Van Wert County OHGenWeb

  Obituaries 1889-1899

Surname: BINKLY
Decedent: Samuel Binkly
Dated: January 4, 1889
Jackson Twp. Samuel Binkly died Dec. 21st of Consumption, aged 42 years. The funeral services were conducted at Harmony U.B. Church, by the Rev. Mr. Bolduc assisted by Rev. H. Adams. The deceased leaves a wife and three children who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.

Decedent: Lizzie Henderson
Dated: February 22, 1889
Death of Miss Lizzie Henderson
The many friends of Miss Lizzie Henderson, who was for many years a teacher in our Union Schools, will be pained to learn of her death which occurred (sic) on Thursday morning at her late residence, corner Caroline and Wall Streets. The funeral will take place from the house at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.

Surname: FOWLER
Decedent: Wm. Fowler
Dated: March 1, 1889
Wm. Fowler, who lives 6 miles southwest of town, after several weeks illness, died of lung fever Feb. 24, 1889, aged 56 years, month, and 9 days. His remains were taken to Green Brier Cemetery and laid by by his wife who preceded him in former months.

Surname: McVENE
Decedent: Bertha McVene
Dated: March 15, 1889
Funeral services of Bertha McVene were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Snodgrass of Mt. Pleasant. Her age was 1 year, 11 months, and 6 days. She rests in peace.

Surname: BAER
Decedent: daugher Baer
Dated: March 15, 1889
A little daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T. Baer of this town, died Monday and was buried Tuesday in the Dix Cemetery. The Rev. Mr. Lindsay conducted the funeral service.

Surname: BALYEAT
Decedent: Mrs. John Balyeat
Dated: March 22, 1889
Mrs. John Balyeat died at her home yesterday noon of consumption. She was in delicate health for some time, her husband bringing her here from Kansas, last fall, in hopes of improving her health. She was a daughter of James Redrup and leaves a husband and two little girls. Funeral service will be a the Baptist Church Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.

Surname: FAIR
Decedent: D. Fair
Dated: January 4, 1895
Mr. D. Fair, an old soldier, died last Friday. His funeral sermon was preached at West Union last Sunday, by Rev. C. J. Hance. He was a good Christian man, loved by all who knew him. His wife died long ago. His daughter, his only is left to mourn. Thus, one by one, the old soldiers are answering the last roll call, and when the last one drops into eternity those pension haters will have a jubilee. (Jennings)

Surname: FEAGLEY
Decedent: Feagley, Miss
Dated: January 25, 1895
Miss Feagley was buried at the Ridge cemetery, last Thursday. Funeral was preached at the Grace church, by Rev. Jones. (Middlepoint)

Decedent: Finkhouse, infant
Dated: February 1, 1895
The funeral services of Sylvester Finkhous' infant son across the State line, in Indiana, were conducted by the M. E. pastor of this place, last Sabbath afternoon in the Dunkard church, near the home of Mr. and Mrs. Finkhous. Thus the little ones die as well as the aged. (Willshire)

Surname: FISHER
Decedent: Emma Fisher
Dated: February 1, 1895
Mrs. Emma Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Dishong, died at Lima, 0., aged 35 years. Funeral was preached at the Methodist church, on Tuesday by Rev. Shultz. (Middlepoint)

Surname: EVANS
Decedent: Evan Evans
Dated: February 1, 1895
Evan Evans, of Venedocia, died yesterday afternoon at 4. o'clock, from apoplexy. He was taken ill with La Grippe two weeks ago, which finally developed into this dread disease, which caused his death. He was 38 year's old and leaves a wife and little daughter, aged 5 years. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Evans. Funeral arrangements had not been made up to late last night.

Decedent: Nicholas JoHanigen
Dated: February 5, 1895
John JoHanigen, of. Ridge township went to Dayton, last Friday, to attend the funeral of his brother Nicholas JoHanigen.

Surname: EVANS
Decedent: Evan Evans
Dated: February 8, 1895
Died, last Thursday, at his home in Horeb, Mr. Evan Evans, of Paralysis. Mr. Evans had been bed-fast for over a year; although his death was expected, still it caused grief and anxiety to his many relatives. The funeral took place Friday, services were held at the house by Rev. Edwards. The remains were interred in the Horeb cemetery.

Surname: EVANS
Decedent: Evan Evans
Dated: February 8, 1895
Died, January 31, 1895, at his residence in Jennings township, Mr. Evan Evans, after a lingering illness of about sixteen falling out of a wagon, while on his way months, from injuries he received by home from Delphos.

Surname: EVANS
Decedent: infant Evans
Dated: February 22, 1895
An infant child of the late Mrs. Virgie Evans died Thursday. The remains were laid by the side of its mother Thursday, in the Horeb cemetery. Rev. Edwards officiating. (Venedocia)

Surname: EVERETT
Decedent: infant Everett
Dated: March 12, 1895
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Everett died of lung fever, Sunday morning. The funeral service was, held at the home on North Race street, this afternoon.

Surname: HIRE
Decedent: Nettie Hire
Dated: March 16, 1895
Mrs. Nettie Hire. wife of A.F. Hire, died at 11 p. m. last Tuesday, at the home on West George street. The funeral service were held yesterday at 2 o'clock p.m.

Surname: HUGHS
Decedent: Julia Hughs
Dated: March 19, 1895
Died, last Friday morning, Miss Julia Hughs, of typhoid phnumonia (sic) fifteen years. She was a quiet, industrous (sic), young lady and we hope she is at rest. She leaves a father, mother and two brothers to mourn their loss. Her funeral was preached by Rev. Hathaway, at Olive, on Saturday at 2 o'clock, after which her remains were interred in the Hance cemetery.

Surname: JONES
Decedent: Mrs. James Jones
Dated: March 19, 1895
E. 0. Eagy, of Lima; Wm. Higley, of Paulding; Geo. Brandaberg and Dr. L. Edwards, of Monroeville, Ind., have returned after attending the funeral of the late Mrs. James Jones.

Decedent: Blakely Shaw, Fred Hutchins
Dated: March 29, 1895
Boiler Explodes-Two Killed.
Van Wert.. March 28.-The boiler in Amos Hutchins' sawmill, near here, exploded Tuesday afternoon, killing Blakely Shaw and Fred Hutchins, an badly injuring E. Melville Storz, Isaac Brown and Neil Fassett. The mill took fire, and with a large quantity of lumber was destroyed. The dead men were married, and leave families.

