Allen, Annie V.; 1866 - 1950; Wife of James N. Allen, Bertie L.; 1892 - 1895; Daughter of J.N. & A.V. Allen, Clara; n.d. - 1905; on stone with Clarence & Mauder Allen, Clarence; n.d. - 1905; on stone with Clara & Mauder Allen, James N.; 1861 - 1938 Allen, Mauder; 1891 - 1903; on stone with Clara & Clarence Baker, Elizabeth A.; August 24, 1829 - February 9, 1890; Wife of Jacob Baker, Jacob; October 8, 1816 - January 26, 1887 Baker, Laura B.; October 2, 1862 - November 6, 1887; Daughter of Jacob & E.A. Beahm, E. L.; 1877 - 1967; Son of Wm. & Fannie Fry Beahm Beahm, Fanny F.; 1856 - 1933; Wife of W. Edward; nee Fry Beahm, Mamie E.; n.d. - June 16, 1912; Wife of A.L.; 23 yr. 3 mo. 17 da. Beahm, Vallie M. F.; 1895 - 1904; Daughter of William & Fanny Fry Beahm Beahm, W. Edward; 1860 - November 1939 Biller, Bettie May; September 27, 1871 - December 21, 1901; Wife of John W. Biller, John W.; September 5, 1858 - August 18, 1919 Biller, William D.; September 15, 1862 - May 31, 1941 Burke, Gertrude Foltz; March 31, 1874 - March 12, 1941; Wife of John W. Foltz Clinedinst, Arthur L.; May 16, 1877 - May 15, 1951 Clinedinst, Bertha L.; September 19, 1881 - May 12, 1926; Wife of Arthur L. Clinedinst, Eltie Beahm; 1887 - 1936; Wife of Raphael D. Clinedinst, Ida V.; December 25, 1857 - n.d.; Wife of Isaac Clinedinst, Isaac; October 12, 1832 - December 5, 1911; Private, Co. C, 7th Virginia Cavalry, C.S.A. Clinedinst, Isaac Sr.; 1912 - 1985 Clinedinst, Kathern F.; May 26, 1914 - November 1, 1914; Daughter of F.H. & M.I. Clinedinst, Katie W.; November 21, 1892 - October 8, 1894; on stone with R.J.M. Clinedinst, Melvin H. L.; October 9, 1907 - February 4, 1908; Son of A.L. & B.L. Clinedinst, Minnie Irene; June 23, 1892 - March 1, 1962; Wife of Harry Frank; nee Beahm Clinedinst, R. J. M.; November 27, 1892 - April 16, 1899; on stone with Katie W. Clinedinst, Raphael D.; 1880 - 1940 Cook, Frances F.; 1900 - 1975; Wife of Samuel E. Cook, Helen M.; December 30, 1937 - n. d. Cook, Robert L "Bobby"; December 2, 1929 - n. d. Cook, Samuel E.; 1906 - 1982 Downey, Almira L.; 1857 - 1943; Wife of Daniel D. Downey, Annie V.; 1893 - 1900; Daughter of M.L. & D.D. Downey, Christian; 1852 - 1907 Downey, Daniel D.; 1853 - 1912 Fleming, Berryman; April 5, 1851 - September 25, 1925 Fleming, Francis; n.d. - August 22, 1893; Wife of Shadrack; 83 yr. 6 mo. 9 da. Fleming, Malinda; August 10, 1850 - August 19, 1930; Wife of Berryman Fleming, Shadrack; 1804 - February 5, 1872; 68 yr. Foltz, Bessie V.; September 28, 1907 - October 6, 1907; Daughter of J.R. & D.A. Foltz, John W.; March 9, 1877 - March 23, 1904 Foltz, Lemuel R.; 1850 - 1933 Foltz, Virginia F.; 1854 - 1920; Wife of Lemuel R. Free, Anna G.; June 11, 1899 - January 19, 1986; on stone with Norma J. Free Free, Norma J.; October 12, 1930 - n.d.; on stone with Anna C. Free Fry, Barbara; 1834 - October 5, 1914; Wife of Solomon Fry, James E. A.; March 22, 1899 - April 7, 1899 