Science Hall, Kansas Wesleyan University.
S. H. Kress & Company.
One of the marvels of modern merchandising has been the success of stores devoted to the sale of five and ten cent goods, and a conspicuous example of success along this line is that of the S. H. Kress & Company, located at 126 South Santa Fe Avenue. They began business at this location in a modern way the first of August, and the business has shown a steady growth to the present time. They have one of the largest stores of this character in this city and their Stock embraces everything usually found in the best stores of this kind in the country with the prices of 5, 10, 15 and 25 cents. From twenty to sixty courteous clerks are given employment and a floor space of 5,000 square feet is occupied by the display and storage of the large stock carried. The management of this store is in the hands of L. B. Russel. Mr. Russel was born in Mississippi and received his education in Texas. He has been connected with this company for the past three years.
R. O. Brown.
The growth and advancement of Salina in all branches and lines of trade has been little less than marvelous during the past decade. She has grown forward with rapid strides and built up great enterprises which have made her famous as a progressive up-to-date city. This we owe to the brains, enterprise and resources of our business men. A concern to which we wish to call special attention is that of R. O. Brown, a real estate company of sound business principles, reliability, integrity of purpose and always dealing fair and honorably with all. This business became established three years ago and has since that time been very instrumental in building up the city and farthering the commercial welfare of Salina. The offices are located in the Bulkley Building. The business conducted is handling real estate, buying or selling, exchanging developed and undeveloped properties, making loans, selling fire and tornado insurance, etc. Information will be furnished and correspondence is solicited. Mr. R. O. Brown, the proprietor of this business, was born in Kansas and educated here. Previous to establishing this business, Mr. Brown was employed as superintendent of the building and grounds of the public schools of this city. He is a member of the M. W. A. Mr. G. C. Griswold is also associated with this firm as salesman. He has lived in the county for thirty-five years and is highly esteemed by all.
People's Cleaner.
Among the cleaning, pressing and repairing etablishmtens[sic] of this city, the People's Cleaners, located at 157 North Santa Fe Avenue, is one of those deserving of more than passing mention. This business although only established two years ago has gained public approval and patronage. Shoe shining is conducted in connection. Garments of every description are repaired, cleaned and pressed. A floor space of 1200 square feet is occupied and employment is given to two courteous and experienced assistants. The enterprising proprietor of this establishment is Mr. D. E. Weinberg. Mr. Weinberg was born in Missouri and received his education in that state. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career.
Frederick & Son.
The heavily stocked establishement[sic] of Frederick & Son is located at 227 North Santa Fe Avenue. The business conducted is buying and selling of new and second hand goods. The stock carried, while some of it has been used for short length of time, is always re-varnished, renovated and just as serviceable and as finely finished as the new article, the only difference is in the price, which is in most cases about one-half what the ordinary furniture store charges. A handsome line of new goods is also carried. A floor space of 3,000 square feet is occupied by the display and storage of the immense stock carried. This business became established two years ago and has been under the present management since the first of September of this year. The proprietors are A. E. Frederick and L. C. Frederick. Mr. A. E. Frederick was born and educated in West Virginia. Previous to entering this business, he was employed as a carpenter. He is a highly honored member of the N. A. A. Mr. L. C. Frederick was born in Indiana and educated in Kansas. Previous to engaging in this business, he was employed as a salesman.
Salina Auto Tire Repair Co.
![]() Mr. J. Dettling |
![]() Mr. G. Chaney |
That this city is up to the demand of advanced ideas is shown by the character, extent and success of the many lines of business that are represented here. A house that has achieved success in its line is the Salina Auto Tire Repair Company. This establishment is located at 243 North Santa Fe Avenue. They make a specialty of vulcanizing and repairing, retreading and in fact everything in the line of auto tire repairing. The place is well equipped and has every modern device and machine for doing high class work. All the work is done promptly and at a reasonable price. Five expert mechanics are employed and a floor space of 1800 square feet is occupied by this up-to-date establishment. This business became established the first day of May of this year, and owing to the first class work turned out and the prompt and courteous treatment afforded all, a large trade has been built up and a wide reputation of high standing is enjoyed. The proprietors of this prosperous enterprise are Mr. Joseph Dettling and Mr. Grover Chaney. Mr. Dettling was born in Ohio and received his education in that state. He is a highly honored member of the M. W. A. Mr. Chaney was born and educated in Ohio. Previous to establishing this business, both were employed by the B. F. Goodrich Company. Mr. Chaney is a highly esteemed member of the K. of P. and the M. W. A.
A. Lindblom.

