Franklin County

Marriages 1840-1891

I have not been able to figure out why these three books of marriages were recorded in the Franklin County Probate Office. In one of the books, I found reference to "Judicial Court." In checking some of the marriages in these books against the records of towns, many of the marriages were recorded in the town and in these books at the Probate Office. In the event any of the marriages were omitted from other records, I felt it was most important to transcribe these records, and for use of the genealogical public, upload them to the Franklin County MEGenWeb. There are occasional question marks and some unusual name spellings, please keep in mind that the writing was very difficult to read. Some sections had extremely faded writing; and one person who entered data had very scrawly writing that was difficult to read. There seemed to be duplicate entries periodically, but since the dates were sometimes different, I have included both dates. In some cases, we have marriages that took place in a town in Franklin County, but both the bride and groom were from other town outside the county. The closer we get to 1900, the more movement I've found in people marrying here from other places. Anita Hardy Morrison did much of the transcription work. --Nancy J. Porter

Groom, Residence + Bride, Residence - Date Married

Rackliff, Alonzo O, of Industry + Ture, Ann M, of Industry - 1875 Dec 28
Rackliff, John O, of Industry + Jones, Esther Ann, of Industry - 1853 Mar 7
Rackliff, John O, of Industry + Patterson, Ann, of Industry - 1868 Apr 11
Rackliff, Samuel, of Industry + Butler, Sarah R, of Industry - 1852 Jan 27
Rackliff, Samuel, of Jay + Lord, Louisa, of Jay - 1845 July 7
Rackliff, Wiliam L, of Industry + Niles, Hattie M, of Lewiston - 1881 Nov 24
Rackliff, William J, of Industry + Luce, Mary J, of Industry - 1867 Apr 28
Rague?, David M, of Weld + Stinchfield, Hattie E, of Farmington - 1869 Sept 5
Ralty, Peter, of Farmington + Gilbert, Silva Mrs, of Farmington - 1871 June 8
Ramsdell, A C, of Farmington + Rackliff, Louisa R, of Farmington - 1859 Apr 20
Ramsdell, Cyrus C, of Farmington + Davis, Statira C, of Farmington - 1851 Sept 25
Ramsdell, Hiram A, of New Vineyard + Jennings, Ellen E, of Farmington - 1860 Mar 25
Ramsdell, James P, of Freeman + Spencer, Amanda M, of Parkman - 1854 Jan 19
Ramsdell, Richard E, of Weld + True, Eleanor L, of Weld - 1865 July 9
Rand, Benjamin, of Weld + Newman, Laura A, of Weld - 1862 Nov 27
Rand, Ephraim, of Phillips + Mayo, Julia, of Phillips - 1859 Mar 17
Rand?, Warren G, of not stated + Longley, Ellen S, of not stated - 1876 Sept 12
Randall, Daniel B Rev, of Industry + Gower, Mary, of Industry - 1839 Apr 2
Randall, Edmund N, of Wilton + Allen, Sarah, of Wilton - 1857 Sept 20
Randall, John C, of Farmington + Gilman, Della M, of Madison - 1888 June 6
Randall, William H, of Pownal + Sylvester, Helen J, of Jay - 1861 Jan 28
Randolph, Linus, of W Randolph MA + Alden, Elanor I, of Jay - 1843 Aug 5
Ranger, B D, of Temple + Rose, Lydia L, of Lewiston - 1876 Nov 22
Ranger, Charles R, of Jay + Dixon, Lizzie M, of Jay - 1886 Apr 3
Ranger, Elijah, of Wilton + Holt, Elizabeth, of Weld - 1848 Oct 1
Ranger, Fred H, of Wilton + Foster, Rose E, of Jay - 1885 Aug 30
Ranger, Fred H, of Wilton + Foster, Rose E, of Jay - 1885 Aug 30
Ranger, George W, of Farmington + Look, Mary J, of Farmington - 1876 July 9
Ranger, Horace W, of Jay + Adams, Lovina, of Jay - 1875 Aug 1
Ranger, John S, of Temple + Howard, Olive E, of Washington Plt - 1885 Feb 21
Ranger, Merchant H, of Carthage + Carter, Betsey A, of Carthage - 1845 Oct 12
Ranger, R. Hannibal, of Wilton + Hooper, Emma Florence, of Saco - 1880 Oct 20
Ranger, Reuben, of Wilton + Howe, Mary, of Temple - 1845 Apr 3
Rankin, Augustus L, of Jay + Riggs, Ines, of Jay - 1885 May 19
Rankins, Moses, of Temple + Maloon, Hannah W, of Temple - 1844 July 15
Raymond, Fred, of Rangeley + Brackett, Emma E, of Rangeley - 1891 Mar 30
Raymond, John W, of Rangeley + Haley, Hannah, of Rangeley - 1859 July 3
Read, Silas W, of Wilton + Hardy, Carrie O, of Wilton - 1861 Apr 7
Read, Warren, of Farmington + Farrington, Mar E, of Farmington - 1863
Read, William O, of Height of the land + Williamson, Fanny G, of Height Land - 1851 Nov 2
Record, Alonzo L, of Phillips + Tyler, Lettice H, of Phillips - 1874 Mar 30
Record, Alonzo L, of Phillips + Tyler, Lettice, of Phillips - 1874 Mar 31
Record, Samuel S, of Farmington + Corbett, Ellen, of Farmington - 1860 Nov 24
Reed, Amos, of Wilton + Chesley, Sarah, of Wilton - 1848 May 1
Reed, Augustus S, of Jay + Ross, Louisa P, of Jay - 1861 Mar 10
Reed, Charles W, of not stated + Hodgkins, Jane D, of not stated - 1860 Nov 15
Reed, Charles, of Jay + Campbell, Rosina, of Jay - 1846 Aug 30
Reed, George C, of Portland + Thompson, Josephine, of Farmington - 1881
Reed, George F, of Phillips + Smith, Susan, of Phillips - 1857 Nov 1
Reed, Henry, of Farmington + Mosher, Emily V, of Farmington - 1891 Sept 29
Reed, Horace A, of Madrid + Haley, Amanda E, of Avon - 1872 Sept 1
Reed, Jacob, of Jay + Loker, Hannah D, of Jay - 1852 Dec 12
