Lundstrum Motor Car Co.

The Lundstrum Motor Car Company, located at 109-11 North Fifth Street, has been established only one year, but in that short time, they have built up a large trade and enjoy a wide reputation. The location is convenient to both the residence and business districts, with a floor space of 5,000 square feet, the garage affords accommodation for any reasonable number of machines. A number of high power machines are kept on hand for the accommodation of patrons, with the demand for their use increasing in a ratio highly satisfactory to the proprietor. This company are also agents for the "Reo" and the "Chalmer-Detroit" machines. Three capable mechanics are employed at this establishment. Mr. G. Lundstrum was born and educated in Kansas. Previous to establishing this business, he was engaged in the real estate business in this city. He is a member of the M. W. A.

Residence of Bishop Griswold.
Louis Alt Carriage Works.

One of the most important and best known carriage works and blacksmith shops in this city is that located at 140 South Fifth Street, and conducted by Mr. Louis Alt. This business became established fifteen years ago and has had an uninterrupted successful career extending over that period. The business consists of carriage work, repairing, painting, trimming, blacksmithing work, forging etc. A specialty is made of wood work. From six to eight skilled mechanics are given employment and every one is an expert in his line. Satisfaction is guaranteed and all work is promptly turned out. The establishment occupies two floors, one 50x120 and the other 22x60, the latest machinery and appliances, forges, etc., are installed. The paint department is equipped for finishing, etc., which is unsurpassed by any similar concern in the city. Mr. Louis Alt, the proprietor, was born in Austria and received his education in Kansas.
Shiffert Studio.
A studio metropolitanly conducted is that of Mr. F. R. Shiffert, and located at 127 North Santa Fe Avenue. This studio became established fourteen years ago and occupies well appointed and equiped parlors, where beautiful examples of this art are displayed. Photography in all its branches is practiced, making portraits on platinum in water colors and sepia, with any style of finish or mounting. Mr. F. R. Shiffert, the proprietor, was born in Pennsylvania and received his education in this city. He is a member of the Masons, the K. of P., the A. O. U. W. and the Pyramids.

Plant of Salina Light, Power & Gas Company.
Sailna Poultry Company.
The handling of poultry, butter and eggs is one of the important industries of this locality and the Salina Poultry Company have been prominent in this territory for the past two years when they became established. The business consists of the buying and selling of poultry, eggs, butter, etc. From ten to fifteen skilled employes are required. The offices and store rooms occupy 12,000 square feet of floor space, which has been arranged to meet the requirements of the extensive business which this establishment enjoys. Located as they are, at Fifth and Ash Street, they are in excellent position to handle trade from every section of the city. The proprietors of this metropolitan business are Mr. H. B. Sabin and Mr. R. G. Sabin. Mr. H. B. Sabin was born in Illinois and received his eduction in Nebraska. He is a highly honored member of the Masons and the Royal Gordon Highlanders. Mr. R. G. Sabin was born in Illinois and educated in Nebraska. Both of these gentlemen, previous to establishing this business, were in the employ of Swift & Company. They are highly esteemed as progressive and broad-gauged business men.
Mission Drug Company.

The Mission Drug Co. Photo by Moore.
It is important in selecting your drug store, to decide on one with a reputation for honesty in all their dealings and where only competent and courteous pharmacists are employed, under the direct supervision of a man whose record for honesty and courteous treatment goes without speaking. Such a place is to be found in the store conducted by Mr. J. H. Benson, located at Santa Fe and Ash Street. Although this store has only been established since the first of September of this year, Mr. Benson has been connected with the drug business in this city during his entire business career and has a firmly established reputation. He carries a full line of fresh and pure drugs, chemicals, toilet articles, druggists, sundries, confectionery, cigars, tobacco, etc. Careful attention is given to the compounding of physicians' prescriptions. Mr. J. H. Benson was born in Ohio and there educated. He has previously been connected with National Drug Company. He is a valued member of the Masons.
J. W. Neptune, M. D.
One of the leading physicians of this city is Dr. J. W. Neptune. Dr. Neptune has been practicing in this city for the past eleven years and has well equipped offices located in the Bishop-Bulkley Building. He has built up a wide reputation of high standing, and conducts a general practice of medicine and surgery. Dr. Neptune was born in Ohio in 1868, and received his education at Starling Medical College at Columbus, O., and at K. C. Medical College, K. C. Mo., graduating, from the last named College in 1894. He has followed this profession during his entire business career. He is a well-known and popular member of the Masons, the K. of P. and the M. W. A., and is a gentleman of a pleasing personality highly esteemed by all who know him.
J. H. Parkess, O. D.
J. H. Parkess was born in Massachusetts in 1880 and received his education in that state, later studying optometry in Chicago, Illinois. He has been practicing for the past three years and was located at Cherryvale, Kan., for two years. He established his office a year age, located in the Nesmith Block, room 2. Mr. Parkess is an eye sight specialist, and during his one year of public service here, he has constantly maintained a reputation for reliability, unsurpassed. He does no surgical work, his cures and treatments all being affected without the use of drug.

