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      Newport, Capt. Christopher. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      Wingfield, Edward Maria. A Founder.(q. v.).

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      Ratcliffe, John. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      Smith, Captain John. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      Percey, George. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      Gates, Sir Thomas. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      Somers, Sir George. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      Dale, Sir Thomas. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      West, Sir Thomas, Lord Delaware. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      Argall, Sir Samuel. A Founder. (q. v.)

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      Yardley, Sir George. A Founder. (q. v.).

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      Symonds, Rev. William, born in Oxfordshire about 1557, educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, and in 1579 a fellow thereof. About this time he received a curacy, the gift of Captain John Smith's friend, Lord Willoughby, at Hatton Holgate, in the Diocese of Lincoln. He preached the first sermon before the Virginia Company of London, April 25, 1609. He revised Smiths's "Map of Virginia and Annexed Relation," which was published at Oxford in 1612.

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      Crashaw, Rev. William, a member of the Virginia Company, and eloquent preacher sometimes classed as a puritan divine and poet; was baptized at Handsworth, October 26, 1572. educated at Cambridge; prebend of the church of Ripon, 1604; preacher at the Inner Temple, London; at church of St. Mary Matfellon, of White Chapel, London, November 13, 1618; died in 1626. He was father of the poet, Richard Crashaw, a Roman Catholic. In February, 1610, he preached before Lord Delaware and the London Company an eloquent sermon defending the character of the settlers against malicious imputations, and praising the objects of the Virginia enterprise.

[Pages 20-22]
      Sandys, Sir Edwin, second treasurer of the Virginia Company, second son of Dr. Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York, by Ciceley, sister of Sir Thomas Wilford, was born December 9, 1561; educated at Corpus Christi College; B. A. October 16, 1570, and M. A. June 5, 1583. He was collated to the prebend of Wetwang in the Cathedral of York, and in 1589 was admitted a student of the Middle Temple.
      On October 13, 1586, Sandys entered parliament as a member for Andover. From the first he took an active part in its proceedings and repeatedly served on committees. In the parliament for 1588-89 he sat for Plymton, Devonshire, for which he was reëlected in 1592-93. Soon after the dissolution of parliament in 1593 he traveled abroad and was at Paris in 1599, when he prepared an account of the state of religion in Europe which he entitled "Europae Speculum," which is remarkably tolerant for the times. Sandys returned to England the same year, and in 1602 resigned his prebend at Wetwang. He was knighted by King James at the Charter House, May 11, 1603, and was returned March 12, 1604, to James I.'s first parliament as member for Stockbridge, Hampshire. Sandys had imbibed from Richard Hooker, who had been his tutor and afterwards his intimate friend, the ideas of a liberal government, and in parliament he assumed a leading part in opposing all exactions and monopolies. He attempted to have abolished all the royal tenures and to throw trade open, instead of confining it to the great trading companies. In the parliament of 1607 he urged that all prisoners should be allowed the benefit of counsel, and in the same session he carried a resolution for the regular keeping of the Journals of the House of Commons, which had not been done before. With a view to placating him, Sandys was granted by the King a moiety of the manor of Northbourne, Kent, but when parliament met on April 5, 1614, Sandys maintained his old attitude. He opposed Winwood's demand for a supply and was the moving spirit on a committee appointed to consider taxes. In a remarkable speech on May 21 he declared that the King's authority rested on the consent of the people, and that any King who ruled by any other title ought to be dethroned. All this exasperated James against him, and on the adjournment of parliament he was summoned before the council and punished by being ordered not to leave London without permission, and to give bonds for his appearance whenever he was called upon.
      No parliament was summoned for more than six years after this, and meanwhile Sandys turned his attention to colonial affairs. He was a member of the Somers Island Company and of the East India Company, and in both he took an active part. But his energies were especially devoted to the Virginia Company, of which he had been appointed a member of the superior council in 1607, and he had the greater part in drafting the charters of 1609 and 1612 which vested the power of government in the company instead of the King as hitherto. Then in 1617 he was chosen by the company to assist Sir Thomas Smythe in his management of Virginia affairs. In this capacity he warmly supported the request of the Leyden exiles to be allowed to settle in the company's domains, and it was largely owing to him that a patent was granted them. On April 28, 1619 a combination of parties in the company resulted in the almost unanimous election of Sandys as the successor of Sir Thomas Smythe in the office of treasurer. He made a complete departure from the old method of government, and each colonist was given a dividend of land and invited to share in the government. Acting on the company's instructions, Yardley was sent over as governor and summoned an assembly of burgesses to meet in the church at Jamestown, July 30, 1619. It was the first representative body assembled in America. On June 6, 1619, Sandys obtained the company's sanction to a college at Henrico, and during the same year procured the transshipment of a number of women to the colony to serve as wives to the tenants on the public lands. He also secured the exclusion from England of foreign tobacco in the interest of the Virginia trace. When his year as treasurer expired, Sandys was not reëlected, because of the violent interfierence of the King, who sent word to the company "to choose the devil if you will, but not Sir Edwin Sandys." The company would not, however, take any of the nominees of the King, but elected Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, and John Ferrar was elected his deputy. Both were staunch adherents of the Sandys party, and during the frequent absences of Southampton, Sandys still took the leading part in the ocmpany's business. He opposed the movement to dissolve the charter with all his might, and had the question brought up in parliament, where he charged the commissioners appointed by teh King to investigate Virginia affairs with extreme partiality, and ascribed the intrigues against the company to the influence of the Spanish ambassador, Gondomar. Despite his efforts, judgment was rendered against the charter June 24, 1624, and the company was dissolved. Sandys did not ver long survive this action, but continued as the leader of the popular party in parliament till his death in October, 1629. He was interred in the church of Norbourne, in Kent. He was married four times, and by the last wife, Catherine, daughter of Sir Richard Bulkley, he had with other issue, five sons, all of whom, save one, adhered in the civil war to the popular side. Sir Edwin Sandys had an elder brother, Sir Samuel Sandys, who served in parliament, was knighted, etc., and had two daughters by his wife Mercy, daughter of Martin Culpeper, Esq., one who married Sir Francis Wyatt, governor of Virginia, and another who married Sir Fernando Weyman, who died in Virginia. Another brother was George Sandys, the poet, who resided in Virginia, where he acted as treasurer of the colony and was a member of the local council there.

