Equity Court Abstracts

Book JS-11 - 1823-1836

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Joseph CARTZENDAFFER vs Anthony SOWDER - Title John NELSON, trustee for Daniel LAKIN Estate, sold 50 acres to Anthony SOWDER who later sold it to Joseph CARTZENDAFFER. A good title was never conveyed and John NELSON has since left the county. Anthony SOWDER is moving to Ohio in May 1831. Land - Merchant Mill (known as Rice's Mill) and 50 acres of land on Catoctin Creek. On 6 Dec 1832, Madison NELSON was appointed trustee to replace John NELSON and to convey title to Joseph CARTZENDAFFER.
JS-11, 7-10 - IJAMS, BURGEE, FALCONER - Apr 1832
Singleton BURGEE vs John W. IJAMS - Title John W. IJAMS is now living in Prince Georges County. Land - "Rich Forrest", 43 acres (a resurvey of "The Meadow"), to Burgee from John W. Ijams (w/ Rebecca) in 1831 (previously from Elisha FALCONER in 1797; but part from Ijams' father, John IJAMS). On 19 Apr 1831, title granted to Singleton BURGEE.
Vachael M. WELSH and w/ Elizabeth vs Nicholas MILLER - Title Joel JACOBS d/ 28 Apr 1832 intestate, leaving widow - Rachael and daughter, d/ Elizabeth (d/ bet Jun-Nov 1832) w/o Vachael W. WELSH .....her son, Joel WELSH LAND - "Resurvey on Drunkards Not Mistaken", 75 acres, lies next to lands of Daywalt WILYARD. Then living there was Henry MARTIN. To Joel JACOBS from Nicholas MILLER, planter (w/ Mary) in Sep 1789. MILLER also held the mortgage. In 1795, MILLER assigned the mortgage to John SHAFER. ---------- John SHAFER d/ 27 Aug 1823 * widow - Anna Maria and 8 children, d/ Catherine SHROYER, widow - PA d/ Elizabeth w/o Peter KESSLER/KEPLER - IN d/ Mary, widow of John WILLIARD/WILYARD d/ Margaret w/o William JARBOE (see HS-8, 78) s/ John SHAFER s/ George SHAFER s/ Henry SHAFER s/ Peter SHAFER On 15 Nov 1832, title granted to Joel WELSH, the minor, with life estate to his father, Vachael, by curtesy and with dower rights to the widow, Rachael. * For John SHAFER, see WBT-2, 517
JS-11, 16-22 - RENNER, GUSTINE, LYNN, BIRELY, SIX - Jul 1832
Dr. Joel T. GUSTINE vs Daniel RENNER Estate Daniel RENNER d/ Out of State, leaving, widow - Mary and 7 minor children, - Mary Ann Taylor RENNER - William G. RENNER - Theodore T. RENNER - Cornelia RENNER - Daniel RENNER - Columbia RENNER - America RENNER Land - "Mefford's Delight", part of "Resurvey on Welsh Cabbin", 104 acres, from Isaac LYNN (w/ Eve) in 1814 (Daniel RENNER then lived in Georgetown, DC and was indebted to Joshua DELAPLANE, he agent for Joel T. GUSTINE of Georgetown, DC); where Jacob RENNER and George SIX live, lies next to William GRIMES' land and Peter OTTO's. In 1832, Joel sold said land to Frederick BIRELY, needs title to convey deed; so granted on 3 Jan 1833.
JS-11, 22-25 - HAWN, DAGEN - Jun 1829
Isaac HAWN vs George DAGEN Land - Lot #27 in Emmitsburgh; in 1823, transferred to Isaac HAWN but deed not recorded timely. George DAGEN and wife, Mary (released dower) have sinced moved to Ohio. Title granted to Isaac HAWN on 22 May 1832.
William COVER, Jacob LIDGE and w/ Catharine vs Daniel ROUZER Henry AMBROSE d/ Mar 1832 intestate, leaving only child, -Catharine w/o Jacob LIDGE - Wayne Co, Ohio Land - "Good Neighbor Resurveyed", 59+ acres Henry was the eldest son and only heir of Jacob AMBROSE who also died intestate, sometime before 1779. That same year, Henry conveyed "Good Neighbor", 486 acres; "Centre Bit", 12 acres; and "Charming Beauty", 25 acres; all to Ludwick KEMP. After the death of Ludwick and Catharine AMBROSE, the widow of Jacob, the heirs of Kemp sold the estate for $4,100 to Peter SHOVER and John HARBAUGH (who conveyed his interest to Shover). Henry was still due monies so Shover and Henry divided the land and both occupied it, 59 acres being Henry's share, but no deed was ever made. Daniel ROUZER, as exec/of Shover, sold all the property, including these 59 acres to William COVER. The Lidges want to allow the sale with clear title to Cover but want the share they feel was due them through her father. According to Shover's will, he had interpreted that Henry was to have a life estate and Henry lived on the land until moving west in 1823. The land indenture in 1779 from Henry to Kemp lists lands and mills; the widow Catharine releasing her dower rights with provision she have a life estate. Peter SHOVER, dec'd (will 27 Sep 1813 w/ Sophia - plantation, "Peace All Around"; also "Simon's Delight", - SLAVES - woman HANNAH and 3 black girls of her choice d/ Catharine WELLER s/ Simon SHOVER, dec'd - his children d/ Sophia ROUZER, dec'd - her children bro/in/law - Henry AMBROSE - land he now occupies; to sell after his death Reference to Apple's Church. Codicil lists sis/ Susanna SHOVER - 50 pounds plus 50 pounds owed from will of Peter SHOVER's mother's will Executor was Daniel ROUZER; witnesses name in German. Court awarded $259.91 to the Lidges; finalized Feb 1833.
George HUMBERT Jr. vs Estate of George HUMBERT Sr. - Contract to Purchase In 1828, George Jr. had a written agreement with his father, now dec'd, to purchase the farm of 200 acres (actual survey showed 228 1/2 acres) at $8/acre after he worked for three years on the farm. George HUMBERT Sr., dec'd (will 2 Mar 1830; 3 Nov 1830) w/ Mary (now dec'd) and 8 children, - John HUMBERT - Adam HUMBERT - George HUMBERT - Catharine w/o Daniel LEASE - Elizabeth w/o Daniel LITHLY/LIGHT - Susannah w/o Charles ERB - Sarah w/o James BANKER - Jacob HUMBERT, dec'd - his children, ...William HUMBERT - Ohio ...Jacob HUMBERT - Ohio Executor was John JONES; witnesses: Samuel W. MYERS, Abraham STONESIFER, Frederick CUMP. Land - "Addition", "Cropburgh", "Gro. Weissenburgh", "Ohio" and Low Addition", 228 1/2 acres, all contiguous. The lands lie next to "High Germany" and lands of D. BANKERT, Mr. LEISTER, Frederick CAMP/KUMP and is on dividing line in agreement with Frederick BACHMAN and John LOWE. Trustee was John JONES of John assigned to transfer title to George Jr.; finalized 28 Mar 1832.
James EVANS and Noah SHARPLESS and w/ Mary vs Estate of James EVANS Sr. - Petition to Sell James EVANS Sr. d/ 15 Oct 1808 (will written 2 Oct 1808) w/ Sarah (d/ 18 Aug 1829) and 7 children - Jane w/o John NUSBAUM, both dec'd - their children, ...Rachael NUSBAUM ...Ely NUSBAUM ...Eleanor NUSBAUM ...Rosanna NUSBAUM ...Ann Maria NUSBAUM - David EVANS - Mary w/o Noah SHARPLESS - James EVANS Jr. - Sarah w/o John MARCH - John EVANS - Susannah w/o Joseph RENNER Executor was the widow; witnesses: John GLISAN, Ellis START, William HOFF?. Land - "Mother's Choice", a farm in Liberty, from John VIAN. - House & Lots #90, 91 in Liberty, on tract of Linganore called Piney Run, part of "Duke's Woods", lies on north side of Main Street, next to Jacob DUDENOWER; from John YOUNG and Richard COALE (w/ Caty), planters, in 1791. James Sr. was a sadler in 1791. Lands were left to the widow with her choice, to sell the other to pay debts and divide amongst children. She chose to keep the House and Lot in Liberty, selling the farm. Since the widow is now deceased, petition to sell the house and lot and divide among the descendants. Trustee was John GLISSAN; on 17 Jan 1832, private sale made to Silas WATERS, a free colored man at $130. Each 1/7 share was $20.30; finalized 24 May 1832.
JS-11, 47-55 - BECK, GRIMES, HESSON, SIM, PARSONS - Jan 1832
Estate of Michael BECK Michael BECK, a yeoman d/ 10 Jul 1831 intestate, leaving widow - Mary Ann and 7 children, - Catharine w/o Frederick GRIMES - Elizabeth w/o Charles HESSON - David BECK - Ohio - Nimrod BECK, a minor - Edward BECK, a minor - William BECK, a minor - Aaron BECK, a minor Land - part of Lot #51 in Woodsborough/Woodsberrytown on "Woods Town Land", from Jacob LINN (w/ Philipena) to Michael & John BECK in 1808; (Lots 3, 4, 5 from John BECK of York Co, PA in 1810); with House, Barn, Joiner's Shop and other buildings, part from Bernhard GILBERT (w/ Elizabeth) in 1806. - Lot #5 in Woodsborough with 2-story log house and log barn, then occupied by D. SIMS. - Lot #182 in Lewis Town - 2 acres of woodland near Woodsborough Guardian was Dr. Thomas SIM; trustee was Frederick GRIMES; Lot #51 was excluded from sale but, on 5 Sep, sale made to Mason PARSONS for house & lot at $704; the woodland sold to William GRIMES at $19.87; Lewis Town property didn't sell. The widow received 2/17 in lieu of her dower, $76.89; each 1/7 share was $82.39; finalized Oct 1832.
Peter BUCKEY, John GETZENDANNER and others vs Estate of John BAER - Title John BAER, dec'd (will HS-2, 164-167; copy not in record), leaving widow - Mary and 4 children, - Michael BAER (d/ Apr 1823 intestate), leaving children, ...Jacob Ezra BAER, a minor ...Ann Elizabeth BAER, a minor - Ezra BAER - Catharine w/o Thomas GETZENDANNER - Sophia w/o Jacob KEEFER SLAVES - negroes, LACK/SACK, HENRY (to be sold) Land - "Resurvey on Stoney Spring", 33+ acres, from Henry SMITH, hatter, (w/ Mary) in 1811 (had been bought by Henry SMITH, John BAER and John GETZENDANNER from Dr. Charles BEATTY of DC, and was divided). - "Tryall", 25 acres - was sold to Edward BUCKEY Guardian was Henry KEEFER upon death of Michael; court appointed Christian KEEFER as guardian for execution of deeds to property sold; finalized Jul 1832.
