Stiefel Bros. & Company.
At 117 North Santa Fe Avenue is to be found one of the up-to-date and important establishments of this kind in the city for it complete line of the latest patterns and styles in dry goods, ready-to-wear goods for ladies and children, shoes, furnishing goods, etc., are carried. This place was established six years ago and has won an enviable reputation since that time. Two floor each 30x100 are utilized in the storage and display of the large stock carried, and twenty-four courteous clerks assure prompt service to the trade.
The Gem Cafe.
Established in 1901, the Gem Cafe, located at Santa Fe and Iron Avenue has long been recognized as one of the popular restaurants in this city. Regular meals are served and short orders may be had at any hour with the assurance that the assistants will courteously and promptly serve you with well cooked eatables in a clean and well-kept dining room. This cafe enjoys a large trade from among the most particular and discriminating people of Salina. The proprietor, Mr. N. Beaudry, was born in Connecticut and received his education in that state.
Farmers' Home Feed Barn.
Metropolitan and up-to-date methods are the distinguishing features of the Farmers' Home Feed Barn, located at 141 South Fifth Street. It has been established but a short time, but has built up a large trade during that time, Owing to the appointments of the stables and feed yard with ample accommodation and courteous treatment afforded all. The barn is completely equipped with tie sheds and stables and can accommodate 300 horses. Four capable horsemen are given employment. This place has become very popular among the farmers and is headquarters in this city among a large per cent of those coming here to trade. The proprietors of this business are Mr. A. P. Kellogg and Mr. A. E. Walker.

Residence of Senator F. H. Quincy.
L. O. Nordstrom, M. D.
Dr. L. O. Nordstrom was born in Kansas in 1876 and received his education in this state, graduating from the Medical Department of the University of Kansas in 1902. He has practiced in this county 8 years and has been located in this city for the past year, his offices are located in the Watson building and he conducts a general practice of medicine and surgery. He stands high in his profession as is evidenced by the fact that he was chosen secretary for both the Saline County Medical Society and the Golden Belt Medical Society. He is also a member of the State and the American Medical Societies.
The "Delicatessen."
Metropolitan and up-to-date business methods, good goods and low prices are the distinctive features of the sterling bakery house, known as "The Delicatessen, and located at 116 South Santa Fe Avenue. This business became established seven years ago. Six skilled bakers are given constant employment and bakery goods of every description are manufactured, including pies, cakes, bread, confections, candies, etc. Goods are delivered promptly to any part of the city. This plant is thoroughly equipped with the latest machinery and appliances for carefully manufacturing these products amid clean and sanitary surroundings. The proprietor of this up-to-date establishment, Mr. Ralph D. Heusted, was born and educated in Salina.
A. E. Hinkle.
One of the prominent grocery establisliments in this city is that conducted by Mr. A. E. Hinkle and located at 147 North Santa Fe Avenue. This business became established twelve years ago and won a meritorious reputation for reliability and excellence of goods handled. An ample force, of courteous employees are on hand affording quick service and every article to be found in the grocery man's manual can be had at this heavily stocked store. Mr. A. E. Hinkle, the proprietor of this establishment, was born in Illinois. Previous to establishing this business, he was employed in the mercantile and later the milling business. He is a member of the K. and P. and A. O. U. W.
The Rolfe Studio.
One of the up-to-date and metropolitan conducted studios in the city is that located at 135 North Santa Fe Avenue, and conducted by Mr. C. J. Rolfe. Photography in all of its branches is practiced, specializing posing subjects in any style of the art. Promptness and satisfaction are guaranteed, while the prices are as low as is consistent with the best material and workmanship. Three experienced assistants are required, and a floor space of 1,600 square feet is occupied. This business became established eight years ago. Mr. Rolfe was born and educated in New York, and has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career. He is a highly valued member of the I. O. O. F., Elks, and is secretary of the Photographers Association of Kansas.
Harry Durrant.
One of the establishments of this city worthy of more than passing mention, is that conducted by Harry Durrant, and located at the corner of Santa Fe and Walnut streets. This business consists of serving lunches, short orders, ice cream, cold drinks of all kinds, etc. A fine line of confections and candies are also handled. The place is clean, neatly arranged and attractively decorated. Two courteous assistants attend promptly to the wants of the trade and a floor space of 1,600 square feet is occupied. The proprietor of this establishment, Mr. Harry Durrant, was born in Canada in 1849 and received his education in Ohio. Previous to establishing this business the first of October, Mr. Durrant was employed as a brick layer.