[Pages 22-22]
      Wriothesley, Henry, third Earl of Southampton and third treasurer of the Virginia Company, was the second and only surviving son of Henry Wriothesley, the second earl, by his wife Mary Browne, daughter of the last Viscount Montague. He was born October 6, 1573, and succeeded to the earldom at the death of his father in 1581. He attended St. John's College, Cambridge, and in 1589 at the age of 16 graduated as Master of Arts. In the autumn of 1593 he was accounted the most handsome and accomplished of all the young lords who accompanied Elizabeth to Oxford that year. On November 17, 1595, he distinguished himself in the lists set up in the Queen's presence in honor of the thirty-seventh anniversary of her accession, and was likened by George Poe in his account of the same to Bevis of Southampton, the ancient type of chivalry. His martial ardor was encouraged by his association with Essex, whom he accompanied in 1596 in the military and naval expedition to Cadiz. Next year he again accompanied Essex in the expedition to the Azores, but he alienated the Queen by marrying without her consent one of the Queen's waiting women, Elizabeth Vernon, a cousin of Essex. He was thrown into the Tower, but soon released. He went with Essex on the military expedition to Ireland, and on his return was drawn into the conspiracy, whereby Essex and his friends desired to regain by violence their influence at court. The rising failed completely, and Essex and Southampton were tried for treason and condemned to death. While Essex was executed, the sentence of Southampton, owing to his youth, was commuted by the influence of Sir Robert Cecil to imprisonment for life. On the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603, the first act of King James was to set Southampton free. He was given high honors; made knight of the garter, appointed captain of the Isle of Wight and Carisbrook Castle, as well as steward, receiver and bailiff of the royal manors on the Island. In 1604 he was fully restored in blood by an act of parliament, and recreated Earl of Southampton. He became Keeper of the King's game in the divisions of Andover, Sawley and Kingsclerc, Hampshire, and lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, jointly with the Earl of Devonshire. He was sorn of the King's council, April 19, 1619.
      In three aspects especially he shone with surpassing lustre. Literature was from his early manhood a chief interest of Southampton's life. He was the Maecenas of his age, and loved to surround himself with poets and men of letters, whom he encouraged with word and money, Among these were Gervas Markham, Barnabe Barnes, Thomas Nash, Florio and Shakespear, who celebrated his name in prose and verse. Then his impetuous spirit begat a love of freedom which showed itself in his opposition at court and in the house of lords to the arbitrary orders of King James and his favorite Buckingham, whom he thoroughly disliked. He was a strong friend of the Protestant interest, and opposed the Spanish match proposed for Prince Charles, and on account of his too great familiarity with the popular party he was arrested and temporarily confined.
      But especially was he the friend of colonization, acting the part of another Sir Walter Raleigh, and his dream was to extend the power of England throughout the world. To this object he devoted his leisure and ample wealth without stint He sent Gosnold and Gilbert to Virginia in 1602 and Weymouth in 1605, had a great share in forming the Virginia Company of London in 1606 and was a member of the Virginia Company's council in England in 1609. The same year he was admitted a member of the East India Company's council. In 1610 he helped to dispatch Henry Hudson to North America, and was a member of the Norwest Passage Company 1612, and of the Somers Island Company in 1615. He was chosen treasurer of the Virginia Company, 1620, and devoted much energy to championing its interests, to which Gondomar, the Spanish ambassador, was resolutely hostile, but was unable to prevent the withdrawal of the company's charter in June, 1624. He had a copy of the record of the company made of the period of his administration, and when the King's commissioners demanded its delivery, the Earl made the brave answer that he would as soon part with the title deeds of his land as part with these manuscripts, since he regarded them as the evidence of his honor in the Virginia service. The maps of New England, Virginia and Bermuda commemorate Southampton's labors as a colonial pioneer. In his honor Southampton Hundred, Hampton river and Hampton roads in Virginia were named.
      When in 1624 a defensive treaty of alliance was made between England and Holland against the Emperor of Germany, Southampton, accompanied by his son, James, left England and took command of a troop of English volunteers. But not long after reaching Holland both were attacked with fever and soon died. Southampton's death occurred November 10, 1614.

