The Ekstrand Drug & Book Co., Incorporated.

Interior of The Ekstrand Drug & Book Company's Store.
This firm, established in Salina in 1895, by F. W. Ekstrand, its president and general manager, has grown and developed through the energy and untiring efforts of Mr. Ekstrand, into one of the largest and best equipped institutions west of Chicago. The new Duncan building 50x110 feet, was planned and arranged to meet their needs. The first floor has been equipped with rich mahogany furniture and fixtures, modern and convenient in every detail. The north side of this large room is devoted to the drug department, where everything carried by an up-to-date drug store can be secured. This department being isolated from the noise and confusion of the rest of the store makes it convenient for accurate prescription work. Two registered pharmacists under the direction of Fred England, a very capable and competent pharmacist from Oklahoma City, have charge of this work. The south side is devoted to the book, stationery and office supply department and is in chage of W. H. Montgomery. Through the center of the room is placed two rows of show cases in the form of a horse-shoe, in which are displayed cut glass, hand painted china and novelties from all countries. In the center, as you enter the store has been installed a special shaped Beeker Iceless Soda Fountain, the only one of its kind in the state. This fountain is in charge of an expert dispenser and cold or hot drinks and refreshments are served the year around. In additon[sic] to the retail business this firm are extensive jobbers in post cards, post card albums, novelties, stationery and office supplies. They employ six to nine salesmen selling these lines in Nebraska, Oklahoma and Colorado. The traveling public pronounce this store the finest and best equipped west of Chicago and the citizens of Salina take pride in bringing strangers and visitors to see this elegant establishment.
P. G. Houghton.
Prominent in this city as one of the reliable and thoroughly versed real estate men, Mr. Houghton, with offices in the Campbell-Tuthill Building began business in 1900. City and farm property and real estate in general is bought, sold or exchanged. Commissions are low and you are assured of honorable dealings and full values when trading with this man. Mr. F. G. Houghton is a native of New York state. He has been a resident of Salina for the past ten years and held the responsible office as Deputy Assessor for five years.
Johannes Art Store.
Carrying one of the largest stocks of art goods in the city, the Johannes Art Store has gained a wide reputation among all classes. This store has been established two years and is located at 116 1/2 South Santa Fe Avenue. A large and fine stock of art materials, leather goods, novelties, pictures, etc., is carried, and a specialty is made of china painting, which is done under the supervision of Miss Young, an expert in this line. All work is guaranteed to be exactly as represented and owing to the courteous treatment and high-class work a large and steadily growing business has been built up. Visitors are always welcome to inspect the stock of this establishment and three courteous clerks are employed to attend promptly to the wants of the trade. This business is managed and under the direct supervision of Miss Rose Johannes and Miss Phena Johannes. They are ladies of pleasing personality, and highly esteemed by all.
C. J. Peck.
Established in 1895, the real estate office conducted by Mr. C. J. Peck, and located in the Campbell-Tuthill building, has long been headquarters among the residents of this city and vicinity. He has a long list of improved farms and city property to rent or sell, writes fire and tornado insurance, negotiates loans, etc. The commissions are not over large, and if reliability and honesty is desired, anyone will consult Mr. Peck before closing a deal elsewhere. Mr. Peck is a native of New York State. He was superintendent of the State Reformatory at Hutchinson, Kansas, for eight years, and is at present a councilman in this city.
The Salina Alfalfa Meal Co.

Mr. C. H. Burke.
One of the latest additions to the mercantile and industrial importance of Salina is the above named firm. This firm, though only established in 1908, has proven an indespensible institution, and has won a meritorious reputation by manufacturing the highest grade of alfalfa product. The mill is a model of its kind and is located at Santa Fe Avenue and North Streets. An enormous wholesale business is conducted, and the mill is opearted[sic] to its full capacity, which is twenty-five tons per day at all times to meet the demands of the satisfied users of this product. Mr. C. H. Burke, the President and General Manager of this modern plant, is a native of this city.
Lon Smith & Son.
![]() Mr. Lon Smith. |
![]() Mr. R. V. Smith |
Things that concern the home have the particular interest of all members of the family at once. The name of Lon Smith & Son is a fixture among people who like things of quality for home purposes in the line of household furnishing goods and draperies, This firm is located at 141-43 South Santa Fe Avenue, and beyond a doubt is the largest and best equipped furniture store in this section. Their success is attributed to honest dealings in all their transactions. Every class of furniture that is needed or desired by any class of people can be found at this store at prices that are always the lowest. This film also specializes undertaking and embalming. Bodies are embalmed for immediate burial or shipoment. They also carry a complete line of caskets and undertakers' supplies. They are equipped with handsome black and white hearses, pall-bearers' coach, flower wagon, call buggy, etc. This undertaking business became established five years ago and in January, 1909, this firm added the furniture department. They occupy two floors each 50x100 of a fine new building, completely equipped for these lines. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. Lon Smith and his son, Mr. R. V. Smith.

