Edward Lotz.
![]() Mr. Edward Lotz. |
![]() Mr. H. C. Elliott. |
A concern to which we wish to call attention is that of Edward Lotz, located at 110-12 North Fifth Street. This business became established thirty-one ears ago, and has since been conducted along lines that insure a steady increase in patronage and popularity. Mr. Lotz has built up a large trade and enjoys a meritorius reputation as well as a prosperous business. Hard and soft coal for heating and power purposes is on hand; hay straw, feed and grain of all kind is also handled. From twelve to fifteen courteous assistants are employed to attend promptly to the wants of the trade. From five to eight wagons are kept busy delivering the goods to all parts of the city. Mr. Lotz is also the proprietor of the Western Seed House, located at 120-122 North Fifth Street. This establishment is one of the largest catalogue seed houses in this part of the country and sells seed in Kansas, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, and all parts of the West. It has been established twenty-five years and has built up an immense trade. This establishment sells at wholesale and retail and issues a fine large catalogue. Mr. H. C. Elliott is in direct supervision of this business. Mr. Elliott was born in Canada and received his education in that country. He is a highly honored member of the Shriners, U. C. T., the M. W. A., and the Foresters. Mr. Lotz was born in Germany and received his education in that country previous to entering these branches of business, he was employed as a cabinet maker. He was the first cabinet-maker here and is the oldest coal dealer. He is an honored and popular member of the Masons and others.
F. A. Maynard Produce Co.

F. A. Maynard Produce Co.'s Plant.
With mammoth premises located at the corner of Fourth and Ash streets, the F. A. Maynard Produce Co., was established in 1890. The business consists of handling fruit and produce in wholesale quantities. A specialty is made of handling the well known brand of "Sunkist" oranges and lemons. The business methods persued and prices quoted are such that a large business has been built up among the retail merchants of this city and the surrounding territory. From fifteen to twenty employees are required and a building 50x100 feet and four floors in height is occupied. The location is convenient to the merchants in all parts of the city, and is located on the Union Pacific track. This firm is composed of Messrs F. A. and D. Maynard. They are business men of strict integrity and high morals.
Central Kansas Real Estate Co.
It is inconceivable that any intelligent citizen of our community has failed to observe that the trend of events in the business world of Salina within the last decade or so has been strongly in the direction of vastly augmented industrial and real estate operations. The subject of this article, the Central Kansas Real Estate Company, is a real estate company at every sense of the word. They stand for reliability, honesty and integrity of purpose. They established this business four years ago, and are offering to the residents who wish to invest in real estate, opportunities to make safe and profitable investments in homes, income property, etc. They also offer for sale land in any part of Kansas or Texas. They make exchanges, close deals, sell and rent property and collect rentals. They specialize everything in this line, and cater to the patrons with an urbanity and good will which has won friends and patrons among all classes. They have prospered since locating here and owing to their direct touch with the market and real estate value they can offer concessions which will be to the interest of the large investor or those with small savings. The proprietor of this establishment, Mr. G. W. Baker, was born in Wisconsin and there educated. He has been engaged in this line of business during his entire business career. He is numbered among our progressive and up-to-date business men.
Salina Hydralic Stone & Brick Company.

Mr. I. C. Henry.
The magnitude of the manufacturing establishments of Salina only become apparent after a thorough disclosure of the capabilities and resources of each individual establishment. To persent[sic] to the outside world and to those who may be in quest of a thrifty location in which to establish a business we shall depict the important array of wealth and enterprise engaged in developing Salina and vicinity. One to which we wish to call special attention is the Salina Hydralic Stone & Brick Company, located at Fourth and Ash streets. The premises utilized are thoroughly equipped with the latest modern machinery suggested by years of experience and inventive ingenuity, for the manufacture of all kinds of cement building blocks, cement bricks, etc. From five to ten skilled workmen are given employment. A specialty is made of porch columns, piers, etc. This plant occupies over one-half a block, and is one of the largest and most ably conducted institutions of this character in the state. It became established seven years ago, and has rapidly grown to large proportions. The officers of this company are Mr. I. C. Henry, President and Manager and Mr. J. Duncan, Secretary and Treasurer.
Dr. A. W. Williams.