Surname: FRISCH
Decedent: Annie Frisch
Contributed by Lygia Dawkins Cutts
A Cowardly Murder But Quite in the Fashion of a Mock Herioc Age
A team belonging to Robert Mangler, a livery stable keeper at Monticello, Ohio came into the stable yard late Tuesday night with the body of a girl, named Annie Frisch, sitting in the vehicle stone dead. There was a bullet wound in the right temple and another in the left arm. Later in the evening the dead body of her lover, Arthur Speyd, who was known to have gone driving with her, was found on the roadside. Speyd had killed the girl & commited suicide, probably as the result of a lover's quarrel. Speyd was twenty-two and the girl nineteen years of age.

Surname: FORD
Decedent: Mrs. George Ford
Dated: April 19, 1895
Mrs. George Ford died in Toledo, Monday. The remains were brought here Wednesday and buried in Ridge cemetery.

Decedent: Lydia Engleright
Dated: May 17, 1895
Death of Mrs. Lydia Engleright.
Mrs. Lydia Engleright died at her home on South Cherry street yesterday, aged 89 years. Mrs. F. was one of the pioneers of Van Wert county and was an estimable lady. Her death was due to old age. The funeral service will be held at the home Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Interment at old cemetery.

Surname: EVANS
Decedent: Jas. W. Evans
Dated: May 17, 1895
Died Tuesday Morning.
Jas. W. Evans, a blacksmith, died at his home in Venedocia, Tuesday, at an early hour. He was 24 years old and leaves a wife of only a few short months. The remains, accompanied by the sorrowing widow and her father, J.R. Smith, Wm. Evans, father of the deceased, and Newt. Evans and Morgan Thomas, passed through Delphos this afternoon, en route to Jackson, Ohio, where the funeral will be held tomorrow.

Surname: EVANS
Decedent: James W. Evans
Dated: May 17, 1895
Died, May 14, 1805, at his residence in Venedocia, Mr. James W. Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Evans, of Oak Hill, Jackson county. His sickness was pneumonia, He was married December 20, 1894, to Miss Smith, of Jackson the union lasting less than five months. Last summer Mr. Evans bought the interest of W. B. Williams in the blacksmith shop at this place, and the prospects for a prosperous business was before him. It is often asked, why Divine Providence should remove from the midst of a community a young man in the prime of life, in the hight (sic) of his usefulness, and his fondest hopes for a happy life and a prosperous business was about being realized. I can only quote the reason as given by a noted prelate: "That a flower that blooms in the morning and withers at night has performed its mission just the same as the sturdy oak that has braved the storms of a hundred long years." The deceased was a member of the M. E. church at this place. Faithful and amiable, he was highly respected by all who knew him. Tuesday services were held at his late residence, by Rev. Edwards. After the service the remains were taken to the depot to be borne to Oak Hill, Jackson county, for interment. Those accompaning (sic) the remains were, Mrs. Evans, his wife; Mr. W.E. Evans, his father; Mr. B. Smith, the deceased's father-in-law; M. Thomas and N. Evans. The deceased leaves a wife, father and mother, two brothers and two sisters, to mourn their loss. (Venedocia)

Surname: EVANS
Decedent: Jas. W. Evans
Dated: June 14, 1895
Resolutions by Venedocia Lodge No. 177, K. of P., on the death of Brother Jas. W. Evans:    WHEREAS, The Supreme Chancellor of the Universe has seen fit to remove by death from our midst Brother James W. Evans; be it    Resolved, By Venedocia Lodge No. 177 K. of P., that the Lodge has lost faithful member, the wife a loving husband and the community a good citizen.    That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Lodge and published in the Van Wert and Jackson county papers.    That a copy be sent to the widow and parents of the deceased, and that the charter of the Lodge be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days.
E.E. Morris,
J. Distler,

Surname: IRWIN
Decedent: Wm. Irwin
Dated: June 25, 1895
Death of Wm. Irwin. Wm. Irwin, one of Van Wert's most highly esteemed citizens, died at his home on the South Side, at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, of diabetic gangrene, aged about 61 years. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church afternoon.

Surname: FOREMAN
Decedent: John Foreman
Dated: August 2, 1895
Mr. John Foreman, one of the old citizens of Duck Creek, departed this life last week, in blessed triumph In Christ, and though it was; a sad event to the family and friends, It was a blessed release from suffering in his case, for he had 1ong been a deeply afflicted man. (Willshire)

Surname: HOUSER
Decedent: William Houser
Dated: September 3, 1895
Runaway Couple From Delphos
Killed In the City of Mexico.
Mrs. William Houser, whose husband deserted her at Delphos and left for parts unknown with another woman last April, has received a letter from the authorities of the City of Mexico, stating that her husband and his companion met death in a gasoline explosion in that city August 15. The money left by the husband has been forwarded to Mrs. Houser. It amounts to nearly $5,000.

Surname: HURD
Decedent: Mr. Hurd
Date listed: September 6, 1895
Mr. Hurd, whose residence is near two miles East of Convoy, died on Sunday morning. Funeral service at the Convoy M.E. church, Tuesday. The remains were laid to rest in the Van Wert cemetery. He leaves a wife and two children.

Decedent: infant Hurless, infant Roth
Dated: September 16, 1895
Michael Hurless' infant child was buried Sunday, at Wren. Rev. J.J. Willet preached the sermon. Also, Fred Roth's child died of inflammation of the brain.

Surname: HOAGLIN
Decedent: Mrs. J.N. Hoaglin
Dated: September 20, 1895
Mrs. J.N. Hoaglin died Monday morning, of consumption, at her home south of town, aged twenty-two years. The funeral services were held at the home, Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock.

Surname: FLOWERS
Decedent: Mrs. Dr. Flowers
Dated: October 25, 1895
Mrs. Dr. Flowers died at 12 o'clock, on Monday. (Scott)

Surname: DUSSMAN
Decedent: Charley Dustman
Dated: November 2, 1895
Salem M. E. society has lost honored members in the death of Charley Dussman, who died Sunday evening, at his home in York township age 18.

Surname: KEAR
Decedent: Grandma Kear
Dated: November 5, 1895
Death of a Pioneer Woman.
Grandma Kear died Friday morning, at the home of her son, W. M. Kear. She was one of the oldest residents in Van Wert county. The funeral services will be held at the First M. E. church Sunday at 2 o'clock.

