in good shape and prospects are that there will be a larger attendance this year than last.
Palacios Beacon, September 6, 1934 |
In an interview with Mr. Ralph Newsom,
Superintendent of Schools, this morning, the Beacon reporter was
informed that plans for a new high school building are being drawn by
the well-known Architect, Mr. Harry D. Payne, of Houston. Mr. Payne
specializes in this work and has drawn the plans for both Blessing and
Markham schools. Data are being gathered and tabulated by the School
Trustees with a view to making application for a loan and grant under
the new $4,800,000,000 bill which has just been signed by the President.
The loan granted for the new school at Markham, which is just about
finished, amounts to $30,000 plus an outright donation of $11,000,
making a total of $41,000. The work on the Blessing school is about to
begin, and the amount granted in this case was $51,000, plus an outright
grant of $17,000, making a total of $68,000. As stated in the Beacon
two weeks ago the Palacios High School building is subject to be
condemned and is rated the lowest in this district from a health and
fire-hazard standpoint.
The architect, Mr. Harry D. Payne, will
be in Palacios in a few days to meet the School Trustees and all
interested citizens.
Palacios Beacon,
April 11, 1935 |
The Palacios Negro School under the supervision of the principal G. H. Sanford and Carita Sanford, put on a program over KVIC at Victoria last Friday afternoon for the Palacios hour, that was well received adn highly commended, and a number of letters have been received from listeners in complimenting the recital. The program was as follows:
Theme Song, "Go Down Moses."
Palacios Beacon, May 1, 1947 |
Mary Louise Wells at left |
Construction work on Palacios’ new
elementary school, slated to start last Monday, has not begun, according
to Ralph P. Newsom, superintendent of schools. The A. N. Evans Construction Co., of Columbus is the general contractor, along with Spier and Richerson of Uvalde and Stancik, also of Columbus Spier and Richerson is the plumbing and heating contractor and Stancik is the electrical contractor.
Palacios Beacon, October 2, 1952 |
GRADUATES TONIGHT - The largest class to graduate
from Palacios High School will receive their diplomas at the B. Y. P. U.
auditorium tonight at 8 p. m. Members of the class are as follows: Palacios Beacon, May 21, 1953 The Beacon list has some of the names in the wrong order. If known, the number was added behind the name. Class Reunion
Professor and Mrs. Granville Sanford and Miss Myrtle Owens, teachers at the colored school, were honor guests at a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon Thursday evening. The guests were received by Mrs. Dorothy Deadrick and Miss Winnie Shannon. An arrangement of pink and white gladiolas was used in the dining room. A delicious menu consisting of southern fried chicken, giblet gravy, scalloped potatoes with cheese, Waldorf relish plate, Harvard beets, spiced peaches, hot rolls and butter, lemon pie and ice tea was enjoyed.
Palacios Beacon, May 24, 1956 |
The City Council has annexed Foley Village and the Grassy Point area into the present city limits. Bondsmen and engineers are making a study of water and sewage problems, and will determine the approximate cost of completing the projects of providing the facilities to the newly annexed additions. Members of the First Pentecostal Church have elected Mrs. E. C. Glisson as their pastor. The Sunday services will be: Sunday school, 10 a. m. morning services at 11 and evening services at 7. Thursday evening services will be at 7:30. Visitors are welcome at the church which is located at Sixth and Morton streets. The Rev. Ralph Masters has announced St. John's Episcopal Church is currently holding confirmation classes every Tuesday at 8 p. m. and Thursday at 10 a. m. in his home. The classes do not require a person to become a member of the church, but are for both those who wish to know more about the Episcopalian way of life, and for those who wish to share in the church's life. All are welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. George McHaney are the proud parents of a baby son, Michael Vaughn, who arrived March 3 at Bay View Hospital, weighing four pounds, five ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pat Treacy of Palacios, and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George McHaney of LaWard. The terms of Ed Feather, Marvin Curtis and Charlie Johnson are expiring as aldermen. Mr. Feather and Mr. Johnson will not run for re-election. Mr. Curtis has filed for re-election, and Guy Claybourn and Ronald Harris have also filed for a position on the ballot. The city election will be April 7. School elections will be April 4. Joe Ressler and Jimmy Shearer have filed for re-election to the board. Miss Ruby Jean Hamlin became the bride of David Willis in the presence of immediate family and friends in the home of the bride's mother, on Feb. 25. The Rev. Rayford Harris, pastor of the First Baptist Church performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Lela Hamlin, and the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Willis. Miss Wanda Williams of Somerville and Johnny Hamlin of Palacios were the attendants. A reception was held immediately following the ceremony. Mrs.. J. R. Barnhart presided at the punchbowl and Mrs. Billy Roark served the cake. The couple will live in Louisiana. Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Margarita Silva to Joe Garcia Jr., son of Mr. Joe Garcia Sr. of Bay City, and her sister, Mrs. Fred Garcia of Palacios. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride in Bay City, March 27 at 7 p. m. Cottage prayer meetings are being held this week in the homes of members of the First Baptist Church. There will be three groups meeting each night in designated homes, with all three groups meeting on Wednesday night at the church. Monday night meetings will be at the homes of I. E. Ramsey, Marvin Kastrop and V. E. stokes. Tuesday night at John W. Richards, Jim Carson and Hardy Ross. Wednesday night at the church. Thursday, R. C. Nichols, Rayford Harris and A. J. Pate. Friday night, C. R. Chastain, Arthur Sheeran and Mrs. E. L. Huffman. The First Baptist Church will have a revival starting Sunday, March 15 through 22. The Rev. Robert Sorenson of Howard Payne College will lead in music. He will arrive Saturday afternoon and remain through the last service of the revival. He will be assisted by the Baptist choir. The Rev. Rayford Harris, pastor, will bring the message for this revival. The hours of services will be 6:45 a. m. (coffee and rolls will be served) 7:05 a. m. morning services and 7:30 evening services. The public is invited to attend. The WMU circles of the First Baptist Church will meet on Thursday as follows: Lovegreen at 9:30 a. m. with Mrs. E. L. Huffman; Hudson at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. Calvin Sexton and Ross Circle at the church with Mrs. David Frankson as hostess. A group of Palacios students took part in the Gulf Coast Shrine Club Crippled Children's Pageant Saturday night at the Service Center in Bay City. Patricia Maddox and Beverly Smith tap danced to "How Come You Do Me Like You Do?;" Margie White, Rebecca Feather and Marcille Dollery sang "This Old Man." The Teardrops, a trip composed of Judy Lothridge, Aurora Gonzales and Billie Roach, had a song and dance routine to "Jada." Linda Hunt sang "My Man." Mrs. Esther Smith accompanied on the piano. Mrs. Dorothy Bullington wishes to thank everyone who sent cards and flowers while she was a patient in Matagorda General Hospital. Mrs. Addie Foster of El Maton was a visitor in the Jack Bullington home on Monday. The women of St. Anthony's Catholic Church were hosts to the El Campo Deanery on Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Vavra of Blessing was in charge of the program. Father Baltasar Janecek of Edna was the principle speaker. The Altar Society of St. Andrew's Catholic Church of Hillje presented a skit on Catholic Press. Chairmen presenting reports were Mrs. John Musselman of Palacios, Mrs. Ed Lehnert of Hillje, Mrs. Willie Popp and Mrs. A. A. Holick of Louise, Mrs. L. H. Kline and Mrs. Fred Baca of El Campo, Mrs. Pete Merta Jr. of Taiton, Mrs. Elton Mueggs and Mrs. Margaret Hutcheson of Edna, and Miss Lorraine Scheel of Ganado. There were 194 members of the combined parishes in the deanery present. The Traveling Madonna went to Hillje as they had 29 present, largest number from one parish. Mr. and Mrs. George Cornett welcomed their first child, a daughter, Rhonda Ann, who arrived Feb. 23 at the Bay View Hospital. The little lady weighed nine pounds, 12 ounces. Her proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Koch, Mrs. Nonie Cornett Anderson, and Jess Cornett, all of Palacios. First Methodist News: Membership training classes are being conducted for children, youth and adults. These sessions will continue through Palm Sunday. At the service on Palm Sunday, the membership classes will be received into full membership in the church fellowship. Adults meet Tuesday evenings at 7:30; children on Friday at 3:45, and the youth group on Saturday morning at 10. The Mission Club welcomed three new members at their last meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jaynes and Mrs. F. M. Jackson. The next meeting will be March 22 with Mrs. Clinton Harris and Mrs. J. A. Partain as hostesses. The annual Easter egg hunt for the children's department will be Saturday, March 28 at 3 p. m. at Weimar Hall. Each child will bring four eggs. Cold drinks will be provided and any mother who wishes to provide cookies please notify your child's teacher. During the Holy week special services will be held in the sanctuary each evening beginning at 7:30. The Rev. Mr. Harris will bring messages retracing the events in the last week of Christ's life. The sermon topics will be "The Road to: Caesarea Philippi (confession); Damascus (conversion); Jerusalem (communion); Calvary (suffering and Victory). The Methodist Youth Fellowship will have a special program on March 29 entitled "Parent-Teenage Relations." There will be a panel of adults: Mrs. G. G. Hope, Woodrow S. Wilson, Barbara Ross and Bobby Guttenberger. Mrs. Clinton Harris will be the moderator. All parents are invited to attend this six o'clock meeting. At the morning worship hour on Easter Sunday, there will be a special service of infant baptism. All parents who wish to have their children baptized at this service are advised to contact Mrs. Marvin Curtis. Vacation Church School Institute will be held in Victoria on April 22, from 9:30 a. m. until 2 p. m.
