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Index — Edmondson to Jackson

Edmondson, Thomas, 228
Edmunds, Jennings, 57
      John, 228
      Thomas, 228
Edmundson, James, 228
Edwards, Nathaniel, 228
      William (merchant), 228
      William, 228
      William, (of Jamestown), 228
Eggleston, Joseph, 229
Eldridge, Thomas, 229
Elizabeth, Queen, 8
Elligood, Jacob, 229
Elliott, Anthony, 124
Ellyson, Robert, 229
Embry, Henry, 229
      William, 229
Emerson, William, 229
      Rev. Arthur, 229
      Rev. Arthur, (W. and M. Coll.), 229
Emperor, Francis, 229
English, Capt. John, 230
      William, 230
Ennalls, Bartholomew, 230
Epes (Eppes), Francis, 115
Eppes, Francis, 230
      Col. Francis, 230
      John, 230
      Richard, 230
      Capt. William, 230
      Littlebury, 231
Eskridge, Col. George, 231
      Samuel, 231
Evelyn, Robert, 107
Everard, Thomas, 231
Ewell, Solomon, 231
Eyre, Littleton, 231
      Severn, 231
Eyres, Robert, 231
Fairfax, Bryan, 231
      Ferdinando, 232
      George W., 163
      Lord Thomas, 232
      William, 156
Farley, Thomas, 232

Farlow, George, 232
Farmer, Lodowick, 232
      Thomas, 232
Farnefold, John, 232
Farrar, Lt. Col. John, 232
      Col. William, 232
      Maj. William, 233
Farrar (Ferrar), William, 93
Farrell, Maj. Hubert, 233
Faulcon, Nicholas, 233
Fawdoin, George, 233
Fauntleroy, Moore, 233
      William, 233
Fauquier, Francis, 67
Fawcett, Thomas, 233
Feild, John, 233
      Henry, Jr., 233
      Peter, 234
Felgate, Capt. Robert, 234
      Capt. Tobias, 234
Ferdinands, Simon, 13
Ferrar, John, 24
      Nicholas, Jr., 24
      Nicholas, Sr., 23
Fielding, Ambrose, 234
Filmer, Henry, 234
Finch, Henry, 99
Fishback, John, 234
Fitzhugh, George, 234
      Henry, 235
      Henry, (of "Bedford"), 235
      Lt. Col. Henry, 235
      Maj. John, 235
      William, 162
      Capt. William, 235
      Col. William, 235
      Lt. Col. William, 235
Fitzwilliams, Richard, 154
Fleming, John, 236
      John, Jr., 236
      Robert, 236
Fletcher, George, 236
Fleet, Henry, 236
Flint, Richard, 237
      Lieut. Thomas, 237

Flinton, Pharoah, 237
Flood, John, 237
Flournoy, Jacob, 237
      John J., 237
Floyd, Charles, 237
Folliott, Rev. Edward, 237
Follis, Mr. Thomas, 237
Fontaine, Francis, 237
      James M., 238
      John, 238
      Peter, 238
Foote, Richard, 238
      Richard (emigrant), 238
Ford, Richard, 238
Fossaker, Capt. Richard, 238
Foster, Joseph, 238
      Capt Richard, 238
Fouace, Stephen, 238
Fowke (Foulke), Gerard, 238
      Thomas, 239
Fowler, Bartholomew, 239
      Francis, 239
Fox, David, 239
      Henry, 239
      Henry (sheriff), 239
      Rev. John, 239
      Maj. Richard, 239
      William, 239
Francis, Thomas, 240
Franklin, Mr. Ferdinand, 240
Freeman, Bridges, 113
French, Daniel, 240
Frobisher, Sir Martin, 9
Fry, John, 240
      Joshua, 240
Fulford, Mr. Francis, 240
Gaddes, John, 240
Gaines, Harry, 240
Gale, Thomas, 241
Galt, Dr. John M., 241
Galthorpe, Stephen, 241
Gany, William, 241
Gardner, Capt. Thomas, 241
Garnett, James, 241
Gaskins, Thomas, 241

Gates, Sir Thomas, 36
      Sir Thomas, 80
George, John, 241
Gerrard, Dr. Thomas, 241
Gibbes, Lieut., 242
Gibson, Jonathan, 242
Gilbert, Adrian, 13
      Bartholomew, 18
      Sir Humphrey, 12
      Sir John, 13
      Raleigh, 18
Giles, John, 242
      Thomas, 242
Gill, Capt. Stephen, 242
Glasscock, Thomas, 241
Glassell, Andrew, 242
Godfrey, Matthew, 242
Godwin, Joseph, 242
      Rev. Morgan, 242
      Thomas (first in Va.), 242
      Thomas, 243
      Thomas, Jr., 243
Gooch, Henry, 243
      William, 60
      William, 121
Goode, Bennett, 243
      John, 244
Goodrich, Charles, 243
      Edward, 243
      Edward (sheriff), 243
      John, 243
Goodwin, James, 244
Gookin, Daniel, 244
      Daniel, Jr., 244
      John, 244
Gordon, James, 244
      Rev. John, 245
      Samuel, 245
Gorsuch, Rev. John, 245
Gosnold, Anthony, 245
      Bartholomew, 76
Gough, Matthew, 245
      Nathaniel, 245
      William, 245
Gouldman, Francis, 245

