Salina Shoe Parlor.

Mr. J. C. McArthur.
Although the Salina Shoe Parlor at 116 West Iron Avenue, has only been established eight years, they have already built up a large and heavily stocked retail shoe establishment. They carry a full line of ladies, gents' and children's shoes, and an inspection of their stock will convince the most skeptical of the fact that they can fit men, women and children in any size, in any width, and at prices very low when wearing qualities and style are considered. Courteous clerks are in attendance. A specialty is made of their electrical repair department. All kinds of repair work is executed in the best possible manner, in the shortest time and at very reasonable prices. The pioprietor of this establishment is Mr. J. C. McArthur.
J. A. Fleming.
Mr. J. A. Fleming, is numbered among our business men who by sound and conservative business principles has advanced to a prominent position and is a representative type of the influential citizen. Mr. Fleming is an attorney-at-law and has well appointed offices located in the Traders State Bank Building. He has been practicing law in this city for two years, and the patronage which he now enjoys is a tribute to his zeal and well directed efforts to render fair dealings to all. Mr. Fleming is a native of this state, having been born here in 1876. He received his education in Kansas, graduating from the Kansas University and also from the State Normal at Emporia, Kansas. He has followed this profession during his entire business career.

St. John's Lutheran Church.
W. S. Childs, D. O.
A system of drugless healing by which a practitioner by a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology and by appropriate manipulations adjusts structure so that nature can restore normal conditions to the body, is known as Osteopathy. At 139 South Santa Fe Avenue of this city is to be found a competent osteopathic physician, Dr. W. S. Childs. He opened offices in this city the first of September of this year and at present enjoys a large practice which has been won by his successful treating of all kinds of aches and chronic diseases and ailments. Dr. Childs was born in Kansas in 1878 and graduated from the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Missouri. He has followed this profession for the past two years. He is a valued member of the I. O. O. F.
Philip Young.
Among the many institutions of Salina which enjoy the confidence of the public, none stand forth more prominent or are deserving of more particular mention than the establishment located at 142 North Santa Fe Avenue, and conducted by Mr. Philip Young. This business became established two years ago and has rapidly built up a large trade and enjoys a wide reputation. A fine line of carpets, rugs, window shades, and a complete line of pictures, frames, and art goods in general are carried, and a floor space of 1,800 square feet is occupied by the storage and display of this stock. Mr. Philip Young, the proprietor, was born in Germany in 1857 and received his education in that country.

River Scene From Iron Ave. Bridge. - Photo by Moore
Nelson Bros. Meat Market.
This is one of the latest additions to the business interests of this city, and is operated on entirely different lines from any similar establishment in Salina. The market is located at 124 South Fifth street. It is up-to-date, modern, clean and completely equipped for the handling and storage of fresh and salt meats, poultry, etc. This business became established one year ago, and has built up a large business, owing to the high quality of meats handled and the reasonable prices. Two experienced butchers are employed who promptly and courteously attend to the wants of the trade. A floor space of 1,400 square feet is occupied. The live and enterprising proprietors of this establishment are Mr. M. K. Nelson and Mr. Alfred Nelson. Mr. N. K. Nelson was born in Sweden and received his education in that country. He is a highly honored member of the Eagles and the M. W. A. Mr. Alfred Nelson was born in Sweden and there educated. Both of these gentlemen have been engaged in this line of business during their entire business careers.

Salina's Senior High School Building - Photo by Moore
G. J. Samuelson.
The restaurant of G. J. Samuelson established 2 years ago and has been conducted along lines that insured a steady increase of patronage and popularity. They have gained a meritorious reputation among the particular people who desire meals cooked amid surroundings that are sanitary and clean. The dining room is large and well ventilated, and three employees are on hand at all times to attend promptly to the wants of the geusts.[sic] A specialty is made of short order lunches. Mr. G. J. Samuelson, the genial and well-known proprietor of this restaurant, was born in Illinois in 1865 and received his education in that state. Previous to establishing this business. He was engaged in the cigar business in this city. He is a valued and well known member of the I. O. O. F. and the Yeoman.
It is simply astonishing, when considering the magnitude to which the drug trade in this city has grown within the last few years and the enterprising gentlemen who are connected with this most necessary and important line of endeavor are to be congratulated upon their great achievement. One of the most important establishments of this character is that of Mitchell's, located at 113 South Santa Fe Avenue. This business has been established several years and has been under the present management for the past four years. A complete line of drugs, cigars, confectionery, etc., is carried, and the stock is always fresh and up-to-date. A specialty is made of compounding physicians' prescriptions, which work is done by expert pharmacists only and by using the best and purest drugs. A floor space of 1500 square feet is occupied and employment is given to from three to nine courteous clerks. A handsome soda fountain is operated in connection, where refreshing drinks of all kinds are served. The proprietors of this up-to-date establishment are Mr. V. E. Mitchell and Mr. C. C. Reed. Both gentlemen are numbered among the progressive and successful business men of this city.
George Weisgerber.
No jewelry house in the city surpasses that of George Weisgerber located at 105-7 South Santa Fe Ave. This business became established nine years ago, and enjoys a large patronage from the most discriminating and particular people. A large and carefully selected line of watches, clocks, diamonds, jewelry, optical goods, precious stones, cut glass, etc., is carried and a specialty is made of fine repairing and excellent goldsmith work.
Alexander Insurance Agency.

