Franklin County

Census Records

Census - Avon 1790-1850


Allen, Perkins
Church, Charles
Dudley, Eliphalet
Dudley, Moses
Humphries, Thomas
Ingham, Daniel
Soule, Joshua
Sprague, Samuel
Thompson, Ebenezer
Thompson, Isaac


Bates, Thomas
Brasier, John
Cain, Samuel
Church, Charles
Clark, Elijah
Dudley, Charles
Dudley, Eliphalet
Dudley, Peter
Dudley, Moses
Green, Josiah
Hingham, (Ingham), Samuel
Morrow, Timothy
Soule, Samuel
Soule, James
Spraig, Samuel (Sprague)
Thompson, Ebenezer
Thompson, James
Tufts, Benjamin
Whittier (Whitten), Mark


Barker, Reuben
Barker, Benjamin
Barker, Aaron
Bates, John
Bragdon, Aaron
Burnham, Jeremiah
Church, Charles,
Clark, Elijah
Collier, Gershom
Dill, Joseph
Dudley, Moses
Dwell (Dwelly), Charles,
Eastman, Benjamin
Eastman, Samuel
Ellsworth, Jonathan
Goswillin, David (also Jossellyn)
Hall, John P
Henderson, Samuel
Howland, Elijah
Humphrey, Thomas
Ingraham, (Ingham) Samuel C
Merry, Timothy
Morrell, Levi
Philbrick, Titus
Phillips, William
Richardson, David
Silvester, Charles (Sylvester)
Smith, Samuel
Soule, Nathan
Thompson, Ebenezer
Thompson, Ebenezer Jr
Thompson, James
Tole (Towle), Jonathan
Tole, Daniel
Webber, Daniel
Whitten, Mark
Will, Samuel
Williams, Samuel
Williams, Joshua
Williams, Samuel Jr
Williams, John
Wright, Jesse
Young, Abraham
Young, Daniel


Barker, Benjamin
Bates, John
Bennett, Endicott A
Brasier, John
Bubier, Joseph
Butler, Ralph
Church, Charles
Clark, Eli
Clark, Elijah
Collier, Gershom
Davis, James
Dawin, Francis
Dickey, Margeret
Dow, John
Dwell, Charles
Ellsworth, Jonathan
Goodwin, George
Grover, Benjamin
Hanes, Benjamin
Hanscomb, Joseph
Hanscomb, Moses
Heath, Irva
Higgins, Nathaniel F
Howland, Elijah Jr
Howland, Briggs
Howland, Elijah
Howland, Briggs 2nd
Ingham, Samuel C
Ingham, Jesse
Ingham, Stephen
Jacobs, Ebenezer
Matthews, John
Norton, Bassett
Norton, Ephraim
Oberton, Jonathan
Parker, William
Parker, Amos
Philbrick, Stephen
Philbrick, Titus
Phillips, William
Richardson, Daniel
Sawyer, Jacob
Sawyer, Jacob 2nd
Sawyer, Jacob 3rd
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Laban
Soule L W
Soule, William
Soule, W.
Sprague, Samuel
Swaine, Eliphlet
Sweet, Timothy
Sylvester, John
Sylvester, Charles
Sylvester, Charles 2nd
Talbott, Archibald
Talbott, Asa
Thompson, Isaac
Thompson, Ebenezer Jr
Thompson, Daniel
Thompson, James
Thompson, Ebenezer
Towle, David
Towle, Jonathan
Vining, Benjamin
Wilbur, John
Will, Thomas S
Williams, Stephen,
Winslow, Samuel
Worthley, Asa
Worthley, Timothy
York, Zebulan
York, Daniel


Baker, Silas
Baker, James
Bates, Robert
Bates, John
Bennett, Andrew H
Billington, Enoch
Boston, Joseph
Bradford, Alfred
Brasier, John
Brown, Dexter
Brown, Caleb
Bubier/Boodra, Joseph
Buker, Job
Butler, Alfred J
Carr, Frederick
Carson, Moses
Carson, Seth
Chandler, Samuel
Church, Charles
Clark, Elijah
Clark, Eli
Clark, Isaac
Collier, Abner
Crosby, Jesse
Cushman, William
Davis, James Jr
Day, Benjamin
Dickey, John
Dickey, Thomas
Dolly, William
Dow, John Jr
Dow, Joshua
Dow, John
Doyen, Francis
Doyen, Samuel
Doyen, Francis Jr
Dwelly, Charles
Ellsworth, Jonathan
French, Ebenezer
Goodwin, Andrew D
Goodwin, George
Goodwin, Samuel
Gordon, David
Grover, Mark
Haines, Frederick
Haines, Benjamin
Haley, Joseph
Handy, Israel
Hanscomb, Joseph
Hardy, Simeon
Higgins, N F
Howland, Oliver
Howland, Elijah
Howland, Briggs 2nd
Howland, Elijah Jr
Hunt, Noah
Hunt, Nehemiah
Huston, Charles
Ingham, Jesse
Ingham, Stephen
Ingham, Samuel C
Jacobs, Samuel
Jacobs, James
Jacobs, Ebenezer
Kennedy/Kannady, William
Kimball, Reuben
Kimball, Simeon
Knowlton, Samuel
Marrow, David
McKibbin, William
McManners. James
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Peter
Morrill, Samuel B
Nash, Robert
Norton, Bassett
Parker, William
Phillips, Micah
Phillips, Samuel
Phillips, William
Powers, Thomas
Pratt, J M
Preston, Tristram
Richardson, Otis
Richardson, David
Rodgers, Daniel
Russell, John
Sanborn, John
Sanborn, Moses
Sawyer, Jacob
Simpson, William
Smith, Henry
Smith, Peter
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Laban
Soule, William Jr
Sprague, Samuel
Sprague, Samuel Jr
Swaine, Eliphalet
Sweet, Timothy
Sylvester, Charles
Sylvester, John
Talbott, Asa
Talbott, Archibald
Thompson, James
Thompson, Ebenezer
Towle, Daniel
Towle, ……
Vining, Benjamin W
Vining, Thomas
Vining, Benjamin Jr
Vining, Benjamin
Vining, Page
Wellcome, Amos
Wilbur, David
Wilbur, John
Will, Thomas B
Wing, Barnabas
Winslow, Samuel
Wormwell, Joshua
Worthley, Asa
Worthley, Timothy
Wright Jesse
York, Israel
York, Daniel
Young, Daniel


