Transcribed from A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. [Revised ed.] Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1919, c1918. 5 v. (xlviii, 2530 p., [155] leaves of plates): ill., maps (some fold.), ports.; 27 cm.
A-Am | An-Az | B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Be | Bi-Bog | Boh-Boz | Br-Brot | Brow-Bry | Bu-By | C-Ce | Ch-Cl | Co-Cop | Co-Crav | Craw-Cu | D-Dea | Deb-Di | Do-Dy | E-El | Em-Ez | F-Fl | Fo-Fz | G-Gi | Gl-Gra | Gre-Gz | H-Han | Har-Haw | Hay-He | Hi-Hop | Hor-Hy | I | J | K-Kim | Kin-Kz | L-Lil | Lim-Lz | Ma | Mc-McF | McG-McW | Me | Mi | Mo-Mor | Mos-My | N | O | P-Pea | Pec-Ph | Pi-Py | Q | R-Re | Rh-Rod | Roe-Rz | S-Se | Sh | Si-Sn | Sm | Sn-Sr | St-Sz | Stor-Sz | T-Th | Ti-Tz | U | V | W-Wa | We | Wh-Wilk | Will-Wiz | Wo-Wy | Y | Z

PLEASE NOTE: This is the 1919 revised edition.
The 1918 edition is available at

Volumes 4 & 5 - Name Index


Maag, Mamie L. (v5) *
Maag, Soophia (v5) *
Maag, William (v5) *
Mabry, Charles (v5) *
Mabry, Harriet A. (v5) *
Mabry, Maude (v5) *
Mabry, Philip (v5) *
Mabry, Rachel (v5) *
MacClure, - (v5) *
MacDougal, Ernest (v5) *
MacDougal, Essie (v5) *
Macey, F. M. (v5) *
Macey, Lena (v5) *
Machin, John (v5) *
Machin, Mary E. (v5) *, *
Mack, Hadie (v5) *
Mack, J. B. (v5) *
Mackey, E. W. (v5) *
Mackey, Jessie (v5) *
Mackey, Rena M. (v5) *
Mackey, Sylvania (v5) *
Mackey, W. D. (v5) *, *
Macy, Leona May (v4) *
Macy, Louisa (v4) *
Macy, Owen (v4) *
Madara, Mary (v4) *
Madden, Alice (v5) *
Madden, Annie (v5) *, *
Madden, Charles (v5) *, *
Madden, Edward (v5) *
Madden, Elizabeth (v5) *
Madden, Ella (v5) *
Madden, Ernest Walter (v5) *
Madden, Gabriel (v5) *
Madden, Harry Wallace (v5) *
Madden, John (v5) *
Madden, Johnson (v5) *
Madden, Joy (v5) *
Madden, Mary (v5) *
Madden, Nettie (v5) *
Madden, Samuel (v5) *, *
Madden, Zana (v5) *
Maddy, Alvin (v4) *
Maddy, Minnie (v4) *
Maddy, Wilber (v4) *
Madigan, Aline (v5) *
Madigan, Aline Mary (v5) *
Madigan, James (v5) *
Madigan, Katy (v5) *
Madigan, Mary (v5) *
Madigan, Mary C. (v5) *
Madigan, Thomas (v5) *, *
Madison, - (v4) *
Madison, E. H. (v4) *, *, (v5) *
Madison, L. H. (v4) *
Madsen, Margratha (v5) *
Magee, Charles (v4) *
Magee, Clemens (v4) *
Magee, Cora L. (v4) *
Magee, Frank (v4) *
Magee, James (v4) *, *
Magee, Joseph (v4) *
Magee, Louisa (v4) *
Magee, Mary (v4) *
Magee, Rebecca (v4) *
Magee, Will (v4) *
Mager, Anna (v5) *
Mager, John (v5) *
Maggard, - (v4) *
Magill, Mary Ann (v5) *
Magnus, Gerta (v5) *
Magnus, Jones (v5) *
Maher, Samuel (v5) *
Mahler, Augusta (v4) *, *
Mahler, Chris (v4) *
Mahler, Elsie (v4) *
Mahler, Emma (v4) *
Mahler, F. H. (v5) *
Mahler, Fred (v4) *
Mahler, George (v4) *
Mahler, Henry (v4) *
Mahler, Louisa (v4) *, *
Mahler, Mary (v4) *
Mahler, Sophie (v4) *
Mahone, William (v5) *
Mahoney, Anna (v5) *
Mahoney, Dorothy (v5) *
Mahoney, Edit (v5) *
Mahoney, Edmond (v5) *