Reed, John B, of Carthage + Hardy, Betsey A, of Wilton - 1854 Oct 8
Reed, John, of Jay + Pomroy, Rebecca, of Jay - 1842 Aug 28
Reed, Jude, of Jay + Blaisdell, Mary E, of Jay - 1855 July 25
Reed, Levi H, of Salem + Childs, Hattie E, of Salem - 1883 Sept 23
Reed, Lewis C, of Madrid + Goldsmith, Helena M, of Madrid - 1888 Dec 2
Reed, Lewis P, of Jay + Jones, Mary L, of Weld - 1872 Oct 13
Reed, Silas W, of Jay + Macomber, Sarah L, of Jay - 1868 Apr 9
Reed, Sydner E, of Farmington + True, Flora E, of Farmington - 1887 Nov 18
Reed, Thomas, of E Livermore + Eustis, Hannah E, of Jay - 1858 Nov 26
Reed, Thomas, of E Livermore + Eustis, Hannah, of Jay - 1858 Nov 26
Reed, William E, of Boothbay + Howes, E Ella, of New Sharon - 1878 July 3
Remick, Alvah D, of Farmington + Lord, Mary A, of Farmington - 1883 Feb 13
Remick, Benjamin S, of Athens + Shaw, Mary E, of Industry - 1859 July 4
Remick, Isaac D, of Phillips + Wills, Lucy C, of Phillips - 1854 Feb 19
Remick, Samuel, of Anson + Norton, Olive, of Industry - 1838? Aug 20
Reynolds, Peter, of Weld + Storer, Emily, of Weld - 1856 Feb 16
Rice, Calvin F, of Industry + Kilgore, Sarah Mrs, of Industry - 1862 Nov 13
Rice, E P, of Boston Mass + Lockllin, Mary E, of Temple - 1873 Sept 15
Rice, Henry Herbert, of Farmington + Porter, Ida May, of Farmington - 1882 Sept 4
Rice, Thomas C, of Farmington + Colburn, Angeline S, of Weld - 1859 Mar 23
Rich, Alanson? G, of Phillips + Kempton, Florence P, of Phillips - 1880 May 2
Rich, Isiah Capt, of Jay + Walton, Ann, of Farmington - 1858 Nov 16
Rich, Isiah, of Jay + Allen, Esther, of Jay - 1839 Oct 17
Rich, Joseph A, of Jay + Paine, Clarisa, of Jay - 1844 Jan 14
Richard, John Jr, of Salem + Clark, Cordelia M, of Salem - 1849 Jan 14
Richards, Alvin M, of Templeton Mass + Powers, Sarah L, of Wilton - 1867 Dec 6
Richards, Ansel, of Salem + Manson, Estha A, of Salem - 1858 Sept 5
Richards, Chandler, of Salem + Ellsworth, Filzord?, of Salem - 1858 Oct 16
Richards, Clark, of not stated + Tufts, Elnora, of not stated - 1874 Aug 11
Richards, Clinton J, of Salem + Mayo, Iva N, of Salem - 1883 July 28
Richards, Elmer E, of Farmington + Austin, Mabel E, of Farmington - 1884 July 14
Richards, Freedom, of Salem + Brown, Sarah, of Freeman - No date
Richards, Lafayette C, of Chesterville + Gardiner, Eliza A, of Chesterville - 1853 Sept 14
Richards, Otis L, of Chesterville + Robinson, Eva M, of Jay - 1885 Aug 23
Richards, William W, of Salem Mass + Milliken, Laura P, of Farmington - 1868 July 22
Richardson, Artemus S, of Jay + Keyes, Adeline, of Jay - 1853 Nov 9
Richardson, Burton, of Strong + Stinchfield, Clara B, of Strong - 1881 Dec 11
Richardson, Cornelias L, of Rangeley + Hewey, Cora E, of Rangeley - 1884 Nov 1
Richardson, Eloin, of Jay + Cooledge, Eliza Jane, of Jay - 1841 June 12
Richardson, Fanoni A, of Winchester MA + Norton, Georgie A, of Farmington - 1885 Sept 12
Richardson, George A, of Jay + Morse, Mary, of Jay - 1853 Aug 25
Richardson, George H, of not stated + Bryant, R Emma, of not stated - 1879 Jan 1
Richardson, John H, of Jay + Noyes, Jane T, of Jay - 1842 July 23
Richardson, John R, of Jay + Severy, Hester Ann, of Jay - 1866 Aug 18
Richardson, John, of Jay + Paine, Polly, of Jay - 1858 Mar 17
Richardson, Jonathan G, of Jay + Buck, Adaline, of Jay - 1848 Oct 8
Richardson, Joseph, of Boston + Stone, Elizabeth D, of Fayette - 1837 Oct 15
Richardson, Martin V, of Phillips + Wells, Nancy M, of Phillips - 1860 July 7
Richardson, Otis G, of E Livermore + Jones, Harriet, of Jay - 1851 Mar 19
Richardson, Philip M, of Letter B Plt + Townsend, Mary O J, of Wilton - 1847 Nov 4
Richardson, Phineas, of Rangeley + Pillsbury, Addie, of Rangeley - 1880 Dec 6
Richardson, Roscoe L, of Canton + Bump, Lucretia A, of Farmington - 1865 Dec 17
Richardson, Victor M, of Jay + Jones, Mary, of Jay - 1842 Nov 17
Richardson, Walent?, of Livermore + Humphrey, Fostina, of Jay - 1849 Apr 27
Richmond, John F, of Farmington + Peasley, Alice A, of Farmington - 1891 Mar 24
Ricker, Turner S, of New Portland + Blaisdell, Jennie L, of New Portland - 1880 Dec 25
Ridley, James, of Jay + Thompson, Elizabeth, of Jay - 1857 Mar 15
Ridlon, Daniel, of Wayne + Winter, Sarah, of Carthage - 1828 Apr 23
Riggs, James A, of Jay + Thompson, Abigail W, of Jay - 1852 Aug 22
Riggs, Jason, of Vienna + Wing, Martha Jan S, of Chesterville - 1843 Nov 19
Riggs, Joseph M, of Jay + Blaisdell, Nellie M, of Jay - 1875 Dec 24
Ring, Freeman E, of Chesterville + Paul, Rufina A, of Chesterville - 1854 Mar 8
Ring, Philander, of Weld + Houghton, Emily, of Weld - 1848 Oct 1
Robbins, Anson, of Wilton + Reed, Christana, of Wilton - 1858 Mar 31
Robbins, Benjamin S, of Jay + Childs, Lauretta, of Jay - 1871 Jan 18
Robbins, Charles P, of Calais + Sewall, Carrie L, of Farmington - 1872 Sept 19
Robbins, Fred M, of Farmington + Smith, M Lizzie, of New Sharon - 1884 Jan 19
Robbins, Fred, of Temple + Williamson, Ida, of Copentown ME - 1887 Dec 29
Robbins, William, of Wilton + Briggs, Sarah P, of Chesterville - 1851 Apr 15
Roberts, John, of Brunswick + Porter, Lydia S, of New Sharon - 1864 Aug 8
