Equity Court Abstracts

Book WBT-2 - 1844-1849

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

John ARNOLD vs Peter ARNOLD, John AUSHERMAN and others - Jan 1844 David ARNOLD died testate widow - Elizabeth s/ Peter ARNOLD s/ John ARNOLD d/ Lydia w/o John AUSHERMAN d/ Mary MILLER, dec'd w/o Peter MILLER .....Jacob MILLER .....John MILLER .....Peter MILLER .....Mary MILLER, now w/o Edward CHAMBERS .....Lydia MILLER, a minor .....Julian MILLER, now w/o James ELGIN .....Isaac MILLER, a minor .....Catharine MILLER, now w/o Joseph/James BROOKS .....Sally MILLER, now w/o Washington HICKENS d/ Elizabeth w/o Joseph TRITT - Out of State .....John TRITT - Out of State .....Samuel TRITT, a minor .....Tilghman TRITT, a minor - Out of State .....Randolph TRITT, a minor - Out of State .....Ezra TRITT, a minor - Out of State s/ David ARNOLD (Jr), dec'd .....Lydia (Arnold) w/o Jacob GOODMAN .....John ARNOLD - Out of State .....Daniel ARNOLD - Out of State d/ Hutta, now wid/of Peter MILLER .....Sarah HEFLEBOUR, a minor .....John HEFLEBOUR, a minor .....Lloyd MILLER, a minor LAND - "David's Purchase", 351 acre farm in Middle Town Valley; 60 acres to be laid out by son Peter for daughter Elizabeth with her husband having no rights to it and it to be sold and profits divided among her children equally. - "Contentment", 60 acres (to daughter Lydia); additional 30 acres to her husband provided he pay $50/acre to estate one year after testator's death. Exec/ son Peter ARNOLD; witnesses: D. BOWLUS, George SIFFORD, John HERRING. [Will GME-2, 617; written 26 Jun 1838; filed 3 Mar 1841] Guardian was Samuel AHALT. Testimony was heard from James CASTLE, Dr. T. BISER, and Emanuel SLIFER. Trustee was Peter ARNOLD. SALE was held 7 Feb 1846 in Burkittsville; high bidders were: - William McBRIDE for 11 acres of mountain land at $169.50 (prior to sale) - Isaac MICHAEL for Lot #6, 11 acres of mountain land at $123.04 - J. MICHAEL for Lot #5, 12 acres at $198.93 - Joseph AHALT for Lot #4, 12 acres at $199.48 - M. AHALT for Lot #3, 12+ acres at $293.25 - William GUYTON for Lot #2, 12 acres at $160.40 - John GAVER for Lot #1, 10+ acres at $100.08 - J. ARNOLD for an undivided mority of small lot on road from Middle Town to Burkittsville at $150 (private sale) Total sales, $1,394.68 1st Distribution: - John ARNOLD and G. GOODMAN and wife, each $1,151.93 - G. GOODMAN and wife, D. ARNOLD, John ARNOLD, each $383.97 - Peter ARNOLD, exec/in trust, $465.42 - P. ARNOLD, Exec/in trust, $465.42 - Lloyd MILLER, $465.42 - Mary and Peter MILLER's children, $155.14 each Filed 7 Jun 1847. (Supplementals at WBT-4, 521; ES-1, 41; ES-1, 536)
WBT-2, 17-23 - BECK, SHANK, BAKER, SMITH, WAGNER - Jan 1847
David WAGNER vs Elizabeth BECK and Others Adam BECK d/ May 1845 intestate widow - Elizabeth and 8 children s/ William BECK d/ Ann w/o Ezra? SHANK d/ Harriet w/o Samuel BAKER s/ Henry BECK s/ Osborn BECK s/ Ezra BECK, a minor s/ James BECK, a minor d/ Agnes BECK, a minor Land - House and Lot #52 in Woodsborough with two-story log house and shop where Beck lived for 9-10 years before his death. Guardian was Benjamin SMITH; testimony was heard from William BECK and David YANTIS. Trustee was John REIFSNIDER; sale was held on 18 Jun 1847 at the tavern of Ezra SHANK; sale went to D. WAGNER for $490. Proceeds went to David WAGNER for his claim, being slightly short. Closed 9 Sep 1847.
Frederick A. SCHLEY vs Benjamin C. FLOWERS and Others Jacob RUNKLES d/ "just before harvest" 1842, intestate in Lewistown widow - (unnamed) d/ between 1842-1846, after her husband s/ John RUNKLES, a minor s/ Moses RUNKLES, a minor d/ Susanna RUNKLES, a minor d/ Martha J. RUNKLES, a minor s/ Jacob T. RUNKLES, a minor Land - House and Lot in Lewis Town, from Benjamin STITLER in 1841. - Lots 84-89 in Lewis Town, from Benjamin STITLER in 1840. - Lots 68-70 in Lewis Town, from J. STEVENS and w/ Matilda in 1836. Administrator was Benjamin C. FLOWERS; guardian was John BEND__. Testimony was heard from Joseph FULTON who had known Jacob Runkles about two years before he died. Also testifying was Thomas PICKING(?) who claimed Runkles had lived in Lewistown at least ten years before he died. Trustee was Benjamin C. FLOWERS; sale was held in Lewistown with high bidders being: - William OTT for house and Lots #68-72 at $136 - Daniel RAMSBURG for Lot #84 at $6.30 and Lots #85-89 at $3.30 each Only a small portion was paid to Creditors; closed 16 Jul 1847.
WBT-2, 30-36 - BLESSING, EYSTER, BISER, CRUM - Feb 1847
Mary M. BLESSING vs David A. S. EYSTER and Others Abraham BLESSING of George d/ widow - Mary M. and 5 minor children d/ Penelope A. M. w/o David A. S. EYSTER s/ George W. E. BLESSING s/ David F. S. BLESSING d/ Ann M. W. BLESSING d/ Maria E. BLESSING Land - Lot #16 in 'New Town' (Jefferson) from Peter BRENGLE, sheriff, in judgement against Daniel SHAWEN Jr, in 1832. Guardian was George C. BISER; trustee was David A. S. EYSTER. On 21 Aug 1847, sale was made to George W. CRUM(?) at $2,625. 1st Distribution: the widow, $351.97, in lieu of dower; each 1/5 share, $162.36 dated 17 Sep 1847. Closed 20 Sep 1847. (Supplemental, see Folio 82)
Jacob KEEFER and Michael KEEFER vs James FINNEY & Others - Feb 1847 Christian KEEFER d/ bef Aug 1829 intestate s/ Christian KEEFER Jr and w/ Eleanor s/ Jacob KEEFER and w/ Sophia d/ Mary THOMAS d/ Charlotte BAER s/ Henry KEEFER * s/ Michael KEEFER, dec'd .....Hiram KEEFER and w/ Catharine .....Peter KEEFER Land - "Chance Medley" and "Goose Nest", 79 acres. (Land descended to Christian Sr's children upon the death of Peter KEEFER.) Henry purchased the land from the other heirs in 1829 for $2,100. ---------- Henry KEEFER * d/ Jul 1846 intestate bro/ Jacob KEEFER sis/ Charlotte (Keefer) w/o James FINNEY - Washington Co bro/ Michael KEEFER, dec'd .......Hiram KEEFER .......Peter KEEFER sis/ Mary (Keefer) (d/ bet Aug 1846-Jan 1847) w/o Samuel THOMAS Jr, dec'd .......Christian Keefer THOMAS - Baltimore .......William Notley THOMAS .......Ann Eliza (Thomas) w/o Charles SHRIVER bro/ Christian KEEFER, dec'd .......Ezra R. KEEFER - Virginia .......Michael KEEFER .......Caroline KEEFER .......Mary (Keefer), dec'd w/o William T. PALMER . . . . . . .Eleanor A. PALMER, a minor . . . . . . .Caroline P. PALMER, a minor . . . . . . .Mary J. PALMER, a minor Mary Keefer THOMAS died between Aug 1846 and Jan 1847. LAND - "Mill Lot", 50 acres; "Grape Field", 54 acres; "Arcadia", 30 acres. From Frederick A. SCHLEY and William SCHLEY in 1830 (from their 1827 deed of trust for the heirs of Baltzer FOUT, the elder (Will of 29 Dec 1797) s/ Jacob FOUT see JS-4, 258) s/ Lewis FOUT (Book of Descents) s/ Baltzer FOUT Jr d/ Mary SMITH d/ Barbara w/o John LANE s/ George FOUT son-in-law/ George A. EBERT) - Sophia w/o Marcey BRIGHLY (see JS-10, 350) Total property he owned at the time of his death was a farm of 213 acres and mill property and 123 acres of mountain land. - "Keefer's Prospect", 112 acres (resurveyed in 1839); on road leading from Frederick Town to Henry KEEFER's Mill; next to "Locust Level" and "the Fish". Guardian was Wilson W. KOLB. Testimony was heard from Valentine ADAMS. Ezra KEEFER had filed for insolvency with Michael KEEFER (and Eleanor) as trustee for his creditors. Trustees were Jacob KEEFER and Michael KEEFER. After a failed public sale, private sale was made on 16 Jul 1847 to: - Valentine ADAMS for part of "Keefer's Prospect", 100 acres at $60/acre and 12 acres (mountain land) at $35/acre - Mrs Charlotte FINNEY (w/o James) for 89 acres of "Keefer's Prospect at $35/acre (with her husband having no control of it); lies next to "Chance Medley". George KOONTZ, trustee of Hiram KEEFER (an insolvent debtor) petitioned the court to obtain Hiram's share for his creditors. Distribution: - Each sibling's 1/5 share, $1,368.28 Filed 22 Sep 1847.
George POE, James MOSHER POE, Charles GOLDSBOROUGH & Others vs Jacob POE - Feb 1841 George POE of Baltimore City d/ 1823 (will 18 Apr 1823; 17 Sep 1823 Balt Co) s/ Jacob POE - Frederick Co ...w/ Bridget ...George POE ...Amelia (Poe) w/o Charles GOLDSBOROUGH ...Nelson POE - Baltimore ...James Mosher POE ...Harriet POE s/ George POE Jr d/ Harriet CLEMM ...Catharine CLEMM ...William Eichelberger CLEMM ...Josephine Emily CLEMM ...Georgiana Maria CLEMM ...Mary Elizabeth CLEMM Land - "Catsworth", Lot on NW corner of Union and Ross Streets, running NW on Ross for 110 feet to Michael RIDDLEMOSHER's, the SW to Union Street, then in possession of John H. FORD. - Property in Havre de Grace with orchard point Fishery was sold for the benefit of Jacob. SLAVES - negro OSCAR and CHARLES (slaves for life), to children of Jacob; - negro girl CAROLINE (for 13 years, and any issue she may have until they are 26, then they shall be free), to Bridget Land of Jacob with lien on it to his father - "Uranias Dwelling", 135 acres; "Three Mill Seats" and Lot #K, 20 acres; and "Loss Gained"; (farm was called 'Elmwood'). Bequeathed to son George POE and Joseph E. CLEMM in trust for Bridget, w/o Jacob POE, and upon her death, to be divided among Jacob's children. Land to George Jr - House and Lot on South side of Baltimore St in Baltimore, adjoining Indian Queen Tavern - Lot adjoining property of the late Philip GRAYBILL and heirs of William EVANS, dec'd. Land to Catharine - Warehouse and Lot on South Side of Baltimore St, East of Eutaw St and running South to German St - "Chatsworth", at NE Corner of Baltimore and Reisterstown Road and Union St and running NE with Union St to John H. FORD's lot, then NW to Michael RIDDELMOSHER's line, then SW to road - at Whetstone Point, 2 acres Exec/ sons Jacob and George Jr and friend Joseph E. CLEMM Witnesses: John F. HARRIS, Horation BERRY, Fielder ISRAEL ---------- Jacob POE obtained a mortgage in 1816 to James HENDERSON and his w/ Sarah (previously Sarah CROMWELL). After the death of James HENDERSON, his wife, Sarah (lived in Montgomery Co after his death), transferred the mortgage in Oct 1825 to James MOSHER Jr of Georgetown, District of Columbia. About Mar 1826, James MOSHER Jr died and administratrix was Elizabeth Mary MOSHER, appointed by Washington Co, District of Columbia. In 1819, Jacob POE made mortgage to George POE Jr of Pittsburg, PA for all his real estate listed above. George POE Jr made Deed of Trust to the children of Jacob POE and to George POE Jr and Joseph E. CLEM, in trust for Bridget POE, w/o Jacob POE, during her life, and after her death, to be equally divided among the children of Jacob POE. In 1836, Nelson POE mortgaged his interest to John PRENTISS of Baltimore; however, in 1839, Nelson POE and John PRENTISS (both of Baltimore City) conveyed all their interest to George POE of Anne Arundel Co. There remains a balance due to the estate of James MOSHER Jr. Trustee for sale was George POE of Anne Arundel Co; sale of the 140 acre farm in Frederick County was made to Nelson POE for $6,000. 1st Distribution: Eliza MOSHER, Adm/of J. MOSHER, $802.92; each 1/5 share to Jacob's children, $982.82. Closed 13 Dec 1847.