[Pages 23-24]
      Ferrar, Nicholas, Sr., skinner, a member of the Virginia Company, ranked high among the merchants of London, and traded very extensively with the East and West Indies. He was interested in the adventures of Hawkins, Drake and Raleigh. He died in April, 1620, and was buried in the church of St. Bennet, Sherhog, London, he gave by will £300 to the college in Virginia, to be paid when there shall be ten of the Indian children in the Christian religion. His son Nicholas finally transferred his bequest to the Bermuda Islands. He married Mary, daughter of Lawrence Wodenoth, Esq., a owman of fervent piety and a mdoel mother, and had issue: (1) Susan, married John Collett, of Bourne Bridge, Cambridgeshire; (2) John; (3) Erasmus, a barrister-of-law; (4) Nicholas; (5) William, who was a member of the council in Virginia; (6) Richard.

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      Ferrar, John, a member of the Virginia Company, which he joined in 1612. He was afterwards added to his Majesty's council for Virginia, and was deputy treasurer from April 28, 1619, to may 22, 1622. he was a member of parliament for Tamworth in 1621-22. Like his brother Nicholas, he was devoted to the interest of the Virginia Company, and contributed all his power to the success of the colony. When his brother retired to Little Giddings in Huntingdonshire, he soon joined him with his family, and shared in the religious life established there. After the death of his brother Nicholas, he continued to live according to the same rule. In 1629 Charles I., who was always friendly to the Ferrars, visited the settlement and was greatly pleased with what he saw. In 1647 the home and church of Little Giddings were spoiled by some adherents of the parliament, and the little community was broken up. He wrote the life of his brother Nicholas, which was published by Rev. Peter Peckard, Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, in 1790, and of his own son Nicholas, who died in 1640. John Ferrar married twice: First Anne, daughter of William Shepherd, Esq., of Oxfordshire, who died without issue; and secondly, Bathsheba, daughter of Israel Owen, of London, and had issue by her; Nicholas, John and Virginia. The last who never married inherited the family interest in Virginia and kept up a great correspondence with her cousins there and other planters, and was especially interested in the silk culture.

