College Inn.
The College Inn, located at the corner of Walnut and Santa Fe Avenue, is one of the prominent eating houses in the city. Regular meals are served and a specialty is made of quick service, the best cooking properly seasoned at moderate prices, satisfaction guaranteed to all, and it is owing to these facts that the large trade they now enjoy has been built up. From four to six courteous assistants are required and the interior arrangement is such that 150 guests may be seated at once. A floor space of 3500 square feet is occupied. Mrs. Mary C. Keith is the proprietress of this establishment and has had charge since the sixth of September of this year. Mrs. Keith was born and educated in Ohio, and has had several years of experience in this line.
Kansas Wesleyan Business College.

The Kansas Wesleyan Business College is a school for the training of live business people. "It is a school where one may learn those things one must know to get on in the world," and is conducted so as to prepare one in the shortest time in the most thorough manner, and at the least expense for a satisfactory start in active and beneficial business life. Its reuptation is well established for imparting a thorough commercial education, which places it at the head of business training schools in this section of the country. Business, Stenographic, Civil Service, Court Reporting, and Telelgraphy courses are taught by experienced instructors. The instruction is largely individual, yet there is enough class work to give the student the inspiration and excellent spirit which comes from united work. This college was established it 1892, or in other words, the trustees of the Kansas Wesleyan University contracted with Mr. Roach to organize a commercial department of the Wesleyan University. The contract was for five years and has been renewed from time to time. In 1903, Prof. Roach was elected President of the Kansas Wesleyan University. and at the same time continuing at the head of the commercial department, which is known as the Kansas Wesleyan Business College. This school has shown a decided increase with each succeeding year, in both efficiency and reputation. Prof. T. W. Roach, General Superintendent of this college has long been identified with the growth and prosperity of the city as a public spirited business man. He is a stockholder in one of our banks and other business interests of the city.

The New Roach Building.
The Salina Bottling Works.
One of the important establishments of this city is that of the Salina Bottling Works, located on North Santa Fe Ave. This business became established about 30 years ago, and every year since has witnessed additions and improvements to the plant as well as a rapid increase in business. At present, the plant is equipped with the latest and most up-to-date machinery, which gives the trade the finest product possible. Carbonated drinks of all kinds are manufactured here, and cider, flavoring extracts, all kinds of beverages are also handled and sold both wholesale and retail. A large out-of-town trade has been built up, and the products are shipped to most of the surrounding towns. A better idea of the volume of business transacted by this plant and the popularity of their products in this vicinity can be gained when it is stated that ten experienced workmen are kept busy at all times supplying the wants of the trade. Mr. D. E. Berger, manager of this establishment, was born and educated in Indiana. He has been in this line of business for the past 16 years.

Looking North on Santa Fe Ave. - Photo by Moore
St. John's Military School.

The St. John's School was founded in 1888 by believers in an education which includes all sides of a boy's nature. It stands for the ideal in a complete and rounded development of body, mind and moral character. St. John's is maintained by the Episcopal Church, and its Rector is the Bishop of the Diocese of Salina. The benefits of its training, however are open to all students with suitable credentials. St. John's is a preparatory school with courses intended to fit pupils to enter college, or to prepare them for business life. St. John's is also a military school, and on this side, the training is especially valuable as encouraging habits of punctuality, neatness and prompt obedience to orders. This school was established through the efforts of Bishop E. S. Thomas and the citizens of Salina. The original property consisted of Vail Hall, erected in 1887 at a cost of $50,000, and fifty acres of land. The principal additions to the school property are: the gymnasium, the barracks, and a tract of land, twenty acres in extent, given by Mr. A. M. Claflin. Vail Hall is a substantial and well-appointed building, and is remarkable for its large and well lighted rooms, its high ceilings, and spacious corridors and stair cases. In this building are the dining room, school rooms, lower school dormitory and chapel, together with living rooms for masters. The barracks, built as an annex in 1904 at a cost of $16,000, provide quarters for the cadets, except those of the Lower school, and for some of the masters. The buildings are heated by steam and lighted by electricity. The Gymnasium is a building 45x72 feet in dimensions, with a high roof, and a floor area nearly the full size of the building. The athletic field has ample space for baseball and football, which are under the charge of a master as coach. Rev. William Neely Colton, B. A., is Head Master of this school. Rev. Colton is a graduate of the Hobart College, class of 1897, and the General Theological Seminary, class of 1903. Previous to being elected Head Master to the St. John's Military School, he was a Master in the St. Paul's School, of Concord, N. H.
The Salina Mattress Factory.
This establishment, corner Second & Ash streets is equipped with the latest and most improved machinery and equipment for the manufacture of all kinds of mattresses, pillows, etc. The products are sold at wholesale only, and a large trade has been built up among the merchants and dealers throughout the state. This business became established twelve years ago, and at present occupies a floor space of 5,000 square feet and gives employment to ten skilled workmen. Mr. Charles E. Hanly the proprietor of this factory was born in Ohio. He has been engegad[sic] in this line of business during his entire business life, and is thoroughly conversant with every detail of the business.
C. L. West.
It is with a feeling of pride and pleasure that we look upon the development of Salina in recent years. This is due in a "real measure to the alertness and ability of our business men who have done everything in their power to promote the industrial and commercial possibilities of the city and advertise its manifold resources. Mr. C. L. West, the active head of the real estate establishment located at 102 North Santa Fe Ave., has been as prominent in furthering these conditions as any man similarly connected. He transacts a general real estate, loans and insurance business, and has been established here one year. He is the special representative of the National Co-operative Realty Company. He handles city property, both undeveloped and improved, farm property, and makes a specialty of Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Canada, Utah and Florida lands. He sells fire insurance, negotiates loans, collects rentals, rents property, etc., and has on his lists some of the most valuable and desirable poperty[sic] in Salina to rent and sell. Mr. West was born in Delaware in 1866 and received his education in that state. He has been a resident of Salina for a number of years.
![]() Santa Fe Avenue - Photo by Moore |
![]() West Side of Santa Fe Avenue. - Photo by Moore |
Melchor Gist Cockey, A. M., M. D.

