Texas Historical Commission Matagorda County Historical Markers
 Approved Markers and Pending Dedications


Allenhurst Community and Cemetery - Allenhurst


Ashby-Wilson Creek Community

John Duncan
Smith Plantation House

Bay City
Old Bay City Bank
Bay City Library
Bay City Methodist Church
Bay City Post Office (Matagorda County Museum)
Site Of Early Bay City School
Bay City U. S. O. Building- Service Center
Bethel Baptist Church
Cedarvale Cemetery
Daily Tribune and Matagorda County Tribune
Dr. Henry Hoffmann Loos
Eastview Cemetery
Elliott's Ferry
First Baptist Church of Bay City
First Christian Church of Bay City
First Presbyterian Church of Bay City
Hensley-Gusman Home

Site of Hilliard High School

Holman House

Holy Cross Catholic Church

Ira Ingram First Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives

Kilbride-Barkley House
Linnie Roberts Elementary School - RTHL

Lukefahr School Community
Matagorda County - 1836-1936
Matagorda, C. S. A.
D. P. and Louise Moore House
Harmon Jerome McAllister
Morton-Salyer Home

Mother Zion Missionary Baptist Church
Philip H. Parker VFW Post No. 2438

M. S. and Cora Alice Perry House

St. Mark's Episcopal Church
 Sargent-Rugeley-Herreth House


Bell Bottom

St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church


Blessing Community House And Library Association
Blessing State Bank
Deming's Bridge Community - Hawley Cemetery
Grimes Cemetery
William Walter "Pudge" Heffelfinger
- Hawley Cemetery
Old Hawley Cemetery

Hotel Blessing

Masonic Lodge # 411

A. B. Pierce Home
Abel Head "Shaghai" Pierce and Jonathan Edwards Pierce

St. Peter's Catholic Church



Caney Post Office


Cedar Lane

Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church

Cedar Lake
Bethlehem Christian Church


Clemville Community

Collegeport Cemetery

First Presbyterian Church of Collegeport
Pilkington Slough Ranch



Vine Grove Christian Church


Japanese Farmers in Matagorda County
Markham United Methodist Church
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

Battle Island
Christ Episcopal Church
City of Matagorda
Major George Morse Collinsworth
Culver Home
Dale-Rugeley-Sisk House
James Wilmer Dallam
Early Texas Freighting
S. Rhoads Fisher
Fisher-Sargent-Gottschalk House
Sinclair David Gervais

Albert Clinton Horton

Ira Ingram

Seth Ingram
Dr. Albert Moses Levy
Little Bethel AME Church
Matagorda Cemetery

Matagorda Incident

Matagorda Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M.
Matagorda Methodist Church
Jane McManus
Old Matagorda Post Office
Richard Royster Royall
James Henry Selkirk
Selkirk Island

St. Peter's Baptist Church
Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1862

Benjamin and Esther Randall Wightman,First Burials in Matagorda Cemetery

F. Cornelius House
Midfield Cemetery

Midfield Methodist Church

Camp Hulen
Casa de Dios
Cates-Price House
First Baptist Church of Palacios
First Presbyterian Church of Palacios
First United Methodist Church of Palacios

R. J. Hill Building

General John Augustus Hulen

Palacios Cemetery
Old Palacios Hotel (Luther Hotel)

Palacios Pavilions
Palacios Colored School

Palacios Preparatory School

Price-Farwell House

Pybus-Koerber House

St. John's Episcopal Church

Texas Baptist Encampment Grounds
West Side School (Mexican School)
W. C. Williams Building

Home of Horace Yeamans


Grove Hill Missionary Baptist Church
Jones-Jackson Cemetery

Confederate Defenses At The Mouth Of Caney Creek

Sargent Cemetery


Van Vleck
Van Vleck Independent School District


Van Settlement

 First Berean Missionary Baptist Church
King Van Estate Cemetery


Hawkins Lake House

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

St. Francis Catholic Church

Gulf of Mexico



National Register Designations

Matagorda National Register Designations


Hotel Blessing - Blessing
Bay City Post Office (Matagorda County Museum) - Bay City
Bay City U. S. O. Building
Hensley-Gusman Home - Bay City
Matagorda Cemetery - Matagorda
Southside Residential Historic District - Bay City
Brochure 1          Brochure 2

R. J. Hill Building - Palacios
Price-Farwell Home - Palacios

Luther Hotel - Palacios
Masonic Lodge # 411 - Blessing
Holman House - Bay City
Christ Episcopal Church - Matagorda
Matagorda County Monument - Bay City


Historic Texas Cemeteries

Allenhurst Cemetery

Collegeport Cemetery

Grimes Cemetery

Family Cemetery

King Van Estate Cemetery

Old Hawley Cemetery

Matagorda Cemetery

Midfield Cemetery

Partain Cemetery

Old Bay City Bank
Bay City U. S. O. Building
Hensley-Gusman Home
Holman House
Kilbride-Barkley House
Linnie Roberts Elem. School
D. P. and Louise Moore House
Morton House -
M. S. and Cora Alice Perry House

Sargent-Rugeley-Herreth House



Blessing State Bank
Hotel Blessing
Masonic Lodge # 411
A. B. Pierce Home

Christ Episcopal Church
Culver Home
Dale-Rugeley-Sisk House - Matagorda
Fisher-Sargent-Gottschalk House
Old Matagorda Post Office


F. Cornelius House


Cates-Price House
R. J. Hill Building
Luther Hotel
Palacios Colored School
Price-Farwell House
Pybus-Koerber House
W. C. Williams Building
Yeamans-Stallard House

