Death Records at USGenWeb Archives
Obituary Records at
Please send me your death records that you may
have copied. These often are a great source of information. Send to Rebecca and
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Greenwood Adams, died Dec 8 1857, age 65 yr, 8 mos, 14 days, wife Nancy
Joseph Adams died April 1862, in Richmond, Civil War, reported by brother Nathan.
John Green Adams died Aug 10 1929, parents Joseph and Mary (Thomas) Adams, wife Nora Alice Gardner.
George Adams, died Nov 18 1886, age 21, parents John & Sarah Adams, reported by F. or T? A Clements, sister
Sallie Arnn died Dec, 1856, age 64, parents Jacob & Judith Aren
James Bailey died July 17 1860, age 12, parents James M. and Mary Bailey
James A. Crews died May 28 1856, age 50, parents John and Jane Crews
John Crews died Feb 5, 1853, age 87 yrs, 8 mos, 11 days
Mariah Crews died Sept, 1866, age 75
Rebecca Crews, died Dec 13 1857, age 70, husband is John
M.H. Dodd died May 25 1896, age 77, parents Hezikiah and Mary Giles
Samuel Dodd died Mar 17 1862, age 44, parents Benjamine & S., wife Malinda
James Gardner died Feb 21 1866, age 27, parents William & Martha Gardner
Martha C. Gardner died Nov, 1861, age 14 yrs, 11 mos., parents Benjamine & Ann Gardner
W. C. Gardner died Aug 11 186?, age 9, parents Wm F. & Martha J. Gardner
William F. Gardner died Jul 22 1876, parents Jacob S. & Lucy Gardner
William Howard Gardner died Aug 6 1868, parents Joseph C and Martha E. Gardner
James B. Gardner died Oct 4 1876, parents Wm L and Mary C Gardner
Edgar P. Gardner died Nov 5 1884, parents Jacob S and Lucy Gardner
John Herndon died Jun 30 1896, age 43, parents George & Jane Herndon, wife Martha
Margaret Kirby died Nov 20 1859, age 72, parents Daniel & Catherine Oakes, husband Moses
James Oakes died Nov 17 1877, age 70, wife Eveline
Jesse Richards died Jan 18 1862, age 17, parent is D. C. Richards
Mary Shelhorse died Jan 1855, age 54, parents William & Elizabeth Heanes (Haynes), reported by son William Shelhorse
Nancy Shelhorse died Jul 11 1853, age 7 mos, 9 days, parents William & Parthena Shelhorse
Parthene Shelhorse died Jun 16 1853, age 16 yrs, 11 mos, parents are George and Nancy Hall, husband William
Oliver Shelhorse died Dec 1 1871, age 2, parents James M and Susan Shelhorse
Abraham Thomas died May 5 1876, age 71, parents William & Ann Thomas, wife I.K.
Benjamin Thomas died Jan 5 1853, age 10 years, 1 mo, 4 days, parents are Benjamine & E. Thomas
Mary Thomas died April 18 1886, age 80, reported by R.S. Carter (Note: this is Benjamin Thomas's wife)
John C. Thomas died Jan 9 1854, age 11, parents Ben & Esther
Lucinda Thomas, died Nov 1876, age 40, husband Abram Thomas
Benjamin Thomas died Jan 5 1853, parents Ben & Esther, age 13
James Thomas died Jun 24 1878, age 71, no parents listed
Campbell Thomas died Feb 15 1885, age 74, parents William & Ann Thomas, wife Sallie
Joel Thomas died Dec 31 1856, age 25, parents Benjamine Thomas
Lucy P. Thomas died May 10 1885, age 23, parents J.Y. & C. Blair, husband Joel
Sallie Thomas died Mar 14 1896, age 86, father John Thomas
William Thomas died Valley of Va in battle, age 40, parents Ben & Mary Thomas
Edward A. Thomas died Jul 22 1862, age 30, parents William & H.E. Thomas
Submitted by Gayle Austin
George Blankenship died April 17, 1859 of Inflamation of Brest, Age 14 years 10 months, parents Braxton, reported by brother John T., page 55
Lavena Blankenship died November 18, 1865 of Consumption, Age 40, Unmarried, Reported by brother John T., Page 102
Braxton Blankenship died September 21, 1855 of typhoid fever, Born in Nottoway Co., Virginia, age 56 yrs, 7 months, 6 days, Reported by wife Orensy Page 19
William M. Blankenship died October 16, 1855 of typhoid fever, age 30 years, 1 month, 11 days, wife Ann W. Blankenship Page 19
Mary M. Morris died October 1853, daughter of John M. and Elizabeth Morris, reported by Morgan Morris, grandfather
