Lake County Ohio GenWeb

About Census
Federal Census Schedules for Lake County, Ohio–What is Included?

Remember that Lake County was not formed until 1840.
Slave schedules and questions are not included here, as they do not apply to Lake County.

Population Schedules

1810 Census for Lake County was destroyed in a fire.

1820 This is the first extant census for what is now Lake County. Willoughby Township, then Chagrin Township (which now consists of Willoughby, Eastlake, Timberlake, Lakeline, Willowick, Wickliffe, Willoughby Hills, and the western part of Waite Hill), was included in Cuyahoga County. The rest of the current county was part of Geauga County. This census includes name of only the head of household, 5 age categories of males and females in the household, total family members, number of foreigners not naturalized. and if in agriculture, commerce or manufacturing.

1830 Willoughby, then Chagrin, is still included in Cuyahoga County, and the rest of the county is in Geauga. This census includes name of head of household, 13 age categories of males and females in the household, race, and if deaf and dumb or blind.

1840 This is the first Federal Census in which inhabitants within the current Lake County borders were enumerated as the new "Lake County." At this time some villages are being carved out of the townships as separate entities. This census includes name of head of household, 13 age categories for males and females; race; number of deaf and dumb; blind; and insane and idiotic and whether in public or private charge; number of persons in each family employed in each of six classes of industry and one of occupation; literacy; names of Revolutionary War pensioners living in the household is on page 2.

1850 This is the first census to list names of members of household. It gives specific age; sex; race; occupation of adults; whether deaf, dumb, blind, insane or idiotic; value of real estate; birthplace; whether married within the year; school attendance; literacy; whether a pauper or convict; and persons who died during the year. (This leads to the mortality schedule.)

1860 This enumeration gives specific age; sex; race; occupation of adults; whether deaf, dumb, blind, insane or idiotic; value of real estate; value of personal estate; birthplace; whether married within the year; school attendance; literacy; whether a pauper or convict.

1870 This census gives specific age; sex; race; occupation of adults; whether deaf, dumb, blind, insane or idiotic; value of real estate; value of personal estate; birthplace; if each parent is foreign-born; month born if within the year; month married if within the year; school attendance; literacy; whether a pauper or convict; male eligible to vote; male not eligible to vote.

1880 This population enueration gives street name and house number, color, sex, age, month born if during the year, relationship to head of household; marital status,; if married during the year; occupation; months unemployed; if ill, blind, deaf & dumb; idiotic, insane, disabled; if in school, literacy, birthplace, birthplace of each parent.

1890 This census population schedule was destroyed in a fire in 1921. Two states, Washington D.C., and a few fragments such as Cincinnati, are all that remain. The Civil War Veteran and Widow Schedule does exist, and it consistes of name of veteran or name of deceased veteran and widow, rank, regiments, enlistment and discharge information, disabilities, and post office address.

1900 This census gives street name and house number, color, sex, age; month and year of birth; relationship to head of household; marital status; number of years married; if married during the year; mother of how many children; number of these children living; birthplace, birthplace of each parent; year of immigration; number years in country; if naturalized; occupation; months unemployed; number months in school; literacy; if speaks English; if owned or rented home, if mortgage; if farm or house, number of farm schedule. (Leads to agricultural schedule.)

1910 This enumeration gives street name and house number, color, sex, age; month and year of birth; relationship to head of household; marital status; number of years married; if married during the year; mother of how many children; number of these children living; birthplace; birthplace of each parent; year of immigration; if naturalized; language; occupation; employed, employee or works on own; if unemployed; number of weeks out of work 1909; months unemployed; number months in school; literacy; if in school since Sept.; if owned or rented home, if mortgage; if farm or house; number of farm schedule (leads to agricultural schedule); if Civil War Vet.; blind or deaf & dumb.

1920 This census gives street name and house number, color, sex, age; relationship to head of household; marital status; birthplace; birthplace of each parent; mother tongue of person and parents; if able to speak English; year of immigration; if naturalized; language; occupation; type place employed; employer, salary or wage worker, or works on own; attended school any time since Sept.; if owned or rented home, if mortgage; number of farm schedule (leads to agricultural schedule).

1930 This census enumeration gives street name and house number, name, relationship to head of household; home owned or monthly rental; value of home or monthly rent; if owns radio set; if living on farm; sex, race, age, marital status; age at first marriage; attend school; literacy; birth place; birth place of parents; language before coming to US; naturalized or alien; if speaks English; Occupation; Type of place of work; Employer, wage or salary worker, or works on own; if actually at work; line number for unemployment (probably led to unemployment schedule); if veteran; war or expedition; farm schedule number (leads to agricultural schedule).

1940 Most recent of the schedules gives street names and house number, home owned or rented; value of home if owned or monthly rental; if a farm; name, relationship to head of household; sex, color, age, marital status, attended school since 1 March; highest grade of school completed; place of birth; citizenship of the foreign born; residence 1 April 1935, and if a farm; employment questions for those 14 and over: if employed, if working for government program, if seeking work, type of employment, hours worked during the week, weeks unemployed, occupation, type of industry, class of worker (govt, own account, employer, regular worker; weeks worked during the year, amount of income, source of income; number of farm schedule if applicable. First year a sampling was done - 5% of population answered more questions: Place of birth of parents and mother tongue; if veteran, wife widow or child of a veteran, if veteran is deceased, war or military service; if person had Social Security number, if wage deductions made for Social Security, percent of wages deducted on; usual occupation, industry and class of worker; if woman if married more than once, age at first marriage, number of children born excluding stillbirths.

Non-Population Schedules

Very detailed forms were filled out on certain aspects of some people's lives. When the enumerator asked the questions on the population schedule, there were certain questions that triggered the extra form. In the case of an agricultural schedule, it was an additional 100 questions. There were many more of these schedules than are extant, but Lake County does still have a few.

1850, 1860, and 1880 Mortality Schedule includes name; age in years or months; white, black or mulatto; free or slave; married or widowed; place of birth; month of death; occupation; cause of death; number of days ill.

1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 Agricultural Schedule; the 1880, for instance, includes name of farmer; whether owns or rents or share crops; numbers of acres of each type of land; values of farm, equipment, stock; cost of fences, fertilizer; wages and weeks of hired labor; amt. and types of grasslands; number of horses, mules, oxen; numbers and types of cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry; acres, amounts, value of cereals, peese, fibre, sugar, hops, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, orchard products, nurseries, vineyards, market gardens, bees, forest products, etc. There are 100 extremely detailed questions.

1880 Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes. This example is for the insane. It asks page and line of population schedule, name, town, county, and state of regular address; if in institution, is person paying; form of disease; duration of attack, number of attack, and age at first attack; use of restraints and seclusion; if ever hospitalized, which hospital, length of stay; is person epileptic, suicidal, or homicidal.

1820, 1850, 1870, and 1880 Manufacturing Schedule Also known as "Products of Industry," this schedule has many different types of forms. One example is for flour and grist mills, cheese, butter, and condensed milk factories. It includes name, capital invested, wages, labor, months in operation, information about materials, the product, power source, etc. There are 44 columns for mills, for instance.

1890 Special Schedule -- Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, etc. This census schedule includes names, usually name of soldier, and if widow, her name in addition; rank of soldier, company, regiment, date of enlistment, date of Discharge, length of service; post office address; disability incurred; remarks.

For more specific listing of what is available for Lake County, see Census Schedules Available for Lake County.

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Last updated 5 July 2013

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