Hawkins Lake House
St. Francis Catholic Cemetery


Bay City Landmark Commission

Historic Landmark Buildings

Original Use or Owners Later Use or Owners Year Built Address

A. W. Rugeley Home

Rugeley, Carleton, Opella

1909 2404 Ave F

Ack Barnett/Wheat House

Brooks, Barnett, Wheat

1910 1220 6th

Anderson House


1927 2924 Ave G

Anita Hill Home

Hill, Stripling, Knebel, Hinson

1955 2305 4th

Austin Building

Austin, Runyan, Neuman

1908 1726 6th

Ayres/Cox House

Ayres, Cox, Hayes

1904 2304 Ave F

Bachman Grocery

Bachman, Frankson, Griffith

1936 2245 Ave G

"Bandstand" The Gazebo

Matagorda County

1907 2000 6th

Barbour Clinic/American Red Cross/Matagorda County United Way

Barbour, Garrett

1939 2417 Ave G

Bay City Grocery Co. Wholesale and Retail

Moore, Harris, Goode, Foss

1903 2023 Ave H

Bay City Post Office

Matagorda County Museum, Nash

1917 2100 Ave F

Bay City Water Works Bldg/Hair Exchange

  1908 2001 6th

Boney House

Boney, Lewis, McAda

1912 2601 Ave G

Boney/Williams House

Williams, Boney, Luder

1912  2513 Ave G

Bouldin Building

Bouldin, Townsend, Sith, Hardy

1927 2124 Ave F

Brunner Home

Brunner, Matthews, Smith

1909 2408 Ave F

Carrington/Blaylock/Taylor House

Carrington, Blaylock, Taylor

1897 2400 Ave I

Charles Langham House


1910 2501 Matthews

Cleveland/Dearmond Home

Cleveland, McClain, Rakestraw, Harris, Dearmond

1908 2516 Ave I

Daehne House

Garrett, Daehne, Nguyen, Nieto

1940 2801 Ave I

Delano House

Delano, Norris

1912 1313 6th

Doubek & Hawkins Hardware & Implements

Rugeley, Doubek, Hawkins, Beall's, Brady's, Pennington

1910 1736 6th

Ehlert’s Bakery

Ehlert, LeTulle, Bailey

1925 1840 7th

Fire Bell

Bay City Fire Department

1908 2200 Ave I

First Christian Church/First United Methodist Church Chapel

Old Gulf

1939 2301 Ave G

Gaines Building

Gaines, LeTulle, Hatchett, Batten

1912 2140 Ave F

Green Bros. Jewelers "Boney Building"

Boney, Stinnett, Green

1906 2121 Ave G

Groce Parrish/Dependable Motors/Bay City Antique Mall

Poage, Groce, Parrish, Wearden, Duncan

1926 1913 7th

Hamill/Bell/ House/Norris House

Hamill, Bell, Norris

1911 1317 6th


Harding, Secrest

1902 2512 Ave G

Hawkins House

Hawkins, Norris

1909 2200 Ave D

Hawkins/Furse House

Hawkins, Furse

1913 2405 Ave G

Henry Rugeley Business House

Rugeley, Parker, Hardy, Johns, Ferguson, Norris

1904 2042 Ave F

Huston’s Drug Store

Huston, Keen, Townsend

1914 2128 Ave F

J. C. Lewis House

Lewis, Pennington

1932 2517 Ave G

Langham Building

Butler Grimes, J. C. Penney 1929-1978, The Shoe House, Wild Bill's Western Wear

1904 1708 6th

LeTulle Building/First United Methodist Church Wesley Hall


1937 1817 4th

Lewis Building


1940 2211 Ave G

Magruder/Burkhart/Evans House

Magruder, Burkhart, Evans

1938 3205 Ave K

Matagorda Pharmacy Building

Simons, Parker, Kincer

1907 2145 Ave G

McLendon Building

McLendon, Klein, Hines

1909 2133 Ave G

MOPAC Depot St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexican Railway

City of Bay City

1905 1st & Ave G

Original City Hall Building/Fire Station/Matagorda County Museum/Municpal Court

City of Bay City

1927 1824 6th

P. E. Parker Home

Winsworth, Parker, Hinton, Herring

1902 2301 6th

Phoenix Laundry/People's Laundry

Doughtie, Eiland

1919 2020 Ave G

Porter/Gaspard Home

Garrett, Porter, Gaspard

1941 2500 Ave E

Presbyterian Manse

Hamnett, Huebner, City of Bay City

1903 1921 5th

Robbins Hall 1st Presbyterian Church


1938 2215 Ave H

Rugeley/Carrington/Morgan House

Rugeley, Carrington, Morgan

1896 2420 Ave H

Rugeley/Jones Hospital/Van Shi House/Inn

Rugeley, Jones, Opella

1896 2400 Ave F

Secrest Jewelers

Mangum, Bracken, Richardson, Sykes

1914 2129 Ave G

Sholars/Secrest/Richardson House

Sholars, Secrest, Richardson

1905 2520 Ave G

Sisk Hardware

Sisk, Breeden, Evatt

1950 1831 6th

Smith/James House

Smith, James

1921 2501 Ave I

Thompson/Hicks/ Echard House

Thompson, Hicks, Echard

1912 1500 6th

W.F. Tetts Building

Tetts, Denn, Bailey, Gibbs, Evatt, Denn, Bailey

1940 1824 7th

W. L. White House

White, Garrett, White, Drenner

1939 2901 Ave H

Walker Furniture Store and Undertaker's Parlor/Main Street Salon

Walker, Coleman, Breeden, Morales

1901 1822 7th

Wells Fargo Express

Tetts, Bailey

1910 1732 6th


Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Jan. 12, 2005
Feb. 1, 2013