Surname: KEAR
Decedent: Catharine Kear
Dated: November 5, 1895
Catharine Kear, (nee Frisinger,) was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, April 12, 1812. When four years old she was brought by her mother to Champaign county, Ohio, where she grew to womanhood. On April 29, 1829, she united in marriage with Thomas R. Kear. In September, 1835, she, with her husband, moved to Willshire, Ohio, and: resided there and in that vicinity until 1843, when they moved to the village of Van Wert, where she resided until her death, Nov. 1, 1895, aged 83 years, 8 months and 19 days.    She was the mother of ten children, five of them, with her husband, preceded her to the spirit world. She was the grand-mother of 47 children and the great-grand-mother of 60 children.    She was converted at a Methodist camp meeting held near Urbana, 0., in 1830. She immediately joined herself to that society and continued a communicant in that church to the time of her decease, undergoing all the hardship of early Methodism in Ohio, suffering in its trials and rejoicing in its victories; many times walking through the woods of the then unbroken wilderness several miles, to meet with some other class to cheer, by her presence and to receive its benefits; many times carrying a babe in arms all the way. At one of these class meetings she first met Priscilla Glenn, mother of ex-judge H.C. Glenn, having walked five miles carrying the Judge, then a baby, in her arms. She was a member of the first Methodist class that met in Van Wert county, which met at the home of Richard Pring, In Willshire township and was organized and led by Richard Pring, who was also a pioneer exhorter. She joined this class in 1816 and worshiped God with them until she moved to Van Wert. She then joined the society that was struggling for existence and which developed and grew to what is now the First M. E. church of Van Wert.    The funeral will be held at the First M. E. Church, Sunday, Nov. 3, at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends wishing to view remains can do so on Sunday, from 10 o'clock a. m. to 12:30 p.. m. at No.12 South avenue, the residence of her son, W.M. Kear.

Surname: DUSSMAN
Decedent: Charley Dussman
Dated: November 12, 1895
Charley Dussman died Sunday evening, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orr Dussman, York township. The funeral service will be held at the Salem church, Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Woodland.

Surname: HOYT
Decedent: Mrs. David S. Hoyt
Dated: November 15, 1895
Death of Mrs. D.S. Hoyt
Mrs. David S. Hoyt died of typhoid fever, Tuesday evening, at 9:30 o'clock. Ms. Hoyt has been ill for several months and her death was not unexpected. She was a member of the First M.E. church and was held in high esteem by many friends. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home corner of Sycamore and Franklin streets.

Surnames: DUSTMAN
Decedent: Charles E. Dustman
Dated: November 22, 1895
In memory of our brother, Charles E. Dussman, who, after a few days of patient suffering, has been transferred from our League to that great League above; we, the surviving members, beg leave to offer the following resolutions:    Resolved, That in Brother Charles we have ever found a zealous and efficient worker, and one who always strove to live according to our principles and precepts.    Resolved That his death will leave a vancancy (sic)in our ranks and in the community not soon to be filled.    Resolved, That we extend to the family of the departed, our true sympathies, as his brethren, commending them to "The Great Burden-Bearer" and pledging them the assistance of our society, should it be required.    Resolved, That our charter be draped appropriately for the usual period in remembrance of our brother.    Resolved, That copies of this memorial be furnished to each of the city papers for publication, and one be presented to the family of our departed brother.

Surname: ELDER
Decedent: Owen Elder
Dated: December 17, 1895
>Owen Elder died Friday night, at his home in Hoaglin township, aged about 75 years. The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Taylor church.

Surname: HOAGLIN
Decedent: Nicholas D. Hoaglin
Dated: December 24, 1895
Death of Nicholas D. Hoaglin.
Nicholas D. Hoaglin died Saturday evening at his borne in Hoaglin township, aged sixty-five years. Mr. Hoaglin was one of the settlers of this county. He came hero in 1839 from Richland county. The funeral service will he held at the North Union church, Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Woodland.

Surname: HOAGLIN
Decedent: Nicholas D. Hoaglin
Dated: December 24, 1895
Funeral of Nicholas Hoaglin.
The funeral of the late Nicholas D. Hoaglin was held at North Union church, Hoaglin township, last Tuesday. The remains were interred at Woodland cemetery. The pall-bearers rode horse back and attracted considerable attention as they passed through town.

Surname: JOHNSON
Decedent: Jason Johnson
Dated: December 24, 1895
Well Dressed Man Found Dead Along
the Pennsylvania Road East
of Delphos.    The Lima Gazette, of Wednesday morning, says: "A well dressed man, with letters in his pockets bearing the name of Jason Johnson, was found dead about one mile this side of Delphos along the Pennsylvania road, last midnight. Coroner Steuber left for Delphos at two o'clock this morning It is thought that the man was murdered, and the Coroner will investigate.

Surname: EDWARDS
Decedent: D.J. Edwards
Dated: December 28, 1895
Death of D.J. Edwards.
D.J. Edwards died last Thursday at his home in York township, aged about fifty-five years. Mr. Edwards was one of the leading citizens of that was a member of the 5th Ohio Cavalry and took part in many leading battles of the late rebellion. The funeral service was held last Saturday.

Surname: BELL
Decedent: Jackson Bell
Dated: January 9, 1896
Jackson, son of John BELL, died Saturday evening, aged 28 years, 9 months and 5 days. Funeral services were held at the M.E. church, conducted by Rev. Kerakoff Monday afternoon, and the remains interred in the Presbyterian cemetery. The deceased had been a cripple nearly all his life. He had many friends who deeply feel their loss in his demise. (Daisie)

Surname: HAYER
Decedent: Daniel Hayer
Dated: January 9, 1896
Violent Death.
Daniel HAYER, an oil driller, met with an awful death at the derrick near the pumping station south of Elgin last Saturday. He was caught by the bull rope and drawn around the bull wheel with such a terrific force as to cut his body in two. He died instantly. He leaves a wife and one child. His remains were taken to Mendon for interment.

Decedent: Mrs. Addie Gilliland-Lynch
Dated: January 9, 1896
Death of Mrs. I.H. Lynch.
Mrs. Addie Gilliland-LYNCH, daughter of Mr. T.S. GILLILAND of this city, and wife of I.H. Lynch, of Greenville, 0., died at Sandiego, Cal., Sunday, where she had gone in quest of her health. The funeral will be held at Greenville, Saturday. Deceased was a former resident of Van Wart and leaves many friends here who mourn her death.

Surname: HEISTAN
Decedent: Mrs. W.D. Heistan
Dated: January 16, 1896
Mrs. W.D. HEISTAN's mother died Wednesday and was buried Friday. (Scott)

Surname: ROBERTS
Decedent: Charles Roberts
Dated: January 16, 1896
Charles Roberts departed this life Saturday morning, Jan. 11th. The funeral was held at Mentzer ME Church. He leaves a large number of friends to mourn his death. (Dixon)

Surname: TANER
Decedent: Steven Taner
Date listed: January 16, 1896
Steven TANER, an old soldier, died very suddenly the 6th, of heart disease, and wasinterred in the Blue Creek cemetery the 8th. (Gilberts Mills)

Surname: GUNSETT
Decedent: Gunsett
Date listed: January 23, 1896
A little daughter of Joseph GUNSETT, of Willshire township, choked to death by a grain of parched corn which lodged in her wind pipe.

