Pate, John, 131
Richard, 302
Patton, James, 302
Paulett, Robert, 90
Pawlett (Paulett), Thomas, 112
Payne, Florentine, 302
John, 302
Josias, 303
Peachey, Samuel, 303
Pead, Rev. Duell, 303
Pecke, Thomas, 303
Peeine, William, 303
Peirce, William, 101
Peirse, Thomas, 303
Pelham, Peter, 303
Pendleton, Henry, 303
Pepiscumah, 303
Peppet, Lieut. Gilbert, 303
Percy, George, 35
Percy (Piercy), Abraham, 92
Perkins, Peter, 303
Perrin, Thomas, 303
Perrott, Richard, Middlesex Co., 303
Richard, Jr., 304
Perry, Henry, 119
Peter, 304
William, 102
Peter, John, 304
Pettus, Thomas, 111
Thomas, 304
Peyronie, William C., 304
Peyton, Francis, 304
Henry, Prince William Co., 304
Henry, Westmoreland Co., 304
Robert, 304
Valentine, Westmoreland Co., 304
Valentine, Prince William Co., 305
Phelps, John, 305
Phenny, George, 155
Phettiplace, William, 305
Michael, 305
Pilkington, William, 305
Pinkard, Capt. John, 305
Pitt, Robert, 143
Place, Rowland, 133
Pleasants, John, 305
Pocahontas, 305
Pochins, 306
Pole, David, 306
Pollard, Joseph, 306
Pollington, John, 306
Poole, Henry, 306
Robert, 306
Pope, Nathaniel, 306
Popeley, Lieut. Richard, 306
Popleton (Popkton), William, 306
Porteus, Robert, 151
Portlock, William, 306
Pory, John, 84
Pott, Capt. Francis, 306
*John, 44
John, 92
Pountis, John, 87
Powell, John, Ancient Planter, 307
John, Elizabeth City Co., 307
John, Northampton Co., 307
*Nathaniel, 42
Nathaniel, 84
Capt. William, 307
Power, James, 307
Dr. John, 307
Powhatan, 307
Poythress, Francis, 307
John, 308
Peter, 308
Prentis, William, 308
Presley, Col. Peter, 308
Peter, Northumberland Co., 308
William, 308
William, Northumberland Co., 308
Preston, William, Minister, 308
William, Augusta Co., 308
Price, Arthur, 309
Thomas, 309
Walter, 309
Prince, Edward, 309
Pring, Martin, 18
Proctor, John, 309
Pryor, Capt. William, 309
Pugh, Daniel, 309
Purchas, Rev. Samuel, 29
Purdie, Alexander, 309
Purfoy, Thomas, 100
Pyland, James, 309
Quarry, Robert, 148
Quiney, Richard, 309
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 14
Ramsay, Patrick, 310
Ramsey, Capt. Edward, 310
Thomas, 310
Randolph, Beverley, 310
John, 310
Henry, 310
Isham, 310
Sir John, 310
Peter, 160
Richard, Curls Neck, 311
Richard, Henrico Co., 311
Thomas, 311
William, 155
William, Henrico Co., 311
William, Goochland Co., 311
William, "Wilton,", 311
Ransone, Capt. James, 311
Peter, 312
Ratcliffe, John, 33
Ravenscroft, Samuel, 312
Thomas, 312
Read, Clement, 312
Clement, Jr., 312
Isaac, 312
Reade, George, 123
Revell, Randall, 313
Reynolds, Charles, 312
*Rich, Sir Nathaniel, 25
Sir Robert, 25
Richards, Richard, 313
Richardson, James, 313
Richard, 313
Ricketts, James, 313
Riddick (Reddick), James, 313
Lemuel, 313
Willis, 313
Ridley, Peter, 313
Rind, William, 313
Ring, Joseph, 313
Roane, Charles, 313
William, 314
Robertson, Archibald, 314
Moses, 314
William, 314
Robins, John, 314
Obedience, 121
Robinson, Col. Beverley, 314
Christopher, 142
Christopher, 314
Henry, 314
John, 63
John, 153
John, 315
Mary, Mrs., 315
Peter, 315
Col. Tully, 315
William, "Bunker Hill," 316
William, King George Co., 316
William, Norfolk Co., 316
Rev. William, 162
Rogers, John, 316
Richard, 316
Rolfe, John, 82
Rookins, William, 316
Rootes, Col. George, 317
John, 317
Col. Philip, 317
Maj. Philip, 317
Thomas R., 317
Roper, William, 317
Roscow, James, 316
William, "Blunt Point," 316
William, Warwick Co., 316
Rossingham, Edmund, Ensign, 317
Rowleston, Lyonell, 317
Royle, Joseph, 317
Rozier, John, Rev., 317
Ruffin, John, "Mayfield," 318
John, Surry Co., 318
Robert, 318
Russell, Richard, 318
Dr. Walter, 318
Rutherford, Robert, 318
Thomas, 318
Sackville, Sir Edward, 29
Sadler, John, 318
Rowland, 318
Salford, John, 318
Robert, 318
Salmon, Joseph, 318
Sandys, David, 318
Sir Edwin, 20
George, 89
Sanford, Samuel, 318
Saunders, John H., 319
Jonathan, 319
Roger, 319
Savage, Capt. John, 319
Col. Littleton, 319
Nathaniel L. 319
