First two students enrolled in Palacios College by Rev. Travis were Cara and Mattie Garrett from Ganado, Texas. |
By Rupert A. Elliott Palacios Beacon, October 19, 1939
Major credits for the birth of the school belongs to Reverend William Henry Travis, a Canadian by birth. He came to Palacios from the pastorate of the Oak Cliff Baptist Church in Dallas in the fall of 1904, and began the preparatory work for the school. He secured the support of the Texas Rice Development Company, which was promoting the town-site. This company provided Mr. Travis with his expense money and, after the incorporation of the school, gave to the school one hundred and sixty acres of land about a mile west of Palacios. It was agreed in the beginning that the school would eventually be turned over to the Baptist Denomination. This was to provide the school with a permanent and wide-spread supporting organization. The charter of the school was subscribed to on January 28, 1905 by nine citizens who became its first board of trustees. Reverend Travis was elected president of the school. Shortly after the organization was perfected, an agreement was made with the Texas Rice Development company to exchange the one hundred and sixty acres for a thirty-two acre strip along the east Tres-Palacios Bay, a mile north of the town. Ten acres in the center were set aside for the campus. The rest was surveyed into lots and gradually sold to support the school. In addition the Texas Rice Development company was to finance the erection of the first permanent buildings. An administration building and a dormitory were begun in the summer but were not completed in time for the opening of school. The college had the opening exercises of its first session in temporary quarters in the Palacios Hotel on September 12, 1905. It moved into its own buildings in November. In accordance with the original plan, control of the school was given to the Colorado Baptist Association on January 8, 1906. The Association at that time embraced nine counties to the north and west. In the course of the summer of 1906 the school facilities were used for a summer normal conducted by Professor W. T. Pollard, who was then superintendent of the Bay City Schools. Another building, a boys’ dormitory, was also erected. The succeeding session ended when the school was closed down following the president’s resignation in mid-winter. School was reopened in the fall of 1907 under the leadership of Reverend M. M. Wolf, who came into the presidency from a position with the Baptist State Mission Board. The school grew very slowly during the succeeding years and reached its highest peak in the 1912-1913 session when one hundred and three students were enrolled. In 1909 the president and trustees reconsidered the status of the school and in view of the manifest impossibility of maintaining college work, reduced its course to the academy level. The course of study offered that year covered twelve grades; the primary grades, two preparatory grades, and four years of academy work. In 1912 the name was changed to Palacios Baptist Academy. The task of maintaining a school had proven too heavy for the Colorado Association to bear alone and efforts were made to get the academy into the correlation of Texas Baptist schools under the Education Board of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Then it would become eligible for assistance from that Board. After considerable negotiation the Education Board agreed to admit the school if the townspeople would raise fifteen thousand dollars to build a two-story brick dormitory for girls. For its part the board agreed to become responsible for the school’s indebtedness of some ten thousand dollars and to furnish the dormitory. A financial campaign was launched and after exhaustive efforts the fifteen thousand dollars was finally raised and the school was admitted into the correlation in 1910. The dormitory was completed in the following year at a cost of approximately eighteen thousand and five hundred dollars. The Education Board made up the difference and furnished the building. The next two sessions were the brightest in the school’s history, but the indebtedness was increased year by year despite all the efforts of those concerned. The Education Board, already in debt, gave considerable money from time to time and maintained a field worker for the school. However, the agricultural set-back following the outbreak of the World War was a staggering blow to the 1914-1915 session and the entrance of the United States into the war in 1917 spelled the end. Popular support was lost in the more pressing business of winning the war. The indebtedness was around forty-four thousand dollars, and many of the prospective students were joining the armed forces. These facts resulted in the decision to close the school in the summer of 1917. The property was operated from 1918 to 1921 as a Baptist home for aged ministers. This institution was closed because of excessive operating costs. Liquidation of the property was completed in 1928 when it passed into private hands. In the intervening years the frame buildings had been moved to the Baptist Training Union grounds where they are still in use. Only the brick dormitory remains on the old school site to remind one of the type of institution the early citizens of Palacios desired to foster.
M. M. Wolf's home, #5 in picture
above, located at 2203 East Bayshore Drive is still in use as a home in
2015. |
Palacios, Matagorda Co., Tex., March 13.—A rally and free oyster supper was given by the Palacios Business Men’s League at the Auditorium last night in the interest of the new program of the $40,000 Palacios College, which the committee, composed of Duncan Ruthven as chairman, and four other representative business men of Palacios, was so desirous of securing for our city. Between 500 and 1,000 were in attendance. Shortly after 6 o’clock the National Rice Growers’ Band of Bay City gave a few numbers, after which a procession of the business men and citizens marched to the Auditorium. Some excellent talks were delivered by Rev. Dr. J. L. Gross of Houston, Rev. D. B. Clapp and R. A. Armstrong of Wharton, Rev. M. M. Wolf, the president of the college here, and Mr. Ruthven, the committee’s chairman, setting forth the advantages of an educational institution such as the new college will be to a city, state and individual, and the greatest good to be derived, not only for the present, but future generations. Mr. Ruthven then stated the success with which the committee had met, and asked for donations to complete the amount which Palacios had pledged toward the enterprise. Contributions were heartily subscribed from all parts of the audience, and soon the announcement was made that the amount required had been pledged, and that the full proceeds amounted to $11,355. This was followed by such applause as is only accorded the crowning success of any great enterprise. Oysters were then served by the ladies after which all went to their several homes, voting the evening one of profit and great pleasure to each one present, and marking the beginning of a new era of progress for our city. Special mention must be made of the National Rice Growers’ Band of Bay City, which so kindly furnished the music for the occasion. Also the concerted and cooperative interest and prompt action of our citizens.
Galveston Daily News, March 15, 1909 |
J. B. Marshall, '07, has resigned the presidency of Canadian Academy to accept the position of dean of Palacios Academy.
The Lariat, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, July 16, 1910 |
Contractor Emmons broke the ground for the foundation of the girls' big dormitory at the Baptist College at ten minutes past ten o'clock Monday morning, the first working day of the year 1911. It had been expected and arranged to make the occasion a public demonstration and celebration, at which addresses were to have been given by Rev. Barton, of Waco; President Wolf and Mayor Ruthven, together with music by the band, and at which all of Palacios would have been present. Because of the inclemency of the weather, the work on the dormitory was begun without ceremony and with only President Wolf and a few others present. The public celebration, which the importance and significant of this magnificent building to Palacios so much merits, will be given on the occasion of the laying of the corner stone, when an elaborate program will be carried out. The corner stone will be laid with Masonic rites and ceremonies, at which some of the leading lights of that fraternity of the state will participate and officiate..
Palacios Beacon, January 6, 1911 |
Palacios Beacon, January 20, 1911 |
Palacios Beacon, February 10, 1911 |
Palacios Beacon, February 24, 1911 |
Quotations in answer to roll call--From Lowell.
Palacios Beacon, April 7, 1911 |
At a special meeting of the Masonic lodge held Wednesday evening, final arrangements and preparations were made for the ceremony of laying the corner stone of the handsome and imposing girls dormitory for Palacios college, and which is now well toward completion. The laying of the corner stone is a Masonic grand lodge function, and for this occasion a special session of the grand lodge will be convened at Palacios the date set, and the ceremonies will be conducted by and under the direction of the Grand Master of the State or his duly authorized deputy. All preparations for the ceremonies will be made by and under the direction of the local lodge. At the special meeting Wednesday evening, invitations were sent to the Masonic lodges at Port Lavaca and Blessing to attend and participate. The lodge and visiting brethren will meet at the Masonic hall at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon, from whence they will proceed in a body to the new college building where the chief corner stone will be laid with the beautiful and impressive rites and ceremonies of the ancient fraternity. Of course the public generally is invited to attend and witness the ceremonies, and it is expected that this will be a half holiday for the people of Palacios which they will long remember with unalloyed pride and satisfaction. This splendid and magnificent building for the erection of which the enterprising people of Palacios have furnished the means, will be a fitting and enduring monument to their loyalty to the city and to their interest in the cause of education to which they and their children after them may point with no small degree of admiration. The local Masonic lodge has arranged for a banquet at night at the Palacios hotel complimentary to the visiting brethren and the grand lodge officers, at which it is expected that not less than two hundred plates will be paid. An especially interesting program of toasts and responses will be prepared, and in which the visiting Masons will be the principle participants. The local lodge has determined to make this a memorable day in the history of Palacios, and that they will succeed is already assured.
Palacios Beacon, April 7, 1911 |
Wednesday was a great day in and for Palacios; a day that will ever remain a memorable one in her history, and which will be kept green in the memory of every citizen. On this day was performed the interesting and impressive ceremony of laying the corner stone of the girls’ dormitory of Palacios college. This ceremony did not signify, as in most instances, the completion or near completion of a great task, but in fact marks but the real beginning of the splendid development of Palacios as an educational center which shall become world famous. The building of this magnificent dormitory, on which the walls are already completed, and the interior finishing is well under way, is but the initial structure to others equally as massive and imposing that must follow to make the college entirely complete; and that these will come, and that within a very short time is assured from the fact that Palacios college now has back of and pledged to it the entire membership of the great Baptist church of the whole State of Texas, and which means that there will be no cessation of effort until the college is complete in every detail. Further the permanent founding of this great institution in our city means that other colleges and institutions of learning will be seeking for homes in this matchless location by the sea, where every condition and environment is conducive to the best in every way that (…cause of education). The ceremony of laying the corner stone of the dormitory was in conformity to the rites of the ancient order of Free Masonry, and was conducted by the local lodge of the order under dispensation from the grand lodge. Invitations had been extended to the Masonic lodges at Port Lavaca and Blessing to join in the ceremonies with Palacios lodge, and the hour set was four o’clock in the afternoon to accommodate those who came on the train which arrives here at 3:30 p. m. The invitations to the sister lodges was accepted by many individual members of each. About noon a boat arrived from Port Lavaca with a goodly delegation on board, and a second boat arrived about four o’clock in the afternoon bringing another detachment from the Port Lavaca lodge. The afternoon train also brought a number of Blessing Masons, beside quite a company of other visitors, including some of the prominent Baptist ministers of the State, one of whom was Dr. J. A. Barton, of Waco, secretary of the Texas Baptist Education Board. As soon as the visitors had arrived a meeting of the grand lodge in extraordinary convention was held at the Masonic hall, where everything was made in readiness for the ceremonies of the day. The lodge and its visitors under command of Mayor Ruthven as grand marshal moved from the accompanied by the Palacios Marine band, and marched west on Main street to Fifth, south on Fifth to Commerce, east on Commerce to Second and north on Second to the Baptist church, where autos and carriages were waiting, and which conveyed them to the college campus. Outside the college grounds again formed a marching order, and to the music of the band marched around the west, south and east sides of the new building to the northeast corner, where the ceremony of laying the stone was performed according to Masonic rites and usages, and which is a most beautiful and impressive ceremony, concluding with the Masonic grand honors. After these ceremonies, President M. M. Wolf, of the college, delivered the oration of the day, paying a glowing tribute to the Masonic fraternity, and most certainly explaining the symbolism of the corner stone and what it represents. President Wolf then introduced Dr. Barton, Secretary of the State Education Board, who made a most eloquent address. His eulogy of President Wolf, and the recounting of the great work he had done in bringing to realization, this, in part at least, of his dreams and ambitions for Palacios college, found quick and concordant response from the heart of every Palacios citizen who heard him. Invocation of the divine blessing upon the events of the day and the institution thus dedicated to the cause of mental and moral growth and development by Rev. Province, of Victoria, and the playing of “America” by the band, concluded the exercises, after which the great crowd and the handsome and imposing building were photographed by local artists. The big crowd estimated at from 1,000 to 1,500, then returned to the city, having been most profitably entertained and edited by the ceremonies they had just witnessed. The stone is a tablet of polished Texas granite with these words engraved on its face: “Erected 1911. Jesus Christ the Chief Corner Stone.” The articles deposited in the stone were a copy of the minutes of the last meeting of Palacios Lodge No. 990; a copy of the proceedings of the last meeting of Palacios chapter of the Eastern Star; catalogues of Palacios college for the years 1908, 1909 and 1910; a copy of the last financial statement of the State Guaranty Bank & Trust Co., and a copy of the Beacon of April 7th.