Robertson, Abraham Dr., of Manchster NH + Barker, Emily, of Wilton - 1852 Dec 29
Robertson, John, of Weld + Holt, Grace H, of Weld - 1848 Apr 30
Robertson, William S, of Weld + Skolfield, Octavia, of Weld - 1857 Feb 25
Robinson, Charles R, of no town + Farrington, Lucinda E, of Chesterville - 1859 Apr 25
Robinson, Frank, of Mt Vernon + Small, Minnie E, of Farmington - 1887 Dec 17
Robinson, Frederick, of Portland + Jardit?, Malvina, of Farmington - 1886 Aug 17
Robinson, George A, of Farmington + Mann, Hattie S, of Lisbon - 1891 Nov 25
Robinson, Hiram T, of Wilton + Robinson, Martha A, of Wilton - 1853 Mar 17
Robinson, John E, of Eustis Plt + Ellsworth, Ellen L, of Salem - 1866 Sept 9
Robinson, John, of Chesterville + Farrington, Evlyne? E, of Chesterville - 1858 Sept 5
Robinson, Lucius B, of New Sharon + Burr, Susan D, of New Sharon - 1863 June 13
Robinson, Lunneus B, of New Sharon + Gilpres?, Martha, of Jay - 1844 Nov 6
Robinson, Samuel, of Bath + Bradford, Martha S, of Starks - 1842 Aug 30
Robinson, W A, of Rangeley + Hewey, Adeline J, of Phillps - 1890 Aug 3
Rodbird, William R, of Jay + Brown, Hannah, of Vienna - 1859 Dec 5
Rodbird, William W, of Jay + Hall, Arathusia, of Jay - 1876 Feb 20
Rodbird, William W, of Jay + Tilton, Abbie A, of Wilton - 1861 Nov 10
Roderigue, Napolion, of Farmington + Breton/Butler, Marie, of Lewiston - 1883 Aug 13
Rodrique, Joseph, of Farmington + Pepin, Mary An???, of Farmington - 1871 July 14
Rogers, Alpheus W, of Bath + Hunt, Lizzie S, of Wilton - 1862 Oct 6
Rogers, Edwin A, of Rangeley + Hinkley, May M, of Industry - 1872 Nov 4
Rogers, Emery H, of Belgrade + Gould, Pauline L, of Madrid - 1887 Mar 1
Rogers, James L, of Bath + Vose, Mittie L Mrs, of Farmington - 1872 Sept 12
Rogers, William W, of Gardiner + Swift, Nancy H, of Industry - 1853 Sept 22
Rollin, Bradford R, of Weld + Barker, Sally P, of Weld - 1848 Dec 31
Rollins, Frank C, of Farmington + Grover, Evelina, of Farmington - 1876 Aug 5
Rollins, Frank H, of New Sharon + Whittier, Grace E, of Chesterville - 1881 Dec 3
Rollins, John F, of Rangeley + Stevens, Idia, of Rangeley - 1879 Nov 11
Rollins, John S, of Farmington + Kenney, Lydia A, of Farmington - 1862 Jan 20
Rollins, Stephen, of Jay + Warren, Alive, of Jay - 1833 July 21
Rollins, Stephen, of Jay + Webster, Jane, of Jay - 1848 Apr 21
Rollins, William, of Jay + Mace, Elmira, of Jay - 1842 Dec 25
Rolllins, John H, of Jay + Prince, Emily S, of Jay - 1849 Mar 22
Ross, Abraham, of Rangeley + Welch, Hannah, of Perkins Plt - 1864 Feb 14
Ross, Daniel, of Rangeley + Philbrick, Delena, of Rangeley - 1860 Oct 10
Ross, George L, of Rangeley + Gile, Minnie E, of Rangeley - 1890 June 1
Ross, Jesse, of Rangeley + Nile, Annah A, of Rangeley - 1883 Sept 24
Ross, John M, of Chesterville + Thomas, Mary F, of Chesterville - 1852 Nov 4
Ross, Micah, of Jay + Fuller, Elizabeth, of Jay - 1840 Apr 19
Ross, Micah, of Jay + Jackson, Eleanor, of Jay - 1845 June 22
Ross, Moses C, of Rangeley + Haley, Mary, of Rangeley - 1874 May 18
Ross, Moses C, of Rangeley + Hodges, Lizzie L, of Phillips - 1887 July 17
Ross, Oscar, of Rangeley + Hoar, Linnie, of Rangeley - 1888 Mar 3
Ross, Ozro, of Farmington + Farrington, Sarah A, of E Livermore - 1873 June 23
Ross, Raymond C, of Phillips + Ricker, Xarissa, of Avon - 1875 Sept 12
Ross, Reuben W, of Rangeley + Raymond, Hannah C, of Rangeley - 1884 Aug 21
Rowe, Eben, of Rangeley + Hoar, Floretta, of Rangeley - 1865 Aug 20
Rowe, Eben, of Rangeley + McLaughlin, Mary E, of Rangeley - 1878 Aug 3
Rowe, Howard C, of New Sharon + Towle, Hannah T, of New Sharon - 1862 Dec 21
Rowe, John M, of New Sharon + Bowley, Bell, of New Sharon - 1871 Mar 2
Rowe, Melvin B, of Freeman + ToddLadd?, Rosetta A, of Strong - 1866 Apr 1
Rowell, Charles F, of Weld + Hardy, Marilla, of Weld - 1882 Jan 31
Rowell, Frank J, of Weld + Kennedy, Abbie J J, of Strong - 1878 Mar 4
Rowell, Frank J, of Weld + Kennedy, Abbie JJ, of not stated - 1878 Mar 4
Rowell, Henry I, of Jay + Keyes, Emily, of Jay - 1853 Nov 9
Roy, Gran, of Farmington + Gagne, Alphousine, of Lewiston - 1888 Feb 6
Royal, Fred, of Wilton + Taylor, Lucy A, of Wilton - 1881 Oct 22
Royal, John F, of Wilton + Lakin, Carrie A, of Temple - 1861 Sept 1
Rumford, Samuel B, of Monmouth + House, Abby P, of Monmouth - 1859 May 27
Rundlett, Joseph, of Freeman + Weymouth, Cynthia, of Freeman - 1852 Nov 15
Russ, Harry S, of Farmington + Barden, Anna R, of Chesterville - 1890 Mar 9
Russ, Jonathan Hon., of Farmington + Bragdon, Ellen N, of Farmington - 1867 Oct 9
Russell, Abael, of New Sharon + Marvell, Adelina J, of Farmington - 1860 Apr 29
Russell, Abel D, of Weld + York, Ellen H, of Weld - 1860 June 2
Russell, Abiel, of Phillips + Willard, Velzora J, of Phillips - 1861 Feb 3
Russell, Amlin B, of Wilton + Voter, Cora F, of Farmington - 1885 Aug 13
Russell, Charles B, of Farmington + Russell, Emeline, of Temple - 1845 May 7
Russell, Charles M, of Farmington + Coburn, Eliza A, of New Sharon - 1859 Jan 1
Russell, Eben C, of New Sharon + Reed, Sarah Jane, of New Sharon - 1846 May 24
Russell, Eliza H, of Temple + Roberts, Charles O, of Avon - 1860 Dec 17