Ames, Annis
Bates, Eunice
Bates, J E
Beal, S H
Beal, Harrison
Bean, David
Bean, Nahum
Bennett, John
Billington, Enoch
Boston, Joseph
Boston, Joseph Jr
Brown, John
Brown, Joseph
Carson, Seth
Carson, Moses
Casey, Charles
Church, William,
Clark, Elijah
Clark, Isaac
Collier, Abner
Cook, John
Cushman, Jonathan
Cushman, William
Cushman, Thomas
Davis, James Jr
Day, Benjamin
Dickey, John
Dickey, Thomas
Dickey, J C
Dill, Jonathan
Dow, William
Dow, James
Dow, John
Doyen, Francis
Doyen, J W
Ellsworth, Levi
Ellsworth, Thomas
Foster, Marsellus
Foster, Ichabod
French, Ebenezer
Goodrich, John
Goodrich, J C
Goodwin, A D
Goodwin, Samuel
Goodwin, Samuel Jr
Greenleaf, Charles
Grover, Mark
Haines, Benjamin
Haines, Jeremiah
Hale, John
Haley, Joseph
Hamill (?), Amos
Hammon, N K
Heath, Ezra
Higgins, N F
Hinkley, Ebenezer
Hodgkins, Alpheus
Howland, Elijah
Howland, Oliver
Howland, Isaac
Howland, Briggs
Hudson, Arin
Hunt, Nehemiah
Ingham, William,
Jacobs, Samuel
Jacobs, C H
Jones, M G
Kennedy/Kannady, William
Knowle(s?), Amos
Libby, Ivory,
Libby, John
Libby, Morris(?)
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, J C
Mitchell, James
Morrill, John
Morrill, Joseph
Morrill, Joseph Jr
Mosher, Sophia
Nason, William
Nason, Isaac
Norton, Bassett
Norton, Eliakim
Parson, J H
Perkins, Josiah
Phennix, George
Phillips, Samuel
Phillips, Major
Phillips, Micha
Phillips, William
Phillips, William Jr
Plumer, J T
Pope, Elnathan
Richman, David
Rickey, D C
Worthley, Robert
Russell, Sumner
Sanborn, John
Sanborn, Moses
Smith, Henry
Smith, Peter
Soule, George
Soule, William Jr
Sprague, Samuel
Sprague, Joshua
Staples, N H
Swaine, A C
Sweet, Elias
Sylvester, John
Talbott, Asa
Thirston, Sampson
Thompson, Daniel
Thompson, James
Towle, Daniel
Towle, W S
Towle, J F
Towle, Hiram
Trask, Samuel
Trask, J S
Vining, John
Vining, Thomas
Vining, Nathaniel
Vining, Ellsworth
Vining, Connors
Vining, Seward
Vining, B B
Walker, Robert
Wilbur, David
Wilbur, John
Will, T (J?) S
Will, John
Winston, Samuel
Witham, Samuel
Worthley, Asa
Worthley, Amos
Worthley, P R
Wright, Josiah
Young, Daniel


