I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

Roll U52

Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger, August 16, 1918 — December 28, 1922 H. M. Brainerd

January 6, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

M. E. Holt and family and John Bowers and wife were the guests of Joe Holt´s on Sunday.

Banker Holt has about recovered from his late illness and has been at his place of business during the past two days.

From Konantz Newsettes [a regular feature]

There are still deer running wild in Kansas.  One was lately seen near Wichita.

January 13, 1921

Goff School pie social raised $45.80 with Col Kent as auctioneer.

J. W. Tennyson of Iola was here Monday visiting with old friends. He is leaving his furniture business in charge of Ed Morris while he takes a trip to Texas and other points.

Mrs. J. W. Tennyson is visiting her daughter Mrs. Earl Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kent and daughters were attendees at a special entertainment of Mt. Olive Ladies Aid.

Turkey Creek news:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Milo Miller, son.

Little Mary McKinnis does not improve very fast.  She is not able to attend school.

Died: Mrs. Elry Duggins, 63, 5 miles southeast of Uniontown, of bronchitis.  Born 1857 Johnson City,Tennessee, in area 13 years. Memthe member Dunkard church.

January 20, 1913

Married: Ollie E. Hancock, Uniontown, to Lois E. Williams, Garland

January 27, 1913

[Note: First automobile accident with injuries reported; only one other collision reported earlier]Miss Bertha Ramsey, 16 year old daughter of Sim Ramsey, was painfully injured when the car she was driving to Fort Scott collided with a team and buggy on the road.  The tongue of the buggy pierced the windshield and made a ragged wound on her lip, chin and throat.  She was taken by taxi to the doctor in Fort Scott where she refused ether and even objected to having a local anesthetic, prompting the reporter´s admiration.

February 3, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Joe Holt is taken worse.

High School notes:  Bertha Ramsey was among those taking the county teacher´s examination.

February 10, 1921

Public Sale:  Austin Ramsey place, Ω mi. west of Uniontown, G. H. Barlow

February 17, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Emmett Holt´s friends are glad to know that he is well enough to ride out again and improving fast.

Attending 8th birthday party of Claudia Keith were Ray and Fay Holt.

February 24, 1921

From Arcadia Journal — Duzan & Bowers Meat Market sold out

High School Notes:  Harvey McKinnis says "Uncle Dick´s Mistake" (high school play) is some mistake.

March 3, 1921

Bronson Holt of Stonington, Colorado was here this week on business and visiting relatives.

Turkey Creek news:

Sunday School Rose Class teacher Mary Hartman had a party for class — guests included Iva Holt, Fred McKinnis, Earl Hartman

Charley Smith and family have moved to the property owned by Harold Konantz, lately vacated by Glen Moore.

March 10, 1921

From Bronson Pilot:  L. E. Holt and Marshal Holt of Uniontown and Bronson Holt of Stonington, Colorado were Bronson visitors.

Turkey Creek news:

Died: Eliza Jane Lemmon, aunt of Mrs. Irwin Baptist, never married, owned and lived on farm where W. H. George lives. Buried Turkey Creek.

Union State Bank financial:  $260,428.41

March 17, 1921

Our Bank Robbed

The Union State Bank, of this city, was entered and robbed of cash and bonds to the extent of several thousand dollars early Wednesday morning, between two and three o´clock.  The first thing the robbers did was to cut the telephone wires and then throw out a guard on all streets and surrounding buildings, after which they proceeded to bomb the safe which yielded up well to their efforts, but the exact amount we are not able to state.  The safe is a mass of ruins as is also the vault door, a high explosive being used on both. This morning Banker Holt said it was a first-class job, but that the robbers took only what they wanted and did not destroy or harm the many records in the bank, which will be a great help in getting affairs straightened out for business again. A new safe is on the way, the debris is being cleared away, several clerks, inspectors, insurance adjusters and the bank force are all busy and the indications are that business will be going on as though nothing had happened in just a few days.  Up to this time no inconvenience to business concerns has occurred, nor is likely to occur.

