WOLFRUM Barnraising, Highland Twp. "Barn being built for Adam Wolfrum,
Dahoney Rd., Highland Township. Not sure what year it was being built but the man on top
was my grandfather, Benjamin F. Browns." -
Rex Browns
The orginal was built in the Spring of 1835 along the Tiffin River.
This rebuilt Girst Mill and Saw Mill on the Tiffin River, Tiffin Twp. Spring of 1835- was built & owned by John Coy,Jacob Coy (brothers) and their brother-in law John Snider. The old one was on the exact same location.
The three of them stayed in business until 1857. Then in 1868 Abraham Coy built the New mill at a cost of $13,000. In the fall of 1872, Daniel Fribley purchassed Abrahams intrest in the Mill. This is documented in the History of Defaince Co,-1883 by Beers -Tiffin Twp. pg.358 The photo was taken by researcher Nancy Schultz
Submitted May 2002 by Connie Coy Rice
Evansport (Tiffin Twp.) Schoolhouse. This has long since been closed, but was an orginial 1 room schoolhouse. My grandfather Elmer Ellsworth COY b.1902 & his sister Martha Mae COY b.1897 both atteneded in the early 1900's. The COY family lived just down the street from this location less than 1 mile.
Tiffin Evansport 2 3 On Evansport Rd. in Evansport
Evansport Methodist Church-this is the final Church building my COY family attended in the early 1900's.
This is a photo of the 4th Church, that had orginally started in the COY LOG Cabin-the location did keep moving with each new location
Coy Log Cabin 1826
aka Evansport Church River Bank Tiffin River 1835
aka Evansport Methodist Episcopal
aka Evansport Methodist
aka Evansport United Methodist 1560 West Street, Evansport 1874
Crosby Hotel, Defiance, Ohio
Soldier & Sailors Monument
Defiance County Courthouse, Defiance, Ohio
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