Franklin County


Incorporation of the Town of Farmington

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

In the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety four.

An Act to incorporate the Plantation of Sandy River with the Inhabitants thereof into a Town by the name of Farmington.

Whereas application has been made to this Court by a number of the Inhabitants of the Plantation called Sandy River in the County of Lincoln to have said Plantation with the Inhabitants thereon incorporated into a Town, and the same being considered of public utility.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the Plantation called Sandy River in the County of Lincoln, bounded as follows, viz:

beginning at a Maple Tree marked on the Bank of Sandy River at the South east corner of said Plantation, thence running North eight miles and Fifty-six Rods to a Beech Tree marked, thence West Five miles and Two hundred Rods to a Bass-wood Tree marked, thence South two Miles, Thence South thirteen degrees East three miles, thence South Twenty-five degrees East three miles, thence South Thirty-five degrees East two miles One hundred and fourteen rods to a Hemlock Tree marked, thence North Sixty-seven degrees East One mile One hundred and ninety rods, thence North forty-nine degrees East One mile and ninety Rods to Sandy River, thence down said River about half a mile to the bound first mentioned,

together with the Inhabitants thereon be and hereby are Incorporated into a Town by the name of Farmington and vested with all the power and privileges and immunities, which Towns in this Commonwealth do, or may by Law enjoy.

And be it further enacted that William Reed, Esq., be, and he hereby is empowered to make out a Warrant directed to some principal Inhabitant of said town to notify the Inhabitants thereon qualified by law to vote in Town affairs to assemble and meet at some suitable time and place in said Town to choose all such Town Officers as Towns are required by Law to choose in the month of March or April annually.

In the House of Representatives January 31, 1794
This Bill having had these several readings passed to be Enacted
Edward H. Robbins, Speaker

In Senate January 31, 1794
This bill having had two several readings, passed to be Enacted,
Saml Phillips, Prsdt

February 1: 1794
By the Lieut Governor
Samual Adams

Note: One copy of the original document hangs in the Town Office, and another is in the possession of the Farmington Historical Society.
Contributed by Linda Grant

Farmington Selectmen

1794Peter CorbettEzekiel PorterEnoch Craig
1795Peter CorbettEzekiel PorterEnoch Craig
1796Peter CorbettJotham SmithSuply Belcher
1797Peter CorbettJotham SmithSupply Belcher
1798Peter CorbettEzekiel PorterJotham Smith

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This page was last updated 08/22/2024