Bailey, Selden, Hannah, Edwin
Barrett, Alonzo, Almira
Bates, Andrew J living with JohnWill Family
Bates, Eunice, living with Hiram Cook Family Bates, James living with Thomas Richardson Family
Bates, William E, Sally
Beale, Harrison, Dorcas, Adaline, Luther, George, Olive
Beale, Sheldon H, Tabitha, Nathaniel B, Wilson, Horace, Lewis, Bradford, Sheldon,
Alena, Eldora, Mary
Bean, David, Lucy, Jeremiah, Rufus, David, Edwin, Mary P
Bean, John, Sally, Jacob
Bean, Nahum, Nancy, Milton, Mary
Bean, Samuel Jr, Sarah
Benett, John, Lucy
Billington, William R, Betsey, Orlando, Zachariah
Boston, Joseph, Nancy
Boston, Joseph, Betsey, James, Rhoda, Charles, Orrison
Brackley, John C, Susan, Eben, Oliver, Laura J, Francina, Elizabeth
Brawn, John, living with Otis Preston Family
Brawn, Joseph, Judith, Daniel, Augustus
Bubier, Sewall, living with William Plaisted Family
Butterfield, Ebenezer A, Sarah E, Mary E, Morris Libby, Mary A
Carson, Charles H, Rhoda
Carson, Moses, Rhoda, Mary J, John, Moses
Carson, Seth, Rachel B, Nathaniel, William, Emily all living with Clark Mitchell Family
Church, William, Margaret, Eliza, JohnF, Mary E Hannah F, also: Raymond Toothaker,
Charles Shepard, Olivia Shepard
Clark, Elijah, Susannah, also Betsey Dow, Mary Phillips
Clark, Isaac, Mary, Elijah, Julia, Betsey, Susan, Richard M J, Martin, Emma R
Clayton, Lewellyn, living with William Kannady Family
Collier, Sally living with John Dickey Family
Cook, Hiram, Margaret, Eunice Bates, Wiliam French
Cook, John T, Rebecca, Julia F, Benjamin, Alviza, John R, Emma Y, Edward S, Virgil D
Delphina, Edwin, also Phebe Norton
Cook, Nathan, Matilda, William, Dorcas, Cordelia, Freeman,
Cook, Nathaniel, Belinda, Cyrus, Susan, Harrison, Eliza, Sophia, Nathaniel P
Crosby, John, Mary J, William H
Cushman, Charles W, Jane, Charles A, also Henry
Chusman, William C, Sarha, William W, James E, Jonathan, Sarah Etta
Davis, Stephen, Sally, Nancy F, Albion, also David Plaisted, James Davis Olive Davis
Day, Eben F, Clarissa, Helen, Lionel, Goerge, Frances, Ira, James, John
Dickey, Charles living with Benjamin Haines family
Dickey, John, Lucy, John, Rose, Reliance, Henry, George, also Sally Collier
Dickey, Thomas, Hannah, William, James, Lydia, Julia
Dill, Jonathan, Sarah, Melissa, Cyrus, Sarah, Lovina, Rhoda, Sylva
Dill, Josiah, Hannah, Affadilla
Dow, Joshua, Eliza, Jemima, Mary, Fanny, Sophronia, Eliza, Tyrphenia, Diana
Dow, William, Pamelia
Doyen, John, Betsey, Clarenda, also: Betsey Soule, Betsey Pickerman, David Doyen
Ellsworth, Levi, Lucy, Caroline, Daniel, Jonathan, James, Octavia, Jeremiah, Esther
Ellsworth, Richard, Julia
Ellsworth, Thomas, Miriam, Jeremiah, Mirian, Mary, Violette, Amanda
Fothengill, Mary, living with Elisha Jewett family
French, Ebenezer, Sybil, Levi, Lewis, Sybil, Moses, Phebe, Harriet
French, William living with Hiram Cook Family
Goodwin, Samuel, Weltha, Goerge, Charity, Lydia
Goodwin, Samuel Jr, Sarah, Elvira, Mary, Major
Grover, John, Bradbury, Sally, Jack, Seth, Samuel
Grover, Mark, Sally, Roxanna, Sarah, Joseph, Mary, Delzora
Haines, Alonzo, Lovina, Oliver, Winfield
Haines, Benjamin, Sally, Ellen, Charles, George, also: Jemima Haines, Charles Dickey
Haines, Frederic, Hepzibah, Nemeiah, Hepzibah, Jemima, Joanna, Selina, Lucy, John F
Haley, Andrew B, Th…ase, Joseph, Andrew, Melina
Haley, Joseph, Mehitable, Also: William Shepard, Caroline Shepard, Albert Shepard,
Joseph B Haley, Eben B Haley
Hammond, Nathaniel K, Orpha, Pamelia, Horace, Lewellyn, Mary E
Hanscom, Mary, living with Clark Mitchell family
Harden, Dennison, living with Oliver Howland family
Harden, Isaac, Salome, Mark, Eliza, Maria, also William Mitchell
Heath, Ezra, Sarah, Ezra Jr, Sarah A
Hinkley, Ebenezer, Sophronia, Samuel F, Joel, Moses, Martha E, Ephraim, Nathan
Howland, Elijah, Anna, Lydia
Howland, Isaac, Abigail, William, Goerge, Alice
Howland, Oliver, Emily, Myra, Sarah, also: Dennison Harden
Hunt, Charles V, Sophronia, Arabella, Sally, Charles
Hunt, Enoch, Lucy, also: Nehemiah & Joannah Hunt
Hunt, Noah, Mary, Mary B, Martha M
Ingham, Samuel, Anna, Sally
Ingham, William, Martha, Phebe, Sarah, Libbeus, William, Clermont, Charles S
Jacobs, Samuel, Hannah, Harriet, John, George, Andrew, Eben, also M Elizabeth Kelly
Jewell, Elisah, Hannah, Miranda, Nathan, also: Mary Fothengill
Kannady, Hiram, Maira, Arinda, Georgianna, Nancy
Kannady, Mary A, George H, Charles E, lving with Geo Plaisted family
Kannady, Warren, Locady, Ephraim (Hackett), Phebe, Hiram, Susannah, Jeremiah
note: Ephraim Hackett was a son by a previous marriage
Kannady, William Jr, Llewellyn Clayton
Kelly, M Elizabeth, living with Samuel Jacobs Family
Kilkany, Elmira, living with Jesse Sprague family
Latham, Wilber
Libby, Ivory, Polly, Philander, Rhoda, Ivory, Gilbert, Apphia, Moses H
Libby, John, Olive, Joan, Mary, Adah
Libby, Morris, Mary A living with Ebenezer Butterfield family
Libby, Rufus, Betsey, Augusta, Helena
Mashier, William H living with Hiram Pease family
Mitchell, Clark,
This entry appears to be an extended family situation. For that purpose, I’ve included ages and last names as they appear on the census
Clark, age 34, Cyrene age 31, Avis G, age 77, Seth Carson age 59, Rachel B age 49, Nathaniel A age 22, William H age 20, Emily age 17, Mary Hanscom age 75, Sylvanus Pratt age 40, Sarah A age 24, Mary age 14, Nancy age 13, Lucy age 12, Eliza age 6, Leonard age 5 Claris age 1
Mitchell, John, Lyida, Isaiah, Harriet, Emeline, John W
Mitchell, William living with Isaac Harden family
Morrill, Joseph, Maria, Lyman, Philamon, Hiram, Eunice
McKeen, Henry, Deborah, William, Eliza, Ezra, Haper, Alexander
Nason, Nathaniel, Sarah, Almira, Henry, Isaac
Norton, Phebe, living with John Cook family
Pease, Hiram, Hannah, Alonzo, also: William Masher
Perkins, Daniel living with Asa Thorn family
Perkins, James W, Sarah, Samuel, Ann
Phillips, John, Lydia, Vesta, John F, Stephen, Lydia
Phillips, Major, Betsey, William, Clarinda, Araline, Celia Ann, Augustine, Almeda,
Laforest, William (age 80) Jane, Jefferson
Phillips, Micha, Esther, Mary Jane, J Franklin, Charles, Noah, Micah D
Phillips, William Jr, Mary, Amanda
Pickerman, Betsey living with John Doyen Family
Plaiste, David living with Stephen Davis family
Plaisted, George W, Mary Kannady, Goerge H Kannady, Charles E Kannady
Elizabeth E Plaisted
Plaissted, William, Sarah T, Obadiah, Susan, Leonard, Lafayette, also Sewall Bubier
Plumer, Samuel D, Sarah, Sarah F
Pope, Edmund, Emily, Binery S
Pope, Elnathan, Rebecca, Robert G
Pratt, Slyvanus, Sarah, Mary, Nancy, Lucy, Eliza, Leonard, Clarissa all living with Clark
Mitchell family
Preston, Otis, Evelina, also John Brawn
Preston, Tristram, Hannah, David, Sophia, Thomas, Elizabeth, Catharine
Richardson, David, Esther, Martin
Richardson, Hannah, Sophia
Richardson, Martin, Hannah, Thirza, Angelia
Richardson, Thomas L, Mercy, Augustus also James E Bates
Ricker, Daniel C, Caroline, Sareota, Delphina, Nathaniel H, Mary, Sarah, Caroline
Roberts, Nathaniel, Eliza, Benjamin, Charles, Rosella, Betsey
Russell, Sumner, Abigail, Edwin, Simon, Hermon, Augustus, Louisa, Phebe, Ursula
Selina, Luella
Sanborn, Moses, Sally, Byron, Moses, Ann
Shepard, Charles, Olivia living with William Church family
Shepard, William, Caroline, Albert living with Joseph Haley family
Simson, John, Sarh, Freeman, Sarah
Smith, David living with Hiram Vining family
Smith, Peter, Deborah, also Franklin Soule
Soule, Franklin, see above
Soule, Jesse, Asa T
Soule, Sampson, Abigail, Benjamin, Francis, Lydia, John W, Harriet, Charles, Mary E
Sprague, Jesse, Mary, Rhoda, also Elmira Kilkany & John Brawn
Sprague, Joshua, Lucy, Rachel, James, Joseph, Lucy
Sweet, Alanson, Ruby, Mercy, Timothy, Oscar, Amanda, Timothy, Mercy, Asenath,
Sylvester, John, Esther, Esther, John Jr, Hester
Talbot, Asa T, Mary, Archibald, Charles, Mary O, John, Lois, Abigail
Thurston, Dennis, Sarah, Emily
Thurston, Joshua, Sally, Ahaz, Maria, Eugene, Herbert
Thurston, Sampson, Hannah, Rosannah, George, Edwin
Thompson, James, Mehitable, Mahala
Thorn, Asa, Lydia, also: Daniel Perkins
Toothaker, Raymond, living with William Church Family
Towle, Benjamin, Mary,
Towle, Elect M, Clarida, Daniel, Emma
Towle, Jonathan, Eliza, Joshua, Henry, Hannah, Eliza, Sarah, Jonathan, Polly
Towle, John, Patience, Joseph, Martha, Mary, John, Martin
Towle, Samuel, Martha, James, Nelson, Rachel
Vining, Converse, Esther, Herman, Timothy, Rachel Augusta, Lewis
Vining, Hiram, Emeline, George, Sally, Benjmain, also: David B Smith
Vining, John, Mary, Francis James, Alonzo, Henry, William B
Vining, Nathaniel, Louisa, Sophronia, Ostinello, Sally, Caroline
Vining, Seward, Martha, Harriet, Henry, Hannibal, Albion, Ephraim, Martha, William,
Vining, Thomas, Jemima, Seward, Jemima, Thomas, Sarah, Frederic, Roxanna
Walker, Benjamin, Hannah, Mary
Walker, Robert, Sarah, Joel, Robert, Priscilla, Oren, Sarah
Weymouth, Ivory, Lucinda, Celia, Clarinda, Fanny, also: Charles K Wilber
Whitney, Alexander, Hannah, Josephine, Sarah
Wilber, Charles living with Ivory Weymouth Family
Wilber, John, Mary, John, Andrew, Goerge
Will, Elbridge, Melissa, Samuel
Will, John, Polly, Martha, John A
Will, John 2nd, Dorinda, James, Thayne(?) also Andrew J Bates
Will, Thomas, Dorothy, Lorenzo, Flora
Will, Thomas S, Betsey, Eliza
Will, William C, Sophia, George M D, David
Winslow, Anna, Francis, Loretta,
Wood, Levi living with Selden Bailey family
Wormell, Henry, Statira, Angelia, Henry, Dorcas, John
Worthley, Amos, Phebe, Lucy, Nathaniel, Roscoe, Almond, Rufina, John, Asa, Jenny
Worthley, Asa Jr, Mary
Worthley, Phillips, Roxannah, James, Charles, Hiram
Worthley, Robert, Lucy, Mary, Selden, Philander, Philea
Wright, Josiah, Anna living with Daniel Young family
Young, Daniel, Mary, Martha, Daniel Jr, Hiram, also: Josiah & Anna J Wright