Gourgainy, Edward, 245
Gower, Abell, 245
Graffenreidt, Christopher de, 246
Graham, John, 246
      Richard, 246
Grantham, Capt. Thomas, 246
Graves, Capt. Thomas, 246
Gray, Col. Edwin, 246
      Francis (emigrant), 246
      Francis, 246
      Col. Joseph, 247
      Rev. Samuel, 247
      Thomas, 247
      William, 247
      William, Jr., 247
Green, John, 247
      Robert, 247
      Roger, 247
      William, 247
Greenhill, David, 248
      Paschal, 248
Gregory, Richard, 248
Gregson, Thomas, 248
Grendon, Edward, 248
      Sarah, 248
      Thomas, 248
      Thomas, Jr., 248
Grenville, Sir Richard, 15
Griffin, Lady Christina, 248
      Corbin, 248
      Samuel, 249
      Thomas, 249
      William 249
Griffith, Edward, 249
Grymes, Benjamin, 249
      Charles, 249
      John, 154
      Philip, 159
      Philip, L., 249
      William, 249
Gwyn, David, 249
      Hugh, 249
      Rev. John, 249
Hack, Peter, 250
Hacker, Henry, 250

Hackett, Capt. Thomas, 250
Haeger, John H., 250
Hairston, Samuel, 250
Hakluyt, Rev. Richard, 12
Hall Robert, 250
      Thomas, 250
Ham, Jeremy, 250
Hamerton, Edward, 250
Hamilton, Andrew, 250
      George, 56
      James, 250
      James, 251
Hamlin, John, 250
      Stephen, 250
Hammond, John, 251
      Mainwaring, 126
Hamor, Thomas, 251
      Ralph, 81
Hardiman, Francis, 251
      John, 251
Hardwick, William, 251
Hardy, George, 251
Hariot, Thomas, 16
Harlowe, John, 252
Harmanson, George, 252
      John, 252
      Matthew, 252
      Thomas, 252
      Thomas (emigrant), 252
Harmer, Ambrose, 110
      Charles, 252
      John, 252
Harris, John, 252
      John (emigrant), 252
      Richard, 252
      Robert, 252
      Capt. Thomas, 252
      William, 252
      William S. 253
Harrison, Benjamin, 146
      Benjamin (1635), 253
      Benjamin (Charles City Co.), 253
      Benjamin (1673), 253
      Burr, 253
      Lieut. George, 253

      Henry, 155
      Dr. Jeremiah, 253
      Nathaniel, 152
      Thomas, 253
      Thomas, Jr., 253
      William, 253
Hartwell, Henry, 144
      William, 253
Harvey, Sir John, 45
      Sir John, 102
Harwood, Col. Edward, 254
      Humphrey, 254
      Joseph, 254
      Samuel, 254
      Samuel, Jr. 254
      Thomas, 118
      William, 87
      William (1712), 254
      William (1742), 254
Hatcher, William, 254
Haviland, Anthony, 254
Hawkins, John, 255
      Sir John, 8
      Capt. Thomas, 255
      Maj. Thomas, 255
    *William, 8
Hawley, Jerome, 107
Hay, Anthony, 255
      Dr. Peter, 255
      John, 255
      Peter, 255
      William (emigrant), 255
      William, York Co., 255
Haynes, Thomas, 255
Haynie, John, 255
      Richard, 255
Hayrick, Thomas, 256
Hayward, Samuel, 256
Heale, George, York Co., 256
      George, Lancaster Co., 256
Hedgman, Peter, 256
Heley, Willis, 256
Henley, Rev. Samuel, 256
Henry VII., 7
Herbert, John, 256

Herrick, Henry, 257
      Thomas, 257
Hethersall, Thomas, 257
Heyman, Peter, 257
Heyrick, Henry, 256
Heyward, John, 257
Hickman, Richard, 257
Higginson, Humphrey, 112
      Capt. Robert, 257
Hill, Edward, 257
      Edward, Jr., 141
      Edward, Sr., 119
      Humphrey, 257
      John, 257
      Nicholas, 258
      Thomas, 258
Hinton, Thomas, 103
Hite, Abraham, 258
      Isaac, 258
      John, 258
      Jost, 258
      Thomas, 258
Hobbs, Francis, 258
Hobson, John, 108
      Thomas, 258
Hockaday, William, New Kent Co., 258
      William, York Co., 258
Hoddin (Hodin), John, 258
Hodges, Thomas, 258
Hoggard, Nathaniel, 259
Holecroft, Thomas, Capt., 259
Holiday, Anthony, 259
Holladay, Anthony, 259
Holland, Gabriel, 259
Hollier, Simon, 259
Holloway, John, 259
Hollows, John, 259
Holman, James, 259
Holmwood, John, 259
Holt, James, 259
      John, 260
      Robert, 260
      Thomas, 260
Holtzclaw, Jacob, 260
Hone, Maj. Theophilus, 260

Honeywood, Philip, 260
Hooe, Rice, Charles City Co., 260
      Rice, Stafford Co., 260
Hooke, Francis, 105
Hope, George, 260
Hornby, Daniel, 260
Horrocks, Rev. James, 163
Horsey, Stephen, 261
Horsmanden, Warham, 122
Hoskins, Anthony, 261
      Bartholomew, 261
Hough, Francis, 261
Howard, Allen, 261
      Benjamin, 261
      Francis, 53
Howe, John, 261
Hubbard, Robert, 261
Huddleston, John 261
Hull, Peter, 261
      Richard, 261
Hume, George, 261
Hunt, William, 262
Hunter, Col. Robert, 50
      William, Editor, 262
      William, Nansemond Co., 262
Hutchings, John, 262
      John, Jr., 262
      Joseph, 262
Hutchinson, Capt. Robert, 262

Hutchison, William, 262
Hutt, Daniel, 262
Hyde, Robert, 262
Ingles, Mungo, 263
Ingram, Joseph, 263
Innes, Hugh, 263
Innis, Henry, 263
Irvine, Alexander, 263
Isham, Henry, 263
Iverson, Abraham, 263
Jackson, Rev. Andrew, 263
      John, 263
      Joseph, 264
      Robert, 264