Thomas, 319
Savin, Robert, 319
Sayer, Francis, 319
Scarborough, Charles, 142
Scarburgh, Col. Edmund, 319
Capt. Edmund, Accomac Co., 320
Col. Edmund, Northampton Co., 320
Henry, Jr., 320
Scarlett, Capt. Martin, 320
Sclater, Rev. James, 320
Scotchmore, Robert, 320
Scott, Alexander, 320
Edward, 320
James, Stafford Co., 320
Scrivener, Mathew, 34
Matthew, 79
James, Fauquier Co., 320
John, 320
Samuel, 320
Thomas, 321
Seawell, Henry, 321
Sedgwick, William, 321
Selden, James, 321
Richard, 321
Samuel, 321
Rev. William, 321
Semple, James, 321
John, 321
Robert B., 321
Servant, Bertram (Bertrand), 322
Seward, John, 322
Sharpe, Samuel, 322
Rev. Thomas, 322
Sharples, Edward, 322
Sheild, Robert, 322
Rev. Samuel, 322
Shelley, Walter, 322
Shephard (Shepherd), Robert, 323
Shepherd, John, 323
Sheppard, John, 323
Thomas, 323
Sherman, Michael, 323
Sherwood, Grace, 323
William, 323
Shields, James, 323
*Sibsey (Sipsey), John, 108
Sidney, John, 323
Simmons, John, 323
Simpson, Southey, 324
Skaife, Rev. John, 324
Skelton, Reuben, 324
Skipwith, Sir Grey, 324
Skyren, Henry, 324
Slaughter, Francis, 324
Robert, 324
Thomas, 324
Small, Dr. William, 325
Smith, Arthur, Isle of Wight Co., 325
Col. Arthur, 325
Arthur, Jr., 325
Rev. Charles J., 325
Francis, 325
Rev. Guy, 326
John, 76
John, 149
John (4th Prest.), 34
Lieut. Col. John, 326
Maj. John, 326
John, Goochland Co., 326
John, Middlesex Co., 326
Joseph, 326
Lawrence, Gloucester Co., 326
Lawrence, York Co., 326
Lawrence, Yorktown, 326
Nicholas, Isle of Wight Co., 327
Nicholas, King George Co., 327
Nicholas, vestryman, 327
Robert, 128
Rev. Thomas, 327
Toby, 327
*Smith (Smyth), John (antiquary), 27
Sir Thomas, 19
Smyth, John, 327
Soane, Henry, 327
Henry, Jr., 327
William, 327
Somers, Sir George, 79
Somerville, James, 327
Southcoat, Capt. Thomas, 328
Southern, John, 328
Span, Cuthbert, 328
Sparrow, Charles, 328
Speed, James, 328
Speke, Thomas, 328
Spelman (Spilman), Henry, 328
Spence, Alexander, 328
Spencer, Nicholas, 53
Nicholas, 131
Capt. Robert, 328
Spencer (Spence), William, 329
Spicer, Arthur, 329
Spilman, Thomas, 329
Spotswood, Alexander, 58
John, 329
Spratt, Henry, 329
Squire, Rev. Richard, 329
Stacy, Robert, 329
Stagg, Charles, 329
Stalnaker, Samuel, 329
Stanard, William, 329
Stanup, John, 330
Starke, Bolling, 330
John, 330
Richard, 330
William, 330
Stegg (Stagg), Thomas, 114
Stegg, Thomas, Jr., 129
Stephens, George, 330
Maj. Philip, 330
Richard, 99
Stith, Drury, Brunswick Co., 330
Drury, Charles City Co., 330
Drury, surveyor, 330
John, 331
John, 331
John, Charles City Co., 331
Richard, 331
Thomas, 331
William, 331
Stobo, Robert, 331
Stockden (Stockton), Rev. Jonas, 332
Stoever, John C. 332
Stokes, Christopher, 332
Stone, Capt. William, 332
Stoner, John, 104
Story, Joshua, 332
Stoughton, Samuel, 333
Stover, Jacob, 333
Strachey, Dr. John, 333
William, 81
Strafferton, Mr., 333
Stratton, Joseph, 333
Streeter, Capt. Edward, 333
Stretchley, John, 333
Stringer, John, 333
Strother, French, 333
William, 333
Stuart, John, 333
Stubblefield, George, 333
Studley, Thomas, 333
Sullivan, Daniel, 333
Sully, Thomas, 334
Swann, Alexander, 334
Col. Samuel, 334
Thomas, 125
Capt. Thomas, 334
William, 334
Swearingen, Thomas, 334
Sweeney (Swinney), Meritt, 334
Sykes, Bernard, 334
Syme, John, Hanover Co., 334
John, Jr., 334
Symonds, Rev. William, 20
Syms, Benjamin, 335
Tabb, Edward, 335
Humphrey, 335
John, 335
Thomas, 335
Taberer, Thomas, 335
Talbot, John, 335
Taliaferro, John, 336
Walker, 336
William, 336
Talman, Capt. Henry, 336
Tarleton, Stephen, 336
Tarpley, James, 336
Tatem, John, 336
Tayloe, John, 156
John, Jr., 164
William, 336
Taylor (Tayloe), William, 117
Taylor, Rev. Daniel, 336
Rev. Daniel, Jr., 336
Ethelred, 337
George, Orange Co., 337
George, Richmond Co., 337
Henry, 337
James, 337
John, 337
Philip, 337
Thomas, 337
William, 338
William, Lunenburg Co., 337
William, Southampton Co., 338