JS-11, 62-69 - SMITH, HATCH, CARLTON, BANTZ - Nov 1830
William L. HATCH and w/ Mary vs Estate of Mary SMITH Mary SMITH d/ 29 Sep 1830, leaving 2 children, - Mary w/o William L. HATCH - William SMITH (went to Great Britain in 1813) Administrator was Thomas CARLTON. Mary SMITH had been the guardian of her daughter and held monies due her daughter. Land - 3 Lots in Frederick on Market Street, runs to 4th St, from Henry BANTZ (w/ Catharine) of Frederick Town in 1811; - Lot #131 and 132 - (to BANTZ from Thomas T. JOHNSON in 1804. - Lot #133 - (to BANTZ from Jacob WEAST in 1805), next to lot of Conrad SHAFER, dec'd. Trustee was Thomas CARLTON; on 6 Jun 1831, sale made to William HATCH; Mary and William HATCH received $1,691.53; finalized 8 Sep 1831.
Margaret HESSON vs Estate of John HESSON - Petition for Dower Land John HESSON d/ intestate, leaving widow - Margaret and 10 children, d/ Margaret HESSON w/o George NEFF d/ Drusilla HESSON w/o Joshua SNYDER d/ Mary HESSON w/o Joseph MINICK d/ Catharine HESSON s/ John HESSON, a minor d/ Elizabeth HESSON, a minor d/ Sarah Ann HESSON, a minor d/ Maria HESSON, a minor d/ Mahala HESSON, a minor s/ Ezra HESSON, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Johnson's Levell", 81+ acres, from Frederick BISER (w/ Margaret) in 1816; (to Biser from William JOHNSON, exec/of John JOHNSON, excepting for the 1 1/2 acre for John JOHNSON's widow, Margaret, as her life estate). - "Resurvey on Johnson's Levell", 51+ acres, from Shadrick HEDGES (w/ Mary), heir and s/o Charles HEDGES, in 1796. Guardian was Doctor Edward L. BOTELER. The widow's dower was laid out of 17 1/2 acres in Aug 1832.
George DEVILBISS and John DEVILBISS - Petition to Sell - Mar 1830 George DEVILBISS of Casper, dec'd s/ Alexander DEVILBISS s/ Casper DEVILBISS - in Greene Co, Ohio by 1822 s/ John DEVILBISS d/ Rebecca DEVILBISS - her daughter, .....Elizabeth DEVILBISS (d/ 1829), later w/o George RUMMELL . . . . John RUMMELL s/ George DEVILBISS Jr, dec'd - his 2 sons, .....George DEVILBISS .....John DEVILBISS LAND - "Benjamin's Advice", 110 acres, from Jacob PROTSMAN; to sons for use of the three grandchildren until they become of age, then to be divided between the three grandchildren. - Also willed 236 acres to sons, Alexander and Casper. SLAVES - negro girl RACHEL (to Alexander) - negro boy SAM (to Casper) Executors were sons, Alexander and Casper. Witnesses: Christian KUHN, Jacob ENGLAR Jr, Joseph OGLE. [Will RB-1, 413; written 23 Mar 1813; 23 Aug 1813] Guardian was Rebecca DEVILBISS. Trustee was George DEVILBISS of George. SALE was held 20 Apr 1830; high bidder was: - John DEVILBISS at $1,182.50 On 1 Dec 1830, it was said the widower, George RUMMELL, was 27 years old and in good health. Distribution of $11,82.50; paid costs: - George DEVILBISS, grandson, 1/3, $364.38 - John DEVILBISS, grandson, 1/3, $364.38 - George RUMMELL, h/of Elizabeth, 3/7 of 1/3 in lieu of curtesy rights, $156.16 - John RUMMELL, s/o Elizabeth, 4/7 of 1/3, $208.21 Closed 24 Mar 1831.
JS-11, 85-92 - STALEY - Jan 1832
Peter L. STALEY and Conrad STALEY - Petition to Sell Melchoir STALEY, dec'd s/ Jacob STALEY d/ 1815 (will 2 Feb 1815), leaving son, .....Peter STALEY d/ Aug 1825 intestate, leaving 7 children, . . . . Peter L. STALEY . . . . Conrad STALEY . . . . Abraham STALEY . . . . John Adam STALEY . . . . Henry STALEY . . . . Eve Elizabeth STALEY, a minor . . . . Susan Barbara STALEY, a minor and w/o Solomon STALEY LAND - 310 acres, 4 miles west of Frederick, (lands are part of estate of Melchoir STALEY, grandfather of the deceased, by patents from 1761 thru 1786, which went to Jacob STALEY upon Melchoir's decease), adjoining lands of John STALEY, Nicholas HOLTZ and others. Abraham sold his interest to Conrad. Guardian was Henry STALEY; trustees were the complaintants; after failed sale, private sale was made to Dr. William TYLER at $6,820; each 1/7 share was $937.36; finalized 19 Jul 1832.
JS-11, 92-100 - DORSEY, HAMMOND, HOBBS, McELFRESH - Sep 1831
Philip McELFRESH - Title Land - "Resurvey on Charles Lot"; in 1788, Charles HAMMOND (of Anne Arundel County) sold 100 acres to Charles CHANEY and the remainder to Basil DORSEY; but, Hammond died before he conveyed a deed to Dorsey. Basil DORSEY died 1799 and, by his will, assigned said land to Evan DORSEY, who, in 1808, sold it to Philip McELFRESH. Evan DORSEY d/ 1833 intestate, leaving children, - Upton L. DORSEY, now dec'd - his children, ....Susan Henrietta DORSEY ....Basil Evan DORSEY ....William James Higgins DORSEY ....Upton L. DORSEY - Evan DORSEY - Susan DORSEY w/o William HOBBS - John L. DORSEY - Ann HAMMOND, dec'd - her son, ....Evan HAMMOND, a minor The deceased sold a small part of this land, on the north side of Bush Creek, to William HOBBS of Samuel in 1794. William HOBBS of Samuel sold a small part of this and part of "Pretty Sally" to Basil DORSEY at this same time. William HOBBS of Samuel d/ 1829 (will) d/ Rachel, now dec'd w/o Roderick DORSEY - her children, .....Henrietta DORSEY, a minor .....Kitty H. DORSEY, a minor .....William R. DORSEY, a minor Hobbs left part of "Resurvey on Charles Lot" to his daughter, Rachel, with life estate as curtesy rights to her husband, Roderick DORSEY. Guardian was Roderick DORSEY; final monies paid and titles deeded; finalized 30 Aug 1832.
JS-11, 100-109 - SWEADNER, JONES, HIMES/KIMES - Oct 1830
Daniel SWEADNER vs Heirs of Henry SWEADNER - Foreclosure Henry SWEADNER d/ 1828 intestate,leaving 9 heirs, - Jacob SWEADNER - Ohio - Henry SWEADNER - Ohio - Betsy w/o Samuel HIMES/KIMES - Ohio - Polly w/o Thomas JONES - Ohio - David SWEADNER - William SWEADNER - Basil SWEADNER - Upton SWEADNER - Daniel SWEADNER (It was not stated whether the heirs were his children or his siblings.) Land - "Duke's Woods" in Liberty Town, from Conrad DUDDERER in 1796 (previously to Dudderer from John COCHRON; - Lot #25 on Piney Run, a draught on the Linganore, in the town of Liberty. Henry was indebted to Daniel and David SWEADNER by mortgage. Trustee was Daniel SWEADNER; sale made to William SWEADNER at $950; proceeds short; finalized 19 Jul 1832.
JS-11, 109-116 - HALL, PITTS - Jun 1831
John H. HALL - Petition to Divide Nicholas HALL Sr, dec'd (will) grandchildren - Nicholas Hall PITTS ($2,000 when age 21) - John Henry HALL - Nicholas HALL, a minor - Montgomery County - Elizabeth Jane HALL - Martha Ann HALL and children of his two daughters (names not provided) Land - Lot #3 of "New Market Plains" Guardian was Belt BRASHEAR; land divided; closed Jul 1831. (also see JS-1, 685-696; JS-2, 467-474; JS-10, 566-579; JS-14, 87-98)
Ezra HOUCK and w/ Catharine - Petition to Sell John REMSBERG, dec'd (will 29 Oct 1803; 29 Feb 1806) w/ Anna Maria s/ Jacob REMSBERG s/ John REMSBERG s/ Stephen REMSBERG d/ Elizabeth REMSBERG d/ Catharine REMSBERG w/o Jacob BENTZ Land - to son Jacob - 1/2 of land with grist mill, purchased from Jacob BENTZ in 1798. - to son John - "Carroll's Creek", 93+ acres and 93+ acres, which is part of "Tasker's Chance" and is the homeplace; part from Valentine BRUNNER and part from Henry LEATHERMAN; also "Rocky Hill", 38 acres, from Frederick HEFFNER; also gave him his "servant man". - to son Stephen - "Tasker's Chance", 125 acres, from Philip SINN, dec'd; also "Woodcock's Head?", 17 acres, and "Stoney Spring", 3+ acres, from John BRUNNER. - to daughter Catharine, listed below. SLAVES - "servant man" (to son John) - negro girl LACKEY or SACKEY (to widow, then to d/ Elizabeth) Executor was son, John; witnesses: Nicholas HOLTZ, Henry BENTZ, Tobias BUTLER, Tommas? KLEINHARD. Catharine (Remsbergh) STICKLE BENTZ* d/ May 1831 intestate, leaving children, d/ Ann Maria (Stickle) BRUNNER**, dec'd - her children, .....Valentine BRUNNER, a minor .....Mary BRUNNER, a minor .....Lewis BRUNNER, a minor .....Edward BRUNNER, a minor d/ Catharine BENTZ w/o Ezra HOUCK s/ John BENTZ s/ Daniel BENTZ d/ Rebekah BENTZ s/ Lewis BENTZ d/ Susannah BENTZ, a minor d/ Louisa BENTZ, a minor Land - Lots #130, 131 on "Long Acre", part of "Tasker's Chance" in Frederick Town, with brick house from her father, John REMSBERG (w/ Ann Mary) in 1799 when she was a widow, Catharine STICKLE/STICKELL, (previously to John REMSBERG from Henry REMSBERGH in 1792). Guardian was Noah A. SHAFER; trustee was Ezra HOUCK; on 5 Nov 1831, sale made to Catharine THOMAS at $1,435; another lot was sold to William R. THOMAS at $170. Each 1/8 share was $188.72; finalized 2 Feb 1832. Note - Frederick County Marriage Licenses list *Catharine REMSBERGH m/ Valentine STICKLE on 18 Jan 1794 *Catharine STECKLE m/ Jacob BENTZ on 4 Jan 1799 **Mary STICKELL m/ John BRUNNER of Jacob on 12 Dec 1816
Francis B. JAMISON for Mary E. LOWE - Sale of Real Estate Patrick LOWE d/ intestate, leaving only child, d/ Mary E. LOWE (age 16-20) Land - Lot in Emmitsburg on NE corner of public square w/ 2-story brick house and a frame store house, from Richard BROOKE, trustee for John GILDEA, dec'd, in 1817. - Lot #17 of "Carrollsburg", 10 acres, from Robert L. ANNAN (w/ Mary) and William EMMITT (w/ Susanna) in 1815 (previously from James YOUNG, dec'd). - Lot #6, part of "John's Fancy" and "Addition to John's Fancy", 10 acres, from Andrew SMITH (w/ Ann) in 1816. - Lot #169 in Lewistown (parts of "Cooper's Point", "Miller's Inheritance" and "Cassell's Desire"), from Daniel FUNDENBERG (w/ Rebecca) in 1815 to Lowe, Adam FLECK, Dennis BOCY and Thomas RADFORD. Guardian assigned was George M. EICHELBERGER. Survey listed two lots on NE side of Main Street, east of the square w/ a large log house, blacksmith shop, stables; also a back lot to the rear of these w/ small brick house. Trustee was Francis B. JAMISON; in Oct 1831, sale was held at the tavern of David AYRES in Emmitsburg. Sales to - Henry BECKENBAUGH for 15 acres at $541.37; - James ANNAN for a small wood lot at $31; - David WELTY for 4 1/2 acre lot at $42.50; - John TAPPER for house and lot in Emmitsburg at $121; Sale continued in January - - James HUGHES for 21 acre lot at $48.50; - James HUGHES for house & lot on square at $1,999; - Isaac BAUGHER for house U lot on Main Street at $500; all sold except a mountain lot on "John's Fancy". The daughter received $4,400.37; finalized Jul 1832.