The Union State Bank was established something like twenty years ago and this is its first experience with robbers, though it may not be the last, for there is always enough cash to make it an object of that class to risk their lives.

The bank carried heavy insurance and is well protected in other ways and although the robbers made a good haul it will in no way affect the bank nor any of its customers.

One citizen declares Postmaster Shriver was hunting the burglars with an umbrella in lieu of a shot gun.

It required a day for Lineman Wolf and his assistant to replace and repair the wires cut by the bank robbers Tuesday night.

Ask "Central" how many times she has told "how it happened."  Her bravery was all OK but the gent with the automatic was just horrid.

The revolver discharged and owned by Frank Draper ought to have a prominent place in the bank´s front window.  That was what pub the robbers to flight.

Bad as it is, there are things to be thankful for in our bank robbery. Had it been in day time we might now be attending the funeral of our banker, his cashier or his assistant.

Beyond a doubt those bank robbers read the Cicerone and the bank adv. Showing the large amount of money on hand and then decided to tackle the best looking bank in the country.

Sammy Holt has a new car.

In the Stroud vs. Jones case which was set for today an application for a change of venue was asked.  We do not know Judge Kent´s decision at this time.

Copy for Union State Bank´s regular display ad:

To Our Customers and Friends.

We want to say we are very thankful to every citizen in and around Uniontown; also our neighboring towns.  Especially do we wish to thank Mr. Frank Draper, Mr. Ira Jones and Mrs. Osee Thompson, who made such heroic efforts in the matter of the burglary of our bank Wednesday morning.

Our customers may be glad to know that we have been looking after their interests for so many years with the same care we look after our own. We have gone to a great deal of expense for protection of our customers, for your interests are ours."Safety First" is a good motto and has always been our aim.

The adjuster for the insurance company was here, this week to adjust our loss as well as our customer´s loss.  His report will be complete, even to one souvenir coin held for one of our customers. This report alone would almost fill a newspaper/

Our new safe will be here in a few days.  It has been shipped already.  Come in and see it when it comes.


Turkey Creek news:

Mary McKinnis was absent from school this week, being sick with tonsillitis

March 24, 1921

Union State Bank issued a "Condensed Statement", $250,933.85.

March 31, 1921

Banker Holt and wife and H. M. Griffith and wife attended a farewell meeting to Mr. Foster at Fort Scott Monday night, Mr. Foster is now the newbank commissioner for this state.

S. McKinnis and W. A. Stroud were in Wichita last Friday and Saturday. There went to induce Supt. Webb not to close up the station here as had been threatened by the Mo. Pac. Co. Their mission was successful and the station will remain as it has in the past.

April 7, 1921

Mrs. S. McKinnis returned from Colorado Wednesday afternoon.

J. L. Kent is referred to as ex-mayor.

Turkey Creek news:

Word was received here of little Marie McKinnis, of Stonington, Colo.

Mr and Mrs. Jim McKinnis mourn the loss of their oldest daughter, who died at Stonington, Colorado last Sunday of pneumonia.

April 14, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Ed Hartman injured; kicked by horse while hitching it to a plow. Dr. Miller called.

April 21, 1921

Joe Holt is in Kansas City today taking treatment for a skin disease that has been troubling him for some time.

April 28, 1921

Mrs. John Sessler, H. E. Chambers and wife, Earnest Clark, Milo Miller and family, Judge Kent, Bennie Hite, Sammy Holt and the families of Banker Holt and Eyrl Keith are all afflicted with the prevailing malady.

Story of raid on a still in Springfield, Colorado

May 5, 1921

S. McKinnis left Tuesday afternoon for a visit to his old home in Kentucky, having been absent a little more than 40 years.  He will also visit relatives in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri before he returns.

Miss Delta Wells has sufficiently recovered from the flu to resume her place in the Union State Bank, as also has Sammy Holt.  The bank is now running with a complete force.

