I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

Roll U52

Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger, August 16, 1918 — December 28, 1922 H. M. Brainerd

January 5, 1922

Union State Bank financial $234,951.08

January 12, 1922

A Good Shower

Some of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Holt, newlyweds, gathered at the home of S. McKinnis last Thursday eveying, taking along about every conceivable thing needed to start housekeeping as well as a good supply of provisions. We give below a list of some of the articles received, some coming from out of town relatives:

Alice and Iva Holt, aluminum boiler

Fern, Curtis and Virgil Holt, aluminum cake pan

Beulah Holt, fancy towel

Ruth Stroud, two fancy towels

Helen Kent, a fancy towel

Fleta Isom, a table cloth

Delta Wells, a table cloth

Retta Hollingshead, a table cloth

Goldie Smih, aluminum cake pan

Lottie Cowan, aluminum pan

Ruth and Dorthy Mercer, box candy

Annis and Mildred Isom, egg beater

Ida Soules, cake plate

Eddie Holt, silver table spoons

Delos[?] ? , can of corn

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stroud, pair of woll finish blankets

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kent, bedspread

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Holt, fifty dollars in currency

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wells, an aluminum stew kettle

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith, an aluminum kettle

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hula, a silver gravy ladle

Ruth Smith and Hazel Underwood, set of silver teaspoons

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Russell, an alumnimum percolator

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowers, a Coleman lamp

Mr. and Mrs. Milt McKinnis, an aluminum dish pan

Mrs. Effie Beaman, a salad bowl

Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Jones, a pound of Golden Wedding Coffee

Goldie Cash, aluminum kettle

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kent, pair of pillow cases, sheet and some catsup, pikled tomato and chili sauce

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Holt, a comfort, dish towels, table spread and sheet

Mrs. C. H. Konantz, a flour sifter

Uniontown Grain Co., load of cobs

Sammy Holt and bride now occupy the Mrs. Snyder residence on Gospel Ridge

Banker Holt, wife and daughters were guests of friends at Chanute last Wednesday.

Died: Clarinda Jane Bruner, 73, born Macoupin County, Illinois July 2, 1848.  Married J. W. Bruner October 28, 1866. Four sons, William H., Ollie E., George, and Ivory. Two brothers Leander Landrith, Sidney Iowa, Ivory Landrith, Burlington, Washington. Moved to Sherman County initially, Bourbon County in 1907.

January 19, 1922

The vault of the Union State Bank is being lined this week. It is quite a job and will require all this and part of next week to complete it.  Three men are employed.

Miss Virgil Holt was given a surprise party by her Sunday School class last Saturday night.

Died: Mrs. J. B. Temple, born Mary Ann Sleafer 1852, in Mountain View.  S. S. McKinnis pallbearer.

The CIC class of the Turkey Creek Sunday School surprised Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Holt. Among the gifts was $50 from Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinnis.

January 26, 1922


Burglar Alarm Installed — Is Controlled by Clocks!

The Union State Bank has just finished lining their vault. The vault is lined entirely with a steel lining and is equipped with a burglar alarm system.

This additional equipment has cost the bank many hundreds of dollars, and they feel that they have as good as can be bought anywhere. The entire system is controlled by two eight-day clocks.  These clocks automatically notify the employees of the bank when to close the vault. When the time arrives to close the vault and it has not already been closed, a bell will ring and an indicator tells you to close the vault door.  Should the vault be left open after time a bell will ring for a few seconds, then if it is not closed the entire system of alarms will begin and continue until someone comes and puts things in order and closes up as he should do.

While the system is very sensitive to any neglect on the part of the employees, it will also show you where the trouble is.  In case of an attack by burglars there are indicators showing exactly where the attack was made.

The bank will endeavor to take great care in having everything set correctly all of the time so very little unnecessary alarm will be given. There are a few of the citizens in Uniontown who are equipped with the very best of firing arms and there is little doubt that they would be effective in case an occasion demanded. It might be advisable to keep a person´s ears well cleaned so that nothing would be un-noticed. Good eyes are another good thing to have. It might be best not to light a lamp of any kind.  It might be better to crawl than to walk when a person is approaching "No Man´s Land."

The bank has taken every precaution they know of for the protection of their customers as well as themselves.

February 2, 1922

Died: Mrs. Jane Kent

On Sunday, January 29th, at six o´clock, p. m., after a lingering illness during the past five or six years, Mrs. Jane Kent, widow of the late Thomas Kent, quietly and peacefully passed away.  Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at two o´clock at the Methodist church conducted by Rev. B. F. Gaither, pastor of the First M. E. church of Fort Scott.  He took for his theme the 4th verse of the 21st chapter of Revelations: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more deat, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away."  The sermon was plain and impressive, with a perfect assurance of happiness and peace awaiting the mother in her newhome. At the close an earnest and urgent plea was made that all should prepare for the inevitable change.

Misses Myrtie Bryant and May Cowan, Messrs Herbert Konantz and John Hartman, accompanied by Mrs. Ola Read sang, "Home of the Soul," "Abide With Me," and "My Faith Looks Up To Thee."

The pall bearers were J. O. Underwood, Wm. Kirker, A. A. Stiers, John Sessler, H. M. Griffith and W. A. Stroud.

The floral offerings were many and beautiful, one of which was a handsome pillow with the word "Mother" in the center.

Mrs. Kent was a soman of many fine qualities and strong personality, a devoted mother, a loyal friend, a trusted neighbor,  always ready in sickness or in trouble to assist in any way she could, faithful in her duties to her church and an industrious and willing worker in the Ladies Aid.  For many years she was prominent in social and religious affairs, and, when on account of her health, she had to drop out, she was missed, but not in the same way as now — for we all know Grandmother Kent is no more.

Miss Jennie Kent gave up her position in the schools of Yuma, Arizona and came home to care for her mother, which she faithfully and untiringly done as only a true loving daughter could do.

Mrs. Kent was born in Washington County, Pa., November 17, 1836, and was 85 ears, 2 months and 12 days of age.  She came with her husband and family to Bourbon County in 1880.