JS-11, 136-153 - CRAFT, KINNEY, RENCH, McNEAL, SLAVES - Feb 1833
Estate of Frederick and Elizabeth CRAFT Frederick CRAFT, dec'd (will 18 May 1805; 29 May 1806), leaving widow - Elizabeth (now deceased) and 5 grandchildren - Elizabeth w/o James KINNEY - John CRAFT - Frederick CRAFT Jr, dec'd .....John N. CRAFTS, a minor .....Sabinda F. CRAFTS, a minor - Mary w/o John RENCH - David CRAFT SLAVES - negro man JO (free 6 years after his death) - negro woman SALL (free at age 31 and given 9 pounds) Land - "Schin Taler Gutt", 163 acres, from Michael TROUTMAN, exec/of Tobias HORINE, in 1787; and "Johnson's Laier Enlarged", 25 acres. - 1/2 part of "Shin Taler Gutt" and "Johnson's Lane Enlarged", 110 acres, on draught of Mill Creek, from Henry STALEY (w/ Mary) in 1794 (previously from Robert FULLER and w/ Mary in 1790). - "Hedge's Range", 5+ acres, from Andrew SMELTZER (w/ Catharine) in 1796. - "Franklin's All?", 68 acres, to Elizabeth CRAFT from Joseph MILLER (w/ Mary) of Washington County in 1820. - "Hedge's Range", 13 acres, to Elizabeth CRAFT from George PATTON (w/ Catharine) in 1830; next to "The Sun is Down and the Moon is Up". Guardian was John McNEAL, the children's grandfather; trustee was John CRAFT. Sale was made to James KINNEY for 258 acres at $19/acre; also the merchant mill and 12 acres at $4,802. Each 1/5 share, $1,853.78; closed on 7 Jan 1832.
JS-11, 153-162 - FAUBLE, SCHLEY - Jan 1832
Frederick A. SCHLEY vs Estate of Jacob FAUBLE - Foreclosure Jacob FAUBLE, dec'd (will 9 Mar 1820; 16 Sep 1825) widow - Susannah Exec/ wife, Susannah FAUBLE; Witnesses: John L. MILLER, Frederick LOEHR, David F. SCHAEFFER. Land - 1/4 of Lot# 49 in Frederick Town, fronting Patrick and Church Streets, from F.A. SCHLEY in 1820. Trustee was James L. SHELMAN; sale made to Frederick A. SCHLEY at $570. Sale was a few dollars short of mortgage, therefore, the widow received nothing; closed 8 Sep 1831.
George SHOVER of Virginia and Lloyd THOMAS vs James ALLEN and w/ Sarah Ann - Foreclosure Land - Lot# 6 (then occupied by Frederick LOWRY) and Lot# 7 (then occupied by Mrs. JARBOE), both in Berlin (Brunswick), and an unimproved lot of 1 1/4 acres. Prior to the Jun 1826 mortgage for $495 to Shover and Thomas, the Allens mortgaged Lot# 6 to Lingan BOTELER for $150. Lingan BOTELER died intestate; Adm/ Sarah BOTELER and Henry BOTELER. James ALLEN and Sarah Ann ALLEN both died intestate. Their heirs (probably siblings), all minors, - Mary Ann BAUGHMAN - John William BAUGHMAN - Charlotte C. BAUGHMAN - James A. BAUGHMAN - VA - Martha ALLEN - Mary ALLEN - Thomas H. ALLEN Guardian was William LYNCH. Trustee was Richard H. MARSHALL; on 22 Jun 1832, sale was held in Jefferson, high bids to - Patrick McGILL Sr for Lot# 6 at $175 - Levi PHILIPS for Lot# 7 at $311 - Shipart L. CHURCH for unimproved lot at $25. total sales, $511. After Boteler was paid, Thomas and Shover only received $.36 on the dollar; closed 1 Jul 1833.
Abdiel ETZLER and Polly ETZLER by their friend, Abraham ALLBACH and others vs Magdalena ETZLER John ETZLER, dec'd (will 9 Jan 1818; 3 May 1819) widow - Magdalena nephew/ Daniel ETZLER (s/o his brother Andrew ETZLER) (Daniel died few days before his uncle) .....no widow .....s/ John ETZLER Jr., dec'd - Preble Co, Ohio -----------Abdiel ETZLER -----------Polly ETZLER .....d/ Margaret w/o James MERRYMAN .....d/ Mary Magdalena w/o George FOX .....d/ Arthur ETZLER .....d/ Daniel ETZLER .....d/ Ezra ETZLER SLAVES (not named), at wife's death or remarriage, all those who are age 25 or more to be set free; those under age 25 to serve Daniel ETZLER until age 25, then to be set free; the same with their offspring. Daniel to make payments on yearly schedule to: - Daniel's son John - 150 pounds - Daniel's bro/ Joseph - 110 pounds - Daniel's sis/ Mary - 110 pounds - Daniel's sis/ Elizabeth - 110 pounds - George KILER's children by his first wife - 150 pounds (her name was Polly, a sister to Daniel) .....Matilda KILER .....Dennis KILER .....Abdiel KILER - children of John's bro/ George ETZLER nephew/ George ETZLER - 110 pounds nephew/ Andrew ETZLER - 110 pounds nephew/ Jacob ETZLER - 110 pounds - son of John's sis/ Mrs RADGE nephew/ George RADGE - 110 pounds - brother-in-laws ...Frederick ILER - 110 pounds ...Valentine ILER - 110 pounds if wife declines will and takes her 1/3, then brother-in-laws legacies to become null and void. Stone wall to be built around he and his wife's graves with tombstones engraved, but location of graveyard not given. Exec/ nephew Daniel ETZLER Witnesses: Abraham ALBAUGH, Daniel CREAGER, Renchart WALTZ. The widow, Magdalena, renounced the will and claimed her 1/3 dower. George FOX and Daniel ETZLER purchased her dower share on 20 Mar 1822; she testified to that in Oct 1825. Land - "Hammond's Strife", 76 acres, from Adam WOLFE (w/ Catharine) in 1778 (from Edward GAITHER, s/o Benjamin, planter, and w/ Eleanor to Adam WOLFE, farmer in 1773); located near Pipe Creek. - "Hammond's Strife", 36 acres, from Isaac VORE (w/ Eleanor) in 1801. - "Resurvey on Williams Neglect" and "Hightop Spring", 8+ acres, from James MUMFORD (w/ Anne) in 1808. - "Resurvey on Williams Neglect" and "Hightop Spring", (previously owned by Henry SMOUSE and to be sold at the death of his wife) from Enoch IZENBERG and w/ Dorothy, Jacob SHIVELY and w/ Barbara, all of Huntington Co, PA, Solomy SMOUSE (female), Abraham CRAPSTER (w/ Margareta), Abraham JONES (w/ Charity) in 1810. - "Resurvey on Williams Neglect" and "Hightop Spring", (previously owned by Henry SMOUSE and to be sold at the death of his wife)from Nicholas IZENBERG and w/ Mary, both of Huntington Co, PA in 1810. Total acreage by a later survey was 155 3/4 acres. Abraham ALBAUGH died about July 1832; then Joseph WELTY (adm/o John ETZLER, s/o Daniel) applied to the court for the minor children to have a guardian appointed for them. Trustee was George FOX; sale was made to Henry REPP Jr at $4,984.60. 1st Distribution: each 1/6 to Daniel's children was $285.60 (share of John Etzler Jr went to Joseph WELTY in trust for his children; closed 20 Nov 1832.
Christopher STULL vs Estate of Jacob STULL John STULL d/ 1786 (will 20 May 1786; 15 Sep 1788) widow - Catharine d/ Dec 1817 - 12 children s/ Lawrence STULL (by 1st wife) d/ Catharine WIER/WIRE (by 1st wife) s/ Jacob STULL d/ bef 1818 intestate, no issue s/ Christopher STULL s/ John STULL Jr d/ Jan 1826 intestate ...w/ Lovice (age 47 in 1830) .....Benjamin STULL, a minor .....Lewis STULL, a minor .....Amanda STULL, a minor .....Susan STULL, a minor d/ Margaret w/o Jacob BARRICK - Monongahala Co, VA d/ Barbara wid/o John CRUISE - Out of State d/ Mary wid/o George VALENTINE d/ Caty w/o Leonard CROW - Out of State d/ Magdalena wid/o Jacob RITZ - York Co, PA d/ Christiana w/o Ninian BEALL d/ Susanna w/o Matthew CAMPBELL, both dec'd .....Eliza (Campbell) w/o John NAILER/NAYLOR .....Cassandra (Campbell) wid/o James FRIAR - Out of State .....Amelia CAMPBELL, a minor Land was divided (after death of the widow) between the older two sons, Jacob and Christopher; monies to the other children to be paid by Jacob and Christopher. Exec/ son Jacob STULL and John CREUSE Witnesses: Samuel BAKER, Greenberry DORSEY, John BAKER. Land - "Locust Thicket" and "What You Please", 108 acres, (Jacob's half) borders the Monocacy River; adjoining lands of Henry WHITMORE, Felia McGARY, Henry CRISE; located 2 miles from Woodsborough and on eroad leading to Frederick EICHELBERGER's Mill. Margaret, Mary, Christiana and John NAILER sold their shares to John. Guardian for John's children was Martin EICHELBERGER. Trustee was Brooke BAKER; sale to William DUDERER at $1,844.85. John OTT was adm/o John STULL Jr. In May 1830, Magdalena testified she was age 53 and her brother John would be age 55 if still living. On 7 Jul 1831, John HUMMER testified the elder John's widow, Catharine died in Dec 1817 and the younger John's widow, Lovice, was born in Jun 1782. After 1/2 of the legacies were paid from the will, each 1/11 share from Jacob's estate was $55.65 (the widow Lovice received 1/8 of 1/11, $18.55; her children then each received $30.14, they also received $52.75 each as their shares of those their father purchased from his siblings). In Oct 1832, Samuel WILHIDE became administrator of Christopher STULL's estate. He testified legacies had already been paid in full by Christopher and disputed the 1/2 now being paid from Jacob's estate and provided receipts for validation. He claimed the 1/2 is due to Christopher's estate; in addition he claimed a note from Caty to Christopher; so granted; closed 1 Aug 1833.