Census - Farmington 1800

Head of HouseholdMalesMalesMalesMalesMales FemalesFemalesFemalesFemalesFemales Immigrated
 0<1010<1616<2626<4544+up <1010<1616<2626<4544+up YearFrom
John (---old)1 3 1 1791Mass
Isaac (????)11 1 4 1
Solomon Adams21 1 2111
Rufus Allen1 1 3 1
Samuel Ames22 1 1
Joseph B(rad)ford1 2 1212 1
Nathan Backus 1 1 1 1798Mass
Nathaniel Backus 1 1 1 11798Mass
Eliflet Bailey2111 21 1
Oliver Bailey11 1 11 1
Eames Battle21 11 1
(Lenrick?) Bayley1 11 1
Supply Belcher 14 121 1
Oliver Bowley 1 1 1 1
Walter Bowman 1 1 1
William Brackley12 1 2 1
Church Brainerd3 1 1 1
Aden Briggs2 1 2 1
Thankful Brown4 1 1 1793M'Vd
Samuel Bullen3 1 3 1
Benjamin Butler1 3 1112 11794M'Vd
C David Butler 1 1 1793M'Vd
Elijah Butler 11 1 11791M'Vd
Ephraim Butler1 1 1211 1
Jonathan Butler1 1 1 1 1793M'Vd
E'rm Jr Butterfield2 1 1 1
Ebenezer Butterfield 1 1
Ephraim Butterfield 11 12 1 1
Isaac Butterfield41 11111
Jesse Butterfield111 12 1 1
Reuben Butterfield2 1 1 1
Samuel Butterfield 21 1 1 1
Samuel Butterfield 1 1 1
Zacariah Butterfield1 2 1
Zenus Butterfield 1 1
Moses Chandler32 132 1
John Church111 1 2 1
Bunker Clark21 1 1 1 1796Mass
John Claton22 1 3 1
Ichabod W Cloney121 1222 11800Mass
Zacckus Clough 1 1 1 11793Mass
Enoch Coffen2 11 1112 1794M'Vd
Gersham Collier2 1 3 1
Hartson Cony2 1 1 11
Cavid Cothren2 1 11 1 1794Mass
David Cowen21 1 2 1
James Cowen 1 1
Jedadiah Cowen 1
Enoch Craig2 1 3 1
Jonathan Cushman12 1 1 111
Rufus Davis 1 1
Sanford Davis1 1 3 1 1794M'Vd
Benjamin Dodge31 1 11 1
Benjamin Dodson 1 1 1798Mass
Betsey Eaton 2 1
Robert Eaton111 1
Joseph Fairbanks2 1 1 1
John Flinchwood 11 1 11 1
Elisah Gay 1 1 1
Jabez Gay 1 1
Peter Gay112 1 21 1
David Gennings3 1 1 1794Mass
Elliot Gennings21 1 1 1 1795Mass
John Gould2 1 2 1
William Gould1 1 211
Robert Gower 13 1 21 1
William Gower1 1 2 1
Abiather Green2 1 1 1
Jonas Green1 1 1 1 1792Mass
Oliver Hartwell 1 3 1
Benjamin Heath11 111 11793Mass
Elijah Heath1 1 2 1 1793Mass
Nathaniel Hersey1311 4 11
Thomas Hiscock2 1 113 1
John Holley121 1 1 11793M'Vd
Lemuel Howes2111 2111
Abigail Huston111 1
John Huston1 1 1
John Huston11 1 1 1
Benjamin Jennings11 1 31 1 1792Mass
Ebenezer Jones3121 31 1
Reuben Jones 1 1
William Jones11 1 11 1799Mass
Zachariah Judkins1 1 1 1
Jonathan Knowlton112 12 1 1
Samuel Knowlton41 1 3 1
Peter Lambert2 1 2 1 1791
Silas Lannard 1 1 1700Mass
William Lewis3 1 1 1 1799ME
Samuel Lovejoy3 1 11 1 1796NH
Reuben Lowell1 2 1 121
Alsbury Luce21 1 2 1 1794M'Vd
ELisha Luce 1 1 1794M'Vd
Nathan Luce 1 1 11794M'Vd
Zachariah Mahew2 1 32 1 1793M'Vd
James Merrill1 1 2 2111794NH
Francis Mooar 2 1 2 1 1798M'Vd
David Moore 1 2 1 1799Mass
Walden Morse1 1 2 1
Josiah Norcross12 2 2 1
Ebenezer Norton 2111 2 1 1792M'Vd
Eliakim Norton112 12 1 11797M'Vd
Elijah Norton2 1 1 1 1793M'Vd
Ephraim Norton 11 1 1 11791M'Vd
Henry Norton11 1 1 1 1794M'Vd
Joseph Norton111 1211 11795M'Vd
Peter Norton 3 1 1 1
Peter Norton1 1 1 1791M'Vd
Zacariah Norton2241 2 1 1794M'Vd
John Oaks32 1 111 1797ME
Abraham Page 1 2 1
Peter Parker 1 1
Polly Parker 1 1 1
John Patterson41 1 21 1 1796ME
Joseph Pease11 11 21 1796M'Vd
Mary Pease 1 11 1798M'Vd
Stephen Pease 1 141 11792M'Vd
Timothy Pease1 1 21 1 1798M'Vd
Lemuel Perham21 1 1 1
Silas Perham 1 1
Isaac Perkins1 1 1 1 1794Mass
(Samuel?) Poor3 1 1 1
Ezekiel Porter3121 2111
Abner Ramsdell41 1 1111 1798Mass
Jacob Read212 11 1 11796Mass
John Rowens 1 1 11796Mass
Joseph Ryant2 132 1
Samuel Sewall22 1 2 1
Abraham Smith21 1 21 1
Gideon Smith1 1 1 1 1796Mass
Jotham Smith31 1 11 1
Laban Smith31 1 2 1 1799Mass
Timothy Smith 11 1 111794M'Vd
Samuel Sowers3 1 1
Jonathan Spaulding3 1 1
Ward Spooner 1 1 1
Moses Starling2 2 1 1
Henry Stewart1 1 1 1793M'Vd
Hugh Stewart211 121 11793M'Vd
Aaron Stoyell 1 3 1 1795Conn
Abal Sweet 1 2 1
Ebenezer Swift 1 1 1
Stephen Titcomb1 3 1 31 1
Francis Tufts212 1 21 2
Francis Jr Tufts 1 2 1
Reuben Turner1 1 4111
Michael Weathren11 1 2 1
Nathaniel Welsh 1 1 11792M'Vd
Thomas Wendall1 1 2 1
Arnold Wethren 1 1
Benjmain Wethren1 1 1
Ebenezer White2 1 1 1
(Jack?) Whittier 1 1 2 1
Benjamin Whittier 1 1 1 1
James Winslow 1 1 1791M'Vd
James Jr Winslow 1 1 1 111
David Wintworth3 1 111
Longley Witherill 1 1 1 1795Mass
Aseal Wyman 1 11 111797Mass
Jeremiah Wyman 11 1 1 1797Mass
Watson Young 11 11793Mass

