WILLIAM J. SINCLAIR was born in Mono County, California, June 21, 1872. He attended the public schools and later took a business course. He engaged in the sheep and cattle business early in life with E. Wedertz, which continued eight years, operating in Mono County in the summer and in Nevada during the winter months. He then became connected with C. E. Day in the sheep business for two years, and later Mr. Sinclair engaged in the cattle business alone. He sold out and went to Sodaville, where he identified himself with the Douglass Mill and Mining Company for a short time, when his firm sold out to Lothrop & Davis, and Mr. Sinclair came to Butler, which was afterward called Tonopah. He managed the mercantile business and did leasing for himself and Frank Golden, being connected with Mr. Golden from March, 1901, to January 1, 1902, when he went to Goldfield and was interested in mining. Finally he disposed of his holdings and returned to Tonopah. He went to Bullfrog in 1905, where he was interested for two years, and later to Manhattan, and with Governor Oddie they started Camp Atwood. After one year he sold out and was appointed Chief of the Tonopah Fire Department, which position he still holds. Mr. Sinclair is a member of No. 597, B. P. O. E., of Reno. He served as first Chancellor Commander of the K. of P. He is also a member of Blue Lodge of Tonopah and the Consistory of Reno. He was first Past Master of the A. O. U. W. and is a member of the Odd Fellows, and served as first Postmaster of Tonopah. He was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Kelly of Gold Hill, Nevada, a daughter of Peter M. Kelly and an old resident and respected citizen of that town. Her mother was Marguerite Kelly. Both parents of Mrs. Sinclair came to the Coast around Cape Horn and were married in San Francisco, California. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair are members of the Catholic Church of Tonopah, Nevada.
Transcribed 2020 May 06 by Norma Hass from The History of Nevada, published in 1913, volume 2, page 1239.
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