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Windle Cemetery
Wheatfield, Coal Mine Road
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Windle, Harriet: March 25, 1813 - May 5, 1875; Wife of Samuel
Windle, James: Dec. 23, 1837 - Aug. 19, 1907; 146 Virginia Militia, Company G.
Windle, Laura B.: Aug. 25, 1854 - Aug. 11, 1931; Wife of James
Windle, Lula V.: n. d. - Jan. 19, 1882; Daughter of James & Laura B.; age 7.0.10
Windle, Samuel; abt 1811 - July 1880; Consort of Harriet; Second wife Alice; No Stone Located
Windle, Oliver H.: n. d. - Jan. 12, 1882; Son of James & Laura B.; age 5.3.0

Photos provided by Jackie and Warren

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Created February 23 2001
Updated October 14, 2011
© 2001 - 2006 Don Silvius - © 2011 Jackie & Warren