Burt County, Nebraska

This Site is part of the NEGenWeb Project



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Newspaper Articles Obituaries Odds & Ends Vital Records

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1893 Roster of Nebraska Veterans-Nebraska Enlistees

Nebraska Civil War Veterans Database

Great War

Red Cross Drive 1917

WW1 Bonds

Draft Board WW1

Draft List 1917

Draft Notice 1917

 Home Guards 1918

Servicemen of WW1 Obituaries

WW II Honor List of Dead and Missing 

WWII Army Casualities for Nebraska

U.S. Military Fatal Casualities of the Korean War-Nebraska

U.S. Military Fatal Casualities of the Vietnam War -Nebraska


"The Fine Print"
The NEGenWeb Administrative Team:

State Coordinator: David Gochenour
Assistant State Coordinator: Linda Ziemann

Copyright ~ 1996-2021 by The NEGenWeb. All materials, images, sounds and data contained herein are not to be copied or downloaded for purposes of duplication, distribution, or publishing without the express written permission of the Burt County Coordinator. Any and all future data which is contributed to this project will be returned to the donor upon request.

This web page is maintained on behalf of the NEGenWeb Project.  Although believed to be correct as presented, if you have corrections, changes, additions, or find that any links provided on this page are not functioning properly, please contact the county coordinator for prompt attention.

Site Updated: 16 January 2021