The visiting Masons from Port Lavaca were: Rev. W. H. Meyers, pastor of the Baptist church; F. L. Young, J. H. Shell, F. J. Roemer, B. D. Jackson, C. H. Brightwell, W. G. Peterson, W. P. Regan, W. C. Best, F. O. Moore, J. B. Moore, Jr., J. D. Crain, Wm. Moore, A. H. Weisenburg, R. D. Sterling, C. Paleege?, William Copehart, W. W. Maxwell, L. Seabrook, editor of the Port Lavaca Wave. The ladies from Port Lavaca were Mesdames W. W. Maxwell, F. J. Roemer, W. P. Regan, F. S. Young, B. D. Jackson, C. H. Brightwell, W. G. Peterson, J. H. Shell and Miss Julia Smith. The visiting Masons from Blessing lodge were: J. B. Leaman, J. L. Hartwell, S. H. Smith, A. C. Yeager, Geo. R. Woodruff, Geo. W. Walker, Jr., J. E. Pierce, and C. E. Duller and wife. The visiting Baptist ministers were: Rev. J. A. Barton, of Waco, Secretary of the Texas Baptist Education Board; Rev. F. M. Province, of Victoria and Rev. J. A. Stevens, of El Campo, members of the Board of Directors of Palacios College; Rev. H. B. Morrison, of Bay City and Rev. W. H. Meyers, of Port Lavaca. THE BANQUET Masonic functions are incomplete until the natural wants of the inner man have been appeased, and the passing from labor to refreshments is an inviolable tenet of this fraternity. The local lodge was much perturbed as to just how they could fittingly entertain their visitors, until the ladies of the Easter Star came to their rescue, and proposed to take charge of and serve the banquet, and in which they scored a success such as words cannot adequately portray. The banquet was spread in the magnificent and spacious opera hall on the second floor of Capt. R. J. Hill’s new and handsome concrete building at the corner of Commerce and Pavilion streets. Two hundred and forty plates were laid, and nearly every seat was occupied. The hall was handsomely decorated with drapings and festoons of bunting, and the tables ornamented with bouquets of beautiful flowers, while at every plate was placed a dainty boutenneire of violets. The spread was a feast indeed, and served in pleasing and charming manner by a bevy of handsome young ladies. The menu included roast turkey with dressing, boiled ham, salads, peas, French fried potatoes, tomatoes, sandwiches, coffee, iced tea, ice cream and cake, and there was an abundance and to spare. Mayor Duncan Ruthven presided at the banquet board as toast-master, and is a past-master at the art. While the banqueters were assembling, the Marine band seated on the stage, gave a few excellent and much enjoyed selections. The toasts were proposed and responded to in the following order:
The speeches abounded in wit and oratory, and were each worthy of special mention which space precludes. During the progress of the speech making, much appreciated diversion was afforded by a piano solo by Miss Tansill, a charming vocal solo by Mrs. Pridgen, and a much enjoyed reading by Miss Hooks. It was on the stroke of twelve when the last speech had been made, and the feasting came to an end. Immediately the Port Lavaca visitors boarded their launches and returned to their homes, first expressing their hearty appreciation of the splendid manner in which they had been received and entertained by their Palacios brethren, and in which visitors from other points also joined most heartily. The Blessing Masons and others from inland left for their homes on the Thursday morning train. Thus came to a happy and joyous close one of the great and memorable days in the history of Palacios, and for the gratifying success of which, the college people, and the citizens generally have the local Masonic lodge and the ladies of the Eastern Star to thank.
Palacios Beacon,
April 14, 1911 |
Palacios Beacon, May 12, 1911 |
Palacios Beacon, May 19, 1911 |
The spring term and scholastic year of Palacios College closes this week, and next week will be devoted to to the several programs by the class and departments of college beginning with the baccalaureate sermon at the Baptist church Sunday morning. The graduating class for this year is composed of but one member, Miss Cara Garrett. The year's work at the college for the year has been most successful and satisfactory in every way. Next year's class will consist of a number of graduates, and the prospects are most encouraging for a largely increased attendance by reason of the completion of the girls elegant dormitory and the splendid work being done in the field in behalf of the college. Following are the several programs for commencement week: Calendar
Sunday, June 4, 11 a. m., Commencement Address by Rev. Mayfield, of
Senior Musical Recital
1. Piano Quartette--Dance of the Demon--Holst, 1st piano, Misses
Cara Garrett, Mattie Chappell; 2nd Piano, Nannie Truitt, Norine Franklin Oratorical Contest
Quartette--In the Arena--Misses Hooks, Garrett, Chappel, Truitt Chorus Gold medal given by Smith Mercantile Company
Students Piano Recital
Duet--Fete Militaire--S. Jackson--Misses Hooks and Garrett Graduating Exercises
1. Chorus--Students These entertainments are for the public and they are all free. The invitation is to everybody to attend.
Palacios Beacon, June 9, 1911 |
Mr. Lane Wilkerson left for his home at Katy Saturday morning after attending the college term this year. Messrs. Geo. and Regan Wyche, who have been attending the Palacios college, left for their home at Beevillle Saturday morning.
Palacios Beacon, June 23, 1911 |
The final graduating exercises of Palacios College were held at the Baptist church last Friday evening, at which a large and appreciative congregation was entertained with a high class and most meritorious program. The essay by Miss Cara Garrett, the only graduate this year, was a splendid paper, showing careful thought and deep research. The subject of Miss Garrett's essay was "The Origin and Development of Music." The class address was delivered by President Wolf, and who also presented the diplomas, the talented graduate receiving two, one for the regular collegiate course, and also one from the department of Music and Expression. The Smith Mercantile medal for oratory was also awarded by President Wolf, the medal being given to Mr. Verner E. Stokes, who the judges decided was the winner.
Palacios Beacon, June 23, 1911 |
Palacios Beacon, June 30, 1911 |
The elegant modern dormitory for girls for Palacios college has been completed, and to-morrow contractor Emmons will turn the keys over to the trustees, the work all having been finished within the time specified in the contract. Although having been delayed very much by heavy rains shortly after the work on the building was under good headway, Mr. Emmons succeeded in getting the work entirely completed within the time limit specified in the contract, and for which he is to be congratulated. President Wolf is now one of the happiest men in Palacios, and the new building is s source of constant delight to him, and which is the consummation of untiring labor and great self-sacrifice on his part. His ambition now is to see the new dormitory filled with pupils, and the prospects are most encouraging for this to be realized perhaps even for the next scholastic year beginning in September. Splendid work is being done in the field, and reports are most encouraging for a very large increase n attendance this year. The fine dormitory, while representing the fruition of the work of its devoted president, also stands as a most worthy monument to the public spirit and liberality of the citizens of Palacios who provided money for its construction.
Palacios Beacon, June 30, 1911 |
Palacios College is located on the beautiful Trespalacios bay—really in 100 yards of the waters edge. When a student comes from the dry interior of the state and once looks out from the veranda of the college building across the beautiful bay, he at once forgets homesickness and his ears pleasingly hear him say, “Isn’t this a lovely place.” Then when the rest hours come and we can row and swim and enjoy the many other sports of the life by the sea he is happy and contented. Aside from the enjoyment of college life in Palacios let me say that we have a good thorough school. Our graduates enter at once into the sophomore class at Baylor University. Our teaching force is our main asset. Headed by M. M. Wolf as president with a strong faculty of university trained men and women, eight instructors in all, I don’t believe there is a school in the state prepared to give a student any better advantages than Palacios College through its entire course to the sophomore college class. We have just completed a fine brick dormitory for girls at a cost of $20,000. This hall will accommodate fifty-six girls. We are so anxious to have this hall full of girls this year. Girls who have catarrh and similar troubles can come to Palacios and have good health and get a good education at the same time. Though they study hard all the year, especially those who come from the dry dusty climate, they feel that they have merely been to a pleasant resort for the winter. This is just a brief word about the college but we feel that enough has been said to give you an insight and as for Palacios the city by the sea, everyone likes it. A catalogue will be gladly sent to anyone on their request.—Cor. Western Evangel.
Palacios Beacon,
September 8, 1911 |
Palacios College opens September 10th. In behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to say that it has spared no expense in securing a faculty fully able to give the students the very best advantages in Literary and Fine Arts. I would especially call attention to the coming of Miss Allen from Georgia who will teach vocal in addition to instrumental music. I make this special mention since she is the only member of the faculty unknown to the people of Palacios and also to emphasize the Vocal Department which has been added this year. I trust all who desire to study Voice may avail themselves of this opportunity. Miss Allen comes to us very highly recommended. I desire also to call attention to the College transfer. Last year it was run free. Such will not be the case this year. A fee of $1.50 a month will be charged. This is small and will not meet the actual expense of running it. The Board of Trustees did not feel that the school was able to stand all the expense, hence this small charge. Permits will be issued good for twenty trips. The transfer can not go to the home of each pupil but will pass through the street convenient to the greatest number who ride. M. M. Wolf, President
Palacios Beacon,
September 8, 1911 |
Palacios College is located on the beautiful Trespalacios bay--really in 100 yards of the waters edge. When a student comes from the dry interior of the state and once looks out from the veranda of the college building across the beautiful bay, he at once forgets homesickness and his ears pleasingly hear him say, "Isn't this a lovely place!" Then when the rest hours come and we can row and swim and enjoy the many other sports of the life by the sea he is happy and contented. Aside from the enjoyment of college life in Palacios let me say that we have a good thorough school. Our graduates enter at once into the sophomore class at Baylor University. Our teaching force is our main asset. Headed by M. M. Wolf as president with a strong faculty of university trained men and women, eight instructors in all, I don't believe there is a school in the state prepared to give a student any better advantages then Palacios College through its entire course to the sophomore college class. We have just completed a fine brick dormitory for girls at a cost of $20,000. This hall will accommodate fifty-six girls. We are so anxious to have this hall full of girls this year. Girls who have catarrh and similar troubles can come to Palacios and have good health and get a good education at the same time. Though they study hard all the year, especially those who come from the dry dusty climate, they fell that they have merely been to a pleasant resort for the winter. This is just a brief word about the college but we feel that enough has been said to give you an insight and as for Palacios the city by the sea, everyone like it. A catalogue will be gladly sent to anyone on their request.--Cor. Western Evangel
Palacios Beacon, September 15, 1911 |
The Literary Society of Palacios College will resume its work Friday, Oct. 13, 1911 We have a greater student body, from which to draw, then ever before. Our meetings are going to be interesting and instructive. We mean to work and thereby furnish something worth while. We most cordially invite your to attend these meetings. Watch for our announcements. Program, Oct. 13.