WBT-2, 82-82 - BLESSING, EYSTER - Oct 1847
Mary M. BLESSING vs David A. S. EYSTER and Others 2nd Distribution of the Estate of Abraham BLESSING $84.85 each to Penelopy A. M. EYSTER, George W. E. BLESSING, David F. S. BLESSING, Ann M. W. BLESSING, Maria E. BLESSING. Closed 13 Jan 1848.
WBT-2, 82-83 - DERR, SCHELDNECHT, KELLER - Jan 1848
Estate of John DERR; trustee, Philip DERR - Supplemental of WBT-1, 616 2nd Distribution of $4,466.44: Costs, $50.07 - Magdalena KELLER, 1/11, $401.48 - Catharine BAER, 1/11, $401.48 - Susan SCHELDNECHT, 1/11, $401.48 - Philip DERR, 1/11, $401.48 - David DERR, 1/11, $401.48 - Rebecca KELLER, 1/11, $401.48 - Ezra DERR, 1/11, $401.48 - Elizabeth KELLER, 1/11, $401.48 - Joshua DERR, 1/11, $401.48 - Henry DERR, 1/11, $401.48 - Mary M. DERR, 1/11, $401.48 Closed 9 Feb 1848.
SHAFER, EDWARDS, et al vs SHAFER and Others - Feb 1847 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 377 Estate of John A. SHAFER Received as second payments from: - Edward HOWARD, $857.31 plus interest - Daniel GRUMBINE, $113.33 plus interest - W. H. SMITH, $1,045.95 plus interest Total received, $2,137.97. 2nd Distribution: 23 1/3% to - David SHAFER - $262.60 - Catharine SHAFER - $249.51 - Sarah A. SHAFER - $254.51 - Harriet SHAFER - $250.63 - D. B. BAUGHER, residue of his judgement, $1,094.15 Filed 15 Apr 1847.
WBT-2, 85-86 - BEST, CRAMER
Jacob CRAMER of H. pro ami of Henry L. BEST and others - Equity #2034 - Feb 1847 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 393 John F. BEST Estate 2nd Accounting by trustee, Jacob CRAMER of H. 2nd Distribution - - Henry L. BEST, 1/5, $240.33 - George W. BEST, 1/5, $240.33 - John C. BEST, 1/5, $240.33 - Mary E. BEST, 1/5, $240.33 - Noah BEST, 1/5, $240.33 Closed 25 May 1847.
Estate of Benjamin RUTHERFORD - Oct 1847 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 598 2nd Accounting by trustees, Edward SHRIVER and Charles RUTHERFORD 2nd Distribution - Charles RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $232.86 - Ann M. RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $232.86 - Caroline COALE, 1/6, $232.86 - Virginia B.SHAW, 1/6, $232.86 - George RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $232.86 - Francis M. RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $232.86 SALE on 9 Dec 1847 to: - James WILLIAMS of Baltimore, Joshua S. INTOU? and Samuel S. MYERS at $6,500. (Property was previously leased to Mrs. Louisa BRENGLE.) 3rd Distribution: - Charles RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $1095.74 - Ann M. RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $1095.74 - Caroline COALE, 1/6, $1095.74 - Virginia B.SHAW, 1/6, $1095.74 - George RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $1095.74 - Francis M. RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $1095.74 Filed 8 Feb 1848.
WBT-2, 88-89 - GESEY, RAMSBURG, BENNETT - Jul 1847
Henry RAMSBURG and Others vs Mary E. BENNETT and Others Estate of John GESEY - Supplemental of WBT-1, 523 2nd Accounting by Henry RAMSBURG, trustee Distribution: d/ Charlotte RAMSBURG, 1/5, $185.63 s/ George GESEY, 1/5, $185.63 d/ Rebecca GESEY, 1/5, $185.63 s/ Thomas GESEY, 1/5, $185.63 gr ch/ Mary E. BENNETT, 1/4 of 1/5, $46.40 gr ch/ Samuel J. BENNETT, 1/4 of 1/5, $46.40 gr ch/ Margaret A. BENNETT, 1/4 of 1/5, $46.40 gr Ch/ Julianna E. BENNETT, 1/4 of 1/5, $46.40 Closed 25 Sep 1847.
Estate of Henry WEAVER - Jan 1848 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 651 2nd Accounting by George SMITH, trustee Distribution: - Delana ENISS, 1/5, $197.79 - Mary SMITH, 1/5, $197.79 - Harriet WEAVER, 1/5, $197.79 - Matilda WEAVER, 1/5, $197.79 - Henry CULLER Sr, mortgagee of Christian WEAVER, for use of Serena SIMMONS, 1/5, $197.79 Filed 1 Feb 1848.
Estate of Henry C. LARE - Nov 1847 - Supplemental 2nd & Final Accounting by Elias L. DELASHMUTT, trustee; from sales to Henry RYNE. Distribution: Multitude of creditors were paid 9.6% of their claims. Closed 1 Jan 1848.
Nelson BEALL vs John LEASE, adm/of Rezin BEALL and Others Rezin BEALL d/ 20 Mar 1840 intestate widow - Caroline (now w/o Truman WALKER) - Baltimore d/ Martha Ellen BEALL, a minor - Baltimore s/ Thomas Rezin BEALL, a minor Land - "Wet Time" (undivided half share), 17+ acres; from Edward HAMMOND of Anne Arundel Co to Rezin BEALL and Nelson BEALE in 1838; adjoining lands of Adam JACOBS, Westly PRINCE, Nathan C. HAMMOND and heirs of Denton HAMMOND. Administrator was John LEASE; distribution was made to creditors for 66% of their claims. Guardian was Joseph LYLES. Testimony was heard from William B. PLUMMER, particularly regarding the widow. Trustee was William C. SAPPINGTON; on 25 Sep 1847, sale was made to Nelson BEALL, a free colored man, at $78, subject to the widow's dower. Distribution was made to creditors for an additional 9 3/4%. Closed on 10 Jan 1848.
WBT-2, 104-111 - HOFF, BIRELY, McDERMOTT - Feb 1845
Lewis BIRELY vs John H. HOFF - Foreclosure Land - "Rights of Man", 1 acre; from Luke DAVIS; - Lot #281 in Frederick Town, from John McDERMOTT in 1832. Testimony was heard from William B. TYLER, Edward TURBUTT. The defendant failed to appear and Francis BRENGLE was appointed as trustee to sell the property; however, by Feb 1847, Brengle had died before selling the property. Trustee then appointed was Mountjoy B. LUCKETT. On 29 Apr 1847, sale was held at the tavern of Benjamin GILBERT in Frederick Town; high bidder was Lewis BIRELY, $70 for the 1 acre and $350 for Lot #281. Distribution: John McDERMOTT, $53.83; Lewis BIRELY, $293.90 (of his $392.35 claim). Closed 15 Sep 1847.
John A. JOHNSON and Dewitt C. JOHNSON vs Elizabeth JOHNSON and Others Joshua DORSEY, dec'd (will 26 Jan 1815; 28 Nov 1818) d/ Elizabeth (d/ Jan/Feb 1829) w/o Dr. Thomas W. JOHNSON (he d/ Apr 1847) ....1/Joshua Dorsey JOHNSON (d/ Nov 1844) - Somerset Co, MD in Nov 1843 -------w/ Charlotte - Baltimore ----------Dorsey JOHNSON, a minor - Baltimore ----------Susan JOHNSON, a minor - Baltimore ----------Jane JOHNSON, a minor - Baltimore ....2/Jane JOHNSON (d/ before Apr 1847, no issue) ....3/Susan (Johnson)(d/ Sep 1846) w/o Dr. William M. KEMP - Baltimore ----------Jane KEMP, a minor - Baltimore ----------Laura KEMP, a minor - Baltimore ----------Morris/Maurice KEMP, a minor - Baltimore ----------Sarah Elizabeth J. KEMP, a minor - Baltimore ....4/John A. JOHNSON ....5/Dewitt Clinton JOHNSON - Baltimore ....6/Elizabeth JOHNSON, a minor ....7/William H. JOHNSON (d/ before Apr 1847, no issue) sis/ Harriett HOBBS, dec'd sis/ Ariana OWINGS, dec'd half sis/ Harriett DORSEY SLAVES - yellow NED (to be set free six months after testator's death or, if he chooses, may reside on the farm with his wife, LIDIA, and be supported) - old CATE ($20) Execs/ Dr. Thomas W. JOHNSON and daughter Elizabeth Witnesses: Lawrence BRENGLE, Thomas C. WORTHINGTON, Peter MANTZ Land - #14, part of "Dulany's Lot", 257+ acres; from Achsah GUYNN/GWINN of Baltimore in 1801 by will of her brother, Caleb DORSEY; (previously owned by Daniel DULANEY, s/o Daniel, but was confiscated and sold); next to land of Adam LINKS, Susannah BEATTY. (Baltimore Co Land Record); located on public road. - Lot #5, part of "Resurvey on Mackey's Luck", 54 acres; from Maria RINGER, wid/of Adam RINGER, of Ontario Co, NY in 1815 (from will of Abraham CRUM; Susannah CRUM, wid/of Abraham, also conveyed her interests to Joshua DORSEY); lies next to Dick BURKETT's lot. In 1843, Joshua Dorsey JOHNSON and his wife conveyed his interests to James GIDDINGS for debts due to Giddings. Giddings then assigned this interest to Dewitt C. JOHNSON Guardian for the Baltimore minors was Henry K. LONG; for Elizabeth JOHNSON in Frederick Co, guardian was Frederick YOUNG. Testimony was heard from George POTTS, Jacob WALKER, Gertran DALRYMPLE. William H. JOHNSON, left a will written 2 Nov 1844 (filed 26 Jan 1846) with his brother, John A. JOHNSON as his executor; witnesses: Daizut CREAGER and John W. OGBORN. It seems his sister Jane was probably already deceased by then as he divides his estate in six parts, giving the sixth part to his father (and upon his father's death, to be divided among the other five siblings); Jane is the only sibling not mentioned. Trustee was William I. ROSS; sale was held on 16 Sep 1847 at the residence of Dr. Thomas W. JOHNSON, dec'd; sales went to: - John A. JOHNSON and Dewitt C. JOHNSON for the mansion house and farm called "Auburn" (Dulaney's lot), 252 acres, at $60/acre - and to the same buyers for Lot #5, a wooded lot, part A of 25 acres, at $4.10/acre - Jacob WALKER for Lot #5, part B of 25 acres, at $7.15/acre Total sales, $15,405.29. Distribution: 1/5, $2,962.15 each to John A. JOHNSON, Dewitt C. JOHNSON, Elizabeth JOHNSON, children of Susan KEMP (divided in equal parts). Additional claims subtracted from Joshua Dorsey JOHNSON's share before 1/3, $707.76 each to his three minor children. Closed 6 Jan 1848.
