Mrs. Van Ness reported on the Church Committee showing that steps would be taken at the proper time for work in that direction.
Mrs. Sicks in reporting our Children Department stated that an organization called "Sunbeams" whose motto is "Scatter Sunshine" has been organized and will begin work among the children. The first steps to be toward a program for the 4th of July.
Mrs. House who reported on our selection of club colors submitted the combinations White & Gold, purple & Gold, & Lavender which were voted on by the club resulting in a final selection of Gold and White for Club Colors.
Mrs. Cone reported on a Motto giving the choice of Magnify the Good. This was adopted by a unanimous vote. In the matter of a club flower Mrs. Van Ness reported on the selection of the Rose. This too was adopted by a unanimous vote, after which Mrs. Hurd was presented with a rose of these beautiful flowers, as a mark of appreciation of her great interest and efforts for the benefit and growth of the club.
Mrs. Kahnt reported from the New membership Com. that Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Price would like to become members of the club. They were admitted as charter members, the register not being closed as yet.
The Com. on Caring for sick, report being made by Mrs. Cobb, have also been busy calling at the various sick rooms and dispensing good will & cheer reported have been taking steps toward a future work. Mrs. Woodland of Street and Roads reports that a personal canvas would be made requesting citizens to burn & remove all objects that might litter up our streets. Provision has been made whereby refuse can be hauled at a nominal cost.
Mrs. Knight's report on School Com. showed that efforts would be made continually for this cause.
Following these reports the club adjourned from business to sociabilitry which seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by all. Miss Sarah Aucutt and Mrs. Van Ness gave a delightful piano duet which showed excellent interpretation and expression. Miss Evelyn Kone played very beautifully and Miss Leach's singing was thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed. It was decided that the Secr'y send Mrs. Rittenhouse a vote of thanks for sending the roses which had been presented to Mrs. Hurd.
The meeting closed at 5 o'clock until fourteen days hence at which time Mrs. Herbage would be the hostess.
Signed, G. T. S, Secry
It was also voted to send a vote of sympathy to
Dr. Searle and family as token of sympathy of the club for them in
their great bereavement. After the business meeting, the afternoon
was in charge of the hostess, Mrs. Herbage, who had provided for
excellent talks and papers suitable for "Mothers Meeting." Mrs. Van
Ness, Mrs. Gaumer & Mrs. Cobb gave very able talks & readings and
discussions were entered into by all present. Mrs. S. G. Anderson's
name was voted upon resulting in a unanimous election to the
membership of the club. Mrs. O. Regnier was also present. The club
adjourned at 5 P. M. to meet in two weeks with Mrs. Sicks, Mrs.
Kahnt & Mrs. Clark being hostesses.
The minutes of the last meeting were red and approved after which there were the usual reports of committees.
Informal--Sick, Hygiene, Street. Formal--Reported by Mrs. Sicks and the report filed. (School)
Mrs. Hurd made a few appropriate remarks about? this subject.
A letter from H. N. Dickinson, New Lenox, Ill. was read. It referred to the floral offering at the funeral of Mrs. Searles.
It was moved and seconded that it be the custom of this club to extend a message of condolence to bereaved families in our midst and the secretary was here instructed to send such message to...
A bill of $6.05 for flags and bunting for the children's Fourth, was presented, and an order drawn to Mrs. Hurd for the amt.
A bill of $1.50 for floral offering for the funeral of Mrs. Searles, was presented, and an order drawn to Mrs. M. A. Travis for the amount.
Mrs. Hoffhines and Mrs. Regnier were elected as members of the club.
The following program was next given:--Topic: Our Duties to Parents. Reading, Mrs. Sicks Recitation, The Light in Mother's Eyes, Louise Evans Reading, Mrs. Evans Poem, Mrs. Van Ness Anecdote, Mrs. Sicks Anecdote, Mrs. M. A. Travis Recitation, This is what the mothers do Frances Brosn? Reading, Out to Old Aunt Mary's Mrs. Kone
Mrs. Kone kindly invited the club to meet at the hotel in two weeks--July 21.
Miss Oma Price and Mrs. Wm Pfeiffer were guests during the afternoon. Mrs. Ed Rugeley
G. D. Knight. Sec. Pro-Tem
July 21st, 1910
The Woman's Club met with Mrs. Kone, at Hotel Collegeport, July 21st (Thursday afternoon). The meeting was called to order by the President, Mrs. Hurd. The minutes of the previous meeting being read and approved. Miss Morris acting as Sec'y during Miss Smith's absence. The business meeting was very brief--the reports of the different committees being taken up so thoroughly at the last meeting. After this the afternoon was given to Mrs. Kone, who very graciously assumed the role of hostess giving the ladies a literary feast which will long be remembered by those present. She took as her topic the "Merchant of Venice," and before the first act, she read a synopsis of the drama after which the play was taken by characters. Each one did their utmost toward making the drama a success. It was found that to present the entire play it would consume more than the afternoon and the continuance of it would be given at the house of Mrs. Sholl, who kindly invited the Club to meet with her in two weeks--August 4th.
During the intermission between the 1st and 2nd acts, Mrs. Van Ness and Evelyn Kone played a beautiful piano duet which was greatly appreciated.
We had as visitors during the afternoon, Mrs. Nola Underwood, and Mrs. Bonner/Bowmer?.
Meeting adjourned for two weeks which will be August 4th.
Myrtle Morris, Cor. Secr'y
The Woman's Club met with Mrs. Sholl on the afternoon of August 4. The meeting being called to order by the 1st Vice President, Mrs. Knight in the absence of the president. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Van Ness acting as Sec'y in the absence of the Sec'y.
