(Editorial from the New York Sun) Sixteen hundred years ago an enemy host threatened Gaul, precursor of modern France. The first Constantine, surnamed the Great, let his armies to the defence (sic). Three times he was victorious, and it was in this campaign as Eusebius and other historians record, that he saw in the sky a luminous cross, with the Greek words which have been rendered into English: "In This Sign We Conquer." After sixteen hundred years there blazes in the heavens a cross as luminous as that which struck awe to the heart of Constantine, a cross fiery, flaming and red - red with the blood of millions who have died for freedom, red with the glow of the inferno wherein the liberty of the liberty (sic) of the world is being forged. The Red Cross must be the symbol in which America goes forth to conquer. All other forms of conquest we have renounced. Ours is the task not merely to supply millions of men and mountains of foodstuffs, ships and the weapons of warfare; we must rebuild cities and hearten war worn peoples, pour oil on their wounds and bind them up, kneel by the dying and receive from their lips the simple testament of the faith in which we rise, fight forward and finally rest on our arms victorious. The tardiness of our entry into the war must be the measure of our effort. Let us give our money without stint when the call comes. The Red Cross is appealing to America for $100,000,000. There ought not to be an American who will not give something. A dollar from each of us would suffice. It must be more than that wherever possible. To give money is so little! Can you shut your eyes upon the shining Red Cross? |
We must win in Europe and keep the enemy from our shores Give to the Red Cross War Fund.
America must break the deadlock. That
means you.
$120,000,000.00 GIVE NOW OR PAY
The greatest money raising campaign in
The following business men pay for the
advertisement appearing on this page. |
WHO WILL GIVE "Men and Women from all walks of life are going to give to this fund as they have never before. They realize it is for their sons, their brothers, and in many instances their husbands or their fathers. Coincident with the mobilization of our army is the mobilization of the Nation's resources for relief to our own soldiers and the soldiers of our Allies. The whole $100,000,000 will come, we are sure of that in spite of the shortness of time in which the movement has had to be organized. Approximately one thousand cities and towns have signified their intention to wage aggressive campaigns. Governors of states and Mayors of cities have supplemented the President's proclamation by proclamations to their people. The thing has a sweep such as no movement, excepting only the Liberty Bond sale, has ever had in this country. Second only to the Liberty Bond sale is this, the most vital issue before our people." |
