Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926

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Sabinus, Sister M. * Sabinus, Sr. picture link Sack, Anton * Sack, Bertha * Sack, Ignatius * Sack, John J. * Sack, John M. * Sack, John S. * Sack, Stephen * Salome, Sister M. * Sander, - picture link, picture link Sander, A.F. * Sander, Adam picture link, * Sander, Alex J. * Sander, Alois * Sander, Andreas picture link Sander, Andrew * Sander, Andrew A. * Sander, Andrew M. * Sander, Anna picture link Sander, Anna Eliz. picture link Sander, Anton * Sander, Barbara picture link Sander, Catharina picture link Sander, Elizabeth picture link Sander, Frank C. * Sander, Ignas picture link Sander, Ignatius * Sander, Ignaz * Sander, Johannes picture link Sander, John *, *, *, *, * Sander, John A. * Sander, John P. * Sander, Jos. A. * Sander, Joseph * Sander, Joseph J. * Sander, Joseph N. * Sander, Margaret * Sander, Margareth picture link Sander, Mike A. * Sander, Peter * Sander, Peter J. * Sander, Peter M. * Sander, Peter P. * Sander, Raymund *, * Sander, Rose picture link Sander, Severinus * Sander, Ulrich * Sanders, Catherine * Sanders, Rosa * Sauer, Anna * Sauer, Anna MArgaretha picture link Sauer, Anton * Sauer, Emma * Sauer, George picture link, * Sauer, Germaine * Sauer, Maria Anna picture link Sauer, Peter, John * Savelsberg, Mathew picture link Savelsberg, Matthew *, *, * Schaefer, Andrew picture link Schaefer, C. (Mrs.) * Schaefer, George *, picture link Schaefer, J.M. *, picture link Schaefer, John *, *, *, * Schaefer, John Peter * Schaefer, Joseph picture link Schaefer, Leo picture link Schaefer, Peter * Schaeffer, Christina picture link Schaeffer, Conrad *, * Schaeffer, Johan picture link Schaeffer, John * Schaeffer, John C. * Schaeffer, Michael * Schaeffer, Rosa * Schaeffer, Stephan * Schamber, Christina picture link Schamber, Frederic * Schamne, - * Schamne, Gottfried * Schamne, Nicholas *, * Scheck, A.J. * Scheck, Andrew picture link, * Scheck, Andrew Sr. * Scheck, Catharine picture link Scheck, Elizabeth picture link, * Scheck, Francis * Scheck, Frank *, *, * Scheck, J.J. * Scheck, John *, * Scheck, Joseph * Scheck, Joseph P. * Scheck, Magdalen * Scheck, Peter V. * Schenk, Jos. F. * Schiel, Victor * Schiffelbein, Joseph * Schillo, Theodore * Schipper, Frank * Schipper, Herman * Schlieter, Anna picture link Schlieter, John picture link, *, *, * Schlyer, Henry * Schlyer, John picture link, * Schlyer, John (Mrs.) picture link, * Schlyer, Nick * Schmeidler, August * Schmeidler, Emil * Schmeidler, Frank Jr. * Schmeidler, Wm. * Schmidberger, Alphonse * Schmidberger, August * Schmidberger, Frank M. * Schmidberger, John * Schmidberger, Joseph * Schmidberger, Michael J. * Schmidberger, Michael M. * Schmidt, Alex * Schmidt, Amelia picture link, * Schmidt, Andrew picture link, *, * Schmidt, Anna Maria picture link Schmidt, Barbara * Schmidt, Bern J. * Schmidt, C.A. (Mrs.) * Schmidt, C.B. *, * Schmidt, Carl A., Jr. * Schmidt, Catherine picture link Schmidt, Emilia picture link Schmidt, Geo. * Schmidt, George *, *, *, * Schmidt, Jac. J. * Schmidt, Jacob picture link, *, *, *, * Schmidt, Joe A. * Schmidt, John picture link, *, *, *, *, *, * Schmidt, John A. * Schmidt, John Peter * Schmidt, Joseph *, * Schmidt, Maria