Surname: KNIPE
Decedent: Jane Knipe
Date listed: January 23, 1896
Died last Jane KNIPE, she leaves a husband and four small children to mourn her loss (Elgin)

Decedent: John Giessler Sr.
Date listed: January 23, 1896
John GIESSLER Sr. departed from this life Jan. 18, age 82 years. Mr. Giessler was one of our best and most highly esteemed citizens and a pioneer who helped to make this county what it is to-day. We extend to the bereft friends our sympathy, the deceased was laid to rest in the German cemetery last Tuesday. (Wren)

Decedent: Joyce Johnston
Date listed: January 23, 1896
Died, at the home of his parents in Pleasant township, Saturday, Jan. 18, 1896, Joyce, the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. JOHNSTON. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon, Rev.Mr. Mounts officiating. The remains were interred in Woodland.

Surname: GIFFIN
Decedent: A.A. Giffin
Date listed: January 23, 1896
A.A. Giffin received a telegram yesterday announcing the death of Mrs. E.L. GIFFIN which took place at Cincinnati Tuesday. The funeral will be held in that city today. Several of the relatives from this county are in attendance.

Surname: FEASTER
Decedent: Mother Feaster
Date listed: January 23, 1896
Mother FEASTER died last Friday morning, funeral last Sabbath, preached by Rev. Mounts, interred in Woodland Cemetery. (Union)

Surname: DIPPERY
Decedent: Lydia Dippery
Date listed: January 24, 1896
Mrs. Lydia DIPPERY died Thursday at her home near Payne, Paulding county.: The remains were brought to Cavette and interred at the Taylor cemetery Friday morning. Mrs. D. came, with her husband, to Van Wert county in an early day and withstood the hardships incidental to pioneer life. She was kind, affectionate and beloved by all who knew her. It can truly be said that a good woman has gone to her reward, for "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Surname: LINK
Decedent: Grandma Link
Date listed: January 30, 1896
Grandma LINK was buried last week (North Hoaglin)

Decedent: Mrs. Longster and Mrs. Dippery
Date listed: January 30, 1896
Mrs. LONGSTER and Mrs. DIPPERY, mother of Frank Dippery, two very old ladies, were buried last week. (North Hoaglin)

Surname: DAVIS
Decedent: Mr. Davis
Date listed: January 30, 1896
Mr. DAVIS, a brother-in-law of G.M. Hoaglin, was buried last Saturday. (Scott)

Surname: DAVIS
Decedent: James Davis
Date listed: January 30, 1896
James DAVIS, who suffered with cancer on the liver, died Friday morning. Funeral services at North Union preached by Rev. Mounts and interred in Taylors cemetery. (Union)

Decedent: Effie Dalglish
Date listed: January 31, 1896
F. R. Alle and family attended the funeral of Miss Effie DALGLISH, at Van Wert, Tuesday.

Surname: EDWARDS
Decedent: Joshua Edwards
Date listed: February 2, 1896
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Edwards, of Vaughnsville, attended the funeral last Saturday. (York)

Surname: CALVERT
Decedent: Lenard Calvert
Date listed: February 20, 1896
Mr. Lenard Calvert departed this life Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Funeral services were held at Flat Rock church. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.

Surname: SPILMAN/
Decedent: Spilman
Date listed: February 20, 1896
The infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Spilman, died the 11th, and was taken to Dupont, Putnam county, for burial. (Gilberts Mills)

Surname: KING
Decedent: Frederick King
Date listed: February 20, 1896
The will of Frederick King, late of Delphos, was filed in the probate court Tuesday.

Decedent: Mrs. Al Williams
Date listed: February 27, 1896
Mrs. Al. Williams died of typhoid fever on the 20th. (Gilberts Mills)

Decedent: Mrs. A. Williams
Date listed: February 27, 1896
Mrs. A. Williams was buried last Saturday. Mr. Williams has the sympathy of friends and neighbors. (North Q Hoaglin)

Surname: CULLEN
Decedent: James Cullen
Date listed: March 13, 1896
The twin babies of James Cullen and wife died last week and were interred at Monroeville.

Decedent: Jacob Dettling
Date listed: March 20, 1896
J. G. Dettling was called to his old home at Ansonia, Tuesday, by a telegram announcing the death of his aged uncle, Jacob Dettling. Mr. D. will return Thursday and take charge of his office, which was in care of an experienced operator during his absence. (Cavette)

Surname: DAVIES
Decedent: Charles Davies
Date listed: May 12, 1896
Charles Davies, Formerly of Van Wert, Dies from Injuries Received In a Wrestling Match.
Charles Davies, who some years ago conducted the Hotel Marsh barber shop and later worked in H. Heyman's shop, died at Marion, Ind., Thursday afternoon. Davies was injured in a wrestling match at Kokomo, Ind. The Marion News gives the following account of the sad affair:
Ed. Barney, of Kokomo and Davies wrestled at that place, April 15. Barney was heavier and stronger than Davies. He got what is called the full Nelson hold on the Marion man and forced his neck down. The cervical vertebrae were dislocated and paralysis from the, neck downward instantly ensued. He was taken to a hotel and cared for by friends,. Wednesday he was brought to Marion and it was first thought that he was better. Reaction soon set in and death came swiftly.
He leaves a widow. They had no children. The Kokomo Athletic Club will give an entertainment for the benefit of his family.

Surname: DIBBLE
Decedent: Dibble
Date listed: May 29, 1896
We regret to note the death of the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dibble. The remains were interred in the Mentzer cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Dibble have our sympathy in this their sad hour of bereavement.

Decedent: infant Desenberger
Date listed: July 3, 1896
I. N. Desenberger buried their infant son, last Thursday. (Elgin)

Surname: DULL
Decedent: Rebecca Dull
Date listed: August 21, 1896
Mrs. Rebecca Dull died the morning of the 18th, after a long and painful illness; bar suffering has been very severe for the last five months. She was willing and ready to go, and often spoke during her sickness that she would like to go home and be with Jesus. Oh! how sweet it would be to be with Jesus. The friends have our sympathy. The physicians held a post mortem on her which proved that she had a complication of diseases. (Dixon)

Surname: DAVIS
Decedent: Richard Davies
Date listed: September 4, 1896
Died, last Thursday morning, Richard Davis, aged 8l years, 6 months. He came here from Wales about 35 years ago, was never married, a good citizen, and a Christian man, respected by every one.
His funeral was preached at Venedocia, on Friday at 2 o'clock, after which his remains were interred in the Venedocia cemetery. He made his home with J. J. Davies, where he was kindly taken care of. He was sick only a few days and died suddenly, Thursday.