[Pages 24-25]
      Ferrar, Nicholas, Jr., one of the greatest friends of the Virginia Colony, was third son of Nicholas Ferrar, of London, merchant, by his wife Mary, daughter of Laurence Wodenoth, of Savington Hall, Cheshire. Under the excellent care of his father and mother he soon developed a character which United a great aptitude for management with a singularly pious and gentle disposition. From his earliest years he was regarded by his family as a prodigy. In 1610 he took the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Clare Hall, Cambridge University, and in 1613 was Master of Arts. He travelled extensively on the continent and visited Holland, Germany, Italy and Spain. he returned in 1618, and joined the Virginia Company, buying two shares from Sir William Smith. He became greatly interested in its affairs, and devoted himself heart and soul to its work, being made member of the company's council in 1619. In 1622 he succeeded his brother John as deputy treasurer, and for the next two years was the chief adviser of the Earl of Southampton and Sir Edwin Sandys in withstanding the assaults of the King and the privy council upon the charter. During this time he caused to be made the copies of the Virginia records which are now preserved in the Library of Congress and were recently published. Despite all his efforts the company was deprived of its patent in 1624.
      Ferrar was a well known man in political circles. In 1624 he was elected to parliament for Lymington, and took part in the impeachment of the lord treasurer, the Earl of Middlesex, who had ben foremost in the dissolution of the Virginia Company. But this was the last act of Ferrar's political life. Disgusted with the world of business and politics, he wound up his business concerns and retired to Little Giddings, in Huntingdonshire, and established there a settlement of a religious nature. He was joined by the families of his brother John, and his brother-in-law, John Collet. The entire household comprised 30 persons. He himself acted as chaplain of the community. There was a definite occupation for every hour of the day, and vigils were kept during the night. Little Giddings was the school, the infirmary and the dispensary of the region round about. Thus engaged and removed from the turmoil of the world, Nicholas Ferrar yielded up his pure soul December 4, 1637. He never married.

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      Rich, Sir Robert, eldest son of Robert Rich, third Lord rich, born in May or June, 1587; made a knight of the Bath at the coronation of James I., July 25, 1603, and succeeded his father as second Earl of Warwick in April, 1619. He played an important though not always enviable part in the affairs of Virginia and New England. In 1616, when the Duke of Savoy was at war with Spain, he sent out several ships under the commission of the Duke to prey upon Spanish commerce. One of these ships, the Treasurer, under Captain Daniel Elfrith, roved about in the West Indies, where she took certain negroes from the Spaniards, and in consort with a man-of-war of Flushing brought them to Virginia in 1619. These were the first negroes imported. Rich was added to the council for Virginia in 1619. Having quarrelled with Sir Thomas Smythe, the treasurer of the company, because of bad feeling created by the marriage of his sister Isabel to Smythe's son, Sir John Smyth, he united with the popular party in the Virginia Company and elected Sir Edwin Sandys as treasurer. He soon repented of this act, and was afterwards a bitter opponent of Southampton and Sandys, and contributed to the abrogation of the charter in 1624. After the dissolution he was a member of the council for Virginia appointed by teh King. Warwick River county, founded in 1634, was named for him, hwich in 1643 received its present name, Warwick county.
      He was active in the affairs of New England, was member of the New England council in 1620, signed the first Plymouth patent, June 1, 1621, and was president of the New England council, 1630-32. he was also interested in the Bermudas, the Bahamas and in Guiana. He espoused the Puritan side in the civil wars, and parliament in 1643 made him admiral of the islands and coasts of America, but he was deprived of this office in 1645. In May, 1648, he was made lord high admiral by parliament, but his commission was revoked the following year. When Cromwell succeeded to power, Lord Rich made friends with him, and on his death April 18, 1658, left his estate more improved and repaired than any man who figured in the rebellion.