Fry, Rebecca E.; February 3, 1900 - March 18, 1910; Daughter of B.A. & B.E. Fry, Solomon; 1833 - 1888 Fultz, Dorothy; 1824 - 1895 Fultz, Isaac E.; October 27, 1843 - May 16, 1894; Son of Jacob & R.E. Fultz, Jacob; December 20, 1817 - June 21, 1901 Fultz, John E.; 1841 - 1914 Fultz, John W.; September 15, 1828 - May 20, 1894 Fultz, Joseph; 1823 - 1895 Fultz, Mary; 1861 - 1939 Fultz, Mary J.; n.d. - April 6, 1905; Wife of John W. Fultz, Rachel Ellen; October 28, 1819 - May 23, 1887; Wife of Jacob Fultz, Sallie J.; 1845 - 1926; Wife of John E. Fultz, Sarah Catherine; October 14, 1832 - November 12, 1884 Golladay, Carrie Lee; January 11, 1864 - June 10, 1948; Wife of Homer F. Golladay, Charles M.; 1888 - 1955 Golladay, Homer F.; February 12, 1863 - April 2, 1949 Golloday, Clarence L.; 1902 - 1969 Golloday, John F.; 1883 - 1948 Grandstaff, Allen I.; October 17, 1882 - January 19, 1937; Headstone Grandstaff, Etta V.; October 29, 1878 - October 11, 1954; Headstone Grandstaff, Infant; n.d. - 1907; infant of U.C. & J.A. Grim, Elizabeth; 1812 - 1896; Wife of Philip Grim, George L.; June 20, 1853 - June 30, 1908 Grim, John F.; August 6, 1840 - April 8, 1893 Grim, Nannie B.; May 9, 1869 - May 9, 1912; Wife of George L. Hauser, Gladys Marie; June 19, 1922 - June 3, 2005; Wife of (1) Malcolm Luther Barb (2) Elroy August Hauser; d. of Clarence, Jr. & Nannie Belle Pence Hawkins, Joseph; December 24, 1828 - February 20, 1903 Hawkins, Matilda; February 13, 1818 - March 25, 1891 Hawkins, Sarah M.; January 2, 1836 - April 14, 1901; Wife of Joseph; d. of John J. Allen Hawkins, William A.; December 29, 1861 - May 21, 1909 Henry, Alvin; n.d. - 1927; Son of Clarence & Florence P. Henry, Alvin Frederick, Sr.; June 16, 1927 - November 6, 2000 Henry, Charles; n.d. - 1924; Son of Clarence & Florence P. Henry, Clarence Alvin; 1890 - 1977; Pvt. U.S. Army World War I; VFW Marker Henry, Doriss McKenzie; December 7, 1927 - n. d.;Wife of Alvin F. Sr. Henry, Florence P.; 1899 - 1986; Wife of Clarence A. Hottinger, Charles; December 6, 1867 - Mar 10, 1888; Son of Moses & Ellen Hottinger, George T.; May 6, 1878 - February 28, 1888; Son of Moses & Ellen Hottinger, Minnie L.; March 5, 1872 - March 5, 1888; Daughter of Moses & Ellen Howerton, Michael K.; August 10, 1953 - August 6, 1994;Cremated Howerton, Shirley Ann Cook; July 12, 1935 - May 25, 1998; Wife of George; d. of Saml & Frances Cook Jones, Amanda A.; September 28, 1845 - July 28, 1910; Wife of Robert S. Jones, Arthur J.; December 29, 1868 - December 8, 1900 Jones, Lucy Lee; January 29, 1866 - October 23, 1925 Kagey, Annie E.; June 18, 1885 - January 9, 1941 Kagey, Cora A.; August 12, 1877 - March 3, 1906; Daughter of Joel F. & Mary G.; Plot Kagey, Joel F.; October 18, 1845 - December 17, 1912; Plot Kagey, Mary C.; September 9, 1850 - May 27, 1927; Wife of Joel F.;Plot Kenney, Edward; January 11, 1884 - August 2, 1955 Kenney, Lula E.; February 28, 1894 - December 