Surname: DAVIS
Decedent: Richard Davies
Date listed: September 4, 1896
The funeral of Richard Davies, an old pioneer of South Jennings, was held here Thursday, Rev. E. Roberts, officiating. Mr. Davis was one of the oldest men in the neighborhood, having lived to the ripe old age of 82 years.

Surname: DAVIS
Decedent: Richard Davis
Date listed: September 4, 1896
Died, Aug. 26, of paralysis, Richard Davis, an old pioneer. Interment at Venedocia.

Surname: DAVIS
Decedent: Martha Davis
Date listed: September 11, 1896
Miss Martha Davis died Saturday, at home in York township. The funeral service was held Sunday, at Salem church.
Sunday afternoon, the remains of Miss Martha L., daughter of Mrs. Hannah Davis. of York township, were brought here for interment. The services at the house were conducted by Rev. Olive, and at the church by Rev. Roberts. Miss Davis has been sick nearly all summer from an abscess on the leg. but the im- mediate cause of death was dysentery.

Decedent: Bessie Brittingham
Date listed: October 2, 1896
Dread Diptheria
Bessie Brittingham, aged 13 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.W.F. Brittingham, died this Monday Morning about 1:00. Buried Monday afternoon at the West Side Cemetery. (Delphos)

Surname: LEIST
Decedent: son Leist
Date listed: October 2, 1896
Dread Diptheria
On Sunday Morning, a son, aged four years of Charles Leist, of the third ward, died of the same dread disease. Funeral Monday at Antioch Cemetery.

Surname: HUME
Decedent: Willie Hume
Date listed: October 2, 1896
Dread Diptheria
On Tuesday, Willie, aged 8 years, son of James Hume, of the 4th. ward, was also taken by diptheria.

Decedent: Marion Campbell
Date listed: October 2, 1896
Dread Diptheria
Marion, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Campbell of Keplar Street died yesterday, of diptheria. Aged about 3 years. Funeral this afternoon.

Surname: DORON
Decedent: Joseph Doron
Date listed: October 6, 1896
Funeral Sunday.
The funeral of Joseph Doron was held at the M. E. church, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock. Rev. James Mounts officiated.

Surname: DORON
Decedent: Joseph Doron
Date listed: October 6, 1896
Death of a Leading Citizen.
Joseph Doron died of typhoid fever Friday morning, at his home on South Walnut street. He was a resident of this town for seventeen years. Mr. Doron was an esteemed citizen and was loved, by the children especially. He was a lover of blooded horses and was promi- neat in horse circles. He was born in 1815 and would have been eighty-one years old next to-day.

Surname: STEWARD
Decedent: Hugh Steward
Date listed: October 9, 1896
Hugh Steward died Tuesday morning, Sept. 29th. Born in Crawford County February 26, 1826. He married Eliza Jane Fitzimmons, on October 26, 1853, and moved to Van Wert County the same year. Funeral services were held Friday with interment at Greenwood Cemetery.

Surname: YOST
Decedent: Augusta Yost
Date listed: October 9, 1896
Miss Augusta Yost, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Yost, were grieved to learn of her death which occured last Sunday night. She was a member of the Van Wert High School Senior Class. She had the honor of be- ing at the head of her Senior Class, where she would have graduated next spring. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at Woodland Cemetery.

Surname: CULLEN
Decedent: Thomas Cullen
Date listed: October 16, 1896
A little child Thomas Cullen died Sunday morning, after a short illness and was taken to Ft. Wayne for interment. Mr. and Mrs. Cullen have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement.

Surname: EDWARDS
Decedent: David J. Edwards
Date listed: November 2, 1896
John Evans, of Allen county, attended the funeral of David J. Edwards last Sunday. (Jonestown)

Surname: CROW
Decedent: Peter Crow
Date listed: November 20, 1896
Peter Crow, son of Alex Crow of Jackson Township, died Saturday at Middle Point of Typhoid Fever, aged 23 years. Funeral was held Monday, conducted by Rev. Caleb Hunsaker, followed by burial at Ridge Cemetery.

Surname: FOX
Decedent: Charles Fox
Date listed: November 27, 1896
Submitted by: Sandra Brum
Charles FOX 1872--1896 Relief in death Charles Fox, son of Otho Fox, of Hoaglin township was so horribly afflicted with a tumor, of the sarcoma variety, on his shoulder and back died Wednesday and will be buried today from the Brethren church in Hoaglin township. He was 23 years age. He was operated upon Ft Wayne and at Columbus, but it was impossible to prevent the return of the disease. The tumor was a large as half bushel, and when he walked it looked like he was carrying a big load in a sack. The whole community sympathizes with the relatives of the deceased.

Surname: DUNCAN
Decedent: A.W. Duncan
Date listed: December 8, 1896
A.W. Duncan died suddenty of heart disease Friday morning about half past nine o'clock. He conducted a garden farm near Glenn's crossing, East of town. He was one of a few who successfully raise musk melons in this climate and many residents in this town, who did not know his name, remember him as the Musk Melon Man. The funeral service was held at the Baptist church Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment at Woodland.

Surname: HAGER
Decedent: Ray Hager
Date listed: December 18, 1896
Ray, the 5 year old son of D.A. Hager, died suddenly last Saturday morning on the West Side. During the evening before, he played with associates and did not complain until some time in the night. Membranous Croup is supposed to have been the cause. Funeral was held Monday.

Surname: STUPP
Decedent: infant Stupp
Date listed: December 18, 1896
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stupp died Monday afternoon and was buried Tuesday.

Surname: FOX
Decedent: Charles E. Fox
Date listed: December 22, 1896
Submitted by Sandra Brum
Charles E. Fox was born Sept. 28,1872;departed this life Nov 26,1896, aged 24 years, one month, and 27days. The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Fox of Hoaglin township, and was loved and respected by all who knew him, His death was caused by a sarcoma tumor of the worst kind. He was in apparently good health until seven or eight years ago when a small lump made its appearance on his left shoulder, this grew very rapidly. In 1894 he went to Ft Wayne and was there operated upon by Drs. Stemen and Porter. He returned home thought to be restored to health, but in less than a year the tumor again made its appearance and grew with doubled rapidity. This spring he went to Columbus. The doctor there told hjim his case was hopeless and he returned home very much disappointed, but seemed resigned to his fate.
He leaves a father, mother three brothers and four sisters and also a large circle of friends to mourn their loss

Surnames: MARSHALL
Decedent: David Marshall
Date listed: February 25, 1897
David Marshall, aged 73, died on Thursday of last week. Burial on Saturday at the U.S. cemetery. (Hoaglin) 25 Feb 1897 Peter Foust of this vicinity died Monday, February 22. (Scott)

Surname: IRELAND
Decedent: Ireland, Mrs. W.F.
Date listed: February 25, 1897
Mrs. W.F. Ireland, died Sunday at her home on the East side aged 21 years. She was a woman highly esteemed by all her acquaintances. Funeral services were held at the Ridge church Tuesday afternoon.

