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Albert George Anson, 1861-1928
Obituary-The Orchard News- Feb. 1928
What was a very sad, sudden happening to be experienced in our little community Sunday morning was the announcement of the death of Albert G. Anson. He passed away about one o’clock Sunday morning. He had been in poor health for about a week, but his condition was not considered serious by his friends, for the fact that he was up and around the house for a couple of hours Saturday morning, and a couple days previous was downtown and got shaved. Death was due to acute indigestion.
Mr. Anson had a large number of friends, who are deeply grieved by his demise. He was a man ever willing and ready to administer to the relief of the needy, always had a kind word for everyone, and never an unkind remark about anyone. Regardless of the fact that he was getting well up in years, he never found a task too heavy for him, and in later years devoted his time to work which required manual strength.
As a neighbor, none better could be found the world over and no matter how everything went dead wrong, Mr. Anson was one who could always look up and meet adversities with a smile.
Albert George Anson was born Jan. 18, 1861 in Quasqueton, Iowa, and departed this life Feb. 5, 1928, at his home in Orchard, Nebraska, aged 67 years and 17 days. He moved with his parents to Oregon while a baby, where he spent his early boyhood, coming back to Iowa at the age of 8 years. Here he grew to manhood and was married to Martha Jane Sholes on December 23, 1880. They came to Knox county the next year, locating on a homestead at Venus. While living there three children were born, Myrtle, Willard and Zama.
Mr. Anson operated a general merchandise store and the Venus post office, together with the farm for a number of years. The family moved to Orchard in February 1906, where they resided until the present time. Mr. Anson joined the Church of Christ about sixteen years ago and lived a Christian life to the end. He was also a member of the I.O.O.F., the A.O.U.W., the M.W.A. and the Rebekah lodges of this place.
He is survived by his wife, and three children, Mrs. R.E. Squires, of Grand Island, Nebraska; Willard Anson and Mrs. John Musser, of this place. Also, his father, W.G. Anson now living in Orchard.
There are four brothers and two sisters living; C.T. Anson of Orchard, Nebraska; William Anson of La Grande, Oregon; Samuel Anson of Independence, Iowa; Benjaman Anson of Pampline, Virginia; Mrs. Adeline Prestilien of Hughenden, Alberta Canada and Mrs. Hattie Rogers of Holden, Missouri.
There are fourteen grand children and three great grand children and a number of other relatives, also a host of warm friends.
The Odd Fellows met at the house and followed the remains to the United Brethren church and then to the cemetery. He was a faithful member of the order, having joined in 1913 and to the Editor’s knowledge, had gotten out of his bed at night after working all day and helped to initiate some brother into the society. We heard him remark a short time ago that he had assisted with the initiation of over forty Odd Fellows.
Among those here from a distance to attend the funeral were: John Anson, an uncle, from Cambridge, this state; Mrs. Squires, a daughter from Grand Island; Samuel Anson, a brother from Independence, Iowa, and a nephew Clifford Hunt, of Sioux City, Iowa.~Submitter, Sandy Dempsey (family researcher)
Link to Albert & Martha Anson BIO page on this website
Charles Thomas Anson, 1864-1932
The Orchard News- Dec. 14, 1932
Friday afternoon of this week at about two-fifteen o’clock the death angel visited the Anson home and claimed Charles T. Anson, one of Orchard’s highly respected citizens. Mr. Anson had been ill for a number of months, and about a month ago was compelled to go to bed, where he remained until death.
Mr. Anson was an outstanding character in the building up and settling of this community. He was a man, to whom many turned for advise and was always considered among the first to take a part in any public enterprise, where honor and sincerity was required. Before moving to Orchard six years ago, he was in the stock business on the Buxton ranch, northeast of Orchard for over a half century and was one of the prominent cattle men in this section of the state. Regardless of the fact that Mr. Anson was a very busy man caring for his business, he would always find the time for a chat with his friends. Many times, did he assist a fellowman less fortunate than himself, and a large number of persons in this community can truthfully say that it was Mr. Anson who first encouraged them to start out in life for themselves. His everyday actions were exemplifying for he did for others that which he desired them to do for him.