[Pages 25-26]
      Rich, Sir Nathaniel, eldest son of Richard, illegitimate son of Robert, second Lord Rich; member of parliament at different times; interested in the Bermudas in 1616; knighted at Hatton House, November 18, 1617. he was a leading member of the Warwick party in the factions of the Virginia Company, 1622, and wrote many of the papers and documents emanating from his side. After the dissolution of the company in 1624, he was one of the commissioners for the Virginia appointed by the King. He was also member of the council for New England in 1620, and deputy governor of the Bahamas Company in 1635. He died in 1636.

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      Danvers, Sir John, regicide, born about 1588, third and youngest son of Sir John Danvers, of Dauntsey, Wiltshire, by Elizabeth, fourth daughter and coheiress of John Neville, last Lord Latimer. He was a very handsome man, and it is said people would run to see him on the streets. In 1608 he married Magdalene Herbert, widow of Richard Herbert, the poet, and Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury. he was knighted by King James, and under Charles I. became a gentleman of the privy chamber. He was a member of the Virginia council, 1612-20, and was one of the Sandys faction in the Virginia Company, 1620-25. He acquired an intense jealousy of the crown and sided with the parliament against the King. He was a member of the commission nominated to try the King in January, 1649, and signed the death warrant. In February of the same year he was given a seat in the council of state, which he retained til the council's dissolution in 1653. He died at his home in Chelsea in April, 1655 and was buried at Dauntsey. His name was in the act of attainder passed at the restoration. He had two brothers — Sir Charles Danvers, who was beheaded for participation in Essex's Rebellion of 1601; and Sir Henry Danvers, Earl of Danby, and afterwards a friend of Charles I., who died in 1644.

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      Wroth, Sir Thomas, prominent member of the Virginia Company, was brother-in-law of Sir Nathaniel Rich, and sided with him against Southampton and Sandys. He was a subscriber to the Virginia Company in 1609, and after the dissolution of the charter was one of the commissioners appointed to take charge of the colony July 15, 1624. On November 3, 1620, he became a member of the council in New England, and June 25, 1653, he was made a commissioner for the governor of the Bermudas. In domestic politics Wroth joined the opposition to the King and was a member of the Long Parliament. He adopted the views of the independents, and on June 3, 1647-48, moved the famous resolution that Charles I. be impeached and the kingdom settled without him. He was appointed one of the judges to try the King, but attended only one session. After the restoration he petitioned for pardon, which was apparently granted, and Wroth lived in retirement until his death, aged 88, at Petherton Park, July 11, 1692.

[Pages 26-27]
      Wolstenholme, Sir John, merchant, was second son of Sir John Wolstenholme, of London, of an ancient Derbyshire family. He was a leading man in the East India Company and the Virginia Company. On April 28, 1619, he was one of the candidates for treasurer of the Virginia Company, and in May, 1622, was recommended by the King as a person most suited to the office, but he was not elected. He was a member of the commission appointed July 15, 1624, to take charge of the company's affairs after its dissolution in May, and in 1631 held place on the commission requested to suggest to the King a form of government for Virginia. He aided Capt. William Clayborne in settling Kent Island, and in 1634 he was one of the tobacco commissioners. He had a strong faith in the Northwest Passage, and contributed liberally to all the different expeditions sent out while he was living — Henry Hudson's, Button's, etc. He died aged 77. November 25, 1639, and was buried in Magna Church, where there is a handsome monument to his memory.

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      Smith or Smyth, John, a great antiquary, son of Thomas Smyth, of Hoby, Leicestershire, and grandson of William Smyth, of Humberton, in Leicestershire; was born in 1567, and educated at Magdalene College, Oxford. he is generally known as John Smyth of Nibley. After completing his studies he returned to the Berkeley family as household steward, a post which he exchanged in 1597 for the more lucrative and dignified office of steward of the hundred and liberty of Berkeley. As keeper of the archives at Berkeley Castle, he had rich material for his "Lives" of the first twenty-one Lords Berkeley from the Conquest down, which after remaining in manuscript for a long time has been published. He left also in MSS. a "History of the Borough and Manor of Tetbury," "Tenure by Knights Service Under the Berkeleys," and several other works. He was an active member of the Virginia Company and regularly attended its meetings, and in 1618 determined to make a plantation of his own in that country. For this purpose he formed a partnership with Sir William Throckmorton, Sir George Yeardley, Richard Berkeley and George Thorpe, and obtained a special charter from the parent company. They established a settlement at James river, which was called "Berkeley Hundred," and which was afterwards the birthplace of President William Henry Harrison. he was a member of parliament in 1621,but took little part in the politics of the stormy times in which he lived. He died at Nibley in the autumn of 1640.