Smoky Hill River. Photo by Moore.
Sherman's Confectionery, Cigar and News Store.
Promptness of service and excellency of goods handled have placed the establishment conducted by Mr. F. D. Sherman and located at 109 West Iron Avenue, in the front ranks of similar concerns in the city. All that is reliable and desirable in the line of imported and domestic cigars, tobacco, smokers' supplies, confectionery, periodicals, newspapers, etc., can be obtained at this finely equipped store. A specialty is made of a full and complete line of post cards. The goods carried are attractively arranged, displaying the unusual lines handled. F. D. Sherman, the proprietor of this establishment, was born in Michigan and received his education in that state.
Beagle & Dodson Smoke House.
Beagle & Dodson are the proprietors of the popular billiard and pool hall, located at 139 North Santa Fe Avenue. The business became established three years ago and they have, by conducting a first-class place and by their up-to-date equipment built one of the largest trades of this character in this city. Five of the finest billiard and pool tables have been installed, and a complete line of imported and domestic cigars, tobacco, smokers supplies, soft drinks, postcards, etc., are to be found in connection. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. W. H. Beagle, Mr. J. F. Dodson and Mr. F. E. Dodson. Mr. Beagle and his son also conduct the Beagle Smoke House in Abilene, Kansas.

Santa Fe Avenue, Looking South. - Photo by Moore.
Ruhling Hardware Company.
The hardware business has seen wonderful advancement in the past decade, especially in a community such as Salina, where there is so great a demand for their products. One of the leading and best known establishments in this city is that of the Ruhling Hardware Company, located at 111 West Iron avenue. They are retail and wholesale dealers in hardware of every description, stoves, ranges, supplies, tools, shelf and building hardware, tin and sheet metal, etc. The proprietor of this establishment, Mr. H. J. Ruhling, was born in Illinois and received his his education in that state. He has been engaged in this line of business for the past twenty-five years and is highly esteemed in this city as a progressive and successful business man.
Paul Ketterer.
A store which enjoys its full share of patronage from the particular and discriminating people in this city and vicinity is that conducted by Mr. Paul Ketterer, at 115 West Iron Avenue. This business became established one year ago. Mr. Ketterer is a live and enterprising man, which is exemplified by his keeping fully abreast of the times, always having a complete and up-to-date stock and by gaining the confidence of all. The stock carried comprises watches, clocks, diamonds, precious stones, and a large assortment of jewelry novelties. A specialty is made of fine watch repairing.
Henry C. Low.
Mr. Henry C. Low conducts one of the heavily stocked and finely equipped pharmacies of Salina and this establishment is located at 106 South Sannta Fe Avenue. This business was established in November, 1908, and has since won a large patronage and a meritorious reputation. A large and complete line of pure drugs, chemicals, toilet articles, rubber goods, cigars, confectionery, etc., is carried. A handsome soda fountain has been installed, and all kinds of soft drinks are served. A specialty is made of filling physicians prescriptions, which work is executed by an expert pharmacist, guaranteeing purity and excellence as well as accuracy. Two assistants are required and 4,200 square feet of floor space is occupied, all of which is utilized by attractively arranged displays of the fine and complete stock carried. Mr. Henry C. Low, the proprietor, was born in Pennsylvania, and received his education in Kansas.
Star Bottling Company.
Judged by the purity and excellency of its product and its modern and completely equipped plant, the Star Bottling Company is unexcelled by any similar concern in this section, and Salina is to be congratulated upon the possession of such an advantageous establishment. This establishment is located at 111 West Ash street. Carbonated drinks, mineral and soda water, ginger ale, root beer, in fact all kinds of soft drinks, are manufactured and bottled here. The plant is a model of its kind, being thoroughly equipped with the latest machinery and appliances for the successful manufacturing and bottling of these goods. This business became established twenty years ago and has been under the present management since three years ago. The proprietors of this establishment are Lutz Bros., of Beloit, Kansas. Mr. E. H. Jones, the manager, was born in England. He is a popular member of the A. O. U. W. and U. C. T.
Claude Barrington Livery.