Surname: WALTERS
Decedent: Mrs. Kearney Walters
Date listed: March 1, 1897
Mrs. Kearney Walters died last Saturday after a few days sickness. She was interred in he Middle Creek cemetery the 8th inst. (Gilberts Mills)

Surname: CLIME
Decedent: Clime
Date listed: March 4, 1897
Rev. A. Leathers did not preach at Grove church last Sunday, on account of Grandma Clime's death and funeral. (Grove)

Surname: MOORE
Decedent: Mrs. Wm. Moore
Date listed: March 4, 1897
The funeral of Mrs. Wm. Moore was held Monday at 2 p.rn. from the house conducted by Rev. D.E. Jones. Interment at the Ridge cemetery. (Middle Point)

Surname: LOWERY
Decedent: infant Lowery
Date listed: March 11, 1897
The funeral of James Lowery's child, of Bellefontaine, was held at the Presbyterian church, Saturday it 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. D.E. Jones. Interment at the Ridge cemetery. (Middle Point)

Surname: JONES
Decedent: Charles Jones
Date listed: March 11, 1897
Charles Jones departed this life Friday morning, March 5th. The cause of his death was pneumonia, and he only lived a few days after he suffered the attack. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Kaine, of Monroeville, Sunday, at 10 o'clock, at Flat Rock church, interment in the Flat Rock cemetery. (Dixon)

Surname: SIMON
Decedent: Benjamin Simon
Date listed: March 25, 1897
A murder occurred at Lima, Tuesday morning, Wm. Bently shot and killed Benjamin Simon. Both men lived in a little hut together, and were negroes.

Surname: BOWERS
Decedent: Martin Bowers
Date listed: March 25, 1897
Martin Bowers, a painter, died of Bright's disease, at his home in this city yesterday morning aged 49 years. The funeral services will be held at his late home this afternoon.

Surname: JOHNS
Decedent: Mrs. J.H. Johns
Date listed: March 26, 1897
Mrs. J.H. Johns departed this life last Saturday at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, aged 55 years. Deceased had been afflicted for some time with cancer in the breast, which a few months ago assumed a most malignant form, and at last so diseased the vital organs of the heart and lungs that death was inevitable. While life was sweet and the associations of home hard to surrender yet Mrs. Johns was content that her suffering might cease and that she might be permitted to cross the silent river to the bright shores of a blessed land. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and there her funeral was held Monday afternoon, conducted by the pastor Rev. J.A. Gordon. A large concourse of sorrowing friends were present to show their deep regard for the one who had gone forever and also to manifest their sympathy for the bereaved family. A husband and three children survive. The remains were laid away in Woodland.

Decedent: Casper Vornwald
Date listed: March 26, 1897
Casper Vornwald, a highly respected German citizen, familiarly known as "Dutch John," died last Monday morning at his home two miles north-west of town, aged 73 years. Deceased was born in Germany, came to America when a young man, but by hard labor and frugal habits succeeded in acquiring a substantial estate. Death was caused by lung trouble resulting from a cold contracted only a few weeks since. He leaves a widow and six children to mourn for a kind husband and father. Funeral was held at the German church Wednesday morning, the sermon being preached by Rev. Zorn, after which burial took place in Woodland.

Surnames: ESTILL
Decedent: infant Estill
Date listed: April 1, 1897
The funeral of an infant of Ed Estill's was held Monday afternoon, from the Lutheran church. (Middle Point)

Surnames: ROBERTS
Decedent: David Roberts
Date listed: April 1, 1897
David Roberts, a five year old son of Hugh Roberts, was found dead in the slop barrel. The boy fell head first and was unable to get out. Dr. Edwards was called but not in time to restore the boy's life. (Venedocia)

Surnames: ROBERTS
Decedent: David Roberts
Date listed: April 1, 1897
A very sad accident occurred near Venedocia, yesterday morning, the two and one-half year's old son of Hugh Roberts was drowned. The child was playing near the house where a barrel was sunk in the ground, which was filled with water and covered. Somehow the cover was removed and is supposed he endeavored to raise some water when he fell in head first. Funeral will be held this afternoon and the remains will be interred in Venedocia cemetery.

Surnames: JONES
Decedent: William Jones
Date listed: April 1, 1897
William Jones, of Kentucky, who was called here to the funeral of his father, returned home last week. (Jonestown)

Surnames: KEAR
Decedent: Mrs. John Kear
Date listed: April 1, 1897
Mrs. John Kear died at her home on the West side, Thursday, March 25, 1897, aged 62 years. The deceased spent her entire life in Van Wert. She was respected by all who knew her. Funeral services were held at the home of her daughter, Saturday afternoon and the remains interred in Woodland.

Surnames: BELL
Decedent: baby Bell
Date listed: April 1, 1897
The residence, with all its contents, of Jefferson Bell, a prominent farmer living 3/4 miles west of Convoy was burned to the ground about six o'clock last evening. The fire was caused by a spark setting the roof afire. In the excitement Mr. Bell's daughter-in-law wrapped her ten weeks' old baby in a quilt and the little one was smothered to death.

Surnames: KEAR
Decedent: Mahala Kear
Date listed: April 2, 1897
Mrs. Mahala Kear, wife of John J. Kear, died at her home in the west part of town, last Thursday evening, aged 62 years. Deceased was an estimable woman, loving to her children and kind to her friends. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Miller, on Tile street, followed by interment in Woodland. Besides a husband, there remain seven children, three boys and four girls.

Surnames: CORBETT
Decedent: Patrick Corbett
Date listed: April 2, 1897
Patrick Corbett, a familiar figure about town for over twenty years and a ditcher by occupation, died Wednesday night at St. Joseph's Hospital, Ft. Wayne, where he had been taken for treatment. His age was about 65 years. The remains were taken to Delphos for burial.