Besides the following children she is survived by 18 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren:  Mrs. Ella Chamberlain, J. L. Kent, R. L. Kent, Jennie Kent and T. B. Kent, all of Uniontown; J. P. Kent, Weiser, Idaho; Mrs. D. H. Pike, Chanute, Kansas; Mrs. J. E. Higley, Mosier, Oregon; Mrs. C. E. Roy, Los Angelos, Cal., and Mrs. R. B. McGruder, of Oregon.


The dear old familiar body

Is laid beneath the sod,

Where it will rest forever,

But the soul has gone to God

Card of Thanks

We desire to express our sincere thanks too all our friends and neighbors who in any way assisted us during the illness and death of our mother; and to those who helped with the grave and for the beautiful floral offerings.


Reverend Mark Oskee preached at the M. E. church.

Turkey Creek news:

Word was received here Thursday of the death of Norm Holt, brother of Joe Holt. He passed away at San Diego, California.  He was an early settler here and was known to many Bourbon County people who will be sorry to learn of his death.

Died: W. T. Cowan, one of the oldest residents of the section.

Jim McKinnis has rented the Jacob Anderson residence property and moved his family there today.

Little Miss Virgil Holt, who is in poor health, is reported so much improved that she will be able soon to return to school.

February 9, 1922

Uniontown has one case of smallpox, the little son of J. F. Adams.

S. McKinnis is on the sick list.

Obituary of William T. Cowan, pioneer and Civil War veteran. Born 1837, Decatur, IL.

Charley Roweth, sheriff of Baca County, Colorado, from Uniontown, married Nora Hope Brown (employed at Albert Stroud farm).

February 16, 1922

W. W. McKinnis of Pattonsburg, Missouri is here for a visit.

Died: Lawrence Lynn Bruner, 7 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bruner, of whooping cough. Buried Dunkard cemetery.

The many friends of little Virgil Holt are certainly glad to know she is improving.

March 2, 1922

Public Sale:  R. L. Kent

March 16, 1922

J. L. Kent and wife plan a visit to son Fred in Everett, Washington.

Miss Daisy Ramsey underwent an operation for appendicitis in Fort Scott.

March 23, 1922

Mrs. Archie Ramsey was operated on for appendicitis.

Union State Bank $231,678.71

Redfield Bank $114,171.51 (S. H. Lynn)

March 30, 1922

B. L. Hobbs of Hiattville was in town Tuesday.  He may enter the race for Register of Deeds.

Sammy Holt is taking treatment at Fort Scott for an affliction of the right leg.

Died: Dr. G. W. Lambeth, well known physician of Moran.  [Note: This is husband of Mary Temperance Tennyson, half-sister of Martha Jane Holt and John Wesley Tennyson.]

April 6, 1922

Milt McKinnis, Roy McKinnis, and Jim McKinnis captured the largest gray wolf ever captured in this vicinity.

April 13, 1922

Died: Daniel Lasater, born 1861, Chesterfield, Illinois, of tuberculosis.  To Kansas 1865.  Buried Mt. Orum.  Sister Retta Hollingshead.  Buried Mount Orum.

M. E. Holt left Tuesday noon for Stonington, Colorado where he goes on business and pleasure.

S. McKinnis has so far recovered from his late illness as to be up and out on the street every day.

Jim McKinnis is planning to move to Colorado about May.

Turkey Creek news: 

Sam Campbell and family of Deerfield, Missouri visited Joe Holt´s Sunday.

April 27, 1922

When S. McKinnis gets his store teeth, take a look at him — you won´t know he ever had a sick day.

Lute Ramsey, Ray Beaman, Ira Steele and several other Uniontown men are working at the Bronson end of the rock roads.

Died: Robert Lee Ernest, born Versales, Morgan County, Mo. 1865. Married Lillian Lund.  Buried Uniontown.

May 4, 1922

High School Banquet

The Junior Senior Banquet was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Holt on April 16th, and was very successfully carried out by the Juniors under the instruction of Miss Anderson.

Three rooms were very artistically decorated by the class — one room in pink and black, representing the Senior class colors — one in gold and brown, the Junior class colors and the other in orange and black, the High School colors.

The table was decorated for the occasion with a centerpiece of pink carnation. The place-cards were of an original design and for souvenirs each was given a booklet decorated in the Senior colors, pink and black.

The menu consisted of the following:  Fruit cocktail, roast pork, mashed potatoes, gravy, cream peas, oyster dressing, rolls and butter, lettuce, Thousand Island dressing, pickles, pine apple salad, brick ice cream, antel´s food cake, devil´s food cake, punch, coffee, mints.

The program consisted of a toast by the toastmaster:  Senior charge to the Juniors, Miss Cowan; Acceptance of charge, Miss Cash; Toast to the Juniors, Toastmaster; Junior Class Prophecy, Miss Wells; Speech, Prof.

The faculty who were represented:

Miss Maro Anderson, Hostess

Mrs. B. E. Brown, Lady of Honor

Prof. B. E. Brown, Incoming Superintendent

Prof. Storum, Toastmaster

Besides those mentioned, the Junior Class and Senior Class:


Anna May Cowan

Ruth Geiger

Ruth Marie Wells

Elise VanArsdale


Goldie Smith

Ola Street

May Cash

Fern Holt

Inez Bobbitt

Ethel Ramsey

Bonnie Willis

Curtis Holt

Alpheus Tanner

Ludolph West

Lloyd Cowan

Clarence Cowan.

They are to be commended for the way in which they performed the service for the banquet.

In spite of the bad weather the banquet was a success and we should extend out thanks to Miss Anderson for her instruction and the wonderful co-operation of the Junior Class.

These three Sophomore girls were the waitresses:

Miss Ruth McKinnis

Miss Alice Holt

Miss Lottie Cowan

They were neatly dressed in their class colors, having white skirts and middies with a yellow tie.

Here´s to the Juniors of ´22, May your successes be many And your troubles few — L. B. Storum

Turkey Creek news:

A very pleasant time was spent Monday night at the home of Harry Neville when he invited his Sunday School class and a few friends to a party. Games were played and at a late hour refreshments of fruits were served.  Those present were Misses Pera Wade, Leona Poor, Edith Hartman, Mary Hartman, Alice Holt, Ruth McKinnis, Maudine Mix, Della Anderson and Iva Holt.  Messrs Herbert Holt, Eddie Holt, Ray Hartman, Howard Wade, Paul Poor, Marshal Poor, Kenneth VanBuren, Charley McKinnis, Harvey Lunceford, Ray Lunceford and Harold Neville.