JS-11, 223-240 - COCKEY, MATHIAS, WHITE, BACHMAN - Jan 1830
Joshua COCKEY and Francis MATHIAS and others Joshua COCKEY, the elder, d/ intestate s/ Joshua COCKEY d/ Nancy w/o Francis MATHIAS d/ Eleanor COCKEY d/ Henrietta COCKEY s/ John C. COCKEY, dec'd .....Richard COCKEY, a minor .....Edward COCKEY, a minor .....Mary Jane COCKEY, a minor .....John Charles COCKEY, a minor Land - "Lime Pits", "Lime Pit Resurveyed", "Holmes Lot" and "Brown's Reaction", 150 acres, to Joshua COCKEY of Baltimore Co from David GIST in 1795 agreement and conveyed by David GIST (w/ Rebecca) of Clarke Co, KY in 1812; next to Gideon BOSLEY's "Brown's Vexation" and land of John KEMP. - "Gist's Ambition", 14 + 13 acres, from James MAXFIELD and w/ Margaret in 1802; next to Michael SNIDER. - "Gist's Ambition", 14 + 13 acres, from Andrew REESE (w/ Elizabeth) in 1813; next to "Rock Spring" and "Resurvey on Lime Pit". - "Iron Intention" and "Resurvey on Iron Intention", 2+ acres, from William OWINGS, exec/of Samuel OWINGS, in 1813; next to "Lemmon's Resurvey" and "Bond's Meadows Enlarged". - "Lime Pit Resurveyed", 221 acres, from Elizabeth GIST and Rachel GIST of Baltimore County in 1815 (previously from Thomas GIST to Mordecai GIST); exception is the graveyard. Guardian was George W. WHITE. Trustee was Joshua COCKEY Jr. but he renounced it and then Washington VAN BIBBER was appointed. On 19 Mar 1831, after two failed public sales, private sale was made to Frederick BACHMAN for the 305 acre farm at $7,625. Distribution: each 1/5 share, $1,457.60; closed 9 Jun 1831.
David HEFFNER and others Michael HEFFNER d/ Jun 1817 (will 16 Jun 1817; 4 Aug 1817) widow - Catharine Children by 1st Marriage d/ Elizabeth w/o John SHOWN d/ Susannah w/o George YANTIS s/ Frederick HEFFNER d/ Margaret w/o Richard JULIN d/ Mary s/o Jacob HAFFNER Children by 2nd Marriage (to Catharine) d/ Charlotte w/o Lawrence HAFFNER s/ Michael HEFFNER (Jr) s/ Samuel HEFFNER d/ Catharine HEFFNER s/ David HEFFNER s/ John HEFFNER s/ Daniel HEFFNER d/ intestate, w/o issue d/ Sophia HEFFNER, a minor s/ Ezra HEFFNER, a minor Exec/ wife. Witnesses: Frederick HAFFNER, John CRONISE, John STONE. Land - "Resurvey on Rocky Hill", 56 acres, by his brother Frederick HAFFNER from the estate of his father, Frederick HAFFNER, in 1797 (Frederick took North side and Michael had the South side which was 96 acres at that time). (Their father had previously sold parts to John REMSBURG and Christopher MYERS.) The deceased previously sold parts of his land to Frederick HAFFNER of Lawrence. In 1827 Michael (Jr) conveyed his interest to David. Guardian was L.P.W. BALCH as well as trustee. Two failed public auctions were held at SHAFER's Tavern in Frederick; a later proposal was accepted from Joseph P. FLEMING at $1,085. Distribution: each 1/8 share to the surviving children of the second marriage, $124.54; closed 5 May 1831. Note - FCML shows a Michael HEFFNER married to Margaret REED on 8 Oct 1779 Elizabeth SHAFER on 6 Sep 1794
Samuel ARMSTRONG and wife Jacob RIFE of Emmitsburg d/ 1816 (will 5 Sep 1815) widow - Catharine (later w/o John NICKUM), she d/ 1825 d/ Elizabeth RIFE d/ Catharine w/o Samuel ARMSTRONG d/ Susan RIFE, a minor (age 16) Exec/ wife and friend, George SMITH of Emmitsburg. Witnesses: Thomas RADFORD, Isaac HAHN, James MOORE Land - 2 Houses and Lots in Emmitsburgh - Lot #4 in from Jacob WISE (w/ Catharine) in 1813; - Lot #17 on North side of Main Street, leading from Nicholson's Gap in the South Mountain towards Baltimore, adjoining lots of Abraham WELTY and Jacob TRENCKLE, from Lewis WEVER (w/ Ruth) in 1814. George SMITH died about 1821. Guardian was Charles W. BIGHAM; trustee was Benjamin PRICE. On 3 Apr 1831, sale was made to - John NICKUM for Lot #4 where he lived at $785 - Henry LITTLE for Lot #17 at $475 total sales, $1,260. Distribution: per the will, each daughter received 1/3 of 2/3 of the estate, $259.31; the remaining 1/3 which went to the now dec'd widow went to her new husband, John NICKUM; closed 17 Nov 1831.
Isaac EASTERDAY and Jacob EASTERDAY Abraham EASTERDAY d/ Oct 1823 intestate widow - Magdalena (b/ 17 Nov 1778) s/ Isaac EASTERDAY s/ Jacob EASTERDAY d/ Harriet EASTERDAY, a minor d/ Ann Rebecca EASTERDAY, a minor d/ Juliane Margaret EASTERDAY, a minor Land - "Abraham's Home", 152 acres (resurveyed from parts of "Fielderea" and "Resurvey on Will's Invention"), on road from Fredericktown to Harper's Ferry on the Potomack River and next to "Good Luck" and land of Christian EASTERDAY and Francis EASTERDAY; by land warrant in 1812. - "Daniel's Diligence", 12 acres, from Jacob KOOGEL (w/ Christena) in 1819 where he then lived; on main road leading from Fredericktown to Harper's Ferry. Guardian was Jacob EASTERDAY; trustee was George HOFFMAN. On 28 Mar 1831, sale was made to - Jacob EASTERDAY for "Abraham's Home" at $5,232.66 - Henry HILLEARY for the 12 acres and tavern stand at $1,240. George HOFFMAN testified the widow was born 17 Nov 1778; she was awarded 2/17 in lieu of dower, $731.86; each 1/5 to the children, $1,096.339; closed 3 Jun 1831.
Catharine GROSSNICKEL vs Estate of Daniel BOYER Daniel BOYER d/ Mar 1831 intestate widow - Christina and 7 children s/ Peter BOYER s/ Daniel BOYER d/ Elizabeth BOYER d/ Lydia BOYER d/ Susan BOYER, a minor d/ Polly BOYER, a minor s/ Jonathan BOYER, a minor Adm/ George BLESSING Land - parts of "The Old Orchard", "Little Friendship" and "Resurvey on Stoney Levell", 23+ acres, from John STALEY, exec/of Ann STALEY in 1832 (to her from Henry KANOUFF); also "Hedges Range", 1+ acres, from Joseph MILLER to Ann STALEY in 1808. Guardian was George BLESSING; trustee was John McELFRESH. On 13 Feb 1832, sale was held at the tavern of Mathias E. BARTGIS, high bidder being Christena BOYER at $546.37. One of the creditors was DAniel BLICKENSTAFF as guardian for Robert FULLER, Abraham FULLER and Martha FULLER. After creditors, each 1/7 share was $12.80; closed 7 Jun 1832.
John REAM and others Joseph MYERS/MEIERS d/ 1829 intestate widow - Anna and 11 children d/ Elizbeth w/o John REAM d/ Susan w/o George ZUMBERN d/ Polly w/o Jacob HARMAN d/ Hannah w/o Abraham GREYBILL s/ Abraham MYERS s/ John MYERS s/ Joseph MYERS s/ Jacob MYERS d/ Nancy MYERS s/ Samuel MYERS, a minor s/ Peter MYERS, dec'd ...w/ Hannah ......Elizabeth MYERS, a minor Adm/ John and Jacob MYERS Land - "Resurvey on Share Spring", 159 acres, next to Leonard RITZMILLER; and "Elory", 19 acres, contiguous to the other and next to land of Jacob SNIDER and Michael CoOKERS; from Philip BEAM (w/ Catharine) in 1801. Guardian was Thomas LUCKETT; trustee was Jacob MYERS. On 12 Nov 1831, private sale was made to John NUSBAUM at $2,795. Distribution: widow Anna MYERS, $278.32; each 1/11 share, $215.07 (widow Hannah MYERS rec'd $25.30 and her daughter rec'd $189.77); closed Feb 1832.
Jacob METZGER and others Valentine METZGER (MEDSKER) d/ c1806 intestate s/ Jacob METZGER d/ Elizabeth w/o Conrad FULTZ d/ Margaret w/o Isaac EATON d/ Catharine, dec'd w/o John FINK .....George FINK .....Rebecca (Fink) w/o Samuel ROHRER .....Elizabeth (Fink) w/o John GALWITH .....John FINK .....Susannah FINK .....Sarah (Fink) w/o John KING/KUNZ .....Emanuel FINK, a minor .....Joshua/Joseph FINK, a minor d/ Susannah, dec'd w/o Christian TRITT .....Jeremiah TRITT, a minor .....Maria TRITT, a minor .....Peggy TRITT, a minor .....Mary Ann TRITT, a minor .....Harriet TRITT, a minor .....Catharine TRITT, a minor .....William TRITT, a minor .....Benjamin TRITT, a minor .....Priscilla TRITT, a minor Land - "Addition to Friends Good Will", 77 + 27 acres, contiguous, from Anthony DEARDORF (w/ Mary) of York Co, PA in 1786, next to Peter MILLER's "Uncle's Gift", "Kemp's Long Meadow" and "I Got It At Last". In May 1786, Valentine conveyed 23 acres to George WORMAN, leaving 4 acres; and in 1797 conveyed 72 perches to Adam KNORFF, leaving 3 1/2 acres. Guardian was Jacob DRILL; trustee was Lloyd THOMAS. On 19 Jul 1823, sale was made to - Henry BURKETT at $310.50 for 4 acres - John WILLARD at $301.50 for 3 1/2 acres Distribution: each 1/5 share to Valentine's children, $107.76; closed 14 Nov 1823.