Extracted from the Census Films at UMF Library

Census - Madrid 1840-1850


Moses Williams
Josiah Swift
Stetson B Swift
William Moores
Davice (Davis) Moores
Gilbert Oakes
Ephraim Hinkley
Levi Lake
Joseph Hinkley
Ezekiel Hinkley
Miller Hinkley
Abigail Hinkley
Eben Lake
James Morrison
Isaac Thomas Jr
John Hankerson Jr
Asa H Hankerson
Henry D Perry
Joel Patten
William Lufkin
Joseph Dunham
Sylvanus Dunham
Benjamin M Whitney
Nathaniel Wells
Ashell Sprague
John Kenne (Kinney)
John Sargeant Jr
William Cook
Samuel Doyen
Isaac Sargeant
Nathaniel Brackett
Benjamin Luce
Silas R Moores
Goerge W Kinne (Kinney)
Hosea Dunham
Hanson Cook
Eben Caulkins
Aaron Wells
Levi Leavitt
Samuel W Finnix (Phennix?)
Moses Clough
Eben Rollins
Samuel Howard
Samuel Brackett
Robert B H Walker
Nathaniel K Whittemore Jr
William W Parker
Joseph W Whittemore
Nathaniel F Williams
Josiah Moores
William Pickard
Alfred Bolan
Peter Bolan
Josiah Davenport
Thomas Pickard
Eramus D Prescott
Noah Davenport
Josiah T Prescott
Carl Goodwin
George Staples
Henry Wilbur


Beal Zaccheus
Beedy, Aaron
Blethen, Increase
Blondell, Samuel
Braley, Hattil
Bursiel, Hiram
Calkins, Ebenezer
Chick, Benjamin
Chick, Richard H
Conant, John G
Cook, William P
Currier, Calvin
Curtis, James
Davenport, Josiah
Davenport, Noah
Dow, Charles
Doyen, Samuel
Dunham, Hiram A
Dunham, Hosea
Dunham, Joseph
Dunham, Sebra
Dunham, Sylvanus
Dunham, Sylvanus
Estes, James
Ford, Henry A
Greaton, James W
Grover, Nathaniel H
Hankerson, John
Heath, Thomas
Hinkley, Albert
Hinkley, Ephraim
Hinkley, Ezekiel
Hinkley, Joseph D
Hinkley, Miller
Huntoon, Aaron
Huntoon, Aaron Jr
Keene, Andrew C
Kempton, William D
Keniston, Asa
Kinne/Kinney/Kenney, Israel D
Kinne, John M
Kinne, Manon
Lake, Eben
Leavitt, Levi
Lufkin, Jacob
Lufkin, William

1850 continued

Mooers, Charles
Mooers, Louisa
Moores, Daniel
Morrison, David
Morrison, Eleanor
Moulton, Dennis
Oakes, Gilbert
Orbeton, Mary J
Paine, Stinson
Parker, William W
Pease, J Brilsford
Pelton, Joel
Perkins, Nathaneil
Pickard, Cephas
Pickard, Thomas
Prescott, Erasmus
Prescott, Josiah
Record, Joseph
Rollins, Ebenezer
Sargent, Edmund
Sargent, Isaac
Sargent, John
Sargent, Salmon
Skillings, William
Sprague, Ashel
Sprague, Caleb
Staple, Enoch
Staple, Goerge
Stowers, Cyrus
Stowers, Samuel
Taggert, John
Thompson, Bradford
Toothaker, John
Verrill, Ira
Voter, Gilbert
Walker, Robert B H
Wells, Aaron
Whitney, Isaac S
Whitney, Peltiah
Whittemore, Nathaniel K
Wilber, Henry
Williams, Nathaniel F
Williams, Thomas
Wright, William

