The Watson, Durand-Kasper Grocery Co., Wholesale Grocers.

The Watson, Durand-Kasper Grocery Co., Wholesale Grocers. Paid-Up Capital, $200,000. W. W. Watson, Pres. Calvin Durand, 1st V. Pres. G. M. Watson, 2d V. Pres., and Gen. Mgr. F. R. Blodgett, Sec'y and Treas. Directors - Calvin Durand, Chicago; P. J. Kasper, Chicago; W. W. Watson, Salina; G. M. Watson, Salina; F. Hageman, Salina; F. R. Blodgett, Salina; D. K. Bean, Salina.
John Whalen.
Salina offers great inducement for real estate investments and John Whalen, with offices located over the Traders State Bank, is recognized as one of the leading real estate dealers of the city and he has on his list, property that is the most desirable to be obtained in this section of the country. Mr. Whalen established this business eighteen months ago and transacts all exclusive real estate business. He handles local real estate, farm lands, and makes a specialty of Western Kansas, Colorado and Texas lands. Mr. Whalen was born in New York City and received his education in Kansas. He has been engaged in this line of business through his entire business career. He is an honored member of the Elks and is numbered among the influential and public spirited citizens of Salina.
Palmer Opera House Pharmacy.
Anyone at all conversant with the progressive commercial fabric of this city must know the elegant drug store located at the corner of Seventh and Iron Avenue, known as the Palmer Opera House Pharmacy. The stock of drugs, patent medicines, chemicals. rubber goods, toilet articles, druggists' sundries, physicians' supplies, etc., is varied and most comprehensive. In the prescription department every care is taken in compounding all prescriptions intrusted, and nothing enters into their composition but the purest and best quality of drugs obtainable. A floor space of 1400 square feet is occupied by the display of the stock carried. This business was established fourteen years ago by Mr. M. B. Palmer. He employed Mr. H. D. McAdams as head clerk for ten years, after which they formed a partnership and are the present proprietors of this establishment. Both of these gentlemen have been engaged in this business throughout their business career. They are loyal citizens and any movement likely to affect the material prosperity of this city has always been supported by them.
Howard C. Davis.
Among the indispensable establishments of the city is that conducted by Mr. Howard C. Davis and located at 108 South Santa Fe Avenue. Mr. Davis conducts an exclusive insurance business, and has earned the confidence of a clientage consisting of a large number of our leading merchants and citizens. Mr. Davis has been engaged in this line of business in this city during his entire career. He handles all kinds of insurance, including fire, hail, farm, cyclone, live stock, health, liability, accident, plate glass and automobile insurance.

Scene on Santa Fe Avenue.

Interior of McDonald-Huffman Barber Shop.
Mr. H. A. McDonald and Mr. C. T. Huffman are the proprietors of the barber shop located at 116 East Iron Avenue. Although this business has only been established one year, it has rapidly gained in public approval and popularity.Three chairs are operated with three skilled barbers and a porter in attendance. A specialty is made of correct work, prompt treatment and satisfaction to all. The business conducted includes artistic hair-cutting, smooth and quick shaving, baths, etc. Mr. H. A. McDonald and Mr. C. T. Huffman were born and educated in Kansas.
National Smoke House.
Promptness of service, excellency of goods handled have placed the National Smoke House, located at 209 North Santa Fe Avenue, in the front ranks of similar concerns in this city. All that is reliable and desirable in the line of imported and domestic cigars, tobacco, smoker's supplies, confectionary, soft drinks, etc., can be obtained at this place. The five pool and the billiard tables operated in connection, afford amuseemnt[sic] for the local and transient pleasure seekers. In the cigar department, the goods are attractively arranged, displaying the unusual and complete lines carried. Three courteous assistants are required to promptly attend to the wants of the trade and 2,100 square feet of floor space is occupied. This business became established one year ago and has built up a large trade. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. W. S. Knight and Mr. B. F. Spader. Mr. Knight was born and educated in this state. Pevious[sic] to establishing this business, Mr. Knight was engaged in the barber business. Mr. Spader was also born and educated in Kansas. He has been engaged in this line of busines[sic] during his entire business career.

Salina's Post Office.
Mrs. B. W. Waltman is the proprietress of the art store known as the "Exchange" and located at 123 South Santa Fe Avenue. This business, although it has only been established two months, has rapidly sprung into popularity and public favor and a large trade is enjoyed. A large stock of art goods is carried, a specialty being made of art embroidery. Two skilled assistants are employed. Mrs. B. W. Waltman was born in Massachusetts and received her education in that state. She has been engaged in this line of business for the past twenty years, and it is owing to her personal knowledge that the business has attained the reputation which it has won in so short a time.
Heyward's Dry Goods Company.