1. Roll Call--How long I have been a member of "This
Palacios Beacon, October 20, 1911 |
Palacios College was founded in 1905 by Rev. William H. Travis, who continued as president until January, 1907. In September of that year the work was resumed with Rev. M. M. Wolf as president, and has succeeded under this management and is destined to be one of the foremost colleges in this section of Texas. In June of the present year the correlation with the Baptist schools of the state was effected and a girls' hall erected at a cost of $20,000. The growth of the school has been steady. Each year has brought improvements and the widening of the sphere of its usefulness. It has had its share of hardships incident to school building. It enters this school year upon a distinctly new era. First of all, the correlation gives a permanency to the work beyond anything that could have happened, and with the completion of the girls' hall has brought an enlargement of the faculty in every department. The school offers its constituency a course of study modeled after the best academics of the country have all the improving factors which determine their fitness for patronage, yet Palacios College has had that distinction from the beginning. Situated on the beautiful Tres Palacios Bay, it has a healthful climate, moral atmosphere, cultured society, spacious buildings, well-equipped laboratories, well supplied library, equipments and a corps of efficient teachers and the most important of all is the water supply which is abundantly supplied by one of the finest artesian wells in the state. For further information write M. M. Wolf, President.
Galveston Daily News, November 6, 1911 |
Everything is running smoothly at the college, students are all kept busy. All the men and boys from the college attended the banquet for men and boys at the Baptist church last Friday evening. Every boy got his fill for one time. This week our quarterly examinations begin. These tell the tale. But none of the pupils are especially dreading them. The Choral Club is doing some good work. Practice twice a week. Saturday the 18th our boys cross bats with the G. C. U., at the Palacios ball park. Do not fail to come to our society meeting, Friday Nov. 17, at 8 o'clock. We have a good program arranged. You are cordially invited to attend.
Palacios Beacon, November 24, 1911 |
We are still existing in spite of the "wood famine," which visited us during the cold spell. However, the famine was not our fault. We are able to undergo another siege of examinations this week. If all people and all corporations were weighed in the balance as often as "school pupils" are, wonder if they would not be found wanting just as some of us are? We are very fond of these testing times, even if they are such good indices to our intellect (to our application and concentration). Our campus has been steadily increasing in beauty; not many days hence and shall have a magnificent campus. Remember our Society Feb. 15th, 1912. We most cordially invite you. Also bear in mind our Sunday afternoon services at 3:30. We again urge those near our school to come and be with us in this service.
1. Quotations from Alexander Pope.
Palacios Beacon, February 9, 1912 |
The meeting Sunday afternoon was well attended, both by students and by town people. The meeting was led by Mr. J. J. Rice, and the subject was "Reverence." We extend a warm invitation to every one to meet with us next Sunday at 3 p. m. Prof. Wolf has received his new buggy, and has purchased a new horse, so he now has quite a fine outfit. The Senior class began the study of Trigonometry last week. An interesting time is expected. Lee Paul burned his arm rather severely, but is still attending classes. Prof. M. M. Wolf went to Waco Thursday. We were very much gratified at the attendance of our last Literary Society. It overtaxed...the chapel, and...better arrangements for next meeting. The program for Friday, February 23, will be as follows:
Roll Call--Quotations from Tennyson.
Cast Critics Report.
Palacios Beacon, February 23, 1912 |
Jeannette and Harley Lewis were absent a few days on account of the grippe. Lee Paul is temporarily indisposed. Verner Stokes was called home last Thursday by the serious illness of his father. His father is better, but Verner has been sick ever since his return. Dr. Wolf was away on business for a few days last week. Cyrus Farley and Earl Carter were compelled to go home to attend to important business. Monday was cool enough for the electrical machine to work well and the physics class took advantage of it. The first basketball game of the season was played on the college grounds Thursday with a team of town boys. On account of the high wind, accurate throwing was impossible and the game ended with a score of 1 to 0 in favor of the town. The game was very close, no score being made until the last half. The line up was as follows:
Foul goal, F. Deal; referee, Gray; umpire, Marshall; time of halves, 15 minutes. We are planning to have another game with the same team soon, also one with the High School but the dates have not been decided on for either. Mrs. Wolf, Misses Allen and Willis went to Houston Monday to hear the famous musician. They report a fine time, and good music. Mr. Wolf went to Houston Wednesday to speak at the Baptist Sunday School Convention. Rev. Israel is hearing his classes while he is gone. We have our Sunday afternoon meetings at three o'clock, and are glad to see people attend. On account of the storm we did not have any literary society last Friday night. The program for the meeting March 8th will be as follows.:
Roll Call--Quotations--____ Milton
Palacios Beacon, March 1, 1912 |
Mattie Chappel has been out of school for several days on account of sickness. There is a new member of the faculty. Its name is Marshall. The Literary program will be rendered Friday night.. Mr. Wolf came home Monday. The senior class will finish the fourth book of Virgil this week. Palacios Beacon,
March 15, 1912 |
The Juniors finished Cicero's Orations for the Poet Archias this week. A number of the students went to Bay City Saturday to the B. Y. P. U. convention. Dr. Wolf went to Aransas Pass last Saturday, returned Monday and went on a boat trip up the Caney Wednesday. High School and College played their first basket-ball Wednesday, in which the High School was victorious by the score 7 to 9. The line up was as follows;
The Literary Society meeting that the weather has so long delayed was held last Friday night. We are glad that enough people to fill our room were enough interested to come, and we extend to them and others an invitation to come back on Friday, March 29, to hear the following program:
Roll Call--Quotations from Tennyson A number of college students are going to take part in the entertainment to be given at the Palacios hotel next Tuesday. We had a good meeting last Sunday afternoon, led by Lane Wilkerson. These meetings are held every Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, and people are cordially invited to attend.
Palacios Beacon, April 19, 1912 |
Quarterly examinations were held on the 10th and 11th. The Literary Society rendered a good program Friday night. The Virgil class begun reading the sixth book on Thursday. Mr. Fathergill went home on Wednesday the 10th. All are invited to attend the devotional service on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the college chapel. The Athletic Association met in business session on April 17th immediately after chapel services. Wednesday at noon all the students met to discuss and plan for a picnic on the following Friday. It was decided that we should go up the Trespalacios river to Hurd's Landing. All college students are invited. The boat will leave the pavilion wharf at eight o'clock sharp.
Palacios Beacon, April 26, 1912 |
Devotional services Sunday afternoon at 3:30 in the College chapel. The Literary Society will render a program Friday night April 27th. Last Friday the faculty gave us a holiday and thirty-nine, including teachers and students, left the pavilion wharf at 7:30 on board the Monarch for the Gulf. Every one present enjoyed dinner, which was spread on the gulf beach at twelve o'clock exactly. The afternoon was spent in the usual sports of such an outing. The boat started for Palacios at three and safely arrived at the pavilion at seven o'clock. Some few were unfortunate enough to experience that distressing and mortifying yet not dangerous malady which we call seasickness, nevertheless everyone reports a delightful time.
Palacios Beacon, May 3, 1912 |
The Senior class took an examination on Tennyson's "Idylls of the King," Wednesday. Devotional services will be held in college chapel Sunday afternoon at three thirty. The board of trustees were present and several of them made very interesting talks in chapel services, May 1. Since the boarding students are going to take their supper on the Encampment grounds Friday evening the Literary Society will render their program at the B. Y. P. U. auditorium at eight o'clock. All are invited to come. All college students are invited to bring baskets and join in the supper at 5 o'clock.
Palacios Beacon, May 10, 1912 |
Class of 1912
Commencement Week Programs
Friday evening, May 31st--Miss Truitt's Piano
Recital. All of the foregoing will be given at the Baptist church; they are all free and the public is cordially invited to attend. Palacios is just now in the full enjoyment of the most interesting annual recurrence, the several events which mark the close of the scholastic year for her public schools and college. The introduction or prologue to the series of the entertainments was the amusing and enjoyable comedy drama, "The Deacon" given last Thursday evening at the Hill hall, to a full house, and a most completely delighted audience, by Miss Hook's Expression class of Palacios college. The cast was made up entirely from Miss Hook's class, and the play was put on with the ability and skill of finished artists. We regret space does not permit of a personal mention of the cast, each and all of whom are worthy of special notice. The scholastic year just closing has been by far the most successful and satisfactory in the history of the college. The new and elegant dormitory for girls was occupied for the first time during the past year, and the faculty and students are delighted with the splendid building, which most completely meets the needs for which it was built. The class this year is the largest in the history of this worthy institution, and it will continue to grow from year to year. President Wolf is now enjoying in some measure the reward for his earnest and untiring labor in behalf of this noble institution to which he is devoting his life's service. But the work for permanency has but just begun, and other needed and beautiful and permanent buildings will be added in the near future. The excellence and thoroughness of the college curriculum, and the matchless location of the school are just beginning to become well known, and when these are thoroughly understood, the enrollment will quickly exceed the accommodations, and enlargement will be the order for many years to come. Further comment will be given in connection with the report of the different programs as they are rendered.
Palacios Beacon, May 24, 1912 |
Class of 1912 Commencement Week Calendar
Saturday evening, June 1st--Miss Truitt's Piano Recital Palacios is proud of her superior educational institutions and interest in her public schools and her splendid college, is equally balanced and deeply felt. Last week the people were delighted with the year end exercises of the public schools. The coming week, beginning with to-morrow evening, the people turn with most pleasurable anticipation to the commencement exercises and the programs by the different departments of the Palacios College, knowing beforehand that there are some rich treats in store for them. The college this year gradates the largest class in the history of that institution, and in attainments and finished work this class is much above the ordinary. Space precludes further notice this week except to add that President Wolf, all the faculty, the class and all their friends will be pleased to see you at the several establishments of commencement week. Keep the foregoing calendar in mind and arrange to hear every program.
