1895 Map of Esmeralda County
The northern portion became Mineral County in 1911.
The new town of Hawthorne, on the line of the Carson and Colorado Railroad at Walker Lake, will, in the near future, give employment to a great many workingmen of all classes. The town at present consists of two tents and a clapboard shanty, but when the railroad begins to crawl out that way it will grow very rapidly. Hawthorne will doubtless be the county seat of Esmeralda County in a year or two. and as it will be at the Junction of the railroad and the Bodie wagon road, it is sure to be a prosperous place. The new wagon road to Bodie, which is owned by the same men who are building the Carson and Colorado Railroad, is as fine a grade as is to be found any place in the mountains. From Aurora to Bodie a new route has been taken, that, although two miles longer than the old one, is nearly an hour shorter in time. The old grade, which is still traveled by a few, is in places precipitous and dangerous. The new grade is so constructed that a railroad track could be laid down on it without much additional work. The railroad will not be built to Bodie, however. The people out there prefer to have the teams and teamsters.
Contributed 2025 Jan 10 by Norma Hass, extracted from 1881 History of Nevada by Myron Angel, page 421
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