1930 Palacios Graduation Invitation



Mary Alleen Elliott
Gladys Loraine Cox
Gladys Merrie Frankson
Elva G. McKissick
Opal Hortense Bonner
Esther Alberta Bullock
Esther Mavis Anderson
Sarah Elizabeth Ruthven
Eva Adelle Smith
Bernice La Nelle Richards
Ruth J. Hood
Anna Eugenia Cornelius
Clara Mildred Ward
Clella Mae Wolfe
Dorothy Diane Stramblad
Emmie Margaret Hunter
Henry J. Lawson
Isadore C. Bentz
Floyd W. Martin
K. Samuel Hood
Willis Edward Michna
Robert Bruce Trull
Harold Been
Rodell Matteson
Burton H. Duncan


Palacios 7th Grade Class 1934 - 1935
Courtesy of Ida Mae Wilson Franzen

Seventh Grade Graduation

Seventh grade graduating exercises will be Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock to which the public is invited.


Processional--Wanda Louise Fields
President's Address--Ruth Petersen
Class Inventory--Dorothy Dorsey
Piano Solo--Clara May Sanders
Class Prophecy--Jack Fields
Reading--Wanda Stevens
Class Song
Presentations of American Legion Awards
Presentation of Certificates

7th Grade Class Roll

Harley Allen
Ralph Baldwin
Jimmy Cox
J. T. Dickert
Dorothy Dorsey
Jake Fields
J. M. Harbison
Ruth Hockey
Albert Killgore
Mary Eleanor Louderback

Marie Ludwick [Ludwig]
Dorothy Margerum
Henry Martyn
Ruth Newsom
Junior Payne
Elnor Petersen
Ruth Petersen
Lenadene Ramsey
Patsy Richards
Nettie Mate Richardson

Beth Rogers
James Runkle
Clara Mae Sanders
A. N. Sandusky
Wanda Stevens
Rolland Suggs
Delbert Whitley
Ray Willborn
Ida Mae Wilson
Jack Wright

Palacios Beacon, May 23, 1935

Seventh Grade Exercises Held Friday Morning

On Friday morning at 9 o'clock the high school auditorium was well filled to hear the exercises given by members of the seventh grade who have finished grammar school work and are ready for high school.

The program opened with the processional by Wanda Louise Fields. Ruth Petersen, president of the class gave the address, and the Class Inventory was cleverly given by Dorothy Dorsey. Clara Mae Sanders entertained with a piano solo. Jake Fields gave the Class Prophecy, and Wanda Stevens gave a splendid reading. The Class song was followed by the presentations of the American Legion Awards by George Hunter, Post Commander, and Lenadene Ramsey and J. T. Dickert were the fortunate ones.

Certificates were then presented by Prof. Newsom and another class of boys and girls were ready for entrance into high school.

Palacios Beacon, May 30, 1935


James Runkle

Ida Mae Wilson

Wanda Stevens

Junior Payne


Patsy Richards

Jimmy Cox

Dorothy Dorsey

Dorothy Margerum
(see next picture)

Dorothy Margerum

Henry Martin

Ruth Petersen

Mary Eleanor Louderback

Ralph Baldwin

 Lenadene Ramsey


J. T. Dickert

 Harley Allen

Clara Mae Sanders


Jake Fields

 J. M. Harbison

 Marie Ledwig

Ray Wilborn

 Ruth Hockey

Beth Rogers

A. N. Sandusky

Elnor Petersen

Ruth Newsom


Roland Suggs

John Harold Abendrath

Lester Wright

Delbert Whitley

 Claire Partain


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All rights reserved

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