Christian Science Church.
Will H. Sketlon & Co.
Among the many institutions of Salina which enjoy the confidence of the public, none stand forth more prominent or are deserving of more particular mention than the establishment of Will H. Skelton & Company, whose well appointed and heavily stocked display and storage rooms are located at 112 South Santa Fe Avenue. The history of this firm since it was established eleven years ago, has been one of steady advancement along lines of conservatism and good judgment. The business conducted includes the handling of new, re-built and second-hand typewriters, artistic and durable office furniture of every description, office supplies, safes, etc. They take orders for everything from a lead pencil, rubber stamp or swinging typewriter stand, to a set of card indexes, filing cabinet or a roll top desk. This company has agencies extending over the northwestern part of Kansas, in which territory they have built up a large trade. The president and local manager of this company is Mr. W. H. Skelton. Previous to establishing this business, he conducted a telegraph school here for twenty-one years. He has handled typewriters since 1899 and is thoroughly conversant with every detail pertaining to that business.
Edward Tatro

Edward Tatro is the proprietor and owner of the large and well appointed green-house located at 407 East Iron Ave. This business became established thirty years ago by Mr. John Buchi, who started on a small scale, retailing flowers and plants. The business has rapidly grown to large proportions under the judicious management of Mr. Tatro, who is an expert gardener and who carefully conducts this business along the lines that are satisfactory to all patrons. This establishment is the finest and best equipped greenhouse in the state, and enjoys an unrivalled reputation as well as a large trade. Cut flowers and plants of every kind are grown and handled in great varieties, and a specialty is made of floral decorations and designs for receptions, weddings, funerals and all other occasions where cut flowers, potted flowers or bouquets are needed. A large wholesale trade is also supplied. Six lots each 120x25 are occupied by this establishment. Mr. Edward Tatro was born in Massachusetts thirty-five years ago and received his education in that state. He has followed this line of business for the past fifteen years. His natural love and appreciation of Nature's works of art have been the secret of the wonderful success which he has attained. Mr. Tatro is a valued member of the Elks, M. W. A., I. O. O. F., Eagles, Royal Neighbors, U. C. T. and Redmen.
The City Panatorium.
Since its establishment, one and one quarter years ago, the widely and favorably known cleaning and dyeing establishment located at 117 E. Walnut street, has been the headquarters in our city for all cleaning and dyeing of clothes. Modern and progressive methods are used and the latest appliances and equipment are in use in every department. Garments are cleaned, pressed, repaired, and dyed and a specialty is made of dry cleaning. This firm is also the agent for three order tailor establishments. The proprietor of this business, Mr. Percy Pine, was born in New Mexico, and received his education in Kansas. He is a popular member of the Yeomen and F. A. A.

Entrance to Oakdale Park.
A. G. Anderson, M. D.

Residence of Dr. Anderson.
One of the prominent specialists of this city is Dr. A. G. Anderson, whose offices are located in the Watson Buiilding. He has been practicing in this city for the past eight years, and speciallizes diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Dr. Anderson was born in Des Moines, Iowa, and received his early training and education in that city. He later attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis, Missouri, and took special courses along these branches.
C. V. Young.
The establishment of Mr. C. V. Young, located at 153 South Santa Fe Avenue, is one of the largest bicycle stores in this section. They handle a complete line of bicycles, motor cycles, etc., all of which are of standard make and manufacture. They made a specialty of general repairing and this department is largely partonizaed owing to the fact that only expert machinists are employed. Mr. Young's thorough knowledge of the business and his perfectly equipped store enables him to buy goods cheap and quote low prices. He employs from two to three experienced assistants. Mr. C. V. Young was born in Indiana in 1870 and received his education in that state. Previous to establishing this business two years ago, he was employed as a boiler-maker. He is a well-known and popular member of the W. O. W., Yomen, and the Redmen, and is numbered among our most progressive and enterprising business men.
"The Isis."

The Isis Theatre.
Among the popular amusement resorts of this city is that known as "The Isis," located at 116 North Santa Fe Avenue, and conducted by Mr. Wm. Hogben. This theater has been established since the first of June of this year. It is nicely decorated and finished in an artistic manner with the latest improved machinery, cultured musicians and courteous attendants. The theater has a seating capacity of 300, with every equipment for the convenience and comfort of the patrons in use. It has an elevated floor so that the performance can be seen from any seat in the house, an excellent ventilating system, etc. The entertainment includes two reels of motion pictures and a one act vaudeville sketch. Seven courteous employees are required. William Hogben, the proprietor of this popular resort, was born in Kansas.