Palacios Beacon, June 7, 1912 |
Class of 1912 Get used to the name. It isn't Palacios College now, but Palacios Baptist Academy, and is so nominated in the charter of any sort except in name as explained by President Wolf in awarding the diplomas Thursday night. The course of study will remain just as it has been, but may be added to in the near future. The several programs for commencement week began with the piano recital last Saturday evening, by Miss Nannie Truitt, a pupil of the music department. The program consisted of nine numbers, four being given by Miss Truitt, each a classical selection, rendered with the skill and conception of an artist. The remaining numbers consisting of vocal selections and readings were of high merit, combining to make up a program of high class which was thoroughly appreciated by a large audience. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Rev. Sansing, of Yoakum, delivered the Baccalaureate sermon for the class before an audience that filled the large church, notwithstanding a heavy shower just at the church hour kept many at home who had arranged to attend. The speaker's theme was "Seeing the Invisible," in which he led his hearers into the realm of lofty ideals, demonstrating that it is the invisible which the enlightened mind seeks to attain, and in the striving after which man accomplishes his greatest good both for himself and his fellow beings. Rev. Sansing also preached at night to a large and delighted audience. Monday night the fourth grand concert by students of the academy was given at the church, the program consisting of eighteen numbers, and embraced vocal and instrumental music in solos, duets and choruses, select readings, monologues, duologues, and pantomime. The program was most charmingly entertaining from start to finish. Tuesday evening's program was one of special interest in that it was a double contest for prize medals; the first for "Expression," and the second, in "Extemporaneous Debate." The "Expression" contestants were Misses Euphemia Eden, Marion Wolf, Nola Lofton, Alice Campbell and Nannie Mae Linder. A review of the different readings is not possible in this issue of the Beacon, but they were each of a high order of merit and excellence, as was attested by the judges who found it difficult to reach a decision; but the medal was awarded to little Miss Nannie Mae Linder, of Rosenburg, and the announcement of which met the plaudits of the large audience. In the extemporaneous debate there were five contestants, and they were given an ordeal that was the severest test of their ability and readiness to speak extemporaneously. As each contestant's number was called, he or she as they came to the front of the platform, was handed a slip of paper on which was written the question to be debated, and whether for the affirmative or negative, and this was the first information they had as to what their subjects were to be. But each of the five contestants met the situation in a most happy and able manner, and while their arguments were necessarily brief, they were well to the point and developed a faculty for quick reasoning that was indeed remarkable. Each contestant was given a separate and entirely different subject to debate. The contestants were Verner E. Stokes, Evermont Huckleberry, E. J. Rice, Miss Amelia Rice and Miss Lydia Pelcher. Mr. Huckleberry won the medal by a close margin. The judges in the "Expression" contest were Mrs. L. P. Davis, Mrs. McGuire and Mr. W. B. Alford. The judges in the debate contest were Dr. J. P. Green, Prof. O. L. Bateman and D. L. Stump. Wednesday night the graduating class entertained with a program of their own, which for originality was surely a prize winner. The program itself was a masterpiece of mystery, which hasn't yet been cleared up. We reproduce it, and ask our readers to analyze it at their leisure: "Much Everyway"
To the Audience The audience is wondering whether or not they were not the victims of a new sort of "hazing" for they all kept their seats after the last word had been said; seemingly "sat perplexed at what the--Moses--was coming next," until one of the class told them the show was out, and they could all go home. Last night the final and graduation exercises were given, and though the weather was most threatening of heavy rain, the church was again filled to hear the splendid program which was as follows:
Piano Solo--Kamennoi-Ostrow.....Rubenstein--Miss Cara Garrett We regret that it is not possible this week for us to comment on this splendid program as it deserves, and therefore will add nothing only to say that it was a brilliant climax to the most eventful and enjoyable period in the history of Palacios academy. In presenting the diplomas President Wolf was most eloquent in his advice and admonitions to the class, and in beginning his remarks took occasion to give some interesting information pertaining to the school. President Wolf also presented the medals won in the several contests. Of these Mr. Evermont Huckeberry carried away three. They are the Smith Mercantile Co.'s medal for the best class essay; the Dr. Mayfield medal for extemporaneous debate, and the Palacios Drug Co. scholarship medal. Miss Nannie Mae Linder, of Rosenburg, was presented the "Expression" medal given by Best Bros. Before pronouncing the benediction, Rev. Israel stated than an unusual honor had been conferred upon President Wolf by his alma mater, Baylor University, in that after fifteen years the University had set aside all established rules and precedents, and as a token of recognition and appreciation of his ability and distinguished services, had conferred upon Prof. Wolf the degree of Bachelor of Arts, an announcement which brought genuine pleasure to everyone present, as it will to all who know the president of Palacios Baptist Academy.
Palacios Beacon, June 14, 1912 |
Palacios Beacon, September 20, 1912
The Academy will open Sept. 24 at ten o'clock. The public is cordially invited to be present. The school is prepared to give the very best advantages in the lines of work offered. The Literacy department will be in charge of the same teachers as heretofore. Miss Allen will have entire charge of the Music department, both in piano and voice. She has spent the summer in the East studying and will be able to give superior advantages to all who may wish to avail themselves of the opportunity. Miss Edna Brown will be in charge of the department of Expression and Physical Culture. She is matchless in her sphere and we bespeak for her a good patronage. As has been previously outlined in the catalogue we have added the Commercial department. The department will be in charge of Prof. J. L. Farnsworth, a teacher of recognized ability. In this department will be taught all the branches pertaining to a thorough business course, book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, etc. The automobile will make regular trips between the Academy and town, affording a convenient and quick method of transportation. The fare will be "street car fare" or five cents the trip each way, for students.
Palacios Beacon, September 27, 1912 |
Will make regular trips between the City and College beginning Monday, Sept. 23, leaving the postoffice corner at 6:15 o'clock in the morning; will go out Pavilion street, returning the Blessing road. This car is for those who wish to leave by train and those who are required to be in town about 7 o'clock. The next car leaves at 7:30 o'clock and at the half hours thereafter until 8:30 p. m., when the last car runs with the exception of the 10:30 a. m. car which will not run that it may be over-hauled daily. The car at the even half hours will go out Pavilion street returning by the Blessing road and at the odd hours will go by the Boulevard returning by the Houston road. The fare will be at the regular city street car rate, 5c inside the city limits and 10c outside. A special ticket has been arranged for the students making the rates 10 rides for $1.00, these may be secured at the college or of the driver. After 6 o'clock the round trip to the college will be 15c, as we wish the people to learn to see the car as a pleasure as well as a business proposition. The auto-car will go to and be at all passenger trains and carry all baggage along route; hand baggage in charge of passengers will be free; trunks and all heavy baggage will be carried at regular transfer rate. We also wish to take this means to inform business men and all people who have ____ to send that we will carry them at passenger rates. Take the car when it passes your home and ride to your destination; it doesn't cost any more. We wish to call special notice of the public to...schedule has not been tried and will change it so they can patronize it, as this car is for the use of the public and we wish to suit them as best we can. On Sunday the car will only run when necessary for the present we will follow the following schedule on Monday: 6:30 for train; 8:30 for Sunday school; 10:30 for church; 12:30 return from church; 6:30 for evening service; 8:30 last run.
Palacios Beacon, September 27, 1912 |
Palacios Baptist Academy opened Tuesday for the fall and winter term with an enrollment of seventy-five students, an increase of fifty percent, over the enrollment at the opening last year, which shows that the college like Palacios and all her institutions, is growing. This splendid increase is most gratifying to the faculty and officers of the academy, and they anticipate a great and prosperous school year, by far the best in the history of the school. Many of the boarding pupils have not yet arrived, and further enrollments are expected which will increase the student list to fully one hundred before the holidays.
Palacios Beacon, October 4, 1912 |
Palacios Beacon, October 18, 1912 |
President Wolf came in Saturday afternoon from an Association meeting. He conducted chapel services Monday morning and left again Tuesday for Bay City. The Literary Society has been reorganized and will give their first open session tonight (Friday) in the chapel. Everybody is invited to attend their meetings. New students are still entering each week. Among the latest arrivals are Roy Hunt and Eula Cates. The Juniors and Seniors each have held class meeting and organized their classes, elected officers and adopted mottoes and colors. Rev. J. W. Israel, who is giving a series of lectures on the Bible, was present Monday and gave his lecture. He was absent Wednesday in attendance at the Association meeting. Miss Norine Franklin was absent from her classes Wednesday. Misses Mary and Willa Stewart were absent Wednesday on account of the rain. Owing to the conditions of the roads Wednesday a livery transfer took the students to school. As soon as the roads are shelled completely the auto car can make trips regardless of mud and water. The following program will be rendered tonight at the college by members of the Literary Society:
Roll Call--Selection from authors.
Palacios Beacon, October 25, 1912 |
The Literary Society gave the first of their open session programs last Friday night. It was indeed a literary treat. The vocal solos by Misses Dawdy, Gardner and Burnett were especially enjoyed. Miss Brown, the expression teacher gave two readings that brought prolonged applause from her audience. This was her first public appearance before the Palacios public and immediately won her laurels. Prof. Echols made a splendid talk on the movement known as Higher Educational Movement for the State of Texas. He appealed to the student body to lend their support and influence in this direction. Other good numbers might be named. The room was decorated very artistically with pennants of this college and other colleges and organizations. If you missed this meeting don't fail to attend the next one. John Roberts entered the business department of Palacios Baptist Academy this week. A students recital will be given Friday afternoon Oct. 25, in the parlors of Elder Hall by the students of the Fine Arts department. Everybody is invited to come. The time given will be at 3:45 p. m. Miss Mary Cris, who has been absent for the past few days returned to her studies Monday. Dr. Wolf returned Saturday from a week's trip to San Antonio and other points in the State. The faculty recital at the auditorium Tuesday night was well attended and much appreciated by all. It was under management of the fine arts department of the P. B. A., Misses Lilly Allen and Edna Brown, assisted by Miss Norine Gardner. The boys are practicing basket ball now. You will soon hear of games.
Palacios Beacon, November 1, 1912 |
Rev. J. W. Israel was absent from his Bible class Wednesday having gone to Fort Worth to attend a Baptist convention. Considerable interest is being taken by the students in the adoption of a constitution for the Literary Society. You have yourself to blame if you don't attend some of those fine literary programs given by the P. B. A. literary society. A miscellaneous program will be given Friday night, November 8th. Don't fail to come. Remember that's tonight. Miss Linnie Lee Robinson came out Tuesday to take her music lesson. Some one seems to be highly delighted when Tuesday comes. Wonder who? The Senior class gave a Hallowe'en reception at the girls' dormitory Friday night to the Junior class and other students in the college. A big time was recorded and such was the record made that Roy Hunt put it in rhyme for the contributor of the college notes.
Palacios Beacon, November 15, 1912 |
John Roberts was absent from school Friday having gone to Blessing to attend the fair. Miss Mary Cris was absent Friday. Raymond Crawford, alias "Bunch," went to Blessing to attend the Fair and blow a horn for the Palacios Marine band. He was more than missed from school. Miss Norine Franklin was missed from her classes Monday. The auto car was out of commission Friday morning hence several had to walk. However they didn't have to walk back.
The students received their report cards for the first six weeks of the
first term last Friday. The following was the standing of the grades by
boys and girls: The literary was a most enjoyable affair. Everyone enjoyed the program. These programs keep on getting better as time goes on. Watch for the program of the next meeting and come and see for yourself. A basketball game will be played between the college and high school on the court at the high school ground Friday at 4 p. m. after school. All who are interested in the P. B. A. or the P. H S. should be there.
Palacios Beacon, November 22, 1912 |
Miss Bessie Hill was absent from P. B. A. Thursday of last week. We were very glad to see Dr. Wolf at chapel Friday after an absence of more than two weeks. Noble Parker was a new pupil this week. He began Monday in the shorthand department and taking a few literary subjects additional. A basket ball game was played Friday afternoon on the high school grounds between the P. H. S. and P. B. A. It resulted in a score of 15 to 5 in favor of the high school. Another game is being planned for a near future date when it is hoped a closer and more interesting game will be played. George Hillyer was absent Tuesday on account of sickness. Lydia Belcher was one of the missing from her classes Tuesday. Mrs. Echols gave the dormitory boys and girls an old fashioned candy pull Friday night which was much enjoyed by all. Clarence Hellums missed his Cicero lesson Wednesday. The college boys turned out enmasse to the fire Tuesday evening and did some real valiant service.