We, your officers, of your Red Cross Chapter consider the order from the President as a real order and one that should be obeyed. We consider that we as well as YOU are in this respect as much under orders as the soldier who is sworn and taken the Federal Oath. Through the Red Cross Society you serve your country as the solder in the ranks serves his country there. You serve with your money be it a small amount or large, your time, all that you can possibly give and more than you think you can afford to give. Even then you cannot give as much as a soldier who give up practically everything he expects, even to his life if necessary, to serve his country. ANY RED CROSS OFFICER MAY RECEIVE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY. Mrs. E. C. Houston, Pres.; Mrs. Geo.
McGuire, Secy.; D. W. Greenleaf, Treas.; |
A-E F-L M-R S-Z Ackerman, D. F. Farrens, G. G. MacDonald, Chas. Schafer, V. Dr. Adams, J. A. Farrens, Ralph MacGregor, D. W. Schrawger, G. A. Amick, Elmer Feuerbacker, Wm. Maher, Ellen Mrs. Schroeder, C. M. Anderson, A. M. Finley, C. H. Mallory, Ira Scmidt, Chris Austin, C. E. Fischer, Dan Jr. Manning, J Scott, Wm & Mrs Austin, E. Mrs. Fischer, J. M. Manthe, Archie Service, F. A. Austin, J. H. Fischer, P. W. Marden, E. B. Shafer, G. E. Baker, Art Flanagan, J. M. Marr, B. C. Shaffer, E. L. Baker, Geo. Florence, Mrs. Marr, J. P. Shartel, J. C. Baker, Henry Foree, James R Marr, P. G. Sherman, J. W. Baker, Jacob Frence, Harry M. Marr, R. G. Shuey, Alex Baker, John Frew, T. J. Marsh, John Sims, F. R. Baker, Joseph Fye, B . A. Rev. Marsh, Myrtle Singhaus, J. A. Baker, Martha Gammel, C. R. Marsh, Tom Sisson, E. F. Baker, R. C. Gammel, T. T. Marshall, B. X. Skinner, John Baker, Roy L. Gammel, Walter J. Marshall, G. W. Skinner, Paul Baldwin, T. A. Georgson, Geo Marshall, N. S. Sklenor, Joseph Baptist, S. S. Gibbons, P. P. Marshall , T. B. Smith, C. H. Bardell, N. W. Gilbert, A. H. Martin, C. F. Smith, Frank Barker, Beradine Gilbert, A. S. Martin, John C. Smith, Geo. B. Barker, W. S. Mr. & Mrs. Gill, J. S. Mason, C. W. Smith, Kirk Barker, W. H. Gill, T. H. Mason, D. G. Smith, L. C. Mrs. Barrett, J. G. Gilliam, Jas. Mason, D. W. Smith, R. J. Batchelder, Walter Gilliam, John Maun, Dr. Smith, Sarah Mrs. Bean, Louisa Mrs. Gilliam, W. I. McClanahan, Jay Smith, V. A. & Orrin Beaver, Geo. Giventer, Sam McClanahan, Linnie Smith, W. D. Bell, W. W. Goll, C. A. McCormick, E. J. Smith, W. E. Bently, J. S. Goodwill, Mary L. McCoy, P. W. Smith, Dale Bereans, Loyal Gorey, John McCullin, Glen Smith , Guy RFD Craig Berry, Grace Gorey, Glen McCurdy, S. E. Smith , J. C. Berry, Maude Gossard, T. B. McDaniel, H. Snyder, Clarence Blackstone, A. R. Mrs. Gowey, G . C. McDonald, Ed Snyder, Jacob Blankenbeckler, D. J. Greenleaf, Arabella F. McDonald, H. W. Sorenson, Ed Blankenbeckler, E. D. Greenleaf, D. W. McDonald, P. E. Sorenson, Jno L. Mrs. Bobbitt, Wm. Griffith, Mrs. McGill, H. M. Southord, Earna Boling, M. H. Grothe, C. E. McGuire, E. Sparling, C. C. Bovee, R. H. Grothe, G. L. McHartnell, W. Speilman, Jesse T. Bowden, L. Gustopson, Emil McKinnis, Elmer Spielman, Cecil Brandt, P. C. Hall, Ellsworth McKInnis, F. L. Spielman, J. W. Braun, H. L. Hall , T. R. McKinnis, Lynn Springer, Lester Braun, Karl M. Hamblin, C. H. McKinnis, M. G. Stanfield, H. V. Breckenridge, J. E. Hancock, R. K. McLean, W. F. Stanfield, O. Dr. Breckenridge, S. S. Harney, Stephen McMullen, Martha Mrs. Stanfield, Ran