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Diary of a Soldier of the Stonewall Brigade | |
by John H. Grabill | |
First year of the War |
Shenandoah Herald, Woodstock, Virginia
Published weekly by Jno. H. Grabill
Front Page; Friday, January 8, 15, and 22, 1909
Introduction: This is an account of the first year of the Civil War, by John H. Grabill. He started this journal on June 6th of 1861 and ended it on June 6th of 1862 (the day Turner Ashby was killed). After the war the grim reminders of the hardships suffered during those 4 long years were packed into a trunk and taken to the garret (attic) and forgotten. Many years would pass before Mr. Grabill's journal would be re-discovered in that dusty old garret. Late in the year of 1908 Mr. Grabill decided to publish his diary upon the request of friends and comrades of the famous "Stonewall Brigade". The diary ran on the front page of his paper "Shenandoah Herald" for three consecutive weeks. As you read the account he never mentions his name until he was appointed commander of the militia by his commanding officer General "Stonewall" Thomas J. Jackson. He was appointed 2nd Lieutenant of the 33rd regiment infantry, serving gallantly until it can time to re-enlist. He then "Jin the Cavalry" Company E of the 35th Virginia Cavalry Battalion, serving as their Captain until the Wars end. The following is transcribed as it was printed. (Transcriber - Jackie Milburn)
Shenandoah Herald, Woodstock, Virginia
Diary of a Soldier of the Stonewall Brigade
January 8, 1909 Front Page
On an old garret was found, a short time ago a small book, containing the diary of a soldier written during the first year of the civil war. As it refers to every camp and every march of that brigade, at that time, it will prove interesting to many but especially to the members of the Stonewall Brigade. By request of some of them we have consented to publish it. It is as follows:
June 6th 1861. Our company left Woodstock in wagons, this morning about 8 o'clock, arriving at Winchester at 5 p.m. and was quartered in the Town Hall.
Harper's Ferry.June 7th. We left Winchester about 8 o'clock a.m., on the cars, arrived at Harper's Ferry about 12 o'clock M. and were immediately assigned to Col. Gibbon's regiment, now 10th Va., and was quartered in one of the armory buildings.
June 7th-11th. Remained at Harper's Ferry.
June 12th. Our company was on guard at Harper's Ferry. We used the engine house, John Brown's fort, as our Guard House.
WinchesterJune 13th. We started this morning on the train from Harper's Ferry, reached Winchester about 6 p.m. and camped on the Fair Grounds.
June 14th. Remained in the same place. This evening, I called to see Miss Annie Haymaker.
Romney.June 17th. Started about 4 a.m., arrived at Romney at 11 o'clock, called to see Misses Snyder in the afternoon. We were quartered in the Court House.
June 18th-20th. Remained at Romney.
Hanging RockJune 21st. Started from Romney and marched to Col. Blue's.
Capon BridgeJune 22nd. Started about 3 p.m. and marched to Capon Bridge.
Hog CreekJune 23rd. Started at 2 a.m. and arrived at Hog Creek, at 7 p.m., where we spent Sunday, with no devotional excersises, except that some young ladies from the country came in and assisted some of the soldiers to sing.
Neals Dam.June 24th. Started about 7 o'clock a.m. and arrived at Neal's Dam about one, p.m. where we encamped in a beautiful grove.
June 25th. Remained at same place and our mess had a fine meal, consisting of liver, cornbread and butter.
June 26th. Met with Miss Fountain, Mrs. Campbell and Miss Campbell and afterwards with Miss Allen Spengler and Mrs. Effinger, of Harrisonburg. Col. Gibbons announced to us the sad intelligence that our company was detached from the 10th regiment and attached to Col. Cumming's regiment.
June 27th. Captain G. and I went to Winchester this morning. We had quarters assigned our company in the house, opposite the residence of Doctor Maguire. In the afternoon I wet to Woodstock for cooking utensils and the captain brought the company to Winchester.
June 28th. Remained at Woodstock, attending to company business.
Camp E. K. SmithJune 29th. Returned to Winchester and found that the company was about moving to the camp called "Camp E. K. Smith", near Hollingsworth Mills.
June 30th. Remained at our camp, exposed to a heavy rain, almost without shelter.
July 1st. Rain continued with little cessation.
July 2nd. This day was rendered notable by the fact that after many disappointments, we received our tents. The boys pitched them in a few minutes and seemed as proud as a little boy with his first pair of pants.
July 3rd. To-day we were visited by Mr. Philip Ramey and Uncle Will, who took breakfast with us and before leaving promised to send us a quart of whiskey.
July 4th. To-day we determined to be as patriotic as possible. No one was prepared to read the Declaration of Independence or deliver an oration. One of the party remarked that he had a small quantity of excellent whiskey and proposed to drink toasts in honor of the day. The captain, who, by the way had been a prominent member of the Sons Temperance, said that he understood preparing something good. He took the gill of Whiskey and adding about a pint and a-half of water, made a weak grog, which so disgusted all hands, that no toasts were drunk that day.
Camp CummingsJuly 5th. To-day we struck our tents and moved to the camp at Shawnee Springs, camp Cummings.
July 6th. This morning, I was appointed Officer of the Day and Officer of the Guard, double duty, but very light at best.
July 7th. Under marching orders. No move was made and this evening Lieut. Trout and myself took a walk over Winchester. On returning, had a pleasant chat with Miss Annie H., for several hours. I met while there Joe. Stuart, of Md., a rather mischievous fellow whom I knew at college. He is now in the service of Virginia.
Camp E.K. SmithJuly 8th. Moved back to camp E.K. Smith.
July 9th-11th. Remained in same place, engaged in drilling and making out our muster rolls.
July 12th. To-day, our company mustered in to service.
July 14th. Capt. Rippetoe preached for us to-day. After preaching Misses Mollie and Hattie Hollingsworth spent some time with us. I also met Miss Mollie Rodeffer from Woodstock, to-day, and visited her in the evening. Afterwards I met Miss Sallie Pritchard. Miss Mollie Haas and Mrs. Fountain.
WinchesterJuly 15th. Moved from camp E.K. Smith and our regiment was attached to Gen. Jackson's brigade.
July 16th. Father and Mr. Peter Hoshour visited us to-day. I also met Miss Sallie Clinedinst.
July 17th. Some apprehension of an attack by Gen. Patterson was felt to-day. The boys seemed eager to give the abominable wretches a warm reception. However after spending a great part of the day in leveling fences, the enemy did not come.
ParisJuly 18th. Under marching orders. Started about 2 p.m. and after marching about four miles, we were informed that Gen. Beauregard had been assailed with overwhelming numbers and that Gen. Johnston desired us to undergo a forced march in order to reinforce him. After hearty shouts, we marched to Millwood where we halted about 20 minutes for supper. Afterwards marched to Paris where we halted about one o'clock a.m.