Mahoney, Edward J. (v5) *
Mahoney, Elmo (v5) *
Mahoney, Jeremiah (v5) *, *
Mahoney, John M. (v5) *
Mahoney, Margaret (v5) *
Mahoney, Martin J. (v5) *, *
Maiden, Elizabeth (v5) *
Maiden, G. A. (v5) *
Mains, Sadie (v4) *
Majonier, A. (v4) *
Major, Emma G. (v4) *
Major, Frances (v4) *
Major, James M. (v4) *
Major, John N. (v4) *
Major, Mary Elizabeth Bell (v5) *
Major, Samuel C. (v4) *
Major, Stephen S. (v5) *
Major, Susan Euphrates (v4) *
Majory, Lida (v5) *
Malcolm, A. N. (v4) *
Malcolm, Christina (v4) *
Mallett, - (v4) *
Mallicott, - (v4) *
Malloy, Nell (v4) *
Malmquist, Sophie (v5) *
Malone, Clarence Joseph (v5) *
Malone, Elias (v4) *
Malone, Ella (v5) *
Malone, Ernest James (v5) *
Malone, George (v4) *
Malone, Jerry (v5) *
Malone, John (v5) *
Malone, Mary (v4) *, (v5) *, *
Malone, Mary Ann (v5) *
Malone, Nancy (v4) *
Malone, Patrick (v5) *
Malone, Retta (v4) *
Malone, Rhoda Ann (v4) *
Malone, Thomas (v5) *
Malone, William P. (v5) *
Malosh, Mary (v4) *
Malrich, Mary (v4) *
Man, Edward A. (v5) *
Manar, Sarah Jane (v5) *
Manchester, Eva (v5) *
Manchester, June (v5) *
Manchester, May (v4) *
Mand, Martha de (v5) *
Mane, Jane (v4) *
Mangels, Gilbert (v4) *
Mangus, James (v5) *
Mangus, Mary (v5) *
Manheim, Benjamin (v4) *
Manheim, Dorothy (v4) *
Manheim, Lizzie (v4) *
Manheim, Robert (v4) *
Manheim, Zetta (v4) *
Maniela, Doll (v4) *
Manifold, Nancy E. (v5) *
Manker, Bess (v4) *
Manker, Hittie (v4) *
Manker, William (v4) *
Manley, Hadassah (v4) *
Manley, Lucy (v4) *
Manley, S. S. (v4) *
Mann, Anna (v5) *
Mann, Burton D. (v5) *
Mann, Carrie (v5) *
Mann, Charles Richard (v5) *
Mann, Cornelia (v5) *
Mann, Ella (v4) *
Mann, Ethel (v5) *
Mann, Frank (v5) *
Mann, Gladys (v5) *
Mann, Grant (v5) *
Mann, H. P. (v5) *
Mann, Harry (v5) *
Mann, Ida (v5) *
Mann, Ida M. (v5) *
Mann, Irma (v4) *
Mann, Janice Rowena (v5) *
Mann, Jennie (v5) *
Mann, Jesse (v5) *
Mann, Jesse E. (v5) *
Mann, John (v4) *, (v5) *
Mann, Joseph K. (v5) *
Mann, Julia (v5) *
Mann, Laura (v5) *
Mann, Laymon (v5) *
Mann, Maria (v5) *
Mann, Marion C. (v5) *
Mann, Mollie (v5) *
Mann, Phil (v4) *
Mann, Rachel (v5) *
Mann, Samantha J. (v5) *
Mann, Vachel Fayette (v5) *
Manning, Edith M. (v5) *
Manning, S. G. (v5) *
Manns, Anna (v5) *
Manns, Joseph (v5) *
Manny, A. D. (v5) *
Mantonya, Belle (v4) *
Mantonya, Estelle (v4) *
Mantonya, Ethan D. (v4) *
Mantonya, John W. (v4) *
Mantonya, Lettie (v4) *
Mantonya, Mary A. (v4) *
Mantonya, Miriam (v4) *
Mantonya, Nancy M. (v4) *
Mantonya, Orson A. (v4) *
Mapes, Benjamin (v5) *
Mapes, Bernard (v5) *
Mapes, Blanche (v5) *
Mapes, Edna (v5) *, *
Mapes, Keith B. (v5) *
Mapes, Leda (v5) *
Mapes, Martha E. (v5) *
Mapes, Mattie (v5) *
Mapes, Roland Valentine (v5) *
Maresch, Altareta (v4) *
Maresch, Edward (v4) *
Maresch, Julia (v4) *
Maresch, Virgie (v4) *
Marhofer, Ada (v4) *
Marhofer, Albert (v4) *
Marhofer, Fred (v4) *
Marhofer, Lona B. (v4) *