Breckenridge, W. G. Harrington, W. McMullin, A. C. Stapleton, E. E. Brookings, G. P. Harris, B. R. Mencke, B. Stevens, F. W. Brookings, W. E. Harris, Tom Mettitt, J. P. Dr. Stevens, W. J. Bruce, Ed Haswell, Chas. Metzler, C. A. Story, Dora Mrs. Bruce, Edna Haswell, Earl Metzler, C. H. and wife Story, Fred Bruce, Geo. Haswell, F. E. Metzler, H. M. Story, S. T. Mrs. Bruce, Wm. Haywood, C. V. Metzler, Jonas Sutherland, Geo. Brune, W. J. Hemping, H. Metzler, W. W. Sutherland, J. R. Bryant, E. W. Henry, J. E. Michael, F. J. Swanson, Bertha Butler, E. H. Mrs. Herman, J Michael, John Swanson, M. H. Cain, R. R. Hiatt, Ethel Michell, Fred Swanson, Matilda Caldwell, W. E. Holiday, D. Miller, Sam Swanson, Oto Cameron, F. A. Holmes, John Mitten, R. J. Swanson, Surn Chamberlain, C. C. Hopewell, H. M. Monson, Nels Sydow, J. W. Chatt, S. A. Hopewell, W. M. Moore, J. D. Talbot, R. M. Chilcott, Josephine Hull, H. A. Moore, J. L. Tamplin, J. W. Christy, W. H. Hume, R. B. Morehouse, Fred Taylor, J. W. Clark, C. G. Hurlocker, Bert Morton, R. E. Taylor, Tillie Clark, James A Hurlocker, C. L. Moschel, C. E. Taylor, Wm. Clifford, H. V. Hurlocker, C. W. Nelson, A. G. Taylor, Al;fred Coleman, Charlotte Ireland, G. A. Nelson, Paul Templeton, R. A. Coleman, L. C. Isgrig, W. J. Nelson , Aug. Thompson, Mark Colson, L. E. Jack, A. H. Nesbit, John F. Titze, Wm. Confield, J Jack, C. A. Nesbit, Sarah J. Tobin, John Conkling, Ronald Jack, C. G. Oakley, Fred Tobin, Thos Conkling, W. C. Jack, C. H. Oberst, John Tomlinson, D. S. Connealy, Wm. Jack, Fred Olinger, Elmer Tompson, C. W. Constable, S. H. Jacobsen, James Olinger, Oliver Trueblood, Mary Cook, F. L. Jacobsen, Andrew Orr, W. E. Tucker, G. C. Cooper, H. O. Jarland, Alfred Ott, Geo. Tunberg, Henry Corbin, G. A Jeep, Chris Palen, F. W. Turner, J.L. Corbin, Leo Johnson, Elmer Palmer, J. B. Ulrich, F. C. Corkill, F. R. Johnson, Lodel Palmer, J. Frank Valder, C. A. Cornelius, W. B. Johnson, Swan Palmer, Roy Valder, H. E. Cornish, J. E. Johnson, W. J. Palmer, W. T. Valder, O. H. Cornish, W. E. Kearney, L. M. Palmer, Walter VanCleve, W. H. Cram, Bart Kelly, Clyde Patterson, O. & E. VanNette, C. W. Cramer, G. W. Kelly, G. W. Pearce, Albert E VanNostrand, H. I. Crannell, F. H. Kelly, J. F. Pearson, Erick Ward, F. E. Crannell, G. A. Kelly, R. H. Peck, Earl Wassum, S. A. Crannell, O. E. King, Al Peck, John Wassum , S. A. Mrs. Crannell, G. P. King, Ed Peck, Leo Weaver, C. F. Creely, C. F. King, Homer Penbroke, Squires Weber, John Crithfield, H I. Kjeldgaard, Ben Pence, Con Webster, Albert Crom, E. L. Kohler, Dick Pence, Joseph Webster, H . L. Crowell, J. M. Kohler, Peter Pence, Joe Jr. Weitzel, Fred Cullen, W. B. Kokes, F. R. Penry, B. I. Welch, C. J. Mrs. Deaver, H. C. LaFrenze, C. A. Peterson, C. Mrs. Welch, Barton Deaver, Harry LaFrenze, J. F. Peterson, Estella Welch, Frank Deaver, Chas. Lamphare, Jack Peterson, Louis J Welch, Fred Deaver, J. R. LaRue, L. S. Peterson, P. C. Wetherell, Roy DeGrote, Mrs. Lashmutt, W. J. Peterson, R. P. White, W. M. Denny, M. M. Latta, Bud R. Peterson, R. X. Wilcox, Marshall Dorn, G. W. Latta, Bur Peterson, Chris Wilcox, Preston W. Douglas, G. W. Latta, Ed Peterson , P. C. Willert, M. D. Douglas, Thomas