PiedmontJuly 19th. Took up our march about 3 o'clock a.m. and arrived at Piedmont about 7 o'clock a.m. Remained there until about 5 o'clock p.m.
Manassas JunctionWe then took the cars for Manassas, at which point we arrived sometime during the night, being asleep, I could not tell when.
Bull RunJuly 20th. Started from the Junction about 8 o'clock, a.m. and marched to Bull Run within a short distance of the enemy, where we encamped for the night. The firing of the pickets of both armies could be continually heard. Our men seemed ready to do their best in the cause of freedom and Justice.
Manassas Battle FieldJuly 21st. This morning we were awakened by the firing of our pickets. After eating a hearty breakfast and filling our haversacks with provisions, we were again on the march. The artillery of the enemy could be distinctly heard on our right. After marching and counter marching for sometime, we were stationed within a-half mile of the battle ground. The regular roaring of the cannon, enlivened by volleys of musketry and the shouts of our boys, whenever they charged produced a combination of sounds as rare as grand. We were then marched to a position on the left of Capt. Pendleton's battery and almost in front of a battery of the enemy at a distance of 150 yards, where we were ordered to lie down. We remained for more than an hour, exposed to a heavy fire. At length the enemy appeared in sight of the left wing of our regiment. After a partial fire we charged them and drove them from their battery of rifled cannon. We had but 375 men and lost in killed and wounded 160. Our company fought bravely and lost severely, twenty-four being killed and wounded. Killed on the field: William Bowers, Thomas Shuff, Marcus McInturff, Aaron Shipe and Sergeant Samuel P. Hockman. Mortally wounded: Isaac Wymer, Jacob McDaniel, Jos. Layman and Jos. Boly. Wounded: Lieut. Ed. Miller, Daniel Miller, John Funk, Ed. Rodeffer, Wm. E. Hilton, Noah Weaver, Philip Weaver, John Linaweaver, J.M. Hottel, Sergeant Robert Myers, Tobias Snarr, Sergeant B. H. Bowman, David George, John George, and Geo. Copp. After holding the field for sometime, our number becoming less every moment, we left the battery expecting to rally our men for another charge. So many were killed, wounded and scattered that an attempt to rally proved ineffectual, the rest of the afternoon I spent in having the wounds of the wounded dressed and in sending them to the Junction. When night came the same and duty was to be performed. At length having seen that all our wounded had their wounds dressed or were on the way to the junction, I lay down surrounded by the wounded and dying. I was so wearied that in a few monuments I was asleep and slept as pleasantly as if nothing had happened.
July 22nd. I awoke early this morning in consequence of the rain falling upon me. I was not protected by any covering. After begging something to eat of some members of the 49th Va. Regt. I went back to the place where we fought, fearing that some of our wounded had dragged themselves into the bushes, but found none. On returning, we gathered up the fragments of our regiment and started for the junction. The rain continued all day. I wandered about at the junction for several hours, but could see few of our command. About 3 p.m. I started to hunt the camp. I came into camp and found to my great satisfaction that the Capt. Had built a bunk or rather a kind of shelter. I determined to change my wet for a dry suit of clothes, but to my chagrin found all my baggage gone except my oil cloth coat. After taking two cups of good coffee, made with water running in the corn rows of a field, I lay down to sleep in wet clothes.
July 23rd I was awakened early this morning by a chilly sensation produced by sleeping in the damp ground in wet clothes. I was up about 4 o'clock and dried my clothes as well as I could while they were on my back. After breakfast, to my great satisfaction, I found my knapsack and changed clothes immediately. I then went to the junction to hunt up the wounded and found Hilton, Danl. Miller and Lieut. Miller, and to my great joy met father, uncle Will, uncle Trout and Mr. Welsh, and with much pleasure learned that they had for us tobacco, a jug of whiskey and a box of provisions. It seemed like all the imaginable blessings were being showered upon us at once. After spending a few hours very pleasantly, I returned to camp.
July 24th. This morning I was awakened about 4 ½ o'clock and ordered to report at the Junction, at 6. I was detailed to go to Winchester for the baggage of our regiment. Started about 4 p.m. and on getting to Strasburg found that our baggage was there. I then went to Woodstock and met with many of friends.
July 25th. Returned to Strasburg and found that it was necessary to send to Winchester for some of the baggage belonging to Capt. Jones' company. I then returned to Woodstock. In the evening Jos. Boly was brought up and moved to our house.
July 26th. Returned to Strasburg about 6 p.m. and made arrangements for loafing baggage. Called to see Miss Gennie Kiester and met some other young ladies, among the number Miss Kate Yost. Slept in one of the tents all night.
July 27th. Loaded our baggage in the cars and made every arrangement to start to-morrow morning. Called to see Mrs. Zea in the evening, slept in the car.
Capt MaggotJuly 28th. Started at 5 a.m. and arrived at Manassas Junction about noon. Had one load of baggage immediately moved to the camp about 3 miles East of Manassas Junction. This camp was located on a stream which drained a part of the battle field. From this circumstances, the men gave it its name.
July 29th-Aug. 1st. Remained in the same camp.
Camp HarmanAug. 2nd. Moved to Camp Harman, one mile East of Centerville, and about 7 miles from the Junction.
Aug. 3rd. This evening I was appointed officer of the Brigade guard, rather a laborious post.
Aug. 4th. Acting as the of officer guard till 6 p.m. this evening Mr. Moses Walton came into camp.*
*At 2 A.M. a boy about 17 years of age was brought in by the guard. He was found asleep on his post. His name was Lutz and he was a member of the Shriver Grays of Wheeling. He was committed to the guard house. The next day Gen. Jackson ordered me to prefer charges against him. About two weeks afterwards I noticed that he was acting as orderly for Gen. Jackson. When the General Court Marshall met, Gen. Jackson sent an orderly to me to inquire what had become of the man against whom I had preferred a charge of sleeping on his post. My reply was; "Tell General Jackson that I left him in the guard house". I have been informed that the very man survived the war and was afterwards a successful business man, of Wheeling W.Va..
Aug. 5th. This morning I started early for the Junction, with Mr. M. Walton. Found Lieut. Trout with several of our men. Returned to camp at noon.
Aug. 6th-22nd. Nothing of importance occurred in camp. Almost incessant rain and a great deal of sickness in camp. I was quite ill for a week or two.
Aug. 23rd. Reported for duty to-day, the first time since I was sick. This evening we were called out and marched below Fairfax C.H., a distance of about 7 miles, when the alarm was found to be false and we were ordered back to our camp, getting there about 11 o'clock p.m. we found a box of fresh provisions from home.
Aug. 24th. Nothing of importance occurred in camp.