Joseph M. PALMER vs Elias A. GROSHON, Grayson EICHELBERGER and Others Elias A. GROSHON and w/ Catharine of Washington County, and Michael HAHN made a Deed of Trust to Grayson EICHELBERGER, esq. in 1844. Eichelberger advertised the property at public sale at the tavern of Yantis in Woodsborough whereby Joseph M. PALMER became the high bidder for $500. Before the deed could be conveyed, Michael HAHN died. Since the sale of the land, Abraham DERR has taken possession of the land, without any authority and is destroying timber and decreasing value of said land. Michael HAHN d/ Winter 1845, intestate, leaving 9 children s/ George HAHN - Out of State s/ Elias HAHN s/ Francis HAHN s/ Peter HAHN s/ Jacob HAHN s/ John HAHN - Out of State d/ Catharine (Hahn) w/o George MARTIN d/ Susan (Hahn) w/o Daniel STAUB d/ Elizabeth (Hahn) w/o John ENGEL Land - "Paw Paw Bottom", 63 acres, to Michael HAHN from estate of Abraham GROSHON, dec'd, by Elias A. GROSHON, trustee (son and sole heir of his father, Abraham), in 1824; located 3 miles from Creagers Town and 2 miles from Woodsborough. Exception: 4 acres were contracted to be sold by Hahn to Samuel WILHIDE. To be surveyed by Thomas H. O'NEAL, which came to 72 acres. Located next to land of George BARRICK (from Peter BARRICK), George OTT, Brooke BAKER, and bank of Monocacy River. Testimony was heard from George OTT who claimed Michael HAHN had lived on that farm the last 12 years of his life. Also testifying was Elizabeth GROsHON who claimed Hahn had lived on the farm for the last 20 years of his life; notes to Abraham GROSHON burned up in Elias's home about 6-7 years ago. John RINGER testified to the validity of the notes he had seen prior to the fire and confirmed Elias had moved to Washington County. George and Catharine MARTIN testified that the deed of trust was fraudulent and that all monies had been paid by Hahn to Abraham GROSHON before his death and that Hahn believed Elias was having the deed recorded giving him (Hahn) title to said land. Court ruled that title be given to complainant. After expenses were paid, balance of estate fund, $400.72 (payment from Palmer), was granted to trustee, Elias A. GROSHON. Palmer petitioned the court againe because Abraham DERR and John ENGEL were still living on the property and refused to move. On 2 Feb 1848, the court issued an injunction of possession to be served by the sheriff.
John B. THOMAS and John W. HARGATE and w/ Ellen vs Edward THOMAS and Others Levin THOMAS d/ Dec 1842 intestate widow - Elizabeth s/ John B. THOMAS d/ Mary Ellen (Thomas) w/o John W. HARGATE s/ Edward THOMAS, a minor s/ Jacob D. THOMAS, a minor s/ Otho THOMAS, a minor s/ George D. THOMAS, a minor d/ Phillipina THOMAS, a minor s/ Richard THOMAS, a minor Land - parts of "Mount Philip", "New Germany", "Winter Solstice" and "Fielderea Manor", 270 acres, from Mary I. THOMAS of Berkeley Co, VA in 1837, who inherited said property from May 1815 will from her late husband, John Hanson THOMAS who had inherited it from his father; said property was sold by John Hanson THOMAS (Jr), son of Mary I. and John Hanson THOMAS, for her to Levin THOMAS for $13,100. Property lies next to "Resurvey on Leonard's Good Luck", "Addition to New Germany", part of "Mount Philip" (which was conveyed in 1785 by Dr. Philip THOMAS to John SMITH for 5 acres in exchange for 5 acres of "Winter Solstice" and "New Germany" from Smith to Thomas). - parts of "Mount Philip" and "Fielderea" and "Long Trusted", 51 acres, from Christian SMITH in 1839. Land lie 3-4 miles from Frederick. Testimony was heard from David DUDDERAR. In Jul 1843, guardian was George KEPHART, but changed to Joshua DILL. Trustee was John B. THOMAS; sale was held on 1 Jan 1847 at M. ZIMMERMAN's City Hotel in Frederick, free of dower, high bidders were: - Owen EVANS for 304 acres of the farm known as 'Mount Philip' at $8,460.97. - Christian SMITH bought 15 acres of that part and the 50+ acre tract. Samuel DUTROW petitioned for a claim of $1,000 note. Distribution for the 1/3 receipts: the widow, $1,004.67; paid claims to John B. THOMAS, Samuel DUTROW, Otho THOMAS and Joshua DILL; 1/8, $249.42 to each child. Closed 14 Dec 1847. (pages 160 and 161 are missing from online document file)
Henry McELFRESH and Anna Mary McELFRESH vs Ariana McELFRESH and Caspar Mantz McELFRESH - Petition to Partition Real Estate Caspar MANTZ (s/o Francis MANTZ) d/ 29 Oct 1839 in Frederick (will 29 Aug 1832) sis/ Eleanor (d/ by Jun 1845) w/o John L. HARDING, and her children; husband not to benefit; (222 acres where William EADER then lived) .....Caroline T. HARDING (a minor in 1845) .....Eleanor C. HARDING (a minor in 1845) .....Ann Louisa HARDING (a minor in 1845) .....John L. HARDING (Jr) (a minor in 1845) sis/ Christina w/o David BAER - Washington Co (454 acres where John H. DIXON then lived) sis/ Theresia w/o John H. McELFRESH - Catharine CLARKE, a free colored woman SLAVES - mulatto girl MARIA (then in possession of Christina) Will provided that John H. McELFRESH would have deed of trust for the interests of Mantz' sisters. George W. EICHELBERGER served as guardian for the Harding children. ---------- John H. McELFRESH, Esquire, d/ Aug 1841 intestate widow - Theresia d/ Jun 1846 intestate s/ Henry McELFRESH d/ Anna Mary McELFRESH d/ Ariana McELFRESH, a minor s/ Caspar Mantz McELFRESH, a minor Land - 'Kenaga Farm', being part of "Belview" and "Resurvey on Locust Level", 128 acres; conveyed by Joseph KENAGA and w/ Margaret to Caspar MANTZ in 1835. - "Surry", 446 acres, to McElfresh from David KEMP and w/ Margaret in 1840. - "Hermitage", 754 acres, to McElfresh from John McPHERSON, trustee for John BRIEN, dec'd in 1835; from Lewis KEMP and Davis RICHARDSON, execs/of Henry KEMP, dec'd in 1836; from John McPHERSON and w/ Fanny in 1838; from Stephen B. CRUM in 1837. - "Chesnut Ridge", 50 acres, to Caspar MANTZ Sr from Charles SCHELL in 1769 and devised to Theresia by the will of Mantz; lies 6 miles NW of Frederick near the Yellow Springs. - "Tuscany", 374 acres, to Caspar MANTZ from Lewis P. W. BALCH, trustee for Joseph FLEMING in 1828 and Samuel FLEMING, exec/of Arthur FLEMING, dec'd in 1826; the whole devised to Theresia by Mantz and conveyed to John H. McELFRESH by Henry McELFRESH. - "Resurvey on Locust Level" and "Resurvey on Meadow", 9 acres, to John H. McELFRESH from Adam WOLFE and w/ Caroline in 1840. - "Resurvey on Meadows", 7 acres, to Caspar MANTZ from Margaret MICHAEL in 1829; from Jacob REASER, exec/of William MICHAEL in 1829; and conveyed to J. H. McELFRESH by Henry McELFRESH. - small lot near Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, 1 acre, to Caspar MANTZ from John RUCH and w/ Phebe in 1833. - parts of Lots #35 and 36 on east side of South Market St in Frederick with 2-story brick house; to Francis MANTZ from George W. MILLER in 1822 and from Mantz to Theresia Mc ELFRESH through his will. - "Altogether", 105 acres, from Francis MANTZ to Caspar MANTZ through Francis' will, and from Caspar to Theresia and to J. H. McELFRESH by Henry McELFRESH; adjoins land of Nathan HAMMOND of Ormand. - Lot #70 in Frederick with house and office, adjoining Branch Bank and opposite to the Court House on Church St, to J. H. McELFRESH from Richard POTTS and Richard H. MARSHALL and w/ Harriett M. in 1839. - "Mantz's Fatigue", 216 acres, (from will of Francis MANTZ through Caspar MANTZ to Theresia); except 80 acres sold to William CAIN in 1839. In Jul 1847, Ezra HOUCK became the guardian of Ariana and Caspar M. McELFRESH. Real Estate was divided among the four McElfresh children. - Henry got southeran part of "Resurvey on the Hermitage", etc, 426 acres, lies south of the Monocacy River and surrounds the crossroads of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (which crosses the river) and the Turnpike Road from Fredericktown to Georgetown (land lies on both sides of this road). This went to Henry (426 acres) also got house and premises on Church St (Lot #70). - Anna Mary got 446 acres of "Surry"; 7 acres of "Michael's Lot" on South St with the railroad crossing it; house and premises on Market St; 9 acres of 'Wolf Lot'; 1 acre between a county road and railroad, "Resurvey on Meadow", on north side of B&O Railroad; Kenega wood lot, 18 acres. - Ariana got northeran part of "The Hermitage", 327 acres, bordered by Baltimore Road to Frederick on the north and road from Frederick to Buckeystown as the southran border with the Turnpike Road from Frederick to Georgetown running through the middle; 110 acres of Kenaga Farm between the old Fulling Mill Road and the Baltimore and Washington Turnpike; 106 acres of "Altogether" on the Baltimore and Hagerstown Turnpike. - Caspar M. got 374 acres of "Tuscany" (a resurvey of part of "Tasker's Chance"); 50 acres of "Chestnut Ridge". Testimony was heard from John BARTHOLOW and George W. EICHELBERGER. On 18 Oct 1847, private sale was made for 133+ acres (appears to be of Caspar M.'s part) to Jesse WRIGHT and John BARTHOLOW, Esquire, at $1,437.81. Distribution: Each 1/4 share, $327.41, to the McElfresh children. Closed 12 Jan 1848. Note - Pages 178 and 179 were repeated on the online scan.
WBT-2, 239-250 - HAMMOND, HALL, McPHERSON - Feb 1847
Denton HAMMOND of D. and w/ Elizabeth et al vs Grafton HAMMOND et al Ormand HAMMOND d/ 1846 intestate, w/o issue bro/ Grafton HAMMOND, dec'd, his children, .....Elizabeth (Hammond) w/o Denton HAMMOND of D. .....Ormand W. HAMMOND, a minor .....Mary V. HAMMOND, a minor .....Oliver B. HAMMOND, a minor .....Anna W. HAMMOND, a minor .....Grafton B. HAMMOND, a minor .....Eugene HAMMOND, a minor .....Denton HAMMOND of G., a minor bro/ Denton HAMMOND, dec'd, his children .....Denton HAMMOND of D. .....Augustus HAMMOND .....Elizabeth (Hammond) w/o Nicholas HALL .....Grafton HAMMOND, a minor .....Isabella HAMMOND, a minor .....Thomas HAMMOND, a minor .....Wellington HAMMOND, a minor bro/ Nathan HAMMOND, dec'd, his children .....Harriett B. HAMMOND .....Maria L. HAMMOND, a minor .....Cassandra B. HAMMOND, a minor .....Ann I. McPHERSON, dec'd w/o John McPHERSON, her child, -----------Ann I. McPHERSON, a minor bro/ Eden HAMMOND, dec'd, his children .....Evan D. HAMMOND and w/ Harriett B. .....Ormand HAMMOND - Baltimore Land - Lot #1, 17 acres, from Henry M. BASH and w/ Susan Ann in 1844 (previously to them from heirs of Michael BASH in 1829 and his widow, Catharine, of Baltimore in 1834); also Lot #3, 50 acres, next to lot of Ann MUSSETTER. Testimony was heard from Bliss W. BOTELER; Guardian was Caspar MANTZ. Trustee was Denton HAMMOND of D.; on 28 Aug 1847, sale was made to: - Elizabeth HAMMOND at $1,507. On 18 Oct 1847, in New Market, Miss Harriet FRAZIER testified that Elizabeth, the widow of Ormand HAMMOND, was between the age of 56-57 at the time of his death. Distribution: after expenses, Elizabeth HAMMOND, the widow, received 1/10, $137.04; leaving $1,202.55 as balance for the siblings of Ormand, or $300.64 as each 1/4 share (children of each sibling would receive an equal part of their parent's share). Closed 7 Jan 1848.