Richard Morris died May 31, 1861 of Bowel disease, age 99, reported by N.T. Morris, son
Winifred Morris died December 4, 1854 of Asthma, age 71, , born in Orange Cnty, Va, wife of William A. Morris, deceased, reported by son Phineas
William C. Morris Died June 10,1860 of Pneumonia, age 3, parents were Nathan T. and Mary J. Morris, reported by father
Some Death Dates 1853-1896 Pittsylvania Co. by Lonnie Crosby 1985
P. 27 - John Burton 16/ June 1862 Richmond Wound 20 years old Parents: James and N. Burton
P. 26 - Christina Burton 7/20/1861 Diptheria, age 2 Parents: Samuel B. and Winifred, reported by father
p.26 Elizabeth Burton 7/17/1861 Diptheria, age 15 Parents: Samuel B. and Winifred, reported by father
p.26 Sarah Burton 7/7/1861 Diptheria, age 9 Parents: Samuel B. and Winifred, reported by father
p 26 Robert S. Burton, 1861 (no date) typhoid fever, age 20 Parents: Samuel B. and Winifred, reported by father
p 26 Eliza A. Burton 8/1862 Pneumonia, age 14 Parent: Samuel B., reported by father
p 26 Robert S. Burton, Dec 1862 typhoid fever, age 21 Parent: Samuel B., reported by father
p 26 Kitty J. Burton, Dec 1862, diptheria, age 7 Parent: Samuel B., reported by father
p 26 James Burton 5/22/1860 hemorage of bowel, age 66 y. 3 mos No parent listed. Reported by Betsey Burton, wife
p 26 Fredrick C. Burton, 8/4/1860 Typhoid Fever, age 23 y. 7 mos. reported by Betsey Burton, mother
Index to Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Pittsylvania Co., VA 1853-1865 -
Henry W. Faris 5/15/1855 p. 23
Marena Faris 8/20/1856 p. 30
Sarah J. Faris 3/30/1859 p. 49
Adeline Faris 12/9/1859 p. 49
Elizabeth Faris 1/5/1861 p. 74
Henry W. Faris 4/1862 p. 84
James D. Faris 9/25/1865 p. 100
Ben Rives Faris 7/10/1866 p. 105
Julia A. Faris 11/10/1885 p. 133
William S. Farris 5/12/1862 p. 94
Submitted by Molly
Gauldin, Sally Snow Cox widow of Thomas Gauldin died December 16, 1928 in Danville, VA age 68 years 15 days birth date December 1,1860 at Laurel Grove-Pittsylvania Co., VA Certificate of death 28961
Submitted by Linda Lewis Lepow
Nancy Shelhorse; she was b. 20 Jan 1853; died Jul 11 1855; d/o William & Parthena Shelhorse.
Submitted by Ermine Payne
Jacob Thomas Davis Died Pittsylvania County Dec 28, 1903 son of William and Elizabeth Davis
Submitted by Ruthsnead
Gaulden, Connie d. July 1879, wife of William A. Gaulden
Boaz, Dicey A. died 28 July 1896 of Paralysis, age 75
Submitted by Linda Lewis Lepow
Julia Aron, died Apr 23 1875, age 49, no parents or spouse listed
James Blair died Apr 30 1859, age 38
Eddy Bruce died Dec 15 1859, age 80
Nancy Butcher died May 4 1876, age 80, parents are John & Kate Fletcher, husband is John
Susan Emmerson died Aug 20 1875, age 76, parents are Elisha & Sarah Powell, husband William
Druscilla Haynes died Feb 21 1885, age 25, parents unknown, husband William.
Ida Haynes died Mar 4 1885, age 2, parents Wm & Druscilla Haynes
L.S. Haynes died Feb 20 1885, age 3, parents Wm & Druscilla Haynes
William Y Haynes died May 31 1860, age 23, parents Richard & Mary Haynes
Reuben Herndon died Mar 19 1855, age 89 years, 2 months, 25 days, wife Hannah
George Inman died May 6 1862, age 28, parents is G.D. Inman
Jacob Julius died June 25 1854, 90, parents Phillip & Elizabeth Julius,
Margaret Kirby died Nov 20 1859, age 72, parents Daniel & Catherine Oakes, husband Moses.
William Lindsey died Oct 17 1855, age 85, wife Elizabeth
Submittted by Carol
Richardson, Sarah 1866 h (Zac) 32
Richardson,Winnie 1877 h (Josiah) 36
Ricketts,Carter 1877 f (John W) 10mo
Ricketts,Bula M 1877 f (James C) 10mo
Rigney,Andrew 1896 f (N.Y. ) 2
Rigney,Ann 1862 h (John)
Rigney,Booker T 1854 f (William) 2
Ridgeway,George W 1865 w (Ann) 45
Submitted by Roger
John H. Moon s/o Pleasant
& Mary Holt Moon d.18 NOv 1875 Pitts. Co, Va
"typhoid" by wife age 49 (wife was Susan
Ann Pitts)
Mary Moon (?wife of John Pruitt) d. 21 Nov 1896 age 60 "fits"
all from death book at courthouse.
