Washoe County


Weekly Nevada State Journal, Reno - 28 May 1887, p4, c2

Still They Come - The Austin Reveille, of last Friday, says:Chas. Higley leaves tomorrow oveland for Reno. He will drive his teamof four horses to his new wagon and leadhis other four behind the wagon. Hesees at Reno a good outlook for business. We regret to lose Charley as hehas been identified with the interests ofAustin for many years, serving one termas County Sheriff faithfully, but while Austin will suffer a loss, Reno will bethe gainer in securing another good citizen. The Reveille wishes him successand a bon voyage. His wife will remainhere for the present.

Reno Evening Gazette, Reno, 30 Aug. 1904, p1, c6

Neighborhood Fight - Mrs. Sarah Linderman, living on Ralston street, between Fourth and Fifth, has filed a complaint with Justice Nashcharging Misses Emma and Myrtle Higley with assault and battery. She says that they struck her with a whip and with rocks, inflictingpainful injuries.

Nevada State Journal, Reno, 11 Nov. 1934, p10, c6

Mrs. Myrtle Frey and sister, Miss Emma Higley. motored from Sacramento to visit their cousin, Mrs.George Garrison.

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