S. McKinnis was able to be in Fort Scott last Saturday.

May 11, 1922

Turkey Creek news:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hillman, daughter, name Leona

A few relatives of Mrs. Miles Holt came to her home Monday evening to help her celebrate her birthday.

Word was received from Joe Holt that he is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Hillman and Mrs. Joe Holt went to Bronson, Monday, to do their trading.

D. E. Holt and daughter Maude of Wheeler, Texas visited.

Work stopped on the road between Uniontown and Bronson when checks for payment to workers from contracting company bounced.

Joe Kerns called S. McKinnis by ëphone from Wichita, saying his company had struck a big oil gusher.  He offered to pay all the expenses of as many Uniontown men as would come to Wichita, Friday.

Miss Jennie Kent left last Wednesday for Chanute for a visit with her sister Mrs. D. H. Pike, and family

May 18, 1922

Putting us on the Map

An advertising scheme that is somewhat new and unique, has been planned and will be put in effect by the business men of this city.  A hundred name plates with the name "UNIONTOWN" have been ordered and these will be put on a hundred automobiles, to let the world know they are from Uniontown.  This plan has been used by many of the larger cities with good results. The plates are 10 inches long with letters 1 º inches high and make the name of the city stand out conspicuously when clamped onto the license tag on the car. Wherever these cars go over the country, everybody knows they are from Uniontown, and it is believed this will come as near putting the town on the map and showing public spirit and pride as any plan that could be used.

Joe Holt arrived home from Hot Springs last Sunday. He is reported not much improved in health.

Mrs. C. W. Kirker and Mrs. S. McKinnis attended a Mother´s Day Dinner at Baldwin last Sunday.

D. E. Holt and daughter, Miss Maude, of Wheeler, Texas, arrived Saturday and visited until Wednesday with relatives here and at Bronson.

Turkey Creek news:

Dennis Holt and daughter Maud, from Wheeler, Texas, are here on a visit.

Mrs. John Hartman and children and Mrs. Mamie McKinnis and children spent Thursday afternoon with W. Hartman´s.

Joe Holt returned home from Hot Springs, Sunday morning, not much improved.

Miles Holt and family spent Sunday in Uniontown visiting relatives and later in the afternoon drove to Fort Scott to see the ball game.

Legal notice:  Appointment of administrator of estate of Jane Kent, J. L. Kent, Administrator

May 25, 1922

Turkey Creek news:

Margaret Holt has a new player piano.

Joe Holt left Thursday for Geuda Springs to take treatment from his brother.

Ed Hartman and family and Fred McKinnis visited with Georgia Anderson, Sunday.

Surprise party given by C. I. C. Sunday School Class for their teacher, Mrs. Howard: Attending were Alice Holt, Iva Holt, Margaret Holt, Ruth McKinnis, Eddie Holt, Charlie McKinnis, Edith Hartman (about 25 attendees).

Miss Jennie Kent ahs returned from a visit to her sister at Chanute.

June 1, 1922

Married: Lloyd M. Stroud to Fleta June Isom

Married: Lloyd B. Storum, principal of Uniontown schools to Mary Opal Anderson.

Lost — Saturday night last, Black Female Hound, with white markings; slim built, long tail.  Reward — S. E. Holt, Uniontown, Kansas

Turkey Creek news:  Mrs. Joe Holt received word last Friday that Joe Holt had been operated on at his brother´s hospital for a serious complaint and was doing nicely.

M. E. Holt, wife and daughters, Alice and Iva, took a drive up near Bronson Sunday afternoon.

Jim McKinnis and family arrived at Stonington last Saturday. On the last day´s drive they made 225 miles.

Sammy Holt has been out of the bank most of the week.  He has been helping to care for the hay crop on his father´s farm.

June 8, 1922

Sam George and wife entertained a bunch of young folks to a play party, including Alva Hartman and family, Mary Hartman, Iva Holt, Alice Holt, Ruth McKinniss, Edith Hartman, Earl Hartman, Herbert Holt, Charlie McKinnis, Eddie Holt

Tom Kent, Mrs. Sheppard and Perly Wells are all taking advantage of the season and painting their houses.

Miss Mary Read, Harvey McKinnis, Earl Kirker, and Glen Rogers, have all returned home from college.

June 15, 1922

Hiattville State Bank, $69,726.98. 

Union State Bank, $233,054.38

Sammy Holt has found his wolf hound which we have been advertising for, but she was dead when found, having been killed by wolves.

June 22, 1922

S. McKinnis left Tuesday for Eldorado Springs, where he will visit and rest for awhile.

Turkey Creek news:

We understand that Joe Holt is not improving as fast as his friends would like to hear he was.

Joe Holt has been operated on and is improving rapidly.

Public Sale:  Mrs. Jane Kent

Saturday, June 24, Beginning at 2 o´clock p. m., all the personal property of the late Jane Kent, as follows:

Household Goods:

Stovepipe, 1 Range, 1 Heater, 1 Sideboard, 1 Cupboard, Kitchen Utensils, 3 Stands, 1 Dresser, 1 Couch, 1 Sewing Machine, 2 Falling Leaf Tables, 1 Arm Chair, 5 Rockers, 8 Dining Chairs, 1 Dining Table, 2 Kitchen Tables, 2 Benches, 1 æ Iron Bedstead & Springs, 2 Iron Bedsteads, 2 Bed Springs, 2 Mirrors, 1 Wardrobe, Various Other Things, 1 Large Wardrobe, 1 Monkey Stove, 2 Rugs, 1 Bureau


1 Jersey Cow 8 yrs old.  Was fresh in March

1 Jersey Cow.  Calved in March. 2 yrs old.

1 2 yr old Jersey Cow, fresh soon.

1 Disc Cultivaor, Janesville.  A good one.

J. L. Kent, Auctioneer

Sammy Holt is making hay in the day time and coon hunting at night, so we see very little of him lately.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moore, daughter

June 29, 1922

Turkey Creek news:

Word has been received here that Joe Holt is improving very rapidly.