Submitted by Randall
Submitted by Ira
Walters, Elizabeth B(par. Jackson & Elizabeth). 1861 2 Feb burnt reported by father age 2
Walters, (free) Hurt 1865 Dec. cold reported by A.G.? employer age 30
Walters, Jennie (free) 1865 burnt reported by employer age 20
Walters, I.E. 1885 25 Nov scarlet fever reported by Armistead Thomas, head of family age 69
Walters, James B. ( par. Ezekiel and Lidea) 1861 20 Sep. at Manassa Va. of typhoid fever reported by Nathl. W. Gardner, father-in-law age 30
Walters, Martha C. (par. Danl. & Lucy Coleman) 1853 14 Nov. congestion of brain reported by husb. A.G. Walter 40 y 2 mo. 18 da.
Walters, Morgan (free) 1865 June unknown reported by A.G. employer age 3
Walters, Spias 1859 20 Oct. paralissis reported by James H. Lindsey, son-in-law age 78
Walters, Sallie G. (par. Jackson) 1896 24 June teething reported by father 18 mo.
Submitted by Gayle
Melvin Arnold Bobbitt (Rev)
Born 04/20/1916 died 1988
Terry Bobbitt Born 01/24/1875 died 03/15/1953
Lovelace H., Bobbitt Born
approximately 1852 married 03/22/1874 at 22
years of age.
David Bobbitt born ?? Bound himself and brother Lewis
Bobbitt to Gov.
Campbell for $150.00 to secure marriage to Matilda
Parker on
Contributed by Danny
Bobbitt <>
Jun 1865 Ann T. Barksdale age 81
01 Sep 1854 Claiborne Barksdale 7 yrs, 2 mos, 4
days; son of John &
Wilmouth Barksdale
10 Jun 1886 Cordelia Barksdale age 40, spouse
William Barksdale
01 Nov 1855 Henry
Barksdale 1 yr, 6 mos; son of Henry & Sally Barksdale
Submitted by Virginia
Clementine L. Hubbard died March 1940
Lovell R. Carter died January 22, 1934
Katie Carter Logan died 1962
Bessie Carter Keatts died 1985
William Henry Carter died 1982
Rhoda Carter Patrick died 1971
Lena Carter Watkins died 1977
John Luther Carter died 1991
Lillie Carter Prevard died 1974
Curnell Albert Allen died July 16, 1986
Jennie Victoria Brown Allen died August 5,
Mattie Allen Bowe died
January 23, 1998 -- husband, wife and
Charlie Lee Bowe died May 23, 1993 (husband of Mattie).
Charlie E. Johnson died March 9, 1995 son of
the late Alfred and Julia Bowe Johnson
(first cousin of Charlie Bowe).
Samantha Irene Ross funeral was held December 5,
Richard Parsons died 1784 in Pittsylvania Co.,
John Parsons died 1808 in
Pittsylvania Co., Va
Death of Thomas Lester 1787
July Court
1787- On the Motion of Sytha Lester Widow of Thomas Lester DECD
certificate is hereby granted her for obtaining
letters of Administration
of all
and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits of said
Thomas at the time of his death, she first
having taken the oath as the law
prescribes and together with Gilbert Hunt, William Todd and John
her securities enforced
in bond and acknowledged the same. It is ordered
that Isaac Clement, Gilbert Hunt, William Todd and
Blanks Moody do value
the estate
of Decedent in current money and return said appraisement to the
William J. RENSHAW
Blace of Death: Danville, Pittsylvania, VA
Color or Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Age: 62
Birthplace: MD
Name of Father: W. T. RENSHAW
Birthplace of Father: MD
Maiden Name of Mother: Martha EDWARDS
Birthplace of Mother: DK or OK (unable to
Date of Death: Nov.
24, 1925
Cause of Death:
Hemorrhage of Brain
Place of
Burial: Leemont Cemetery, Danville, Pittsylvania, VA
Certificate of Death #25867
It is certified by the Court that it is
satisfactorily proven that
Seamster a Pensioner of the United States at the rate of eight
dollars per month and a resident of this
County departed this life on
10th day of June last, that Ephriam Seamster and Elizabeth
Hazlewood are his only children. that
Isaac Owen, Thomas Owen, Edward
Owen, George Owen and Rufus Owen are his only grandchildren and that
the said John Seamster left no widow.
Court Order Book 36 p 65 November 16, 1840
Satisfactory evidence being produced to the
Court it is ordered to be
Certified that John Seamster, a revolutionary Pensioner of the United
States, resident of Pittsylvania County died on
the 10th day of June
1840 and
left no widow that Catherine Owen then a widow, Ephriam
Seamster residing in Halifax County and
Elizabeth Hazlewood the wife
John Hazlewood are the only children left by the said John Seamster
at his death, that Catherine Owen the daughter
of said John Seamster
died on the
10th day of August 1840 and that no person has adminstered
on her estate. That Isaac Owen, Thomas Owen,
George Owen, Edward Owen
Rufus Owen all above the age of twenty one years are her only
Submitted by
VAGenWeb State Coordinator: Jeff Kemp Pittsylvania County
Rebecca Maloney |
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