BRUCE GLIDDEN. One of the leading members of the Elko Bar is Bruce Glidden, a member of the law firm of Williams & Glidden. He is a native of Ohio, being born at Portsmouth. He received his education in the public schools, after which he graduated from the Cincinnati Law School in 1890. He located in Chicago, where he took up the practice of law, remaining there for one year, when he removed to Colorado, where he remained until 1902, when he located in Nevada and practiced his profession in Goldfield, Tonopah, Rawhide, and other camps. In 1912 Mr. Glidden removed to Elko. In his chosen profession he has almost entirely confined his practice to mining localities. The firm of Williams & Glidden now enjoy a large clientage in Eastern Nevada.
Transcribed 2020 May 06 by Norma Hass from The History of Nevada, published in 1913, volume 2, page 1217.
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