23, 1982; Wife of Edward Lindamood, Harrison; January 22, 1838 - March 30, 1906 Lindamood, Infant; August 13, 1873 - September 19, 1873; Son of Harrison & Lizzie Lindamood, Katherine; 1835 - 1920 Lindamood, Lizzie; September 2, 1835 - June 23, 1888; Wife of Harrison Lindamood, Mary M.; May 26, 1855 - October 4, 1912; Wife of Harrison Long, Dora; n.d. - 1890; 9 da. Long, Effie F.; n.d. - 1877; 1 mo. Long, Guyetta R.; n.d. - 1897; 8 da. Long, Joseph A.; n.d. - October 17, 1877; Son of J. & R.; 1 yr. 9 mo. Long, Joseph W.; n.d. - 1884; 1 mo. Long, Sarah E.; n.d. - 1875; 2 mo. Marston, Bertha; 1903 - 1905; Daughter of J.A. & P.V. McInturff, Edna C.; n.d. - February 4, 1893; Daughter of M. & A.S.; 17 yr. 6 mo. 2 da. Painter, Beverly J.; June 9, 1924 - June 17, 1977; on stone with Nina Jean Painter Painter, Nina Jean; June 12, 1933 - n.d.; on stone with Beverly J. Painter Pence, Clarence J.; November 22, 1900 - November 7, 1979 Pence, Effie K.; May 26, 1885 - March 6, 1914; Daughter of L.A. & H.A. Pence, Franklin; July 19, 1891 - October 27, 1910 Pence, Fred D.; 1898 - 1955 Pence, Grace D.; 1900 - n.d.; Wife of Fred D. Pence, H. Luther; 1866 - 1939 Pence, Harriet A.; January 14, 1841 - December 30, 1920; Wife of L.A. Pence, Harrison L.; October 19, 1888 - September 27, 1891 Pence, John L.; April 10, 1856 - January 16, 1932 Pence, Lemuel A.; January 15, 1837 - May 9, 1907 Pence, Lula M.; December 19, 1878 - March 1, 1883; Daughter of L.A. & H.A. Pence, Nannie Belle; June 16, 1902 - April 2, 1986; Wife of Clarence; d. of Benj. & Ellen Frye Pence, Virginia D.; December 8, 1868 - August 26, 1934; Wife of John L. Proctor, Edith; April 3, 1807 - July 31, 1877 Reeser, Catherine; n.d. - March 11, 1903; 48 yr. 15 da. Reynard, Abraham; n.d. - November 20, 1935 Reynard, Frank H.; 1886 - June 30, 1940; Son of Joseph & Mary Sibert Reynard Reynard, Joseph Henry; 1859 - November 7, 1932; 72 yr. Reynard, Mary C.; 1863 - 1932; Wife of Joseph H. Rinker, Rebecca; December 24, 1838 - February 5, 1878 Ruby, Diana; 1809 - 1892; Wife of Jacob Ruby, Jacob; June 27, 1808 - December 27, 1877 Ruby, John C.; September 11, 1836 - January 27, 1903 Ruby, John T. J.; June 27, 1872 - January 21, 1889; Son of John C. & Sarah C. Runion, Alice M.; June 6, 1907 - n.d.; Wife of James W. Runion, Dorothy; January 30, 1925 - May 6, 1926; Daughter of Wm. & Alice Runion, James W.; August 27, 1901 - October 10, 1972; Son of Nathan & Lula Harpine Runion Scothern, Effie J.; February 27, 1890 - May 24, 1890; Daughter of C.A. & M.F. Scothern, Mary F.; September 30, 1862 - April 7, 1899; Wife of Charles A. Sibert, W. A.; n.d. - April 11, 1908; 24 yr.; Close-up Photo Sine, Carnelia V.; 1826 - 1884 Sine, Charles W.; 1848 - 1925 Sine, George W.; 1824 - 1901 Sine, Hezekiah; 1865 - 1867 Sine, James A.; 1868 - 1871 Sine, Mahala; December 18, 1848 - October 3, 1899; Wife of T.M. Sine, Virginia; 1861 - 1925
Photos provided by Jackie and Warren