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ST. PETER, in Graham County, Kansas, which was formerly known as Hoganville, was founded by German-Russian families of Ellis County in 1894.
The earliest settlers in this district were John Richmeier, John Brungardt, Peter A. Rome, John Ingerthron, John Peter Knoll, Jr., Nikolaus D. Dreiling, Peter Rome, Sr., and Florian Dinkel.
In 1895 these few families built a small frame church which satisfied their needs for almost fifteen years. In 1909-10 the present St. Anthony's Church was built. Mr. Alex Schueler of Catherine was both architect and contractor. The new edifice was dedicated in the fall of 1910.
Peter Rome, one of the founders of the settlement, gave the land on which the church is built, and in his honor the name of the village was changed from Hoganville to St. Peter.
The first school building in St. Peter was erected in 1905, while the present brick school dates from 1917.
In 1904, as soon as a house for them had been built, three Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia came to St. Peter and took charge of the school.
The first pastor of St. Peter was Rev. Fr. H. Vornhold, who was in charge from 1894 till 1902. He was succeeded by Rev. Fr. Charles Weber, who stayed till 1921. Following him came Rev. Anthony Schaefer, who was pastor till June, 1922. From June, 1922, till December 31, 1923, Rev. Fr. Jerome Dies ministered to the people. On the latter date he was succeeded by Rev. Fr. Michael Dreiling, the present pastor.
Appelhans, Joseph, Joseph J., Andrew
Bollig, Frank
Boxler, Mat, Michael, Anton, Michael Jr.
Braun, Andrew
Billinger, Andrew, Alex, Joseph, Joseph A., Peter A.
Brungardt, Balthasar, Mrs. Mary, John M., Frank, Joseph, Peter A., Frank H.
Dinkel, Anton Sr., Anton Jr., Anton J., Florian, John, Michael, Alex
Dreiling, Nick, Joseph, John, Jacob, Dyonisius, Leonard, Joseph, Mrs. Margaret, John J.
Gassman, Joseph, John
Gerstner, Jacob, John, Jacob J.
Graf, George
Geist, John C.
Herman, Mrs. Margaret, Anton J., Fidelis, John
Hoffman, Andrew, Godfried, Joseph, John,
Ingenthron, Peter
Katzendorn, Nickolaus
Kaeberle, George
Knoll, Michael Sr., Michael Jr., John, Peter, Andrew, John A., Adam J., Godfried, John J., Carl Peter P , Michael, Adam A. J., Peter A., Joseph, Frank P., Peter P., Mrs. Anna Maria, Frank Sr.
Kuhn, Peter, Joseph
Lang, Peter
Meier, Joseph
Pfeifer, Joseph, Joseph J.
Richmeier, Alex, John, Frank, John J., Peter J., Jacob, Wendelin, Mrs. John M., Joseph, Peter J., Fridolin, Michael
Riedel, Mrs. Margaret, Frank, John, Joseph P.
Spies, Jacob, Joseph, Jacob J. Jr., August
Rome, Peter J., Joseph, John, Peter P., John, Seraphin, Anton, Raymund, Nickolaus, Peter M., Michael
Rohr, Mat, Peter, John
Rohleder, Joseph, Conrad, Wendelin, Peter, Peter Joseph
Sauer, Peter, John
Schoenberger, Raymund
Scheck, Joseph
Schreiner, Andrew A., John A., Leo, Wendelin
Schumacher, Adolf
Scheck, Frank
Wasinger, Martin, Michael
Wittman, Frank, Peter J.
Yunker, Leo
Vonfeld, M. C.
Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926
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