Nothing has been left out that goes to make a complete livery by Mr. Claude Barrington, proprietor of the livery stable located at 212 North Santa Fe Avenue, opposite the National hotel. This business has been established ten years. They also conduct a feed and boarding stable, have four cabs, and do a large transfer business. From eight to ten capable horsemen are employed to look after the wants of the trade. A floor space of 12,500 square feet is occupied by the livery, which includes box and padded stalls, a large repository, etc. This business has been under the management of the present proprietor for the past year, but in that short space of time it has made rapid strides. Mr. Claude Barrington was born in Ohio and educated in Kansas. Previous to engaging in this line of business, he conducted a horse-shoeing establishment in this city for sixteen years. He is a highly valued member of the Elks, the M. W. A., the I. O. O. F., the Eagles, the Rebeccas, and the Redmen.
McConnell & Wood Mfg. Co.
One of the establishments of this city with a firmly established reputation is that of the McConnell & Wood Manufacturing Company, located at 132 North Fifth street. This company became established two years ago, and at present enjoy a large patronage as well as a reputation of high standing. They manufacture tanks of all kinds, furnaces, galvanized iron and copper cornices, slate, tile and tin roofing. Thorough satisfaction is guaranteed with all work. The proprietors of this metropolitan concern are Mr. R. A. McConnell and Mr. H. Wood. Mr. McConnell was born and educated in this state. He is a member of the M. W. A. Mr. H. Wood was born in Kansas and received his education in this state. He is a member of the M. W. A.
Weber & Company.
Located on North Fifth street can be found the establishment of Weber & Company, one of the firms of our city, successfully engaged in the handling of lumber, coal and building materials. This firm has headquarters at Wilson, Kansas. The business became established two years ago and has been coducted[sic] along lines that insure a steady increase in patronage and popularity. Five courteous employees are required, and all goods handled are guaranteed to be the best obtainable, both in price and material. The stock is always up-to-date and complete and this place has won an unrivalled and merited reputation. The proprietor of this business is Mr. N. Weber, and Mr. F. C. Utt is employed as manager. Mr. Utt was born in Kansas and received his education in this state.
E. A. Phillips.
One of the notable examples of what can be accomplished by a thorough knowledge of a business and honorable business methods is exemplified in the establishment conducted by Mr. E. A. Phillips, and located at 233 North Santa Fe Avenue. This establishment is an exclusive grocery store. The stock is displayed in a most attractive manner and consists of everything in the line of staple and fancy groceries, imported and domestic, teas, coffees, table delicacies, etc. Mr. E. A. Phillips was born in Kansas and received his education in this state. He is a highly honored member of the M. W. A.

Residence of F. C. York.
Maher & Kidney.
To be a good horseshoer requires much skill and ability. This is a department of the blacksmithing business that requires the attention of experts who thoroughly understand the needs of each horse, and who are careful in what they perform. One of the best and most favorably known firms in this business is that of Maher & Kidney, located at 134 North Fifth street. This business was established 30 years ago and has since been headquarters among those who desire proper horse shoeing at moderate prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with all work. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. Patrick Maher and Mr. O. W. Kidney. Mr. Maher was born and educated in Ohio. He is a member of the M. W. A. Mr. Kidney was born in Illinois and received his education in that state.
Princess Theatre.
One of the best known and most popular amusement resorts of this city, and one which stands high in public favor is that of the Princess Theater, located at 156 North Santa Fe Avenue. The Princess Theater, as it is named, is admirably arranged in all of its appointments. It occupies a floor space of 2,800 feet. The interior is finished in an artistic manner, has inclined floor and ventilating sytem,[sic] fire exits, etc., are installed and the comfort of the patron is catered to at all times. The moving pictures and vaudeville are a source of pleasure and recreation for any one who has a few minutes to spare and wishes to be entertained amid surrounding restful to the senses and attractive to the eye. The pictures shown are refined and will satisfy the most fastidious. The moving picture machine, stage and equipment are of the latest design and all employees, including the machine operator, ushers, singers, etc., are not only courteous, but are refined and of an entirely different class than usually is found in five and ten cent theaters. Mr. C. A. Thacher is the proprietor of this enterprise.
W. E. Mowery, M. D.
Dr. W. E. Mowery was born in Iowa in 1884, and received his education in Missouri, graduating from the University Medical College of Kansas City, Missouri. Previous to taking up the profession of medicine, he was a druggist. He has been located in Salina for the past year and a half and conducts a general practice of medicine and surgery. He has well equipped offices located at 137 South Santa Fe Avenue and is one of the most prominent of the physicians and surgeons in the city.
Stockenberg Studio.