There are few of the merchants of Salina and more particularly the horse-owners who do not know Dr. A. W. Williams, the veterinary surgeon. Dr. Williams conducts a general practice of veterinary surgery and his office is located with the City Transfer Company, at 141 South Fifth Street. He employs two attendants to assist him, but all work is done under his direct supervision. Dr. Williams was born in Ohio in 1868 and received his education in Kansas. He has followed this profession for the past nineteen years. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. and the A. H. T. A.
Salina Fruit & Confectionery Co.
The Salina Fruit & Confectionery Company is located at 154 North Santa Fe Avenue. This business became established three years ago, and at once became a leader in this line of business, in Salina. A well-appointed building, with a floor space of 2,100 square feet is occupied by the storage and display of the immense stock carried, which includes imported and domestic fruits, confectionery, candies. etc. Mr. Naaman was born in Syria and received his education in that country.
Baier Jewelry Company.

Interior of Baier Jewelry Co's. Store.
A notable example of what can be accomplished by a thorough knowledge of a business and honorable buisness[sic] methods is exemplified in the well merited success of the Baier Jewelry company. This firm is located at 106 North Santa Fe Ave. Theyt handle a complete line of watchs, clocks, precious stones, cut glass, jewelry, novelties, etc. and only the best goods in all lines are carried. Prices are moderate, service is courteous and prompt and patrons are always assured of receiving what is wanted when trading at this place. This business became established in 1878 and has since been conducted along lines whih assured the success which it has achieved. Two graduate opticians are in charge of the optical department. Glasses are fitted and crossed eyes straightened. A repair department is conducted in connection, where fine watch and jewelry repairing is executed. Four courteous clerks are employed to attend promptly to the wants of the trade and a floor space of 2,800 square feet is occupied by the display of the large stock carried. The proprietors are Mr. C. A. Baier and Mr. H. F. Baier.
Woodward & Woody.

Woodward & Woody's Store.
One of the prosperous and largely patronized wholesale and retail wall paper, paint, and glass houses lotthis section is that located at 107 N. 7th St., and conducted by Woodward & Woody. This is an old established business, having been operated at this stand for a long term of years. It has been under the present management for the past seven months only, but owing to their close attention to business, catering to the wants of the trade, honorable business methods, prompt service, a wide reputation has been built up. The goods carried comprise a full and complete line of the latest patterns and designs in wall paper, glass and decorating material. They also carry a line of high quality paints, mouldings and supplies. A specialty is made of executing interior and exterior decorations of all kinds. The volume of business conducted gives employment to sixteen capable workmen. Estimates for work in this line, either in this city or out of town, will be furnished on appication. A better idea of the volume of business conducted may be gained when it is stated that three floors and a basement, each 30x100 feet, are occupied by the storage of the large and complete line of goods carried. The members of this firm are Mr. J. A. Woodward and Mr. Carl Woody, and both take active part in the management of this business.
Anderson & Co.
The real estate firms in any city are probably more important than any other line of busines,[sic] both to the commercial prosperity and general increase in values. The real estate firm known as Anderson & Co., and occupying offices over the Farmers National Bank, was established in 1908. Ralph Anderson and Mr. C. D. Miller, the members of the firm, are men of integrity, and a firmly established reputation. Real estate in all its branches is handled, including city and farm properties, etc. They also negotiate loans and write insurance. Mr. Anderson has followed this line a long term of years and is well known as authority on real estate values in any part of this section. Mr. Miller of this city also enjoys a merited reputation for efficiency and conservative dealings.
The Carlin Pharmacy.