Over a year ago he disposed of his interest in the Buxton ranch and since that time was only interested in his ranch north of Orchard. When able he made daily visits downtown and spent the most of his leisure hours with his friends. At the time of his death he was a member of the board of directors of the local Creamery Company, a member of the Odd Fellow lodge at this place.
Charles Thomas Anson, son of Wm. G. and Harriet Anson, was born February 8, 1864 at La Grande, Oregon, and departed this life at his home in Orchard, Nebraska, December 9, 1932 age 68 years, 10 months and 1 day.
At the age of five years he moved with his parents to Iowa and when twenty years of age he came to Nebraska, where he taught school for a year. Tow years after coming to Nebraska he was united in marriage to Miss Henrietta Whitmore March 7, 1886, and to this union two children were born. His wife was only permitted to be with him nine years being laid away in March 1895. They homesteaded the home ranch seven miles north of Orchard and it has been controlled by him since.
On March 26, 1896 he was united in marriage to Miss Ervie M. Strope, and five children blessed this union, one of whom, Charles T., passed on at the age of six and one-half years. They moved to the Buxton ranch at the time of their marriage and lived there twenty-eight years, and in February 1924 moved to Orchard their present home.
Mr. Anson was a member of the Workmen and Odd Fellow lodges.
There remains to mourn his departure, his wife, his father, who is 93 years old, and six children: Willie S., Mrs. Octavia Strope, Mrs. Hilda Howard, Mrs. Adeline Knudsen, George and Charlotte; 14 grandchildren; 3 brothers, Will of La Grande, Oregon; Sam of Independence, Iowa; Ben of Pamplin, Virginia; two sisters, Mrs. Addie Prestlein of Hughenden, Alberta Canada; and Mrs. Hattie Rodgers of Holden, Missouri; besides many other relatives and a host of friends.
Short funeral services were held at the home Monday morning at ten O’clock, and at ten-thirty, services were held at the United Brethren church conducted by the local pastor, Rev. Paul Riggs. Interment was made in the Enterprise cemetery. The services at the cemetery were in charge of the Odd Fellows. Anson and Brodie were in charge.
Creighton News, Creighton, Nebraska, Dec. 15,1932
Charles T. Anson well known in west Knox county and northern Antelope county and Creighton, passes away Friday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. at Orchard. Mr. Anson underwent an operation on Thanksgiving Day and failed to gain strength, gradually growing weaker.
Mr. Anson was 68 years of age and was a prominent stockman. For a number of years, he was manager of the Buxton ranch southwest of Creighton, and later had a ranch of his own west of here. He commanded the respect of all his acquaintances and requited many warm friendships who will be grieved to learn of his passing.
~Submitter, Sandy Dempsey (family researcher)
Link to Charles T. Anson BIO page on this website
Mrs. Harriet Lorancy Anson, 1842-1917
Mrs. Harriet Lorancy Anson, age 74 years, 11 months and 12 days, wife of W.G. Anson, passed away January 30 at her home in Quasqueton and was laid to rest from the Congregational Church on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 11 a.m. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband W. G. Anson, and seven children-A.G. Anson, of Orchard, Neb.; C.T. Anson, of Orchard, Neb.; William Anson, of Le Grande, Oregon; Sammie Anson, of Quasqueton, Iowa; Ben R.’ of Churchill, Virginia: Addie Prestlien, of Hugenden Alta, Canada: Hattie Rodgers, of Joliet, Illinois. All were present at the funeral except Mrs. Addie Prestlien, of Canada, and Ben R. Anson, of Virginia.
~Submitter, Sandy Dempsey (family researcher)
Martha Jane Anson, 1864-1961
Obituary- August 1961
ROYAL---Funeral services for Martha Jane Anson, 97, of Powell, Wyo., who died Tuesday, were conducted Thursday in the Christian Church at Orchard. Rev. Guy Dunning, Sutton, officiate. Burial was at Orchard.