Charley Smith wants to build him a home but can´t find time to do much work for himself owing to so many others wanting him.

[Various names] and the banker´s family improving.

May 12,1921

Born: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Adams, son

Born: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Asbury, son

Turkey Creek news:

Mr. Winship, Herald Neville and Herbert Holt were working on the telephone line Monday.

M. E. Holt has been on the sick list the past week with a sore throat.

The commissioners were out last Thursday looking over the site for a new road between Ed. Hartman and M. E. Holt.  The viewers will be appointed in a short time.

S. McKinnis returned today from Ohio and Kentucky.  He says there is no fruit in that country and that they have had just about such a season as we have here.

May 19, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Milt McKinnis has been working the road.  He put in a new bridge by Mrs. Shinn´s/

May 26, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Joe Holt returned from Kansas City Saturday much improved.

June 2, 1921

S. McKinnis and C. W. Kirker are attending a fox chase near Nevada today.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Holt are the parents of a new girl, born May 31.

June 9, 1921

Miss Maude Ramsey a teacher of the grade school.

Commencement at M E church :  Graduates included Harvey McKinnis, Roy Ramsey, Edith Hartman (7 total)

Among the people who may include California in their summer vacation are Mrs. And Mrs. L. E. Holt and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Konantz.

Marshal Holt, new street commissioner, did the best job of mowing the streets that has been done in years.

The bank has a new sign in letters of white and gold.  However, most of us can generally find the banker without the aid of a sign except on the dotted line.

Since writing a line to Mr. Gribble to come [from Pattonsburg, Mo.] and mow the lawn we learn he is grandfather to a new girl born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McKinnis. Don´t suppose he´ll think of the lawn now.

June 16, 1921

Ruth McKinnis represented the Class of ´16 at the second annual banquet of the Uniontown Alumni.  Harvey McKinnis elected president.  Others present Rosa McKinnis, Ruth McKinnis, Ruth Smith, Roy Ramsey.

Col. Kent enjoyed the Jubliee as much as anybody.  ["Oil Jubilee" barbecue held hear Hollister] His car went bad before he got there and he put in about two hours in the hottest hours of the day fixing it — but he had a good time.

Turkey Creek news:

Died: Vance Baptist, infant of Mr. and Mrs. Jod Baptist

June 23, 1921

McKinnis & Kirker have more than a hundred dollars invested in hound dogs which they use to hunt wolves.  For a gray wolf scalp the county pays $5.

June 30, 1921

Uniontown is getting right in the class of towns like Marmaton. The Mo. Pac. Maintains no agent here for the noon train and takes no business of any kind for that train. . . The government is going to send our mail by plane some dy after which it will not be necessary for the Mo. Pac. To stop any of its trains here.

District 109 news:

Andrew Hobbs visited with Ray Hobbs Sunday night.

July 7, 1921

Mrs. Bertha Kent Roy, of California, is expected here soon for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Jane Kent, and other relatives.

July 14, 1921

Arthur Chandler is advertising some pure-bred hogs for sale in this paper today. He will make an attractive price for quick sale.

Col. And Mrs. J. B. Duerson of Bronson and son Arthur of Chanute visited.

Turkey Creek news:

Mr. Gip Anderson and wife who have been visiting their daughter Gertie Cox at Uniontown and relation on the creek returned to their home in Oklahoma City Saturday.

July 21, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Tom Kent and family spent Sunday at Milt McKinnis´s.

Sunday School party hosted by Edith and Ray Hartman, guests included Mary Hartman, Creta Hartman, Alice Holt, Ruth McKinnis, Eddie Holt, Sam Holt, Charlie McKinnis, Herbert Holt, Hubert Hartman, Dale Hartman and Ray Hartman

Died: Anderson C. "Bud" Dark, one of the earliest settlers in this county, last of four brothers who came.  Daughter Lydia Pfrimmer, sons Count, John, and Bert.  Died Oklahoma. Buried Uniontown cemetery.