Residence of Dr. Moses.
Fattig & Crowell Smoke House.
The Fattig & Crowell Smoke House, located at 136 North Santa Fe Ave., is popular among all classes, owing to the conservative manner in which it is conducted. Four pool and one fine billiard table are in use and owing to their clean and well-kept condition, this place has long been a source of recreation. A fine line of domestic and imported cigars, tobacco, smoker's supplies, soft drinks, etc., are carried. This business became established one year ago and has since that time built up an unsurpassed reputation. Three courteous assistants are in attendance to wait on the refined and particular trade who patronize this place. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. S. A. Crowell and J. W. Fattig. Mr. Crowell was born in Illinois in 1864 and received his education in that state. Previous to entering this line of business, he was connected with the Model Steam Laundry here for twenty-seven years. Mr. J. W. Fattig was formerly engaged in the resaurant[sic] business. He is a highly valued member of the K. of P. These gentlemen are men of pleasing personality and highly esteemed.

Gypsum Hill Cemetery.
Hower's Bakery.
One of the advantages the people of Salina and vicinity have which is not possessed by every city is a thoroughly equipped and modern sanitary bakery. Hower's bakers was established three years ago and is one of the most completely equipped plants in this section. This institution is located at 129 South Santa Fe Ave. They do a general wholesale and retail business, bake everything to be found in a first class bakery and their bread which is famous for its purity is on sale at the majority of grocery stores. They make a specialty of fancy pastry, including cakes for weddings, receptions, parties, etc. Seven competent assistants are employed and a floor space of 3,000 square feet is occupied. A handsome soda fountain and parlor has been installed and is conducted in connection. Mr. E. C. Hower, the proprietor of this establishment was born in Pennsylvania and received his education in this state. Previous to establishing this business, he was engaged in the confectionery business for seventeen years, and was also employed as a traveling salesman for seven years.
F. E. Perkins.
Among the important institutions of our city is that conducted by Mr. F. E. Perkins and located at 149 South Fifth Street. The business consists in the handling of flour, feed, hay, grains, etc. This business became established the first of October. A floor space of 3000 square feet is occupied. Two skilled employes are required who courteously cater to the desires of all. Mr. F. E. Perkins, the live and enterprising proprietor of this prosperous establishment, was born in Wis., in 1867 and received his education in Kansas. Previous to establishing this business, he was engaged in the hay business in this city for six years. He is a highly honored and valued member of the Triple Tie and the Fraternal Aid. He is an earnest worker for the best interests of our city and is highly esteemed in this community by all who know him.
Nesmith & Sons.
Carrying one of the choicest stocks of imported and domestic groceries in this city, complete line of staple groceries and provisions of every description, everything in smoked meats and having an unrivalled reputation for efficiency of service, quotations of moderate prices and metropolitan business methods, the store of Nesmith & Sons at 116 West Iron Avenue occupies a foremost position among the city's mercantile establishments. This store has a highly successful business career extending over it period of several years. Five Courteous assistants are given employment and 1,800 square feet of floor space is occupied. An ample number of wagons are used in delivering the goods to the various parts of the city. This store has been under the present management for the past two years. The proprietors are Mr. W. L. Nesmith and his sons, Mr. V. L. Nesmith and Mr. H. J. Nesmith.

Y. M. C. A. Building.
Browne's Meat Market.
The position which the handler of meats occupies in any town or city is one of paramount importance, and it is a pleasure to be able to mention the name of a gentleman who has done as much towards giving our people good accommodations in this line as has Mr. W. J. Browne, whose establishment is located at 233 North Santa Fe Avenue. The stock always represents the greatest possible variety, and the highest qaulity[sic] of meats, such as beef, veal, pork, mutton, lamb, lard, bacon, poultry, fish, oysters, etc. Two experienced butchers are employed. Mr. Browne was born in Kentucky and received his education in Kansas. He is an honored member for the M. W. A., and is highly esteemed by all.
Mayo's Livery.

Mayo's Livery Barn.
Located at the corner of Fifth street and Iron Avenue is to be found Mayo's Livery Stables, the largest and best establishment of this character in the city. It became established two and one half years ago and has since been conducted along lines that insure a steady increase in both patronage and popularity. The barn occupies a well-appointed structure, 50x120 feet two stories in heighth and is equipped with box and padded stalls, wash rooms, repository and all else which goes to make complete establishment of this character. The finest single and double rigs and turnouts to be found in this city are always on hand at this place. Besides the livery business, a cab line is operated in connection. A large number of the businesss and professional men of this city board their horses at this barn, the greatest care being taken with each animal and owing to the experience of the proprietor the proper kind and amount of feed is given each border. The proprietor of this business, Mr. R. A. Mayo was born in Illinois and received his education in Kansas. He has been engaged in this line of business during the past ten years. He is a valued member of the Maccabees, I. O. O. F. and Elks.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.