picture link Schmidt, Michael picture link, *, *, *, * Schmidt, Nick * Schmidt, Peter *, * Schmidt, Raymund A. * Schmidt, Stephan * Schmidtberger, Catharina picture link Schmidtberger, John * Schmidtberger, Joseph * Schmidtberger, Michael picture link, * Schneider, - * Schneider, Anton *, * Schneler, Pauline * Schoechon, Anna Maria picture link Schoeler, Agnes picture link Schoenberger, Anton * Schoenberger, Elizabeth picture link Schoenberger, Frank * Schoenberger, Jacob * Schoenberger, Jos. picture link Schoenberger, Joseph * Schoenberger, Raymund * Schoendaller, Error * Schoendaller, Frank * Schoenfeld, Jacob * Schoenfeld, Valentine * Schoenfeldt, Peter * Schoenfield, Jacob * Schoenthaler, Alex. * Schoenthaler, Amalia picture link Schoenthaler, Andreas * Schoenthaler, Frank picture link Schoenthaler, Fred J. * Schoenthaler, Heinrich * Schoenthaler, Jacob * Schoenthaler, John * Schoenthaler, John Jacob *, *, *, *, * Schoenthaler, Simon *, *, * Scholastica, Sister Mary * Scholastien, Sr. picture link Schrant, Hy * Schrant, William * Schrant, Wm. Jr. * Schrant, Wm. Sr. * Schreibvogel, Anton * Schreibvogel, Joseph *, * Schreiner, Andrew A. * Schreiner, John A. * Schreiner, Jos. * Schreiner, Leo * Schreiner, Wendelin * Schroeder, - * Schroeder, B. *, * Schubert, Clarence * Schubie, Anton * Schubie, Gottfried * Schubie, Peter * Schuckman, Anton * Schuckman, Fred * Schuckman, Jac. * Schuckman, John * Schuckman, Jos. * Schuckman, Louis * Schuckmann, Joseph *, *, * Schueler, - * Schueler, Agles * Schueler, Agnes picture link Schueler, Alex picture link, *, * Schueler, Anna picture link, * Schueler, Henry * Schueler, Mathilda picture link Schueler, Matilda * Schueler, Pauline picture link Schuermann, A. * Schuermann, Anthony * Schuetz, A. * Schuetz, Anna Maria picture link Schuetz, Ida picture link Schuhmacher, Rosa * Schulte, Anna * Schulte, Bernard * Schulte, Bonevant * Schulte, Catherine * Schulte, Elizabeth * Schulte, Frank * Schulte, Herman *, * Schulte, John * Schumacher, Adolf * Schumacher, Alex *, * Schumacher, Anna picture link Schumacher, Anna (Mrs.) * Schumacher, Anna Kath. picture link Schumacher, Anna Margaretha (Mrs.) * Schumacher, Anna Maria * Schumacher, Anton picture link, *, *, *, *, * Schumacher, Carl * Schumacher, Catharine picture link, *, * Schumacher, Clemens * Schumacher, George *, *, * Schumacher, Henry picture link, *, * Schumacher, Henry (Mrs.) * Schumacher, Henry A. * Schumacher, Hieronimus * Schumacher, Jacob * Schumacher, John * Schumacher, John Jacob picture link Schumacher, Joseph * Schumacher, Nick * Schumacher, Paul * Schumacher, Rose picture link Schuster, Anna * Schuster, Dominic *, * Schuster, Ferdinand (Mrs.) * Schuster, Frank * Schuster, Frank F. * Schuster, Frank W. * Schuster, Joseph * Schutte, - picture link Schutz, Ida * Schwartz, Lucy * Schwarz, Raphael * Schwertner, Aug. J. *, * Seib, Frank * Seidel, Frank * Seidel, Frank sr. * Seidel, Godfried * Seidel, Ignatz * Seipel, Rudolf * Seitz, Alois J. * Seitz, Casper * Seitz, Casper P. * Seitz, George * Seitz, John C. * Seitz, John, Sr. * Seraphina, Ven. Sister * Servana, Sr. * Severin, - *, * Severin, Fr. * Shay, J. J. * Shippers, Herman * Silveria, Sister Mary * Silveria, Sr. M. picture link Simminger, Mary * Sklenar, John