Russell, Ephraim, of Temple + Tuck, Elvira, of Farmington - 1854 Feb 7
Russell, George W, of Temple + Green, Phebe E, of Temple - 1855 May 13
Russell, Hannibal D, of ma: New Vineyd + Stewart, Caroline E, of New Vineyard - 1856 Sept 19
Russell, Hannibal, of Temple + Dunsmore, M Florence, of Temple - 1871 Dec 3
Russell, Isaac B, of Farmington + Simpson, Hannah Mrs, of Vassalboro - 1888 Oct 8
Russell, Isaac B, of Temple + Mitchell, N Emma Mrs, of Temple - 1868 Nov 24
Russell, Jacob B, of Phillips + Bailey, Elizabeth, of Phillips - 1848 Dec 19
Russell, James A, of Weld + Storer, Mary D, of Carthage - 1870 Dec 12
Russell, James P Hon., of Farmington + Hayes, Hannah M Mrs, of Farmington - 1886 Aug 10
Russell, John A, of Phillips + Dutton, Carrie M, of Phillips - 1890 May 10
Russell, Joseph Jr, of Weld + Houghton, Dorcas, of Weld - 1856 Jan 23; married in Providence RI
Russell, Martin VB Dr., of Farmington + Smith, Julia A, of Farmington - 1858 Jan 17
Russell, Nathaniel, of Farmington + True, Marrilla, of Farmington - 1854 apr 26
Russell, William F, of Farmington + Vickery, Ada, of Auburn - 1873 Oct 28
Ryant, Forrest L, of Wilton + Blackwell, Hattie A, of Wilton - 1886 June 20

Safford, Daniel, of Fayette + Morse, Roxannah, of Carthage - 1849 Nov 29
Safford, Mellen F, of Turner + Brown, Helen H, of Jay - 1862 July 20
Safford, Silas H, of Sidney + Mayo, Mary W, of Freeman - 1860 Feb 9
Sally, W G, of Anson + Whittier, Emma S, of Farmington - 1885 June 20
Samp??, George W, of Cornville + Morse, Mary, of Jay - 1850 June 23
Sampson, C W, of Temple + Jenney, Rachel U, of Temple - 1870 Apr 3
Sampson, Edgar M, of Avon + Sampson, Carrie I, of Farmington - 1886 Nov 1
Sampson, Edgar M, of Avon + Walker, Della M, of Strong - 1876 June 18
Sampson, Frank D, of Avon + Worthley, Margaret E, of Avon - 1871 Aug 19
Sampson, Henry L, of Temple + Colcord, Jennie, of Temple - 1868 May 7
Sampson, Rolla S, of Farmington + Gleason, Julia A, of Farmington - 1866 Apr 26
Sanborn, Amzi, of Phillips + Wheeler, Mary, of Phillips - 1855 Dec 6
Sanborn, Charles T, of Weld + Haines, Selina J, of Avon - 1886 Apr
Sanborn, David P, of Weld + Jones, Martha, of Weld - 1849 Apr 11
Sanborn, Dearborn C, of Weld + Williams, Sarah A, of Farmington - 1873 Jan 1
Sanborn, Duaby? F, of Monmouth + Coburn, Lorette J, of Carthage - 1848 Apr 30
Sanborn, Henry N, of Helena Mont. + Sweet, A., of Farmington - 1866 Dec 25
Sanborn, James F, of Farmington + Mayhew, Myra L, of Mt Vernon - 1890 Aug 11
Sanborn, James F, of Farmington + Mayhew, Myra L, of Mt Vernon - 1890 Aug 11
Sanders, Robert H, of Phillips + Richardson, Sarah J, of Phillips - 1860 Mar 1
Sanders, Robert H, of Sandwich? MA + Smith, Lydia, of Phillips - 1855 Jan 30
Sands, Edward, of Lewiston + Stewart, Emma E, of Farmington - 1870 May 3
Sanford, H J, of Wilton + Mower, Sarah, of Wilton - 1849 Feb 18
Sargent, Isaac M, of Temple + Hodgkins, Emma, of Temple - 1860 Dec 16
Savage, Benjamin F, of Letter E Plt + Dodge, Nettie M, of #6 - 1890 Nov 29
Savage, Hiram D, of New Vineyard + Gage, Lydia F, of New Vineyard - 1872 Apr 22
Savage, Ivory, of Temple + White, Mary E, of Temple - 1885 Jan 24
Savage, Stephen D, of Waterville + Russell, Mary A, of Anson - 1882 Feb 18
Savage, Stephen L, of Temple + Tyler, Georgie A, of Phillips - 1880 Aug 7
Savage, Stillman S, of Farmington + Gardiner, Christina, of Farmington - 1889 Mar 2
Savage, Stillman S, of Temple + Roberts, Lizzie, of Temple - 1871 Feb 25
Savage, Thomas W, of Medford Mass + Badger, Marinda T, of Wilton - 1854 Aug 16
Savage, William F, of Temple + Wilkins, Nancy G, of Perkins Plt - 1866 Dec 13
Sawtelle, Orlando, of Bangor + Waugh, Annie S, of Starks - 1866 Apr 4
Sawyer, Abel H, of Portland + Belcher, Eva J, of Farmington - 1873 Dec 25
Sawyer, Albert, of New Sharon + Brann, Angie L, of New Sharon - 1880 Feb 7
Sawyer, Edd, of Vienna + Chapman, Mary E, of New Sharon - 1875 Oct 3
Sawyer, Edward E, of Strong + Vining, Susan T, of Strong - 1869 Dec 27
Sawyer, Edwin, of Temple + Voter, Apphia, of Farmington - 1859 Feb 28
Sawyer, Ephraim E B, of Phillips + Bailey, Esther, of Phillips - 1861 Mar 11
Sawyer, Gardiner, of not stated + Wood, S A, of not stated - 1884 July 2; married at Wilton
Sawyer, George S, of Lincoln Cty Nev + Oakes, Abby J, of Temple - 1871 May 17
Sawyer, Jabez, of Mexico + Vining, Harriet E, of Avon - 1858 Aug 22
Sawyer, Jefferson, of New Sharon + Storer, Annie A Mrs, of New Sharon - 1871 Feb 22
Sawyer, John, of Starks + Lowell, Lois, of Vienna - 1838 Dec 10
Sawyer, Nelson, of New Sharon + Greenlief, Dorcas, of New Sharon - 1858 Nov 17
Sawyer, Prince A, of Phillips + Oakes, Elvira C, of Temple - 1868 Nov 19
Sawyer, Seth C, of Strong + Jeffers, Georgie E, of Industry - 1880 Feb 14
Sawyer, Willard E, of Wilton + Whittier, Lillian E, of Chesterville - 1883 Dec 25
Scales, James Dea., of Temple + Tuck, Almira Mrs, of Temple - 1869 Sept 15
Scales, John S, of Wilton + Lawrence, Susan, of Wilton - 1844 Oct 6
Scammon, Freeman, of Weld + Butterfield, Imogene L, of Phillips - 1887 Mar 16
Scribner, B W, of Wilton + Benson, Ida E, of Wilton - 1885 July 22