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      Martin, Richard, a noted lawyer, born at Otterton in Devonshire; student at Oxford, and afterwards at the Middle Temple. His learning, politeness and wit were the delight and admiration of all his acquaintances. He was frequently a member of parliament, and in 1601 spoke most eloquently against the monopolists. In 1612, he was a member of the council for the Virginia Company, and in 1614 he made a vigorous speech in behalf of the colony in parliament. In 1617 he was head of a private company which obtained from the Virginia Company a grant to 80,000 acres of land about seven miles below Jamestown. The estate called "Carter's Grove" is situated in this region in James City county. In 1618 he was made recorder of the city of London, but died a month later of the smallpox, and was buried in Temple Church, London. His grant of land in Virginia was known as "Martin's Hundred."

[Pages 27-28]
      Cranfield, Lionel, Earl of Middlesex, was the younger son of Thomas Cranfield, Mercer of London, by Martha, daughter of Vincent Randolph, was baptized March 13, 1575; was an active and successful man of affairs, and rose rapidly to all the honors of the kingdom; was knighted July 4, 1613, and a few days later made surveyor-general of the customs; was master of the court of requests; master of the wardrobe; master of the wards; and commissioner of the navy; privy councillor; lord treasurer; Baron Cranfield, and Earl of Middlesex. he was a member of the council for the Virginia Company; and the Sandys-Ferrar faction attributed to him more than any other man the abrogation of the charter — by entangling the company into dissensions over the tobacco contract. Having incurred the nmity of Buckingham, King James' favorite, he was impeached and fined £50,000, but a year later Charles I. released him from the fine, and August 20, 1616, he was granted special pardon. He retired to his splendid seat, Copt Hall in Essex, where he died August 6, 1645. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.

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      Digges, Sir Dudley, eldest son of Thomas Digges by his wife Anne St. Leger, was born in 1583, and educated at University College, Oxford. he studied law, and after being knighted at Whitehall, April 29, 1607, travelled to improve himself on the continent. He was sent in 1618 as ambassador to Russia by James I.; two years after, he went to Holland as commissioners, with Sir Maurice Abbott, to settle differences between the English and Dutch East India Company. He served in parliament during the reigns of James I. and Charles I., and his conduct was very independent and often hostile to the measures of the court. He was one of the commissioners to conduct the impeachment of the King's favorite, the duke of Buckingham, and the King arrested him and sent him a prisoner to the Tower of London, but he was released in a few days on complaint of parliament. After this, measures were taken to win him over to the King's side, and he was granted the reversion of master of the rolls, November 17, 1630. He died March 18, 1639, and was buried at Chilham Manor near Canterbury.
      He was greatly interested in explorations and colonization. In 1610 he aided in sending Henry Hudson to the northwest, and wrote a little tract on the Northwest Nelson. For the same end he aided in 1612 in sending out Capt. Thomas Button and Master Francis Nelson, and was one of the directors of the Northwest Passage Company. He was member of the Bermuda Islands Company, and of the east India Company. In addition he was constantly interested in the Virginia Company, of which he was also a member. He was member of the royal council for Virginia in 1609, and in 1619 was one of the committee of the Virginia Company to codify the rules. He was also one of the committee regarding the establishment of the college at Henrico. In 1631 he was appointed one of the commissioners to advise concerning Virginia. He married Mary, youngest daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas Kemp, of Olantigh. Edward, one of his sons, settled in Virginia, and was governor of the colony in 1656.