Census - New Sharon 1790-1840

1790 Carrs Plantation, Unity, now New Sharon

Prince Baker
Benjamin Rollings
Ezekiel Lankister
Elizabeth Meloon
Joseph Rollings
Nathaniel Tibbets
William Blackstone
Nathaniel Welts
James House
William Blackston
John Webber
Jonathan Russ
Benjamin Chambers
Simon Davis
Timothy Stover
Rial Dutton
Enoch Youngill
Ephrom Alley
Benjamin Rollings Jr
Gideon Boubey (Bowley)
John Welts
Joseph Fellows
Dependence Stover
Edmond Pilsbury
Stephen Hollis
Stephen Whitcum
Gideon Porter


John Rollins
Samuel Willard
Oliver Willard
(Leer?) Greenleaf
Daniel Gould
Joseph Willard
Joshua Bullen
Wiliam Boyington
Henry Works
Jesse Blount
Nathan Ames
Jeremiah Smith
Thomas Bidswell
Dependence Stover
Nemiah Smith
Abijah Smith
James Dier
Prince Baker
Forbes Foard/Ford
Harlick Smith
Francis Mahew
Moses Tollman
William Blackstone
Joseph Rollins
Obediah Blanden
Ebenezer Clark
Ebenezer Hopkinson
Jesse Prescott
Samuel Prescott
Ebenezer French
Samuel Shaw
Joseph Shaw
Benjamin Smith
John Watts(Welts?)
James Howes
Samue Joy
James Thatcher
Jeremiah Powell
John Yeaton
Jonathan Corwell
Benjamin Richardson
Andrew (Mathew) Harlow
Mathew Powell
John Fulsom
Benjamin French
Edmund Pillsbury
Gideon Bowley
Samuel Rollins
Ezekiel Lancaster
Jonathan Rust
Jabez Rollins
Nathaniel Tibbetts
Abel Baker
Nathaniel Hewey (Hovey/Howey?)
Joshua Sawyer
Simon Davis
Noyes Ames
John Davis
Stephen Hollis
Mathew Parker
Philip Yeaton
Stephen Whitehouse
Gideon Bowley
Daniel Sullivan
Total 183, males 90, females 93


Elisha Atkins
Noyes Ames
William Baker
William Blackstone
Oliver Bowley
Gideon Bowley
Prince Baker
William Blackstone 3rd
Thomas Buswell
Samuel Bradless
William Boynton
William Blackstone Jr
Benjamin Bowley
Daniel Baker
Obadiah Blanding
Abel Baker
Shubael Bumpus
David Bradley
Jeremiah Bean
Samuel Bean
John Bean
Elisha Baker
Jeremiah Butler
Luther Bailey
Joshua Bullen
Isaac Bents
Ebenezer Clarke
Joseph Cram
Bartlett Conner
John Chapman
William Chamberlain
Isaac Cowan
Jephtha Crowell
Reuben Dyer
James Dyer
Simon Davis
John Davis Jr
Enoch Dill
rufus Davis
John Davis
Abram Ellis
Ebenezer French
Richard Foster
Thomas Field
Forbes Ford
Winthrop French
Joshua Follamber(Follansbee?)
John Folsom
John French
Joseph Folsom
Joseph Gammond
Ezekiel Gilman
William Goerge
Daviel Gage
Ebenezer Gove
Joshua Greenleaf
Daniel Gould
Jonathan Heald
Theophilus Hopkinson
Prince Hopkins
Beuben Hatch
John Hutchins
James Hows
John Harvey
Nathaniel Harding
Daniel Herd
Andrew Harlow
Stephen Hollis
Joel Judkins
Moses Kelley
Jacob Kelley
Nathaniel Kimball
Samuel Luce
Samuel Leeman
Ezekiel Lancaster
Francis Mayhew
Samuel D Numson
Nathaniel Neal
Joseph Morrill
Medad Osmore
Reuben Page
Jeremiah Powell
Matthew Paul
Samuel Prescott
Elizah Pease
Edward Pillsbury
John Rowe
James Roads
Samuel Rollings
Asa Reed
Benjamin Rollings
Benjamin Richardson Jr
James Rollings
Jehobod Rollings
John Rollings
Benjamin Ray/Roy
Moses Rowe
Benjamin Richardson
Joseph Shaw
Goerge Saunders
Samuel Sleeper
Elisha Sleeper
Elisha Small
Chase Sleeper
Elizah Smith
Joshua Small
Haskell Smith
Ephraim Smith
Benjamin Smith
Jeremiah Smith
Nehemiah Smith
Samuel Sweet
Joshua Sawyer
Francis Swan
Nathaniel Small
Henry Smith
Asa Teague
Nathaniel Tibbetts
John Trask
Ezekiel Tolman
Moses Wood
John Welch/Welts?
Joseph Wingate
Henry Works
John Winslow
James Wagg
Jonathan W Willard
Peter Witham
Ebenezer Witham
Ebenezer Weeks
Oliver Willard
Joseph Willard
Samuel Willard
Stephen Whitehouse
Charles Welch
Philip Yeaton
Philip Yeaton Jr
Total 944, males 486, females 458


William Boynton
Joel Works
Henry Works
Samuel Bradley
Isaac H Ames
Samuel Floyd
Parker Greenough
William George
James Norcross
Jeremiah Smith
Samuel Luce
Peter Proctor
Nicholas Winslow
Nehemiah Smith
Benjamin Rollins
Reuben Dyer
James Dyer
Amos Morrill(?)
Joseph Rollins
Joshua Small
Prince Hopkins
Nathaniel Page
Abel French
Ebenezer French Jr
Elisher Small
Ezekiel Gilman
Theophilus Hopkins
Ebenezer Clarke
Richard Judkins
John Page
Joseph Shaw
Samuel Saunders
Goerge Saunders
John Winslow
Jonathan Hale
Samuel page
Jacob Kelley
Moses Kelley
Ebenezer French
Joseph Cram
Varnum Cram
Henry McIntire
Richard Foster
Isaac Proctor
Stephen B Porter
Edward Veril
Aaron Berry
Wiliam Blackstone Jr
Isaac Bent
Charles Welsh
Joseph Morrell
Benjamin Richardson
William Blackston
Ebnezer Blackstone
Moses Page
Nancy Wood
James Dyer Jr
Hannah Atkins
Gideon B Dyer
Christopher Dyer
John Eaton
Samuel Sweet
Thomas Buswell
Joseph Proctor
Elisha Johnson
Leonard Sawyer
Mary Johnson
Willis Berry
Stephen Howes
John Trask
Jeremiah Mayhew
Ephraim Smith
Hardluck Smith
Herman Myrick
Daniel McLaughlin
Orchard Cook
Gideon Bowley
Samuel Rollins
Oliver Bowley
Robert Taylor
Josiah Howes

