Christ Cathedral (Episcopal).
Snyder's Livery.
Standing among the foremost livery establishments in the city is that of Snyder's Livery, located at the corner of Fifth and Ash Streets. Nothing has been left out that goes to make an establishment of this character, complete and up-to-date. This business became established twenty-six years ago and has shown a decided increase with each succeeding year, until at present, they occupy large quarters and have the finest turnouts in both single and double, light and heavy rigs, to rent. From four to five capable horsemen are employed to look after the wants of the trade. This place has long been the headquarters for those who desire the best at moderate rates. A boarding and sales stable is also conducted in connection. A floor space of 10000 square feet is occupied. The live and enterprising proprietor, Mr. I. Snyder was born in Pennsylvania in 1856 and received his education in that state. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career and is a well-known and popular member of the M. W. A.
Charles F. Dodds.
Mr. Charles F. Dodds is located at 438-40 North Ninth Street. Only pure food products are handled, and the grocery stock comprises everything in the way of staple and fancy groceries, teas, coffees, table delicacies, flour, etc., such as are found in the best stores in the city. The meat department is conducted in the most approved manner, and the very finest cuts of native beef, pork, lamb, mutton, etc., are always on sale. Seven courteous clerks are required to promptly attend to the wants of the trade, and a floor space of 3000 square feet is utilized. The proprietor, Mr. Charles F. Dodds, was born in Kansas in 1880.
Garrison, Studebaker & Ellis.
The above named firm has created quite an epoch in real estate circles in this city and vicinity; they have demonstrated what metropolitan business methods and original ideas will accomplish in the twentieth century. This firm, though only established in 1902, is far ahead of the majority of the pioneer and old established of similar businesses. They occupy finely furnished quarters at the corner of Iron and Santa Fe Avenues. Real estate in this city or vicinity, western lands, and in fact property of any kind in any locality can be obtained from this reliable firm with the assurance that you will receive exactly what is represented to you. Insurance is written, abstracts furnished and loans made on first mortgage of improved real estate. Mr. W. M. Garrison, the Senior member of this firm, has charge of the trades in Salina and vicinity. Mr. F. D. Garrison superintends this department at McPherson and Moline, Kansas. Mr. W. G. Studebaker looks after the abstracts, and insurance department and office work at the Salina office. Mr. C. A. Ellis has charge of the farm sales here. Mr. J. W. Studebaker occupies this position at the McPherson office.
Kaffers' Cash Grocery & Market
One of the finest and most extensively patronized grocery and meat markets in the city is that of the Kaffers' Cash Grocery & Meat Market, located at 106 East Iron Avenue. This business has been established in the city for eighteen years, and has been in this localion for the past five years. A liberal and substantial patronage has been built up by close attention to business, and honorable business methods. The stock of groceries and meats includes staple and fancy groceries, teas, coffees, table delicacies, fruits, country produce, fresh and salt meats, etc. A floor space of 2,500 square feet is occupied by the display of the stock and six courteous clerks are given employment. Only pure high-class goods are handled at the lowest possible price. The enterprising proprietor of this establishment is Mr. E. J. Kaffer. Mr. Kaffer was born in Iowa and received his education in that state. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career, and is numbered among the progressive and up-todate business men.

C. W. Lamer Mounted on One of His Imported Percheron Stallions.
It is almost all invariable rule that in all great centers of business there are certain houses in each line of trade which stand pre-eminent and have built up, by close attention to business, a liberal and substantial patronage. Such an indispensable institution, and one of which the citizens of Salina are proud, is the carefully conducted horse and mule barn located at 330 to 338 North Ninth Street, and conducted by Mr. C. W. Lamer. This establishment occupies a large brick barn, covering a quarter of a block. It is one of the finest barns in the country, up-to-date in every respect, with cement floors, box stalls, a large repository, storage rooms, and all else which goes to make a complete establishment. It was built especially for this business and is sanitary in every respect. Mr. Lamer conducts a general market for horses and mules, selling both wholesale and retail. He is also an importer and breeder of "Percheron" and "Belgian" stallions and mares and goes abroad each year for the purpose of buying the best horses that can be found in the Foreign Countries. The magnitude of this business can be better understood when it is stated that one-half million dollars worth of business was conducted last season. This barn became established twelve years ago and rapidly took the foremost position among concerns of this character in the country. Mr. C. W. Lamer, the proprietor, was born in McPherson County, Kansas.
H. M. Ahrend.
In every community there are certain establishments whose importance and high character constitute them an essential part of the section in which they are located. In the blacksmithing line we desire to call attention to the well-known establishment conducted by Mr. H. M. Ahrend. This establishment is located at 105 North Fifth street. It is one of the best equipped shops in the city. All kinds of blacksmith work, forging, carriage and wagon repairing, etc., is executed here. A floor space of 2,500 square feet is occupied. This business became established twenty years ago and is one of the oldest blacksmith shops in the city. Mr. H. M. Ahrend, the proprietor, was born in Pennsylvania in 1855, and received his education in that state. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career.
Salina Cleaning & Dyeing Works.
One of the most important factors in the substantial and rapid business advancement of our city has been the energy and enterprise shown by our business men in pushing their business to a successful conclusion. We know of no line that has progressed so rapidly and to such a high state of perfection as a dyeing and cleaning business. A house that is widely known throughout the city is the Salina Cleaning and Dyeing Works. This establishment is located at 117 South Seventh street. It has every modern facility installed in the plant for the proper dyeing, cleaning, pressing and repairing of all kinds of ladies' and gentlemen's garments. The methods used here are the best that are known to this business and four competent assistants are employed. One wagon is kept busy delivering and calling for the goods to be cleaned. A floor space of 2,000 square feet is occupied. This business became established three years ago and has rapidly built up a large trade. Mr. G. F. York is the enterprising proprietor of this establishment. Mr. York was born in Kansas and received his education in this state. Previous to entering this line of business he was engaged in the electrical business. He is a well-known and popular member of the Redmen and the Sons and Daughters of Justice. Mr. York is highly esteemed in this community as a man of the strictest integrity and fair dealing.
The Lee-Warren Miffing Co.
Among the flourishing manufacturing plants which have done their share in the upbuilding of the commercial interests of Salina, is this successfully conducted flouring mill located on North Santa Fe Ave. This mill and elevator is well appointed and equipped with the latest machinery suggested by years of experience. The mill proper has a capacity of 500 barrels every twenty-four hours, and the elevator has a storage capacity for 100,000 bushels of grain. A specialty is made of the "American Eagle." and "Forrest King," hard wheat flour.
The Shellabarger Mill & Elevator Co.