Horace A. WEST - Petition on Estate of Joseph WEST Thomas Hilleary WEST d/ before Dec 1813 s/ Horace WEST d/ intestate, w/o issue s/ Levin WEST and w/ Eliza Hilleary WEST s/ Thomas WEST d/ intestate, w/o issue s/ Joseph WEST d/ May 1842 intestate, and w/ Mary Henrietta .....Horace A. WEST .....Robert WEST, a minor .....Henry I. WEST, a minor .....Joseph S. WEST, a minor .....Mary E. WEST, a minor .....Eugene WEST, a minor d/ Elizabeth McGill (West), now w/o Joseph West JOHNSON - Allegany Co, MD s/ Trueman WEST s/ George Washington WEST and w/ Eliza Land - Lots #5, 9, 10, parts of "Resurvey on Maryland", 203 acres, in Petersville. Neighbors were John SLIFER and Thomas WINTERS. Elizabeth M. and Joseph W. JOHNSON conveyed their share to George W. WEST in 1832; Joseph WEST and Otho LINTHICUM, trustees, conveyed the share of Trueman WEST to Levin WEST in 1831. After these transactions and the deaths of some of the siblings, only 3 'shareholders' remained, Levin (1/5 + 1/5) , Joseph (1/5) and George W. (1/5 + 1/5) and in 1832, they made an agreement of partition, but it was never recorded. Since then, Joseph sold 2 acres of his 10-acre share to H. SANDERS. Land conveyed to the children of Thomas H. WEST after his death: - "Resurvey on Grim's Delight", 37+ acres on South Mountain, from John ECARD of Washington Co in 1813. - "Resurvey on Grim's Delight", 17+ acres, from Joseph GARROTT and w/ Anna in 1814. Land of Joseph WEST - "I Don't Know What" and Lot #2, part of "Resurvey on Maryland", 206 acres (patented to Captain John COLLVILLe in 1732), from Francis THOMAS, trustee of Malachi FLANNIGAN, dec'd, in 1828 (previously to Malachi FLANNIGAN from Thomas Sims LEE of George Town, DC in 1805). Parts of this was sold off by Joseph before his death and a part known as Lot #3 was designated as 'Intended Town Lots' and petition requests this section be divided off and sold in separate lots. Guardian was Charles SMITH; testimony was heard from Levin WEST, Dr. G. W. WEST, Benedict BOONE and Thomas H. O'NEAL, surveyor. Trustee was Levin WEST; sale was held 28 Aug 1847 at the store house on said property in Petersville, high bidders were: - Thomas WINTERS for half of Lot #6 at $34.50 - Horace WEST for half of Lot #6 at $33 - William HILLEARY for remaining lots in Petersville at $2,450 - Tilghman HILLEARY for the 206 acre farm at $5,064.15 - Tilghman HILLEARY for mountain tract at $41.64 Total sales, $7,623.04. Victoria VINCENDERE and Adelaide V. LOW petitioned as creditors against Joseph WEST's estate. Henry M. JAMISON was the principal debtor to David I. FOUT, but he had moved to Virginia about 6 years ago. Distribution: Victoria VINCENDERE for her claims, $4,165.56; to Joseph's children, each 1/6 share, $510.34; closed 27 Sep 1847.
Basil MATTHEWS vs Jane ROBERTS and Others Isaac ROBERTS d/ 1 Apr 1843 intestate widow - Jane d/ Rebecca Jane ROBERTS - Baltimore County d/ Alidia Semphrona ROBERTS - Baltimore County d/ Juliet Ellen ROBERTS, a minor Land - Lots #164 and 165 in Liberty Town w/ 2-story log house, located on the SW back street, from William COALE and James M. COALE in 1835. Administrator was Francis B. SAPPINGTON; guardian was Daniel COSTLY. Testimony was heard from Thomas SAPPINGTON. Trustee was William C. SAPPINGTON; sale was held on 17 Jul 1847, high bidder was Augustus JACKSON, a free colored man, for Lots #164 and 165 in Liberty Town, subject to ground rent and widow's right of dower, at $185; surety for him was Michael BALDNER. Augustus was unable to comply with the terms of the sale and Michael BALDNER asked that he be substituted as the purchaser. Distribution: Basil MATTHEWS received $66.94, only part of his claim. Closed 13 Oct 1847.
WBT-2, 297-323 - DAVIS, SIFFORD - Jan 1844
Farmers Bank vs George L. L. DAVIS of Baltimore City - Foreclosure Land - "Mount Hope", 119 acres; "Good Luck", 3 acres; (previously from the will of Ignatius DAVIS to his two sons, George and John; Lot #8 which included 25 acres of "New Bremen"); adjoins the town of Buckeystown. Trustee for the sale was Worthington ROSS; sale made to John SIFFORD for "Mount Hope" and "Good Luck" on the west side of the Monocacy River at $18/acre; surveyed at 151 acres, making total sale $2,711.81. - also to John SIFFORD for "Mount" Hope" and "New Bremen", 43 acres, on the east side of the Monocacy River at $10/acre, totaling $430. Total sales, $3,141.81. The bank opposed the sale, stating the actual acreage was more, it contained a previous mill seat and had a saw mill, that there was bad weather at the time of the sale and that if it had been held in the neighborhood, it would have brought more bidders. Testimony was heard from Arthur DELASHMUTT (a tailor/taylor) in May 1847. George HOSSELBACK (a miller) also testified and claimed he purchased an adjoining lot from Davis for the purpose of attacking 'Indans' to houses in Buckeystown. The court ruled against the bank and approved the sale. Distribution: - Farmers Bank of Maryland, $2,717.92; - George L. L. DAVIS, $237.91. Petition was made by tax collector Elisha HOWARD for George's share to pay back taxes. Petition was also make by the defendant, George, protesting the sale as insufficient and more testimony was heard from B. Amos CUNNINGHAM (a merchant and one of the bidders); also testifying was Davis RICHARDSON (agent for Carrolton Manor), James L. DAVIS (a tenant in 1841), William R. SUMAN (a merchant in Baltimore, but previously a resident of Buckeystown) and Robert BOONE. On 25 Mar 1848, the court ruled against the defendant and kept the sale; George's share ended being $171.14. Closed 1 Jul 1848.
John W. BAUGHMAN, trustee of Michael CORRIGAN, insolvent debtor vs Mary Ann CORRIGAN James KERRIGAN had filed suit as creditor against Michael CORRIGAN. Land - "Second Survey on Stoney Armer", to daughter Mary Ann CORRIGAN from her father, Michael CORRIGAN, in Jan 1844 (land that wasn't mortgaged and conveyed before filing for insolvency along with some personal items) (land previously conveyed from Jacob FIROR). On 15 Mar 1845, Charles WORTHINGTON was removed as insolvent trustee and John W. BAUGHMAN replaced him. The deed to his daughter was voided as fraudulent and sale was ordered by the court for creditors. On 24 Mar 1847, sale was made to Peter DEHOFF for $500. Creditors received part of their claims. Closed 19 Mar 1848.
WBT-2, 334-341 - KING, DUVALL, BALTZELL, THOMAS, BELT - Feb 1846
Lloyd T. DUVALL and Alfred BELT, representatives of the Estate of Daniel DUVALL vs Thomas R. KING and Sarah A. C. KING Daniel DUVALL had paid sundry judgement obtained by Jacob and Charles BALTZALL against Thomas R. KING and wife, Sarah A. C. Mortgages had been held by heirs of Thomas BALTZELL or his brothers, Jacob and Charles BALTZELL of Baltimore City. Land - "Hobson's Choice", 330 acres, to Thomas R. KING (w/ Priscilla E.) and Sarah Ann C. KING from Daniel DUVALL in Oct 1845; adjoins lands of Otho THOMAS, Eliza and Febe THOMAS, Jacob WINTZ, Daniel DUVALL, Eliza NELSON and others. Land descended to Thomas R. KING and Sarah Ann C. KING from their parents, W. R. KING and Eleana KING with reference to deed by Edward THOMAS to his daughter Eleanor/Eleana KING and also a reference to the mill of Edward THOMAS. Trustees for sale were Lloyd T. DUVALL and Alfred BELT; sale was made to Otho THOMAS for the 'Home Place', 215+ acres at $30/acre or $6,462.56. The balance of the estate could not bring a sufficient bid. Proceeds of the sale went to the Estate of Daniel DUVALL with a balance still due of $1,429.21. Closed 15 Mar 1848. (See Supplemental in WBT-3, 654-656)
Margaret HOLTZ vs Ellen B. HOLTZ and Oliver/Olivia HOLTZ John HOLTZ of Jacob d/ c1845 intestate widow - Catharine d/ Margaret HOLTZ d/ Ellen B. HOLTZ, a minor ch/ Oliver/Olivia HOLTZ, a minor Land - "Hill in the Middle", "Hedge Hog" and "Resurvey on Turn Stile", 137+ acres, from Nicholas HOLTZ of Jacob (w/ Elizabeth) of Seneca Co, Ohio in Aug 1835 (previously from George GITTINGER and Daniel GITTINGER, trustees for John GITTINGER, dec'd, in May 1835). Land included a 105 acre farm located in Woodsboro, adjoining George POTTS, esq, and Haines DIXON; and a 137 acre farm on Creagerstown Road, adjoining Enos HEDGES and Amos CRAMER. Guardian was Catharine HOLTZ; testimony was heard from Joshua DOUB. On 19 Aug 1847, David DEVILBISS testified the widow was about 50 years old and her general health was pretty good. Trustee was George GITTINGER; sale was held 27 Dec 1847 at the tavern of Abraham BITZENBURGER, but sufficient bid was not obtained. Private sale was made to Jacob FOX for 137 acres at $6,100. Distribution: the widow's 1/8, $725.59; Nicholas HOLTZ, creditor, $3,408; Susan STONER, creditor, $1,108.45; each child's 1/3, $188.18. Closed 7 Aug 1848.
WBT-2, 356-368 - SEISS, PARK, NEED - Feb 1845
John SEISS and Elias SEISS, exec/of Godfrey SEISS vs George PARK and others Godfrey SEISS died 4 Jul 1844 (will written 29 Dec 1843), holding a mortgage of George PARK and w/ Elizabeth for $400. On 7 Jul 1843, George PARK had filed for insolvency and deeded his property to E. Lincoln BROWN, his insolvent trustee, for the benefit of his creditors. Land - "Wellers Correction", Lots #4 and #5, fronting east side of Church Alley in Mechanics Town (Thurmont), each 1 acre; also Lots #8 and #9 obtained from court case of Daniel ROUZER against Joseph PRUTSMAN, Rebecca WILLIARD and others (previously conveyed to Abraham ROUZER by Christian WELLER in 1815). Trustees were John SEISS and Elias SEISS; sale was held at the farm of Henry NEED in Mechanics Town on 20 Feb 1846 and sales were made to - George PARK for Lot #4 at $42.56 - George PARK for Lot #5 at $47.03 - George PARK for Lots #8 & #9 at $250 However, George PARK was unable to comply with terms of sale and assigned the claim to Hiram PARK. Personal property was sold to Edward PARK for $57.63. Total sale, $397.22. The complainants received $325.11 of their claim; closed 6 Mar 1848.