Palacios Beacon, November 29, 1912 |
Eddie Anderson went to Bay City to spend Thanksgiving. A debating society is in process of formation. More will be told later. "Red" Rogers was absent Wednesday. He left for a four-day's hunting trip. Miss Maud Zumstein went to Rock Island Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving. Clarence Hellums was out three days last week, but we are glad to see him back this week. Owing to the holidays of Thursday and Friday there will be no Literary program given tonight. Misses Phoebe and Mary Dwyer left Wednesday morning for their home in Wadsworth for a big Thanksgiving dinner. The students were given a half-holiday last Friday so they could attend the speaking at the Waterways Convention. Thursday and Friday were given as holiday this week following Thanksgiving. They were gratefully received by the students. The Senior class have received their class rings. They are beauties too, (the rings, not the class), and makes every student wish to be a "Sinner." The rings are of the signet variety, with a raised signet on which are the initials "P. B. A.," and on the band are the engraved figures "1913." The class is proud of their rings, as indeed they should be.
Palacios Beacon, December 13, 1912 |
Literary was not held Friday night on account of bad weather but the program will hold good for tonight. John Roberts was absent Monday. Several of the boys and girls were extra industrious Saturday when they came out to the laboratory to do experiments in physics. They did the work, but that was not all. Last week, while the roads were too bad on account of the recent hard rain, the students from town were brought out in the Dow brothers launch the "Coyote." The experiences were thrilling, the spray dampening, and the fun all theirs. Miss Exa Womack visited with her relatives at Turtle Bay Saturday and Sunday, returning in time for her Monday's studies. Miss Thelma Sikes was absent Tuesday. A student recital was given by the music and expression departments at dormitory parlors Wednesday afternoon which was well attended. The students of these departments, under the excellent leadership of Misses Allen and Brown, are advancing rapidly and doing some excellent work. The regular mid-year examinations will be held next week.
Palacios Beacon, December 20, 1912 |
At the conclusion of Friday afternoon's class periods, the fall term of 1912 closed and a two weeks holiday was declared until after the Xmas holidays when the winter term will begin. The last three days of this week were spent in the mid-term examinations. Much good work has been accomplished and a great deal of ground covered in the past term. There have been very few absent or tardy record marks made, while almost every student has striven to do his or her best. Only one has dropped entirely out of school during the past term and few classes have been "cut," each student realizing the responsibilities resting upon him. The winter term will begin January 2nd, 1913. Miss Exa Womack and cousin, Earl Rogers will leave Friday for their homes in Jackson county to spend the holidays. There will be a general exodus of students from P. B. A. to their homes in nearby towns Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays with homefolk. The Longfellow program was rendered at the meeting of the Literary Society last Friday night. There were some excellent numbers on the program including the quartet and readings from "Hiawatha." Miss Norine Franklin was absent Monday on account of sickness. Rev. Israel did not meet with his Bible class Thursday. Charles Fathergill and Roy Rome were called to Louise Monday by the death of a relative. We miss them from their classes and extend to them our sympathy. Earl Rogers spent Sunday with his uncle and family near Turtle Bay. Owing to the condition of the roads the auto-car did not run the latter part of last week, hence very few from town were in attendance at the Literary Society Friday night. The chapel talks given by Dr. Wolf can't be beat anywhere and if they students voluntarily "cut" chapel they are missing one of the very best features of the school life, and which they could look back to with pleasure in future years. Noble Parker has quit school until after Christmas holidays to help in his father's store. A little excitement was caused by a wood-box in one of the girl's rooms in the girls' dormitory catching fire. The fire was quickly extinguished and no damage was done except two of the girls were not in their classes when the time was ____. However they were late only a few minutes. [The left portion of the column was clipped out for the next section.] ...ice was absent Monday from...He was... Sunday...filled his regular appointment...to a large congregation. ...ned Monday afternoon. Miss Norine Franklin will leave Saturday morning for Floresville to [spend th]e holidays. ...e Hillyer will go to Cuero Saturday to spend Xmas with relatives. ...ar-famed mock trial between P. H. S. and P. B. A. was "pulled...day afternoon at the high school building. The trial was called...and lasted three hours. It...before Judge E. E. Bateman. ...rge in the complaint was theft...burglary of two flags from the P. H. S. flag pole on the night of November 7th, and the prisoners at the...George M. Hillyer and William A. Elder. The attorneys for the prosecution were Walter Galliford and Rolland Enos for the high school and Roy Hunt and Raymond Crawford for the academy. The result of the trial was the returned verdict of guilty, though entirely circumstantial. The penalty agreed upon was one week for the prisoners to tip their hats to the high school flag as they pass the school house to and from the college. The lightest sentence was imposed. Much interest was evinced not only in the schools but the patrons of the schools and townspeople and quite a number of visitors were present, in fact the two north rooms were crowded to overflowing by those who wanted to hear the trial. The P. H. S. officers had done a great deal of work fixing up for it in the way of putting up signs in the rooms which gave it the appearance of a court room in miniature. We are ready at any time to repeat the "stunt" whenever we can get together. It causes interest and good natured rivalry and develops talent along law and literary lines. It was shown by the prisoners, attorneys and witnesses, aside from not a few spectators that there is good lawyer talent in the two schools.
We wish the Beacon success
And for its many readers,
And for our friends and schoolmates,
And may the college prosper
Palacios Beacon, December 12, 1912 |
Reference was made last week to a prayer meeting to be established among the student body. A meeting was held Saturday night with a large crowd present, and which will be held every Saturday night for one hour. While it is primarily a meeting for the students, anyone is invited to attend. Misses Carrie Phillips and Lula Williams have entered the music department. Miss Phillips taking voice and Miss Williams the piano. "Boots" Wheeler, who has been out for a week or two, returned to school Monday. Don't forget the program of the Literary Society Friday night. Miss Irene McClendon was a visitor to school Wednesday with Miss Anna Elder. The fence on the south side of the college campus has been removed, enlarging the grounds and enclosing the boys dormitory. This is a great improvement. A debate was held this afternoon in the English history class on the subject of Political Economy. Raymond Crawford, Thelma Sikes, George ____ and Anna Elder were the con___
Palacios Beacon, January 3, 1913 |
Dr. A. J. Barton Has Completed Statistics on the Entire System. Property Grows in Value Palacios College (Academy)
Waco Morning News, January 5, 1913 |
Palacios Beacon, January 17, 1913 |
Beautiful as a picture; as sweet as a dream of fairy land, are terms none too extravagant to use in describing the cantata, "The Japanese Girl," given by the young lady pupils of Palacios Academy at the B. Y. P. U. auditorium Friday evening of last week. The cantata is in two long acts and the entire score is of that quaint but tuneful and melodious character generally employed in imitation of the Japanese style of music. The stage settings and decorations and costumes of the performers were true to the text, and most beautiful and charming to look upon. The choruses were especially effective. No prettier stage setting has been seen anywhere than the Japanese umbrella chorus, while the Japanese lantern chorus and drill at the close was just as attractive. The choruses and drills reflect special credit upon the skill and artistic work of Misses Allen and Brown of the Fine Arts faculty of the Academy, in a class of training in which it is most difficult to attain real success; while the solo singing was just as highly creditable to their ability in voice culture and elocution. So much was the audience pleased with this splendid entertainment that requests have come from all sides that it be repeated, and we are glad to say that it will be on the evening of the 22d under the auspices of the Board of Trade in connection with the Academy, the proceeds to be divided equally between the school and the business organization. [Note.--A more extended notice, already in type, is crowded out for want of space; will appear next week.]
Palacios Beacon, January 24, 1913 |
Palacios Beacon, January 31, 1913 |
The P. B. A.'s raised their flag Thursday. The colors are green and white and the flag was donated by Mr. Lorne Dean. This is the first time this year that the college flag has been up. Archie Powers began last week in the business department a course in bookkeeping. "Bob" Walker has made a very much needed improvement and which is a convenience the boys have taken advantage of in the way of lockboxes. He built about twenty lockers for the town students to use in case they do not care to take their books home (to study). These he has already rented out at a small fee per quarter, to reimburse him for his expense. Some of the boxes are large enough for ball bats, tennis paraphernalia, etc. Miss Marion Burnett's mother visited her at the school Friday. Prof. Echols went hunting Thursday morning. He walked a long, long way and got very, very weary and discouraged as Nimrod's disciple, in fact, he walked all over the college ten acre campus looking for birds to be used as specimens in the Zoological class, and returned in triumph just as the class period was over, bearing one lone little lark. Roy Hunt, Raymond Crawford, Earl Rogers, George Hillyer and William Elder visited the high school Friday and heard the program of the O. L. B. Literary Society. They report that it was well rendered and very entertaining and which they enjoyed very much. As an aftermath in the story begun in last week's Beacon concerning the flag drill, it was found out that the P. H. S. boys ran their flag up on the P. H. S. flag staff and stayed all night guarding it. It was nearly a freeze out according to their story next day, as it got pretty cold during the night. One boy was taken sick and went home some hours before day light. The P. B. A. boys did not go near that night and as they had no intention of doing so, the laugh was on the P. H. S. boys. Also another of the P. H. S. flags was seen flying from an exalted (?) position at the college last week. Mrs. Marshall's father visited her last week at the boys dormitory and was in attendance at chapel. Of all the handy and indispensible boys we have at the college, we believe that Charles Fathergill is the one. Whenever anyone wants anything done at any time and any where, he is the one called upon. Last week with a pipe wrench as his only weapon, he had a Don Quixotic ___ with the windmill...[paper torn]
Palacios Beacon, January 31, 1913 |
Clarence Nelson was absent from school Monday on account of sickness. Last Monday the Seniors, accompanied by Mr. Gray, visited the ice plant, to learn the process of ice making. They will each be required to make a drawing of the machinery. Thelma Baxter was absent from school last week on account of sickness. Last Wednesday morning one of the little boys of the Academy, by name, Lorne Dean, boldly entered the high school building, ascended the stairs, calmly entered the belfry, deliberately picked up the high school pennant which was lying in a corner, and courageously retreated to the auto car, where he was greeted with lusty cheers prolonged and loud, by the admiring band of Academyites. For was this not a very daring and wonderful feat? The pennant was flown from the back of he auto car, as they went to and from the Academy, and great cheering arose from within the car whenever they met a High school pupil or passed the building. The cheering, however, was short lived, for while they were passing the school house after school hours, some high school boys easily snatched the pennant from the car and it is now safe within their keeping again.
Palacios Beacon, February 7, 1913 |
It is with a great deal of pleasure that we record that the one hundred mark of enrollment of students for this year has been reached. This was the announcement made by Dr. M. M. Wolf, the president, this week in chapel. One hundred was the limit place for this year. Already the limit has been placed for next year, which is a number far exceeding this and we feel confident it will be reached just as easily as it was this year. 'Rah, for the P. B. A. 'rah, 'rah, 'rah. Miss Norine Franklin was absent Thursday afternoon and Friday. She received the sad intelligence of the death of her grandmother at Floresville. On account of the inclemency of the weather there was held no Literary Society Friday night but was postponed until Friday afternoon. Jupiter Pluvius visited us Thursday and Friday of last week and the result was that only five out of twenty-five students from town had the temerity to go to school Friday. As the majority of them are neither "sugar nor salt," we haven't as yet solved the mystery why they were scared out by a little shower. Clifford Beckman was a visitor Monday at school. "Becky" has to come twice or thrice a year to see how everything at the hall of learning is getting along, just for old times sake. This week began very favorably for the students. Those who are accustomed to come out from town in the auto-car were compelled to come in the transfer. When within about three blocks from the college, the hack got stuck in the mud and could go no further. After a singletree was broken and it was seen that the passengers would have to walk the remainder of the distance, they all got out in the mud and water and marched to the building amid the cheers of the Dorm boys. Sunday school and preaching were held in the college chapel, Rev. Wolf made a very fine talk, which was appreciated by all. An informal reception was given at the dorm for the girls and boys of the dormitories Friday evening. It is needless to say that they all enjoyed themselves. On Saturday, Feb. 22, the Senior class will observe Arbor day. They will plant some trees on the college campus, and render an appropriate program in addition. Speeches by town talent, orations by the presidents of the Senior and Junior classes and songs fitting the occasion will be among the numbers. Everybody interested in the college and its success and endeavors are invited to come. More will be told later.
