Woman's Club Members Woman's Club Minutes Woman's Club Photos Collegeport Public Library
PRESIDENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MRS. FRED LAW VICE PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MRS. L. C. SMITH SECRETARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MRS. W. L. ELLIS TREASURER . . . . . . . . . . . . .MRS. M. S. HOLSWORTH SOCIAL CHAIRMAN . . . . . . . . . . . MRS. JOHN MERCK PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN . . . . . . . . MRS. DEAN MERCK
Collegeport was founded by Burton D. Hurd Land Company, May 25, 1908, at which time a tract of land was deeded to Mr. W. A. Travis for the building of a College of Industrial, Domestic and Agricultural Arts and Sciences, and for the opening and development of waterways.
The year 1912 found a town of 496, a Business Men's League of 90 members, a Federated Church of 14 denominations, a Woman's Club of 86 members and the first free public library in the county.
On May 19, 1910, 36 ladies of Collegeport assembled in Mrs. Burton D. Hurd's spacious parlors for the definite purpose of forming an organization. Mrs. Will Travis moved that a Woman's Club be organized--the work of same not to be restricted or bound. There were 56 charter members, and Mrs. Burton D. Hurd was the first president. Mrs. Roy Nelson is the only charter member remaining in Collegeport. She was often a delegate to the Federation meetings and always on the local social committees. Her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Ellis, is our secretary. Mrs. M. S. Holsworth, daughter-in-law of Mrs. E. A. Holsworth, is following in the footsteps of her mother-in-law who was treasurer at various times. Mrs. John Merck and Mrs. Dean Merck are actively working in the Club as did their mother-in-law, Mrs. B. V. Merck, who was a charter member.
The Club adopted the motto Magnify the Good and has been a continuous Power for Good for 55 years, always interested in the school, Library and Community improvements.
In 1911, Mrs. Hansel moved that the Club join the State Federation. February 12, 1912 the Club made application for membership in the State Federation and on March 25, 1912 paid $3.25 for initiation into State Federation of Clubs.
April 13, 1911 -- Mrs. John Evans moved that the secretary be instructed to write the School Board that before adopting plans for a new building they confer with a committee chosen from the Woman's Club. (Classes were taught in educational wing of First Church Federated.)
The Club organized the first free public library in the county. Club accepted Mr. W. W. Wilkinson's offer to use his office building (real estate) for a temporary reading room and library. February 1, 1912 -- this being Library Day -- members presented 17 books to the library. The Library was opened on February 10, 1912.
May 9, 1912 -- Mrs. Burton D. Hurd was made chairman of the Collegeport Day Celebration for May 25th.
May 22, 1913 -- Mrs. Kone extended an invitation and the use of Hotel Collegeport to the Woman's Club, and the people of Collegeport Saturday evening, May 31, for the celebration of Collegeport Day.
In October 1912 the Club rented a reading and library room in Buchen's Store for $5.00. On June 30, 1914 final plans were made to move the library to the west room in the public School House.
February 3, 1916 an invitation from Mrs. Abel Pierce of Blessing was read to the Club to attend a banquet at Blessing on February 18. Mrs. Corse was appointed to attend. Mrs. Corse gave an interesting account of the banquet at Blessing--the Club voted to join the Get To-Gether-Club. Dues of $1.00 were paid and Collegeport Woman's Club was to affiliate with the Matagorda County Federation.
The Woman's Club made plans to entertain the County Federation of Clubs on September 7, 1917. Mrs. Sholl -- Boss of the Commissary for the Luncheon to be given the County Federation -- was appointed to arrange for two boat trips to Palacios; Mrs. Van Ness was appointed to write the Palacios Club and Mrs. Clapp was appointed to put an ad in the Palacios Beacon through Mr. Rodebaugh, owner of the Collegeport Chronicle.
In 1918 and 1918 members were busy taking a Study Course from the University of Texas and doing Red Cross work. They made a quilt which was auctioned off for the Red Cross on Collegeport Day which was held May 27th, 1918. They made payments on their war pledges made by the district, etc.
August 19, 1918 -- Mrs. Hurd moved that the corresponding secretary write a letter to Gov. Hobby asking him to consider the subject of complete survey of Educational Institutions at the next meeting of the State Legislature.