HAMMOND vs HAMMOND Thomas WORTHINGTON of John, Anne Arundel County d/ c1843 (will 19 Apr 1829; 31 Jan 1843) bro/ Nicholas WORTHINGTON of John (gave him home place plantation, "Worthington's Improvement" and other land; also land in Montgomery County, "Pleasant Farm") bro/ James WORTHINGTON of John (gave him his part of "Resurvey on Daniels Small Tract" that adjoined James' part; also "Grimmetts Chance" in Anne Arundel County that he purchased from heirs of Michael HERNING(?); also his 1/9 share of "Brown's Purchase" and his 1/4 part of tract which his father left to his five youngest sons; also monies due from tract sold to Richard OWINGS) nephew - Thomas J. Worthington (gave him his half of "Mansfield Purchase" in Baltimore County) niece - Elizabeth WATERS w/o Ignatius WATERS (gave her note of Nathan and Edward PORTER and also nephew - Charles Worthington DORSEY (gave him note back that he held of Charles) nephew - John H. WORTHINGTON niece - Matilda HAMMOND w/o Walter C. HAMMOND (11 children) ..........Richard Thomas HAMMOND ..........John W. HAMMOND ..........Philip HAMMOND ..........Nicholas W. HAMMOND ..........Louisa (Hammond) w/o Hosea I. BRUMMELL ..........Worthington HAMMOND, a minor ..........Thomas HAMMOND, a minor ..........Susannah HAMMOND, a minor ..........Ann M. HAMOND, a minor ..........Walter C. HAMMOND Jr., a minor ..........Eugenia HAMMOND, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Daniels Small Tract" 315 acres (to the children of niece, Matilda) *. In Dec 1826, James RIGGS lived on this plantation. (Part of 500 acre tract, 185 acres, was laid off for Ladock FOWLER who later was unable to finish paying for it and was purchased in 1835 at sheriff's sale by Singleton BURGER.) Land was in possession of Philip HAMMOND at filing of petition. SLAVES - - negroes, PETER, CHARLES and SAMUEL (to be freed at Thomas' death) (CHARLES to be paid annually $20 for 15 years) (PETER to be paid annually $10 for 15 years) - old woman, MARIA (to be freed at Thomas' death) (to be paid annually $10 for 15 years) - negroes, HAGAN, ZENO/GENO, REMUS, ACHSA and EPHRAIM (given to MARIA - males to be freed at age 21, females at age 16 along with any children they may have) - negro woman, NAN (freed at Thomas' death) - negroes, ELVINA, HETTA, REBECCA, WILLIAM and REUBEN (given to NAN - males to be freed at age 21, females at age 16 along with any children they may have) - negro woman, FANNY (to be freed at Thomas' death, her and all her children; her children to serve her, males to age 21, females to age 16, then to be freed along with their children) - negro, LYDIA (to be freed at Thomas' death along with her children) - negro boy, JOHN - to be put to learn a useful trade and serve until age 21 and then to be freed SLAVE given to niece/Elizabeth - negro girl JULIET (now in Elizabeth's possession) (to be freed 3 years after Thomas' death, along with any children she may have had) SLAVE given to nephew John H. - lads, BENJAMIN and ISAAC (to serve him until age 35, then freed) SLAVES given to bro/ Nicholas - negroes, MOSES, WALTER, DAVID, JOSHUA, ZACHARIAH, AMOS (to serve 10 years after Thomas' death, then to be set free) - negro boys, NICHOLAS, CORNELIAS and ARCHIBALD (to serve until age 25, then freed) - negro girl, RACHEL (then living with Nathan PORTER) (to be freed at age 21 along with any children she may have) - negro girls, BET, MARY, SARY, DILLY and MARIA (which last is living with Franklin CASSADY)(to serve him until age 21, then freed along with any and all children they may have) (if Nicholas does not chose to keep them, he may sell them by same agreement of freedom for them and their children) - negroes, ELIZA and LIDDA (Eliza to serve 3 years and Lidda til age 21, then to be freed. (two sober, discreet, honest men were to be chosen to judge the ages of the slaves) Exec/ nephew, Charles Worthington DORSEY Witnesses: Jonathan WATERS, John HASLUP of D., William HASLUP Land for Matilda's children had been mentioned in will of John WORTHINGTON of John to Thomas WORTHINGTON. Guardian was Walter C. HAMMOND; testimony was heard from Charles HENDRY, Thomas CLAGGETT. Trustee was Walter C. HAMMOND; however, he died in Aug 1846. John W. HAMMOND of Baltimore City was then appointed as trustee. Unsuccessful attempts were made at private and public sales; then, on 27 Mar 1848, private sale was made to Thomas CLAGGETT of 137 acres at $2,192 (lies next to tract, "Benjamin's First Choice". The remainder was still unsold. Distribution: each 1/11 share, $176.92; closed 3 Jul 1848.
Esther BOWMASTER vs Mary Elizabeth ARNOLD and Others Elizabeth BOOCHER/BUCHER d/ 1 Nov 1845 intestate sis/ Esther BOWMASTER (widow) sis/ Mary Elizabeth ARNOLD (widow) - Out of State bro/ John BOOCHER, dec'd - Out of State bro/ Peter BOUCHER, dec'd - Out of State sis/ Barbara STARCHER, dec'd - Out of State (It was unknown if the deceased siblings had any children.) Land - 1/2 moriety of "Deep Hole", 19 acres, to Esther BOOCHER and Elizabeth BOOCHER from Jacob NEFF and w/ Polly in 1832. Lies next to land of Daniel SHOMAKER. Trustee was Jacob T. C. MILLER; sale was held 3 Oct 1846, high bidder was Conrad BEACHLEY at $900. Distribution: Esther BOWMASTER, 3/4 (1/2 + 1/4 as one half was already owned by her), $600.80; Mary E. ARNOLD, 1/4 (1/2 of 1/2), $200.26. Conrad BEACHLEY petitioned the court because the tenant who had been living on the farm for the past ten years, Gideon SLIFER, refused to give up possession of the real estate. Slifer claimed he had contract rather than a year to year lease and had made improvements. This petition is noted as "dismissed". Closed 8 Apr 1847.
William O. SAPPINGTON - Petition William HAMMOND, a free colored (mulatto) man, d/ 1828 w/ Priscilla (died before William) d/ Maria COSTLEY s/ __________ HAMMOND .....Peter HAMMOND .....Kitty JONES (d/ 1837 intestate), her children ---------Charles JONES ---------Peter Thomas JONES Land - Lot #10 in Frederick Town, from Richard POTTS in 1811. Exception is a portion sold by Hammond (and w/ Mary) to the trustees of the African Protestant Episcopal Church, David PECK, Nicholas SMITH, James HARPER, Archibald GULL and Sampson GROSS in 1818, which included right of way for bural grounds of All Saints Church. Because Priscilla was a slave at the time of her marriage and birth of her children, her marriage was not recognized and the property became escheated to the state. Petition is to regain the property to the heirs of William HAMMOND. Trustee for sale was William C. SAPPINGTON; sale made on 3 Jul 1847 to James WHITEHILL at $321. Distribution: Maria COSTLEY (1/2) $127.64; Peter HAMMOND (1/4) $63.82; Charles JONES and Peter T. JONES (1/8 each) $31.91. Closed 15 Apr 1848. (Note - Pages 404-405 are missing online)
Christopher LONG vs Jacob DERR and Others John LONG d/ 1843 (will 6 May 1839), leaving 8 children s/ Christopher LONG d/ Margaret w/o Jacob DERR d/ Elizabeth w/o Jacob FEASTER d/ Barbara wid/o Jacob CULLER - Ohio d/ Mary wid/ Joseph STOFFELL - Ohio d/ Christiana w/o Michael BLESSING - Virginia d/ Catharine w/o John WILES s/ John LONG (Jr), dec'd .....Joseph LONG .....Sarah Ann, now w/o Daniel CASTLE .....John LONG (III) .....Elizabeth, now w/o Solomon LIGHTER .....Lydia, now w/o Ezra DERR .....Rebecca, now w/o Henry CASTLE Daughter Catharine's share to be maintained by the orphan's court and not to be put in hands of her husband. SLAVES - negro woman, HENRIETTA (to daughter Margaret, to be set free 5 years after testator's death) - negro boy, SIMON (to son Christopher, to be set free at age 30) - negro girl, MALINDA (to daughter Elizabeth, to be set free at age 30) Exec/ Christopher LONG (who renounced the duties) Witnesses: John MAUGHT, Daniel WILLIAMS, Lloyd DORSEY Land - "Fielderea", 125 acres, from George SHAAF, farmer, in 1791, (previously to Shaaf from Christian EASTERDAY). - "Fielderea Manor", 10+ acres, from Doctor Thomas GANTT Jr. of Calvert County in 1791; next to tract "The Nipple". - "Below the Nipple and Bubly", 100 acres, from Thomas HARRISON (w/ Sarah) in 1780; next to tract "The Nipple". - "Resurvey on Snug in Harbour", 13 acres, (originally part of "Fieldera Manor") from Jacob SHAFF (w/ Margaret) in 1815; lies at road from New Town Trap to Sharpsburg. - "Fielderea", 10 acres, from Daniel BISER (w/ Elizabeth) in 1801 (previously from Abraham HUNTER, Abner VERNON and Patrick HOUSE), next to land of George HOUSE. - resurvey was recorded in 1791 for 131 acres under tract name "Long's Last Chance". - "Nipple", "Fieldera" and "Long's Last Chance", 49 acres, from Daniel BISER (w/ Elizabeth) in 1806. - "Fielderea", Lot #45, 4 acres, from Daniel BISER in 1797. - "Below the Nipple and the Bubly", 100 acres, by Special Warrant in 1791. Administrators and trustees were Christopher LONG and Samuel MAUGHT. Testimony was heard from John MAUGHT and Samuel MAUGHT who both knew the deceased and his family for 20 years. On 27 Feb 1845, sale was made to Joseph L. HUFFER and Henry RAMSBURG at $9,041.38. Survey was made to determine acreage at 204 acres, 1 rood and 12 perches. Distribution after their advances were subtracted and value of the slaves given to some of the children: - Barbara CULLER - $5.02 (advanced $1810) - Elizabeth FEASTER - $-0- (advanced $350.80 + MALINDA [$200] - Mary STOFFELL - $45.02 (advanced $140) - Margaret DERR - $-0- (advanced $500 + HENRIETTA [$125] - John LONG (Jr) heirs - $185.02 - Christopher LONG - $-0- (advanced $756.75 + SIMON [$200] - Christiana BLESSING - $-0- (advanced $407) - Catharine WILES - $-0- (advanced $580.21) Final Distribution: - Barbara CULLER, Mary STOFFELL, Heirs of John LONG (Jr), $1,356.97 each - Elizabeth FEASTER, $991.19 - Margaret DERR, $916.99 - Catharine WILES, $961.78 (to trustees) - Christopher LONG, $585.24 - Christiana BLESSING, $1,134.99 Catharine WILES petitioned the court after her husband died to have a trustee appointed to manage her share of estate. John WILES d/ abt Oct 1845 widow - Catharine s/ John Thomas WILES s/ Tilghman Beny WILES d/ Mary Jane WILES d/ Sarah Ellen WILES d/ Amanda Catharine WILES d/ Lydia Ann Maria WILES s/ Harman Lewis WILES Tilghman B. WILES was appointed the trustee to manage his mother's share. The heirs of John LONG Jr petitioned the court to receive their shares since they are all now of age. Distribution: each 1/6 share, $224.92. Closed 20 Nov 1845.