Aug. 25th. For the first time since we left camp E.K. Smith I had the pleasure of enjoying a Sabbath. We heard a sermon by Rev. Dr. Dabney in the 27th Regt. About 4 o'clock another alarm was given, and we received orders to march. We marched about 2 miles when we were ordered back to camp.
Aug. 26th. I was appointed regimental officer of the Day.
Aug. 27th. This morning about 5 o'clock another alarm was given and immediately after breakfast, we were on the march. We rested about 1 ½ hours in sight of Fairfax C.H. and were ordered to about face. Arrived in camp about 3 p.m.
Aug. 28th-30th. Remained in camp, raining.
Aug. 31st. We were mustered for payment this morning. Wm. Hilton returned to camp to-day, his wounds apparently healed. I have been quite unwell.
Sept. 1st I have been quite unwell again. Wrote to Cousin Lou this afternoon.
Sept. 2nd. Our company is improving. A larger number on drill this morning than at any time since the battle of July 21st.
Sept. 3rd. Again Regimental officer of the Day. News from below indicates that Gen. Beauregard is drawing very close to McClellan. Rec'd a letter from Lieut. Miller to-day.
Sept. 4th. No important move. Capt. Spengler called to see us and contributed greatly to a pleasant conversational entertainment.
Sept. 5th. Raining and cold. Received a small box from Woodstock, containing a beautiful rosette, no name given, but suppose it was from some lady friend. Received a letter from mother.
Shenandoah Herald, Woodstock Virginia
Diary of a Soldier of the Stonewall Brigade
January 15, 1909, Front page
Continued from Friday, January 8, '09
Sept. 6th. Received a box and barrel of provisions and fruit from home, to-day, also a letter from mother. Among the provisions was a fine lot of peaches.
Sept. 7th. Heard the firing of cannon distinctly. It was supposed to be near the Potomac. I met with Thos. Parker who was a college mate. Had quite a pleasant time.
Sept. 8th. Heard an excellent sermon by Bishop Johns, from the text, "To whom shall I go?" Met with Baylor, a classmate at college, and Frank Singleton a Phi Kap. From Eta Chapter and another Phi Kap from the second regiment. Listend to another fine setmon by Bishop Johns, from the text, "Strive to enter in at the straight gate."
Sept. 9th General Joseph Johnston visited this brigade to-day and dined with Col. Cummings. He was accompanied by Gen. Elzey.
Sept. 10th. To-day we received our pay to July 1st. This afternoon I was appointed Lieut. Of the Picket.
Sept. 11th. Remained on picket till 6 o'clock p.m. This morning I received a letter from mother and one from Cousin Sue.
Sept. 12th. To-day I went to Manassas Junction.
Sept. 13th. Our troops were reviewed this morning by Gen. Jos. E. Johnston.
Sept. 14th. Received one box of provisions and one barrel of peaches and apples from home. Mr. J. H. Wartman, Editor of the Rockingham Register, visited us to-day.
Sept. 15th. We had a sermon from Rev. Mc Grandin, our chaplain, this morning, Lieut. Trout started home and returned this afternoon, not being able to see Gen. Johnston.
Camp FairfaxSept. 16th. Struck our tents this morning about 8 o'clock and moved our camp to a place about one-half mile from Fairfax C.H. Parson Hyde left us this morning. Lieut. Trout and myself visited Fairfax C.H. this afternoon and treated ourselves to some candy and cigars.
Sept. 17th. Appointed officer of the Guard. Lieut. Trout went home.
Sept. 18th. Four of our men returned this evening. Nothing of importance done in camp.
Sept. 19th. Received a letter from home to-day. Answered it immediately and sent the letter by Lieut. Golladay, of Co. B.
Sept. 20th. We received a visit to-day from Messrs. S. V. R. Clower and Robt. Bowman of the 10th Reg't.
Sept. 21st. Nothing worthy of note.
Sept. 22nd. Preaching twice to-day, appointed officer of the Guard, this evening. Noah Weaver returned to camp today.
Sept. 23rd. Still officer of the Guard.
Sept. 24th. Carbaly Good returned to camp to-day. He reports three more on their way.
Sept. 25th. Marcus Mauck, David George and John Reynolds returned to-day. Lieut. Trout returned this evening.
Sept. 26th. Under marching orders, but no more.
Sept. 27th. John Miles (our cook) went home to-day. Received orders to prepare for picket duty.
Sept. 28th. The regiment started on picket this morning. I was detailed to take charge of the camp. Sam'l Hamrick and D. E. W. Myers left camp.
Sept. 29th. A great many rumors are circulating through camp. A battle is expected by many.
Sept. 30th. A considerable movement of troops was noticed to-day, but our brigade seems as quiet as usual.
Oct. 1st. Received a long and interesting letter from mother this afternoon, answered it this evening.
Oct. 2nd. Raining all day.
Oct. 3rd. A deserter from our regiment, belonging to Capt. Spengler's company was brought in to-day. He had been in the Northern army.
Oct. 4th. Mr. Charles Welsh and Lieut. Mark Welsh visited me to-day. The regiment returned from picket, this evening about 9 o'clock.
Oct. 5th. Appointed officer of the day this morning. Received a large box from home. Messrs. Josiah Heller and Levi McInturff visited us to-day.
Oct. 6th. Inspection this morning. Our chaplain preached this morning and at night. Signal rockets were seen this evening about 9 o'clock.
Oct. 7th. Received a box of cakes and bread from home this evening.
Oct. 8th. Received a letter from home to-day. Heard of the death of Sam'l Hamrick.
Oct. 9th. Had two interesting company drills. The health of the company is very good.
Oct. 10th. Raining part of the day. No dress parade.
Oct. 11th. We had a general review of our brigade by Gens. Jos. E. Johnston, Beauregard and Smith. The regiment drilled very well.
Oct. 12th. Visited the 2nd Regt. This afternoon. Saw Geo. Baylor.
Oct. 13th. Quite cool to-day. Nothing of importance occurred.
Oct. 15th. Signal rockets were seen this morning at 3.45. The regiment was immediately ordered under arms. The day was afterward spent in making preparation. At. 8 o'clock p.m. we received notice to strike tents and be prepared to march at 3 a.m.
Oct. 16th, 1861. Left our camp near Fairfax C.H., at 3 a.m. and after a very tiresome march went into camp near Centerville, about noon. This was a move not confined to our brigade, but of the 2nd corps of the army of the Potomac. We can hardly tell whether itr is the end of the beginning of a strategic move.
Oct. 17th. Spent the day resting and fixing up.
Oct. 18th. News received this morning that the Yankees had taken possession of Fairfax, C.H.
Oct. 19th. Messrs. Samuel Williams and Philip Pitman and several others of the 10th Regt. were to see us today. No drilling.