Scribner, Elon F, of New Vineyard + Corbett, Sarah E, of New Vineyard - 1879 Apr 25
Searles, Charles H, of Letter E Plt + Pearson, Hattie F, of No. 6 - 1883 Apr 14
Searles, Charles H, of No. 6 + Dodge, Anna L, of No. 6 - 1885 Sept 16
Searles, James, of Dallas Plt + Adams, Anginette, of Dallas Plt - 1862 June 18
Searles, Joseph K, of Perkins Plt + Jenkins, L Olive, of Temple - 1868 Jan 14
Searles, Thomas, of Hallowell + Towns, Malintha D, of Wilton - 1850 Aug 21
Searles, William H, of Rangeley + Tibbetts, Huldah E, of Rangeley - 1888 Mar 19
Searles, Willlis L, of Temple + Chandler, Laura B, of Temple - 1890 Sept 16
Seavey, Augustus L, of Salem + Nickerson, Ada, of Phillips - 1881 May 1
Seavey, John A, of Industry + Spinney, Annie, of Starks - 1870 Jan 29
Seavy?, James T, of Salem + Richards, Betsey F, of Salem - 1862 Dec 14
Sebins, John H, of Sandy Riv Plt + Sweatt, Theresa L Mrs, of Letter E Plt - 1888 May 3
Sedgley, John, of Industry + Cutts, Marie, of Industry - no date
Seeland, Maniel E, of Wilton + Hall, Salinda H, of Wilton - 1851 Jan 1
Severance, Frank E, of Lewiston + Hitchcock, Maggie B, of Lewiston - 1872 Sept 8
Severy, Asa F, of Dixfield + Hannaford, Ida M, of Dixfield - 1886 Oct 9
Severy, Clarence H, of not stated + Tucker, Michala A, of not stated - 1867 Jan 1
Severy, Rufus, of not stated + Kimball, Emeline B, of not stated - 1865 Mar 6
Sewall, Samuel, of Farmington + Holland, Susan, of Farmington - 1868 June 29
Shaw, albert L, of Industry + Luce, Ann D, of Industry - 1864 Sept 15
Shaw, Alfred W, of Farmington + Burgess, Eliza M, of Temple - 1887 Sept 21
Shaw, Bruce F, of Mattapoisette + Cook, Eliza A, of Avon - 1855 Mar 15
Shaw, Simon, of Sangerville + Ellis, Alynda F, of Carthage - 1838 July 6
Sheldon, Charles A, of Carthage + Whitney, Marinda C, of Carthage - 1873 Mar 3
Shepard, Charles, of Phillips + Vining, Lydia Mrs, of Strong - 1850 Apr 14
Shepard, L Martin, of Temple + Mower, Josephine A, of Temple - 1870 Feb 18
Shepard, Lyflorus D, of Phillips + Sawyer, Ludora J, of Madrid - 1879 Apr 27
Shepard, Lyflouris D, of Phillips + Sawyer, Lawora J, of Madrid - 1879 Apr 27
Shepherd, Benjamin, of Phillips + Howard, Lydia A, of Phillips - 1854 Aug 10
Simmons, Gilbert, of Canton + Paine, Rosa E, of Jay - 1879 Feb 1
Simmons, Jerome, of Kingfield + Witham, Hattie E, of Kingfield - 1882 Aug 27
Simmons, John S, of Wilton + Murch, Ellen, of Gorham - 1880 Feb 7
Simonds, Henry C, of Lewiston + Averill, Lizzie M, of Wilton - 1860 May 20
Simpson, Isiah, of Weld + Holman, Nancy, of Weld - 1828 Mar 2
Sinclair, Willis W, of Lisbon Falls + Wyman, Lou M, of Farmington - 1883 Feb 28
Sithy?, Robert H, of Boston + Newman, Cordelia, of Carthage - 1853 May 9
Skeetop, Danforth, of Carthage + Gardner, Phila, of Carthage - 1845 Nov 24
Skeetop, Harry E, of Wilton + Grover, Jennie S, of Wilton - 1883 Mar 16
Skeetop, Mathias, of Carthage + Carter, Jenney?, of Carthage - 1844 Mar 11
Skeetup, Cyrus, of Washington Plt + Ranger, Emma F, of Washington Plt - 1872 May 18
Skeetup, Justus, of Carthage + Hardy, Charity M, of Carthage - 1864 Dec 14
Skeetup, Sumner W, of Washington Plt + Wilbur, Henrietta L, of Washington Plt - 1879 July 21
Skidmore, H E, of New Vineyard + Tracy, Rose Mrs, of New Vineyard - 1887 Aug 7
Skillin, William H, of Madrid + Parker, Jane D, of Madrid - 1846 Mar 17
Skillings, James T, of Strong + Norton, Martha J, of Strong - 1873 Nov 27
Skinner, L Ward, of Farmington + Wellman, Lillian R, of Temple - 1875 Dec 24
Small, Samuel H, of Wilton + Goding, Melvina S, of Jay - 1858 July 4
Small, Samuel H, of Wilton + Peabody, Marcia, of Wilton - 1866 Sept 2
Small, Thomas, of Andover + Masterman, Rebecca Mrs, of Weld - 1862 Nov 1
Small, William W, of Temple + Conant, Della, of Temple - 1882 Sept 17
Smart, Charles H, of Phillips + Hayford, M Ella, of Phillips - 1885 Nov 9
Smart, Ozarn, of Farmington + Perkins, Emma F, of Farmington - 1878 Oct 12
Smart, Ozem, of Farmington + Edwards, Vellie H, of Farmington - 1870 Dec 3
Smelledge, Charles B, of New Sharon + Allen, Rosilla R, of not stated - 1859 Feb 6
Smiley, Charles W, of Sidney + Richardson, Zadie L, of Chesterville - 1864 Nov 12
Smith, Albert T, of not stated + Mor?, Emma A, of Temple - 1877 Nov 17
Smith, Albert T, of Strong + Coombs, Emma T, of Strong - 1867 July 4
Smith, Albert, of New Sharon + Maddocks, Gussie, of New Sharon - 1881 Jan 2
Smith, Albion F, of Lewiston + Elwell, Sarah E, of Farmington - 1886 Aug 17
Smith, Alexis A, of Carthage + Stickney, May/Mary C, of Carthage - 1876 Jan 20
Smith, Allen, of Wilton + Houghton, Elizabeth, of Weld - 1848 Oct 1
Smith, Andrew F, of Phillips + Goodwin, Harriet A, of Phillips - 1855 Jan 1
Smith, Andrew M, of Chesterville + Chandler, Louisa, of Farmington - 1885 June 13
Smith, Charles A, of Phillips + Plummer, Clara M, of Phillips - 1874 Aug 8
Smith, Charles G, of Starks + Norton, Louisa M Mrs, of Starks - 1869 Mar 7
Smith, Charles H, of Wilton + Sampson, Helen M, of Temple - 1889 Aug 4
Smith, Charles, of Lincoln ? + Adams, Ellise, of Jay - 1837 Oct 9
Smith, Daniel Y, of Phillips + Robbins, Almira, of Phillips - 1844 June 30