WBT-2, 440-441 - BLESSING, EYSTER - Feb-May 1848
Mary M. BLESSING vs D. A. EYSTER - Supplemental 3rd & Final Distribution: Each 1/5 share, $179.81, to - Penelope A. M. EYSTER - George W. E. BLESSING - David F. S. BLESSING - Ann M. W. BLESSIING - Maria E. BLESSING
WBT-2, 441-456 - WOLFE, WOLF, TROXELL, KNAUFF, TANEY - Jan 1846
Dr. Augustine TANEY vs Joseph WOLFE and Others George WOLFE's property was mortgaged to Dr. Augustine TANEY; however, George also issued a second deed of mortgage to Joseph WOLF, Jacob KNAUFF and Isaac BAUGHER. George WOLFE d/ Jan 1847 widow - Charlotte and 6 minor children d/ Maria Louisa WOLF d/ Ann Helen WOLF d/ Harriett Elizabeth WOLF d/ Laura Magdalene WOLF d/ Virginia Charlotte WOLF d/ Amanda M. C. WOLF Land - "Peace and Plenty", Lots 5 and 6, 147 acres, from Frederick SINGER and w/ Elizabeth in 1841, lies on Owings Creek. Guardian was John TROXELL. Testimony was heard at the tavern of Mrs. AGNEW in Emmitsburg in Apr 1848 from John TROXELL who testified the widow was 39-40 years old. Trustee was Augustine TANEY who posted bond along with Felix B. TANEY and Sarah TANEY; on 18 Jul 1848, public sale was made to Joseph WOLF and Jacob KNOUFF at $1,350. Distribution was made to Augustine TANEY for $1,216.36, just slightly short. Closed 25 Oct 1848. (pages 450 & 451 are repeated online)
John WOLF and w/ Catharine vs Estate of Henry ZELLERS Henry ZELLERS d/ May 1843 intestate widow - Mary Magadalene s/ John ZELLERS s/ Henry ZELLERS (Jr) - Out of State s/ Jacob ZELLERS d/ Rebecca (Peggy) w/o Seth HULLINGER - Out of State d/ Magdalene w/o Joseph LOUCK - Out of State d/ Mary w/o John KLINEPETER - Out of State d/ Sarah w/o Michael SPANGLER d/ Susanna w/o William S. STANSBURY - Carroll County d/ Catharine w/o John WOLF d/ Elizabeth ZELLERS, a minor s/ Peter ZELLERS, dec'd, leaving minor children .....Sarah ZELLERS - Out of State .....Peter ZELLERS - Out of State .....Lydia Anne ZELLERS - Out of State .....Henry Harrison ZELLERS - Out of State Land - "Harris' Delight", 225 acres Administrators were Jacob ZELLERS and William S. STANSBURY but later this was revoked and Joseph WELTY was appointed. At this time, Adam CUSTARD was Sheriff of Frederick County. John, Jacob and Susan opposed the sale because they felt a sale would not bring what the property is worth at this time. Guardian was Peter SEABOLD who also testified; trustee was James GRIFFIN who posted bond along with Peter SEABOLD and Jesse HOOSER. On 18 Mar 1845, sale was made to Michael HOKE at $4,425 Distribution: - Mary M. ZELLERS, widow, 1/10 as dower, $411.14 (less note due to James GRIFFIN, $229.86) - creditors paid - each 1/11 share, $305.25 (James GRIFFIN received the shares of Jacob and Susannah as mortgager of their notes). Closed 23 Oct 1848.
RUTHERFORD vs RUTHERFORD - Jan 1849 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 598 Estate of Benjamin RUTHERFORD, dec'd Trustees were Edward SHRIVER and Charles RUTHERFORD. 4th Distribution: Charles RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $278.13 Ann M. RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $278.13 Caroline COALE, 1/6, $278.13 Virginia R. SHAW, 1/6, $278.13 George RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $278.13 Francis M. RUTHERFORD, 1/6, $278.13 Filed 2 Jan 1849.
Jacob LEATHERMAN and Others vs David GEESEY and Others - Jan 1849 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 361 Estate of Godfrey LEATHERMAN, dec'd - 2nd Accounting From amount of funds belonging to Estates of - Frederick LEATHERMAN, dec'd - $414.18 - John LEATHERMAN, dec'd - $414.18 - Sarah MAIN, dec'd - $414.18 To Heirs of Frederick LEATHERMAN, dec'd wid/ Elizabeth, 1/8 of 1/3, $51.52 to each of his children, 1/7 of 1/3, $51.52 ..s/ Daniel LEATHERMAN ..d/ Mary Ann LEATHERMAN, ..s/ Christian LEATHERMAN (to his trustee, Jacob LEATHERMAN) ..s/ Frederick LEATHERMAN ..d/ Sarah Ann LEATHERMAN ..s/ Joseph LEATHERMAN ..s/ Conrad LEATHERMAN To Heirs of John LEATHERMAN, dec'd wid/ Eve, 1/10 of 1/3, $41.21 to each of his children, 1/7 of 1/3, $52.99 ..s/ John LEATHERMAN ..d/ Rebecca LEATHERMAN, ..d/ Elizabeth LEATHERMAN ..d/ Delilah LEATHERMAN ..d/ Eve LEATHERMAN ..s/ Lafayette LEATHERMAN ..d/ Mary A. LEATHERMAN To Heirs of Sarah MAIN, dec'd wid/ John A. MAIN, 3/16 of 1/3, $77.28 to each of his children, 1/6 of 1/3, $55.81 ..s/ Adam MAIN ..d/ Susan MAIN ..d/ Mary Ann MAIN ..s/ Edward MAIN ..s/ William H. MAIN ..s/ Frederick MAIN Closed 4 Sep 1846.
WBT-2, 488-490 - KUHN, BIGGS, COVER - Jan 1849
Joseph L. KUHN and John COVER - Petition Zebulon KUHN d/ 1841 (will filed 28 Jun 1841) Executors: Leonard PICKING (who renounced) and William BIGGS Land - "Resurvey on Peace", "Choice", "Resurvey on Black Walnut Bottom", "Crises Establishment", 111 acres; adjoining lands of James McGESEY, Henry CRISE, and heirs of Susannah HUMMER. William BIGGS of J., as acting executor, sold real estate at private sale on 8 Sep 1846 to Joseph L. KUHN for $1,000. Before all of the money was paid and a deed conveyed, William BIGGS died (between Sep 1846 and Jan 1849); John COVER (of Carroll County) was then appointed as representative. The court appointed M. B. LUCKETT as trustee to convey the deed.
George W. DELAPLANE - Petition for Title In 1844, John McPHERSON conveyed deed of trust to William J. ROSE who afterwards sold same to Elias CRUTCHLEY. Crutchley died with a will appointing Joshua DOUB as his executor who sold same to George W. DELAPLANE in 1847. Since deed was not conveyed during the lifetime of Crutchley, court action is needed to convey deed to current owner, Delaplane; and was so ordered. Closed Jul 1847.
William GIDDINGS vs Estate of Neri BLESSING Neri(?) BLESSING d/ Oct 1846 widow - Mary and 8 minor children s/ William H. BLESSING s/ Francis T. BLESSING s/ George W. BLESSING d/ Mary J. BLESSING d/ Elizabeth E. BLESSING d/ Penelope R. BLESSING d/ Lucinda V. BLESSING d/ Ann M. BLESSING Administrator was George BLESSING. On 11 Dec 1847, Barbara THOMAS testified that the widow was between 45 and 50 years of age. Guardian and trustee was George BLESSING. After a failed public sale, private sale was made to Mary BLESSING for 41 acres (part previously in deed from James TORRENCE) at $622.50. This paid about half of the creditors' claims. Closed 23 Oct 1848.
William WATERS vs Lewis MEDTART et al William WATERS was surety on mortgage made by Lewis MEDTART to repay a note to Richard POTTS, trustee for Harriet M. MARSHALL and also a note to Nicholas HOLTZ; and has paid out monies on default of the mortgage. He is petitioning to have sale of property to reclaim his expense. Land - House and Lot in Frederick Town fronting Church St, adjoining the school house lot of the German Reformed Church and where then Miss Nancy SMITH lived (devised to Lewis MEDTART by Jacob MEDTART's will, HS-2, 486-489). Trustee was William M. MERRICK, Esquire; on 1 Apr 1848, sale was made to George M. EICHELBERGER at $1,635. Distribution: William WATERS, $742.41 for one claim in full and $757.64 (of $1,186.90) on the other claim. Closed 22 May 1848.
WBT-2, 513-516 - EADER, GOMBER, MANTZ, QUYNN, BEALE - Jul 1848
Charles A. GOMBER and Charles MANTZ, creditors vs Lewis B. EADER The complainants were surviving partners of Charles A. GOMBER, Caspar QUYNN and Charles MANTZ of the firm, C. A. GOMBER & Co. Land - Lot in Frederick Town, to Lewis B. EADER from William M. BEALE, trustee. Trustee was M. E. BARTGIS; on 15 Apr 1848 at the City Hotel, sale was made to Charles A. GOMBER and Charles MANTZ of the firm, Gomber and Mantz, at $1,105; proceeds to the complainants. Closed 7 Jul 1848.