Marhofer, Olin (v4) *
Marhofer, Ray (v4) *
Marhofer, Vernon (v4) *
Marhsall, Jane (v4) *
Marianusomc, - (v5) *
Maricle, Florence (v5) *
Maricle, Jesse (v5) *
Marine, Anna (v5) *
Maris, Anna (v5) *
Maris, J. A. (v5) *
Maris, Ruby (v5) *
Mark, Catherine (v4) *
Mark, George W. (v4) *
Mark, Isabel (v4) *
Mark, J. E. (v4) *
Mark, Jacob (v4) *
Mark, James Ellison (v4) *
Mark, Lucretia (v4) *
Mark, Sadie (v4) *
Mark, Simon (v4) *
Mark, Thomas J. (v4) *
Marker, Frank (v5) *
Marker, Lola (v5) *
Markland, Margaret (v5) *
Markle, Cecelia (v5) *
Markle, Conrad George (v5) *
Markle, Emma (v5) *
Markle, John B. (v5) *
Markle, Lucinda (v5) *
Markle, Maggie (v5) *
Markle, Mary E. (v5) *
Markley, Alberta (v5) *
Markley, Henry (v5) *
Marks, Indiana (v4) *
Marlatt, James Willard (v5) *
Marlatt, Charlotte M. (v5) *
Marlatt, James W. (v5) *
Marlatt, Nellie C. (v5) *
MarMarshall, Mary (v4) *
Marquardt, H. J. (v5) *
Marquis, Andrew (v4) *
Marquis, Elizabeth (v4) *
Marquis, Ellen (v4) *
Marquis, Marion (v4) *
Marquis, Robert (v4) *
Marquis, William E. (v4) *
Marquis, Zenista (v4) *
Marsh, - (v4) *
Marsh, John (v4) *
Marsh, John F. (v4) *
Marsh, Susan (v4) *
Marshall, A. (v5) *
Marshall, Ann (v5) *
Marshall, Betsy Ann (v4) *
Marshall, Charles (v4) *
Marshall, Clara (v4) *
Marshall, Dorothy (v4) *
Marshall, Elizabeth (v5) *
Marshall, Eva (v4) *
Marshall, Eva Ellen (v4) *
Marshall, Frank (v4) *, *
Marshall, H. L. (v4) *
Marshall, Harold (v4) *
Marshall, Hattie (v4) *
Marshall, J. (v5) *
Marshall, James (v4) *
Marshall, John (v4) *, (v5) *, *
Marshall, John W. (v5) *
Marshall, Joseph (v4) *
Marshall, Julina (v4) *
Marshall, Lena (v4) *
Marshall, Lulu (v4) *
Marshall, Maggie (v5) *
Marshall, Margy (v4) *
Marshall, Martha (v4) *
Marshall, Mary Catherine (v4) *
Marshall, Mary E. (v4) *
Marshall, Mary J. (v5) *
Marshall, Mayne (v4) *
Marshall, Minta (v5) *
Marshall, Pearl (v4) *
Marshall, Rebecca (v4) *
Marshall, Richard (v4) *
Marshall, Rosa (v4) *
Marshall, Sallie (v4) *
Marshall, Samuel (v4) *
Marshall, William (v4) *
Martin, Adam (v4) *
Martin, Albert L. (v4) *
Martin, Alvin (v4) *, *
Martin, Amanda (v5) *
Martin, Amelia (v4) *
Martin, Anna (v5) *
Martin, Barbara (v4) *
Martin, Benjamin (v5) *
Martin, Bettie (v5) *
Martin, Billy Taft (v5) *
Martin, Carrie B. (v5) *
Martin, Charles (v4) *
Martin, Charles E. (v4) *
Martin, Chester (v5) *
Martin, Clara A. (v5) *
Martin, David (v4) *
Martin, Dixie Blanche (v5) *
Martin, Donald (v5) *
Martin, Edward Dale (v4) *
Martin, Edward G. (v4) *, *
Martin, Efie (v4) *
Martin, Ella (v5) *
Martin, Elmer C. (v5) *
Martin, Elton (v5) *
Martin, Emma (v4) *
Martin, Esther (v5) *
Martin, Ethel (v5) *, *
Martin, Everett R. (v4) *
Martin, F. C. (v4) *
Martin, Flora C. (v5) *
Martin, Frances May (v5) *
Martin, Fred N. (v4) *
Martin, George (v5) *
Martin, Gilbert C. (v5) *
Martin, Grace (v5) *
Martin, Harley A. (v5) *
