John Gates Grocery.
There are many grocery establishments located all over the city. However, some are more successful than others, due probably entirely to the high-class goods handled. Among the successful grocery establishments of Salina is John Gates' located at 110-12 West Iron Avenue, where a complete and conservatively selected line of fresh staple and fancy groceries, vegetables, fruits, canned goods, condiments, etc., is handled. A Specialty is made of "Chase & Sanborn's" teas and coffees, "Ferndell," and "Curtis Brothers," the "Lee" and the "Watson" canned goods, for which they are exclusive agents. Fourteen clerks are employed, courteous treatment and quick service are a specialty, and all goods are priced very low. A floor space of 3150 square feet is occupied by the display and storage of the large stock carried. This store has a firmly established reputation among the discriminating and particular people of Salina, having been established in 1893. John Gates, the proprietor of this business, was born in Ohio, and came to Kansas twenty-five years ago. The sterling business principles of integrity and fair dealing, coupled with the courteous treatment all patrons receive, have been important elements in the success that Mr. Gates has achieved.
Dr. C. B. Fort.
Dr. C. B. Fort has only been established in this city two years, but he is already recognized as one of the most expert veterinary surgeons in this section of the country. Dr. Fort was born in Indiana in 1872 and received his education in Canada. He has followed this profession during the past twelve years and has completely equipped offices located at Fifth street and Iron avenue.
Salina Carriage Works.

Salina Carriage Works.
The Salina Carriage Works has achieved recognition as one of the most competent and conscientious builders of delivery wagons, grocery and meat wagons in this section. A blacksmithing and wood department is also conducted, and all work is turned out in a high class manner. Employment is given to four skilled mechanics and prompt service is afforded all. Mr. C. W. Anderson has charge of the carriage works and the repairing department, and has been established here for fifteen years. He is a jovial, good natured business man and highly esteemed socially. Mr. O. F. Gross is in direct supervision of the painting and trimming department, where autos, carriages, etc., are artistically colored and painted, trimmed and newly upholstered. This metropolitanly conducted and up-to-date establishment is located at 134-136 North Fifth Street. The painting and trimming department is located on the second floor.
Merrill Brokerage Co.
Success which follows enterprise and merit is ably presented in the history of the Merrill Brokerage Company. This firm began business in Salina two years ago and owing to their honorable treatment of the trade, handling the best goods, quoting moderate prices, they have gained a reputation second to none and enjoy a large and remunerative trade. A large line of staple and fancy groceries, fruit and produce are handled in car load lots. Mr. Edward H. Merrill was born in Illinois in 1880 and received his education in that state. Previous to entering this line of business, he was engaged in the banking business. He is a member of the Elks and the U. C. T.
Inside Fruit Store.

