Transcribed from A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. [Revised ed.] Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1919, c1918. 5 v. (xlviii, 2530 p., [155] leaves of plates): ill., maps (some fold.), ports.; 27 cm.
A-Am | An-Az | B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Be | Bi-Bog | Boh-Boz | Br-Brot | Brow-Bry | Bu-By | C-Ce | Ch-Cl | Co-Cop | Co-Crav | Craw-Cu | D-Dea | Deb-Di | Do-Dy | E-El | Em-Ez | F-Fl | Fo-Fz | G-Gi | Gl-Gra | Gre-Gz | H-Han | Har-Haw | Hay-He | Hi-Hop | Hor-Hy | I | J | K-Kim | Kin-Kz | L-Lil | Lim-Lz | Ma | Mc-McF | McG-McW | Me | Mi | Mo-Mor | Mos-My | N | O | P-Pea | Pec-Ph | Pi-Py | Q | R-Re | Rh-Rod | Roe-Rz | S-Se | Sh | Si-Sn | Sm | Sn-Sr | St-Sz | Stor-Sz | T-Th | Ti-Tz | U | V | W-Wa | We | Wh-Wilk | Will-Wiz | Wo-Wy | Y | Z

PLEASE NOTE: This is the 1919 revised edition.
The 1918 edition is available at

Volumes 4 & 5 - Name Index


Hay, Luther (v4) *
Hay, Pearl (v4) *
Hayden, Ed (v5) *
Hayden, Ellen (v5) *
HAYDEN, F. D. (v5) B
Hayden, Felix (v5) *
Hayden, Harry (v4) *
Hayden, James (v5) *
Hayden, Jane (v5) *
Hayden, John (v5) *
Hayden, Mary (v5) *
Hayden, Rose (v5) *
Hayden, Sarah (v5) *
Hayden, Thomas (v5) *
Hayden, William (v5) *
Hayes, A. J. (v4) *
Hayes, Arthur (v4) *
Hayes, Carrie (v4) *
Hayes, Chanie C. (v4) *
Hayes, Clifford (v4) *
Hayes, E. J. (v4) *
Hayes, Elizabeth (v4) *, *
Hayes, Emily (v4) *
Hayes, Emma (v4) *
Hayes, Estel (v5) *
Hayes, George (v4) *
Hayes, Gladys (v4) *
Hayes, Grace E. (v4) *
Hayes, Hazel (v4) *
Hayes, Iris (v5) *
Hayes, Jane (v5) *
Hayes, Keith (v5) *
Hayes, Margaret (v4) *
Hayes, Melville (v5) *
Hayes, P. W. (v5) *
Hayes, Pearl (v5) *
Hayes, Pollie (v4) *
Hayes, Rebecca (v4) *
Hayes, Robert (v4) *
Hayes, Simon (v5) *
Hayes, Tenie (v4) *
Hayes, Thonmas (v4) *
Hayes, W. A. (v5) *
Hayes, W. J. (v5) *
Hayes, William (v4) *
Haynbach, Fredericka (v4) *
Haynes, Cyrus (v5) *
Haynes, Mary (v5) *
Haynes, Melvina (v5) *
Haynes, Sallie (v4) *
Hays, Andrew (v4) *
Hays, Annie (v4) *
Hays, Clara (v4) *
Hays, Ella (v4) *
Hays, Emma (v4) *
Hays, Friend (v4) *
Hays, George (v4) *
Hays, Jesse (v4) *
Hays, L. W. (v5) *
Hays, Llucy (v5) *
Hays, Maggie (v4) *
Hays, Mary (v4) *
Hays, Mattie (v4) *
Hays, Ollie J. (v4) *
Hays, Sarah (v5) *
Hays, William (v4) *
Hays, William T. (v4) *
Haywood, W. P. (v4) *
Hayworth, Albert (v5) *
Hayworth, Arthur (v5) *
Hayworth, Bess (v5) *
Hayworth, Carrie (v5) *
Hayworth, Clinton (v5) *
Hayworth, Cora (v5) *
Hayworth, Ellen (v5) *
Hayworth, Florence (v5) *
Hayworth, Laura (v5) *
Hayworth, Lawrence (v5) *
Hayworth, Reece (v5) *
Hayworth, Sarah (v5) *
Hazen, Anna (v5) *
Hazen, ida May (v5) *
Hazen, J. F. (v5) *
Heady, Rebecca (v4) *
Heady, William J. (v4) *
Healey, Paulina (v5) *
Heaney, Anna (v4) *
Heaney, Arthur (v4) *
Heap, Dora (v4) *
Hearity, Ann (v5) *
Hearn, Hattie (v4) *