Mrs. Joe Holt and family visited in Bronson, Sunday

Miss Maud Ramsey, accompanied by her parents, was in Fort Scott, Saturday.

S. McKinnis has returned from Eldorado Springs much improved.

Gossip is moving Mr. Smitley and family to the Kent residence and Mr. Cash and wife to the Griffith residence near the elevator.

Sues Her Mother´s Estate:

The suit of Jennie Kent against her brother Jess Kent, as administrator of the estate of their mother, who died some time ago, is being tried this afternoon before Probate Judge J. H. Crider, in the district court room. Miss Kent is suing the estate for $6,000 for services rendered to her mother during the past six years of Mrs. Kent´s life.  Miss Kent originally asked $3,000, but in an amended petition asked $6,000.

Miss Kent was a school teacher at Yuma, Ariz.., when she returned to Bourbon county about six years ago.  Her mother was ill.  Miss Kent says she remained at home to take care of her mother.

Mrs. Kent died intestate, leaving ten children as heirs.  Miss Kent feels that she is entitled to compensation for the care she gave to her mother during the six years of the latter´s illness.

It is said the estate is valued at from $25,000 to $30,000.

The names of the six jurors who are to decide the case are William Bloomfield, C. A. Katzung, John Glunz, W. J. Moore, Joe Lester and I. G. Marshall — Fort Scott Tribune

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Cash, son

Mrs. Sherman Ramsey had her tonsils removed Monday, at a hospital in Fort Scott.

July 6, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Holt duly observed the Fourth by giving a play party to the young folks.  Those enjoying the event:  Ruth, Charlie, Fred and Harvey McKinnis; Ray, Mary, Irvin, Earl, Alfred, Martha and Fay Hartman, Sam George, G. McDonald, Sam Holt and wife, Eugene and Raymond Mosier, Misses Della Anderson, the Lunsford boys, Herschel Vaught.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Ira. Steele, son

Turkey Creek news:

Ira Jones threshed for Milton McKinnis, Friday.

Fred Ramsey and Dennis Coker attended the picture show at Ft. Scott, Saturday night.

Mrs. Sherman Ramsey has returned from the hospital much improved.

Doc Ramsey and family are visiting Mrs. Ramsey´s parents at Anderson, Mo.

S. McKinnis and wife went to Eldorado Springs, Tuesday and will stay a few days. Mr. McKinnis says things agree with him pretty well over there and he expects to go frequently.

Eighth grade graduate : Irwin Hartman

Union State Bank display ad copy:

Soft Hands

One of the officers in this bank recently shook hands with another banker. His hands were as soft as a child´s hands.  He might have been handicapped in not having an opportunity to harden them. None of the stockholders or officers of this bank have soft hands.  In fact their hands are just like those of the hundreds of their customers. As to stockholders, every one was born and raised in this community.  The president and vice-president are hard working men, and the lady directors are people who never know what a vacation was. For those who have been employees of the bank during the last twenty years, it might be said that every one of them knew how to work.  The present assistant cashier lives on a farm and has his cows, chickens, hogs, etc. After the books are balanced at the close of the days´ business, he works on the farm for himself or his father.  The book keeper is a lady who knows how to do all kinds of house work, as well as how to milk a cow; besides she has become at expert at the bank. The cashier who has been with the bank since its organization, spends most of his time trying to help the customers of the bank.  His heart is in his work and he thinks Uniontown has a good bank.  This is his highest ambition.

The Union State Bank

July 13, 1922

Died: Henry Michael Smith, born Ripley County, Indiana 1850.  Father of Samuel S. , Henry F., Mrs. G. O. Cowan, Mrs. H. V. Cowan, lived Rockford Valley, Uniontown. 

Dr. Ramsey, dentist, spends Tuesdays and Fridays of each week in Hepler in Dr. Rogers´ office.

Turkey Creek news:

Ray Hartman and Charley McKinnis drove to Fort Scott Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Maud Smith, of Lansing, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ramsey.

The Kent residence and the Sam Smith residence are both looking just fine, the result of fresh paint.

July 20, 1922

Turkey Creek news:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sheppard, son, name David

Ray Smith and wife and Mettie Duzan visited at Joe Holt´s Sunday.

Died: William Jackman, born 1854 Fayette County, Pa.  To Kansas 1859. Married Edith Eleanor Mason, 1859. Lived Rockford Valley. Internment Mason cemetery.

"Uncle Bob" Ramsey had some fine honey on the market this week.

"Uncle Bob" Ramsey, a pious old man of our city, says he is going to do something this week that the devil never done. He says he is going to forsake Uniontown for a whole day this week.  "Uncle Bob" knows what he is talking about.

July 27, 1922

Turkey Creek news:

Miss Ruth and Charlie McKinnis gave a play party Friday night. A large crowd was present and all had a grand and glorious time.

Raymond Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Holt, of Wheeler, Texas, is here visiting his uncles, aunts and cousins.  He will also visit relatives in Bronson.

August 4, 1922

S. McKinnis came home from Eldorado to vote.

Miss Mary Scott, of Fort Scott, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Al. Ramsey.

Turkey Creek news:

Word received from Joe Holt that he is improving slowly.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and son, Roy, Mattie Bowers and Nettie Duzan visited at Joe Holt´s Saturday.

Married: Alma Hillman to Miss Hockett, of Dry Ridge

August 10, 1922

Letter from R. L. Kent visiting in Potomac, Ill. 

Turkey Creek news:

Miles Holt and family attended the picnic at Jonathan Davis, Sunday.

Mrs. Joe Holt and daughter, Margaret, and H. Vanlandingham and family visited at Jim Winship´s Saturday evening and ate ice cream.

Uncle Jack Anderson has sold his Gospel Ridge residence to S. E. Holt who will move there from the farm about Oct. 1st.

Charley Smith and wife, Lloyd Stroud, J. L. Kent, H. E. Duerson, R. M. Joyce, Milton McKinnis and J. W. Hartman are attending the Nevada fair today.

L. E. Holt well see note

Redfield news:  Juanita Davee and Mildred Ramsey spent Sunday with Pearl Hixon.