1820 continued

James Howes
Forbes Ford
Asa Teague
Benjamin Smith
Nathaniel M Ridley
John Welsh
Oliver Gould
Philip Yeaton
Elijah Smith
James Rhodes
Reuben Rand
Oliver Paul
James Paul
John Hutchings
John Hutchings Jr
Winslow Harrington
Benjamin W Prescott
Jonathan Corwell
Mary Riggs
Thomas Hollis
John Shaw
Stephen Hollis
Samuel Hollis
John Gorden
William Hutchings
Jesse Prescott
Jonathan Russ
Bartlett Conner
Theophilus H Rich
Daniel Baker
Sylvanus Boardman
Samuel Prescott Jr
Samuel Prescott
Benjamin Dunton
Rufus Ames
Daniel Gage
Clarke Works
Samuel Blanding
James Rollins
Goerge Hovey
John Tibbetts
Nathaniel Tibbetts
Samuel Norcross
William Hill
Jeremiah Bean
Mary Wing
Prince Baker
Abel Parker
Francis Mayhew
Ephraim Mayhew
Winborn A Swett
Samuel Wyman
Joshua Follansbee
William H Stevens
Jonathan W Willard
James Eveleth
Ebenezer Bean
Nathaniel Baker
Josiah Brainard
Isaac Ford
Joshua Sawyer
Simon David
Noyes Ames
Frederick Swan
Thomas Fields
David Bradbury
William Baker
Nathaniel Harding
Theodore Wentworth
Jospeh Greenleaf
Seth H Sawyer
John Goerge
James Davis
Ezekiel Lancaster
Ebenezer Witham
Henry Richards(?)
John Davis
John Taylor
George Story
Thomas Bean
John Bean
Peter Witham
Richard Ramsdell
Joshua Witham
Elizah Pease
Samuel Crumpton
Samuel Willard
John Butterfield
Josiah D Lake
Oliver Bailey
Ebenezer Weeks
Luther Bailey
Manly Colburn
Daniel Gould
Joseph Jennings
Joseph Ames
Warren Bullen
Joseph Willard
Elisha Baker
Samuel Knowlton
Asa Brown
Timothy Bragdon
Joseph Blake
John Allen
John Bean
Ivory Bean
Mohn Merrill
Benjamin Ray
Mary Tolman
Daniel R Follansbee
Nathaniel Small
John Rowe
Total 1219, 617 males, 602 females


Lydia Sawyer
Frederick Swan
Isaac F Swan
Frances Swan
Stephen Smith
David Bradbury
John Bean
Ezekiel Luce
Starbard Riggs
Amey Davis
Stephen Davis
Ebenezer Witham Jr
David George
Simeon Greenleaf
John George
Gilbert Hodgdon
Nathaniel Baker
Daniel Trask
James Winslow
Jacob Lancaster
Jeremiah Read
Ezekiel Lancaster
Ebenezer Witham
George Crompton
James Parker
John Allen
William Crompton
George Gower
John Allen Jr
John C Butterfield
John Butterfield
Joshua Bullen Jr
John Lake
John D Lake
Asa Gennings
Ebenezer Weeks
John (Gorden?)
Ivoery Bean
William Brainard
Elisha Baker
Timothy Bragdon
Isaac H Ames
Alfred Riggs
Stephen B Porter
John Row
Nathaniel Neal
Joseph Gorden
Edward Verrill
Ethama Berry
Isaac Bent
Charles Welch
William Blackstone Jr
Joseph Morrill
John Richardson
Benjamin Richardson
William Blackstone
Ebenezer Blackstone
Kitteridge Cram
Jospeh Cram
Salley Sleeper
Ebenezer French
Elisha Small
Ezekiel Gillman
Ebenezer French Jr
James Dyer
Abel French
Prince Hopkins
Joshua Small
Reuben Dyer Jr
John Works
John Dyer
Joseph Rollins
Reuben Dyer
Nehemiah Smith
Simeon Davis
Christopher Dyer
Gideon Dyer
Joseph Fench
Ansel Wood
Cyrus Wood
Benjamin Bowley
Phillip Yeaton
Zebulon Reed
Zebulon Reed Jr
Reuben Reed
Nathaniel Ridley
Benjamin Smith
Nathan Smith
John Welch
Elizah Smith Peter Proctor
Davis Smith
Joseph Proctor
Warren Arnold
Phineas Soule
Asa Rollins
James J Herriman
Seth K Sawyer
Parker Greenough
Mason Dutton
Asa Dutton
Samuel Bradbury
Ozni Harris
Daniel Day
Calvin Boyd
Henry Works
Joel Works
Esiker(?) Jewell
Joshua Boynton
William Boynton
Jeremiah Smith
William George
Nathaniel Bumpus
Ezekiel Ellott
John Clark
Ebenezer Clark
Ephraim M Frost
Jonathan Gorden
Silas Merrill
Richard Judkins
Benjamin Pomroy
Joseph Shaw
Samuel Saunders
Nathan Page
Ithiel Gordon
George Saunders
William Lovejoy
Jonathan Hale
Samuel Page
John Hale
Reuben Rand
Jacob Kelley
Theophelus Hopkinson
Moses Kelley
Isaac Proctor
Richard Foster
Peter Abbott
Henry McIntire
Joseph F Cram
Mandley Coburn
Daniel Gould
Thadius Coburn
John Thompson
Jackson Folsom
Samuel Willard
Dennis Borwn
Phillips Richardson
John Hinckley
Warren Bullen
Joshua Bullen
Joseph Willard
Nathaniel Willard
Luther Bailey
Benjamin Ray
Lovina Storry
John Merrill
Eli Cook
Mary Tollman
Joshua Follinsby
Daniel Follinsby
Nathaniel Small
Jeremiah Mayhew
Ephraim Smith
Simeon McLaughlin
Daniel McLaughlin
Jesse L Prescott
Gideon Bowley
William J Thomas
Nocholas H Harriss
Forbes Ford
James Howes
Stephen Howes
Joseph Cummings
John Trask
John Trask Jr
Thomas Lancaster
Joshua M Hopkins
Samuel Mason
James Howes Jr
Samuel H Berry
Joseph Ames
Nathaniel Hopkins
Joseph Underwood
Willis Berry
Gillman Sleeper
Elnathan Pope
Thomas Bussell
Jonathan Hoopkinson
James Rhodes
Lyman Perry
Samuel Folson
Benjamin M Prescott
John Gorden
Charlotte Whitehouse
Levi Whittier
James Paul
John Hollis
John P Shaw
Oliver Paul
Daniel Gorden
Aaron Wilkins
Jonathan Crowell
John Folsom
James Riggs
Isaiah Bean
Total 1599, males 790, females 809