Oct. 20th. Preaching by the Chaplain. Nothing of importance occurred.
Oct. 21st. The weather was quite cool this morning. News was received that the Yankees had driven in the pickets of the 131st regiment. Can't tell whether it is reliable.
Oct. 22. Ordered to prepare for picket duty.
Oct. 23. The regiment started this morning. Capt. and myself left in camp sick, Mr. J.W. Ott came down with 6 of our men.
Oct. 24. Adam Rudolph returned to-day.
Oct. 25. Captain and myself both quite sick. Regiment came back from picket.
Oct. 26. Day was spent in fixing up and policing still sick.
Oct. 27. Preaching only at night. Sitting by the fire all day. Received a letter from Miss Kate.
Oct. 28. Nothing of importance in camp. Notion of going home.
Oct. 30. Pay roll received the Virginia regiments were each presented with a flag, by Gov. Letcher.
Oct. 31st. Our company was mustered this morning, had 55 men. The Virginia regiments were reviewed this evening by Gens. Jos. E. Johnston, T. J. Jackson, Gov. Letcher and others.
Nov. 1st. Captain Gatewood sent home to-day sick. Making out muster rolls all day. Retired this evening in unusually comfortable style.
Nov. 2nd. About 4 o'closk this morning, our tent was blown down, leaving Lieut. Trout and myself exposed to a heavy rain. We soon gathered up our clothes and placed them in another tent, and tried to warm ourselves besides a fire in the open air, but in consequence of a heavy rain, did not succeed very well. We put up our tent about daylight remained in it, till about 2 p. m., when in spite of all our efforts a strong wind again threw down the tent, leaving its helpless inmates to the comforts of a drenching rain. After dark, the wind ceased. Adjutant Neff having put up his tent which had shared a like fate, we gathered up our provisions and repaired to his tent where we had quite a pleasant report. I was appointed Officer of the day this evening, mounted the guard during a very heavy shower. Many of the tents of this as well as other regiments were blown down. After enjoying the Adjutant's fire and a social chat, we retired about 12 o'clock, and were soon unconscious of what we had suffered during the day. I felt, even while I had no dry place for my feet or head, grateful that it was no worse. It was one of the vicissitudes of a soldier's life, which I am sure will not cause the recollection of our campaign to be any the less pleasant.
Sunday, Nov. 3d. Still officer of the day. We cleaned up our place for the tent and erected our temporary residence in much better style than heretofore. The day was calm and beautiful in marked contrast with the storm that had just preceded it. No Divine service to-day. Finished our muster rolls this evening.
Nov. 4th. The Regiment was called out to-day and Gen. Jackson delivered his farewell address to his brigade. Gen. Jackson and his staff officers road up in front of the brigade, after we had formed on the hillside, and looked up and down the line. He then slowly raised his cap and said, "Officers and soldiers of the first brigade, I am not here to make a speech, but simply to say farewell. I first met you at Harpers Ferry, in the commencement of this war, and I cannot take leave of you without giving expression to my admiration of your conduct from that day to this, whether on the march, the bivouac, the tented field, or the bloody plains of Manassas when you gained the well deserved reputation of having decided the fate of the battle. Throughout the broad extent of country over which you have marched, by your respect for the right's and property of citizens, you have shown that you were soldiers, not only to defend, but able and willing, both to defend and protect. You have already gained a brilliant and deservedly high reputation, throughout the army, and the whole Confederacy, and I trust, in the future, by your deeds on the field, and by the assistance of the same kind Providence who has heretofore favored our cause, you will gain more victories, and add additional luster to the reputation you now enjoy. You have already gained a proud position in the future history of this, our war of independence. I shall look with great anxiety to your future movements, and I trust, whenever I shall hear of the first brigade on the field of battle, it will be of still nobler deeds achieved, and a higher reputation won. In the army of the Shenandoah, you were the first brigade, in the army of the Potomac, you were the first brigade; in the second corps of this army you are the first brigade; you are the first brigade in the affections of your general, and I hope by your future deeds and bearing you will be handed down to posterity, as the FIRST brigade in this, our second war of independence. Farewell!"
Nov. 5th. Orders to be ready to pack at any time. The company was paid about noon. Received a box from home this evening.
Nov. 6th. Started this morning before day, arriving at Bull Run just at day light. Found that Father was not at the Junction. Returned to camp, expecting to draw the pay of our company, but was informed that the rolls were not receipted correctly and that pay could not be drawn until another roll could be made out. Finished the roll this evening.
Nov. 7th. The Colonel refused to sign the roll, because some of our men had made no arrangements for winter clothing. I then determined to report the case to Gen. Johnston and demand payment, but met Col. Cummings on my way. He agreed to sign the muster roll. Learned this evening about 10 o'clock that we had orders to move to Winchester.
Nov. 8th. Received a letter from home informing me that father would be at the Junction to-morrow.
Manassas JunctionNov. 9th. Struck tents about 7 o'clock and started at 10 a. m. Reached Manassas about 1 p. m. It rained very hard and the regiment was much exposed, during the day and night. Co. E. (Irish Company,) got a lot of whisky and there was a jolly time quieting them.
StrasburgNov. 10th. Started about 8 a. m. for Strasburg on M. G. R. R. arrived at Strasburg about 5 p. m. Regiment encamped in two barns belonging to Mr. George F. Hupp. Met with Aunt Lizzie, Mollie T., Mr. And Mrs. Reuben Walton, and a number of persons from Woodstock, and vicinity. Took supper with cousin Willie, had a very pleasant time.
Nov. 11th. Started for Winchester about 7 o'clock. Was detailed to go after several men who had gone home. Returned to Strasburg and remained all day waiting for a train. Started for Woodstock about dark.
Nov. 12th Spent nearly all day, hunting for a horse and was unable to go to the country.
Nov. 13th. Started for Marcus Mauck, found him about Edinburg and notified him to return, found John Reynolds also.
Nov. 14th. Went to Columbia Furnace after David George and Reynard.
Nov. 15th. Went after Harman, found him at Mr. Keller's.
Nov. 16th. Went to Cedar Creek. Found M. Orndorff. Several of our men had just left for the Fort. A very cold day and a rough ride. Could not find Rudolph.
Nov. 17th. Attended church to-day. Heard Mr. Speake preached.
Nov. 18th. Was unable to procure a horse.
Nov. 19th. Rode to Columbia Furnace and started several of the men to camp. Did not get home till after night.
Nov. 20th Went to Cedar Creek to-day. Met several of the men. Called on Miss Willie Radcliffe, this evening.
Nov. 21st. Wet to Powell's Fort to-day. Returned about dark.
Nov. 22nd. Went to Powell's Fort to-day. Remained all night at Seven Fountains.
Nov. 23rd. Returned to Woodstock. Heard a fine sermon in the evening by Dr. Stiles from the words, "If I am then they Father, where is mine honor?"