Interior of A. Lindblom's Tailor Shop.
Carrying one of the largest and choicest stocks of woolens in this city, and having an unrivalled reputation for reliability in making suits in any style of the art, workmanship and material which will compare favorably with any similar institution in this section of the country, is the well appointed establishment operated by Mr. A. Lindblom, and located at 125 South Santa Fe Avenue. This place became established twenty-seven years ago and has long been the headquarters in this city and vicinity among the particular and discriminating people. From eight to ten skilled tailors are given employment, and a large trade is enjoyed. Mr. Lindblom, the proprietor, was born in Sweden in 1854 and received his education in that country and in the United States. He is one of the pioneer tailors in this section, having followed this line of business during his entire business career.
Novelty Machine & Boiler Shop.
The Novelty Machine & Boiler Shop, located at 125 North Fifth Street, deserves special mention in this review of progressive activity. This business became established fifteen years ago. This establishment conducts a general repair shop, making a specialty of repairing machinery, boilers, etc. Three expert mechanics are employed and a floor space of 3,000 feet is occupied. The proprietor, Mr. F. W. Putsch, was born in Pennsylvania in 1872, and received his education in Kansas. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career.
Stuart & Son.

Stuart & Son, Monuments.
Nothing should be more carefully selected than a monument. Certainly nothing is more regretted than a mistake made in doing so. Great care is naturally taken in looking for some one especially prepared to meet all demands. Such a firm is that of Stuart & Son, located at 121 South Fifth Street. They have all kinds of granite and marble monuments, manufacture building blocks, and execute and design all kinds of stone work. From seven to eight skilled mechanics are employed and a reputation of high standing and large trade have been built up. An attractive as well as expensive line of finished marble and granite monuments are carried at all times. The work rooms occupy a floor space of 6,000 square feet and are thoroughly equipped to meet the demands of a large business; pneumatic tools are used and all other improved machinery. This business became established 30 years ago and is an extensive business. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. Robert Stuart and Mr. George G. Stuart. Mr. Robert Stuart was born in Scotland and educated in America. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career. He is a highly honored member of the M. W. A. Mr. George G. Stuart was born in Wisconsin and received his education in Kansas. He has been in this business throughout his business life. He is a valued member of the A. O. U. W. and the V. C. T. and at present secretary of Kan. Retail Mont. Dealers, Assn.
M. W. Park, D. D. S.
Dr. M. W. Park became established in this city six years ago, and is located at 122 North Santa Fe Avenue. A general practice of dentistry is conducted, including making plates, bridges, crowns, extracting and filling of teeth, etc. Dr. M. W. Park was born in Iowa, in 1881, and received his education in that state, graduating from the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. He is a member of the Elks, the K. of P., the M. W. A., and stands high in his profession.
The Western Star Mill Company.