Palacios Beacon, February 21, 1913 |
Earl Rogers took a good long ride Thursday evening. He went to his home in Jackson county for a few days visit with homefolks. He returned in time for school Monday. President Wolf went to Wharton Saturday morning where he preached Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farquhar of Red Bluff visited their sister, Miss Exa Womack, a student of P. B. A., Friday. Mrs. R. L. Chaney and son, of Wadsworth, visited their daughters and sister, Misses Phoebe and Mary Dwyer, Friday. Friday was declared as a holiday last week to observe Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays and Arbor day. It was a day of much enjoyment to all. The Sophomores held a class meeting Tuesday at noon and organized in to a class. They elected Miss Katherine Cates as president. The program for the Literary Society meeting for Friday, Feb. 28, is as follows;
Roll call--Quotations from Burns.
Palacios Beacon, February 28, 1913 |
The literary program last Friday night was one of the most entertaining ever given during this term. Everybody on the program did their best to make it a success and without a doubt it was one. The chapel was crowded to its capacity, showing that much interest is being taken in our work by the public. Watch for the announcement of the programs each time and be sure to come. Chapel services were varied a little one day last week, when three of the students were assigned talks on current event. Miss Olive Dierlam had the subject, "Mexico," E. R. Hunt "The present revolution in Mexico," and William Ehlers "President Madero." Such talks as these are enjoyed by the students who do not have time to read the daily papers on account of their studies. Miss Margaret Zuber of Bryan, an old T. P. C. friend of Miss Norine Gardner, visited her last week. She left Monday morning for Bay City to visit friends there, before returning to Bryan. Word was received here last week of the death of Rev. M. S. Kerby, pastor of the Baptist church of Texas City. He will be remembered by the older residents of Palacios as financial agent for the Palacios Baptist college in its early days. Charles Fathergill left Sunday morning for Louise, where he will remain at home this week and attend a revival meeting which is in progress there. The new seats for the chapel hall have arrived and been placed in position. The new students were assigned their respective places this week. These seats are of the double desk variety and make quite an addition to the looks of the room as well as convenience to the students. The Literary Society gave an entertainment Saturday night in the parlors of the girls' dormitory for its own members. Nearly all the membership was present and enjoyed themselves immensely. Music and games were the order of the evening. The entertaining committee received the thanks of the society for their successful management of the pleasant time spent. A recital will be given by the pupils of the Fine Arts department of the Academy Monday afternoon at 3:34, March 17th, in the parlors of the girl's dormitory. Those who attended the past programs will look forward to this recital with pleasure. If you did not attend the others, don't miss a treat in music, songs and reading this time. The Literary program for Friday, March 14th, will be as follows:
Roll Call The baseball boys have sent for their suits. They have also laid off a diamond in the field just back of the college building and have set to work practicing with a right good will. A class in Civics was begun Monday of this week. Prof. Echols has it in charge. We have one more week in the spring term and then comes examinations on work covered during the past eleven weeks. Tuesday morning the west side of the girls' dormitory was very prettily decorated along the frieze about the windows of the second story. Once seen it will not be forgotten. However we did not know that shoe leather has gone up so high. Someone was evidently celebrating the inauguration of President Wilson. Warren Martin's dream; which shall it be, Mattie V. or Jeanette.
Palacios Beacon, March 7, 1913 |
Miss Maude Zumstien returned Wednesday from Rockdale, where she visited relatives and friends. This week has been spent in examinations of the Winter term's work. Next week we start on the last term of twelve weeks of this school year. The Sophomores gave a banquet at the girls' dormitory in honor of the Preps and Freshmen, Saturday night. They must have had a good time for they are still talking about it this week. Charles Fathergill returned to school from Louise Sunday afternoon where he went last week to visit relatives. Don't forget the recital by the Fine Arts Department at the girls' dorm next Monday, at 3:45 p. m. Miss Elmere Dawdy was sick this week and missed her classes. She was absent a part of last week. Miss Katherine Oates visited with relatives in town over Sunday last week. Miss Norine Franklin was absent Monday from school. She was indeed missed by--well she knows. Friday afternoon some the students of the Business department got together and organized an association of shorthand students. The name given the society was the 'Phonographic Fraternity' and is known among the members as the "Hen Fret." Officers were named two of whom and Roy Hunt president and Thelma Sikes secretary. The following compose the "Hen Fret" charter members: Roy Hunt, Clarence Hellum, Thelma Sikes, Norine Franklin, Edna Cornwall, Edna Enos and Ailene Linder. Only the students who have been initiated into the mysterious and mystic art of Phonography are eligible to the "Hen Fret." Hon. J. L. Farnsworth the teacher, was made an honorary member and under his council much good will be accomplished. The following officers were elected Tuesday afternoon, to serve the Literary Society for the ensuing term: Roy Hunt, president; Bernice Taylor vice-president; Phoebe Dwyer, secretary; George Hall, sergeant; Raymond Crawford, parliamentarian; Charles Fathergill, critic.
Palacios Beacon, March 14, 1913 |
Exams have past
Twelve weeks has he
Yet all the while Eddie Anderson went to Bay City Friday to visit relatives and attend to some business matters. He returned Sunday afternoon. The Literary program will be given this (Friday) afternoon owing to other important happenings for the evening hour. George Hall, Herbert Denny, Herbert Spurlock, Martin and Thomas took advantage of the exams and went home for a few days' rest and recuperation. There was a typographical error in last week's notes announcing the organization of the "Fen Fret" owing to a lack of the knowledge of shorthand phraseology. "Fen Fret" is the nomenclature of the shorthand signs used in the name of the class. The P. B. A. baseball team will cross bats with the Bay City high school team this afternoon, the boys leaving on the morning train for Bay City. Here's hoping they'll succeed. Did you miss the recital Monday afternoon? Well, if you did you don't know what you did miss in the way of musical and elocutionary treat until you attend one. Then vain regret and remorse will be your portion. No one who can possibly attend these recitals should miss them. The Boys Debating Club held a called meeting Monday. This is a club composed only of the boys, in which there are a number of orators. The Senior class are contemplating an annual of the school. It will be about forty pages, with cuts of the several classes, writeups and witticisms. This will be splendid advertisement for the academy, and a custom which will be left as a legacy by this enterprising class to the succeeding classes, which will do honor to them. A sufficient number will be printed and the distributing so extensive that it will prove a valuable advertising medium for our merchants and real estate dealers, and a booster for the college and town. In this undertaking the Seniors have the backing and support of the entire school and faculty. The Seniors gave a reception Saturday night at the home of Williams and Anna elder, to the honor of the Juniors. The members of the two classes, together with several of the lady members of the faculty were present. They had a most enjoyable time and several new features of entertainment were introduced, showing the originality of the class this year who "do things." Everything was in the St. Patrick idea, since it was so near the time for celebrating the birthday of the hero of Emerald Isle. Refreshments were served which would have been a grace to the Queen, and which were most delicious.
Palacios Beacon, March 21, 1913 |
Harold Thomas returned to school Thursday spending a week with home folks. A practice game was played Wednesday by the baseball team of the college and high school. A game was played Friday with the Bay City high school. The P. B. A. Team went down in defeat. However they are redoubling their efforts and are preparing another game for the near future. William Elder is absent this week, having gone to Waco to attend the State Sunday School Convention. Miss Irene McClendan has taken up her abode at the girls’ dormitory this week, much to the delight of the dorm girls. Miss Irene is a very popular young lady and we are glad to have her with us. The base ball boys have received their new suits. The suits are white with green letters “P. B. Academy” worked on them while the caps are blue. The boys are cleaning off a diamond just west of the Administration building on which to play their practice games. President Wolf went to El Campo for a few days visit, Monday. Owing to conflicting dates the Literary Society did not render their program until Tuesday night, at which time the newly elected officers were installed. This is the last term of this year, and while there are many other things to look after at the term end of school, yet this promises to be one of the best for the society for the year. The programs keep on getting better. The Tuesday evening program could hardly be improved upon. The vocal solos, piano duets and debate were fine. The debate created a good deal of laughter in the contestants trying to show why “blue eyes were prettier than brown eyes” and vice versa. The next one will be April 11. The program will be announced next week. Harold Ferrell returned from Houston Monday. We know the girls there all miss (?) him if it is there like it is here.
Palacios Beacon,
March 28, 1913 |
William Elder returned home Saturday from Waco and was at his usual place Monday. He was welcomed as a long lost friend. Misses Aileen and Mattie V. Linder were made happy Friday by a visit from their mother from Rosenberg. She returned home the first of this week. Roy Hunt was absent Tuesday while serving on the election board. Miss Exa Womack went home Friday to visit homefolk at Lolita. She returned to school Monday afternoon. Roy (otherwise called Mattie) Rome went to Louise Friday and returned Monday. He made the trip of thirty-five miles on a bicycle facing a strong north. Returning he faced a strong south wind. Nevertheless he looks happier for having made the trip. Twenty-six of the students, mostly those from town celebrated All Fools' Day, by a trip to the woods about five miles from here. The car as usual picked them up Tuesday morning to take to school, but when they reached the dormitory instead of stopping they waved a glad farewell and opened the throttle for a flight to tall timber. Four went by sail boat and one on a bike. No doubt they had a good time by the rumors Wednesday, but two of them even got muddy by falling in--the mud. Mr. Clyde Parks the popular photographer was out a couple of days this week taking class pictures for the Senior annual.
Palacios Beacon, April 11, 1915 |
An excellent program was rendered at the Literary Friday night. The largest crowd at any time this year was in attendance. Eddie Anderson resigned as captain of the base ball team and Clarence Reynolds was chosen as captain. The Saturday night prayer meeting is continuing to grow in interest and attendance. A base ball game was played Saturday afternoon between the P. H. S. and the P. B. A. The score was 9 to 12 in favor of P. H. S. The batteries for P. H. S. were Carl Nelson and Joe Emmons and for P. B. A. Warren Grant and Clarence Reynolds. This was the best game played this year between these schools. Will Ashley left Friday morning for Dayton, where he goes to assist his brother on a farm. We regret that "Bill" had to leave us. We will miss his optimistic smile and his innocent and jolly pranks, but we say "luck to you Bill." Mr. A. L. Brown of Temple, Texas, visited his daughter, Miss Edna Brown our accomplished Expression teacher Sunday. He left Tuesday for El Campo. Rev. J. J. Rice was absent Monday. He filled his appoint[ment] at Ashby Sunday. A tennis game was played Monday afternoon between Eddie Anderson and Warren Martin for the sophomores and Raymond Crawford and Charles Fathergill for the Juniors. The next morning on the chapel blackboard was the legend, "if you want a game of tennis come to the Sophs," which means that the Sophs were victors in Monday's game. No, Miranda, just because some of the town boys pick flowers on their way to school it's no sign they had an attack of "Amo." Clarence Reynolds was called home Monday by a telegram. He was taken to Blessing by Lee Paul in time to catch the Brownsville train for Elmina, Texas.