Plant of the Shellabarger Mill & Elevator Company.
Prominent among the most important of this class of institutions is the Shellabarger Mill & Elevator Co. This flouring mill is equipped with the most improved machinery and facilities for manufacturing high quality wheat products. The plant has a capacity of 1,200 barrels per day, and owing to the large volume of business conducted, it is running to its full capacity at all times. The elevator operated in connection with this mill has a storage capacity of 500,000 bushels of grain. Two special brands of hard wheat flour, which have been responsible for spreading the name and fame of the Shellabarger Milling Co., and Salina, as an industrial center over all parts of the civilized world, are the "Big S" and the "Peacock." These brands are manufactured from sorted hard wheat, and stand for purity and quality. Thirty-four elevators with a combined capacity for storing one million bushels of grain are operated in as many towns in the wheat belt of Kansas. This business was established under the name of the Salina Milling Co., in 1883, and incorporated under the present name in 1906. The officers are D. S. Shellabarger, President; W. O. Lyter, Vice President; and F. D. Shellabarger, Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. F. D. Shellabarger is in direct supervision of the management of all the Kansas business.
The Batchelor Dry Goods Co.
One of the advantages which the people of Salina have which is not possessed by those of other cities of its size, is the first class and metrotolitanly conducted ladies and children outfitting store. This we owe to the proprietors of the above named firm located at 105 North Santa Fe Avenue. This business was established in 1907, and at present stands decidedly in the lead among similar institutions of the city when compared to stock carried, correct styles, and moderate prices quoted. Two floors, 50x120 feet are utilized by the storage and display of the goods carried, which include all the latest styles and patterns in ladies and children's ready to wear goods, shoes, findings, and notions. The members of this firm are D. L. Batchelor, L. E. Batchelor and B. F. Merrill. Mr. B. F. Merrill, the Secy. and Treas., is also in direct supervision of both the buying and selling ends of the business.
Buell Cream & Candy Co.
Located at 112 South Santa Fe Avenue is to be found one of the complete cream and candy establishments in this vicinity. The Buell Cream & Candy Company manufacture and sell ice cream, confectionery, candies, etc., to both wholesale and retail trade. A specialty is made of the manufacture of ice cream cones, which is accomplished by the "Buell Rotary Cone Machine," invented and patented by Mr. M. B. Buell, the proprietor of this establishment. The work-room as well as the sales room of this factory is kept in a clean and sanitary condition. This business has been established fifteen years and rapidly gained in public approval and popularity. From five to ten capable employees are required. Mr. M. B. Buell was born in Ohio and received his education in Michigan. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career, and is highly esteemed as a progressive and successful business man.
Wyatt & Son.

Residence of C. H. Wyatt, 438 South Fifth Street,
Senior Member Wyatt & Son. Real Estate Hustlers.
One of the real estate firms of this city which is recognized as an authority on real estate values is that of Wyatt & Son, located at 116 West Iron Avenue. This real estate business, is like most firms in the city, conducted in connection with collecting of rentals, selling real estate, exchanging, etc. They are in a position to sell to the home seeker or investor, and have on their lists some of the most valuable and desirable properties in Salina, both improved and unimproved. This firm caters to every desire of the patrons and owning to their high standing and reliability all are assured of receiving full values and honest treatment. The business became established six years ago and rapidly sprung into popularity and public approval. The members of this firm are Mr. C. H. Wyatt and Mr. J. Earl Wyatt. They are numbered among our progressive and public spirited business men.
Charles F. W. Seitz.

Interior of Seitz's Eagle Drug Store.
In every community the well-ordered pharmacy is a necessity and the skilled pharmacist a most important factor, but to be of the greatest value the stock carried must be pure and of a high quality, also the skill and honesty of the pharmacist unquestioned. Salina is fortunate in possessing the establishment of Charles F. W. Seitz, located at 102 North Santa Fe Avenue. This business has been established twelve years in the city and has been in this location for the past ten years. A large line of pure, fresh drugs, chemicals, the best in toilet articles, rubber goods, perfumes, a full line of imported and domestic cigars, stationery, etc., are carried. A specialty is made of compounding physicians' prescriptions, which work is executed by a man thoroughly versed in the pharmaceutical art. A handsome soda fountain and a well-arranged parlor is operated in connection, where the most appetizing confections, ices etc., are served.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.