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Wisman Road
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Wisman, Anna Virginia; 1853 - 1923; Wife of Milton
Wisman, Lydia; Nov. 28, 1844 - n. d.; Age 28.9.13
Wisman, Mahala; n. d. Jan. 27, 1906; Wife of Philip; age 84.9.7
Wisman, Milton; 1848 - 1906
Wisman, Oliver R.; n. d. - Nov. 19, 1889; Son of P. W. & Ida P.; age 0.3.29
Wisman, Philip; -n. d. - 25 Jul 1886; Age 68.5.19

Photos provided by Jackie and Warren

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Created February 23 2001
Updated August 30, 2011
© 2001-2003 Don Silvius - © 2011 Jackie & Warren