Smith, David W, of Phillips + Webber, Lydia A, of Phillips - 1874 June 29
Smith, E T, of Farmington + Hunter, Susan E Mrs, of Farmington - 1878 July 3
Smith, Elijah B, of Industry + Viles, Annah B, of Industry - 1847 Feb 21
Smith, Ephraim H, of New Sharon + Brown, Elmira K, of New Sharon - 1878 June 2
Smith, Ephraim M, of not stated + Baldwin, Susan D, of not stated - 1860 Nov 15
Smith, Eugene C, of New Sharon + Luce, Mirriam C, of Industry - 1871 Apr 15
Smith, Frank S, of Salem + Harris, Lizzie, of Salem - 1881 Nov 22
Smith, Frederick S, of Farmington + Gay, Mary, of Farmington - 1877 Oct 1
Smith, George A, of Vienna + Folsome, Sarah J, of New Sharon - 1864 Sept 22
Smith, George E, of Phillips + Plummer, Allie O, of Phillips - 1883 July 7
Smith, George H, of Farmington + Ellis, Margaret B, of Farmington - 1860 Oct 14
Smith, George R, of Madison + Rockward, Mary F Mrs, of Jay - 1873 July 3
Smith, George S, of Lewiston + Arris, Mary Jane, of Lewiston - 1860 Dec 26
Smith, Henry L, of New Sharon + Chandler, Rosie I, of New Sharon - 1862 Nov 23
Smith, Howard, of Chesterville + Smith, Lois Ann, of Chesterville - 1855 Feb 20
Smith, Isaac Jr, of Litchfield + Bodwell, Jane E, of ma: Wilton - 1848 Sept 17
Smith, Isaac T, of Temple + Paine, Augusta A, of Chesterville - 1870 Dec 31
Smith, Isaac W, of Phillips + Mitchell, Mary E, of Turner - 1860 May 20
Smith, J Curtis, of not stated + Adams, Rose C, of not stated - 1878 Sept 22
Smith, J Sheppard, of Wilton + Walker, Martha O, of Wilton - 1860 Sept 9
Smith, J Walson, of Lewiston + Beal, Minnie G, of Phillips - 1880 June 21
Smith, John R, of Strong + Russell, Susan M, of Avon - 1859 May 29
Smith, John, of Industry + Gilman, Abbey F, of Starks - 1869 Feb 10
Smith, John, of Temple + Savage, Louisa, of Wilton - 1852 Apr 8
Smith, Joseph W Esq, of Industry + Greaton, Rhoda Mrs, of New Vineyard - 1845 April 17
Smith, Joseph W, of Industry + Daggett, Lydia A, of Starks - 1857 Feb 26
Smith, Joseph, of Bloomfield + White, Elizabeth, of Temple - 1853 Nov 6
Smith, Kanada?, of Readfield + Clark, Aphadella, of Salem - 1856 Aug 19
Smith, Larkin A, of Boston + Potter, Belinda, of Carthage - 1849 Oct 25
Smith, Lemuel H, of Jay + Wells, Rhoda M, of Vienna - 1863 Sept 12
Smith, Levi F, of Farmington + Farmer, Loey A, of Farmington - 1879 Jan 19
Smith, Loring J, of Strong + Thomas, Annie V, of Strong - 1886 Sept 6
Smith, Nathan S, of Carthage + Swain, Amanda, of Avon - 1870 Mar 4
Smith, Nathaniel, of Farmington + Lambert, Matilda F Mrs, of Farmington - 1885 Apr 7
Smith, Robert H, of Farmington + Holley, Louisa B, of Farmington - 1870 July 10
Smith, Robert H, of Farmington + Holley, Louisa B, of Farmington - 1870 July 10
Smith, Robert S, of wilton + Keyes, Norma, of Jay - 1844 June 2
Smith, Rufus T, of Temple + Paine, Marcie C, of Chesterville - 1871 Oct 28
Smith, Samuel B, of Westbrook + Knowles, Lucinda, of Chesterville - 1852 Apr 4
Smith, William B, of Jay + Koffer, Jane K, of Jay - 1861 Oct 1
Smith, William M, of Sandy Riv Plt + Brackett, Sarah J, of Dallas Plt - 1861 June 30
Smith, William W, of Farmington + Brackley, Mary, of Farmington - 1889 Mar 10
Smith, William W, of Farmington + McKeel, Sarah A, of Frederickton - 1882 Aug 26
Smith, Winslow B, of Lincoln Mass + Wills, Alma S, of Phillips - 1875 Sept 1
Smith?, Livingston, of New Vineyard + Gould, Anginette S, of New Vineyard - 1860 Mar 12
Smyth, Moses A, of Georgetown MA + Turner, Dianna, of ma: Wilton - 1851 May 1
Snell, James A, of Starks + Twing, Joanna, of Industry - 1842 May 12
Snell, James M, of Starks + True, Lenora S, of Industry - 1846 Apr 1
Snow, Benjamin T Rev, of Fryeburg + Chandler, Annie S, of New Sharon - 1862 Aug 19
Snowman, George, of Rangeley + Haley, Cerreth, of Sandy Riv Plt - 1874 Mar 22
Snowman, James, of Weld + Storer, Julia, of Weld - 1844 Dec 29
Snowman, John B, of Weld + Baker, Eliza A, of Weld - 1862 Mar 18
Snowman, John, of Rangeley + Ranger, Clara H, of Rangeley - 1891 Nov 28
Soper, Orren H, of Freeman + Arnold, Etta J, of Farmington - 1879 July 29
Soule, Aaron, of Rangley + Ross, Lovey S, of Rangeley - 1884 Dec 6
Soule, Charles N, of Jay + Childs, Hannah M, of Jay - 1880 Oct 24
Soule, Daniel H, of Phillips + Holley, May F, of Farmington - 1884 Apr 5
Soule, Eugine, of Rangeley + Hall, Clara A, of Barrington NH - 1884 Nov 22
Soule, Fred, of New Sharon + Gilman, Lydia, of Farmington - 1883 Jan 24
Soule, George F, of Famington + Sewall, Caroline A, of Farmington - 1849 June 7
Soule, Jesse H, of Avon + Masterman, Lovinina, of Weld - 1845 Sept 7
Soule, Joshua, of Avon + Payne, Eliza, of Weld - 1845 Aug 31
Soule, William D, of Phillips + Pratt, Mary A, of Phillips - 1868 Mar 8
Spaulding, Danville D, of Carthage + Brown, Roxy M, of Carthage - 1845 Nov 2
Spaulding, Edward L, of Worcester Mass + Leland, Ella A, of Farmington - 1871 Dec 10
Spaulding, Frank C, of New Vineyard + McKeen, Marcia, of Strong - 1873 May 27
Spaulding, John C, of Farmington + Butler, Carrie E, of Farmington - 1880 Oct 26
Spear, Edwin P, of Farmington + Cutler, Cunthia, of Farmington - 1880 May 6