Latta, G. C. Phelps, W. C. Williams, J. F. Dunn, G. L. Latta, W. W. Mrs. Pilcher, H. L. Mrs Williamson, H. O. Dunshee, M. S. Latta , Mary C. Pipher, Jas. Williamson, H. O. Dye, J. A. Laughlin, D. M. Mrs. Plummer, Fred Williamson, Ike Earlewine, Gilbert Lester, C. D. Potter, Harry W. Willman, H. C. Eckley, C. S. Lester, H Potter, J. L. Wilson, S. B. Eckley, Frank Lingwood, Wm. Pratt, W. E. Wixer, Geo. Mrs. Eckley, J. S. Litel, A. L. Prussia, Arthur Wixer, F. Eckley, J. S. Litel, Frank Rankin, J. M. Wood, L. G. Eckley, Walter Litel, Viola Ray, J.B. & F. B. Wood, M. Dr. Elliot, R. E. Livingston, W. L. Reasoner, J. H. Woodard, M. B. Ellis, C. A. Loftis, Frank Redding, I. L. Woodard, J. T. Ellis, F. W. Love, Geo. Redding, R. E. Woodward, J. E. Ellis, J. F. Lowe, G. F. Reinart, C. W. Woodward, Ray Ellis, W. L. Lundstrom, F. O. Reinert, Louise Workman, W. B. Ellis , E. I. Lydick, Alvin Reyman, Abe Youell, E. W. Enger, H. F. Lydick, J. W. Reyzlick, Joe Erlewine, Ed Lydick, Jake Rice, A. K. Sr. Lydick, Sam J. Rice, A. K. Jr. Lydick, H. C. Mrs. Richardson, D. C. Lydick, Cora Roberts, J. E. Roberts, W. S. Robinett, A. N. Robinson, A. W. Robinson, John Robinson, L. L. Robinson, Mary C Romans, B. H. Romans, W. D. Roy, Charles Roy, Charles Mrs. Royal, N. A. Russell, C. L. Russell, D. B. Russell, Ora
The names were taken from several issues of the Oakland newspaper starting June 20, 1917. The total money collected was $8446.55 from a total of 841 contributors. This list has slightly over 700 names. Those I didn't copy were business and organizations. Alexander, Anna Hallin, Henning Magnusson, A. Saf, John A. Alexander, Dave Hammarstrom, A. Magnusson, John P. Samson, Oscar Alm, Chas. Hammerland, Blenda Marquardt, Chas. Samson, S. A. Andersen, Jonas P. Hanneman, Ralph Martin, Anton Samuelson, C. E. Anderson, A., Mrs. Hansen, H. J. Matsen, Emil J. Samuelson, J. O. Anderson, A. A. Hansen, J. H., Mrs. Mattson, Otto B. Samuelson, Oscar N. Anderson, A. P. Hansen, Ned May, A. A. Sandahl, C. F. Anderson, A. P. Hanson, Alice Melander, H., Mrs. Sandquist, Alfred Anderson, A. T. Hanson, Arden Melander, M. Sandquist, Will Anderson, Adolph M. Hanson, Ewd. G. Meyer, D. G. Sandvall, Anton Anderson, Albin Hanson, Hary T. Miller, Chas Schroeder, Geo. E. Anderson, Alfred Hanson, Henry A. Miller, Clara Schroeder, Louis Anderson, Amos Hanson, J. C. Miller, Henry A. Seberg, Chas. Anderson, Anna Hanson, John Miller, Henry J. Sehdin, Ernest Anderson, Anton E. Hanson, John M. Miller, Isaac Service, George Anderson, C. E. Hanson, Lewis Mogol, C. A. Service, Sarah Anderson, C. E. Hanson, M. P. Morell, Andrew O. Servine, Alf. Anderson, C. M. Hanson, Peter A. Moseman, Henry Servine, Ed Anderson, Carl Hanson, Roy Moseman, John G. Servine, John E. Anderson, Carl A. Harding, B. C. Naslund, Carl Severson, John Anderson, Edgar D. Harding, E. W. Natt, Carl F. Shepler, Lester Anderson, Edith Harding, Ellen J. Neiberg, Art Silver, Paul Anderson, Ella Harlow, John W. Neiberg, Ben Simonson, Marie Anderson, Ellen Hedin, John Neiberg, E. W. Skoglund, E. Anderson, Emily, Miss Hedman, A. P. Neiberg, G. D. Slatt, Henry