Mrs. Lunda Pittman and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. Ramsey, northeast of town.

August 17, 1922

Died: Jacob Anderson born Owen County,m Indiana January 1, 1838.  Age 84.  Came to Kansas 1857, age 18. Homestead northeast of Uniontown. Civil war. Married Margaret Elizabeth Payton who died 1861. Married Lydia Margaret Holt-Fly, 1863.  Children: Ada Sheler, Charles W., Geor. K., Mrs. W. C. Hull (Yellow Jacket, Colorado], Fred.

Redfield news:  Oscar Davee and family returned from the Ozarks.

Oscar Davee has been on the sick list this week.

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Joe Holt went to Gueda Springs Monday to see her husband, Joe Holt, who has been confined there for some time.

August 24, 1922

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Mattie Duzan is staying at the home of Joe Holt.

Faye, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Hartman, underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils and adenoids, this week.

Miles Holt and family motored to Porterville and Bronson, Sunday.

Messrs. Harry and Roy Lunsford and Ray Hartman attended the picture show at Bronson, last Thursday night.

Born: Mr. and Mrs John Sessler, son.

S. McKinnis arrived home from Eldorado Springs Sunday.

Died: Mrs. Jane Clark, 82, born Canada, Uniontown 15 years.  Mother of F. E. Clark, Uniontown.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Holt are the parents of twin boys, born early Tuesday morning.

August 31, 1922

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Cora Holt and children spent Sunday with her daughter at Marmaton, Mrs. Mitch George.

Miss Bruner, of Rockford Valley, is staying with Mrs. Rosa Holt and his helping care for the twin boys, who are doing nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Sim Ramsey spent alst Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brillhart.

Mrs. Cora Scharf and daughers are here for a visit with relatives. They are located near Milwaukee, Wis.

Fire this morning destroyed about all the grain Roy McKinnis raised this year. A spark from the machine engine did the work.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Kelley and daughters, Misses Ruth and Leta, motored down from Baxter Springs last Monday and were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Arch L. Ramsey until Thursday.  Mr. Kelley is a brother of Mrs. Ramsey.

So many people claim that Col. Kent will bring a Mrs. Kent home with him that we are getting anxious to see yer.

LOST — Mrs. Sim Ramsey lost a package from her car lately containing a jumper embroidered in black, and almost new; also a white waist. The finder will oblige by leaving the articles at this office.

The following enjoyed a day´s outing on the river on Wednesday of last week: Honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Kelley and daughters, Misses Ruth and Leta, of Baxter Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Perley Wells, Dr. and Mrs. Arch L. Ramsey and small son, Lynne; Mrs. L. E. Holt, Mrs. Clarence Holeman, Curtis Holt, Misses Ruth Wells, Edith Holeman and Fern and Virgil Holt, and Masters Verne and Earl Holeman.

September 7, 1922

Article signed Maud Ramsey, teacher, regarding importance of not sending children to school until they are 5.

Turkey Creek news:  Mrs. Cora Holt left for Colorado Sunday for a two weeks visit with her daughters and other relatives.

We understand that M. E. Holt took three first prizes and one second prize on the stock he took to the Iola Fair last week.

Miss Goldie Smith, of Uniontown, spent Saturday night and Sunday with her friend, Ruth McKinnis.

Wm. Bowers and fmily, of Bronson, spent Sunday with Mrs. Joe Holt.

The Cedar Vale County Liner, way out in Chatauqua county, thinks that Banker Holt has missed his calling and should be writing ads for some million dollar concern instead of being a bank cashier.

Married: Lynne Duerson to Miss May Cowan.

Married: Harry Bardwell to Miss Grace Wolf.

Messrs. Kirker, McKinnis, Rogers and Geiger and Miss Mary Read, all will leave today for Baldwin, where they will enter college.

Mrs. Della Morris, of Iola, arrived Sunday afternoon for a short visit to her sister, Mrs. Earl Miller.

Union State Bank $252,148.12

September 14, 1922

Miss Ethel Ramsey, of Bethel community is among our High School students.

The first financial statement ever published in this paper by the Union State Bank was dated January 26, 1907.  It showed deposits of $46,896.89.  The last statement made Sept. 7th, 1922, is quite different. It shows deposits of $233,777.09. Don´t suppose the cashier´s way of advertising had anything to do with it, do you?

There is an ad writer in the state bank at Uniontown, who has missed his calling. He ought to be writing ads, for a million dollar bank.  His ads, in the Cicerone are always full of human interest and that sort of advertising can´t help but bring large returns — Cedarvale County Liner

Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Duerson held at the home of the bride´s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Cowan.  Present included"  Uncle Bob Ramsey and wife, Miss Maud Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ramsey

Turkey Creek news:

Little Ruth Scharff is visiting at the home of Milton McKinnis.

Miss Margaret Reeder is now working at Sam Holt´s.

Fay Hartman´s 8th birthday a party given by her mother Mrs. Margaret Hartman. Guests included Nellie, Dorothy, Ruth and Ruby Hartman, Effie and Mary McKinnis, Gilbert Underwood, Ruth Scharff, Fay Hartman.

September 21, 1922

Redfield news:

Married: Burr Williams to Nellis Post

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Cora Holt returned home from Colorado Sunday afternoon. She reports all well and doing well in Colorado.

Joe Holt´s many friends on the creek are glad to hear he is improving and hope he will soon be well enough to come home.

Died: John Carl Bowls, born Quincy, Ill 1844.  Married Lavina Tungett. Children, Johnnie, Eddie and Craig.  Married Sabina Shaffer, children A. M. , Mrs. L. P. Moore, Mrs. Ollie Mosier. Buried Uniontown.

September 28, 1922

Fair notes:

Jesse Kent says we´ve just got started on the right road to make a good fair.

D. E. Holt, of Wheeler, Texas and Bronson Holt, of Stonington, Colorado, were here last week visiting L. E. Holt and family and other relatives.

Fair visitors included J. W. Tennyson, Iola

Union State Bank display ad text:

One of the Wonders of the Age

You have all been mighty nice to us, and we have always wanted you to know how we appreciate it.  You perhaps have heard of one of the greatest wonders of the age, but know nothing about what it is. In fact you can scarcely believe it after you have been shown that things are possible that you do not believe are possible.