Martin, Harry (v5) *, *
Martin, Hattie M. (v4) *
Martin, Helen (v5) *
Martin, Hendrika (v4) *
Martin, Henry (v4) *
Martin, Hiram (v4) *
Martin, Ida (v4) *
Martin, Ina (v5) *
Martin, James (v5) *, *, *
Martin, James D. (v4) *
Martin, James M. (v5) *
Martin, Jesse (v5) *
Martin, Jesse T. (v5) *
Martin, Jessie (v5) *
Martin, Joeph (v5) *
Martin, John (v4) *, *, (v5) *
Martin, John A. (v4) *
Martin, John P. (v5) *
Martin, Joseph (v5) *
Martin, Katie J. (v4) *
Martin, Laura E. (v5) *
Martin, Lela (v5) *
Martin, Lena (v5) *
Martin, Leroy C. (v5) *
Martin, Lucinda (v4) *, (v5) *
Martin, Lucy (v4) *
Martin, Maggie J. (v4) *
Martin, Mamie (v5) *
Martin, Manne (v4) *
Martin, Margaret (v4) *, *
Martin, Martha (v5) *
Martin, Mary (v5) *
Martin, Mary E. (v4) *
Martin, Mary Elizabeth (v5) *
Martin, Maud (v5) *
Martin, Maude (v5) *
Martin, Maxine (v5) *
Martin, Melvin (v5) *
Martin, O. P. (v5) *
Martin, Ona (v5) *
Martin, Pearl (v5) *
Martin, Rachel (v5) *
Martin, Reuben H. (v5) *
Martin, Rosa (v4) *
Martin, Ross G. (v5) *
Martin, Samanta (v5) *
Martin, Sarah (v5) *
Martin, Sarah A. (v4) *
Martin, Sarah Frances (v5) *
Martin, Sarah J. (v5) *
Martin, Sis (v5) *
Martin, Solomon M. (v4) *
Martin, Stella (v4) *
Martin, Thelma (v5) *
Martin, W. S. (v5) *
Martin, Walter (v5) *
Martin, Walter T. (v5) *
Martin, William E. (v4) *
Martin, William M. (v5) *, *
Martin, Willie (v5) *
Martin, Willie H. (v4) *
Martin, Wilma (v5) *
Martin, Wilson W. (v4) *
Martina, - (v4) *
Martina, Virgia A. (v4) *
Marts, Laura (v5) *
Marts, Thomas (v5) *
Marvin, Emma (v5) *
Mason, - (v4) *
Mason, A. G. (v5) *
Mason, Clara (v5) *
Mason, Electa (v4) *
Mason, Emma (v4) *
Mason, George (v4) *
Mason, Henry (v4) *
Mason, James (v4) *
Mason, Jonathan (v4) *
Mason, Matilda (v4) *
Mason, Oscar (v4) *
Mason, Seaman (v4) *
Massey, Annie (v4) *
Massey, Elizabeth (v4) *
Massey, Henry (v4) *
Massey, John (v4) *
Massey, Mary (v4) *
Massey, Sarah (v4) *
Massey, Thomas (v4) *
Massey, William (v4) *
Massie, John (v4) *
Massie, Maude (v4) *
Massoni, Eugene (v5) *
Massoni, Floyd H. (v5) *
Massoni, George (v5) *, *, *
Massoni, Hazel Vesta (v5) *
Massoni, Henry (v5) *
Massoni, Joseph (v5) *, *
Massoni, Kate (v5) *
Massoni, Malinda (v5) *
Massoni, Mamie (v5) *
Massoni, Mary (v5) *
Massoni, Peter (v5) *
Mast, - (v4) *
Mast, Elizabeth (v4) *
Mast, Emma (v4) *
Mast, John (v4) *
Mast, Samuel (v4) *
Masters, Frances E. (v5) *
Matheny, Sally (v5) *
Mather, Abbie (v4) *
Mather, Amanda H. (v4) *
Mather, Annice (v4) *
Mather, Charles L. (v4) *, *
Mather, Clara G. (v4) *
Mather, Clarence (v4) *
Mather, Cotton (v4) *
Mather, Darius C. (v4) *
Mather, Edith (v4) *
Mather, Edith A. (v4) *
Mather, Edward (v4) *, *
Mather, Ella M. (v4) *, *, *
MATHER, ELMER A. (v4) B, *
Mather, Elmer O. (v4) *
Mather, Ernest L. (v4) *
Mather, Florence R. (v4) *
Mather, Francis (v4) *
Mather, George A. (v4) *
Mather, George W. (v4) *