September 25, 1919 -- The Woman's Club filed a complaint against the owners of the stock that was running at large on the Collegeport streets and voted to propose Mrs. B. V. Merck as a member of the School Board.
In 1921 the Club met with the King's Daughters once a month as they did not have time for so many meetings. And they lowered the club dues from $1.00 to 50c.
July 20, 1921 -- Read a communication from Mrs. Abel B. Pierce, secretary of the County Federation, asking that a Club History be written and given to her as soon as possible. Also wanted a picture of the Club Room or place of interest. Sent a picture of the Library for the County History book to be published.
June 14, 1923--Mrs. Corse moved and Miss Ruth Braden seconded that the Club extend a vote of thanks to the Industrial League for the purchase of a lot for the Library Building. The Club purchased Mr. J. H. Adam's (he was our second Post Master) house for $50.00 and the men of the Industrial League moved it and the Club paid for repairs and painting, etc. Mr. Corse was appointed superintendent of the Library Building. The library was moved from the School House and Mr. R. E. Coffin was appointed assistant librarian so that the school children could have better benefit of the library.
In 1932 the Woman's Club began sponsoring the Girl Reserves under the leadership of Miss Beryl Bell -- now Mrs. Fred Law -- and Mrs. R. L. Corporon.
May 4, 1935--The Club had the privilege and pleasure of serving Luncheon on the Opening Day of Mopac House and made $41.00.
May 9, 1935--The following resolution was presented by Mrs. Burton D. Hurd: Resolved that we the Collegeport Woman's Club express our appreciation and sincere thanks to Mr. H. A. Clapp, secretary of the Industrial League, for his untiring efforts in the presenting of Mopac House to the Community, also the gift of the Reading Room.
June 13, 1935 -- The Club sent a letter of appreciation to Mr. Tom Hale, County Superintendent, for his efforts in securing affiliation for our school, and expressed our hope that he will continue to retain it.
October 10, 1935--The Library chairman reported 1640 books on the book shelves.
December 1937--Mrs. M. S. Holsworth and Miss Margaret Holsworth were hostesses for the annual Christmas party.
May 2, 1939--Mrs. Burton D. Hurd departed from this life.
May 9, 1939--Following a business meeting a Memorial Service was held for Mrs. Hurd, consisting of favorite hymns and living words of memories, and appreciation of Mrs. Hurd and her years of service in the Club and the community work. How can we fill her place, was in the hearts and minds of our Club members. Mrs. Agnes Liggett, Secretary
1940--Chairman of the Library Committee reported over 100 books had been donated during the year and an attendance of 480.
March 30, 1944 -- A meeting called by the Club to start the organization of a new YWCA Council. The present organization of Woman's Club to be merged with this and the business of the Club, as a member of the County Federation of Woman's Clubs of Matagorda County, be taken care of in this Council.
In 1944 the Council and Club became sponsors of the Mopac House. Mrs. Holsworth was named Mopac House Chairman and she reported $182.06 had been spent to wire the building and to do repair work. The Club continued to make improvements up to the time a new Board of Trustees was elected in 1960. The Club pays for the electricity and gas, supplies for all the dinners and entertainments. Money is made by selling Collegeport Cook Books, All Occasion Cards, Christmas cards and gift items which our president, Mrs. Fred Law, orders and displays. Recently the Club has purchased enough folding chairs so that we no longer need to struggle with the original benches on which we were always snagging our hose.
The Club meets quarterly for business meetings. It sponsors the New Year's Day Dinner, Washington's Birthday Dinner (this one, a covered dish dinner Sunday noon, February 20) and the Collegeport Day Celebration.
Compiled by Mrs. Dean Merck for Golden Anniversary of Matagorda County Federation of Clubs to be celebrated at the home of Mrs. Abel B. Pierce in Blessing on February 9, 1966
Lovingly printed by Burton D. Hurd's niece, owner of K & R Reproductions Houston, Texas 1973
Three o'clock on the afternoon of May 19, 1910 found 36 of the ladies of Collegeport assembled in the spacious parlors of Mrs. Burton D. Hurd's home.
These ladies had met with the definite purpose in view of forming an organization, the purpose of which was yet to be determined.
After a charming little speech of welcome and explanation by Mrs. Hurd, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that she act as chairman of the afternoon.