We have finally decided to install one of the best radio receiving stations we could find anywhere and it is for the benefit of our customers and friends.

The Union State Bank

Redfield news:  Russell Davee and Neal Lakin spent Saturday nightcamping near Marmaton. They report plenty of owls and other wild beasts.

Col. Kent arrived home early in the week.  Everybody wanted to see Mrs. Kent but the colonel was not able to verify the general report.

Mrs. Cora Scharf and daughter left Wednesday for El Paso, Ill., their home, after a short visit with relatives here.

J. W. Tennyson of Iola, was here all during the fair.  He has just lately left the hospital and says he is in much better health.

October 5, 1922

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKinnis, son

Married: Wm. Sutcliff to Gertie Bruner

Mrs. Osee Thompson accompanied her sister, Mrs. Cora Scharf, as far as Fort Scott, on her way home to Illinois.

Died: William F. Moore, Conway Springs — the deceased will be remembered by many of the older residents of this vicinity, where he lived at one time.  He was a life long friend of Gipson Anderson, Wesley Hartman, T. B. Julian and others.  Died in railroad accident age 77.

Banker Holt is now furnishing the market reports to our buyers and shippers about five hours before any of the daily papers.  He does this by radio.  Also he has a little musical entertainment about every afternoon.

Union State Bank display ad copy:


Last Thursday, a week ago, a Radio was installed in Uniontown for the benefit of our customers and friends.  Many who called at the bank after supper were very anxious to hear the new wonder work. To their surprise they could hear nothing that suited their liking and became tired and no doubt, disgusted with the radio and none would care to have one at any price, all went to their homes.  At 10:45 p. m. Atlanta, Georgia, started their show, which was the finest we have ever heard anywhere.  We do not believe we will ever hear anything better than this Southern city gave its listeners that night.

This is a characteristic of life.  Many people work for years trying to reach their goal, and after many trials and hardships they finally give up all hope and quit, thoroughly disgusted with the results, when, in fact, they have almost reached their reward. Someone else takes up their undertaking and reaps the benefits.  Many a person has become disgusted with their lot in life and lost, while the other was satisfied and stuck to his job and won.


S. McKinnis and wife left Monday for a visit with relatives in Colorado.

Turkey Creek news:

Sam Holt and family will move to Uniontown, Monday, to the Jacob Anderson property.

Otober 12, 1922

S. McKinnis and wife returned from a visit to relatives in Colorado last Saturday.

W. C. Hull and family left this week for their home at Yellow Jacket, Col. The Cicerone will keep them posted on events in the old home town.

We see trouble for Banker Holt right now.  Last week he got the base ball score over the radio and a good audience heard it.  At that hour a lot of the Sisters of the O. E. S. were cleaning the hall and taking up a heavy carpet and, said one, "do you know not a man could be found when we needed him worst.  All of ëem were getting the score and too busy to help us."

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Joe Holt and children visited at Miles Holt´s last Saturday.

Joe Holt´s are improving the looks of their house by painting and building a new cement porch.

It is suggested that Mr. Holt put an extension on his radio — that is put the horn just outside the west window, so a park full of people could hear it. Mr. Harter says they do that over in Missouri and it brings the whole country to town whenever there is a concert over the radio.  However, owing to near winter, we expect it would be well to wait awhile.

Redfield news:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harbor, son.

Mrs. Lavina Ramsey, of Lawrence, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edward Crosby.

October 19, 1922

Drunken man arrested after pulling a gun in Chambers´ restaurant in Uniontown. Said he got drunk on lemon extract.

W. H. Bryant, Dennis Coker and the editor attended church with Banker Holt, by radio, last Sunday afternoon.  The sermon was a spending one by the pastor of the First. M. E. Church at Independence, Mo. The closing prayer, the benediction and the choir selection were all plainly heard and much enjoyed.

Profs. Brown and Poor, Mrs. Keith, Miss Ramsey and Miss Harter all leave today for Pittsburg to attend the State Teachers meeting.

A Strong Chain

The banks in Colorado, Kansas and Texas in which Samuel Holt, vice-president of the First State Bank of Springfield, Colorado, is interested, make a splendid showing for the September call.

The First State Bank, Springfield, has on deposit $233,777, which, considering the territory and the time of year, is good.  The Colorado State Bank, Stonington, of which R. B. Holt is cashier, shows deposits of $102,235.  The Citizens State Bank, Wheeler, Texas, of which D. E. Holt is vice-president, had on deposit at the time of the last call $129,953, while the Union State Bank, Uniontown, Kansas, of which L. E. Holt is cashier, had to its deposit credit $252,148.  In writing of conditions Mr. Sam Holt says:

"My honest opinion is, the people are going a little too strong on reducing their indebtedness and where they have ample security and grass and feed to take care of their stuff, we are advising our customers not to sell their cattle, chickens or hogs until they get ready for the market.

"The stock business, taking into consideration hogs, chickens and cattle, or in other woods, ëthe cow, the sow and the old hen,´ is the chief industry of each and every bank of which I enclose statements and without these we look upon it as poor business for the farmer, the stock raiser, the merchant and the banker." — From Mountain States Banker

Union State Bank display ad copy:


We appreciate having people call on us, even if we are not good entertainers. It seems like we have always been busy and have not had much training or experience in entertaining, but nevertheless we like to have our friends call, if only for a few minutes. Sometimes we think we should acknowledge calls, and keep a daily record of everyone who enters our bank or home . .

Many of our out of town friends have called this week; a few of them, perhaps, political calls.  Messrs. Blincoe and Coleman made us a nice visit.  Sometime after closing, our door began to rattle and upon investigation we found Messrs. Harry Warren and Hubert Lardner, who came just as we were "tuning in" on Mr. Lardner´s home town, where he was born. No doubt it was some of his school mates he listened to.

The world is going too fast.   We should take a little time to visit, and learn th art. Money isn´t everything there is, even if it is in the bank.  Your banker will take care of it for you.  That isn´t all, he is interested in your happiness now and in the future.


Sheridan Ramsey and wife have returned home from a very pleasant visit at Eldorado.