Estate of John SHAFER - Oct 1846 John SHAFER Sr, d/ testate (Will filed 1823) s/ Henry SHAFER s/ John SHAFER* s/ George SHAFER s/ Peter SHAFER ---------- John SHAFER* d/ Feb 1835 intestate, at his home in Middletown Valley widow - Elizabeth and 9 children s/ John Randolph SHAFER s/ Robert SHAFER d/ Margaret (Shafer) w/o Ezra A. ROUTZONG s/ Thomas SHAFER d/ Lydia (Shafer) w/o Samuel DELAUDER s/ George SHAFER, a minor d/ Sarah SHAFER, a minor d/ Malinda SHAFER, a minor s/ Peter SHAFER, a minor (All were living in Middletown Valley.) LAND - "Americus", 267 acres, lies on road from Middletown to Jefferson. Improved with a brick house and barn. Then in possession of Thomas SHAFER. Obtained by Special Warrant of Resurvey to John SHAFER (date not given); which included previous named tracts: - "Neighbours Alarm", 5 acres (originally resurveyed for William Rice for 303 acres in 1787); - "Good Water", 117 acres (previously resurveyed for John KELLER of Philip in 1791); - "Catch As Catch Can, He That Gets the Land Is the Best Man", 97 acres (previously resurveyed for Joseph COWMAN in 1752 for 540 acres); - "Resurvey on Long Bottom", 50 acres in two tracts (previously resurveyed for William HOUSE in 1765 for 308 acres); surveyed by Horatio G. O'NEAL and later validated by Thomas H. O'NEAL. - "Landau", "Ramsburg Content" and "Masons Folly", 186+ acres, adjoining lands of George DAVENUS and Christian RAMSBURG, and tracts, "Whiskey Alley", "Laurel" and "Ascension Day" and on east side of Catoctin Creek. From David BOWLUS in 1824. Exception is 1 acre lot which is George STAMPS. - "Ramsburg Content", 20 acres; adjoins the above and John CRONE's "Content". From Christian RAMSBURG (w/ Catharine) in 1827. - "Locust Valley", 20 acre mountain tract (from father's will). Guardian was Christian RAMSBURG who also testified that the widow was about 50 years old in Apr 1847 (on later affidavit dated 27 May 1848, testified she was 52). He also stated that if Europe's crops became abundant, then this county's prices would decline and the land would depreciate in value; therefore, he felt the real estate should be sold to better benefit the heirs. Also testifying were: - John MILLER of H. also testified and had known the older children for about 12 years. - George Lewis ROUTZAHN - Joseph ROUTZAHN who knew the family for 30 yrs. - Joseph DANNER who knew the family all their lives. - Peter SHAFER Sr (knew family all their lives) testified the four oldest children were by a previous marriage and their mother had brought a large amount of money into the estate. Since three of them were then living on the lands, a sale of the property would leave them without a home; also, the sale and division would give all children an equal portion even though the older children's mother had provided a large portion of it and too, the widow's portion would go to her children and the older ones would not benefit from that either. Trustees were John Randolph SHAFER and Robert SHAFER. SALE held 22 Feb 1848; high bidders were: - George SHAFER for "Americus" at $44.66/acre. - Samuel RAMSBURG for mountain land, adjoining lands of Frederick RUDY, at $14.25/acre. - Peter SHAFER for the Home farm, 201 acres, then in possession of John Randolph SHAFER and Robert SHAFER and adjoining lands of Peter SHAFER and Isaac MICHAEL, at $59.30/acre. - Peter SHAFER for "Masons Folly", 17 acres, at $35.50/acre; then in possession of John Randolph SHAFER and Robert SHAFER. (conveyed by Thomas J. MARLOW and John SHAFER, trustees, to George SHAFER and then sold by him to John SHAFER) Total sales, $24,558.47. Distribution: - the widow, 1/9, $2,629.53 - each 1/9 share to the children, $2,337.36. Closed 3 Jul 1848. (Also see JS-11, 10)
George HARP and Others - Petition Daniel POFFENBERGER d/ 30 Jul 1845 intestate, in upper Middletown Valley s/ Jacob POFFENBERGER - Ohio/Indiana d/ Catharine w/o Andrew SCHLOSSER - Richland Co, Ohio d/ Mary Elizabeth w/o Henry HOOVER - Richland Co, Ohio s/ John POFFENBERGER, dec'd .....Cathahrine w/o George HARP (he d/ bef Aug 1847) .....Isaac POFFENBERGER - Beallsville .....Enoch POFFENBERGER - near Myersville .....Rosanna w/o Paul KLINE .....Mary w/o Daniel MICHAEL .....John POFFENBERGER - Ohio/PA .....Elizabeth POFFENBERGER, a minor, now w/o Samuel DUTROW .....Hezekiah POFFENBERGER, a minor - PA s/ William POFFENBERGER, dec'd (all children live Out of State) .....Daniel POFFENBERGER - PA .....William POFFENBERGER - PA or Ohio .....George POFFENBERGER - PA .....John POFFENBERGER - PA .....Leonard POFFENBERGER - PA .....Elizabeth (d/ 5 Mar 1843) w/o Daniel McALLISTER --------William McALLISTER, a minor - PA --------Alexander McALLISTER, a minor - PA --------Daniel McALLISTER, a minor - PA --------John McALLISTER, a minor - PA --------Catharine McALLISTER, a minor - PA .....Magdalena (Poffenberger) w/o Joseph BUCHANNAN - PA .....Susanna POFFENBERGER - PA another wife - married near Harrisburg, PA d/ Rachel w/o ________ HINTON - Indiana d/ (daughter), dec'd Land - 119 acres in northern Middletown Valley; adjoined lands of Jacob TOMS, Samuel T. HORINE and Adam KOOGLE. Located on west side of Hagerstown Road except for 13 acres which is on east side of road. Guardian was Jacob THOMAS. Testimony was heard from Peter SCHLOSSER who stated he believed there were two other children by a second wife, one of them now deceased; and that Elizabeth POFFENBERGER married in the Spring of 1847 and George HARP had died by Aug 1847; John HARP also testified. Trustee was Isaac POFFENBERGER. Sale was held on 8 Jan 1848 at the store of Summers and Poffenberger, high bidders were: - John HARP for 57 acres at $40/acre - John HARP for 13 acres at $44/acre - James MICHAEL for 2 acres at $229 - Jacob SHANK for 13 acres at $550.52 - Enos DOUB for 34 acres of mountain land at $10.75/acre; located 2 miles from other property and adjoining lands of James GLADHILL and SCHROYER Total sales, $4,014.85. In Jan 1849, testimony was heard from Henry HOFFMAN and Peter SCHLOSSER who gave the locations of the children. Distribution: each 1/6 share, $539.82; closed 31 Mar 1849.
WBT-2, 561-567 - BEALL, GRAHAM, RUSSELL - Mar 1848
Nelson BEALL and Others vs BEALLS Thomas BEALL d/ 1847 intestate s/ Nelson BEALL d/ Hannah A. (Beall) w/o Anthony GRAHAM s/ Upton BEALL s/ Lewis BEALL s/ Rezin BEALL, dec'd .....Martha Ellen BEALL, a minor .....Rezin Thomas BEALL, a minor Land - "Wet Time", 5 acres, from Washington BURGESS (w/ Mary Ann) in 1826. - "Wet Time", 3+ acres, to Thomas BEALL, a coloured man, from Elias W. BOTELER and w/ Minerva T. and Basil WOOD in 1845 (dower land of Ann M. BURGESS was conveyed to E.W. BOTELER in 1842). Guardian was Joshua RUSSELL who also testified; trustee was William E. SAPPINGTON. On 13 Jul 1848, sale went to Upton BEALL, a free coloured man, for $327, subject to the widow's dower. Distribution: each 1/5 share, $50.91. Closed 18 Aug 1848.
Barbara SPECHTEN, creditor vs Joshua SCHLOTZ and Others John G. BADEN/BADEX d/ 1847 Emmitsburg, intestate heir - John SCHLOTZ heir - Michael SCHMIDT other heirs in Switzerland Land - Lot #24 in "Shield's Addition to Emmitsburg", from Robert MOOR/MOON and w/ Catharine M. of Lancaster, PA in 1848; located on sourth side of Main Street. Administrator was Joshua MOTTER; trustee was Grayson EICHELBERGER. On 3 Feb 1849, sale was made to Barbara SPECHTEN at $800. Distribution: Barbara SPECHTEN, $734.54. Closed 5 Apr 1849.
WBT-2, 572-578 - SIMPSON, DEVILBISS, HARPER - Feb 1848
Samuel DEVILBISS of John (creditor) vs William SIMPSON Land - "Resurvey on Ramsbergs Chance", 130 square perches and a small adjoining lot (from the widow LECHLITER). Trustee was Joshua DILL; on 5 Aug 1848; sale was held at the tavern of Abraham BITZENBERGER, high bidder was Richard HARPER at $275. Distribution: Samuel DEVILBISS, $248.48 which was about 2/3 of his claim. Richard HARPER had to obtain a court order against William SIMPSON and his wife, Lydia to gain possession of the property. Closed 10 Feb 1849.
Sophia M. HALLAR and Others vs John T. REGNEY and wife Children of Mary QUYNN (her husband's name not given - Allen QUYNN died 1842 intestate several years before his brother, Caspar QUYNN died 1847(with a will), leaving nieces, children of his sis/ Catharine HALLAR, dec'd w/o Joseph HALLAR, dec'd .....Sophia M. HALLAR .....Sarah C. HALLAR .....Mary E. w/o Peter GOODMANSON bro/ William QUYNN, dec'd .....Mary C. w/o John T. REGNEY - Baltimore city Caspar's will (10 Aug 1842; 31 Dec 1847) wanted to make the portions equal between his nieces, so since he knew William's daughter was going to get monies from her grandmother, he provided that Sopia wid/o Henry MANTZ would receive title to a $1,000 note passed by Henry MANTZ to Allen QUYNN in 1829. Executors were Charles A. GOMBER and Peter GOODMANSON; witnesses: Charles MANTZ, Cyrus MANTZ and Calvin PAGE. Land - conveyed to Allen and Caspar QUYNN in 1827 by Sheriff's sale for judgment against Joseph HALLAR and Philip HALLAR by George W. ENT. Testimony given by Charles MANTZ stated neither Allen nor Caspar had married and stated the year they died. Trustee was Joshua DILL; sale was held 21 Oct 1848; high bidder was Thomas WHITTEN at $1,063.33. Distribution: Mary C. REGNEY, 1/2, $474.68; the other half was divided evenly among Catharine HALLAR's three children. Closed 5 Feb 1849.
George METZGAR and Others vs George Thomas METZGAR Jacob METZGAR Sr, Frederick Town, d/ Jul 1837 (will 19 Jun 1826; 9 Oct 1837) widow - Christianna who died Sep 1847 s/ George METZGAR s/ Jacob METZGAR Jr and w/ Elizabeth d/ Elizabeth w/o William BENTZ d/ Margaret wid/o Richard KNOX d/ Sophia wid/o F. E. NUSZ d/ Mary w/o George SNIDER - PA s/ William METZGAR - Montgomery County s/ Henry METZGAR - PA s/ Gerhard METZGAR (d/ bet Jul 1837- Sep 1847) .....George T. METZGAR, a minor - Montgomery County Exec/ none listed in will. Witnesses: William SHELLMAN, Jacob RIEHL, John EBBERT Land - 2 Lots in "Bentz Addition to Frederick Town", conveyed to him by Jacob METZGAR Jr in 1821. Testimony was heard from Jacob FAUBLE; guardian was David FAUBLE. Trustee was George METZGAR; on 8 Apr 1848, sale went to Henry SWALLM(?) at $1,226. Distribution: each 1/9 share, $143.08, but Elizabeth, Margaret and Sophia each received $60 less because of previous advances. Closed 3 Jul 1848.
WBT-2, 594-605 - CLEM, HEWITT, BOYD - Apr 1848
Andrew BOYD and John J. BOYD, creditors vs Estate of Jacob CLEM Jacob CLEM d/ 28 Sep 1847 intestate widow - Eve s/ Samuel CLEM s/ George A. CLEM s/ Jacob W. CLEM d/ Barbara Ann CLEM s/ Enos CLEM s/ Philip H. CLEM d/ Rebecca CLEM, a minor d/ Mary Jane CLEM, a minor Administrators were Eve CLEM and Jacob W. CLEM. Land - "Resurvey on Ogle's Necessary Compact", 3 acres, from Samuel DEVILBISS of John (w/ Mary) in 1833. Testimony was heard from Jacob W. CLEM; guardian was John W. BAUGHMAN. Trustee was Jacob W. CLEM; on 1 Jul 1848, sale failed due to lack of bidders. Private sale was made to William HEWITT at $71.25, subject to the widow's dower. Amount of sale did not fully cover the admin- istrative fees. Closed 17 Jul 1849.
WBT-2, 606-621 - CLEM, LYDY, OWINGS/OWENS - Jan 1848
Hugh OWINGS vs Eve CLEM and Others Jacob CLEM d/ 28 Sep 1847 intestate widow - Eve s/ Samuel CLEM s/ George A. CLEM s/ Jacob W. CLEM d/ Barbara Ann CLEM s/ Enos CLEM s/ Philip H. CLEM d/ Rebecca CLEM, a minor d/ Mary Jane CLEM, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Ramsburg Chance", 7+ acres, (previously to Henry CLEM from Elizabeth ADAMS in 1817); lies next to land of Alexander OGLE. - Lot #4 of same tract, < 1 acre, (previously to heirs of Henry CLEM from John GROSHON in 1825); lies on Frederick to Creagerstown Road. Both tracts conveyed to Jacob CLEM in 1826 from heirs of Henry CLEM: John CLEM (w/ Susanna), Adam CLEM (w/ Mary), George CLEM and Catharine CLEM. Also - part of Lot #4 of same tract, 9 acres, from Hugh OWINGS/OWENS (w/ Elizabeth) in 1826 and 1846; next to land of Jacob HOLTZ and lies on north side of road from Creagerstown to Frederick. Guardian was Henry LYDY; Testimony was heard from Jacob W. CLEM. Trustee was Jacob W. CLEM; on sale went to - Samuel CLEM for Lot #4 at $279.18, subject to the widow's dower. - Eve CLEM for the 7 acres at $257.14, subject to the widow's dower; however, she asked that William HEWITT be substituted in her place. Proceeds of sale paid about 1/5 of creditor's claims. Closed 16 Feb 1849.