The establishment of the Heyward's Dry Goods Company five years ago, marked an epoch in the mercantile life of the city. They are located at 127 North Santa Fe Avenue and handle a very complete line of dress goods, silks, white goods, linens, flannels, comforts, blankets, underwear, hosiery, gloves, ribbons, embroideries, laces, notions, etc. Their stock is up-to-date in every respect, embracing only the high grade goods which are sold at the lowest possible price consistent with high quality. This firm also carries a large and complete line of ready-to-wear garments for ladies, including jackets, coats, cloaks, suits and skirts. Two floors each 30x165 feet are occupied by the storage and display of the stock, and from twelve to fifteen clerks are given employment. Courteous treatment, prompt service and satisfaction guaranteed to all, are important features of this establishment. Mr. Heyward was born in England and received his education in that country. The admirable record of Mr. Heyward as a friend and business man has been the means of constantly increasing the business.
Salina Steam Laundry.

A laundry whose merits have gained for it a large and remunerative patronage is that of the Salina Steam Laundry, located at 111-13 South Seventh street. This business became established thirty years ago and has been under the management of the present proprietor for the past two years. From fifteen to eighteen experienced operators are given employment and two wagons are kept busy taking care of the delivery and picking up of the goods. Visitors and residents are cordially invited to call and inspect this modern plant. While this modern equipment is very important, close attention to your wishes and their knowledge of what is correct in modern laundry are their best assets. A french dry cleaning establishment is also run in connection. The proprietors of this laundry are Mr. C. G. Whitney and Mr. T. L. Dickinson. Mr. Whitney was born and educated in Kansas. He is a member of the Elks club of Salina. Mr. Dickinson was also born and educated in this state.
The Planters State Bank.
Pominent[sic] among the financial institutions of this city, the Planters State Bank, located at 111 North Santa Fe Avenue, was established in 1900. The capital stock is $50,000, and at present they have a surplus and undivided profits of $75,000. The officers of this bank are Fred H. Quincy, President; T. W. Roach, Vice President; W. T. Welch, Cashier; Frank R. Spier, Asst Cashier; F. I. Walker, Asst. Cashier; B. E. Ludes, Teller.
F. Wyatt Mfg. Co.

Salina is a metropolitan city in every respect and its central location and excellent transportation facilities are constantly attracting new enterprises. One of the important manufacturing institutions established in 1904 is that of the F. Wyatt Co. This firm are manufacturers of the widely and favorably known "Jayhawk" stackers and Sweep Rakes. These implements, owing to their clever design, and simple construction, have proven more advantageous labor saving machines than any other make of similar goods. Their plant located at Fifth and North Streets, is a model of its kind and is thoroughly equipped with the latest appliances and machines for turning out reliable and carefully made goods. The thirty mechanics and force of road salesmen are carefully trained to perform their various duties, and it has been owing to the metropolitan business methods persued and the fair and honorable dealings with all, which have been responsible for the gaining of this favorable reputation. They also conduct an enormous business in the jobbing of structural steel, wagons, vehicles, etc., as well as executing general foundry work. The foundry, machine shops, drying rooms, repository, shipping department, storage rooms and offices occupy one-half block of ground adjacent to the Union Pacific railway, with switch track to their private dock. The members of this firm are F. Wyatt, President, A. G. Todd, Vice President, and Treasurer, L. R. Yoakam, Secretary.
Hoyt-West Millinery Company.
Carrying one of the largest and choicest stock of millinery and trimmings in the city, and having a reputation excelled by no similar concern, the Hoyt-West Millinery Company have prospered since the day they were established eleven years atgo. This store is located at 121 North Santa Fe Avenue. A large line of pattern hats are on hand at the beginning of each season, both imported and domestic. Order hats are a specialty being made to conform with the type of the wearer. A floor space of 2800 square feet is occupied by a very attractive display of the stock carried. Ten artistic milliners and trimmers are required to comply with the demands of the trale.[sic] Miss Lillian M. Hoyt and Miss Mary A. West manage and are in direct supervision of all details of this business. They have been engaged in this line of businesss through their entire business life, and have had a wide range of experience in this line. They are highly esteemed milliners of artistic skill, and business women of exceptional ability.
George Holzmeister.
"Merit, excellence and high-grade goods" is the motto which has brought into distinction the cigar factory conducted by Mr. George Holzmeister, on North Santa Fe Avenue. This place has been established twenty-four years, and has won a wide reputation in this vicinity, having placed on the market the well-known "Iron Chancellor" which received the first prize at Omaha, the "Salina Extras," and several others. A retail store is operated in connection with this factory, where a complete line of tobacco, cigars, confectionery, etc., is carried. A handsome soda fountain has also been installed, and soft drinks of all kinds are served. Mr. Holzmeister, the proprietor of this establishment, was born in Russia in 1861 and received his education in that country. He has been in the cigar business through his entire business career and is recognized as an expert judge of cigar and tobacco values.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.