Hearn, Jerome (v4) *
Heath, Alice (v5) *
Heath, Anna (v4) *
Heath, Betsy D. (v4) *
Heath, Bonnie (v5) *
Heath, Brittie (v4) *
Heath, Caroline (v5) *
Heath, Casilda (v5) *
Heath, Charles (v5) *
Heath, Cora (v5) *
Heath, Daniel (v4) *
HEATH, DAVID H. (v5) *, B
Heath, Dorothy (v5) *
Heath, E. H. (v5) *
Heath, Elizabeth (v4) *, (v5) *
Heath, Ella (v5) *
Heath, Ellen (v5) *
Heath, Frances (v5) *
Heath, Hannah (v4) *
Heath, Harriet (v4) *
Heath, Harry B. (v5) *
Heath, Hazel (v5) *
Heath, Helen (v5) *
Heath, Henry (v5) *, *
Heath, Hugh (v5) *
Heath, Ida (v4) *
Heath, Isaac (v4) *
Heath, Isaac W. (v4) *
Heath, John (v4) *
Heath, John H. (v5) *
Heath, John L. (v5) *
Heath, Joseph (v4) *
Heath, Julia (v4) *
Heath, Mabel (v5) *
Heath, Maria (v4) *
Heath, Mary (v5) *
Heath, Matilda J. (v4) *
Heath, Minnie (v5) *
Heath, Nancy (v5) *
Heath, Nellie (v4) *
Heath, Orrin M. (v4) *
Heath, Ralph M. (v5) *
Heath, Roxanna (v4) *
Heath, Saloma (v4) *
Heath, Sarah (v5) *
Heath, Sarah A. (v5) *
Heath, Tressa (v4) *
Heath, Vide (v4) *
Heath, Walter W. (v5) *
Heath, Wilson (v5) *
Heatherington, Rhoda Maria (v5) *
Heaton, Aaron (v5) *
Heaton, Alexander S. (v5) *
Heaton, Allen (v5) *
Heaton, Anna (v5) *
Heaton, Augusta (v4) *
Heaton, Bertha (v5) *
Heaton, Byron (v5) *
Heaton, Byron Hal (v5) *
Heaton, Carl (v5) *
Heaton, Charles (v5) *, *
Heaton, Clara (v5) *
Heaton, Clarence (v5) *, *
Heaton, Clyde (v5) *
Heaton, Cora (v5) *
Heaton, Dorothy (v5) *, *
Heaton, Eli (v5) *, *
Heaton, Elmer (v5) *
Heaton, Elmore (v5) *
Heaton, Eva (v5) *
Heaton, Fannie (v5) *
Heaton, Fay (v5) *
Heaton, Florence (v5) *, *
Heaton, Floyd (v5) *
Heaton, George (v4) *, (v5) *
Heaton, Grace (v5) *
Heaton, Harry (v5) *
Heaton, Hazel (v5) *, *
Heaton, Helen (v5) *
Heaton, Homer (v5) *, *
Heaton, Hortense (v5) *
Heaton, J. G. (v5) *
Heaton, Jane (v5) *
Heaton, Jemima (v5) *
Heaton, Jewell (v5) *
Heaton, John (v5) *
Heaton, Joseph W. (v5) *, *
Heaton, LaVena (v5) *, *
Heaton, Lew (v4) *
Heaton, Lewis K. (v5) *
Heaton, Lutitia (v5) *
Heaton, Margaret (v5) *
Heaton, Margie (v4) *
Heaton, Marie (v5) *
Heaton, Mary (v5) *, (v5) *
Heaton, Minnie (v5) *
Heaton, Myrtle (v5) *, *
Heaton, Nellie (v5) *, *, *
Heaton, Nellie May (v5) *
Heaton, Robert (v5) *
Heaton, S. George (v5) *
Heaton, Sarah (v5) *
Heaton, Theodore (v5) *
Heaton, William (v5) *
Heaton, William B. (v5) *
Heaton, William Brown (v5) *
Heaton, Winetta (v5) *
Hebbard, Clarissa (v5) *
Hebrew, Alice (v5) *
Hebrew, Andy (v5) *
Heck, Catherine (v5) *
Heckathorn, Jonah C. (v4) *
Heckathorn, Lottie (v4) *
Heckathorn, Nancy (v4) *
Heddin, May (v4) *
Hedding, J. S. (v5) *
Hedding, Rebecca (v5) *
Hedge, Minnie L. (v4) *
Hedges, Annie (v5) *
Hedrick, Libbie (v5) *
Hedspeth, Jim (v4) *
Hedspeth, Polly (v4) *
Hefflebower, Edward (v4) *
Hefflebower, Effie (v4) *
Hefflebower, Sallie (v4) *