[Pages 28-29]
      Copeland, Rev. Patrick, was a Puritan minster, who was first employed in the service of the East India Company. In 1614 he was chaplain on one of the company's ships. In 1616 he returned to England accompanied by a native whom he had taught chiefly by signs to speak, read and write the English language correctly in less than a year. At his suggestion this land was publicly baptized on December 22, in St. Dennis Church, London, "As the first fruits of India." Not long after, in 1617, Copeland, with his pupil, sailed for the Indian ocean in the Royal James, one of the fleet which Sir Thomas Dale, late governor to Virginia, assumed the command of on September 19, 1618. In the presence of Dale, in view of an impending naval conflict with the Dutch on December 2, Copeland preached on the Royal James. On August 9, 1619, Dale died, and his old associate, Sir Thomas Gates, died in the same service the next year. Copeland on the Royal James went to Java. Leaving Java in February, 1621, the ship slowly returned to England, and Copeland having become interested in Virginia by conversing with Dale and Gates, collected on the homeward voyage from his fellow passengers the sum of £70, to be employed for the use of a church or school in Virginia. This sum, when he arrived in London, he delivered to the authorities of the Virginia Company, who made him a free member. They decided that there was more need of a school than a church, and designed the money, increased to £100 by a gift of £30 from another source, for the establishment of a free school at Charles City, now City Point, which should hold a due dependence on the proposed university at Henrico and be called the "East India School," after its East India benefactors. In recognition of his zeal for the colony and his experience as a missionary, the company on July 3, 1622, appointed Mr. Copeland rector of the intended college for the Indians, a part of the university, as well as a member of the council for Virginia.
      On Wednesday, April 17, 1622, Copeland, at the invitation of the London Company, preached a thanksgiving sermon in London for the happy success of affairs in Virginia the previous year. But about the middle of July it was learned from Capt. Daniel Gookin, who came from Newport News, that on Good Friday, March 22, the Indians, whose children were so largely in the proposed scheme of instruction, had risen and barbarously destroyed George Thorpe, the noble superintendent in charge of the college lands, and 346 more of the unsuspecting settlers. The university, college and free school were all three abandoned, and Copeland did not go to Virginia. He afterwards went to the Bermuda Islands, where he was living in 1638 and later. About 1645 he left the Bermudas and went to a small island in the Bahama group, to form a Puritan church which should have no connection with the state. The isle, which was called "Eluthera," proved a dreary place, and friends of the religion in Boston were obliged to sent the settlers supplies, and in 1651 many of them returned to Bermuda, where Copeland, then more than four score years of age, must soon have died.

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      Sackvill, Sir Edward, Earl of Dorset, born in 1590, educated at Christ Church, Oxford, 1605-09; made a knight of the Bath, November 3, 1618; commanded troops sent to the Elector Palatine, and fought at Prague in 1620; member of parliament; sent on an embassy to France; member of the privy council. He was an active member of the Virginia Company, and took sides with Southampton and Sandys in the factions from 1620 to 1625.After his brother Richard's death in March, 1624, he succeeded him as fourth Earl of Dorset. He was on the commission of 1631 for the management of Virginia affairs, and constantly tried to influence Charles to reestablish the Virginia Company of London. he was a distinguished cavalier in the civil war, and died at Withiam, Sussex, July 27, 1625.

[Pages 29-30]
      Purchase, Rev. Samuel, a divine known as an early collector of voyages and travels, born in 1574, at Thaxted in Essex, and educated at St. John's College, Cambridge; he was curate of Purleigh, in Essex, the parish of which Rev. Lawrence Washington was rector, 1633-43. he was afterwards vicar of Eastwood in Essex, 1604-13. In 1614 he was collated to the rector of St. Martin's Ludgate, London, (where he continued till his death) and appointed chaplain to George Abbott, archbishop of Canterbury. His "Pilgrimage" was published soon after November 5, 1612. The second edition appeared in 1614. After Hakluyt's death he had access to his papers, and published a third edition of his work much enlarged in 1617. "Purchas his Pilgrim — Microcosmos, or the Historie of Man," was published in 1619.In December, 1621, "Purchas his Pilgrims" was entered at Stationers Hall for publication. May 22, 1622, he was admitted into the Virginia Company of London. His last work appears to have ben "The King's Tower and Triumphant Arch of London." He died in 1626, aged 51 years.