Nov. 24th. Heard a fine sermon by Dr. Stiles. Was quite unwell this afternoon and evening.
Nov. 25th. Too unwell to ride out. Attended church this evening and heard a good sermon, by same preacher. Quite an interesting meeting is in progress in the Presbyterian church.
Nov. 26th. Received orders to return to camp. Was too unwell to start to-day.
Nov. 27th. Met Sergeant S. H. Bowman to-day, who was sent after the men of our company who are absent without leave. Made arrangements to start on morning train.
Camp StephensonNov. 28th. Started this morning at 3 o'clock and arrived in camp at 10 a. m. Found things progressing as well as could be desired.
Nov. 29th. In consequence of a sore throat, did not drill to-day. Weather too bad to drill. Raining and cold.
Sunday, Dec. 1st. No preaching to-day. The chaplain is absent sick.
Dec. 2nd. The day was spent in chopping and hauling wood. Weather somewhat cooler.
Dec. 3d. Last night was the coldest we have had. Read the articles of war to the men.
Dec. 4th-9th. Remained in camp. Usual drills &c. Met with several very pleasant ladies.
Tuesday, Dec. 10th. A review of the brigade was made to-day. Many ladies and gentlemen were present. Everything passed off pleasantly.
Dec. 11th. To-day Uncle Will and Lieut. Mill were here. I was appointed Judge Advocate upon a court of enquiry.
Dec. 12th. Upon a court of Enquiry, as Judge Advocate.
Dec. 13th. Brigade Inspection, to-day, by Gen. Garnett. Sunday.
Dec. 15th. Received orders this morning to be prepared for a move. The regiment is ordered to move tomorrow at 6 A.M.
Dec. 16th. The regiment was awakened at 3 A.M., started about 6. Marched upon the Martinsburg road. We encamped within 2 ½ miles of Martinsburg. I was appointed officer of the Day this evening. Dam No. 5.
Dec. 17th. Started from camp at 11 A.M. Marched through Martinsburg. Met Mrs. Eakin, also a member of the militia from our place. About 12 o'clock P.M., bivouacked in the open air about ¼ mile from dam No. 5, on the Potomac. A detail was made and the men worked at the dam all night.
Dec. 18th. I woke up before day and walked about the woods sometime. About sun up we started back to a place about ¾ of a mile distant, where we stopped. Cooked and ate breakfast. We then drew rations and the men continued cooking. We drew fresh pork. Cannon were heard this morning and the fire and smoke distinctly seen.1:30 P.M. while I was writing, I can see the fire of cannons distinctly and the shells bursting in the air. A dense smoke is now raising and the report of cannon more frequent. Part of the men are standing on the hills witnessing the scene, while the greater number are busily engaged cooking. None seen to anticipate any danger, but all seem eager to give the Yankees a warm reception. I just heard that one of the 27th regiment was killed and one wounded. They were engaged in tearing down the dam. We are on land owned by a traitor, who has gone over to Maryland. Several of his fat hogs fell under the sequestration law this morning, and were killed for the use of the regiment. Immediately after dark, we marched back to the place where we slept last night and soon we were all asleep. Two members of the Page company left camp this evening and have not been heard from since it is supposed that they were made prisoners by the enemy.
Shenandoah Herald, Woodstock Virginia
Diary of a Soldier of the Stonewall Brigade January 22, 1909
Continued from Friday, January 8 and 15, '09
Dec. 19th. This morning when I awoke, I found the frost thick upon my bed and pillow except the place upon which my head was laying. However, we slept very comfortably. We marched back to the place which we occupied yesterday to cook breakfast. The report that one of the 27th was shot yesterday proves to be untrue, but one of the regiment was shot and killed this morning. I an informed that the firing we saw yesterday was the Yankees firing into an old camp, in which our forces had built fires before they moved away. This evening our artillery opened upon a barn on the other side of the river where the Yankees had congregated. They struck it several times but did not burn it. This evening our company was detached for picket duty. Immediately after dark, I reported to Gen. Garnett and we were stationed within seventy yards of the Potomac. I stationed the our-posts and then returned to the position of the reserve.
Dec. 20th. This morning about 2 o'clock I visited the out-posts, and found everything quiet. After day-light, we retired with the reserve about 100 yards, on account of the position we held being much exposed, it having been shelled yesterday by the enemy. About 8 a.m. we noticed a number of Yankees within gun shot of our out-posts, and fearing that they might not be seen by our men, we fired several rounds from the reserve, though it was at too great a distance to have any effect. They returned the fire and soon our out-posts discovered their position and a pretty sharp firing was kept up for several hours. None of our men was hurt. It was thought that four Yankees were shot, two of whom they were seen to carry away. WE have a fine view of a portion of Maryland from our position. One ball from a rifled cannon passed very near us but no one was hurt. I noticed some good firing by the enemy this evening. About 8 o'clock we were relieved and we returned to the regiment and again repaired to the woods. The night is very cold.
Dec. 21st. Started back to our camp at 7 a.m., passed through Martinsburg at 11 a.m. Met Mrs. Eakin again, bivouacked about 2 ½ miles south of Martinsburg.
Camp Stevenson.Sunday, Dec. 22nd. Started at 7 a. m. marched to camp Stevenson, where we pitched our tents on the same ground which we used before. Much pleased at the opportunity of enjoying our old fire-places.
Dec. 23rd. Rain and very cold. We were glad to keep in our tents.
Dec. 24th. Still unpleasant weather. Today we received our muster and pay rolls, with the promise of pay tomorrow. On duty as officer of the Day.
Dec. 25th. Started to Winchester this morning to collect the pay of the company. Met Father and Uncle Trout on their way to our camp. Did not succeed in collecting the pay. Returned to camp about 1 o'clock and found that friends at home had not been unmindful of us: For they had sent cakes, pies, chickens, pickle, butter, &c. I enjoyed the company of Father and Uncle very much.
Dec. 26th. Went to Winchester this morning. Met with J. Lester Shirley, an old classmate. I attended prayer meeting with him this evening and heard with him deliver a lecture on the "arms of the Israelites." Afterwards returned to his room at the Taylor Hotel and had a good chat concerning our college days. Father went home today. Spent the night with Shipley.
Dec. 27th. Drew pay for the company to-day, returned to camp and paid off company.
Dec. 28th. Found it necessary to move our tent on account of chimney smoking. We found a better location and built a new chimney which answers a very good purpose. The day was spent chopping wood.
Sunday, Dec. 29th. Remained in tent nearly all day. Mr. Philip Pitman called to see us today. Had a fine feast of cake sent us from home.
Dec. 30th. Was busy all day making out muster rolls for the last two months.