Died: John Turner, born 1855 Camden , New Jersey.  Wife Eliza, children Anna Ard, Mary Turner, Esther Rogers, W. T., Otto, Pluma Nichols, Lula Pool, Ruth Beaman.

July 28, 1921

The Bert Pike children (now young folks) arrived from Chanute last night for a visit with relatives here.

Turkey Creek news:

Miles Holt, wife and daughters went to Bronson Sunday afternoon to see their new grand-daughter and niece.

August 4, 1921

L. E. Holt and S. McKinnis among those attending funeral for Mr. Soules at Bronson.

Turkey Creek news:

Misses Ona Baptist and Fern Holt spent Saturday night and Sunday at Miles Holt´s.

Died: Nealon Soules, 84, aged and highly respected citizen or this county.  S. McKinnis, J. L. Kent, and L. E. Holt were pallbearers.

August 11, 1921

Uncle Bob Ramsey gave short stories of pioneer days at Old Settlers. Another speaker explained frontier terms, such as "shake down" puncheon floor and a "dirt and stick chimney".

Merchant D. E. Holt, of Olustee, Oklahoma, arrived Saturday noon for the picnic and to visit his brother, Joe Holt and family, and other relatives in this section.

Turkey Creek news:

Dennis Holt of Tulsa Oklahoma came in Saturday to attend the picnic and visit a few days.

Banker L. E. Holt is confined to his home with sickness resembling the flu.

Mrs. J. W. Tennyson and Mrs. Ed. Morris, of Iola, were here for the picnic.

McKinnis & Hartman will make a "go" of the meat market. John carves the juicy steaks and Mac deliver the ice and both share the income.

August 18, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Riley, son

Joe Holt will soon be burning gas as he has the pipe all down and waiting for the plumber.

August 25, 1921

J. L. kent, J. W. Hartman, S. McKinnis working on distributing fair books.

S. McKinnis brought home some Colorado wheat last Sunday from the farms of Frank Weyant and Jim McKinnis.  Mr Weyant had 1750 bushels that averaged 20 Ω bushels to the acre and Mr. McKinnis had 2800 bushels averaging about the same per acre. The land is worth and selling at about $10 per acre.

District 109:

Mrs. Hobbs has gone to Parsons for a surgical operation.  We all hope for a speedy recovery.

Turkey Creek news:

Herbert Holt was seen driving a new Ford car Sunday.

Ruth McKinnis went to Fort Scott Friday and had her tonsils removed.

Report from Wheeler Texas News-Review:  Benefit recital by Miss Maude Holt, daughter of D. E. Holt, dramatic reading of "Alice Sit by the Fire" by James Barrie. Everyone who heard the program is enthusiastic in praise of Miss Holt.  Proceeds of about $40 went to the Woman´s Missionary Society.

Judge Kent will begin work on his stretch of walk running east from the Bolyard building just as soon as he finishes threshing.  This will give us a fine walk all the way to town from the depot and will be much appreciated by visitors.

September 1, 1921

District 109 news:

Mrs. B. L. Hobbs is coming home from the hospital.

Charley Smith has his garage about finished and expects to move his family there until he can finish his residence.

Turkey Creek news:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Burt, daughter

September 8, 1921

Miss Helen Kent is one of the out-of-town girls attending our high school. She will stay with her aunt, Mrs. Osee Thompson.

Charley Smith and family moved into their newly built garage Monday.

Col. Kent had his first accident with a Ford while returning from the Iola fair. No injury or damage to car. He was accompanied by Marshal Holt.

Harvey McKinnis returned Saturday from Colorado and is this week making arrangements to attend College at Baldwin, starting next Monday.

Fred Kent is said to be considered the second best salesman in the city of Everette, Washington, a suburb of Seattle.  He will reach the top in a year.