Heft, Clyde (v4) *
Heft, Doyle (v4) *
Heft, Lucile (v4) *
Heft, Nadene (v4) *
Heft, Ruth (v4) *
Heidenreich, Annie (v4) *
Heidenreich, John (v4) *
Height, Cleo (v5) *
Height, Ioline (v5) *
Height, Lewis (v5) *
Height, Lydia (v5) *
Height, Pythella (v5) *
Height, Ramona (v5) *
Height, Virgil (v5) *
Heil, Mattie J. (v5) *
Heil, Philip (v5) *
Heilwarth, R. W. (v4) *
Heiman, A. P. (v5) *
Heine, George (v5) *
Heine, Mabel (v5) *
Heineman, H. T. (v4) *
Heinlen, Amanda (v4) *, (v5) *
Heinlen, Belle (v5) *
Heinlen, Caroline (v5) *
HEINLEN, CHARLES (v4) *, *, (v5) *, B
Heinlen, Decilbia (v5) *
Heinlen, Ethlyn (v4) *
Heinlen, Inez (v4) *
Heinlen, Merlin (v4) *
Heinlen, Reuben (v4) *, (v5) *
Heins, Mary (v4) *
Heinson, Henry (v4) *
Heinson, Margaret (v4) *
Heinz, Florence (v5) *
Heinz, P. J. (v5) *
Heis, Anna (v5) *
Heist, Amanda (v5) *
Heisteberg, Annie (v4) *
Heisteberg, Henry (v4) *
Heister, George (v4) *
Heister, Sarah (v4) *
Heitmann, Emma (v5) *
Heitz, - (v5) *
Held, Jacob (v4) *
Held, Julia H. (v4) *
Held, Louisa (v4) *
Heller, Sarah (v4) *
Heller, William (v4) *
Helmick, Arthur L. (v5) *
Helmick, Lenore (v5) *
Helmick, Nell (v5) *
Helms, Mary (v5) *
Helms, Thomas (v5) *
Helsby, John (v4) *
Helvern, Ora (v5) *
Helvey, Ina (v4) *
Helvie, Elizabeth (v4) *
Helvie, Laura (v4) *
Helvie, Melissa (v4) *
Helvie, Rebecca (v4) *
Helvie, Samuel (v4) *
Helvie, Sarah J. (v4) *
Helvie, Tressa (v4) *
Helvie, W. W. (v4) *
Helvie, William K. (v4) *
Helwick, - (v4) *
Heman, Marie (v5) *
Hemker, Alfreda (v5) *
Hemker, Arthur (v5) *
Hemker, Carl (v5) *
Hemker, Ella (v5) *
Hemker, Fred (v5) *
Hemker, Herbert (v5) *
Hemker, Mary (v5) *
Hemker, Walter (v5) *
Hemker, Willard (v5) *
Hempel, Minnie (v4) *
Hempy, Ora (v5) *
Hempy, William (v5) *
Hemstrom, C. B. (v4) *
Hemstrom, Jane (v4) *
Henderson, A. D. (v5) *
Henderson, Albert (v5) *
Henderson, Andrew (v5) *
Henderson, Annie (v4) *
Henderson, Charles (v4) *
Henderson, Christina (v4) *
Henderson, Cleo (v5) *
Henderson, Cora (v5) *
Henderson, Curtis (v5) *
Henderson, Della (v5) *
Henderson, Elisha (v5) *
Henderson, Elmira (v4) *
Henderson, Erwin (v5) *
Henderson, Esther (v5) *
Henderson, Florence (v5) *, *
Henderson, Frank (v5) *
Henderson, Harriet (v5) *
Henderson, Imogene (v5) *
Henderson, infant son (v5) *
Henderson, Jennie (v5) *
Henderson, John (v5) *
Henderson, Kenneth (v5) *
Henderson, L. R. (v5) *
Henderson, Lewis (v5) *
Henderson, Mahala (v5) *
Henderson, Margaret (v4) *
Henderson, Martha (v5) *
Henderson, Martha L. (v5) *
Henderson, Mont (v5) *
Henderson, Nellie (v5) *
Henderson, O. M. (v5) *
Henderson, P. M. (v4) *
Henderson, Pearl (v5) *
Henderson, Rachel (v5) *
Henderson, Ruth (v5) *
Henderson, W. D. C. (v4) *
Hendricks, Charlotte (v4) *
Hendricks, Eleanor (v4) *
Hendricks, Hazel (v5) *
Hendricks, Henry (v5) *
Hendricks, Maggie M. (v4) *
Hendricks, Mary (v4) *