Interior of the Inside Fruit Store.
This business is located at 140 North Santa Fe Avenue. It became established one year ago and at once became the leader in this line. Imported and domestic fruit of all kinds is carired[sic] and a complete line of magazines, periodicals, cigars, candies, etc., are handled. Two courteous clerks are employed to promptly attend to the wants of the trade. Mr. O. B. Merrill was born in Boston in 1853 and received his education in that city. Previous to entering this line of business, he was engaged in the grocery business. He is a well-known and popular member of the M. W. A. and the Royal Neighbors and is numbered among the progressive business men of our city.
![]() Plymouth Congregational Church. |
![]() Curious Rock Formation near Salina. |
![]() Curious Rock Formation near Salina. |
Austin, Gehr & Austin.
Standing foremost among similar concerns of this city is the establishment of Austin, Gehr & Austin, located at 137 North Santa Fe Avenue. This business became established eleven years ago, and is more and more taking the lead in the branches of trade embraced within its line of dealing with each succeeding year, and at present is well prepared to meet the requirements of the public in groceries, dry goods, shoes, etc. The premises occupied comprises 3000 square feet of floor space. It is not by chance that the business of this store has reached its present proportions, but is due to the energy and enterprise of the proprietors, Mr. L. R. Austin, Mr. A. A. Gehr and Mr. W. L. Austin, who are in direct supervision of all details. The proprietors of this business are highly esteemed as broad-gauged, up-to-date business men of the modern type, who by intelligent study and effort kept in touch with the wants and desires of the public and placed their establishment in the front ranks in the business life of Salina.
Waite & Weatherby Grocery.
Salina possesses many metropolitan establishments that would be a credit to a city of twice its size, one of which deserves particular mention in a souvenir of this character, is the grocery store of Waite & Wetherby. located at 144 South Fifth Street. This store became established two years ago and is one of the up-to-date and popular stores of its kind in the city. The stock embraces a full line of the purest and best food products usually carried by a first class grocery, including staple and fancy groceries, peerless canned goods, best brands of flour, produce, vegetables and fruit in season, etc. The store is always kept in a scrupulously clean and sanitary manner. Seven experienced and capable clerks insure the trade of good service, and a floor space of 3000 square feet is occupied by the storage and display of the stock carried. The proprietors of this establishment are Mr. I. S. Waite and Mr. D. T. Weatherby. Mr. Waite was born and educated in Ohio. Previous to establishing this business, he was engaged in farming. He is a highly honored member of the K. of P. Mr. Weatherby, previous to entering this line of business was employed in the grocery and bakery business. He is a well-known and popular member of the Masons and the K. of P. These gentlemen are up-to-date, progressive business men of the modern type.
E. W. Biggs & Company.
The firm of E. W. Biggs & Company located at Fourth and Iron Avenue, has been established many years but has been under the present management but one year. The business conducted is the buying and selling of hides, pelts, furs, etc. From three to five courteous clerks are required to promptly attend to the wants of trade. This firm has its headquarters located in Kansas City, Missouri. The branch here has built up a large trade as well as a wide reputation through courteous treatment and top prices paid. Mr. F. F. Challis, the manager, was born in Kansas and received his education in this state. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career. Mr. Challis is also a member of the firm of Challis & Matthews, agents for the Day's Resilient Automobile Tire Filler. This firm is located at 129 North Fifth and make a specialty of filling tires with this compound which makes a solid tire, impossible to puncture, and requiring no air. Two assistants are required, and a floor space of 2500 square feet is occupied by this establishment. Mr. Challis is highly esteemed in this community and is a valued member of the M. W. A.
Stevenson Transfer Company.
There are few enterprises that contribute more towards the growth and commercial expansion of any community than a transfer business. People are restless and always desiring a change and it is necessary to have concerns of this character, who are well equipped to answer any demand in this line. One of the largest and most important enterprises of this kind, is that of the Stevenson Transfer Company, located at 103 South Fifth Street. They possess every necessary requisite for the proper and prompt carrying on of a buisness of this character. They have an ample number of wagons always on hand, and employ from eighteen to twenty capable and experienced men, to attend promptly to all orders. This business became established twenty-four years ago by Mr. A. W. Stevenson, father of the present proprietor. It has rapidly taken a foremost position among the transfer establishments of this city and enjoys a large patronage as well as a reputation of highest standing. The present proprietor, Mr. M. A. Stevenson, has been managing this business for the past two years. Mr. M. A. Stevenson was born in Kansas and received his education in this state. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career.
The Crescent Cafe.
Among the diversified industries of Salina none is more interesting than that carried on by Mr. A. Chelberg, the proprietor of the Crescent Cafe located at 114 East Iron Avenue. Regular meals are served with short orders at all hours. Cigars, confectionery, soft drinks, etc., are also to be found at this cafe. Mr. A. Chelberg, the proprietor, was born in Sweden and received his education in that country.
The Ladies' Toggery.

Interior of The Ladies' Toggery.
One of the advantages which the people of Salina have which is not possessed by every city, is a first class metropolitanly conducted ladies' clothing store. This we owe to the proprietors of the Ladies' Toggery, located at 124 North Santa Fe Avenue, and which became established four years ago. While there are a number of firms handling this line of goods there are none deserving more particular mention that the above named firm. Their success was assured from the start owing to the lines carried and the prices quoted. Two floors each 20x110 ft. are occupied by the attractive displays of the stock carried, which includes millinery, cloaks, suits, ready-to-wear garments, imported and domestic materials, etc. Seventeen courteous assistants attend promptly to the wants of the trade. The proprietors of this metropolitan and up-to-date establishment are Mr. Milton Levy and Mr. Harry Jame.
The Racket.