Surnames: BELL
Decedent: baby Bell
Date listed: April 2, 1897
Residence Burned and Child
The residence of Jefferson Bell, seven miles west of Van Wert, in Harrison township, together with all its contents, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The fire originated in the roof and had made such headway when discovered that it was impossible to save anything. In the excitement the ten weeks old child of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bell, who were living with his father, was wrapped in a quilt and carried out by the mother. To her horror she soon discovered that it was dead. It is believed that the child was suffocated by the smoke before it was removed from the cradle.

Surnames: ROBERTS
Decedent: David Roberts
Date listed: April 2, 1897
Child Drowned
A distressing accident occurred at the home of Hugh Roberts, at Venedocia, Wednesday morning. While at play in the yard his little son, aged about two years, had removed the board covering a cistern and fell to the water below. Search being made for the little one its lifeless body was found by the distracted mother. The funeral was held yesterday.

Surnames: CRIMES
Decedent: Mrs. Wm. Crime
Date listed: April 8, 1897
Rev. Wm. Crimes' wife died the 29th and was interred the 3lth. (Gilbert Mills)

Surnames: CHAPEL
Decedent: Grandma Chapel
Date listed: April 8, 1897
Grandma Chapel was buried the 30th. She was almost so 80 years old. Rev. Jacob Slane preached the funeral sermon. (Gilbert Mills)

Surnames: FLAGER
Decedent: Mrs. Wm. Flager
Date listed: April 8, 1897
Mrs. Wm. Flager died last Wednesday at her home east of town after a long and painful illness leaving a husband, one child and many other relatives to mourn her early death. The funeral was conducted Friday at the Mt. Olive church by Rev. J.A. Witham.

Surnames: STOGDILL
Decedent: John Stogdill
Date listed: April 8, 1897
Died, Sunday afternoon, at his home two miles northwest of this place, John Stogdill, aged 46 years and 7 months. Mr. Stogdill was a good citizen, upright and honest, a generous friend, kind husband and a good neighbor. His funeral todk place Tuesday at Mentzer's church and interment at same place. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss besides a large circle of friends. (Convoy)

Decedent: John Stockdale
Date listed: April 8, 1897
John Stockdale, who lives three miles east of here, died Sunday at 3 p.m. of consumption. Funeral services were held at the Mentzer church, Tuesday. (Dixon)

Surnames: STOGDILL
Decedent: Jonathan Stogdill
Date listed: April 9, 1897
Death has again visited our neighborhood and called from our midst Jonathan Stogdill. He was 47 years old, and leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter to mourn his departure. The cause of his death was consumption. (Tully Township)

Surnames: ROEBUCK
Decedent: Wrn. L. Roebuck
Date listed: April 9, 1897
A Leading Delphos Citizen
Called to His Long Home
Wrn. L. Roebuck a citizen of Van Wert from 1869 to 1879, when he moved to Deiphos, died at the latter place Sunday after a month's illness with brain trouble, aged 59 years. He was born at Bellefontaine and the eldest son of a family of three children. In the 70s he was in partnership with A.L. Leubner, in this town. In 1879 he went to Delphos where he has been engaged in a large and successful dry goods business ever since. He leaves a widow and one daughter. Deceased belonged to the Royal Arcanum and the Odd Fellows. Impressive funeral services were held from the M.E. church at Delphos Tuesday afternoon, Rev. F.W. Stanton of Toledo officiating with Rev. Wm. Hook and Rev. E.M. Page assisting.

Surnames: KEAR
Decedent: Shorb Kear
Date listed: April 9, 1897
Shorb Kear, aged 11, Dies From a Ruptured Spleen
Shorb Kear, a bright boy aged 11 years, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Kear, died Monday after an illness of less than four days. According to report the boy had been sent up town on an errand last Thursday evening and was returning home when he stopped at the railroad crossing by the Oil Well Supply factory, where some other boys were playing at marbles. A boyish dispute arose among the players and when a couple of them ran away, a larger one named Reesor threw stones at them. Young Kear, who had not taken any part but was a mere looker-on, upbraided Reesor for throwing at the boys, whereupon he seized a stone and threw it at close range at Shorb, striking him over the spleen. He did not complain but went to school next day, but took sick in the afternoon and had to be helped home. He grew rapidly worse and delirious, talking much about the trouble when he was hurt. Death came to the little sufferer's relief on Monday. Drs. S.S. Tuttle and R.J. Morgan made an examination Tuesday afternoon, finding that the spleen was badly ruptured, pus had formed and clotted blood was clearly traceable to the brain. Funeral was held Wednesday afternoon.

Surnames: JOHNSON
Decedent: Mrs. Joseph Johnson
Date listed: November 4, 1897
Mrs. Joseph Johnson, one of the pioneer residents. of Ridge township, died suddenly at her home Monday evening. For nearly four years, Mrs. J. has been suffering of cancer but she was seemingly in her usual health Monday, however, after supper while attending to her housework, she dropped dead. She was blessed with nine children, some of whom are well and favorably known in this county. She was the mother of Squire Johnson, of Ridge. Funeral was held from the late home yesterday afternoon.

Surnames: ICKES
Decedent: Rosina Ickes
Date listed: November 4, 1897
Mrs. Rosina Ickes, pioneer resident of this county, died Friday, at her home south of town. The funeral was held Sunday. Interment in Mercer county.

Surnames: PHILLIPY
Decedent: Mrs. John Phillipy
Date listed: November 4, 1897
Mrs. John Phillipy died at her home, north of town, Friday evening, aged 68 years. Mrs. Phillipy had been sick for some time. It will be remembered that her husband died suddenly a short time ago. Funeral services were held Sunday morning. Interment in Woodland.

Surnames: EYLER
Decedent: Mrs. John S. Eyler
Date listed: June 3, 1898
Mrs. John S. Eyler died last Friday from the effects of a cancer at her home on Maple Avenue, aged 59 years. The deceased was a zealous worker in the M. E. Church of which she was a member from girl hood. She was a sister of Mrs. Fred Billman and a daughter of Amos Casto, an early settler of Van Wert County. She left no children.

Surnames: HARVEY
Decedent: Ed Harvey
Date listed: July 15, 1898
The name of Ed Harvey appears in the list of dead reported from Cuba. He was a resident of Van Wert and joined the Navy in the spring.