E. Anderson, Erick, Mrs. Heitshusen, J. Nelson, A. J. Smith, Lewis C. Anderson, Fred Helstrom, Carl Nelson, Adolph Smith, Peter J. Anderson, Gust A. Henderson, M. Nelson, Alfred Snyder, Andy Anderson, Helge Hendrickson, Swan Nelson, And. Snyder, John Anderson, Henning Henry, J. P. Nelson, Aron Soderstrom, A. F. Anderson, Hulda Hill, Lydia Nelson, Arthur Soderstrom, A. W. Anderson, Israel Hineline, H. E. Nelson, Aug. Solle, Chas S. Anderson, John, Mrs. Hissman, Lizzie Nelson, Axel E. Stauffer, C. O. Anderson, John Hohnberger, Anton Nelson, C. B. Stauffer, T. Anderson, Lambert Holm, Oscar Nelson, C. L. Steinbaugh, Carl Anderson, Leonard Holmes, Anton E. Nelson, C. M., Mrs. Stenberg, Chas. Anderson, Matilda, Mrs. Holmes, Geo. Nelson, C. O. Stenberg, Henry Anderson, Nels Holmes, Gunder Nelson, Chas. T. Stetson, Hugo Anderson, Olivia, Mrs. Holmquist, Carl Nelson, E. F. Stolley, John Anderson, Rella Holmquist, Wynlow Nelson, Elin Storm, Russell Anderson, Sherman Holt, Andrew Nelson, Emil R. Strelo, Carl Anderson, Vic. E. Hopkins, Alice Nelson, Emil S. Strom, Gerda Anderson, Victor Hopkins, Ethel Nelson, Emil W. Suhr, G. A. Anderson, Victor Hopkins, Glen W. Nelson, Erick Sundall, Walter Anderson, Victor Hopkins, N. W., Mrs. Nelson, Frank Sundberg, S. P. Askwig, Ed J. Hopkins, N. W. Nelson, Fritz Sundell, H. P. Askwig, Jas. Hulbert, C. M. Nelson, Gilbert Sundquist, Aug. Backus, Anna, Mrs. Hultgren, Elmer Nelson, Gust A. Swan, H. Backus, Frank Hultman, F. E. Nelson, Gust. Swan, K., Mrs. Baugh, Ed A. Hultman, Ivar Nelson, Gust. A. Swan, Mark Baugh, Leland Hultman, John Nelson, Gust. Albert Swanson, Andrew Baugh, Pearl Hultquist, C. L. Nelson, Henning Swanson, Axel Beck, Alfred Hurlbut, Paul H. Nelson, Herman Swanson, C. P. Beckman, A. W. Isaacson, F. O. Nelson, J. M. Swanson, E. V. Beckman, Andrew Jacobs, A. B. Nelson, J. P. Swanson, Garfield Beckman, C. J. Jacobs, Florence Nelson, Joe Swanson, Hilton B. Beckman, Ira T. Jacobs, Mary M. Nelson, John A. Swanson, J. P. Beckman, Irving Jacobs, W. D., Mrs Nelson, John L. Swanson, John A. Beckman, Walter Jacobs, Wm. Nelson, John M. Swanson, John L. Bengsten, Jennie, Mrs. Jacobsen, John P. Nelson, K. W. Swanson, Jonas Bengston, John Jacobson, Anna V. Nelson, Louisa C. Swanson, M. Benson, Alfred Jacobson, Arthur Nelson, N. John Swanson, Oscar Benson, Nels Jacobson, Aug. Nelson, N. M. Swanson, Oscar E. Berg, J. Aug. Jacobson, Aug. Nelson, N. P. Swenson, Martena Berquist, C. W. Jacobson, Carl S. Nelson, Olof Swenson, S. A., Dr. Berquist, Esther Jacobson, E. E. Nelson, Otto V. Tarlisthon, Otto Blomgren, John Jacobson, Gilbert Nelson, Peter Tell, Esther Blomquist, Oscar Jacobson, Harry Nelson, Peter N. Torry, Carl Bolin, 0scar Jacobson, Oscar Nelson, S. A. Torry, Walfred Bordon, Olof Jacobson, Oscar Nelson, Sherman Toxword, Ed S. Bordson, Richard Jacobson, Remy Nelson, Swan Tranner, J. C. Bowen, Roy Jensen, Aug. Nelson, V. E. Truelson, Gerda Boyd, Kate Johnson, A. Nelson, Walter Truelson, Nels Boydston, E. L. Johnson, A. C. Neumann, Birge Truelson, Ole Brunner, C. W. Johnson, A. P. Norbeck, Gilbert Tyson, Amanda, Mrs. Brunner, Marie, Mrs. Johnson, Andrew N. Norberg, Oscar Tyson, Edyth Carlson, Albin