Interior of The Racket Store. Photo by Moore
Located at 126 North Santa Fe Avenue is to be found one of the important and beautiful stores of Salina. This business became established three years ago and at once took its place among the leading establishments of the city, enjoying a wide reputation and a large patronage. The stock consists of a varied line of useful and necessary articles, including pictures, books, Bibles, stationery, postcards, fine china, queensware, glassware, lamps, tinware. enameledware, and in fact, everything to be found in a complete racket and notion store. The store is heavily stocked and, owing to the fine display makes a very attractive and pleasing appearance. From four to ten courteous clerks attend to the wants of the trade, and a floor space of 3,500 square feet is occupied by the display and storage of the immense stock. The proprietors of this up-to-date store are Mr. A. L. Duckwall and Mr. W. F. Duckwall. These gentlemen also operate similar stores at Manhattan, Clay Center and Abilene, Kansas.
Salina Sanitary Milk Co.

Salina Sanitary Milk Co.
Although the Salina Sanitary Milk Company has only been established two years, it has already built up one of the largest trades in this line in the city, because of the fact that all goods handled are of a superior quality, fresh and at moderate prices. This business is located at 151 South Santa Fe Avenue. From five to ten courteous and careful assistants are employed and the customers are always well pleased when trading at this place. Pasteurized milk, cream, ice cream, ices, sherbets, etc., are handled extensively in both retail and wholesale quantities. A specialty is made of fancy brick ice cream and special moulds. All goods are delivered promptly to any part of the city, four wagons being used exclusively in the delivering of their products. The milk used in the manufacture of the products is bought direct from the farmers. This establishment is completely equipped with the latest machinery, and the work-rooms, utensils and equipment are always kept in a clean and sanitary condition. The proprietor, Mr. J. B. Anderson, was born in Kansas. He has been engaged in the milk business in this city during his business career.

South Park School.
Anderson's Broom Factory.

One of the potent factors in Salina's substantial and rapid business advancement has been the energy and enterprise shown by our business men in pushing their business to a successful conclusion. We know of no line that has progressed so rapidly and to such a high state of perfection as the broom manufacturing business. One of the prominent factories of this character is the Anderson's Broom Factory. This establishment is located at 235 North Fifth Street. It has every modern facility and equipment for the manufacture of brooms. Owing to the large volume of business conducted, this establishments sells its products at prices which the smaller concerns cannot equal. A floor space 16x85 is occupied by this factory and five experienced workmen are given employment. This became established fourteen years ago and has been conducted along those lines which assured its success. Mr. Gus. Anderson is the live and enterprising proprietor of this establishment. Mr. Anderson was born in Sweden and received his education in that country.
V. E. Butler.
Metropolitan, up-to-date methods and a well selected stock with low prices prevailing are the distinctive features of the establishment of Mr. V. E. Butler. This establishment is located at 118 North Fifth street. The business conducted consists of the handling and selling of eggs, and poultry. Mr. V. E. Butler was born in Ohio and received his education in Iowa, attending the Iowa University. Previous to engaging in this line of business, Mr. Butler was engaged in the newspaper business here for ten years. He is a well known and popular member of the Masons.
Tipton Piano Store.

Standing decidedly in the lead among similar concerns in this city the Tipton Piano Store occupying well appointed and commodious quarters at 206 East Walnut street, has built up an immense trade since it was established eight years ago. This store carries a complete line of organs, pianos, sewing machines, phonographs and musical instruments of all kinds. A floor space of 1,500 square feet is occupied by the display and storage of the immense stock carried. Mr. B. H. Tipton, the proprietor, is thoroughly conversant with the music business and it is owing to his long experience and the practical and honorable business methods pursued that this favorable reputation has been gained. Mr. Tipton was born in Kansas and received his education in this city.
H. H. Eberhardt.
The assistance of the insurance agent is indispensable to the owners of dwellings, factories, mills, warehouses, business blocks, farm buildings, and other property interests. An insurance agent who has gained the implicit confidence of the people of Salina is Mr. H. H. Eberhardt, whose offices are located in the Nesmith Block. This business became established nine years ago. Fire insurance of all kinds is handled, Mr. Eberhardt being agent for four of the strongest fire insurance companies in the country. A specialty is made of handling real estate in both farms and city property. Mr. Eberhardt was born in Kansas and received his education here. Previous to entering this line of business, he was engaged in the lumber business. He has held the office of County Treasurer and is at present City Treasurer, and in both of these positions he has served in a very commendable manner.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.