All lines of business are of importance to any community but none are of a greater necessity than the well equipped and carefully conducted photographic studio. One which stands high in this city when compared with the similar establishment, is that conducted by Mr. L. Stockenberg and located at 150 South Santa Fe Avenue. All kinds of photographic work is executed, and owing to the thorough training and long years of experience, Mr. Stockenberg guarantees to always obtain the desired expression. as well as position in posing of subjects. This business was established sixteen years ago. Mr. L. Stockenberg, the proprietor, was born in Illinois and received his education in Kansas. He is a highly honored and popular member of the M. W. A.
Smith's Paint & Wall Paper Store.
As one of the most progressive cities of this section of the country, Salina is making a splendid showing in every line of commercial and industrial activity. Among the many and varied concerns located here the establishment conducted by Mr. J. B. Smith, and located at 134 North Santa Fe Avenue, deserves special mention in this review of progressive activity. A complete line of wall paper, paints, mouldings. frames, art goods, etc., is carried and a specialty is made of decorating. This work is done by skilled decorators only, using only the best of material and employing many original, artistic designs. From ten to fifteen assistants are given employment, who attend promptly to the wants of the trade. This business became established six years ago and has built up a large trade among all classes. Mr. J. B. Smith, the proprietor, was born in Missouri and there educated.
Little's Tea & Coffee Store.
Although only established four years, the tea and coffee establishment of J. F. Little, located at 112 South Fifth street, has rapidly sprung into popularity and has gained public aproval[sic] and patronage. A large and complete line of coffees, teas, spices, baking powder, chile, supplies, extracts, etc., is carried. High grade goods are important features with courteous treatment and low prices prevailing at all times. The store occupies 1,500 square feet which is ample room for the storage and display of the large stock carried, and three courteous clerks are employed to promptly attend to the wants of the trade. Mr. J. F. Little, the proprietor of this metropolitan establishment, was born in IIlinois and received his education in that state.
Hagler & Divelbiss.
Located at 113 North Fifth street is one of the important coal and produce establishments of this city. It became established the first of July of this year, but in that short time it has built up a successful business. The premises utilized are 50x120 feet, affording ample accommodation for the storing of a large amount of coal and all kinds of produce. The live and enterprising proprietors of this establishment are Mr. J. Hagler and Mr. Simon Divelbiss. Mr. Hagler was born in Illinois and received his education in that state. Mr. Simon Divelbiss was born in Illinois and there educated. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. Both of these gentlement[sic] are highly esteemed in the community.
Kansas Post Card Company.
Among these varied industries of Salina is that of the Kansas Post Card Company, loacted[sic] at 102 North Santa Fe Avenue. This is one of the largest establishments of this character in this part of the country. The business conducted includes the manufacturing, designing, importing and jobbing of all kinds of post cards, albums and booklets. The business became established 2 1/2 years ago and has built up a large trade, giving employment to eleven experienced assistants and occupying a floor space of 1,600 square feet. Mr. E. J. Dessery is the proprietor of this metropolitan establishment.
A. G. Rush, D. D. S.
A dentist of this city who stands high in the community is Dr. A. G. Rush, whose finely equipped and well appointed parlor and work rooms are located in the Bulkley building. A general dental practice is conducted which comprises extracting of teeth, filings, making plates, crowns, bride work, etc., with the comfort and convenience of the patient in mind at all times. Dr. A. G. Rush, the manager and proprietor or this establishment, was born in Illinois in 1866, and received his professional training from the Kansas City Dental College. He established his offices eleven years ago. He is a highly esteemed member of the M. W. A., the Tripple Tie and the Yeoman and stands high in his profession.
W. F. Musser.
Among the most prominent of our lawyers is Mr. W. F. Musser, who has been practicing law in this city for the past twenty-three years. He has well-appointed offices located in the Nesmith block, and his clientage includes many of the most prominent and successful business men of Salina. He conducts a general practice of law, has a thorough and complete knowledge of it, and has had many years of practical experience, having been engaged in this profession during his entire business career. Mr. Musser served as probate judge in this city for six terms and in that positon[sic] has discharged the duties which have devolved upon him in a highly satisfactory and commendable manner. Mr. Musser was born in Pennsylvania in 1856 and received his education in that state. He is a member of the Elks, K. of P., I. O. O. F. and M. W. A.
![]() MR. J. C. RAMSEY, Salesman, Freeman Pub. Co. |
![]() MR. G. E. LIGGETT, Salesman, Freeman Pub. Co. |
![]() Compiled and Published by THE FREEMAN PUBLISHING CO. Kansas City, Mo. Journal Print, Salina, Kansas |
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.