Residence of Dr. Cockey. - Photo by Moore
Dr. Melchor Gist Cockey was born in Cockeysville, Baltimore County. Maryland, and received his education in that state. Graduating in Classics from the Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, and from the Department of Medicine of the University of Maryland in 1879. He has been practicing medicine for the past thirty-two years. Dr.Cockey came to Salina in 1884 and remained until 1889, when he returned to the army. He served as surgeon in the war against the Indians, and later in the Spanish-American War, and in both instances won worthy mention. He returned to Salina four years ago. He is a lover of fine horses and is the owner of Billy Bender - mark 2:14 1/4; Wm. Tell - by Axtel, record 2:17 1/4, and G. M. R. - record 2:15. Dr. Cockey has well-equipped offices located in the Kress Building and conducts a general practice of medicine and surgery.

West on Iron Ave. - Photo by Moore
Mr. J. V. Ostberg.

Ostberg's Bakery.
One of the largely patronized and well appointed Bakerys of this city, and one which enjoys a merited reputation, is that located at 337 South Forth Street. The business conducted is handling at both retail and wholesale bakery goods, canned goods and confectionery of a superior quality. A specialty is made of the "Quality" and "Puritan" bread. This is a sweet, wholesome bread made of pure ingredients, and has been largely responsible for the growth of local and out-of-town business. This bakery was established in 1907 and at present requires the constant attention of five skilled workers. Mr. J. V. Ostberg, the live and enterprising proprietor, was born and educated in this city. He is a baker by trade, but previous to starting this business, was engaged as a traveling salesman for the Lee Merc. Co., and a Kansas City house for ten years. He is a member of the U. C. T. and the Eagles.
M. E. Ford.
Local real estate offers grand opportunities for profitable investment and no real estate firm in the city is better prepared or more thoroughly versed on local real estate values than M. E. Ford, located in the Kress Building Although Mr. Fold has just established this office, he has had several years of experience in this line and knows the exact conditions and values of the properties in this city and vicinity he transacts a general real estate, loan and insurance business. He specializes local real estate and Saline, Ottawa and Dickinson County farm lands. Mr. M. E. Ford was born in Wisconsin in 1873 and received his education in Kansas. He has been engaged in the real estate business for the past six years.
B. Benz, Meat Market.
B. Benz's Meat Market, located at 249 North Santa Fe Avenue, because established twenty years ago and has forged ahead until at present, it stands in a class of its own when compared with stores handling similar provisions. The equipment is modern, the location central and the interior arrangements are all that the most fastidious could desire, with every provision made for the storage and handling of meats, and groceries suggested by the experience of recent years in use. Fresh, salt and smoked meats with all by-products, groceries, fancy and staple, etc., are to be found at this establishment. Mr. Benz, the proprietor, was born in Germany in 1858 and received his education in that country.
Salina Feed & Sales Yard.
Mr. P. M. Crawford and Mr. J. W. Carney are the live and enterprising proprietors of the Salina Feed & Sales Yard, located at 121 North Fifth Street. This business has been established but one year, but in that short time it has been conducted along lines that insured a steady increase in patronage and popularity. A boarding and feeding stable is also conducted and this place is the head-quarters for many of the farmers who desire their horses fed and properly taken care of during their visit in town. Mr. Crawford was born and educated in Illinois. Mr. Carney was born in Ohio and received his education in that state. He is a valued member of the M. W. A.
G. W. Dihle.
Among the well known manufacturers of Salina there are none which deserve and enjoy a greater popularity than Mr. G. W. Dihle, located at 115 South Fifth street. This business became established twenty-one years ago and has gained a wide recognition among all clases by handling and turning out the best high grade harness, whips, robes and turf goods in general. A specialty is made of manuacturing, harness, saddles, and executing repair work. Four expert harness makers are employed and 2,600 square feet of floor space is utilized in the storing and displaying of this large and comprehensive stock. Mr. G. W. Dihle, the proprietor of this establishment, was born in Kansas in 1874, and received his education in this state. He is a member of the Elks and A. O. U. W.
Crown Steam Laundry.
A first-class steam laundry is a necessity in any rapidly developing community, and the residents of Salina are to be congratulated upon the possession of such a complete and up-to-date establishment as the Crown Steam Laundry, located at 226 North Santa Fe Avenue. This laundry became established twelve years ago and has been under the management of the present proprietor for the past two years.
Alameda Cafe.
Mr. H. M. Spang is the manager of one of the best and most popular eating houses in the city, the Alameda Cafe. This cafe is located at 13S North Santa Fe Avenue. It became established the first of June of this year and has since been conducted on a high plane, catering to the residents, business and professional men and a large number of transients. Regular meals and short orders are served at all hours, both day and night, and a specialty is made of fine dinners, parties, etc. The prices are reasonable and the manager, Mr. Spang, and his ten assistants, specialize high-class quick service.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.