Dec. 31st. Spent a great part of the day working on muster rolls. The company was mustered this morning. We had a fine stew of oysters this evening. Received orders to draw five days rations and to cook one day's this evening. Received other orders indicating something more than a march.
As I sit in the tent this evening everything seems quiet. The old year is gradually dying. As I take a retrospective view of the past, the great thought of my mind seems to find expression in the exclamation, "What an eventful year!"
Last year Peace reigned throughout our undivided country. We were then under the government of our fathers, and the Union though tottering, was still standing as a monument to the labors of patriotic bands. The constitution framed by the illustrious men of "76" though threatened, was still exerting its strong power in defense of the rights of the people of the Union. How sad the change! That union so revered, so loved, and so precious to us all, having been degraded from the proud position which it occupied has fallen to pieces and the constitution which was once our shield now lies impotent at the feet of a despot. Many, who began this year in the full enjoyment of health and of the prospect of a long life, are now lying cold and silent in their graves. Many a noble youth who volunteered to defend his native land against the tyrannical and wicked invasion of a heartless foe, has sacrificed his life's blood upon the altar of his country. I might here mention the names of a number of my friends which shall be held dear through life. A. Dyer, A. Rench and a number of others of our fraternity have sacrificed their all in defense of the principles espoused by the people of the Confederate States. A year ago, we had no national existence now we look forward to be ranked as one of the nations of the world. May God grant that we may be blessed with prosperity equal to that which has been lavished upon us in the past. May the Lord be with us as a people and as individuals and may his name ever be honored and revered by our new Nationality, and when this life is over may we who are sharing the turmoil's of a soldier's life be crowned with immortality at his right hand.
4 1/2 miles N. W. of Winchester.
The Bath TripJan. 1st, 1862. This morning we struck tents at 5 o'clock and started on our march. We passed through Pughtown about noon and bivouacked in the open air about 16 miles from Winchester. The weather was very warm and pleasant. After taking a snack of cold chicken and cake. Lieut Trout and I made our Headquarters in a wagon, where we rested and slept well. Wm. Hilton returned to camp to-day.
Jan. 2d. We again started on our line of march. The road was very bad in places, but the men moved along very cheerfully, hoping to have a chance to meet the wretches who are devastating this portion of the Old Dominion. This evening we encamped on the North Frederick Grade, 21 miles from Martinsburg, near Unger's Store. We are located in a deep hollow in a thick grove. We have large fires, around one of which we are now sitting, while one of our number is rubbing music out of an old fiddle. The wind howls desolately around us, but what care we for cold winds so long as we have a good fire and cheerful companions.
UNGER'S STOREJan. 3d. We started this morning about 10 o'clock, I met with Lieut. Col. Hottel and a number of the militia from Shenandoah. We marched very slowly in consequence of heavy artillery being in front of us. This evening we encamped about 3 ½ miles from Bath. It commenced snowing about 8 o'clock and continued for several hours. We soon appropriated rails and by using some pine brush erected very comfortable quarters, in which we slept very pleasantly. Eight prisoners were brought in. They belong to Co. D, 39th Illinois regiment.
BATHJan. 4th. Started from camp about 6.30 a. m. Our brigade was held in reserve while the others were sent on towards Bath. Another prisoner, from the same regiment was brought in. it is reported that the militia had a slight engagement with the enemy in which several were wounded. About 4.30 p. m. we advanced at double quick and reached Bath in a few minutes. The Yankees had returned leaving a considerable amount of baggage. It is said that the militia brigade behaved badly.This evening our company quartered in the house of a union man, named Strother, the father of 'Porte Crayon.' Bath is quite a pretty little place, situated in a valley, with mountains very close on either side. One of its natural curiosities is a warm spring, from the water of which a vapor is constantly ascending. There was an engagement during the night, in which five of our army were killed and 25 wounded. I think that they belonged to the 42d Virginia and some perhaps to an Arkansas regiment.
Jan. 5th. This morning we marched back to our wagons which had stopped about one mile below Bath. We afterwards advanced through town and out within one mile of the Potomac river, opposite Hancock, where we bivouacked. It is snowing very fast. In consequence of the road being blocked, our wagons did not reach us and we had to lie out without blankets. It was indeed a very disagreeable night but after a little sleeping and much watching, morning greeted us.
Jan. 6th. This morning we marched we marched back to the wagons where we remained all day. We pitched our tents this evening and slept very comfortably.
CAMP MUDJan. 7th. Received orders to pack up. The wagons started about 8 o'clock, but in consequence of a long train and an icy road, the regiment did not move till about 4 p. m. The march was very slow for the first five miles, passing through Bath at 6 p. m. Afterwards we marched very rapidly, reaching camp, near Unger's store about 12 o'clock at night. Slept in the wagon. The men called the camp, Camp Mud.
Jan. 8th. Remained in same place.
Jan. 9th. In same place. This morning W. H. Orndorff returned. C. Good, Moses Rinker, Sergt. S. H. Bowman and W. Moreland were sent to the hospital at Winchester.
CAMP NO BETTERJan. 10th. This morning we moved to a location about one-half mile distant, which the men named, Camp No Better.
Jan. 11th. Remained in same place.
Jan. 12th. Issued several furloughs today.
CAPON RIVERJan. 13th. This morning we began marching about daylight. Our company was detached as pioneers. Marched to Capon river where we encamped for the night.
Jan. 14th. Started at daylight. We built bridges across Capon and North rivers. Encamped near Cross Roads.
ROMNEYJan. 15th. Marched at daylight. After a rapid march, we arrived at Romney about 2 p. m. Met with Mrs. S. and Misses Kate and Annie who received me very cordially. Took dinner at Dr. S's. Called to see Mrs. Myers this evening. Had very pleasant quarters in Bank building.
Jan. 16th. Met with many old acquaintances. After having been exposed to the rigors of winter for several weeks. I enjoyed very much our comfortable quarters. John Irwin and Daniel George returned this evening. Called to see some young ladies and had a very pleasant time.
Jan. 17th. Remained in town under marching orders.
Jan. 18th. Drew shoes for men to-day. Had a pleasant time at Mr. Myers'.
Jan. 19th. Kneisley and W. Moreland returned today. Heard Dr. Foote preach this morning and the Chaplain of the First Tennessee Regiment this evening. Called to see Misses Annie and Kate tonight and had a pleasant time.
Jan. 20th. We had several games of back gammon with Miss Kate and Miss Annie. Under marching orders. Received marching orders again this evening. Called to see the ladies, and after a very pleasant time, gave them good bye, expecting to start to Winchester in the morning.
Jan. 22nd. Orders countermanded and another pleasant day spent at Romney, visited Mr. Myers.
Jan. 23rd. This morning we started from Romney about 7 o'clock. For a distance of 12 miles the houses on either side of the road had been burned by the Yankees. Marched about 14 miles, in the direction of Winchester.
