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Burke Cemetery
Seven Fountains
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Burke, Alma H.; Aug. 22, 1907 - Jul. 7, 1909; d. of Robert & Lydia
Burke, Clara M.; Dec. 29, 1905 - Jan. 2, 1906; d. of Robert & Lydia
Burke, Infant; Nov. 10, 1911 - Dec. 9, 1911; 20 da.; s. of R.A. & L.J.
Burke, Lydia Jane; Sep. 21, 1869 - Jun. 24, 1915; w. of Robert; d. of Benj. & Mary Cullers
Burke, Mary Margaret; Nov. 9, 1899 - Sep. 21, 1938; w. of P. G. Coverstone
Burke, Quentin Samuel; Dec. 23, 1901 - Mar. 6, 1970; s. of Robert & Lydia Cullers Burke
Burke, Robert Ashby; Apr. 27, 1863 - Oct. 7, 1938; s. of Johnson & Martha Jane Burke
Cullers, Benjamin F.; Jan. 8, 1834 - Feb. 11, 1886; 52 yr. 1 mo. 3 da.
Cullers, Bettie E. Grandstaff; Mar. 21, 1869 - Jan. 10, 1904; 34 yr. 9 mo. 10 da.; 1st w. of Henry
Cullers, Edgar L.; Jul. 8, 1918 - Jan. 13, 1949
Cullers, Henry S.; Sep. 28, 1867 - Aug. 30, 1929; 61 yr. 11 mo. 2 da.
Cullers, Mary J.; Mar. 21, 1841 - Nov. 29, 1908; 67 yr. 7 mo. 28 da.; nee Taylor
Cullers, Virgil Lee; n.d. - Aug. 21, 1907; 7 mo. 11 da.; s. of Henry S. & Bettie
Cullers, Virginia F. Scothern; Apr. 21, 1866 - Sep. 5, 1926; 60 yr. 4 mo. 15 da.; 2nd w. of Henry
Photos provided by Jackie and Warren

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Created February 14, 2001
Updated August 2, 2011
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