Interior Alexander's Insurance Office.
One of the prominent insurance agencies in this city and one that has earned implicit confidence of a clientage embracing many of the leading property owners of Salina is that of the Alexander Insurance Agency, located at 107 North Santa Fe Avenue. This business became established over four years ago by Mr. L. A. Alexander, who is still at the head of this agency. This business occupies fine offices and gives employment to five capable and experienced assistants. Mr. Alexander is also the General Agent, Western Kansas department of the Great Western Life Insurance Company, employing from forty to fifty agents. Mr. L. A. Alexander was born in Illinois in 1870 and received his education in that state. He is a well-known member of the Masons and the Elks. Mr. R. H. Alexander is cashier and Mr. D. M. Frost secretary.
Center Motor Car Co.

Center Motor Car Co's. Garage.
The business of the Center Motor Car Company has since its establishment in 1908 been recognized as one of the leading among similar institutions. They are located at 131-33 North Fifth street. Their garage affords accommodation for any reasonable number of machines and they make a specialty of reparing,[sic] rebuilding, buying and selling second-hand motor cars. An auto school is conducted in connection with this establishment and has a large attendance. All of the repair work is executed by Mr. Center, assisted by the students. Mr. Center is a practical mechanic and thoroughly understands every detail of the business. The proprietor, Mr. H. L. Center, was born in Illinois and reecived[sic] his education in that state. He has been engaged in this line of business for the past seven years. He is thoroughly experienced in this line, has been in many races and is an expert driver. He is a highly honored and well-known member of the M. W. A. and the W. T. A. A.

The Carnegie Library.
Elite Cafe.
It is almost an invariable rule that in all great centers of business there are certain establishments in each line of trade which have built up, by close attention to business, a liberal and substantial patronage. Such an enterprise in this section is that of the Elite Cafe, located at 104 East Iron Avenue. The business became established four years ago. The location is ideal, with every comfort and convenience for guests in use, the dining rooms are light, airy and always kept in a clean and sanitary condition, while fourteen courteous and deft assistants assure you unexcelled and prompt service. A specialty is made of short orders at any time of day or night. This cafe is conducted by the Anderson Sisters, who were born and educated in this state. They are ladies of pleasing personality and highly esteemed in this community.

Elks Club House. - Photo by Moore
The Moore Studio.

Mr. A. S. Moore, Photographer.
Moore's Studio,located at 119 South Santa Fe Avenue, suggests the true artistic spirit in its equipment and fittings, with spacious reception rooms hung with beautiful samples of the photographic art, presents a picture of elegance and invitation to repose. Supplementing this is an operating room complete in every detail, modernly equipped and a delight not alone to the artist but to those entering it for the purpose of perpetrating a likeness of themselves in any style of the art. This studio became established eight years ago and ranks foremost among the first class establishments of this character in the city. Photography in all its branches is practiced, and a specialty is made of protraits and enlargements executed in crayon, sepia, water colors, etc. The prices are moderate and satisfaction is guaranteed. Mr. A. S. Moore, the proprietor, was born and educated in Ohio and has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career. He is highly esteemed as a successful photographer as well as a progressive, up-to-date business man.
F. E. Young.
In all business centers, there are certain establishments which stand pre-eminent and have built up a liberal and substantial patronage by close attention to business and honorable business methods. Such an enterprise is that located at 108 North Santa Fe Avenue, and conducted by Mr. F. E. Young. This gentleman conducts one of the most ably managed, and high classed groceries in this section of the city. His stock of groceries comprises all of the purest and highest grades of staple and fancy products, both imported and domestic groceries, sundries, teas, coffees, table delicacies, etc. Six courteous clerks are given employment, and all orders are filled promptly and correctly. This business became established ten years ago and occupies a floor space of 3,000 square feet. The proprietor, Mr. Young was born in Salina in 1884 and received his education here. He has been in the grocery business during his entire business career. The sterling business principles of integrity and fair dealing, coupled with the courteous attention all patrons receive, have been important elements in the success which Mr. Young has achieved.
E. S. Swanson.
The cigar house of which Mr. E. S. Swanson is the head, has succeeded in building up an excellent trade and reputation. This business became established twelve years ago and is located at 141 1/2 North Santa Fe Avenue. Besides being a practical cigar manufacturer, Mr. Swanson is fully conversant with every detail of the industry, the requirements of the trade, and the demands of a critical public. The business conducted includes the manufacturing and selling of cigars, tobacco, smokers' supplies, etc. From three to five experienced assistants are required and a floor space of 1,000 square feet is occupied. The leading brands sold by this house have met with the public favor. Mr. Swanson has always made it a prime consideration to use only the choicest and best stock. Mr. Swanson was born in Sweden in 1868 and reecived[sic] his education in this city. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career. He is a highly honored and popular member of the I. O. O. F. and holds the position of clerk in the M. W. A.
L. J. Ashton.
Practical experience counts, and the success of the L. J. Ashton's hardware store is attributed to the fact that the prprietor has had many years of practical experience in this line, which enables him to buy and sell at the lowest prices. This establishment is located at Fifth and Iron Avenue, and has been in this location for the past 21/12 years. A complete line of shelf and builders' hardware of all kinds, harness, paint, notions, etc., is carried. The proprietor of this establishment Mr. L. J. Ashton has been engaged in this line of business for a number of years.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.