Palacios Beacon, April 19, 1913 |
The auto car was "retired" for a few days this week so that it could be "re-tired." President Wolf returned home the first of the week from an extended trip through East Texas including the cities of Houston, Timpson, Jacksonville and Waco. He delivered the class address to the graduating class of the Timpson high school. Miss Maude Zumstein went home Friday. She will not return to school this year. The recital by the Fine Arts department given at the girls' dormitory was well attended and the exercises were fine. The Senior class of 1913 served ice cream to the guests. There will be no Literary Society meeting tonight on account of the revival services now going on . It is hoped a final public meeting will be given before school is out in which a rousing big program is planned. Hon. J. L. Farnsworth was called to San Antonio Monday. In his absence Prof. Wolf taught his literary classes. "Chiffonnier" Al Dow made a record run with his auto car Friday from town to the college and return in order to catch the train with a passenger. He got there in time, but he fairly flew. The grand closing out sale of the winter season was held last Thursday night at the boys' dormitory. Having an over supply of winter stock on hand which they did not desire to carry through the summer season, the boys held an auction sale of suits and wearing apparel. Friday suits which had been closely identified with certain individuals were seen in the hands of new owners. The terms were twenty percent discount. It was one of the biggest sales (of its kind) in the college addition. A most surprising fact came to light this week when the "Rep" got hold of a newspaper from Lee Paul's home town and read the following announcement: "Lee Paul is having plans drawn for an up-to-date bungalow to be built this summer--others will follow." We did not know that our friend Lee was contemplating any such move nor did we suspect that "others would follow," notwithstanding the declarations of five of the other boys that they were going to leave next week. Come on Paul and tell us who the girl in the case is, or we will believe it is your uncle Lee.
Palacios Beacon, May 9, 1913 |
Eddie Anderson left Tuesday morning for Bay City to remain. Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Wolf left Monday morning for St. Louis to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. Bro. Sid Williams and his singer have been conducting the chapel services this week. Bro. Williams gave some good advice to the students, while we were favored with some good songs by Bro. Richardson. Mrs. J. F. Barnett was a visitor to the dormitory Monday afternoon. Miss Carrie Rives was absent Tuesday. Warren Martin bid all his friends goodbye Wednesday of last week and struck for his home at Burr. Misses Lorena Ifland, of Dunbar, and Elsie Marshall, of near Palacios, visited their friend, Miss Marianna Elder Thursday of last week. Miss Edna Enos was absent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week while attending the Firemen's carnival at Victoria. She was accompanied by Miss Elmere Dawdy. Roy Rome, otherwise called "Mattie," left for his home at Louise where he will remain. C. Parks, the photo man, was out here again Friday and took a picture of the sophomore class. This picture will cover the annual, tho we think the honor should be given it to hang in--well the Preps. are pretty good in guessing, so we will let them. Prof. J. L. Farnsworth returned to his school work Sunday afternoon. Of course we were all glad to see the Hon. J. L.; in fact one student said she would stay at home until he did return. Now what do you think of that? Commencement time is drawing near and with each day comes some busy work. If you could look in on us you would see a hive of busy bees. William Anderson left for home Tuesday morning. It is not to be doubted that he will be missed by from one to half dozen of the fair students.
Palacios Beacon, May 16, 1913 |
Examinations began last week with Civics Friday. One of a series of exams in Geom was given by Dr. Marshall Friday. These will be given each week on Friday covering a book in plane geom at a time. Grady Cole, one of our preacher boys, left last week for home. Nixon Shrader left Saturday morning for Shepherd, San Jacinto county, where he will remain for a few days "courting." Don't question him on his return for his answer will be 'Nix." Roy Hunt was absent Thursday from his classes. Consternation was abroad when rumor said he had gone to Bay City, but the limit was reached when he returned and said he had been to Wharton. He says of the joy ride gave him more pleasure than he has had at one time since he had the measles. No, Miranda, the "Rep" can't give the names of those girls who wanted to know why the note in last week's C--N was not longer giving account of certain boys leaving and of their good qualities. The literary society was called in business session. The following were elected: Norine Franklin, president; Nixon Shraeder, vice-president; Jesse J. Rice, secretary and treasurer; Katherine Cates, parliamentarian; Jamie Clinkscales, critic; Irene McClendon, sergeant-at-arms. Several of the students are doing some research work and discussion on the "Evolution of Man." At the present stage of the game they had better be studying evolution of their studies if they expect to pass.
(This week)
(Next week)
Palacios Beacon, May 23, 1913 |
Palacios Baptist Academy closes the scholastic year next week--the greatest and most successful in its history. The record of this splendid institution has been one of continuous growth and progress, with the year just closed the greatest of any preceding in work done, enrollment and the number in the graduating class. The academy has now reached the the stage wehre it is listed as one of the really great schools of the State. It is an institution which holds an especially warm place in the hearts and affections of the people of Palacios and its continued prosperity and development has been to them a source of both pride and pleasure. Following is the order in which the different public exercises of commencement week of the academy will be given, which in point of excellence will surpass any previous year, and all of which have been of the highest order. Sunday, June 1st: Baccalaureate sermon 11 a. m., President M.M. Wolf, subject, "Our Unpossessed Possessions." Baccalaureate sermon 8 p. m., Rev J. W. Israel, subject, "The Challenge of the Unfinished Task," at the auditorium. Monday, June 2d: Operetta "Sylvia" B. Y. P. U. auditorium 8 p. m. Tuesday, June 3d: Expression and Oratory contest and Extemporaneous debate contest, for the Best Bros. and Smith Mercantile Co.'s, medals at auditorium, 8 p. m. Wednesday, June 4th: Grand concert of the Music and Expression departments, 8 p. m. auditorium. Thursday, June 5th: Commencement exercises and awarding of diplomas, 8 p. m., auditorium. Class address delivered by Dr. J. C. Hardy, president Baylor college, Belton, Tex. Annual Alumni banquet at Hotel Palacios for Senior class and Alumni. Seniors 1913
Palacios Beacon, May 30, 1913 |
The Palacios Baptist Academy Alumni Banquet given last Thursday night was not only the first big banquet given by any school in Palacios, but undoubtedly was the grandest and best yet to be given for sometime. The example has been given and the standard set for many banquets yet to come. After the graduating exercises at the auditorium Thursday evening, the graduating class, the faculty and Alumni repaired to Hotel Palacios, where the gentlemanly and genial manager, Mr. W. W. Nichols had everything in readiness for an enjoyable repast. They were escorted to the dining hall where the long tables were prettily decorated with cape jessamines and the Senior class flower--the white rose. The menu, which was printed on unique little folders with "1913 Class" embossed on cover, was as follows:
Music was discoursed throughout the evening by the Pavilion Orchestra composed of Messrs. Mohler, Stump and Elwood. Toasts were given by Dr. J. C. Hardy, president of Baylor Female College, Dr. M. M. Wolf, president of Palacios Academy, Rev. J. W. Israel, pastor of Baptist church here, George M. Hillyer, a member of the Senior class and Harley Lewis, a member of the Alumni; all of which were greatly enjoyed. William A. Elder, as toastmaster, caused the class of '13 to be proud to have him numbered with them. The "wee sma" hours of morning were upon them before the banqueters departed, and such was the good time spent that each member of the Alumni then and there resolved to be present at the next annual reunion of the association. In deed this was an epoch marker in the way of school banquets.
Palacios Beacon, June 13, 1913 |
The formal commencement exercises of Palacios Baptist Academy Thursday evening of last week gave a most fitting climax to a week of excellence in literature, music and art such as Palacios has never before enjoyed. "The Power of Music" was the prize thesis of the graduating class written and read by Miss Evie Dickson, and was a splendid literary production. The class address by President Hardy, of Baylor Female College, was listened to with undivided attention by the large audience present, which left an impress the influence of which will endure for time to come in its moral and intellectual up-lift, and especially with the graduating class in pointing them to high ideals and how to attain them. It is pleasing to state that Dr. Hardy was most favorably impressed with both our young city and her splendid Baptist school upon this his first visit. He sees large possibilities for Palacios Baptist Academy, and it will have his hearty commendation to the Baptist people of the state. The presentation of the diplomas by President Wolf, a song by the class and the benediction by Dr. Hardy brought to its close the largest and most successful year in the history of Palacios Baptist Academy.
Palacios Beacon, June 13, 1913 |
Palacios Beacon, July 25, 1913 |
That Palacios Baptist Academy is not today a pile of ashes and debris is due to what seems like providential intervention. Monday some of the young men of the college were cleaning the woodwork in the building, polishing with oil and turpentine. After the days work was done the old rags used on the work were put in a box and stowed under the north stairway in the washroom in the basement. About eleven o’clock Monday night, Prof. Wolf, who lives just across the street north of the college, stepped out doors to look after his horse, and noted a small bright light at the dormitory building, but supposed it was Prof. Echols with a lantern looking about the building, and was about to go back into his house when he noted that the light was too large and bright for a lantern, and concluded to investigate. He went across to the dormitory and discovered fire burning briskly under the stairway, flaming up to the stairsteps. He gave the alarm and called Prof. Echols to his help and by the aid of a pail of unemptied wash water found in the kitchen and water in buckets from the hydrant, soon extinguished the incipient blaze. Had he been a minute later in discovering the fire and getting water on it, the blaze would have been beyond control, and the handsome dormitory would have been destroyed. The fire resulted from spontaneous combustion of the materials used in cleaning during the day.
Palacios Beacon,
September 19, 1913 |
Special to the News.
Palacios, Tex., Sept. 24.--The Palacios Baptist Academy opened for the
1913-14 academic year Tuesday. Dr. M. M. Wolf, president of the academy,
after a talk led the devotional exercise. Palacios business men made
congratulatory speeches. The faculty is composed of The academy this session opens under the most favorable circumstances. A large assembly hall has been built this year.
Galveston Daily News, September 25, 1913 |
The formal opening of Palacios Baptist Academy for the fall and winter
term was held at Elder Hall Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'clock, the opening
and devotional exercises being conducted by President Wolf. The
President also gave a very interesting and instructive talk, and was
followed by a short but enthusiastic and helpful address by Mr. Lambdin,
adn Miss Alma Nigro, the new voice instructor, sang a most charming
solo. These exercises were followed by the registration of pupils. The
large hall was filled with pupils and visiting friends of the academy
from town. Many of the out of town pupils have not arrived yet on
account of business and personal matters requiring attention before they
could leave their home, but they will be here by the end of the coming
week. Among the non-resident students who have arrived are the
following: Miss Ida bell Ray, of Victoria, teacher of the primary department; Miss Linnie Wolf, of Rockdale, teacher of English; Miss Alma Nigro of Belton, teacher of voice and Miss Edna Brown, of Belton, teacher of Expression arrived the first of the week, and were present at the opening and assumed their respective duties in the Academy. Officers, faculty and students begin the work of the term with interest and enthusiasm, expecting and determined to make this the biggest and best year in the history of the academy.