Gideon B Dyer
Henry Rollins
James Folsom
Joseph French
Andrew H Wing
Samuel Philbrick
Daniel Yeaton
Isaiah Bean
Joshua? Hale
John Lake
Ithiel Gordon
Jonathan Gordon
Ebenezer Clark Jr
Ebenezer Clark
Ezekiel Gilman
Jonathan Hopkinson
Theophilus Hopkinson
Jacob Kelley
Silas Merrill
Richard Judkins
Jesse Tibbetts
George Saunders
George Winslow
Joseph Shaw
Richard H Paine
Samuel Small
James Goron
James Lane
Jonathan Hale
Ebnezer Boynton
Stephen B Porter
Luther Bailey
Joshua Bullen
Warren Bullen
Thankful Bullen
Joseph Willard
Royal Gould
Manly Coburn
James Riggs
Isaac H Ames
Benjamin S Hilman
Gorham Baker
Timothy Bragdon
Jesse S Prescott
Elisha Baker
Ivory Bean
William Brainard
Ebenezer Weeks
John Folsom
Joshua Follingbee
Daniel E Follingbee
Eli Cook
Simeon Davis Jr
Charles G Smith
Nathaniel Williams
Samuel Wyman
Henry Mayhew
Thomas R Fletcher
H A Norton
Daniel Brown
Nathaniel P Neal
James Gordon
Edward Verrill
Ethama Berry
Chalres Welch
Isaac Bent
Samuel Bent
Hiram Bent
Joseph Morrill
Samuel Whitehouse
Benjamin Bowley
Cyrus Wood
Ansel Wood
Jason Chandler
Zaccheus Atkins
Joseph Proctor
Jonathan Russ
Hiram Russ
Asa Rolins
John Trask Jr
John Trask
Paul Prince
Samuel Bradley
Dean W Smith
Benjamin Conner
Bartlett Conner
Nathaniel Prescott
Jesse Prescott
John Cook
Reuben Dyer Jr
Joseph Gordon
Nehemiah S Brainard
Josiah Brainard
A A Davis
S W Russell
Sewell Cram
Jesse Fuller
C N Smith
Isaac Sawyer
Joseph Bullen
Elisha Atkins
Sumner Gove
Ephraim Mayhew
Daniel Hale
Nehemiah Harding
Samuel Saunders
Truman Luce
Stephen Howes
William Blackstone
Ebenezer Blackstone
Nathaniel Page
Frederick Swan
Thomas Buswell Jr
Thomas Buswell
Starboard T Riggs
Philip yeaton
William Hyde
Joshua M Hopkins
John Laughton
Thaddeus H Coburn
Benjamin Smith
Nathan Smith
Nathaniel M Ridley
Zebulon Reed
Zebulon Reed Jr
Isaac Russell
Nathaniel Ridley
Nicholas Harris
Samuel Folsom
Thomas Whittier
Newell Gordon
Dennis Maloney
Daniel Judkins
Hartson Hall
John Crowell
Jonathan R Gordon
Seth(?) Williamson
Joseph Folsom
Goerge L Riggs
Gideon Bowley
W R Raymond
Daniel McLaughlin
Simeon McLaughlin
L B Robinson
Seth Rollins
Ephraim Smith
Nehemiah Smith
James Abbott
Thomas Lancaster
(J-----?) Butterfield
Benjamin Watson
Daniel Howes
Joshua Sawyer Jr
Lydia Sawyer
Francis Bradbury
David Bradbury
Isaac F Swan
Francis Swan
Roger Ela
William S Bradbury
Thomas Yeaton
Philip Norcorss
Luther Riggs
James Davis
S D Luce
David George
Simeon Davis
Joseph N George
Ezekiel Lancaster
Nathan Witham
Nicholas Baker
George Crumpton
James Ramsdell
Samuel F Perkins
William Crumpton
Isaac Ford
Zebulon Newell
George Gowen/Gower
Joshua Hopkinson
Thomas Fletcher
H A Boardman
J S Atkins
D S Roberts
Jeremiah Bean
Samuel Norcross
Horace H Webster
John Tibbetts
Thomas Fields
George Jabez
Joshua Rollins
Samuel Blanding
Willliam Billings
Clark Works
Samuel R Works
Samuel R Works
Daniel Gage
Moses Gage
Horace B Prescott
Irving Prescott
Samuel Prescott
Sylvanus Boardman
Daniel Baker
Ebenezer Bent
Asa Brown
Daniel Teague
Asa Teague
Sally Smith
Reuben Dyer
Henry Dyer
Prince Hopkins
Betsey Small
John S Dyer
John Clark
Nicholas C Weaver
Rufus Works
Beriah Sanderson
Cyrus Works
Abel French
James French
Hiram Sleeper
Silas French
Kittridge Cram
John B Williams
Elisha Small
Elisha Small Jr
William Hargraves
Joseph Cram
Varnum Cram
Wolcot Foster
Richard Foster
Joseph R Cram
Henry McIntire
Daniel G Palmer
Isaac Proctor
John Rowe
James Dyer Jr
Hiram Butterfield
John Lake
M Lydia Lake
John Wells
John Thompson
John Richardson
Daniel Howes
haskell Willard
Deborah Howes
Dennis Brown
Asa Genings
Richard H Webster
David Doe Jr
Mary Bennett
John Stowers
James Windlow Jr
John Merrill
Anna Judkins
Joshua Doyne
David Trask
Charles S Porter
William Thompson
Betsey Hodgdon
William Smith
Joshua Berry
Jonathan Currier
Christopher Dyer
P D Larkin
Otis Whittemore
Nathaniel Perkins
O L Currier
Seth Berry
Samuel Mason
James Howes Jr
Willis Berry
Willis Berry
Samuel Berry
Asa Teague Jr
Forbes Ford
Calvin Ford
Hiram Bass
josiah Howes
J T Haines (?)
Henry Works
A P Arnold
Benjamin Mayhew
Franklin Butterfield
Benjamin Harding
Enoch Reed
G B Mitchell
David Field
J S Harriman
Parker Greenough
E M Lancaster
Noah Harris
Dennis Day
Benjamin Pomroy
Seth K Sawyer
Mason Dutton
Asa Dutton
Henry Works Jr
B F Pike
William Reed
Isaachar Jewell
William Boyington
Jeremiah Smith
Sarah Merrill
William George
Eli Berry
William Goerge Jr
Josiah Bean
Ezekiel Elliott
Peter Proctor
Jason Proctor
Total 1829, Males 914, Females 915

Rev. War Pensioners
Thomas Fields age 90
James Dyer age 86
Nathaniel Tibbetts age 85
Jepthah Coburn age 81
Samuel Bowley age 74

Censuses contributed by Nancy J. Porter

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This page was last updated 03/06/2025