M. *, * Smith, P.P. *, picture link Soemen, Charles * Solana, Sister Mary * Solana, Sr. picture link Solomon, Lee * Soloria, Thomas * Sommereisen, - *, * Sommereisen, Rev. Val. * Sommereisen, Val picture link, * Sommereisen, Valentin *, * Sommereisen, Valentine *, *, *, *, *, *, *, * Sophia, Sister Mary * Sophia, Sr. picture link Spaeth, Gabriel *, *, * Speier, Alex * Speier, Anton * Speier, John * Speier, Paul * Speier, Raymond * Speis, Peter * Spies, August * Spies, Jacob * Spies, Jacob J. Jr. * Spies, Joseph * Staab, Adolph * Staab, Alexius picture link Staab, Ambrose picture link Staab, Ambrose P. * Staab, Anna picture link Staab, Anna Maria picture link Staab, Elizabeth picture link Staab, Ferdinand * Staab, Heinrich picture link Staab, Helen * Staab, Henry *, * Staab, J. Jacob * Staab, Jacob picture link, *, * Staab, Jacob H. * Staab, Jacob J. * Staab, John picture link, *, * Staab, John H. * Staab, John J. * Staab, John Jacob picture link Staab, John R. * Staab, Karl *, * Staab, Mary picture link, * Staab, Norbert picture link Staab, Peter *, * Staab, Peter H. * Staab, Peter, Sr. * Staab, Raymond *, * Staab, Raymond H. * Staab, Richard R. * Staab, Rose picture link, * Stadleman, Gus * Stadleman, Jas. C. * Stadleman, John * Stadleman, Nick * Stadler, Clemens * Stang, Clemens * Stang, Joseph * Stang, William * Stanton, Walter * Start, Anna * Start, Cecelia * Start, James R. * Start, Sophia * Stecklein, Catharine picture link Stecklein, Cornel * Stecklein, Gerhard picture link Stecklein, Peter picture link Stecklien, John * Stegman, Christ * Stegman, Elizabeth * Stegman, George * Stegman, John P. * Stegmann, Adam * Stegmann, Christopher * Stegmann, Matthew * Stehley, Mart (Mrs.) * Steimel, A. C. * Steiner, John picture link Steines, J.J. * Stell, Sister Mary * Stella, Sr. picture link Steppe, James *, * Sterzer, John * Stickelmeier, Gilbert * Stoecklein, Alex * Stoecklein, Carl J. * Stoecklein, Christof * Stoecklein, Cornelius * Stoecklein, Jacob Jr. * Stoecklein, Jacob Sr. * Stoecklein, John *, * Stoecklein, John P. * Stoecklein, John P. (Mrs.) * Stoecklein, John S. * Stoecklein, Peter *, *, * Stoecklein, Raymund * Stollenwerk, R. *, picture link Stollenwerk, Rudolf * Storm, Adam * Storm, Blandina * Storm, Elizabeth picture link Storm, Jacob * Storm, John Peter * Storm, Leo * Storm, Michael picture link, *, * Storm, Peter * Stremel, - picture link Stremel, Adam * Stremel, Anton J. *, * Stremel, Anton Jr. * Stremel, Jacob * Stremel, John * Stremel, John R. * Stremel, Joseph * Stremel, Joseph * Stremel, Leo * Stremmel, Anton *, * Stressler, John * Stressler, John P. * Strobel, Francis K. * Stroemal, Barbara picture link Stroemal, Joseph picture link Stroemel, Anton picture link Stroemel, Christina picture link Stroemel, Eliz. picture link Stroemel, Jos. J. picture link, * Strohmeier, Martin * Stupert, John * Stutz, - * Stutz, Jos. picture link Suppes, Adam * Suppes, George picture link Suppes, Joseph * Suppes, Peter * Susan, Sr. picture link Susanna, Sister M. * Sweeney, Wm. E. *

Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926

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Golden Jubilee of the German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas

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