Informal reports were given by Committees. Mrs. Kahnt presented the name of Mrs. Pfeiffer for membership and it was accepted by the Club.
Mrs. Sicks reported the School Board were considering two teachers for the coming year but contracts had not yet been made.
Mrs. Elmer reported the Committee of Hygiene of the Men's League had made its first inspection tour of Collegeport and announcements would be made later.
On behalf of the Entertainment Committee of the church, Mrs. Van Ness asked that the club combine with the other church organizations in giving $45.00 from the treasury towards the payment of the new Hymn books.
On motion of Mrs. Kone, this amount was voted to be given by the Club.
Mrs. Sholl rendered a beautiful Fantasia of Liszt upon her piano played under the direction of Mrs. Kone. The reading of The Merchant of Venice was continued and concluded. Mrs. Clark giving a Whistling solo between Acts IV and V.
The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Van Ness
August 18. P. D. Van Ness, Sec. Pro Tem.
On September 1st the Collegeport Woman's Club met with Mrs. Theo Smith. The meeting being called to order at 3:00 by the Pres., after which the minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The Membership Com., by Mrs. Kahnt, gave the new names of Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Cletus Jones. The ladies were made members by a unanimous vote. Mrs. Elmer in reporting on the Hygiene Com. gave the report of her own good personal work for keeping the streets clean & tidy.
The resignation of Mrs. Howard N. Sholl as
treasurer was read and accepted. The advisory board was requested to
meet the following Monday. After a short program, the club adjourned
to meet with Mrs. Van Ness, who would arrange the program that was
to have been given on Aug. 18. Grace T. Smith, Secry.
The report of the Advisory Board, reading the letter of suggestions to be sent to the School Board, was heard & commended & accepted.
The Membership Com. gave the names of Mrs. Geo. Ross & Mrs. John Hansel who were unanimously elected to membership. Following other standing Com. reports the advisability of starting a small library was discussed.
Mrs. Hansel was then elected Third Vice President whose duties are overseeing the Children Department Mrs. Kahnt was then elected Treasurer.
Following the business meeting, Mrs. Van Ness in the interest of the Church Dept. took charge of the program and gave a very interesting little talk about missions. Mr. M. A. Travis then spoke on Foreign Missions and Mr. Hansel on the recent Congress of Laymen at Edinburgh. It was a most enjoyable afternoon and was thoroughly appreciated. Meeting adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs. Morris.
The Roll was then called and each member responded with facts & comments on Texas.
After a few minutes devoted to sociability the various members dispersed, to gather again at the home of Mrs. House two weeks later.
Amendment to above minutes as follows: Mrs. Hansel appointed as her assistants in the children's Dept., Mrs. Trego, Mrs. Clapp, Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Price.
Correction #2
The letter to Mrs. Malandrone was written &
mailed to her as per constitution. |
Solo, Miss Aucutt Paper - Ancient Printing, Mrs. Evans Solo - Miss Fay Leach Paper - Poets & Authors, Their Influence Past & Present - Mrs. Hurd Roll Call - Something from a favorite author.
Mrs. Smith was elected to fill the vacancy left by Mrs. Sicks on the School Committee.
The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Hansel who, after two numbers of music, gave the guests each a list of titles meant to convey to the industrious brave, the names of current magazines. Mrs. Van Ness & Mrs. House drew cuts for the prizes for guessing the most correctly. Mrs. Van Ness being the luckier of the two, was presented by Mrs. Hansel with a monthly magazine. The next meeting decided to be held at Mrs. Price's on Nov. [10].
Report of Children's Dept. by Mrs. Hansel, who gave an interesting talk on the Jenny Wren Club. It was suggested & decided to organize the boys. On motion of Mrs. Van Ness a note of thanks was extended Mrs. Trego for books for the children.
A letter was read from Cor. Sec. of Bay City Civic Club inviting the Cport Woman's Club to help in their festivities during Carnival week. It was decided that any ladies who may be going to Bay City at that time would act as delegates.
Also decided to send our Vice Pres., Mrs. Knight, postal cards expressing sympathy and best wishes.
Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Pfeiffer Nov.
24, 1910
Emma Herbage, Secy Pro Tem |
In connection with the work of the Hygiene Committee the Pres. suggested the care of loose papers and cans about our streets.
Mrs. Van Ness chairman of the Religious Work Com. reported a Bake Sale given Dec. 3 with proceeds of $10.47.
Mrs. Hansel chairman of the Children's Dept. reported much interest on the part of the girls in their Jenny Wren Club. She also reported that with the assistance of Mr. Coffin there had been a new organization formed for the boys on the idea of the Boy Scouts. Mrs. Hurd gave an interesting account of the Boy Scouts Movement and reported 20,000 Boy Scouts in existence.
Mrs. Kone chairman of the Membership Com. presented the name of Mrs. A. M. Turner. On motion of Mrs. House she was voted a member.
The time of the next meeting was discussed and on account [of] the holidays was appointed for Jan. 5.
The Pres. presented for special thought the Religious Work Committee. She urged charity and ____ of thought without prejudice in the consideration of the advisability of keeping or dropping this committee from our Constitution. She wished a formal notice of the next meeting sent to every member of the club.
She also requested a short written report from every Com. and asked all dues be paid up for the next meeting.
Mrs. Hurd wished the Club to hold its Annual Meeting at her home and desired a large attendance.
The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Pfeiffer
who entertained the Club very acceptably and pleasantly with a good
program of music from the gramophone. Amanda D. Van Ness, Secy Pro Tem
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Copyright 2008 -
Present by Collegeport Woman's Club |
Created Jun. 11, 2008 |
Updated Jun. 12, 2008 |