Surnames: JACKSON
Decedent: W. R. Jackson
Date listed: February 22, 1899
W. R. Jackson died of consumption at his residence on E. Main St. last Friday evening. Mr. Jackson was a resident of this town for three years coming here from Wooster. His remains were taken to Wooster for interment. He leaves a wife and three small children

Surnames: WELCH
Decedent: Joseph Welch
Date listed: May 25, 1899
(Submitted by Elise
Joseph WELCH, A Pioneer Resident, Passes Away at His Delphos Home,
His death occurred Wednesday evening, at 7:40 o'clock. He was taken will about five weeks ago with typhoid fever, passed the crisis and seemed in a fair way to recovery; when an attack of kidney trouble, with which he had been bothered for three years, set in and culminated in his death. He was in his sixty-eight year of his life.
Joseph Welch was born in Defiance County, Ohio, December 16, 1831, very near the old fort. When he was four years old his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Welch and three children, a son and two daughters, came to Allen county. The subject of this sketch came up the Auglaize River in a dug out. The family settled at Spencerville. Mr. Welch's mother died the following year.
Joseph Welch was married on May 15, 1852, to Miss Mary A. Sullivan, of Spencerville, and to them were born seven children, two of whom are dead. The surviving children are: Samuel Welch, Mrs. T. Truax, Prine Welch, Miss Anna Welch and Thomas Welch. His life companion also remains.
Mr. Welch was a millwright by vocation, and served as Clerk of Spencer township. He was also a charter member of the Spencerville Masonic Lodge. Thirty-one years ago the family moved from Spencerville to Delphos.
The funeral will be held from the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Jason Young and Rev. A. J. Fish, of Van Wert, Rev. Caleb Hill, of Prospect, Ohio, and Rev. P. Biggs, of the M. E. Church, his pastor. The Masons will have charge. Burial in the West Side Cemetery.
The following members of Acadia Lodge, No. 306, F. & A. M., attended the funeral: L. H. Post, G. W. Hutton, J. N. Bailey, H. M. Hill, Jos. Harbison and A. Goodwin, who acted as pall bearers; J. M. Beard, L. Y. Patrick, H. M. Ashton, B. S. Fogle, R. V. Taft, F. A. Hitchcock, John Keith, Jacob Book, Wm. Bennett, William Kolter, Robert Kolter. The six men who acted as pall bearers were brother members of Acadian Lodge with Mr. Welch when he lived in Spencerville.

Surnames: HOYT
Decedent: Chrissie Hoyt
Date listed: November 10, 1899
Miss Chrissie Hoyt, aged 15 years, died Wednesday morning, of typhoid fever at the home of her uncle, David Hoyt, on Sycamore street. Funeral services were held at the house this morning. Interment in Woodland.

Surname: PALMER
Decedent: John Palmer
Date listed: November 10, 1899
John Palmer, aged 78 years, died last Thursday evening at his home on Maple avenue in this city. Deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis early in the week and did not recover from the effects. He was a respected pioneer and his death was a shock to many. Funeral services were held at his late home Sunday afternoon.

Surname: SMITH
Decedent: daughter Smith
Date listed: November 10, 1899
The little five-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Smith, died Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents on South Shannon street. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning.

Surname: FAIR
Decedent: child Fair
Date listed: November 17, 1899

The public schools at Delphos have been closed on account of prevalence of diphtheria for two weeks. The disease has been gaining headway until now there are nearly a half dozen cases. One death, a child of Thos. FAIR , in Marbletown, resulted Saturday, and the schools were closed in order to check the progress of the malady. The Baungarte school in Washington township has also been closed as diphtheria exists in that neighborhood.

Decedent: Urban Uncapher
Date listed: November 17, 1899
Death of a Well Known Van Wert Resident at Columbus.
Urban Uncapher a well known resident of Van Wert, died Wednesday night at Wilson & Rankin's private hospital in Columbus. Accompanied by Dr. Ward Wilson, deceased went to Columbus last Sunday morning to be operated upon, in the hopes that his health, which has been poor for the last few years, would be benefited thereby. The operation was performed Monday morning and the patient had considerably improved. On Wednesday uremic symptoms became apparent and death resulted that night. Deceased was 64 years of age. Ill health prevented him from taking care of his business interests and about a year ago was compelled to make an assignment. Worry over his troubles caused him to neglect his health. The remains were brought here to-day and taken to the home of his son Perry, on South Shannon street, with whom he made his home. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon.

Surname: HATTERY
Decedent: James Hattery
Date listed: December 1, 1899
James Hattery a bachelor, who made his home with James Fife, four and one-half miles north of Van Wert, died early Monday morning, aged 58 years. His death was wholly unexpected to his many acquaintances, and the cause cannot be easily explained. On Sunday he was seized with terrible nervous attacks, becoming so violent at times that it took several men to restrain him or hold him to a chair. Dr. F.P. Kreider was summoned but admitted he was unable to say what was the matter with him. But there were symptoms of hydrophobia. The presence or sight of water made him act wildly and madly. Mr. Fife's family could account for their affliction only on the theory that last summer he was bit by a fice (sic), which deceased sought to relieve when it was hurt. His sufferings continued through the day and in the night until the final hour. Funeral services were held Tuesday forenoon.

Surnames: MARSHALL
Decedent: Mrs. James Marshall
Date listed: December 22, 1899
Mrs. James Marshall a resident of Keartown, fell dead last Friday of heart disease. She arose early in the morning feeling apparently as well as ever, but after moving about for some time she was stricken with the fatal malady and died. Funeral services were held at the Second M.E. church Saturday afternoon. 6 Dec 1899   Jacob Frysinger, an old resident of Mercer county, living near Rockford, fell dead last week from heart failure.

Surnames: MEFFERD
Decedent: J.L. Mefferd
Date listed: December 22, 1899
J.L. Mefferd, postmaster and general storekeeper at Liggett, in Union township, died suddenly of heart disease while sitting at the supper table Monday evening. Mr. Mefferd had been in poor health for some time, having heart trouble, and about six weeks ago suffered a bad spell. He took treatment at a Ft. Wayne hospital and rallied to such an extent that he was able to be about his house and store.
Dr. Wright, of Convoy, was called to his home Monday and took supper with his patient. After conversing for some time Mr. Mefferd leaned forward onto the table as he could not eat, his appetite being poor. When the doctor finished his meal he took hold of Mr. Mefferd and was shocked to find that life was extinct, death having painlessly taken possession.
Deceased was an honored, esteemed and influential citizen and his death will be deplored by the many good people of the vicinity of Liggett, which locality was benefitted (sic) by his presence. He leaves a wife and four sons to mourn his loss. Deceased was 53 years of age, the greater portion of the time being spent in this county. He served in the civil war and did honor to himself and his country.   Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. S.S. Hunter. The pall bearers consisted entirely of comrades of the civil war. Interment was made in Odd Fellows cemetery north of Convoy. Relatives of the deceased from Logan and Champaign county attended the funeral.

Decedent: Jacob Frysinger
Date listed: December 22, 1899
Jacob Frysinger, an old resident of Mercer county, living near Rockford, fell dead last week from heart failure.

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