The success and progress which follows enterprise and merit is ably presented in the business career of the Western Star Mill Company, one of Salina's most improtant industrial institutions. This mill, located on North Fourth street, is well appointed, with the latest in equipment for the manufacturing of high grade hard wheat flour. It became established in 1868 and is one of the most successfully conducted flouring mills in this section of the country. The magnitude of the plant and its high class appointments can better be understood when it is stated that 1200 barrels of flour can be manufactured daily and the elevators have a storage capacity of 300,000 bushels of grain. The plant covers one-half of a block and gives employments to thirty-five assistants under the supervision of an expert miller. A specialty is made of the "White Elephant" brand and the "Pride of Salina," both hard wheat flour. This company became incorporated in 1901, with the following officers: H. H. F. Sudendorf, President; James Haskit, Vice-President; H. E. Brooks, Sales Manager; George T. Wooley, Secretary; E. H. Sudendorf, Treasurer.

Kansas Wesleyan University Buildings.
E. L. Richardson.

Interior of E. L. Richardson's Tailor Shop.
The science of cutting is an art in which few succeed in reaching a high standard, and while there are many people engaged in the tailoring business in Salina, few receive the other rewards that come to a man who is capable of turning out a suit that is perfection in every respect. Mr. E. L. Richardson, however, is one of these few and his place enjoys an extremely large and profitable business among the discirminating[sic] and well dressed people of the city. His establishment is located at 140 North Santa Fe Avenue, and was located here one year ago. From five to seven expert and experienced tailors are empolyed on ladies' and gents' garments. The proprietor, Mr. E. L. Richardson, was born in Iowa in 1884 and received his education in Nebraska. Mr. F. S. Dickens is interested with Mr. Richardson and being an expert french dry cleaner, has charge of the cleaning department. Mr. Dickens comes from Louisville, Kentucky, and has a large circle of friends in Salina, having been formerly with the Hub Clothing Company for the last year. Messrs. Richardson and Dickens are hustlers, their method is better than most similar concerns and the work turned out will compare favorably with that of the larger institutions in the cities. At present they are erecting a building to be used as a cleaning plant, and when finished and equipped with the modern facilities, which they will install, it will be one of the most modern in this section and one which any citizen of Salina should be proud.
Silkenat Grocery.
At 108 South Fifth Street can be found one of the popular establishments of this city. This store was established one year ago. A large line of staple and fancy groceries, produce, fruits, vegetables, etc., is carried. A floor space of 2400 square feet is occupied by the display and storage of the stock. Three courteous assistants are given employment who promptly attend to the wants and desires of the trade. The live and enterprising proprietor of this establishment is Mr. W. Silkenat. Mr. Silkenat was born in Germany and received his education in that country. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career. He is a popular member of the Redmen, the K. & L. of Sec. and the A. O. U. W. Mr. Silkenat is a man of the strictest integrity and fair dealing
Eberhardt Brothers.
The firm of Eberhardt Brothers became established nine years ago, and have built up a large business among the citizens of Salina, and enjoy a reputation of high standing throughout the state. Life insurance of all kinds is written and sold, this firm being the general agents for the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company of Springfield, Massachusetts. Their offices are located in the Nesmith Block. They give employment to fifteen sub-agents. The members of this firm are Mr. John J. Eberhardt and Mr. Charles C. Eberhardt. Mr. John J. Eberhardt was born in Salina mid received his education in this city. He is an expert penman and has been engaged in the insurance business through his entire business career. Mr. Charles C. Eberhardt was also born and educated in Salina. He is now engaged as the American Consul General at large to South America. Both of these gentlemen have long been identified with the growth and prosperity of Salina.
Griffith Harness Shop.
Although established only two years, the Griffith Harness Shop, located at 107 North Fifth Street, is one of the prominent establishments in the city. The business conducted includes the handling of all kinds of horse goods, saddles, harness, etc. A large and complete line of saddles, whips, harness, robes, finding, etc., are carried and sold at the lowest possible prices. A specialty is made of repair work, which work is executed by expert workmen only and only the best leathers and materials are employed. Mr. C. A. Griffith, the proprietor, was born and educated in Indiana. Previous to entering this business, he conducted a harness and hardware business. He is a member of the Masons and the M. W. A.

First Presbyterian Church.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.