September 15, 1921

Died, John Franklin Asbury, born Madison county Kentucky 1855. Father of Clyde, Russell and Priscilla. Buried Uniontown.

S. McKinnis and wife will visit in California during the month of November.

Bronson Holt, of Stonington, arrived Saturday for a visit with his relatives here.

Died: Gertrude McQueen, 36, buried Hatch cemetery. 

Mrs. Dick Holt was taken to Iola this week for an operation for appendicitis — Bronson Pilot

September 22, 1921

Died: George Shull, one of the oldest and most respected men of this community. Born Licking County Ohio 1842, to Uniontown 1875., wife Mary Irene Slack, children Charles, Edgar, Lee, Mattie Bulla, Delphia Chamberlain, Jessie Stevens.

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Cora Holt and daughters, Alice and Iva and Mrs. Joe Bowers drove to Fort Scott Saturday.

Union State Bank financial $247,321.63.

Banker Holt and Frank Soules are in Kansas City on matters of business.

September 29, 1921

Frank Soules is driving a new Ford — a recent purchase at Kansas City, And thereby hangs a tale.  Two colored gents took a fancy to get it, but Mr. Soules was detained about two hours longer than he intended and the gents missed connections. Banker Holt was with him and maybe had something to do with the delay.

Ball Game, Uniontown vs. Redfield, Holt, R. F.

Grant Ralston and H. E. Ramsey, of Uniontown, called at the Farm Bureau office last week, to talk over vaccination for Cholera.

The new walk along the Kent property leading to the depot and fair grounds is going down as fast as workmen can make it and will be a great improvement. The Kents deserve much credit for this welk because it is the longest stretch in town owned by one family.

S. McKinnis is suffering from a bite by a dog some little time ago. At first it was not thought the injury would amount to much, but it lately developed into quite a sore spot. He was in Fort Scott Monday and is having it treated.

Turkey Creek news:

Mr. and Mrs. Will Shinn, daughter

Mrs. Cora Holt went up to Bronson Monday to help her daughter Grace get ready to start for Colorado.

October 6, 1921

Elmer Ramsey, wife and baby, are here from Topeka visiting their relatives and attending the fair.

Mutual Telephone Company offiers:  President, R. L. Kent, Board of Managers R. L. Kent, S. McKinnis

Joe Bowers and wife left on Tuesday for Stonington, Colo. Where Joe has a position as clerk in the bank owned by his uncle, Bronson Holt — Bronson Pilot

October 13, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Joe Holt and family returned from Gueda Springs Sunday where they was visiting Dr. Tom Holt and his mother.

Winner Bread and Cake Contest sponsored by The Uniontown Grain Company at Bourbon County Fair, First Prize Bread:  Mrs. Calvin Ramsey, Redfield, Kansas

Bankers Holt, Griffith and Cunningham are all seeing Texas and Colorado this week, via Ford.

Mrs. Cora Miller elected president of the young people´s society of the Baptist church.

The Hepler Bank robbed, only $200 netted.

Jim McKinnis and family of Stonington, Colo. Are visiting relatives here and attending the fair.

October 20, 1921

Ray C. Hobbs, of Redfield, purchased an army saddle last week through the Farm Bureau office.

Bankers Holt Griffith and Cunningham have returned from their Western visit. They were gone over a week and traveled at the rate of 200 miles every day.

October 27, 1921

The Union State Bank has put in a new walk along the entire front of the bank.

A forty pound rock crashed through the Sherd Ramsey residence Monday evening, the result of blasting by the road crew.  The family were in the cellar and Mr. Ramsey away from home so none were injured.

November 3, 1921

Banker Holt is not feeling well again.  The same trouble which got him down last winter is troubling him.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Gospel Ridge, son (Jones of garage firm of Kerlee and Jones.

Diphtheria outbreak.

Died: Mrs. Mary Stevens, wife of Wm. Stevens, following a serious operation at Mercy Hospital. Emmet Holt, pall bearer. Buried Dunkard cemetery. Funeral Petersburg church.