Hendricks, O. J. (v4) *
Hendricks, William (v4) *
Hendrickson, Carrie (v4) *
Hendrickson, Elzena (v4) *
Hendrickson, Henry (v4) *
Hennegin, Elizabeth (v4) *
Hennemeyer, Elizabeth (v5) *
Hennerich, Anna (v5) *
Hennerich, Anna M. (v5) *
Hennerich, Frank A. (v5) *
Hennerich, Iva Mae (v5) *
Hennerich, J. P. (v5) *
Hennerich, Joseph (v5) *
Hennerich, Joseph P. (v5) *
Hennerich, Josephine (v5) *
Hennerich, Walter E. (v5) *
Hennessy, - (v5) *
Henning, Rosa (v5) *
Henninger, Mary (v5) *
Henningsell, Agnes (v4) *
Henry, Bessie (v4) *
Henry, Henrietta (v5) *
Henry, John Dickey (v4) *
Henry, Mary (v4) *
Henry, Phoebe (v4) *
Henry, Wesley (v5) *, *
Hensel, Addie (v4) *
Hensel, Elizabeth (v4) *
Hensel, Fred (v4) *
Hensel, James (v4) *
Hensel, Sivilla (v4) *
Hensel, William (v4) *
Hensley, George L. (v4) *
Hensley, Mary (v4) *
Hensley, Ruby (v4) *
Hensley, Vesta (v4) *
Henson, George M. (v5) *
Henson, Olive B. (v5) *
Hentla, Ethel (v5) *
Heplogle, Daniel (v5) *
Hepworth, Miriam (v4) *
Herbert, Earl Glenn (v4) *
Herbert, Philomina (v4) *
Herbig, Alice B. (v4) *
Herbig, Basil (v4) *
Herbig, Edwin A. (v4) *
Herbig, Fay (v4) *
Herbig, Florence (v4) *
Herbig, Floyd D. (v4) *
Herbig, G. Warren (v4) *
Herbig, Henry (v4) *
Herbig, Isaac (v4) *, *
Herbig, James (v4) *
Herbig, John (v4) *
Herbig, John H. (v4) *
Herbig, Josephine (v4) *
Herbig, Luther (v4) *
Herbig, Luther B. (v4) *
Herbig, M. Adda (v4) *
Herbig, Maggie (v4) *
Herbig, Margaret M. (v4) *
Herbig, Mary J. (v4) *
Herbig, Nicholas (v4) *
Herbig, S. Agnes (v4) *
Herbig, Sarah C. (v4) *
Herbig, Thomas (v4) *, *
Herbig, Willie H. (v4) *
Herburger, Josie (v5) *
Herdman, Caroline (v5) *
Herdman, Jane (v5) *
Herman, - (v4) *
Herman, Amelia (v4) *
Herman, C. F. (v5) *
Herman, Cecil (v4) *
Herman, Charles (v4) *
Herman, D. Blaine (v4) *
Herman, Fred (v4) *
Herman, Frederick William (v4) *
Herman, Genevieve (v4) *
Herman, Hazel (v4) *
Herman, Henry (v4) *
Herman, Jennie V. (v4) *
Herman, John (v4) *
Herman, Joseph (v5) *
Herman, Nellie (v5) *
Herman, Pearl (v4) *
Herman, Peter (v5) *
Herman, Richard Foster (v4) *
Herman, Rilla Estella (v4) *
Herman, Robert (v4) *
Herman, Susan (v4) *
Herman, Thomas (v4) *
Herman, Walter (v5) *
Herman, William (v4) *
Herman, Winifred (v4) *
Hermann, Margaret (v4) *
Hermann, Michael (v4) *
Hermis, Lena (v5) *
Heron, Alice (v5) *
Heron, David (v5) *
Heron, E. (v5) *
Heron, H. M. (v5) *
Heron, Lucy (v5) *
Heron, Mary (v5) *
Heron, R. R. (v5) *
Heron, Robert D. (v5) *
Herr, Abraham (v5) *
Herr, Abraham H. (v5) *
Herr, Abraham L. (v5) *
Herr, Ada M. (v5) *
Herr, Allen E. (v5) *
Herr, Annie (v5) *
Herr, Cyrus (v5) *
Herr, Elizabeth (v5) *
Herr, Floy E. (v4) *
Herr, George (v4) *
Herr, Hans (v5) *
Herr, Jewel K. (v5) *
Herr, John N. (v5) *
Herr, Lillian (v5) *
Herr, Nancy (v5) *
Herr, Opal A. (v5) *
Herr, Rolland B. (v5) *