Interior of Carlin's Drug Store.
The Carlin Pharmacy is located at 109 North Santa Fe Avenue. This drug store is completely stocked with drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, toilet articles, rubber goods, confectionery, imported and domestic cigars, etc. A specialty is made of compounding physicians' prescriptions, which work is executed by skilled pharmacists only, and only the most pure and fresh drugs and chemicals are used. This store is one of the oldest in this city, having been established in 1881. It is completely equipped with the latest and most modern fixtures, equipment and facilities, and a handsome soda fountain has been installed where refreshing drinks of all kinds are served. Six courteous clerks are in attendance and prompt service is afforded all. This establishment occupies a handsome building, with a floor space of 3600 square feet. It was especially built for this business, having been completed in the summer of 1904. The proprietor of this business, T. W. Carlin, is numbered among the public spirited and influential citizens of Salina.
Price's Bakery.
Salina is rapidly striving for a remarkable future. Our manufacturing and mercantile establishments already compare favorably with those in many of the metropolitan cities, and they are a guarantee of the enterprise and progressiveness of our business men. In the bakery line, we point with pride to the Price's Bakery, located at 225 North Santa Fe Ave. The products of this establishment are in great demand throughout the city and the plant is run to its capacity in order to supply the trade. No more toothsome and more wholesome bread, cakes, confections, and bakery products, were ever produced anywhere. A large retail business is conducted but a specialty is made of the wholesale trade. A floor space of 3,600 square feet is occupied. Sanitary conditions prevail throughout the plant and this establishment is a model of its kind. Experienced bakers are employed and only the very best and most pure of ingredients are used and the result is a good wholesome product. This business became established six years ago and has been under the management of the present proprietor for the past year. A large trade has been built up and a wide reputation in enjoyed. The proprietor, Mr. Matt Price was born in Salina, Kansas and received his education in this city. Previous to entering this business, he was engaged in a moving picture business. He is a highly esteemed member of the I. O. O. F. and is numbered among our enterprising and public spirited citizens.
Salina Produce Company.
One of the city's most representative industries and one that is recognized as one of the leading institutions of its kind in this section, is that of the Salina Produce Company, located in the Watson building. This business became established five years ago, and has been conducted along lines that insure a steady increase in patronage and popularity. They have built up a large trade and enjoy a meritorious reputation as well as a prosperous business. They confine their business to car load lots, which include feed, seeds, vegetables, coal, corn, oats, hay, cane, milling wheat, mill feed, potatoes, cabbage, etc. They have customers in Idaho, Iowa, Texas, Washington, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota and several other states. This company has elevators located at Lawrenceburg, Niles and Walker, on the Union Pacific railroad. Also Gypsum City and Council Grove on the Missouri Pacific and Downing on the M. K. & T. They can make shipment over any road and guarantee prompt delivery. This business has continually grown and increased under the judicious management of Mr. I. A. Pribble, owner and general manager of this company. Mr. Pribble was born in Indiana and received his education in Iowa. Previous to establishing this business, he was connected with the Union Pacific railroad at Omaha, Nebraska, for eleven years. He is numbered among our most progressive and up-to-date business men.

Residence of I. A. Pribble.
Stevenson Clothing Co.
The clothing and gentlemen's furnishing goods store of Stevenson Clothing Company, located at 104 North Santa Fe Avenue, is one of the most successful and largely patronized concerns of this kind in the city. They carry a large and complete line of ready-to-wear clothing, hats, caps, and neckwear, gentlemen's furnishing goods of all kinds of standard in manufacture, and no more perfect line of ready-to-wear clothing nor in fact, any quite equaling their present stock has ever been placed on sale in the city. A specialty is made of "Hart, Shaffner & Mark," the "Stein-Bloch," and the "Kuppenheimer" brands of clothing. Six courteous clerks are in attendance who promptly wait on the trade. A floor space of 3000 square feet is occupied. This business became established in 1894 and has since been the headquarters for the particular and discriminating people of Salina. The officers of this establishment are Mr. W. B. Stevenson, Pres., and Mr. M. C. Stevenson, Sec. and Treas. They are thoroughly versed in this line of business and are highly esteemed in the community.
Ostenberg Implement Co.
A concern to which we wish to call special attention is that of the Ostenberg Implement Company, a large implement house and warehouse and display rooms located at 200 East Iron Avenue. This firm handles a complete line of buggies, wagons, implements, harness, etc., which include only the best makes and which are sold at the lowest price with the high quality. Two floors each 50x70 are occupied and from three to four experienced salesmen are given employment. This business became established six years ago and the owners have built up a large trade throughout the city and vicinity. The members of this firm Mr. J. A. Lockstrom and Mr. F. O. Ostenberg. Both of these gentlemen have followed this line of business druing their entire business life and are esteemed by all who know them.
J. B. Ruhl & Sons.

Interior of J. B. Ruhl & Sons' Place. Photo by Moore
Among the most successful billiard and pool parlors in the city is that of J. B. Ruhl & Sons, located at 107 North Santa Fe Avenue, where they have been established since July of this year. They have rapidly gained public approval and popularity as one of the city's most attractive places of amusement. They occupy a floor space of 3,500 square feet which is equipped with six fine pool and billiard tables, handsome wall-cases, and finished entirely in mission furniture. A complete line of high-grade domestic and imported cigars, tobaccos, smokers' supplies, etc., is carried. The proprietors are Mr. J. B. Ruhl and his two sons, Mr. M. E. Ruhl and Mr. R. C. Ruhl.
Transcribed from Salina, Kansas - past and present, progress and prosperity - Souvenir [Kansas City, Mo.]. Freeman Publishing Company, [191?]. 48p. ill.; 28 cm.