Mather, Gertrude E. (v4) *
Mather, Grace (v4) *
Mather, Guy F. (v4) *
Mather, Guy H. (v4) *
Mather, Harriet (v4) *
Mather, Jeanette (v4) *
Mather, Jess J. (v4) *
Mather, Jesse J. (v4) *
Mather, Julia (v5) *
Mather, Lela (v4) *
Mather, Lena H. (v4) *
Mather, Leora (v4) *
MAther, Mary (v4) *, *
Mather, Maude L. (v4) *
Mather, Max D. (v4) *
Mather, Mildred (v4) *
Mather, Nathaniel O. (v4) *<, *, *
Mather, Newton (v5) *
Mather, Rex I. (v4) *
Mather, Ruth M. (v4) *
Mathers, Minnesota (v5) *
Mathers, Thomas (v5) *
Mathews, Jane (v5) *
Mathews, Matilda (v4) *
Mathews, Sarah (v5) *
Mathews, William (v4) *
Mathewson, Cora (v5) *
Mathewson, Ed (v5) *
Mathewson, Frieda (v5) *
Mathewson, William (v5) *
Mathia, Charles (v4) *
Mathia, Elizabeth (v4) *
Mathias, Sarah (v5) *
Mathis, David L. (v5) *
Mathis, Margaret A. (v5) *
Mathis, Virginia (v5) *
Matthew, M. K. (v5) *
Matthews, A. B. (v5) *
Matthews, Alice (v4) *
Matthews, Clara M. (v4) *
Matthews, Edathy (v5) *
Matthews, Felix (v5) *
Matthews, Fred (v4) *
Matthews, Hettie (v4) *
Matthews, Margaret (v5) *
Matthews, Melissa (v5) *
Mauk, Jacob (v4) *
Mauk, Mary (v4) *, (v5) *
Mauk, Nancy (v5) *
Maurer, Catherine (v5) *
Maust, A. L. (v4) *
Maust, Carrie (v4) *
Maxey, Belle (v5) *
Maxon, Carrie (v5) *
Maxon, Daniel S. (v4) *
Maxon, Frank (v5) *
Maxon, Henry (v4) *, *
Maxon, Parintha A. (v4) *
Maxson, Annie (v4) *
Maxson, Jane (v4) *
Maxson, John (v4) *
Maxson, Rebecca (v4) *
Maxwell, Clifford (v4) *
Maxwell, Eleanor S. (v5) *
Maxwell, Frank (v4) *
Maxwell, Fred M. (v4) *
Maxwell, Grace (v5) *
Maxwell, Harry (v5) *
Maxwell, Jessie F. (v4) *
Maxwell, John (v5) *
Maxwell, Laura (v4) *
Maxwell, Nay (v4) *
Maxwell, Nellie (v4) *
Maxwell, Susan (v5) *
May, Alice (v4) *
May, Docia (v4) *
May, Euphemia (v5) *
May, Joseph (v4) *
May, Laura A. (v5) *
May, Mary (v4) *
May, OScar (v4) *
May, Perry (v4) *
May, Roy (v4) *
May, W. D. (v5) *
Mayberry, J. W. (v5) *
Mayberry, James W. (v5) *
Mayberry, Margaret (v5) *
Mayberry, Mignon (v5) *
Mayberry, Sarah Louise (v5) *
Mayhew, E. F. (v5) *
Mayhew, Julia (v5) *
Maynard, Julia (v4) *
Mayrath, Anna (v4) *
Mayrath, Cecelia (v4) *
Mayrath, Florence (v4) *
Mayrath, Francis (v4) *
Mayrath, Harry (v4) *
Mayrath, Katie (v4) *
Mayrath, Martin (v4) *
Mayrath, Robert (v4) *
Mayrath, Rosa (v4) *
Mayrath, Thomas (v4) *

A-Am | An-Az | B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Be | Bi-Bog | Boh-Boz | Br-Brot | Brow-Bry | Bu-By | C-Ce | Ch-Cl | Co-Cop | Co-Crav | Craw-Cu | D-Dea | Deb-Di | Do-Dy | E-El | Em-Ez | F-Fl | Fo-Fz | G-Gi | Gl-Gra | Gre-Gz | H-Han | Har-Haw | Hay-He | Hi-Hop | Hor-Hy | I | J | K-Kim | Kin-Kz | L-Lil | Lim-Lz | Ma | Mc-McF | McG-McW | Me | Mi | Mo-Mor | Mos-My | N | O | P-Pea | Pec-Ph | Pi-Py | Q | R-Re | Rh-Rod | Roe-Rz | S-Se | Sh | Si-Sn | Sm | Sn-Sr | St-Sz | Stor-Sz | T-Th | Ti-Tz | U | V | W-Wa | We | Wh-Wilk | Will-Wiz | Wo-Wy | Y | Z