Johnson, Annis Nordstrom, Andrew Uehling, Otto Carlson, And. D. Johnson, Anton Nylander, Bernt Vedell, J. A., Mrs. Carlson, Anton Johnson, Aron Nystrom, Sven Von Essen, Herman Carlson, Carl V. Johnson, Arthur Oaks, Seth Wagener, A. B. Carlson, Edwin Johnson, Arvid Oberg, Gerhard Wagener, Geo. H. Carlson, Einer Johnson, Arvid D. Oberg, H. A., Mrs. Wahlman, Sigfrid Carlson, Elias Johnson, Aug. L. Oberg, Wm., Mrs. Wahlstrom, Marie Carlson, Fritz Johnson, Aug. W. Olson, Aug. Wall, Oscar Carlson, Fritz Johnson, C. Aug. Olson, Carl Wallace, J. E. Carlson, Gust S. Johnson, C. P. Olson, J. Ed Wallin, Carl A. Carlson, Gust. Johnson, C. W. Olson, O. G. Wallis, W. N. Carlson, Mina, Mrs. Johnson, Daniel Osterberg, A. E. Weander, Victor Carlson, Nels Johnson, Elmer Osterberg, Wm. C. Weaver, Arthur Carlson, Oscar Johnson, Emily A. Ostrand, Alfred Weaver, Jesse C. Carlson, Otto Johnson, F. F. Packard, R. M. Wells, Emma Carlson, Peter Johnson, F. Gilbert Packwood, S. L. Wennerberg, Gus Carlson, Rachael Johnson, G. Adolph Page, John Weseen, Gust Carlsten, Erick H. Johnson, Gust P. Palmer, Peter Westerberg, E. M. Carlton, C. G. Johnson, Gust. Palmquist, Adolph Westermark, Nels Cedergren, John Johnson, Gust. B. Palmquist, Ed Westrick, C. S. Chinberg, Emma, Mrs. Johnson, Henry Palmquist, F. G. Wickerstrom, Philip Chmeier, Anna Johnson, Herman J. Palmquist, Jennie Wickstrom, A. F. Christenson, Henry Johnson, Hjalmer Paradise, H. M. Wickstrom, Andrew Christenson, Mabel Johnson, J. A. Parsons, N. C., Rev. Wickstrom, Chas., Jr. Claussen, Oscar Johnson, J. G. Pearson, Swan Wickstrom, Chas., Mrs. Claussen, Walter Johnson, J. P. Peden, A. B. Wickstrom, Clarence Claypool, J. A., Mrs. Johnson, John Peden, A. D., Mrs. Wiese, O. H. Clerg, Martin Johnson, John M. Pederson, Olav Willard, Swan Colligan, Alice Johnson, Levi Perkins, C. D. Willnard, Pauline Colligan, John Johnson, M. W. Person, Andrew Woerman, Lewis Colson, E. H. Johnson, Martin Person, Chas. Wurdeman, Aug. Colson, Elmer B. Johnson, Martin Person, Ed Young, Albert Colson, Ida V. Johnson, Mary, Mrs. Person, Frank O. Young, Augusta M. Colson, Victor Johnson, Nels Person, Oscar F. Young, Isaac Cromer, Geo. Johnson, Oke Person, Roy Youngdahl, Augusta Cull, A. L. Johnson, Oscar W. Person, Swan Youngstrom, Walter, Cutler, E. C. Johnson, P. G. Peters, Wm. Damm, Herman Johnson, Peter, Mrs. Peterson, A. M., Mrs. Danielson, O. F. Johnson, R. M. Peterson, Andrew Davis, R., Mrs. Johnson, Raymond Peterson, Aug. Ebberson, A. E. Johnson, Theo. Peterson, C. P., Mrs. Ebberson, John Johnson, Verna Peterson, C. W. Edquist, Erick N. Johnson, Victor Peterson, E. S. Ekstrand, Iivar Johnson, Walfrid Peterson, Ed Ellinghausen, D. Johnson, Walter E. Peterson, Ed O. Engdahl, A. E. Johnson, Wilber E. Peterson, Emil Engdahl, Gust Johnson, Will J. Peterson, Fred English, Chas R. Johnson, Wm. F. Peterson, H. G. Englund, Albert Jonas, C. O. Peterson, Hilda, Mrs Enstrom, Carl Kauffman, A. L. Peterson, Hilda, Mrs. Ericksen, Wm. Kauffman, Earl Peterson, J., Rev. Mrs. Erickson, A. G. Kauffman, L. V. Peterson, John Erickson, Augusta, Mrs. Keifer, I. S. Peterson, John A. Erickson, Carl Kerl, Irving Peterson, John