Somerset County



Robert Brinley to David Nason 14 Nov 1822, 01 Jul 1824

Know all men by these presents That I Robert Brinly of Tyngsboro in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esqr and Elizabeth wife of said Robert in his right in consideration of Sixty nine dollars thirty six cents paid by David Nason of Canaan in the County of Somerset yeoman the receipt where of we do hereby acknowledge do hereby give grant sell and convey unto the said Nason his heirs and assigns the following described tract of Land in said Canaan and is part of Lot No 1 A3 G2 on a plan made by Daniel Stuart Junr Surveyor and Described as follows viz beginning on the southerly line of Great lot G2 at the south westerly corner of Land formerly conveyed to said David Nason thence running Northerly in the easterly line of said Lot No 1 to the North east corner of said Nasons Land thence running westerly in a line parallel with the southerly line of said lot No 1 seventy three rods thence southerly parallel with said Nasons Westerly line to the southerly line of s'd lot No 1 thence easterly on said line to the bound begun at To have and to hold the same to the said Nason his heirs and assigns to his and their use and benefit forever and we do covenant with the sd Nason his heirs and assigns That the premises aforesaid are free of all incumbrances by me made That we have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Nason And that we will warrant and defend the same to the said Nason his heirs and assigns forever against the lawfull claims and demands of all persons Excepting however from our said covenants of warranty any claim or title commencing by desseisin(?) or by virtue of a Possession and improvement or from sales of or non payment of taxes In witness whereof we the said Robert Brinley and Elizabeth Brinley wife of the said Robert in her right have hereunto set our hands and seals this fourteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two
Robert Brinley (Seal)
Signed sealed and Delivered by his attorney John Pitts
in presence of Henry W. Fuller Elizabeth Brinley (Seal)
Andrew Rogers by her attorney John Pitts
State of Maine Kennebec ss Nov 30. 1822 Then the above named John Pitts acknowledged this instrument by him executed to be his free act and Deed of the above named Robert Brinley and Elizabeth Brinley Before me Henry W. Fuller Justice of Peace
Somerset ss Rec'd July 1. 1824 Entered & compared by Asa Clark Regr.

Source: Somerset County Deeds, Volume 16, page 124

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