Convention Hall.
Salina Metal & Heating Company.
The Salina Metal & Heating Company is located at 122 South Fifth street. This business became established twenty years ago and has been under the present management for the past two years. Tin work of all kinds, repair work, etc., is executed, pumps, furnaces, heating plants are installed. Six skilled mechanics are given employment. A floor space of 2,500 square feet is occupied. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. A. E. Jones, Mr. W. F. Yocker and Mr. A. F. Yocker. Mr. Jones was born in Kansas and received his education in this state. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. Mr. W. F. and A. F. Yocker were both born and educated in Pennsylvania. These gentlemen have been in this line of business during the past five years.
H. Jukes Restaurant.
The restaurant located at 148 North Santa Fe Avenue, and conducted by Mr. H. Jukes, was established ten years ago and is recognized as one of the most popular medium priced restaurants in the city. Practical experience counts and the success of this restaurant is better understood when it is stated that Mr. Jukes is one of the most practical and expereinced[sic] restaurant men in the city. Regular meals are served here and a specialty is made of short order lunches. Six courteous assistants are given employment and a floor space of 2400 square feet is occupied. The kitchen and work rooms as well as all departments are kept in a scrupulously clean manner. Mr. H. Jukes, the live and enterprising proprietor, was born in Illinois in 1857, and received his education in Kansas. Previous to entering this line of business, he was engaged in farming.
J. H. Bower, D. O.
Dr. J. H. Bower, with offices located in the Bulkley Building, is one of the prominent practitioners of this city. He has been practiciting in this city for the past eight years, and specializes difficult chronic diseases. He conducts a general practice of osteopathy. Dr. Bower was born in Kansas and received his early training and education in this state, graduating from the Manhattan Agricultural College. Later he took his professional course at Kirksville, Missouri.
The Ashley.

The Ashley Hotel. Photo by Moore
The Ashley Hotel is located on Ash street. It became established three months ago and occupies a foremost positon[sic] among the city's hotels. It is one of the up-to-date hotels in the city and is thoroughly equipped for the accommodation of fastidious guests. Fifty rooms are elegantly furnished, well lighted and ventilated; the table is all that could be desired, the help courteous and the service quick. Telephones, hot and cold water in all rooms, and all guests are afforded the accommodation of elegantly furnished and well equipped reading rooms and parlors. Three floors and basement, each 50x100 feet are occupied, and a specialty is made of high class service and unexcelled entertainment. The proprietor of this up-to-date establishment is Mr. J. N. Ashley.
College of Music and Fine Arts of the Kansas Wesleyan University.

Prof. James E. Carnal.
This college of music and fine arts was established under the auspices of the Kansas Wesleyan University in 1903, with James Edward Carnal as Dean. The growing demand throughout the country for competent teachers of vocal, instrumental and supervisors of music has been recognized, and it has been owing to this demand that the college of music offers a course in these studies which is clear, concise and comprehensive. Finished artists in all branches of singing and playing have been graduated from this college. The College of Music offers superior advantages for the study of music in the various branches, the main advantage being conservatory instruction. The members of the faculty have been selected because of their proficiency. They have had the advantage of study with the best teachers. This college also offers the best of instruction at a moderate rate of expense and places true artistic merit above everything else. By adhering to these principles it has established a reputation as a school of the first rank. The courses which are planned on the broadest lines fit the pupils for careers as teachers and artists. This conservatory compromises seven finely furnished rooms in the Roach Building, and last year two hundred pupils were enrolled in these departments. Mr. James E. Carnal, head of the College of Music and teacher of voice culture, harmony and composition, has studied with the best teachers, both east and west. He has made a specialty of voice culture and artistic singing. His attention to this has covered a long period of years under the best teachers of the land. Among those with whom Mr. Carnal has studied is David Bispham, whom critics recognize as the most finished baritone artist of this generation and one of the greatest of any time. Mr. Carnal has studied every method of voice culture, and this, together with his wide experience as a teacher and singer, enables him to bring out the best there is in any voice. He is also a composer of note, and some of his songs are being sung by the best vocalists. His voice is a powerful and resonant bass. As the result of the splendid training he has had he is a most capable singer.
White & Hockensmith.
Standing prominent and in the front ranks among the leading provision houses of this city, that conducted by Messrs. White & Hockensmith and located at 122 South Santa Fe Avenue, was established in 1902. The interior of this grocery presents a picture of elegance in arrangement and varied line of high grade goods carried. A specialty is made of fancy imported and domestic groceries, condiments, fancy bakery goods, the best in coffees and teas, fruits and vegetables, etc. The proprietors, Mr. C. M. White and Mr. H. O. Hockensmith, personally supervise the business, and it has been owing to their close attention to the wants of the trade that this large business and enviable reputation has been built up.
The Columbia Candy Kitchen.
Almost everyone likes candy, old folks and young folks, and I believe everybody will like candy if they sample some of the delicious kind made at the Columbia Candy Kitchen, at 145 North Santa Fe Avenue. It comes pretty near being "just right." The Columbia Candy Kitchen is conducted by Mr. Costas Papathakos. An endless variety of bon-bons, of an unusually high quality are always on sale, and the store presents a very attractive appearance, cleanliness being in evidence throughout the place. This business was established one year ago and has rapidly built up a large trade. Mr. Papathakos was born and educated in Greece.
E. L. Jones.
One of the important institutions of this city to the owners of horses, thoroughbred cattle, fine dogs, etc., is the establishment of Dr. E. L. Jones, located at Fifth and Ash Streets. The business became established the first of April of this year. Veterinary surgery in all of its branches is practiced, the work being done exclusively by Dr. E. L. Jones, who is a practical graduate veterinary surgeon as well as a painstaking, conscientious business man. Dr. Jones was born in Kansas in 1885 and received his education in this state, graduating from the Kansas City Veterinary College. 26
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.