Music was furnished by Bernard, Merlyn, and Bernice Strope. Pallbearers were her grandsons, Everett Squire, Lincoln, Calvin Musser, Powell, Wyo, Bernard Anson, Spalding; Gene Anson, Columbus; David and Albert Anson, both of Ewing.
Martha Jane Anson, daughter of Elijah and Sarah Sholes, was born July 2, 1864, in Bremer County, Iowa. She was a pioneer of the Venus community, where she and her late husband, Albert Anson, homesteaded in 1881. Her early life was spent near the town of Fairbanks, Iowa. She was married to Albert Anson, Dec. 23, 1880.
For many years, Mrs. Anson and her husband operated the Venus store. After the building was destroyed in by fire in 1901, they operated a creamery and later moved to Orchard. Following the death of her husband, Mrs. Anson spent much time with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Musser in Oregon, moving to Powell, Wyo., in 1953.
She suffered a paralytic stroke 37 years ago which necessitated the use of a wheelchair until four years ago when she became bedfast. She was cared for during these later years in a rest home in Powell. She had been a member of the Rebekah Lodge for 45 years and a member of the Christian Church at Orchard since its beginning.
Survivors include a son, Willard F. of Orchard; one daughter, Mrs. John Musser of Powell, Wyo, 14 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren, and 22 great great grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband and one daughter.
~Submitter, Sandy Dempsey (family researcher)
Link to Albert & Martha Anson BIO page on this website
William George Anson, 1835-1936
Obituary-The Orchard News-Orchard, Nebr. July 1936
County’s Oldest Man Dead
W.G. Anson, 100, Died at Orchard Home Friday
William George Anson, son of George and Margaret Anson, was born in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, October 15, 1835 and dies July 10, 1936 at the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. C.T. Anson, Orchard, Nebraska, at the age of 100 years, 8 months, and 25 days.
He was one of ten children, having 8 brothers and one sister. Within a few months of his tenth birthday, he and his father came to America, the mother and other children, following in the spring. The father and son stopped in New York, then went to New Jersey, then to Mt. Savage, Maryland, where they found work, remaining there several months, when they went to Ohio to an uncles’ home, where William received his education and leaving here he located in Iowa, where he remained seven years working in a cabinet shop.
In 1860 he was married to Harriet Blair and in the spring of '61 they went to Oregon by ox-team, where he freighted on the Pacific coast for nine years and he became the second settler of Grand Round Valley, Oregon. In '71 he returned to Quasqueton, Iowa and settled on a farm near his father, where he resided, with the exception of 18 months spent in Missouri until the death of his wife, January 30,1917.
During his residence in Quasqueton, Mr. Anson held many offices of trust, honest and upright in all his dealings, he was a man of strong convictions and was active in the affairs of the government of his adopted country. After the death of his wife, Mr. Anson spent some time among his children, coming to Orchard in 1917 to the home of his son, the late Charles. T. Anson, where he lived continuously until his death, being cared for by Mrs. C.T. Anson and his grandchildren six sons and two daughters. Three sons, Albert G., Charles T. and Willard have passed away. His living children are William, of La Grande, Oregon; Samuel, of Independence, Iowa; Benjamin, of Pamplin, Virginia; Mrs. Addis Prestlein, of White Court, Canada, and Mrs. Hattie Rogers, of Holden, Missouri. He has one brother, John, 80 years old, living at Bethune, Colorado. His one sister died in 1935 at the age of 88 and a brother died in 1933 at age 95. He had 24 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren, and 7 great-great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock conducted by Rev. Morehead, of Enterprise and local undertaker, G.R. Brodie, and assistant, Alvin Voorhies, took the bod to Quasqueton, Iowa, Mr. Anson’s old home where interment was made beside his wife.
The following accompanied the remains to Quasqueton, Iowa, Saturday: Mrs. C.T. Anson, Willie Anson, Mrs. M. G. Strope, Mr. and Mrs. George Anson. They returned home Tuesday forenoon.
~Submitter, Sandy Dempsey (family researcher)
Link to William George Anson BIO page on this website
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