Thomas GRIFFITH vs Ephraim L. GAITHER - Foreclosure Francis SIMPSON of Anne Arundel Co, died with a will d/ Anne SIMPSON d/ Nancy GAITHER .....Ephraim L. GAITHER - Anne Arundel Co Land - "Resurvey on Spring Garden" Trustee was Frederick SCHLEY; sale was made to - Richard SIMPSON for 118 acres at $20.01/acre - Joseph TANEY at private sale for 34 acres at $12/acre Distribution: - Ann, the widow of Ephraim L. GAITHER, is now w/o Philemon M. SMITH and was allowed $396.30 in lieu of her dower with $338.20 to be paid to Richard SIMPSON their assignee and the balance to them. - Thomas GRIFFITH received $2,228.45, but was insufficient to cover the mortgage and interest of $5,059.23. Closed 25 May 1833.
Daniel S/T/L. BISER and others vs Estate of Mary GAVER Daniel BISER d/ 1817 (will filed 20 Oct 1817) (only portion of will was presented) d/ Catharine WILGARD d/ Mary* (d/ Jun 1822) w/o David GAVER .....Mahlon GAVER - Frederick Co, VA .....Elias GAVER and w/ Elizabeth .....Elizabeth (Gaver) w/o Daniel COCHREN .....Daniel GAVER .....Mahala GAVER, a minor .....Eve GAVER, a minor .....Hannah GAVER, a minor .....Mary GAVER, a minor .....Martin GAVER, a minor .....Robert GAVER d/ 1829-1830, unmarried and w/o issue d/ Elizabeth KELLER d/ Susannah MOTTER d/ Esther FLOOKS d/ Eve SHAFER Land (Mary's* contiguous tracts) - "The Irregular Figure", 5+ acres, to Daniel BISER from Michael EASTERDAY (w/ Magdalene) in 1810 (previously from Philip WILLYARD to Easterday in 1793). - "The Irregular Figure", 21 acres, to Daniel BISER from John Nicholas ORE in 1793. - "Resurvey on Mason's Folly", 8+ acres, from John Nicholas ORE in 1793. - "Resurvey on Mason's Folly", 10 acres, from John SHOWMANN to Micahel EASTERDAY in 1801; lands lie next to land of Nicholas FRIEND, Matthew GILLASPIE. - "Every Little Help", 3+ acres, to Daniel BISER from Lawrence BRENGLE (w/ Catharine) in 1817; next to "Drunkard's Not Mistaken", "Ifert's Risique". - "Resurvey on Mason's Folly", 1+ acres, to Daniel BISER from Abraham LEMASTER, esq, in 1811. Mahlon and Elias sold their shares to Daniel S. BISER. Guardian was Jacob BISER; trustee was Daniel S. BISER. On 24 Mar 1832, sale went to John ARNOLD at $1,442.75. Dr. Lloyd DORSEY petitioned for payment of his medical bill due from estate of Robert GAVER, dec'd s/o Mary GAVER. Distribution: after the doctor was paid, each 1/9 share to Mary's surviving children was $146.25; closed 13 Sep 1832.
Stephen CODDINGTON, uncle and next friend of Thomas HEFFNER and others - Sale of Real Estate Frederick HEFFNER of Hamilton Co, Ohio d/ 1829 intestate widow - Elizabeth s/ Thomas HEFFNER, a minor s/ Jackson HEFFNER, a minor s/ Nelson HEFFNER, a minor s/ William HEFFNER, a minor s/ James HEFFNER, a minor s/ Oliver HEFFNER, a minor Land - "Resurvey on Havener's Fancy" (Lot #4), 24+ acres, from Elizabeth HEFFNER of Montgomery Co, Ohio in 1820, next to "Benedict's Rest"; and 1/11 of "Resurvey on Havener's Fancy" (Lot #4), 140 acres, as her share in her father's estate, she being d/o Jacob Frederick HEFFNER. Guardian was Benjamin PORBE of Hamilton Co, Ohio. On 14 Mar 1832, Benjamin CODDINGTON testified the widow was 39 years of age and health pretty good. Trustee was L.P.W. BALCH; on 22 Mar 1832, sale went to - Daniel HILDEBRAND for 24+ acres at $299 - not able to sell the 1/11 share in other tract. On 12 May 1832, sold 1/11 share to Philip KEYSOR at $180. Distribution: widow received 1/8 in lieu of dower, $52.70; each 1/6 share to the children, $61.48; closed 22 Oct 1832.
William KIRBY Joshua MURRY d/ Jun 1827 (will 12 Jun 1827; 27 Jun 1827) widow (unnamed) d/ Dec 1828 s/ Matthew MURRY, now dec'd .....Mary Ann w/o James DAVIS - Washington Co .....Edward Bennett MURRY, a minor - Washington Co .....Oliver Levy MURRY, a minor - Washington Co .....Ellen MURRY, a minor - Washington Co .....Elizabeth Ann MURRY, a minor - Washington Co s/ Joshua MURRY - Baltimore Co s/ Stephen MURRY - Washington Co s/ William MURRY s/ Basil MURRY, dec'd ...w/ Mary ......Oliver Perry MURRY, a minor ......Elizabeth MURRY, a minor d/ Mary w/o Caleb DAVIS - Washington Co d/ Elizabeth w/o William KIRBY (CABEY) father/ Edward MURRY Exec/ son Matthew MURRY of Hagerstown; otherwise son Joshua MURRY. Witnesses: Daniel SCHNEBLY, Samuel WELTY, John PETERMAN. (Will did not name the father or grandchildren or give spouses' names.) Joshua transferred exec duties to Benjamin PRICE. Elizabeth and William KIRBY were caring for the widow and father of Joshua MURRY. Land - "Middle Plantation", 12 acres, from John BURGEES in 1819; next to land of George SCHEETINHELM, tract "Locust Thicket". Guardian was James DAVIS except Mary MURRY was guardian for Basil's children. Trustee was William KIRBY. On 18 Oct 1831, sale was held at the house of Walter DARBY, high bidder was Jacob SPONSELLER at $150. Distribution: after fees, Elizabeth CABEY and Mary DAVIS each rec'd $52.80 per legacy in said will; closed 25 Aug 1831.
JS-11, 333-341 - HOFFMAN, KELLER, KOLB - Nov 1832
HOFFMAN vs KELLER Jacob HOFFMAN d/ 16 Sep 1832 intestate s/ Ezra HOFMAN s/ Jacob HOFFMAN d/ Charlotte KELLER, dec'd .....Elizabeth KELLER, a minor .....Sophia KELLER, a minor Land - House and Lot in Frederick from Frederick CONRAD of Virginia in 1799. Guardian was Jacob KELLER as well as trustee. On 5 Jan 1833 at the tavern of George MILLER in Frederick, sale went to Daniel KOLB at $1,020. Distribution: Ezra and Jacob each received $213.10; Charlotte's children each received $156.55. (Supposedly divided in thirds, but math doesn't work) Closed 14 Feb 1833.
Gideon BANTZ as guardian of REID children - Petition to Sell Real Estate John REED, dec'd (will 16 Feb 1815; 27 Feb 1815) bro/ Jacob REED William LEACH (lived with them) Exec/ brother Jacob. Witnesses: Michael BUCKY, John GRIM, Peter FOUT. Jacob REID d/ intestate widow - Susannah, now w/o John POFFENBERGER d/ Mary Jane REID, a minor s/ John REID, a minor d/ Elmira REID, a minor s/ Isaac REID, a minor Land - Lots in Frederick Town on North Market Street - Farm of 56 acres w/ barn and house on road from Frederick to Baltimore - wood lot, 34 acres, on Linganore Mountain with small log house. Widow's dower was previously laid off. Trustee was Gideon BANTZ; sales made to - Lewis SHANER for the farm at $3,640 and wood lot at $412.23. - John WALLING for vacant lot at $400 and lot w/ log house at $201. - M.E. BARTGIS for unimproved lot at $126. Total sales, $4,779.25. Distribution: each 1/4 share to Jacob's children, $1,144.76; closed 5 Nov 1833.
Evan DORSEY of Seneca Co, Ohio - Petition Upton Lawrence DORSEY d/ 1829 intestate widow - Janet d/ Susan H. DORSEY, a minor s/ Basil Evan DORSEY, a minor s/ William James Higgins DORSEY, a minor s/ Upton L. DORSEY, a minor Adm/ Roderick DORSEY in Nov 1829. Guardian was Eden HAMMOND and commission divided the property into five equal parts. Land - "Resurvey on Drummine", 200 acres - "Resurvey on Darby's Delight", 11 acres equals Portion 3 for 211 acres. (see will for Basil DORSEY Sr. to son, Evan DORSEY) On 8 Jan 1831, Roderick DORSEY testified the widow Janet was 22 years old; she was granted 2/15. Guardian appointed was Roderick DORSEY; trustee was John H. McELFRESH. On 9 Apr 1831, sale was made to Cornelius GRIMES at $8,366.24; but William GAITHER petitioned the court to be listed as purchaser as he stated Grimes had asked him to take the purchase. On 4 Nov 1839, court ruled defendants to convey deed with John McPHERSON and John R. DALE to act as guardians; the widow relinquished her dower rights. Distribution on 26 May 1831: the widow received $1,108.88; after debts were paid, each child received $486.09. On 3 Dec 1832, Distribution of 2nd Accounting: the widow received $1,108.49. (368-370 are blank)
JS-11, 371-379 - WASKEY, HILKER, STOCKMAN - May 1833
Estate of Augustine WASKEY Augustine WASKEY, dec'd (will 23 Apr 1810; 10 Dec 1832) and 7 children s/ August WASKEY d/ Sarah (Waskey) w/o George HILKER s/ Jacob WASKEY s/ Christian WASKEY, now dec'd ...w/ Elizabeth and 6 minor children, ......Perry WASKEY ......Eveline WASKEY ......Isabella WASKEY ......Elijah WASKEY ......Eli Christian WASKEY ......Leonard Thomas WASKEY d/ Sophia (Waskey) w/o David STOCKMAN d/ Elizabeth WASKEY d/ Julianna WASKEY Exec/ sons, Jacob and Christian WASKEY; Witnesses: Francis HOFFMAN, Christopher WIDDICKIN, George HOFFMAN. (Jacob later renounced the executor duties.) Trustee was William I. ROSS; after failed public sale, private sale was made on 19 Aug 1833 to Jacob WASKEY at $560. Jacob petitioned the court to recover the funeral expenses he paid and also to claim the share his brother August sold to him; he also claimed debts owed him by Sarah and George HILKER. Distribution: each 1/7 share, $65.09 after Jacob received funeral expense reimbursement; Jacob also received $24.35 of the Hilker's share as well as August's share. Christian's widow received $21.69 (1/3 of 1/7); each of her children received $7.23; closed 26 Sep 1833.