F. Erickson, Fred Kerl, M., Mrs. Peterson, Lawrence Erickson, Gust Kerl, Marcus Peterson, Matenna, Mrs. Erickson, Hugo Kerl, Thos. T. Peterson, Matilda Erickson, Oscar Kindschuk, Emil Peterson, Oscar Erickson, Roy Koehler, Clara H. Peterson, Otto Erickson, Walter L. Koehler, Herman Peterson, P. G. Evans, Joe Kondrup, H. Peterson, Theo., Mrs. Evans, R. A. Kramer, B. Polson, Emma Falk, Alex Krasne, Imie Polson, Nels Falk, Aug. L. Krasne, Joe Poppe, C. Fisk, Chas. Krasne, Max Poppe, G. Force, C. W. Kruse, John Preston, D. L. Ford, A. M. Kull, G. A. Preston, J. F. Ford, A. O. Landen, Wm. Preston, J. Geo. Franklin, A. W., Mrs. Lantefield, Frank Preston, J. W. Franklin, Ruth Lantefield, Henry Rasmussen, O. C. Freed, Carl Larsen, Oscar E. Reetyas, N. Fried, Ray Larson, A. M. Reimers, Fred Fried, Russel Larson, Aug. Renard, Agnes Fried, V., Mrs. Larson, C. H. Richards, R. G. Frisk, Albert Larson, C. O. Roberg, Gus. Frisk, P. E. Larson, Chas. Roberts, Reno E. Gleason, Andy Larson, Edgar Roberts, W. W. Gleason, Ed Larson, F. E. Rohde, Fred Gleason, Honora Larson, Fritz Romey, Lester Gleason, James Larson, Geo. E. Rooth, Carl Gleason, John Larson, Gilbert Rosen, Dave Gleason, S. P. Larson, Herbert Rosen, Henning Green, John Larson, John G. Russell, Florence Gustafson, A.W. Larson, John L. Ryan, Fred Gustafson, Albin Larson, Louis M. Gustafson, Alfred Lind, Anna, Mrs. Gustafson, Arnold Lindahl, Esmer Gustafson, John Lindberg, John Gustafson, Linnea Lindgren, Louis Gustafson, R. I. Lindman, V. A. Gylfe, Chas. Lindstrom, Gust. Gylfe, Victor Linn, B. Lippett, H. Lohmeyer, Aug. Lonquist, Eva Luebker, Aug. A. Luebker, Wm. A. Lund, A. C. Lund, Ed Lund, Geo. Lund, H. T., Mrs. Lund, Peter Lund, Tills Lund, Walter H. Lundgren, Richard Lundhoilm, John O Lundquist, Olof Lundquist, S. L. Lundstrom, Swan A.
Three large boxes were shipped this week from the Red Cross rooms. The box containing surgical dressings has 1717 pieces. The box of knitted goods contained 25 sweaters, 19 pairs of socks, 16 mufflers and 12 pairs of wristlets. The box containing hospital garments had 50 hospital shirts, 35 bathrobes. 16 pajama suits and 10 bed jackets. These shipments surely represent the work of a number of patriotic women.
There are now so many different lines of work there is no excuse for anyone. The woman who can't sew may knit or press or work on surgical dressings. Women who are kept at home because of little ones in the home are of course excused but there are ladies who have no home ties who have never been to the rooms. If any man in Tekamah was found to be so unpatriotic he would be called down by the patriotic citizens of the town. Why not also the women? Some perhaps will say that the have knit. Those who hava (sic) done a great deal of knitting are doing their part but the woman who at her own pleasure has knit a sweater or scarf perhaps for six months is not showing the right spirit. To do real Red Cross work a sacrifice must be made. Perhaps you will have to neglect some social duties, or perhaps you will have to arise an hour earlier, but nevertheless millions of women all over the county are making these sacrifices and greater ones.