Jan. 24th. Started at daylight and marched 14 miles.
Jan. 25th. Started at 7:30 a. m. Marched about 13 miles and encamped within two miles of Winchester.
Jan. 26th. Remained in camp.
Jan. 27th. Received orders to move tomorrow at 8 o'clock a. m. to a point on the Pughtown road to erect winter quarters.
Jan. 28th. Weather very disagreeable and consequently no move this morning.
CAMP ZOLLICOFFERJan. 29th. This morning we marched to camp on Pughtown road about 4 ½ miles from Winchester. Martin Keller was in camp this evening. Six or seven of our boys returned to camp.
Jan. 30th. The weather being very disagreeable. We did not commence building winter quarters. Wrote several furloughs today.
Jan. 31st. Commenced cutting timber for winter quarters, but as there is a probability of moving to a better place, did not continue.
Feb. 1st. Nothing of importance occurred in camp.
Feb. 2nd. A beautiful day. I visited W. H. Orndorff, who is sick at a neighbor's house.
Feb. 3rd. Another snow had fallen during the night, very cold and disagreeable weather. We were quite comfortable in our tents.
Feb. 4th. The weather moderated considerably. Expected a box from home but it did not come.
Feb. 5th. Lieut. Trout started home on leave of absence. Messrs. Hausenfluck and Painter visited camp, bringing a large amount of provisions. Some of our company re-enlisted for the war.
Feb. 6th. A number re-enlisted to-day.
Feb. 7th. A pretty day. Mr. Hoover was in camp today.
Feb. 8th. S. Coffman and Albert Eskew went home on furlough. Spent the day writing furloughs.
Feb. 9th. Spent a great part of the day attending to company business.
Feb. 10th. Eleven of our company went home on furlough today.
Feb. 11th. James Harman returned to camp.
Feb. 12th. G. Marston returned to-day. Weather very pleasant, more so than usual. Received a letter from home today. Answered it this evening. Received first copy of Richmond Dispatch on my new subscription.
Feb. 13th. Nothing to break the monotony of camp life. Several re-enlisted to-day.
Feb. 14th. Weather rather unpleasant.
Feb. 15th. The Colonel returned after a leave of absence.
Feb. 16th. Weather mild and beautiful. No devotional exercises.
Feb. 17th. Nothing of importance to-day.
Feb. 18th. Heard news of the fight at Fort Donelson.
Feb. 19th. Company still filling up. Some re-enlisting.
Feb. 20th. Received a letter from home answered it this evening.
Feb. 21st. Heard that Fort Donelson had been taken.
Feb. 22nd. A number of men came in yesterday and today. No reliable news from the South.
Feb. 23rd. Nothing of importance occurred today.
Feb. 24th. Very windy, could not keep fire in my tent.
Feb. 25th. Received marching orders.
Feb. 26th. Father and Mr. Henry Hottel came into camp this morning, bringing a fine lot of provisions. They remained but a few hours. Marching orders were countermanded.
Feb. 27th. Received marching orders this morning. About 12 o'clock were ordered to pack, and be ready to march. At 2 p. m., we left camp Zollicoffer, after a very pleasant stay of about four weeks, marched almost to Winchester and camped is a small grove on the edge of town.
Feb. 28th. The regiment mustered this morning. Our company had 41 present.
March 1st. In same camp.
March 2nd. Inspection of arms.
March 3rd. Lt. Trout returned this morning.
March 4th. This morning, I was detailed to go to Shenandoah to recruit for the company.
March 5th. Started for home. Met Shipley, Jos. And Tom Parker in Winchester. Reached home at 11 p. m. Lieut. Thos. McInturff, Co. B., was assigned to our company to remain during my absence.
March 7th. Remained at home during the day. Visited Mr. Hickman, this evening.
March 8th. Went to Columbia Furnace to-day. Visited Miss Sallie Clinedinst and other ladies this evening.
March 9th. Heard Revs. Armstrong and Speake preach to-day. Spent a half hour very pleasantly with Miss Shaver.
March. 10th. Court day. Several recruits, visited Miss Annie Bowman, this evening.
March 11th. Remained in town. The force at Winchester, it is thought will fall back.
March 12th. Went to Colombia Furnace. The Provost Guard from Winchester reached Woodstock, to-day. Gen. Jackson fell back to Cedar Creek.
March 13th. Shipley came up to-day. Some excitement in town in consequence of people passing through.
March 14th. All quiet to-day. The militia assembled in town. Received several recruits. Visited Miss Willie this evening.
March 15th. The forces of Gen. Jackson passed through Woodstock to-day, and encamped near Narrow Passage.
CAMP BUCHANANMarch 16th. The First Brigade moved to camp Buchanan, near Red Banks, I remained in town. March 17th. Returned to camp Found about twenty-four men.
March 18th. Remained in camp. Had several interesting drills.
March 19th. Cousin Jennie Morrison, Mollie Trout and Miss Willie Radcliffe visited camp to-day. Had a pleasant time. Heard this afternoon that the Yankees were advancing. They were expected at Woodstock. Many of the citizens left town.
March 20th. We left camp Buchanan this afternoon. Marched to Rudes Hill, about 4 miles above Mt. Jackson. Weather very unpleasant. Order to march at 6 a. m. I am suffering from cold and sore throat.
RUDE'S HILLMarch 21st. Under advice of surgeon went to New Market, this morning. The regiment, afterwards, moved down the Valley and encamped about two miles below Mt. Jackson.
March 22nd. Remained in New Market till night, when I succeeded in getting a seat on one of the coaches and went to Mt. Jackson, where I got lodging, on the floor of a hotel without covering.The Brigade marched from camp to Cedar Creek, a distance of about 24 miles.
BATTLE OF KERNSTOWN.March 23rd. I left Mt. Jackson at 11 o'clock and arrived at Woodstock, about 3 p. m. The brigade moved about 7 a. m., marched a little below Newtown where they were drawn up in line of battle. About 12 o'clock, the cavalry and artillery were engaged, and about 3 o'clock there was a general battle. About 2200 men on our side were engaged. A little before dark, after several hours of severe as will as successful fighting, the Confederates were compelled to give way before the overwhelming numbers of the enemy. Gen. Jackson's army camped at Chrisman's Spring for the night. Our loss killed wounded and missing about 460. That of the enemy in killed and wounded supposed to be much greater. In our company, corporal Philip Weaver and private Jos. Copenhaver were killed and privates Eli Weaver, Jos. Colbert, Isaac Stultz and Wm. H. Weaver were wounded, none seriously. In our regiment there were 18 killed, and 27 wounded.