Spear, George, of Bowdoinham + Howard, Elvira V, of Phillips - 1849 Jan 28
Spencer, Bradford, of Anson + Childs, Josephine P, of Salem - 1867 Feb 2
Sprague, Henry, of Farmington + Savage, Nancy R Mrs, of Farmington - 1888 May 16
Sprague, Henry, of Farmington + Sprague, Ann Maria, of Farmington - 186? Mar 25
Sprague, Isaac, of Avon + Brown, Mary, of Freeman - 1844 Dec 17
Sprague, Joshua, of Avon + Libbey, Jerusha, of Strong - 1866 Aug 30
Sprague, William B, of Phillips + Partridge, Rosetta S, of Phillips - 1855 Dec 7
Sprague, Willliam C, of Madrid + Kinney, Delia L, of Madrid - 1875 Dec 9
St Clair, Nelson, of Chesterville + Dean, Eliza, of Jay - 1840 July 9
Stain, William H, of not stated + Gilman, Josephine H, of not stated - 1883 July 18
Stanley, Bayard T, of Kingfield + Landers, Laura J, of Kingfield - 1885 Sept 15
Stanley, Fred W, of Farmington + Dodge, Mary E, of Farmington - 1888 Jan 21
Stanley, George W, of Farmington + Kempton, Fanny C, of Farmington - 1861 Aug 20
Stanley, Isaac N, of Kingfield + Durrell, Minerva A, of Kingfield - 1865 Dec 31
Stanley, Moses C, of New York + Pease, Sarah P, of Wilton - 1849 June 24
Stanley, Moses C, of Scuba NY + Pease, Sarah P, of ma: Jay - 1849 June 24
Staples, Andrew W, of Avon + Smith, Velzora Mrs, of Avon - 1883 Oct 15
Staples, David H, of Temple + Emery, Rebecca M, of Industry - 1854 Dec 13
Staples, Edward, of Farmington + Wheeler, Lucia E Mrs, of Farmington - 1886 Mar 23
Staples, Eugene H, of Carthage + Sanborn, Pamelia, of Carthage - 1878 Nov 14
Staples, Ezra, of Carthage + Grover, Sybil, of Carthage - 1848 Nov 25
Staples, George A, of Phillips + Keniston, Jenette, of Phillips - 1885 May 20
Staples, George W, of Wilton + Wilkins, Effie A, of Wilton - 1885 Feb 18
Staples, George, of Phillips + Byron, Cynthia, of Phillips - 1848 Mar 12
Staples, Gustavus B, of Temple + Fredric, Julia O, of Temple - 1869 Nov 25
Staples, H A, of Farmington + Williams, Emma J, of Farmington - 1871 Feb 26
Staples, Hildreth S, of Phillips + Butterfield, Eva L, of Phillips - 1884 Jan 9
Staples, Horace G, of Temple + Gleason, Ada L, of Temple - 1879 aug 30
Staples, Jeremiah, of Grafton MA + Lord, Mary M, of Phillips - 1848 Dec 10
Staples, John M, of Farmington NH + Soper, Mattie A, of Strong - 1868 Aug 2
Staples, John O, of Temple + Cook, Cordelia, of Temple - 1858 Nov 21
Staples, Jotham S, of Temple + Kennetson, Sarah A, of Temple - 1844 June 6
Staples, Noah B, of Jackson Plt + Mace, Lydia A, of Jackson Plt - 1852 Feb 18
Staples, Waldron K, of Phillips + Webber, Euphemia J, of Phillips - 1883 June 17
Starbird, Almon L, of Carthage + Libby, Helen F, of Carthage - 1889 Mar 30
Starbird, Amos D, of Freeman + Gilkey, Mary J, of Freeman - 1852 Sept 11
Starbird, Moses Jr, of Freeman + Gilkey, Elvia G, of Freeman - 1855 Aug 19
Starks, Charles E, of Canton + Flagg, Nora, of Canton - 1884 Sept 14
Starret, J M, of Amesbury MA + Dickey, Sarah M, of Farmington - 1860 May 29
Steinprone?, Charles W, of Thomaston + Stoyall, Mary A, of Farmington - 1876 Dec 25
Stephens, Joseph W, of Winthrop + Dow, Mary C, of Wilton - 1851 Nov 4
Stetson, Allen, of Phillips + Bachelder, Sarah J, of Phillips - no date
Stetson, Frank A, of Richmond + Grose, Edna B, of Richmond - 1879 June 3
Stetson, Gilbert, of Phillips + Wilber, nancy C, of Phillips - 1847 Dec 19
Stevens, Albion, of Chesterville + Smith, Carrie L, of Wilton - 1863 Nov 26
Stevens, Charles, of not stated + Tuttle, Lydia C, of Eustis Plt - 1864 June 27
Stevens, Cyrus L, of Freeman + Welch, Mary J, of Farmington - 1865 Nov 6
Stevens, George L, of not stated + Hillman, Bertie L, of not stated - 1888 Aug 22; married at New Vineyard
Stevens, Herbert L, of Temple + Crowell, Mabel A, of Temple - 1890 May 2
Stevens, Isaac W, of New Sharon + Leighton, Lizzie S, of New Sharon - 1884 Sept 1
Stevens, J, of Solon + Collins, Hattie A, of Farmington - 1878 July 4
Stevens, John A, of not stated + Folsom, Mary A Mrs, of not stated - 1883 Dec 2
Stevens, Marshall A, of Farmington + Look, Mary E Mrs, of Farmington - 1890 Dec 4
Stevens, Royal L, of Lowell Mass + Wilson, Sadie S, of Lowell Mass - 1873 Sept 10
Steward, Charles P, of Farmington + Gould, Cora R, of Wilton - 1877 Oct 23
Steward, Charles, of not stated + Campbell, Rosilla Ann, of Dallas Plt - 1852 June 23
Steward, Daniel L, of New Vineyard + Elliott, Ellen A, of New Vineyard - 1863 May 17
Steward, John J, of New Vineyard + Toothaker, Miriam, of New Vineyard - 1860 Apr 5
Stewart, A W, of Etna ME + Brett, F Augusta, of Farmington - 1868 Aug 25
Stewart, Belcher S, of Salem + Hayford, Amanda M, of Salem - 1872 Nov 26
Stewart, E Alphonso, of Farmington + Wright, Emma Thomson Mrs, of Farmington - 1890 Nov 1
Stewart, Edwin A, of Farmington + Roach, Rosa B, of Farmington - 1865 Dec 24
Stewart, George A, of New Vineyard + Harvey, Hellie A, of New Vineyard - 1869 June 26
Stewart, George A, of New Vineyard + Harvey, Nellie A, of New Vineyard - 1869 June 26
Stewart, Joseph, of Dallas Plt + Jenkins, Martha J, of Temple - 1866 June 23
Stewart, Samuel P, of New Vineyard + Hiscock, Joanna, of New Vineyard - 1859 May ??