Benjamin BIGGS, John HEAD, John PITTINGER and John McCALEB, creditors vs Estate of John BIGGS John BIGGS d/ 20 Aug 1823 intestate s/ Benjamin BIGGS d/ Mary w/o Jacob PLAINE - Tiffany, OH d/ Caroline w/o Benjamin PECK - Granville, OH s/ John BIGGS - Granville, OH s/ Joseph BIGGS - Tiffany, OH d/ Priscilla PLAINE, dec'd ....Miles PLAINE - Tiffany, OH ....Hiram PLAINE, a minor ....Alfred PLAINE, a minor Administrator was Jacob ENGLER. Land - Lot #98 & #30 in Lewistown, from Daniel FUNDENBERG in 1815. - "Locust Plenty", 145 acres, by warrant in 1812. - "Resurvey on Addition to Lemmon's Vineyard, 65 acres, from George KOCK in 1812. On 19 Aug 1830, Abraham HAFF and Benjamin W. PITZEL testified the parties shown as being in Ohio had lived there for at least the past year. Guardian was Noah A. SHAFFER; trustee was James RAYMOND. On 3 Oct 1830, sale was made to William BIGGS for the two tracts, resurveyed to be 145 acres, at $362.50. Proceeds short, creditors were paid at $.46 on the dollar; closed 13 Jan 1832.
JS-11, 391-402 - BOYLE, Slaves, SWOPE, STIMMELL, NULL - May 1833
Estate of Daniel BOYLE Daniel BOYLE d/ Dec 1830 (will 12 Sep 1828; 11 Dec 1830) d/ Mary BOYLE (already given house & lot) d/ Catharine BOYLE d/ Henrietta BOYLE s/ James W. BOYLE - Ohio s/ John Brooke BOYLE, a minor d/ Ann BOYLE, a minor s/ Joseph BOYLE, a minor s/ Henry BOYLE, a minor nephew/ James BOYLE - Annapolis bro/ James BOYLE (Daniel gave nephew property from nephew's father's estate which was also Daniel's brother) To Free SLAVES - all slaves at age 28 (not named); - children born of them before that age, freed at age 21; - negro woman SUSANNAH (to be freed at this death). Exec/ son John and son-in-law, John SWOPE; witnesses: Patrick CONNELLY *im Pittsburgh in 1830), Henry RIDENOUR (dec'd bt 1830), Israel HITESHEW. Land - (A)* House in Taneytown (Boyle's home); - (B)* farm that Frederick CLABAUGH worked and resided; - (C) part of "Second Additon to Brooks Discovery on the Rich Lands", from Samuel THOMSON in 1797, next to "Peggy and Molly's Delight"; 13 acres are remaining; - (D) tract from William GALT (w/ Ann); - (E)*tract in Monongala Co, VA; - (F) house and lot from Abraham LIND (given to dau/ Mary). * (to younger 3 daughters) Guardian was Abraham LICHTENWALTER; trustees were John B. BOYLE and John SWOPE. Sale of Real Estate: - (D) to John B. STIMMELL at $590. - (C) to John NULL (6+ acres @ $36.50/acre) and to Henry SWOPE (6+ acres @ $38.55/acre). The other tracts weren't sold. 1st Distribution: $147.79 to each of the seven younger children; as Mary had already received house and lot; Closed 15 Nov 1832.
JS-11, 402-411 - HAINES, BIGGS, STULTZ - May 1831
Estate of William HAINES William HAINES d/ Dec 1830 (will 1 May 1824; 4 Jan 1831) s/ Ephraim HAINES s/ Nathan HAINES s/ Stephen HAINES s/ Ruben HAINES s/ John HAINES d/ Sarah w/o William BIGGS d/ Ruth HAINES Land - "Bedford", 187+ acres, from Henry STULTZ (w/ Elizabeth) in 1822; next to lands of William HOLLENBERGER and James STULTZ (to be sold to pay creditors, residue to Henry STULTZ). Land to sons Ephraim and Nathan - farm "Woods Gain", 182 acres, (home place); - "Resurvey on Susan's Fancy", 100 acres; - 5 shares in next door place, Widow BROWN's place. widow to live there on 1/3 until her death. Land to sons Stephen and Ruben - "Brur Garden", farm where Stephen was then living. Land to son John - "Breeches", all of the decedent's undivided 1/2 of farm purchased from John WILLIAMS. Monies to daughters. Executors: sons Ephraim and Stephen; Witnesses: Ruben HAINES, Thomas M. PLUMMER, Robert DODD. Trustee was John HAINES; on 2 Mar 1832, sale was made to William STULTZ at $10.05/acre, survey to be made. Creditors were paid $.63 on the dollar; closed 14 May 1832.
Estate of Jacob STUP Jacob STUP/STOOP/STUB Sr w/ (unnamed), dec'd s/ Jacob STUP Jr s/ Daniel STUP d/ intestate after father ...w/ Elizabeth (now w/o Isaiah MEALEY) ......Catharine STUP, a minor ......Mary Ann STUP, a minor d/ Catharine STUP d/ intestate after father, leaving child, .....Christian GETZENDANNER, a minor d/ Elisabeth w/o John WEDRICK s/ Samuel STUP s/ David STUP s/ John STUP s/ Joseph STUP s/ George STUP, a minor Deed of Trust made to sons Jacob and Daniel to pay creditors and care for parents, both parents and Daniel are now deceased. Land - from Jacob BRUNER, exec/of Daniel CURFMAN Sr, and Adam, Michael, Henry, Christian and Peter CURFMAN in 1811; also from Richard BROOKS, trustee of Daniel CURFMAN Jr in 1816; and from Barbara CURFMAN, except for 12 1/2 acres sold to Christian GREENAWALD, 10 acres to Abraham BEARD and 30 acres to Jacob WASKEY. Guardian was Joshua DELAPLANE; trustees were Jacob STUP and Samuel STUP. Property was surveyed and divided into lots; sales to - John SHAFER for Lot #1, 60+ acres, at $35/acre. - Joseph STUP and George STUP for Lot #2, 148+ acres at $26.50/acre. - David STUP and John STUP for Lots #3 and 4, 84 1/2 acres at $30.20/acre. Total sales for personal property was $1,599.35 and for real estate was $8,600.12, making grand total of $10,199.47. Distribution: Jacob, being the eldest, was awarded $200 more per the agreement made; each 1/9 share was $1,107.44. Closed 21 Aug 1832.
JS-11, 423-433 - BENTZ, SHIPE, HOUCK, RAMSBURGH - Jun 1831
Estate of Jacob BENTZ Jacob BENTZ, dec'd, of Fredericktown (will 20 Sep 1815; 25 Oct 1815) widow - Catharine (life estate), d/ Apr 1831 s/ William BENTZ s/ Jacob BENTZ Jr d/ Ann Maria SHIPE (daughter?, relationship not stated) d/ Betsy BENTZ, d/ intestate, single, no issue s/ John BENTZ s/ Daniel BENTZ d/ Catharine BENTZ w/o Ezra HOUCK d/ Rebecca BENTZ s/ Lewis BENTZ d/ Susannah BENTZ, a minor d/ Louisa BENTZ, a minor s/ Stephen BENTZ, d/ intestate, single, no issue Legacies were issued to the first three children (perhaps because they were of age or by a first marriage???); the remaining nine children were to have the estate divided between them after their mother's death, but two of them died before their mother. Jacob Jr's money to be in trust and to go to his children upon his death; if he had no children, then divided among his siblings. Exec/ bro/ George BENTZ, bro/law Stephen RAMSBURGH and friend John BRENGLE of Lawrence. Wit/ Frederick A. SCHLEY, Henry STEINER, George HAUER. Of the executors, George BENTZ died and the other two renounced their duties in Sep 1831. Administrator was John BENTZ. Land - "Long Acre", 135 sq perches, which was part of "Tasker's Chance", starting at the SW corner of stone mill house, occupied on 31 May 1794 by Jacob BENTZ and Stephen RAMSBURGH on Carroll Creek; from George BENTZ (w/ Elizabeth) in 1806. - part "Fielderea Manor", 63+ acres, from Thomas GANTT of Calvert County in 1801, at Stake 199 to Stoney Spring. George HOUCK testified Betsy and Stephen had died about 1823 or before, both intestate, single and without issue. Trustees were Ezra HOUCK and David BENTZ. Sale was held 17 Feb 1832 at Bartgis' Tavern in Frederick Town; sales went to - Dr. William TYLER for pond lot, 1 acre, at $945 - to ? for 74 acres on turnpike in Bentztown at $195 - John EBRECHT for 74 acres on turnpike in Bentztown at $175 - William POOLE for 2 lots, 72 acres, at $200 - Christian SAMEN for ground rests of 14 lots at $8,550 - Jacob NICHOLLS for part of "Fieldera MANOR", 31+ acres, at $509.33 - John FEASTER for part "Fieldera Manor", 31+ acres, at $533.37 - Daniel BENTZ for farm, "Long Acre", 198 acres, at $80/acre Total sales, $18,483.20. Distribution to the younger surviving children: Each 1/7 from deceased siblings' shares, $494.80; each additional 1/7, $2,473.99; closed 19 Apr 1832.