March 24th. This morning mother came to my room and informed me that Gen. Jackson had had a battle with the enemy. I immediately determined to hurry on, so that if there should be a renewal, I would be present. Started from Woodstock about 9:30 reached Strasburg at 12. I met Elijah Weaver and Jos. Colbert both wounded. After having them provided for, I hurried on to the regiment. The regiment started from their camp near Newtown about 8 o'clock, and moved to Cedar Creek, where I met them about 2 o'clock. I found the baggage all packed and soon the regiment was called together. The enemy seeing our position gave us a lively serenade with spherical case shot, the music of which was very enlivening but rather disagreeable. None of our regiment was hurt but two of the 27th were killed and two wounded.We again began the march about 3 p. m. and marched without interruption to Narrow Passage, about 3 miles South of Woodstock, where we encamped.
March 25th. Moved to camp Buchanan.
March 26th. Marched to camp near Narrow Passage.
March 27th. Remained in same camp.
March 28th. Returned to camp Buchanan.
March 29th -31st. Remained in same camp.
April 1st. Drew pay for company. This afternoon, the Yankees advanced to Edinburg. We moved to camp at Hawkinstown.
April 2nd. Moved to camp near Rude's Hill.
April 3rd. Remained in same camp. Usual drills.
April 4th. Today went to New Market with Daniel Barton, who was sick.
April 5th. A number of militia were drafted for our company, of whom, we received eight. Had a very pleasant time in New Market.
April 7th. Commenced raining and continued for several days.
April 10th. Today the regiment moved to Hawkinstown for picket duty.
April 11th. We remained with the reserve. Several companies were out on picket.
April 12th. Remained with the reserve.
April 13th. I was ordered to report with company to Col. Turner Ashby, for picket duty. He ordered me to station the company about 1½ miles from Edinburg, at Mr. Chrisman's house. Returned to camp near Rude's Hill.
April 14th. Today, I finished the last muster rolls.
April 15th. Capt. Gatewood returned today.
April 16th. Several drills today.
April 17th. I was detached from the regiment and ordered by Gen. Jackson to take command of the militia of the Valley District.
April 16th, 1862Special Order} No. }Lieut. Grabill, 33rd. Regt. Va. Vols. Will take charge of all the militia in this command not drafted and will keep them in the same camp. All the militia not yet reported will report to him and he will make a report every morning to these Headquarters of any arrivals since the proceeding morning.
By order of
Major Gen. Jackson.
(Signed) Wm. S. H. Baylor, Lt. Col.
Insp. Gen"l. V. D.
Official, J. G. Blount.
A. A. A. Gen'l.I took charge of them this evening and camped near New Market.
April 18th. The Yankees advanced today. We fell back to Lacey Springs.
April 19th. Today marched to camp four miles East of Harrisonburg.
April 20th. Marched to camp at Swift Run Gap.
April 21st. Regiment reorganized today. Adjt. John Neff elected Col.; Maj. Lee, Lieut. Col.; and Capt. Holliday, Major. The officers selected in our company were Lieut. Trout, Capt.; Capt. Gatewood, First Lieut.; Orderly S. H. Bowman, Second Lieut. And J. Morgan Hottel, Jr. 2nd Lieut. For reasons satisfactory to myself, I declined to accept an office in the company.
April 22nd. Today, I was relieved command of the militia.
April 23rd. Settled my account with the quarter Master, obtained a pass and felt again like a free man.
April 24th-26th. Remained in camp waiting for fair weather to strike out.
April 26th. Left camp this evening spent the night in the Mountain House, on the Blue Ridge with Messrs. Robt. Bowman and J. Lester Shipley.
April 27th. Went to Standardsville. Met. Gen. Ewell's Division.
April 28th. Succeeded in getting board at Dr. Harrison's with Shipley. Since I have been relieved of military duty, I have found the world more monotonous than I supposed. However, I am in fine spirits and hope to soon take the field again.
April 29th to May 11th. Remained at Standardsville.
May 12th. Left Standardsville at 5 a. m. reached Staunton via Gordonsville.
May 13th. Remained in Staunton. Called to see Col. Imboden. I think I will attach myself to his command.
May 14th. Left Staunton and stopped at Major McCue's.
May 15th. Went to Harrisonburg. The Yankees are reported to be below Woodstock.
May 16th-19th. Remained in Harrisonburg.
May 19th. Went to Edinburg.
May 20th. Started to Woodstock this morning, but fearing that the Yankees might make an attack, returned to Edinburg.
May 21st. Father and Uncle Trout came out to met us. We started down with them this afternoon. Stopped at Mrs. Huffman's to get some water, Notice the dust rising on Narrow Passage Hill. A Yankee regiment charged up the pike. They killed one man belonging to a company commanded by Lieut. Jacob Neff, in front of Willow Grove. I returned to Edinburg.
May 22nd. Went to Mt. Jackson.
May 23rd. Returned to Edinburg, found father there. This evening Gen. Jackson surprised the left wing of Bank's army at Front Royal. Captured 1200 or 1500 prisoners.
May 24th. Returned home after an absence of several months.
May 25th. Walked down the pike as far as Middletown. Met 30 Yankee prisoners at Fisher's Hill. Saw one dead Yankee and a number of wagons, which the enemy had made an ineffectual attempt to burn at Cedar Creek. Returned this evening after a tramp of 34 miles.
May 26th. Remained in Woodstock.
May 27th. Went to Winchester with Valentine Ripley and others.
May 28th. Remained in Winchester. A large number of prisoners here.
May 29th. Started home.
May 30th. Returned home.
May 31st. Remained at home.
June 1st. Gen. Jackson's trains passing Woodstock.
June 2nd. Left home. Spent the night at Mr. Will's near Mount Jackson. Gen. Jackson camped below Mt. Jackson. Gen. Fremont's army said to be at Stony Creek.
June 3rd. Went to Harrisonburg.
June 4th. The prisoners were brought to Harrisonburg. There are said to be 3500.
June 5th. Went to Mt. Solon.
June 6th. The Yankees are said to be at Harrisonburg.
John H. Grabill was born 1839, son of Ephraim and Caroline A. Grabill. He was a member of White's Comanche's, 35th Battalion, Virginia Cavalry. Company E. Enlisted July 30, 1862, Shenandoah County for war. Appointed Captain September 9, 1863. Captured June 9, 1863, Beverly Ford, sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington D. C. July 1, 1863. Transferred August 8, 1863, to Johnson's Island. Paroled and sent to City Point Feb. 24, 1865. Previous service, 33rd Virginia Infantry, Company C. In and out as 2nd Lieutenant. Post war School Principal and Newspaper Editor. Married Mary Hollingsworth Dec. 29, 1866 at Woodstock, Va. by Dr. J. P. Hyde. Died in Woodstock, Shenandoah County, Virginia February 8, 1922 and is buried in Massanutten Cemetery, Woodstock Va.
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