Herrendon, Henry (v5) *
Herrendon, Martha Frances (v5) *
Herrick, James (v5) *
Herring, Nettie (v4) *
Herron, Henry (v5) *
Herron, Martha (v4) *
Herron, Mary Catherine (v5) *
Hershberger, Arthur W. (v5) *
Hershberger, Crystal (v5) *
Hershberger, D. D. (v5) *
Hershberger, Essie A. (v5) *
Hershberger, Helen (v5) *
Hershberger, Jacob E. (v5) *
Hershberger, John (v5) *
Hershberger, Kate (v5) *
Hershberger, M. L. (v5) *
Hershberger, S. C. (v5) *
Hershberger, Samuel (v5) *
Hershberger, Sarah A. (v5) *
Hershberger, Susan (v5) *
Hershey, Barbara (v4) *
Hershey, Chris (v5) *
Hershey, Cora (v5) *
Hershey, David (v4) *
Hershey, Lavinia (v5) *
Hershey, Mary A. (v4) *
Hershey, Rebecca (v5) *
Herzberger, Doris (v4) *
Herzberger, Emanuel (v4) *
Herzberger, Emily (v4) *
Herzberger, Frederick (v4) *
Herzberger, Hattie A. (v4) *
Herzberger, Herman (v4) *
Herzberger, Richard (v4) *
Herzberger, Theodore (v4) *
Hess, Adam (v4) *
Hess, Agnes (v5) *
Hess, Albert L. (v4) *
Hess, Amelia (v4) *
Hess, Anna (v4) *
Hess, Carrie (v4) *
Hess, Chris (v4) *
Hess, Edith (v5) *
Hess, Elizabeth (v4) *
Hess, Elma Ruth (v4) *
Hess, Florence (v4) *
Hess, Gus (v4) *
Hess, Homer F. (v4) *
Hess, Howard Lloyd (v4) *
Hess, John B. (v4) *
Hess, Julia (v4) *
Hess, Lizzie (v4) *
Hess, Lula Nettie (v4) *
Hess, Malinda (v4) *
Hess, Nettie (v4) *
Hess, Ona May (v4) *
Hess, Ralph Edward (v4) *
Hess, William (v4) *
Hester, Lavilla (v4) *
Hester, William (v4) *
Heston, Anna (v5) *
Heston, Bettie (v5) *
Heston, Charles (v5) *, *
Heston, Edward E. (v5) *
Heston, H. M. (v5) *
Heston, John (v5) *
Heston, Leroy Francis (v5) *
Heston, Mary Susan (v5) *
Heston, Matilda (v5) *
Heston, Minnie M. (v5) *
Heston, William (v5) *
Heston, William Thomas (v5) *, *
Hetherington, Alexander (v4) *
Hetherington, Mollie (v4) *
Hetzell, M. D. (v4) *
Hetzer, George (v5) *
Hetzer, Mary E. (v5) *
Hetzer, William Albert (v5) *
Hevener, Clovis (v5) *
Hevener, Lena (v5) *
Hevener, Verla (v5) *
Hewson, alma (v5) *
Hewson, Annie (v5) *
Hewson, Arthur (v5) *
Hewson, Bertha (v5) *
Hewson, Carrie (v5) *
Hewson, Clara (v5) *
Hewson, Edna (v5) *
Hewson, Elizabeth (v5) *
Hewson, Glen (v5) *
Hewson, Harold (v5) *
Hewson, Harry (v5) *
Hewson, John (v5) *
Hewson, Myrtle (v5) *
Hewson, Savina (v5) *
Hewson, William (v5) *

A-Am | An-Az | B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Be | Bi-Bog | Boh-Boz | Br-Brot | Brow-Bry | Bu-By | C-Ce | Ch-Cl | Co-Cop | Co-Crav | Craw-Cu | D-Dea | Deb-Di | Do-Dy | E-El | Em-Ez | F-Fl | Fo-Fz | G-Gi | Gl-Gra | Gre-Gz | H-Han | Har-Haw | Hay-He | Hi-Hop | Hor-Hy | I | J | K-Kim | Kin-Kz | L-Lil | Lim-Lz | Ma | Mc-McF | McG-McW | Me | Mi | Mo-Mor | Mos-My | N | O | P-Pea | Pec-Ph | Pi-Py | Q | R-Re | Rh-Rod | Roe-Rz | S-Se | Sh | Si-Sn | Sm | Sn-Sr | St-Sz | Stor-Sz | T-Th | Ti-Tz | U | V | W-Wa | We | Wh-Wilk | Will-Wiz | Wo-Wy | Y | Z