Estate of Christian and Elizabeth SCHOLL John BRUNER of John d/ Mar 1819 (Will 18 Feb 1819; 16 Mar 1819) d/ Elizabeth (d/ 1821) w/o Christian SCHOLL (d/ 5 Feb 1826) .....Daniel SCHOLL .....Catharine (Scholl) w/o Enos HEDGES .....Charlotte (Scholl) w/o George GITTINGER .....Elias SCHOLL .....Rebecca (Scholl) w/o Cornelius SHRINER .....Lewis Valentine SCHOLL .....Dennis SCHOLL, a minor .....Mary Elizabeth SCHOLL, a minor d/ Mary w/o Abraham KEMP d/ Catharine w/o John BRUNNER Land - "Mortality", 172+ acres, which was part of "Tasker's Chance", on the bank of the Monocacy, next to Hugh REYNOLDS (to him from Henry RAMSBURGH), from Peter WOLFE (w/ Catharine) in 1806. - Land were Bruner then lived was given to Mary who was then married and living on the land. Located on right side of road leading from Frederick Town by his mill to HUGH's coaling ground and on north side of mill race. --- "Mill Pond", 2 acres, beginning at John STONER's land along the river. --- "Rich Bottom" and "Findley's Last Chance", from John FAHNER in 1779 and also "Woodcock's Head". - "Try All", 60 acres, from George MURDOCK in 1802. (to d/ Catharine) with rights to spring of water with Mary, next to north side of mill in the meadow on west side of Carroll's Creek. - "Chesnut Hill" and "Resurvey on Stoney Spring", 20 acres, from Jacob GETZENDANNER; and "Tryall", 1+ acres, from Charles BEATTY, adjoining the other two tracts, has fruit orchard; (north half to Mary and south half to Catharine). - Lots #131 (from Henry BANTZ, trustee) and #132 w/ 2-story brick house (from Joshua DILL, trustee) (adjoins William KOLB's Tavern) in Frederick Town and "Addition to Frederick Town", Lots# 235 and 257 from William M. BEALL (w/ Frances) and Christian SCHOLL in 1825. - "The Four Partners", from Frederick HEFFNER of Lawrence in 1817; previously to Joseph STALEY, Jacob STALEY of Jacob, Jacob Frederick HEFFNER and Frederick HEFFNER of Lawrence by patent in 1799. - "Four in Partnership", from Solomon STALEY (w/ Margaret) in 1818, his interest and that of George STALEY, George BRUNNER, heirs of Joseph STALEY, deceased. Bruner's executor to convey deed to Jacob BLUCHER for land sold to him in Somerset Co, PA as soon as he pays the note. Exec/ son-in-law, Christian SCHOLL; Witnesses: Elias BRUNNER Sr, Elias BRUNNER Jr, Peter MANTZ. Trustee was Frederick A. SCHLEY; sale was made to - Ezra CRAMER for farm where deceased lived, 176+ acres @ $75/acre and small island, "Four Partners" in Monocacy River @ $100 Both Elizabeth and Christian died intestate; Administrator was Daniel SCHOLL; guardian was Abraham KEMP. Land of Christian SCHOLL - "Mill Pond", 1+ acre, from George HOUCK (w/ Catharine) in 1822, being part of "Tasker's Chance". - "Resurvey on Poplar Spring", 50 acres, from Andrew SMITH in 1817, in Emmitsburgh, previously from John MATTHEWS of Baltimore, bordered on north by John TROXALL, east by Daniel F. DULANEY, southeast by Alexander STEWART and Daniel ROUZER and on west by William CURREN. - "First Addition to the Boot Jack", 3 1/2 acres, from Lawrence BRENGLE (w/ Catharine) in 1816; - "Second Addition to the Boot Jack", 2+ acres - "Goodman's Neglect", 5 acres - "The Second Thought", 90 acres, from Thomas BEATTY in 1814 - Lot on South Street in Frederick Town from Frederick HAWMAN in 1823; next to Samuel WEBSTER's property sold to John CROMWELL and bounded by land of Peter STORM, heirs of Christopher HOLLER and Mrs. Catharine PETERS. Sales were made to - Jacob ROW for house and lot in Frederick Town on 5th Street at alley @ $305 - Frederick RICKER for Emmitsburgh land, 48+ acres @ $243.12 - Mountain lots were not sold but later were sold at private sale - Solomon STALEY for "Goodman's Neglect", 5 acres, @$45 - Cornelius STALEY and Jacob HILLDEBRAND for two lots of 95+ acres @ $2.75/acre - House and lot from Hawman wasn't sold because of title dispute but later sold to Daniel SCHOLL @ $627 Distribution to Christian and Elizabeth SCHOLL's children: - 1st on 29 Jul 1831; each 1/8 was $1470.44. - 2nd on 27 Jul 1833; each 1/8 was $101.62. Closed on 1 Aug 1833.
Estate of Jacob LEAB/LABE Jacob LEAB/LABE d/ Oct 1830 intestate widow - Mary d/ Mary Sophia w/o Jacob YOUNG d/ Charlotte LEAB, a minor s/ Jacob LEAB Jr, a minor Land - a moriety of Lot #3 in Frederick Town, from Henry LEATHERMAN (w/ Margaret) in 1806; previously from John McPHERSON in 1791; next to Rev. Henry ADDISON and on south side of Patrick Street; mortgaged to Gidean BANTZ and Grafton DUVALL. - Lot #24(?) in Frederick Town from Daniel BURKHART and Henry BAER (w/ Elizabeth) to Jacob LEAB in 1810 from Chancery case of Burkhart and Baer being complainants against defendants: Peter BURKHART, John BURKHART, Francis MANTZ (w/ Mary), Christopher BURKHART (w/ Phoebe), George BURKHART, John SLONAKER (w/ Margaret), John PELTZ, and Joshua, Ezra and Eliza DILL. Trustee was Jacob YOUNG. On 10 Mar 1831, the widow stated whe was 50 and in good health. Sale was held on 30 Mar 1831 at Nicholas TURBOLT's (Talbolt?) Tavern; sales to - John A. ALBAUGH for house and lot on Patrick St @ $550 - Andrew HINNS for 2-sty brick house and lot on Patrick Street, adjoining the other one, but on west side, at $802 - Remainder not sold; total sales $1352. Later, sale was made for house and lot on All Saints Street to Henry NIXDORFF at $420. On 9 Jul 1831, George WISSINGER, administrator, testified also that the widow was 50 and in good health; she was awarded 2/17 before debts were paid, $193.59; each 1/3 share to the children was $83.42; closed 6 Sep 1832.
JS-11, 474-488 - PLUMMER, THOMAS, ROBERTS, SHIPLEY - Feb 1830
Thomas C. SHIPLEY, Esquire vs Estate of Isaac PLUMMER Isaac PLUMMER d/ 1824 intestate widow - Grace s/ Israel T. PLUMMER d/ Mary P. w/o Richard PLUMMER d/ Elizabeth H. PLUMMER d/ Eleanor W. w/o Jacob THOMAS s/ William R. PLUMMER s/ Abner M. PLUMMER Administrator was Abner M. PLUMMER. Land - "Resurvey on Sapling Hill", 177 acres, near New Market, mortgaged to Thomas C. SHIPLEY in 1823; exceptions are parts conveyed to William BOLLINGER and Joseph PLUMMER in 1768, also part conveyed to Anthony POULTNEY in 1791. Trustee was Joseph M. PALMER. About Jul 1830 (document not dated), the widow testified she was 72 years of age. On 28 Aug 1830, sale was held in New Market at house of William WERTENBAKER, Esquire; high bidder was Thomas C. SHIPLEY, Esquire, for the remaining 100 acres at $27.75/acre. Zachariah ROBERTS petitioned the court, saying he had not been present, but if he had been, he would have paid $2.25 per acre more. He claimed the land had been sold for less than it was worth and asked the bid be reopened. Also testifying the land was worth more were John MILLER, Abel RUSSELL and Joel NORRIS and also John H. M. SMITH. Sale made to Roberts for $4,370.62 on 28 Aug 1830. On 26 Jul 1831, Abner M. PLUMMER testified the widow was over 72 years of age and her health ordinarily good for her time of life. She received 1/10 before debts, $416.47. Sales short; closed Feb 1833.
JS-11, 488-497 - SCHISSLER, BRENGLE, NICHOLLS - Apr 1833
Margaret SCHISSLER vs Estate of John SCHISSLER Jacob SCHISSLER d/ intestate widow - (unnamed), now dec'd s/ Adam SCHISSLER, d/ intestate, no issue s/ John SCHISSLER, d/ abt 1830 intestate - w/ Catharine .....Hiram SCHISSLER, a minor .....John A. SCHISSLER, a minor d/ Margaret SCHISSLER Land - Lots #218, 219, 220 and 221 in Frederick City; purchased by Jonathan MORRIS in 1782 as confiscated British Property and conveyed to Woodward EVITT in 1787, then to George SMETZELL, then to Jacob SCHISSLER in 1798. - Lot #10 of tract "Tasker's Chance", 5 acres, adjoins Christian BRENGLE; from Lawrence BRENGLE, exec/of George BRENGLE in 1814. Guardian was the childen's mother; on 10 Apr 1833, she testified as being John's widow and stated she was 37 years old on the past 21st of February which is also recorded in the family bible. Trustee was Thomas C. WORTHINGTON; sales were made to - Jacob BRENGLE for Lot #10 at $540 - Peter NICHOLLS for the other four lots at $500. Distributions: Margaret SCHISSLER, $477.68; Catharine SCHISSLER, (2/15) $63.69; Hiram and John A. SCHISSLER, each received $206.99; closed 4 Jul 1833.
Henry SMITH and James ARMSTRONG, creditors vs Estate of John SMITH John SMITH d/ Jul 1832 intestate widow - Anna Mary s/ Andrew SMITH - Out of State d/ Catharine (Smith) w/o Michael COPENHAFFER - Out of State d/ Barbara (Smith) w/o Jacob YEAGER - Out of State d/ Mary (Smith) wid/o _______ GODWALT - Out of State Adm/ John HARDING and Anna Mary SMITH. Land - "Rattle Weed Forest", 50 acres, to John SMITH (brother of George) from Kinsey TALBOLT (Deborah) in 1814. - and "The Land of Promise", 30 acres (a resurvey), on south side of Bush Creek, next to John COWMAN's part. Trustee was Henry SMITH; sale made to Thomas NORWOOD at $410.40. Distribution: the widow (1/14), $25.16; after creditors were paid, each child received $3.04; closed 23 Jan 1834.
John HARTSOCK vs Estate of David HARTSOCK/HARTZOOK Henry HARTSOCK/HARDSOCK (Will 16 May 1811; 16 Jul 1812) s/ William HARTSOCK d/ Sarah MORROW gr-d/ Mary MUMFORD s/ John HARTSOCK s/ Joseph HARTSOCK s/ David HARTSOCK* SLAVES - negro boy, PETER (to Sarah) Land - "Usher's Freehold", 254 acres; - "Resurvey on Woods' Lot", 100 acres; - "Better Than None", 33 acres; to sons, John, Joseph and David (William already received land). Exec/ son Joseph HARTSOCK Witnesses: Robert CUMMING; George OVILMAN; Christian WAGNER. ---------- *David HARTSOCK d/ intestate - Montgomery County widow - Ann M. s/ Elias H. HARTSOCK d/ Amelia/Emilia HARTSOCK d/ Casandra HARTSOCK s/ Howard HARTSOCK s/ David Hilliary HARTSOCK Land - The agreement between the brothers gave David 129 acres of "Usher's Freehold". Adm/ John Hilliary HARTSOCK. On 29 Oct 1832, Ninian M. CLAGETT of Montgomery County testified David's widow was 38 years old and in good health. Trustee was John HARTSOCK; sale made to Henry HARTSOCK and John HARTSOCK at $25/acre. Distribution: the widow received 1/8, $380.24; each child's 1/5 share, $256.07; closed 31 May 1833.
