Virginia's Neighbors in the USGenWeb Community:
Welcome to
the VAGenWeb...
When someone traces their family tree in America, they will undoubtedly find
that lived in Virginia.
This project is dedicated to all the volunteers of the VAGenWeb
Some of their names you will find on the attached pages.
The VAGenWeb State Coordinator is:
Jeff Kemp.
Thank you for visiting VAGenWeb. We are proud to be a part of the USGenWeb
project, which is an effort to organize genealogical materials on the Internet.
Our goal is to provide a web site specializing in the genealogy in Virginia
with an emphasis on genealogy at the county level. We also have created an
Archives which will serve as a repository for transcriptions of public records.
Our project's success is only possible through the support of volunteers.
Volunteers are needed in all phases of this project including hosts to maintain
individual county sites, volunteers to submit transcribed public records
for use in the USGenWeb Archives, and people to share their own personal
resources by doing lookups for other researchers.
Copyright © 1996-, VAGenWeb Project, All Rights Reserved
solely for the use and
benefit of
The USGenWeb Project.
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