DERR vs DERR - Jan 1849 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 616 Estate of John DERR, trustee was Philip DERR 3rd & Final Distribution of $7,719.26; Costs, $7.94 - Magdalena KELLER, 1/11, $428.30 - Catharine BAER, 1/11, $428.30 - Susan SCHILDKNECHT, 1/11, $428.30 - Philip DERR, 1/11, $428.30 - David DERR, 1/11, $428.30 - Rebecca KELLER, 1/11, $428.30 - Ezra DERR, 1/11, $428.30 - Elizabeth KELLER, 1/11, $428.30 - Joshua DERR, 1/11, $428.30 - Henry DERR, 1/11, $428.30 - Mary M. DERR, 1/11, $428.30 Closed 15 Feb 1849.
Henry BANTZ vs Heirs of Frederick KEMP Frederick KEMP d/ Spring 1848 - Catharine w/o George KETROW - Out of State - Lydia w/o Frederick KOLB - Susanna w/o John FLEAGER/PHLEGER - Edward KEMP - Elias KEMP, a minor - Stephen KEMP, a minor - Lewis KEMP, a minor Administrators: John FLEAGER and Edward KEMP. Guardian was Joseph CRONISE; testimony was heard from William S. BANTZ who also was the trustee. On 13 Jan 1849, sale was held at the tavern of Levi VANFOSSEN in Frederick City where high bidders were: - Thomas H. O'NEALL for the 183+ acre home farm at $40/acre or $7,350. - William T. PRESTON for mountain land, "Resurvey on Chesnut Hill", 29+ acres, at $470.52. Proceeds all went to Henry BANTZ for his claims. Closed 14 Mar 1849.
Mary E. A. R. HAMMOND, next friend of Elizabeth R. HAMMOND and Others vs Denton HAMMOND and Others Grafton HAMMOND d/ abt 1 Sep 1846 intestate widow - Mary E. A. R. and 8 minor children, - Elizabeth R. HAMMOND, now w/o Denton HAMMOND of D. - Ormond W. HAMMOND - Mary V. HAMMOND - Olivia/Oliver B. HAMMOND - Anna W. HAMMOND - Grafton B. HAMMOND - Eugenia HAMMOND - Denton HAMMOND Land - "Richlands", 401 acres, from William C. CUNNINGHAM, James CUNNINGHAM of this county and Thomas B. WASHINGTON and w/ Rebecca J. of Jefferson Co, VA/WV in 1843 and devised from request in Will of William CAMPBELL dated 8 Sep 1821 (HS-2, 506-512). A part of "Addison's Choice" is contained within "Richlands". Neighbors were Nimrod OWINGS, Joseph SCHELL, Esq., Daniel DORSEY, Esq. Property lies on SW side of and near the mouth of Addison's Branch and meanders down to Monocacy River. The public road leading from CAMPBELL's Ford runs through "Richlands". - same was also deeded from Henry WAYMAN of Anne Arundel County in 1843, he being guardian of Charles Edward CUNNINGHAM and George Fairlee CUNNINGHAM, children of Catharine CUNNINGHAM, dec'd. Guardian was Denton HAMMOND; testimony was heard from William M. B. WILSON. Trustee was George SMITH; on 10 Feb 1848 at the second scheduled sale held at Michael ZIMMERMAN's Hotel, high bidders were: - David O. THOMAS for 99 acres at $42/acre. - John NOONAN and David O. THOMAS for 86 acres at $42.01/acre. However, David O. THOMAS transferred his commitment to Joseph ROUTZAHN. No other sufficient bids were obtained, but on 12 Feb 1848, private sale was made to Joseph ROUTZAHN for 216 acres at $52.21/acre. The lands were divided and John NOONAN's part was 52 acres being in the part previously known as "Addison's Choice". At that time, the tenant was B. J. SNOUFFER. Distribution: the widow, 1/7 or $2,617.54; Denton HAMMOND of D., 3/8 of 1/8 curtesy share or $736.18; Elizabeth R. HAMMOND, remainder of her 1/8 share, $1,226.97; 1/8 share or $1,963.15 to each of the other children listed above. Closed 31 Jan 1849.
David KELLER, et al vs David HEMP, et al - Sale of Real Estate - Oct 1848 John KELLER of JOHN d/ 16 Mar 1848 intestate bro/ David KELLER sis/ Julianna HEMP sis/ Elizabeth (d/ 1842), dec'd w/o Henry HEMP - Ohio .....David HEMP .....Sarah (Hemp) w/o Samuel GRUBBS .....Hezekiah HEMP .....Joshua HEMP, a minor .....Matilda HEMP, a minor .....William Henry HEMP, a minor .....Philip HEMP, a minor .....Julianna HEMP, a minor LAND - Lot #9 in Burkittsville. From Christian SMITH and w/ Mary Ann E. in 1843. Previously to Christian SMITH from George BAER as trustee of Henry BURKITT in 1841. Trustee was William T. GITTINGS. SALE was held 31 Mar 1849; high bidders were: - Mahlon K. BISER and Ezra WILLIARD at $699.01 Diatribution: - Each 1/3 share to siblings, $199.22 Filed 5 Jul 1849. (Also see Equity JS-3, 169
WBT-2, 666-677 - RAMSBURG, ANGLEBERGER, OTT - Dec 1848
Daniel RAMSBURG vs Estate of Ann Elizabeth RAMSBURG Ann Elizabeth RAMSBURG d/ 19 Dec 1848 intestate (unmarried) bro/ Daniel RAMSBURG bro/ John F. RAMSBURG bro/ David J. RAMSBURG bro/ Samuel RAMSBURG sis/ Catharine (Ramsburg), dec'd w/o David S. ANGLEBERGER .....John Philip ANGLEBERGER, a minor .....Luther Henry ANGLEBERGER, a minor .....David Frederick ANGLEBERGER, a minor .....Ann Catharine ANGLEBERGER, a minor .....Marietta ANGLEBERGER, a minor Land - Lot #151 and 152 in Lewistown, Edward BALTZELL and w/ Elizabeth in 1848; lies next to the Methodist Church. Guardian was David S. ANGLEBERGER; testimony was heard from William OTT. On 17 Mar 1849, sale was made to Mary RAMSBURG at $275.01. Distribution: each 1/5 share, $38.55. Closed 5 Jul 1849.
WBT-2, 677-689 - CREAGER, BURKHART, HARBAUGH - Aug 1848
Charles A. GOMBER and Charles MANTZ, creditors vs Mary C. CREAGER and Others William H. CREAGER d/ 1848 widow - Charlotte sis/ Mary C. CREAGER sis/ ____ (Creager), dec'd w/o ____ BURKHART .....Henrietta C. BURKHART, now w/o George S. HARBAUGH Land - Lot #22 of "Smithfield" in Middletown on Main St; from William T. ERWIN and w/ Catharine in 1847; next to Sophia BOWLUS, Adam LORENTZ and w/ Elizabeth, and Jacob LORENTZ and w/ Elizabeth. First and second mortgages were made to Henrietta C. BURKHART before her marriage. Administrator and trustee was George BOWLUS; after a failed public sale, private sale was made to George S. HARBAUGH at $2,400. Distribution: the widow received 1/7 in lieu of her dower, $315.25; creditors then paid, leaving a balance of $52.39. Closed 21 Apr 1849.
WBT-2, 689-690 - CRAMER, BEST - Feb 1849
Jacob CRAMER of H., pro ami of Henry L. BEST, et al - Equity #2034 - Feb 1849 - Supplemental of WBT-1, 393 John F. BEST Estate - trustee was Jacob CRAMER of H. 3rd Distribution of $1,133.33: - Henry L. BEST, 1/5, $266.49 - George W. BEST, 1/5, $266.49 - John C. BEST, 1/5, $266.49 - Mary E. BEST, 1/5, $266.49 - Noah BEST, 1/5, $266.49 Filed 23 Mar 1849.
WBT-2, 691-695 - McLANE, SHIPLEY, BENNET, JOHNSON - Feb 1850
James T. JOHNSON and Elizabeth McLANE vs Hamlet SHIPLEY and Others Martha McLANE d/ 8 Mar 1850, leaving siblings sis/ Rebecca (McLane) s/o Hamlet SHIPLEY - Ohio bro/ William McLANE sis/ Ruth (McLane) BENNET bro/ Ammon McLANE bro/ James McLANE bro/ Joshua McLANE Land - Lot, 18 acres, from N. BENNETT and others in 1836. - tract, 5 acres from William McLANE and others in 1849. Trustee was Joshua McLANE; on 5 Dec 1850, sale was made to - Ammon McLANE for the lot at $144; - Ammon McLANE for tract at $15.75 Distribution: Elisabeth McLANE for part of her claim, $50.86. Closed 22 Aug 1851.
WBT-2, 695-705 - CLARY, HULL, DAVIS, SNOOK, WARNER, HALL - Nov 1850
Estate of Jesse CLARY Jesse CLARY d/ 1 Dec 1849 intestate s/ Solomon CLARY s/ Burgess N. CLARY s/ Cornelius CLARY s/ Jesse G. CLARY s/ Dennis B. CLARY - Indiana d/ Lucinda (Clary) w/o Joel HULL d/ Cordelia (Clary) w/o Zachariah H. DAVIS - Howard County s/ Vachel L. CLARY, dec'd .....Harriet V. CLARY, a minor .....Theodore CLARY, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Manheim", 21 acres, and "Resurvey on Moab", 27 acres; from Thomas E. D. POOLE in 1848. Trustee was Joel HALL; testimony was given by William SNOOK. On 29 Mar 1851, sale was made to Adam C. WARNER at $1,100. Distribution: the widow, 1/10 or $110; each 1/8 share, $106.37. Closed 3 Jul 1851.
Henry JAMISON and Others vs Sylvester JAMISON and Others Baker JAMISON, dec'd Land - Lot #32 in Knoxville. Edward A. LYNCH was previous trustee and sold the real estate to Thomas EMMART and William LEE, but Lynch died before completing his duties. Neither Emmart nor Lee ever paid for the real estate and Emmart has since moved out of state. William LEE died His executor was Mary D. LEE (his wife????) His heirs were - A. D. LEE - W. J. LEE - Ellen LYNCH, widow In Jan 1839, E. Louis LOWE was appointed trustee; sale was made to Tilghman HILLEARY for Lot #32 at $412. Lots #3, 5, 6 7, 8, 14, 15 and 18 had been sold to O. HORSEY for $100 each. Closed 29 Mar 1852.
Petition of John GITTINGER, a lunatic, by George SMITH, his trustee John GITTINGER was then confined to the Maryland Hospital and was under the care of Dr. William WATERS; George FEAGA was his guardian. wife - Rebecca H. Land - "Ogle's Necessary Compact", 293 acres, from William M. BEALL, trustee, in 1842; except for 20 acres sold to Samuel DEVILBISS of John. Previously it had been conveyed from Lewis CROSS in 1824. When the wife Rebecca relinquished her dower, she asked that the estate be conveyed to John LEATHER and stated other real estate had been purchased for it. Testimony was heard from Isaac CRONISE and David BOYD, John H. FOUT and George WACHTER. Trustee for the sale of the property was George SMITH; private sale was made to Edward T. GETZENDANNER at $9,125. Yearly payments were set up. Samuel DEVILBISS of John had to petition the court to obtain title of the land he had made an agreement to buy, but had not been conveyed to him. John W. DERR had held the agreement. Filed 29 Mar 1852.

The End of WBT-2

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