Last week an auxiliary was organized with the ladies of districts No. 2 and 19. At the first meeting 20 ladies were there prepared to stay and sew for the whole day. A great deal of work was accomplished. The next meeting will be at Mrs. John Frazer's. The auxiliary has already planned to buy a sewing machine that they may sew at the school house next summer.
Toward the last of March the Home guards and the Red Cross are planning the greatest patriotic meeting that has ever been held in Tekamah. F. W. Judson, the state Red Cross director with several of the other state officers will be present to present Burt County Chapter with a flag for being the banner county with 72 per cent of the whole county members of the Red Cross.
With the sale of the goose last week at $1000 and this week the sale of a car load of hogs donated for the Red Cross bringing $5600, Tekamah has certainly brought herself into prominence. One hundred and fifty-one peoeple (sic) donated each a hog to be sold at auction at the South Omaha market. One deck brought $16.80. The other $17.05, being a little more than 50 cents above the market. Bert Palmer, Fred Morehouse, C. D. Houston, W J. Dixon and George McGuire deserve the credit for starting the soliciting and the farmers for responding so generously. Many spectators were down to see the decorated cars and some of the hogs, some elaborately trimmed in red, white and blue with Red Crosses painted on their backs.
The following is the list of names of those contributing to the car.
Earl Peck George Smith Steve Harney H. L. Webster Kirk Smith Will Brookings Will McNear Bur Latta John Tobin George Ott John Gardipee Virgil Smith Frank Sims Clarence Valder Chas. Houston W. S. Breckenridge Wallace Dixon A. H. Rice Jr. Highly Stanfield A. G. Nelson Lee Kearney W. M. Bobbitt Bud Latta Len Faucett Geo. Rath Chris Speck Henry Valder Geo. Latta Joe Potter John Canfield Tom Elliot Ike Williamson W. M. White Guy McKinnis Frank Crannel George Schrawger Lafe Method Norseen and Blankberkler George Douglas Jesse Speilman Roscoe Little Leo Corbin Fred Story Fred Christenson Pete Marr Len Ackerman G. R. Gammel & Sons George Beaver Frank Cameron Clyde Grothe Sam Lydick H. VanNostrand Will Boten Alvin Lydick Elix Corbin John Erickson Jake Lydick A. N. Robinette S. Swanson Willis Haekins Bert Webster C. W. Conkling Virgil Clifford Spencer Breckenridge Albert Gilbert L. Blankenbeckler Abe Reyman John Kelley D. J. Blankenbeckler Frank Reinert Clyde Kelley Chas. Goll Chas. Lester Pete Kelley Duane Tomilson Gordon Bryant Ed Pratt Jim Williamson J. T. Gill W. R. Schrawger Tom Baldwin Dave Russel Fred Morehouse D. W. Mason James Barrett Clarence Weaver Harry Cooper Dwight Johnson Earl Wixer Chris Brandt & Son Clarence Snyder S. A. Chatt Ike Redding Al Litel Fred Plumer Ralph Redding George McGuire Jim Deaver Will Johnson and Son Jack Singhaus George Wood Art Baker George Corbin L. S. LaRue Tom Marsh Dr. Lukens D. W. Greenleaf Stout Bros. Elza Roberts Farmers G and Live Stock Co. Chas. Fuller John Fischer P. C. Peterson T. H. McCarty -----Henning Lewis Peterson John Sklener Eli Bowden John Oberst Sam McCurdy R. A. Templeton and Son, 2 George Kelley Roy Baker Dave Richardson P. P. Gibbons Clay Stork William Taylor Pete Kohler John Eckley Pete Elliot Olen Palmer Walt Lydick J. E. Cornish John Peck Oscar Valder Ed MacDonald Charlie Finley Wilbur Bell Oliver Olinger Billie Isgrig C. C. Roberts Roy Witheral Otto Palmer Fred Stevens Burt PalmerTekamah Journal
Mar. 7, 1918RED CROSS NOTES (women's work, hog & goose sale, list of hogcar donors)
Note from Bill Wever on 23 Nov 1997:
"One thing that upsets me to no end is an article about a Red Cross drive to sign up Women volunteers. There was a total of slightly over 250 that signed up. Neither of the Tekamah newspapers carried the names....disgusting to say the least...especially in the light of the first part of that article about women doing their part."