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Rosa Holt and twin babies spent Sunday afterno on at M. E. Holt´s.

Miss Alice Holt gave a party last Wednesday evening in honor of the Mosier boys before they leave for California.

October 26, 1922

Mrs. Holt Entertains

The Dorcas Class met Friday evening, October 20th, at the home of Mrs. Daisy Holt to enjoy their usual monthly entertainment and meeting.  The members who were present were Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Sallie Griffith, Mrs. Anna Cowan, Mrs. Nina Clark, Mrs. Hazel Underwood, Mrs. Willie Kirker, Mrs. Ruth Smith, Mrs. Blanche Johnson, Mrs. Alta Underwood, Mrs. Lille Brown, Mrs. Jennie Hartman, Mrs. Grace Griffith, Mrs. West, Mrs. Roxie Draper, Mrs. May Duerson, Mrs. Olla Read, Mrs. Lois Jones, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick, and Mrs. Daisy Holt.  They were honored by the guests, Mrs. Kanouff, of Grand Island, Neb., and Mrs. Ida McKinnis of Pattonsburg.

The rooms were appropriately decorated in the pretty fall trimming of October leaves. Entertainment by the phonograph was followed by roll call prayer by Mrs. Webster.   The program committee reported by a piano solo by Mrs. Grace Griffith, a vocal duet, "My Father Knows," by Mrs. Blanche Johnson and Mrs. Anna Cowan and a reading by Mrs. Alta Underwood, about one of our great authors, James Whitcomb Riley. 

After the visiting committee reported dainty refreshments of sandwiches, coffee, fruit salad and cookies were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Daisy Holt, Mrs. Read and Mrs. Hazel Underwood.

65th birthday for Mrs. Gribble at home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hartman, four daughters all there, including Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKinnis and daughters Billy and Bob of Pattonsburg, Mo., also Mrs. Ray Philipy (Zelma and Gilbert), Mrs. F. M. Draper (Dorothy) and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hartman (Lyle and Glesnor)

Mrs. Osee Thompson visited over Friday night with her friend, Mrs. Winn, who has just returned from a visit with friends in California, and was on her way home to Hepler.

Edith and Ray Hartman gave a farewell party in honor of Raymond and Eugene Mosier, who left Thursday for California.  Guests included Alice and Iva Holt, Mary Hartman, Ruth McKinnis, Charlie and Fred McKinnis, Edward Holt, Herbert Holt, D. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Hartman and daughter

November 2, 1922

Elmer Ramsey and family of Topeka have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ramsey south of town.

Turkey Creek news:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Vanlandingham, daughter, name Mable Genevieve

A Halloween party was given by Mary Hartman and Della Anderson. On guest list:  Dorothy, Faye and Edith Hartman, Margaret Holt, Creta and Mary Hartman, Fred McKinnis, Ray, Irvin, Earl, Hubert and Dale Hartman, Herbert Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hartman.

Married: R. H. Barnes to Mrs. Della Snyder

Jas McKinnis and family are expected to arrive in a few days from Stonington, Colorado and will remain here at least for the winter months.

November 9, 1922

S. McKinnis has purchased the lot adjoining the Mrs. Geo. Shull residence, owned by Ira Steele and wife, and expects to erect a modern bungalow there.

Mr. White, the buyer of walnut timber and Jacob Ramsey drove to Bronson Wednesday.

Died: Son of Mrs. E. R. Steel

Turkey Creek news:

Herbert Holt and mother attended the Marion Wiggans sale on Dry Ridge.

The election returns were received by radio at the Union State Bank Tuesday night. A good crowd was out and learned about it as fast as the results became known.

November 16, 1922

A Fatal Accident

By the accidental discharge of a shot gun last Sunday about noon, Hubert Hartman lost his life.  He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hartman, of northeast of town. It seems the boy tried to draw the gun over a hedge fence, the hammer catching and discharging the gun, the entire charge entering his heart, causing his instant death.  The sympathy of this entire community is extended to the bereaved family in this, their hour of sorrow.

Hubert Wesley Hartman was born December 15, 1907, making him 14 years, 10 months and 27 days of age at the time of his death, November 12, 1922.

He was born in Bourbon county, at the home place, where his parents now reside. He received his education in the Fairview and Uniontown schools and would have finished in his grades this year.

Hubert was a loving son and brother, with a smile for all he met. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

He leaves a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hartman, one sister, Mrs. Dave Shepard, and a twin brother Dale, who will miss him very much as they were constant companions. . .

Funeral services were conducted at the home Monday afternoon by their pastor, Rey. R. D. Webster, and burial was in Turkey Creek cemetery.

If you have a city property or a farm you "think" you want to sell but are not "certain," don´t hint it to McKinnis. If you do it will be gone before you are up next morning.

S. McKinnis made the deal today whereby John Hartman goes out and Willis Wells goes in at the City Meat Market.  Mr. Hartman has been a good man in the place and the trade will regret his leaving. Mr. Wells, however, promises to treat us all just alike and play no favorites any more than did John.

Turkey Creek news:

Sunday school teacher Mary Hartman and class were entertained by Howard Wade. Present:Margaret and Iva Holt, Irvin and Earl Hartman, Fred McKinnis

Mr. and Mrs. Sam George gave a farewell party for there neice:attending were Edith Hartman, Iva Holt, Herbert Holt, Ray, Irwin and Earl Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hartman

Harold Stark, Earl Kirker and Harvey McKinnis were home from college over Sunday.

November 23, 1922

Died: Grade Holt Bowers

All Uniontown was shocked and grieved by a telegram received last Sunday afternoon from Stonington, Colo., stating that Mrs. Grace Holt-Bowers had passed away from heart trouble.  Mrs. Bowers was born and raised to womanhood in this immediate vicinity, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Holt.

She is survived by her husband, Joseph H. Bowers, one child, Elizabeth June, one year and four months old, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Holt of Turkey Creek neighborhood, four sisters, Mrs. Delta George of Redfield, Mrs. Mary Weyant of Stonington, Colo., Misses Iva and Alice Holt, at home, and two brothers, Samuel and Edward Holt, at home.