Palacios Beacon, September 26, 1913 |
Pres. M. M. Wolf is moving into his new home and Prof. and Mrs. Farnsworth will occupy the house vacated by Pres. Wolf, which will be used as the boys' dormitory. [Next section was too dark to read.] Prof. ...met with Seniors...to see about their units. The class consists of 8 members, Bernice Taylor, Thelma Sikes, Carrie Rives, Bessie Hill, Ida Bell Ray, Clarence Hellums, J. J. Rice and Charles Fathergill. The students, with the help of Miss Brown, are contemplating the organization of a Dramatic Club, which will benefit all students who become members. The school has purchased two new pianos, which will be a great help to the teachers and pupils in that department. The Literary Society had a short business meeting Tuesday afternoon. Committees were appointed so the society could begin work as soon as possible. Miss Brown is working on a short play that will be given at the first open meeting. The name of this play is "Big Jim." Everybody is invited to attend these meetings and there will be room for all in the new chapel hall, which is almost completed.
Palacios Beacon, October 3, 1913 |
Mrs. Susie Chaney, of Wadsworth, visited her daughters, Mary and Phoebe Dwyer, one day this week. George Hall returned home Friday morning. Will Ashley enrolled as a student Monday morning. Miss Neva Barber, of Bay City, had enrolled in the Fine Arts Department. A number of students held a meeting Thursday for the purpose of organizing a Dramatic Club. The following officers were elected: pres., Bernice Taylor; vice-pres, H. H. Stagg; sec., Norine Franklin; treas., Nixon Shrader; stage manager, Miss Brown. The society organized with 32 charter members and held the first regular business meeting Friday, Nov. 10. After the business meeting, various games were played and all are looking forward to the next meeting. Misses Stella and Georgia McGraw arrived last Saturday to attend the Academy.
Palacios Beacon, October 17, 1913 |
The Senior class of P. B. A. entertained tbe students and faculty of tbe Academy Friday evening, Oct. 31, 1913, at the girls’ ball. This being Hallowe’en, ghosts met them at the door, some taking their wraps and others directing them to a rope, which led over dark and rough places all around the dormitory, while hideous noises were being made on the inside. This rope led them to the Gypsy camp which was decorated with corn stalks, pumpkins, and a camp-fire. Here punch was served. On leaving this room fortunes were told with candles…in all directions over the basement, which each guest took and followed to the end where they found their fortune.
On their way upstairs they were stopped by a ghost and commanded to
register. From this place they went to the reception hall which was
beautifully decorated as
Palacios Beacon, November 7, 1913 |
Saturday May 9
Friday, May 15
Saturday, May 16
Monday, May 25
Sunday, May 31
Sunday, May 31
Monday, June 1
Tuesday, June 2
Wednesday, June 3
Wednesday, June 3 Alumni Banquet.
Graduates of 1914 Piano: Ida Belle Ray, Mary Stenaurs, Norine Franklin, Lula Williams
Palacios Beacon,
May 8, 1914 |
The Glee Club from the Baptist Academy at Palacios gave an entertainment in Blessing on Saturday night.
Matagorda County Tribune, May 14, 1915 |
The scholastic year just closed has been a remarkable one in the history of Palacios Baptist Academy, and one altogether out of the ordinary with schools of any kind anywhere. The beginning of the school year last September was marked with discouragement in every way. On account of floods and short crops the student body expected at the opening of the academy was small and then just before the fall term there were more crop failures and the European war broke out, and as a consequence many of the pupils expected cancelled their engagements and did not come. Under these conditions the Academy opened with little of promise for a successful year in any way. The school closes the year with the largest graduation class in its history, and with a record of work accomplished of which older schools might greatly boast. This success—the turning of seeming defeat and disaster into a great and signal triumph is due to the unceasing and persistent work of its never tiring president, Dr. M. M. Wolf, and but for his wise system of management, the school might have been well nigh undone. Details are unnecessary but it is a great pleasure to say that the school closes not only with its largest class, showing as it does the most effective work that is has yet accomplished, but that in every way the Academy is in better condition than it has ever been before, and will enter next year’s work without a handicap of any sort, except some general disaster should be visited upon the entire country. All this great accomplishment stands to the credit of Dr. Wolf, who has had a well-nigh crushing burden to bear during the entire year, but he carried it through successfully to the wonder and surprise of those who are closely associated with him in the work and know what he has had to sustain. Palacios is indebted to many for the things done for the good and upbuilding of the city and country, but to no one is the city under a greater debt of gratitude than to Dr. Wolf. The baccalaureate sermon delivered before the class by Rev. O. B. Falls , pastor of the Bay City Baptist church, while a most eloquent and inspiring discourse, especially emphasized the work the Palacios school has done during the past year, and spoke the key note and foundation of its success, when he made particular mention of the high moral and spiritual atmosphere that pervaded the work of the school in all its departments. This is the one chief and distinguishing mark between the denominational and the secular schools. The public and non-sectarian schools seek primarily to develop the mind and intellect, with too little regard to the moral trend of the pupils, while the denominational school fails that does not inculcate the highest ideals of life, inspiring the students to become not only learned intellectually, but also to build characters that will endure—which is the essential in the making of men and women of true courage and noble purposes in life; the kind that make the world brighter and better because they have lived in it. In the evening Dr. Falls delivered a missionary sermon which was the conclusion or sequel of the morning discourse, pointing to the young graduates avenues of opportunity in all the walks of life where they may labor and achieve success and be a benefit to themselves and the world at large.
Palacios Beacon,
June 11, 1915 |
The graduates of the expression department of the Academy entertained a large audience at the encampment auditorium most pleasingly last Monday evening. The graduates from this department are Misses Ella Dee Hatchell and Mary Arabella Chappell, who have completed the two years course under the tutelage of Miss Brown. They were assisted by Miss Mattie Chappell, piano post-graduate, and Mr. Carroll Stephen, vocalist, making up a program of pleasing variety and rare merit. The readings by the graduates were selections from the masterpieces of English literature, and were well delivered; though the large auditorium is a trying place for young voices to adapt themselves to. Both Miss Brown and her pupils have cause to feel proud of the proficiency attained by these young ladies.
Palacios Beacon, June 11, 1915 |
Whereas, Prof. Paul F. Keeton has been one of our most beloved instructors for the past session in the Palacios Baptist Academy and, Whereas, Prof. Keeton has not only been faithful in all things, but has also been tactful, appreciating the needs and the natures of his students, and Whereas, he has won the undying affection of us all, we therefore resolve: 1. That we, whose names are hereto attached declare our high regard and Christian love for Prof. Keeton. 2. That as we learn he has accepted a position in another school, and will therefore leave us, we assure him that our love and best wishes will follow him, and we most cordially commend him to the confidence and good will of those among whom his lot may be cast. Signed: J. L. Childs, Willard L. Russell, Arlon W. Orman, James Carroll Stephen, Herbert L. Spurlock, Robt. I. Allen, Earl Rogers, Will Ashley, Mary Dwyer, Exa Womack, Mabel Hamill, Dell Stapleton, May Cagle, N. B. Shrader, Jesse J. Rice, John White, F. W. Moran, Eleanor Harper, Nora Hayes, Virginia Robinson, H. H. Stagg, Le Roy Hillyer, Robt. Stapleton.
Palacios Beacon,
June 11, 1915 |
Commencement Exercises Being Held This Week. Palacios, Texas, June 5.—The closing exercises of the Palacios Baptist Academy are being held this week. Rev. A. C. Gettys, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, delivered the baccalaureate sermon. Dr. M. M. Wolff, president of the academy, will deliver the graduating address Tuesday night. The academy has had a very successful year. While the number of graduates is not so large as last year, still the grade of work done is more satisfactory to the faculty. The standard of the school has been raised and now those finishing the course are entered in the university as freshmen with certain advanced credits. The graduates are as follows: Frances Braun, Huldah Elder, Ross Key, Nixon Schroeder, Amelia Rice, Arlando Orman. Graduates in senior expression: Virginia Robinson, Vivian Tatum. Junior graduates in expression: Marion and Vivian Wolff. The alumni banquet will be held Tuesday night at the Hotel Palacios.
The Matagorda County Tribune, September 8,
1916 |
The executive board of the Palacios College held a called meeting here Thursday for the purpose of transferring the college property to the board of the Old Ministers' Relief Association of the Baptist General Convention. It will be remembered, that some months ago, at a regular meeting of the Baptist General Convention, that the trustees of this convention recommended the closing of Palacios College as an educational institution and at that time suggested that the board controlling Palacios College make a legal transfer of the property to the Baptist General Convention for the purposes stated above. Rev. R. T. Hanks, former pastor of Palacios Baptist Church, will have control and operate the property as an old ministers' home, and also for their wives and widows. The property will henceforth be known as the Baptist State Home, for old and indigent Baptist ministers. The following ministers and members of the board were present: M. M. Wolf, of Houston; R. T. Hanks, of Palacios; A. Ammons, of Palacios; Jack Barnett, of Palacios; and Revs. McLaughlin, of Eagle Lake; Payne, of Wharton; Hudson, of El Campo; Gilliam of Bay City; Marshall, of Columbus, and John Sutherland and Bon Smith of Bay City.
Matagorda County Tribune, January 23, 1918 |
Petite, dainty, diminutive, ladylike, gentle-these are adjectives one might use to describe Linnie Wolf, the first superintendent of the Palacios schools. The daughter of a Rockdale merchant, she was educated there and at Mary Hardin Baylor College.
She found her way to south Texas, then a pioneer area of the state, when her brother, the Reverend W. M. Wolf became president of the newly formed Palacios Baptist Academy. He recruited his sister as a first grade teacher and then as a high school English teacher. As the town of Palacios grew, the academy declined and it was evident a suitable school system must be formed in Palacios. "Miss Linnie" was placed in charge. Though not quite five feet tall, she was equal to the situation. The fact that she was selected was an indication of the high regard by which the town's people held her. Miss Linnie expected and usually received the best from her students, because she gave the best to them.
After serving a few years as superintendent and English and Latin teacher, Miss Linnie resigned to teach English in Dallas and to further her education. Her master's thesis from Southern Methodist University was considered a masterpiece in rhetoric and diction. Miss Linnie died before she was 40, but she left her mark on education. It was not through innovative methods or curriculum revisions, but in the lives of her former pupils whose final tribute was "to know her was to love her, to speak of her was to praise."
Linnie Wolf's younger sister, Ima Jewel Wolf, also taught in the Palacios schools in the elementary department. She was likewise loved and respected. A few years ago she retired from the Dallas ISD and moved to Houston to live with her niece, Marian Frances Echols.
Zeta Alpha Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma, Historic Matagorda County,
Volume I, 1986 |
Seventy-six-year-old Dr. Montrose M. Wolf, former head of the Baptist Academy northeast of Palacios, and now pastor of the Riverside Baptist Church in Houston, will retire on March 1. Doctor Wolf’s intentions were announced in his congregation. He has been in poor health for several months and is presently recuperating from an operation. A school teacher at the age of 16, Doctor Wolf started his preaching long before he was 20, and then at that age he dropped everything for the pulpit and missionary work. In 1907 he was named president of the Baptist Academy at Palacios, where he stayed until the war forced it to close in 1917. Much of his previous years had been spent as one of the Texas Supported Baptist missionaries. He went to Houston in 1917 after the academy closed, as pastor of the Trinity Baptist Church, 1202 Hogan. A year later he moved to the Tuam Baptist church, which became the South Main Baptist Church when moved to 4100 Day. Doctor Wolf lives with his wife at 2412 Wichita. They are the parents of seven children. The above item appeared in the Houston Post and was read with interest by Dr. Wolf’s many Palacios friends.
Palacios Beacon, February 9, 1950 |
Copyright 2006 -
Present by Carol Sue Gibbs |
Created Oct. 20, 2006 |
Updated Aug. 12, 2016 |