Matagorda County Tribune, March 12, 1959 |
Registration will be held at all schools in the Palacios Independent School District Tuesday and Wednesday, September 1 and 2, according to Supt. Ralph Newsom. Students will register in their prospective home room between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Classes will begin Thursday, Sept. 3. The schools will observe the Labor Day holiday Monday but classes will reconvene Tuesday, Sept. 8. The school buses will not run on registration days nor will be cafeteria be open. They will both begin operation Thursday, September 3. Pupils entering school for the first time this year must have their birth certificates and small pox inoculations prior to entering school. To handle the enrollment at the high school will be J. G. Smith, Jr., principal, Geneva Aaron, Thomas Carr, Sylvester Clark, Mary Friery, Victor Kahlich, Nathan Linton, Belle McGlothlin, Dorothy Smith, Myrtle Smith and Harry Treybig. The junior high school staff will include George Holst principal, Betty Joe Craig, Cyril Carvin, Veronica Farrar, Nellie Jane Luther, Vivian Newsom, R. D. Rawls, Charles Shreve, Tommy E. Starnes, Jr., Travis E. Washington and Allie Mae Whitley. Miss Elizabeth Sisson is principal of Central Elementary and her faculty includes Alice Barr, Thelma Batchelder, Jennie M. Cooper, Martha Foley, Leah Holloway, Peggy Horton, Joyce Morton, Mary Navarro, Marie Neal, Clara Schley, Elizabeth Scott, Virdie Swenson, Mildred Toll and Hortense Wyatt. Teachers assigned to East Side Elementary are J. C. Farrar, principal, Helen Clute, Caddie Culbertson, Josephine Ellis, Mary Griffin, Roger Hill, Carrie Lee Hebel, Charles Horton, Oleta Huff, Ruth Musselman, Ruthella Rothrock, Jo Merideth Stone, Della Trull and Robert Wintterle. Granville Sanford is principal at the Negro school and Myrtle Pernetter and Carita Sanford are member of the faculty. Special service teachers and employees are Le Roy Neal, supervisor; Myrle Burton, librarian; Evelyn Dismukes and Joyce Carr, special education teachers; Grace Gideon, school nurse; Joe Newbill coach and physical education director; R. C. Shelton, business manager; Gilbert Graves, band director; Kermit Gideon, choral director and Clara Seaquist, cafeteria supervisor.
Palacios Beacon, August 27, 1959 |
Registration was the agenda at all Palacios Schools this week with the first day of classes to start Friday, September 1. The schools will observe the Labor Day holiday Monday but classes will reconvene Tuesday, September 5. The school buses will not run nor will the cafeterias be open on registration days but will start operation Friday, the first day of school. For the students who have not already registered, the school principals announce registration dates that will end summer vacation for more than 1400 Palacios school children. Central Elementary (first through third) and East Side Elementary (fourth through sixth) have scheduled registration for Wednesday, August 30 and Thursday, August 31 from 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Students entering school for their first time must have a copy of their birth certificate and must have a smallpox vaccination and diphtheria immunization. Junior High School students will register Wednesday and Thursday between the hours of 8:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. Students must bring $1.00 for locker deposit or their own lock with two keys or a combination lock on registration day. A pen or pencil will also be needed. High school seniors registered Monday and Tuesday of this week. Wednesday and Thursday, Juniors and Sophomores will register from 9 a. m. until 3 p. m. The following faculty and special service employees has been announced by Superintendent R. P. Newsom:
Palacios Beacon, August 31, 1962 |
Copyright 2008 -
Present by Carol Sue Gibbs |
Created Jan. 7, 2008 |
Updated Jan. 10, 2008 |