The field then being open for discussion Mrs. Van Ness, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Travis & several others made very able and enthusiastic talks on the subject at hand.
After some little time given to the expression of the
individual views Mrs. Will Travis made a motion to organize a woman's
club. This was seconded & carried. After some discussion in regard to
the clearness of the motion it was again made by Mrs. Travis--that a
Woman's Club be organized--the work of same not to be restricted or
bound. This was seconded and carried unanimous. Pres. Vice Pres. 2nd Vice Pres. whose duties shall be along church lines. 3rd Vice Pres. whose duties shall be along line of work with the children. Secretary Corresponding Secry & Treasurer.
Motion was made, sec. & carried to accept the list as read.
The club then voted on a motion made by Mrs. Knight to elect officers by ballot. Same being carried. Mrs. Sterling, Mrs. McCain, Miss Morris were appointed to prepare, collect and report the ballots.
Following this the Pres. appointed Mrs. Kone, Mrs. M. A. Travis, [Mrs.] W. A. Travis, as the Executive Com. to assist the officers in drafting by laws & constitution.
Mrs. Kone then very hospitably invited the club to meet with her on the following Thursday.
A motion then made to adjourn until that time. Same was seconded & carried after which the members retired to the dining room at the gracious invitation of Mrs. Hurd where, refreshing and cool, amid dainty and pleasing surrounding most delightful Nectar and Ambrosia awaited the ______ Goddesses of Collegeport's first organization for betterment & improvement.
Grace Smith Secry |
The 2nd meeting in the history of the Cport Woman's Club was held at the Hotel Cport. on the afternoon of May 26 at 3 o'clock.
Meeting was called to order by the Pres. after which the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Pres. then read the Constitution as drafted by the advisory Committee and same was adopted by unanimous vote, each article being voted upon separately. Constitution adopted as follows.
The name of this organization shall be the "Collegeport Woman's Club."
Article II - Object The object of this organization shall be: To bring together the ladies of Collegeport and Community into social relationship.
To unite into one body the best ideals of each individual for the promotion and endorsement of all causes or movements that shall stand for the advancement of mental, moral, spiritual and physical improvement.
To encourage the building up of the community along methods of true moral and physical excellence and beauty.
To influence careful thought in the establishment of all public interests and civic improvements.
To maintain an interest in religious improvements without prejudice.
To maintain persistent efforts in the up lifting of the ideal of the young by personal influence in whatsoever shall promote purity of thought and action, hygienic habits or right living, spiritual growth and the molding of character.
To Be a Power for Good.
Article III - Officers
The officers of this organization shall be chosen by
ballot and shall consist of the following: 1st Vice Pres. - whose duty shall be to support and assist the President and to act as Pres. in her absence, maintain the same duties.
Article IV - Committees. Advisory Board
Sec. I. The Pres., officers, and three members of the
club shall constitute the advisory board, the latter being appointed
annually. Sec. II The Advisory Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the club and shall hold business meetings at the call of the Pres. or upon request of 2/3 of the voting members and at such other times as shall be necessary. Five members of the advisory board shall constitute a quorum.
Article V - Meetings
Sec. I The regular meeting shall be held once in 2
weeks. Sec. II The Regular Annual Meeting shall be held on the first Thursday in January.
Article VI - Membership Sec. I The membership of this organization shall consist of active and honorary members.
Article VII This constitution may be amended at any regular business meeting by a 2/3 majority of those present and voting provided that one month's notice in writing be given.
Following the adoption of the constitution Mrs. Kone made a motion to effect that a com. of 3 be appointed to consider matter of club colors and report at next meeting. Motion being seconded and carried the Pres. appointed Mrs. House, Mrs. Cobb, Mrs. Gaumer on said Committee.
Mrs. Kone, Mrs.. Sholl, Mrs. Knight were then appointed to constitute a Com. to report on a suitable club motto.
Committee consisting of Mrs.. Van Ness, Mrs. Clark, & Mrs. Haisley was appointed to report on appropriate flower for the club.
Following appointment of committees came discussions as to entertaining of the Club, resulting in a motion to effect that no Refreshments be served at regular club meetings, the members be allowed to Entertain on other days in a manner of their own choosing. This motion was seconded and carried.