The rock damage to the Sherd Ramsey residence amounted to $5, which shows that Uniontown people will not profiteer even if a fine opportunity occurs.

Haloween party at home of Joe Holt.  Attending were Creta and Mary Hartman, Iva and Alice Holt, Ruth and Rosa McKinnis, Margaret Holt, Mrs. Joe Holt, Sam Holt, Ray, Irvin and Earl Hartman, Fred McKinnis,

District 109 news:

Fatal car accident killed child of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sawyer. Burial Hepler.

November 10, 1921

Sheridan Ramsey is over in Missouri eatin´ pawpaws and visiting relatives.

November 17, 1921

Died: Mrs. L. Mylius, mother of Mrs. W. A. Stroud and Mrs. Frank Soules

Mr. and Mrs. S. Bolyard and Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinnis expect to start on a visit to relatives in California about the first of next month.

Harvey McKinnis visited from Baldwin, where he is a student.

Poplar Grove news:

Died: Little Harold Wood, of pneumonia. Buried Woods cemetery.

Died: William S. Gribble, 74, of accident, born Pennsylvania.  To Rocford Valley 1874.  Wife Ette Burk. Daughters:Grace Philipy, Roxie Draper, Jenette Hartman, Ida McKinnis [Pattonsbrg, MO].

Sammie Bolyard and family and Jas. McKinnis and family will occupy the homes of their parents while the old folks are in California.

December 1, 1921

Thanksgiving family dinner given by Miss Jennie Kent, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Jane Kent, 85.  Present: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pike, son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kent and family, Mrs. Ella Chamberlain, R. L. Kent, Mrs. Osee Thompson and Miss Jennie Kent. Those missing were son Joe and daughters Osee, Bertha and Grace.

15 years ago items:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kent, Sunday morning, December 6, daughter. [1906]

S. B. Holt fell over a board at his home, Monday, and suffered a broken rib. He is able to be up and around. [1906]

Since Miles Holt has moved to the country he will hardly notice an ordinary town man. [1906]

County Commissioner Kent is working out his road tax today. [1906]

Turkey Creek news:

We think that Edith Hartman has whooping cough.

Married: Harold Swisher to Gladys Walker

Birthday party for Mrs. Robert Ramsey, 70, grandson Charles Roweth of Springfield, Col, with his mother Mrs. Emma Smith, sister Maud Smith and Miss Hope Brown. Present:Mrs. Emma Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duerson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ramsey, Rev. and Mrs. Mark Oskee, Miss Maud Smith, Miss Maud Ramsey, Miss Hope Brown, Charles Roweth, Mr. and Mrs. Daughtery, Miss Mae Cowan, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ramsey.

An Early Xmas Present:

James McKinnis arrived from Kansas City, this evening driving a brand new Ford Coup which he left at the door of Banker Holt, it being a present to him by his brothers, D. E. Holt of Wheeler, Texas and Bronson Holt, of Stonington, Colorado, and his cousin, Samuel Holt, Springfield, Colorado, and his brother-in-law J. K. McKinnis of this city.

Tuesday evening Mrs. Siegel McKinnis was greatly surprised when the Royal Neighbors walked in unannounced for a farewell party. 

December 8, 1921

Died: Frances Withers, 75, mother of Bird Soules and Ida Stroud, and others.

December 15, 1921

Turkey Creek news:

Ray Hartman, who has been very sick with diphtheria and the scarlet fever is improving.

December 22, 1921

Letter from S. McKinnis and wife from Los Angeles.   . . .´Well, we have been to several of the beaches and had a nice trip on the water . . . had a trip in a glass bottom boatÖ . .

Born, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Harter, son

Union State Bank is offering a gift of a piece of art entitled "Waiting for Daddy" to callers.

Married: J. F. Lancaster to Miss Aleda Hartman

December 29, 1921

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shull, daughter

1918 | 1918 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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