Stewart, Stanwood T, of Farmington + Knapp, Ina M, of Farmington - 1888 Dec 31
Stewart, William H, of Farmington + Rodbert, Hannah, of Farmington - 1842 Oct 8
Stewart, William H, of Farmington + Whelps, Mary Ann, of Farmington - 1861 Oct 27
Stickland, Alden J, of Madison + Gordon, Laura E, of Lexington - 1879 Nov 5
Stickley, Anonzo, of Rangeley + Ellis, Lucy A, of Sandy Riv Plt - 1867 Jan 19
Stickney, John H, of Phillips + Parker, Anna V, of Phillips - 1865 Oct 14
Stickney, Thomas, of Carthage + Smith, Olive S, of Wilton - 1846 Mar 18
Stinchfield, George E, of Madrid + Kinney, Cora E, of Madrid - 1879 Dec 4
Stinchfield, George H, of Farmington + Hodgkins, Leona M, of Boston MA - 1890 Nov 9
Stinchfield, Joel, of Jay + Dolley, Fanny N, of Livermore - 1848 Mar 8
Stinchfield, Leonard W, of Carthage + Wood, Cyntha J, of Dixfield - 1851 Jan 24
Stinson, Albion T, of Gardiner + Harris, Annie W, of New Sharon - 1875 May 8
Stinson, John, of Farmington + Farrin, Caroline H, of New Vineyd - 1850 Oct 3
Stoddard, Fred C, of Farmington + Hodgkins, Ina M, of Temple - 1887 Sept 28
Stoddard, Jeremy W, of Farmington + Curtis, Christiana Mrs, of Farmington - 1861 May 30
Stone, Aaron, of Jay + Bryant, Matilda, of Jay - 1840 June 7
Stone, Ebenezer, of Newton Mass + Webster, Catharine M, of Jay - 1849 Mar 18
Stone, Franklin, of Industry + Hobbs, Betsey W, of Industry - 1845 Apr 15
Stone, Leroy C, of Jay + Holmes, Laura L, of Chesterville - 1877 Oct 18
Stone, Moses Jr, of Jay + Parker, Harriet, of Jay - 1837 June 12
Stone, Moses P, of Mt Vernon + Leeman, Emma A, of New Sharon - 1881 Feb 25
Stone, Peter, of not stated + Churchill, Anna, of not stated - 1868 June 16
Stone, Samuel G, of Philips + Russell, Mary, of Phillips - 1856 Mar 15
Stone, Thomas B, of Wilton + White, Priscila W Mrs, of Peru - 1881 Nov 15
Stone, William H, of Bridgton + Harper, Lizzie A, of Wilton - 1859 Dec 29
Storer, David, of Weld + Pratt, Christine, of Phillips - 1857 Jan 27
Storer, Harrison?, of Carthage + Bradbury, Naomi J, of Carthage - 1836 Apr 3
Storer, James K, of Weld + McLaughlin, Anna R, of Weld - 1862 Sept 28
Storer, Leonard, of Weld + Snowman, Julia A, of Weld - 1845 Mar 6
Storer, Philip A, of Industry + Norton, Theresa, of Industry - 1843 Feb 21
Storer, S H, of Lewiston + Howard, Helena M, of Lewiston - 1861 Aug 28
Stower, Asa G, of New Sharon + Hardy, S Anna, of New Sharon - 1862 Sept 4
Stoyell, Leander B, of Farmington + Ellis, Nellie M, of Farmington - 1880 Feb 13
Strout, Frak W, of Jay + Waugh, Ada N, of Jay - 1882 Feb 10
Stubbs, Abner, of Jay + Lyford, Sabina, of Jay - 1835 Feb 15
Stubbs, Charles E, of So Orington ME + Tibbets, Nellie M, of Temple - 1887 Nov 21
Stubbs, Charles E, of South Orrington + Tibbetts, Nellie M, of Temple - 1887 Nov 21
Stubbs, Philip Henry, of Strong + Goss ?, Julia Augusta, of Farmington - 1868 June 2
Studevant, Menry M, of Jay + Judkins, Clary D, of Chesterville - 1860 Oct 24
Sturdevant, David, of Leeds + Folsom, Elmira Mrs, of New Sharon - 1877 Aug 7
Sturtivant, Henry M, of Chesterville + Holmes, Louisa M, of Chesterville - 1864 Mar 17
Sullivan, Ostis G, of not stated + Doyen, Myra S, of not stated - 1882 Jan 14
Sutherland, Emery C, of Lisbon + Carpenter, Eva J, of Jay - no date
Swain, Abraham B, of Avon + Burgess, Mary J, of Temple - 1866 Feb 23
Swain, Milton N, of Wilton + Bunker, Emma L, of Wilton - 1891 Mar 3
Swett, Elbridge G, of Weld + Masterman, Rebecca, of Weld - 1850 Dec 5
Swett, John S, of Carthage + Staples, M Adell, of Carthage - 1870 Jan 23
Swift, A R, of Wayne + Munroe, Julia A, of Livermore - 186? Mar 29
Swift, Charles G, of New Sharon + Berry, Lillian M, of New Sharon - 1876 Sept 20
Swift, E Sprague, of Farmington + Butler, Emma L, of Farmington - 1866 Oct 14
Swift, Eleazer Jr, of Industry + Hobbs, Olive A, of New Sharon - 1858 Jan 19
Swift, J Weston, of Farmington + Wright, Julia M, of New Vineyard - 1862 Apr 6
Swift, Robert Y, of Mercer + Folsom, Allise M, of Mercer - 1871 Oct 28
Swift, Robert Y, of not stated + Wyman, Lizzie C, of not stated - 1876 Mar 15
Syer, Charles G, of Farmington + Tibbetts, Clara E, of Farmington - 1873 May 16
Sylvester, Alonzo, of Farmington + Bartlett, Maria L, of Farmington - 1876 Feb 17
Sylvester, Lewis T, of Brunswick + Brown, Georgie L, of Farmington - 1887 June 7
Sylvester, Sewall, of Chesterville + Foster, Mary Jane, of Chesterville - 1845 June 15

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