Lulu Grace Holt wasborn in Uniontown, graduated from the grade school when 16 years old, and then took a position in the Union State bank as bookkeeper, but was promoted to assistant cashier, and fulfilled her duties there for four years.  She then married and moved to Arcadia.  Later they moved to Stonington, Colorado.

Her funeral was held from the old home at 2 o´clock, the Rev. Gaither, of Ft. Scott, officiating.  A large circle of friends, neighbors and relatives of the family were present, most of whom had known her from her childhood.

We join in extending sympathy to the bereaved ones in their sad hour.

Died: Mrs. Lulu May Kirker

Uniontown received its second shock Wednesday morning in the announcement of the death of Mrs. Lulu May Kirker, wife of C. W. Kirker, she having passed away that morning at 4 o´clock, death resulting from an illness of 48 hours duration.

Lulu May Anderson was born just north of Unintown, and has lived here throughout her life, she being the daughter of Isaac Anderson, one of the pioneers of this section.  She is survived by her husband, Charles W. Kirker, by two daughters, Mrs. Ruth McKinnis and Miss Grace Kirker, and one son, Earl. 

Union State Bank Display ad copy:

Hubert Wesley Hartman

Accidentally shot through the heart

November 12,1922

Mrs. Grace Holt-Bowers

Heart trouble, at Stonington, Colo.,

November 19, 1922

Mrs. Charles W. Kirker

After only a few hours of illness

November 22, 1922

D. E. Holt, wife and son Robert, of Wheeler, Texas, Bronson Holt and wife, J. F. Bowers and Mrs. Mary Weyant are here today to attend the funeral of Mrs. Grace Bowers.

November 30, 1922

Golden wedding celebration of Sarah Kirker and Jacob Underwood, married 1872 in Coshockton, Ohio at the home of the bride´s parents Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kirker.

S. McKinnis made the deal in which Ira Jones becomes the owner of the Pastime brick building.  This was a stubborn trade and cash sale but McKinnis always ëgets there.´

December 7, 1922

A gasoline engine is the most pesky and unreliable thing we know of and they always go wrong just at the critical moment.  Witness the one at Banker Holt´s house is not working:  won´t until some parts get here. Mr. Holt is sick, one of the children was sick Saturday and there are other things that make it a bad time for things not to work right there.

Union State Bank display ad copy:

Heaven is on Earth

This may be considered an unusual heading for a bank to use, when they are expected to be the most conservative and careful men in the business world. To really know the banking business with all of its trials, one would scarcely call it anything like being in heaven.

In the first place, we have the very best of help at the bank, as we have always been blessed with.  The cashier at the present time has temporary quarters in a small bed room at his home, with all of the blessings possible to have:  surrounded by a good family, and a circle of good friends and neighbors.  (There is no such thing as a bad neighbor or a bad friend.)  He is attending to the business in this small room rendering his services almost the same as if he was at his desk in the bank. He has in this small room, instead of a desk, a bed, the foot of which is about a foot higher than the head. A portable typewriter for correspondence.  A desk telephone so he can transact business with the outside world. There are usually two chairs used as a table, and for the accommodation of visitors; there is a portable electric light to use at night; a radiator to keep the room comfortable in cold weather; a dresser for general uses, and aside from this, one of the best radio receiving sets made, which is used during the day for securing the markets for our customers, almost any hour in the day on everything, from an egg to a car load of most anything one might have to sell.  Occasionally some old person calls and he is entertained by some sacred music or a sermon, if there is anything in the air. We intend to be able sometime to convey sacred music to the homes of persons who are confined to their beds all of the time.  We believe to many the music would seem almost like it was coming from heaven.

Heaven is on earth if we will only get out of life what there is in it.

December 14, 1922

Fred Kent´s stenographer is a local girl- Miss Hull.

We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stroud expect to occupy the J. L. Kent residence after Mr. and Mrs. Kent move to Dodge City.

Another Good Man Gone

The report that J. L. Kent has accepted his old position at the Soldiers´ Home, at Dodge City, is verified by Mr. Kent himself. He expects to leave in a short time to assume his duties there.  Thus Uniontown will lose one of its best families.

Sam Holt was the clerk for the George Jones cattle sale at Ft. Scott.

December 21, 1922

Mrs. Sam Holt was a guest at the Methodist Church Dorcas class meeting.

Union State Bank financial $212,962.25

December 28, 1922

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stroud entertained at Christmas dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soules, Mrs. Osee, Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stroud

Sam Holt has received inquiry from Texas regarding the dogs he advertised for sale in this paper.


One of the most delightful gatherings that could possibly be captured in the mind was the entertainment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Siegel McKinnis on Christmas day when their children and grand children and some friends were there to celebrate the occasion.  It was like a pleasant dream of long long ago to see the happy faces and the busy stirring around of the older ones and listen to the gambols and frolics of the bright and merry children.  The very air was filled with the Christmas spirit, for, were they not spending Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa, had not Santa Claus been good to them all and was there not a good dinner coming?  They had the right to make all the noise they wanted to and it was exercised in full.

The dinner was served at noon  The dining room was beautifully decorated in Christmas colors with runners reaching from the corners of the room.  A large bell over the center of the table surrounded by smaller bells and a greeting of "Merry Christmas" facing the door as you entered the dining room.  The centerpiece was a vase of ferns and roses and from the center to each end of the long table all the space was completely covered with good things to eat.

It was a sure enough old time brought up to date turkey dinner, with none of the trimmings left out.

Those who were present to enjoy the festive affair were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kent, and children, Mr. and Mrs. Will McKinnis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell and children, of Stonington, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Jay Underwood and children; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKinnis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and son, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holt and twin sons, and Mr. Harvey McKinnis. The guests outside the family were Mr. C. W. Kirker, Mr. Earl Kirke, Miss Grace Kirker, and Mrs. E. R. Steel.

Forty-two guests in all, and thirty-eight of them belonged to the McKinnis family.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tennyson, of Iola, came over Sunday to spend Christmas here with their daughter, Mrs. Earl Miller, and old friends. Mr. Tennyson returned home Tuesday but Mrs. Tennyson remained over for the O. E. S. and Masonic ceremonies tonight.

Banker Holt, who has been bedfast for the past six weeks, was out and able to be at the bank, last Saturday.

1918 | 1918 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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