Rachel TANNER and Elizabeth REED vs Estate of William CURRENS William CURRENS Sr of Toms' Creek Hundred, d/ 1795 (Will 13 Feb 1793; 7 Aug 1795) s/ William CURRENS Jr, died w/o issue s/ Mathew CURRENS s/ John CURRENS, now dec'd ....Margaret WINTER w/o _____ WOODS - Out of State ....William CURRENS - Out of State ....Hugh CURRENS - Out of State ....Daniel CURRENS - Out of State ....Rebecca CURRENS - Out of State ...._______, dec'd w/o _______ HEMPHILL -------------James H. HEMPHILL - Out of State -------------William T. HEMPHILL - Out of State -------------Samuel J. HEMPHILL - Out of State s/ James CURRENS - KY d/ Mary KENNEDY, now dec'd ....Charles KENNEDY - Out of State ....Jacob KENNEDY - Out of State ....Nancy KENNEDY - Out of State ....Elizabeth KENNEDY - Out of State ....Sally KENNEDY - Out of State d/ Elizabeth REED d/ Rachel TANNER ....James TANNER ....Jacob TANNER s/ George CURRENS ....Willilam CURRENS gr-s/ Jesse CURRENS Land - "Buck's Discovery on the Rich Lands", 95 acres, (to son Mathew after the death of son William if he has no issue); - "Peach Blossom" (after death of son William if he has no issue, to John, James, Mary, Elizabeth and Rachel). Exec/ son William CURRENS; Witnesses: James STEVENSON, William McPHERSON, George Adam OULER. Trustee was Joseph DANNER; on 4 Feb 1833, sale made to Christian CORRELL/CONNELL for 122 acres at $1,971.28. Distributions: James CURRENS, Elizabeth REED, Rachel TANNER, each received their 1/3 share, $365.11; each of Mary's children received $73.02; Margaret WOODS, William, Hugh, Daniel and Rebecca CURRENS each received $60.85; the three HEMPHILL children each received $20.28. Closed 11 Nov 1833.
JS-11, 525-534 - DICAS, BOSTIAN, BAKER - Jun 1832
Francis Brown SAPPINGTON vs Estate of John DICAS John DICAS d/ 1831 with a Will widow - Sarah d/ Ruth (Dicas) w/o Aaron DICAS - Out of State d/ Mary DICAS d/ Ellen (Dicas), dec'd w/o William BOSTIAN ....Enoch BOSTIAN, a minor ....Julian BOSTIAN, a minor ....Amos Dicas BOSTIAN, a minor Land - "Richard's Good Will", 100 acres, in Liberty Town on south side of Cabbage Run, from Richard COALE in 1801. (Part conveyed to Christian BARRICK.) Guardian was the children's father; trustee was James M. COALE. Sale was made to Henry BAKER at $481.50. On 21 Feb 1833, Mary DICAS testified the widow was 63; she was granted 2/19 of proceeds before debts, $43.73. Proceeds were short; closed 21 Mar 1833.
JS-11, 534-547 - THOMAS - Oct 1831
William R. THOMAS vs Estate of William THOMAS Land - "Beaver's Den", 200 acres (100 to each son), from Christian THOMAS to his two eldest sons, Michael THOMAS (w/ Margaret) and William THOMAS (w/ Catharine) and partitioned in 1806. - a moriety of "Indian Field", 1 acre, part of "Taskers Chance" (owned by both brothers), previously from Thomas JOHNSON in 1799; on road leading from Frederick to Taney Town. William THOMAS d/ intestate widow - Catharine s/ William R. THOMAS d/ Caroline E. THOMAS, a minor d/ Catharine A. THOMAS, a minor Guardian was L.P.W. BALCH; trustee was William R. THOMAS. On 10 Dec 1831, sale was held at the tavern of Mathias E. BARTGIS in Frederick with high bidder as Michael THOMAS at $66/acre or $6,634.65. On 20 Jan 1832, the widow testified she was 46 years old and in good health; she was awarded 1/8 in lieu of her dower, $796.61; each child's 1/3, $1,858.77; closed 9 Feb 1832.
Peter KEIFFER vs Estate of George KEIFFER Ludwick KEIFFER, dec'd of Frederick Co, MD (will 23 Aug 1809; 19 Oct 1809) widow - Margaret s/ George KEIFFER* s/ Casper KEIFFER s/ Abraham KEIFFER s/ Jacob KEIFFER s/ John KEIFFER s/ Ludwick KEIFFER d/ Margaret KEIFFER d/ Mary KEIFFER d/ Barbara KEIFFER Son George was to receive the home plantation but to pay legacies to his siblings; he also received the family bible. Executors: friend George OTT and son George. Witnesses: Henry SPALDING, Peter SHELHAUS and Julianna SHELHAUS. ---------- George KEIFFER* d/ 25 Jan 1831 intestate widow - Catharine d/ Susan w/o Joseph STOCKSLAGER - PA s/ George KEIFFER s/ Peter KEIFFER s/ Henry KEIFFER, a minor s/ William KEIFFER, dec'd .....Samuel KEIFFER, a minor .....David KEIFFER, a minor d/ Julian, dec'd w/o George SLOTHOUR .....William SLOTHOUR, a minor Land - 180 acres, near Taney Town. Guardian was Abraham LICHTENWALTER of Taney Town. Trustee was Peter KEIFFER; on 28 Feb 1832, sale was made to Jacob SHOEMAKER for 150 acre farm at $301.50. On 13 Aug 1832, widow Catharine relinquished her dower in lieu of payment. On 28 Sep 1833, William CORNELL testified the widow was 57 years old; she received 1/9 share or $315.68. After creditors were paid, the remainder went to the children, each 1/6 share was $168.30; closed 23 dec 1833.
John NORRIS - Petition for Title Benjamin NORRIS d/ 1831 (will written 27 Apr 1820) widow - Ann s/ Joel NORRIS d/ Rachel w/o Hugh LEMMON/LEAMING - Out of State d/ Mary w/o Mordecai VORE s/ John NORRIS s/ Elie NORRIS - Out of State d/ Hannah w/o John HARDING d/ Susan w/o Elie BUCKEY d/ Llydia wid/o Jacob CRIST d/ Elizabeth w/o Isaac DAVIS, both dec'd .......Ann DAVIS, a minor (All the spouses were not given in the will.) Execs/ widow and son Joel. Witnesses: John TALBOTT, Richard ROBERTS, Elie ELLIOTT. Land - 2 houses and lots in New Market, from Richard POTTS and Gerard COWMAN, trustees for John PANCOAST in 1824 but title was never conveyed. - One lot was on west half of Lot #25, part of William PLUMMER's part; and back lot adjoining the front lot and alley #6; measuring 33 feet on Main St, part of the late Nicholas HALL's part; previously conveyed to Pancoast from John IJAMS Jr (w/ Harriet) in 1822. - Other lot was on east half of Lot #26 on south side of William PLUMMER's part, adjoining John IJAMS, with water rights and brick and log dwelling; previously to Pancoast from Jesse WRIGHT (w/ Margaret) and Samuel WRIGHT in 1822. These lots were purchased after the will was written and were not included in it. Guardian was Elisha NELSON; trustee was John H. M. McELFRESH. On 8 Dec 1832, sale was made to Joseph EVITT for the brick house and lot at $496; and to John H. M. SMITH for the frame house and lot at $110; totaling $606. On 29 Jan 1833, Joel NORRIS testified the widow was upwards of 70 years of age; she received 1/10 or $56.12. Each 1/9 share to the children was $55.90; closed 31 Jan 1833.
Casper MANTZ, creditor vs Estate of John GOMER John GOMBER d/ Oct 1831 intestate d/ Margaret GOMBER s/ Isaac E. GOMBER s/ Ezra M. GOMBER s/ Charles Augustus GOMBER d/ Ann Christina GOMBER w/o John D. SMITH (he d/ Mar 1832) s/ Caspar GOMBER - Out of State s/ John GOMBER - Out of State s/ William GOMBER - Out of State s/ Josiah H. GOMBER - Out of State Land - Lot #63 in Frederick Town, conveyed to Gomber by Jacob GOMBER, Eve Margaret BRENGLE (widow), George and w/ Elizabeth BENTZ in 1805. - part of four lots in Frederick Town, conveyed to Gomber by Peter ENGLE, a gunsmith, in 1795. All mortgaged to Casper MANTZ, exec/of Francis MANTZ. Administrator: Ezra M. GOMBER. Trustee was John H. McELFRESH. Sale was made to - William S. McPHERSON for the lot on the NE corner of Market and All Saints St at $453.62; - Jacob HALLAR for lot adjoining previous one on the N and on E side of Market St at $350; - Elizabeth HALL (free coloured woman), for lot on All Saints St, running back towards Carroll's Creek and adjoining the lot of William HAMMOND (coloured man, lately dec'd) at $175.59; - Peter NICHOLLS for lot adjoining the previous one and on All Saints St and running backk towards Carroll's Creek at $350; - Isaac E. GOMBER for stone house and lot on All Saints St (where he resided at the time) and running back towards Carroll's Creek at $700; - Honerable Abraham SHRIVER for stone house and lot on Market St adjoining dwelling of John P. THOMSON, lately the residence of John GOMBER and still more recently the residence of Peter KEPHART, with alley lying south of the house at $1,740. Total sales were $3,768.62; proceeds short, paid creditors $.94 on the dollar; closed 11 Apr 1833.
JS-11, 591-609 - KEMP, PLUMMER, CURREY, SCHELL - Feb 1832
William PLUMMER vs Isaac KEMP Peter KEMP d/ 6 May 1830 (will 14 Apr 1830; 10 May 1830) widow - Deborah and six children d/ Rebecca w/o William PLUMMER s/ Isaac KEMP - Montgomery Co s/ Rheuben P. KEMP, a minor - Montgomery Co d/ Anna KEMP, a minor s/ George Washington KEMP, a minor d/ Mary Elizabeth KEMP, a minor (Rebecca's share to be controlled by executor while her husband is alive.) Exec/ son Isaac KEMP; Witnesses: William MORSELL, Smallwood THOMSON, Israel T. PLUMMER. In Aug 1831, Isaac sold his 1/3 share to Jeremiah CURREY of Frederick Co for $100. Guardian was William WERTENBAKER; testimony was heard from Solomon KEMP. Isaac's ability to act as executor was challenged by Plummer and a stop order was issued until a hearing. Hearing ruled Isaac would need to place a bond of $2,000, else trustee to be John H. McELFRESH. Sale was held on 2 Mar 1833 by trustee McElfresh, but postponed to 30 Mar because of lack of bids. Sale was then held at the New Market Depot, high bidder was Enos SCHELL at $10/acre or $675.94 Each 1/6 share, $105.07 (Jeremiah CURREY received Isaac's share which was previously sold to him.); closed 11 Jul 1833.
JS-11, 609-621 - SHORB, BAUMGARDNER, GILBERT - May 1835
Samuel BAUMGARDNER, exec/o John GILBERT vs Sarah Ann SHORB Jacob SHORB (will 24 Mar 1835; 26 May 1835) widow - Sarah Ann Exec/ John SMITH of Middletown and w/ Sarah Ann. Witnesses: John R. CURTIS, Charles WORTHINGTON, George HALE. Land - Houses and Lots in Creagerstown, from Richard H. MARSHALL, trustee; and mortgaged to John GILBERT. Trustee was Samuel BAUMGARDNER; on 3 Aug 1835, sale was made to Sarah Ann SHORB at $177.37. Sale was short by $32.24 to pay off the mortgage; closed 29 Sep 1836

The End of JS-11

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