The matter of standing Committees being taken up the following ones were elected by vote of the club.
Com. on New Membership - Kahnt, Haisley, Edwards Com. on Caring for the Sick - Cobb, Miller, Evans Com. on Hygiene - Elmer, Judin, Wright Com. on Streets & Roads - Woodland, Logan, Brown Com. on School - Knight, House, Sicks
After several minutes spent in discussion in regard to matter of dues a motion was made, seconded, & carried that 1.00 a year dues be assessed same to be paid on first meeting of each quarter.
A motion was then made to begin meetings at 3 o'clock promptly.
This was seconded & carried unanimously.
Following this Mrs. Sholl extended an invitation to meet with her on the next Club Day, June 9, 1910.
After the motion to adjourn Mrs. Kone served a very
dainty and refreshing little lunch after which the several members
wended their ways to their various habitats, thus closing an exceedingly
pleasant afternoon. Signed, Grace T. Smith
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Mr. Vernon Hurd - January 22, 1937
Mr. Elliott Curtis - January 22, 1937 |
A group of Collegeport's pioneer women met and formed the nucleus around which grew the largest woman's club for the size of the town in the general federation. From 36 women at the preliminary meeting, the club was formally organized with 66 members which number increased to 86 within one year, 32 of whom were college bred women. The first officers were President, Mrs. Burton D. Hurd; First Vice-President, Mrs. G. Knight; Second Vice-President, Mrs. E. C. Van Ness; Third Vice President, Mrs. S. Sicks; Secretary, Miss Grace Smith; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Myrtle Morris; Treasurer, Mrs. M. Herbage. The motto chosen was: "Magnify the Good" and the object was "To be a Power of Good." The first work of the organization was to care for the sick, to institute a clean up program and to aid the church and school life of the community before houses were built for either. In 1912 the club joined the state federation and it was a charter member of the Matagorda County Federation of Women's Clubs. Through the 21 years the club has functioned without cessation of interruption, observing all the local and national anniversaries of patriotism. Its greatest work has been the founding and maintaining of the free public library for 20 years, without income or endowment; collecting a library of 1500 or more volumes and keeping up the standard. A loan of 50 volumes was made to a neighboring community and a school library loaned to the public school, sufficient to maintain the standard asked by the county and state boards of education. Housed in an attractive building owned by the Woman's Club, located conveniently for every patron and open regularly for free use of the public has increased its popularity until the present sees the need of increasing both its volumes and space. The Collegeport Woman's club enters its twenty-second year hopeful of a continued loyalty added to greater prosperity.
Palacios Beacon, May 7, 1931 |
Saturday, May 9, the Collegeport Woman's Club will honor its twenty-first birthday with a May Fete beginning at 3 p. m. and lasting through the Sunday morning, Mother's Day service which anniversary the club has observed each year since its inauguration. On Saturday at 3 p. m. will occur the procession of subjects, pages, attendants, maids and fairies and the crowning of the queen, representing the spirit of the Woman's Club, the library, in whose honor the fete is being given. The queen will be crowned by the woman whose name appears on the register as the first charter member of the Collegeport Woman's Club. The queen will be the youngest daughter of the woman whose name appears second on the roll of charter members. The ceremony of crowning the queen of May will be followed by a May Pole dance and the presentation of silver and books in honor of the twentieth birthday of the "beloved child" of the woman's club--the Collegeport public library, which is the oldest public library in Matagorda County. At 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton D. Hurd on the bayshore will occur the informal birthday party of the Woman's Club to their husbands, men and women friends. There will be a field meet and athletic contests, but these are to be more in the knowledge of the field of literature. The town and community are looking toward the event with pleasurable anticipation of receiving friends from all parts of the county. No cards are being sent, a general invitation having been carried to the last County Federation at Markham, by the Collegeport delegate, Mrs. Harry Austin Clapp, who is a charter member of the club and which invitation included the Federation and their friends, both men and women.
Palacios Beacon, May 7, 1931 |
Collegeport, Texas, is enjoying her 46th year of
club work here in Matagorda County. |
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of Webweaver |
Copyright 2008 -
Present by Collegeport Woman's Club |
Created Jun. 11, 2008 |
Updated Apr 21, 2024 |