
The Will of John Gregory 1832
Lunenburg Co., VA

See also slaves in John Gregory estate

Lunenburg County, Virginia - Will Book 11, Page 177

John Gregory Will

I John Gregory of the county of Lunenburg and state of Virginia do make and ordain this instrument of writing to be my last will & testament.

First I give devise and bequeath unto my sons Thomas N. Gregory Roderick R Gregory Jackson Gregory David S Gregory and my daughter Nancy Camp, the wife of Joshua Camp all the property of every description heretofore given and now in their possession to them and their heirs forever.

Secondly I give and bequeath unto my daughter Lucilia Robertson, the wife of Peter Robertson all the property of every description given to them and their heirs forever.

And further I devise and bequeath unto my sons Thomas N. Gregory and Roderick R Gregory five negroes viz Ephraim, Lucreasy?, Moriah, Spencer & Lucy with their future increase also all the money now due me from Peter Robertson or may become due by bond or otherwise (say lent or for hire of negroes in trust for the sole purpose and the benefits coming from said slaves to be applied to the use and maintenance of said Peter Robertson and after the death of the said Lucilia Robertson, I give and devise & bequeath the aforesaid slaves and their future increase to be equally divided between the children of the said Peter Robertson and Lucilia his wife to them and their heirs forever.

Thirdly I give and bequeath unto John Roberts, who married my daughter Elizabeth Gregory who has now deceased all the property of every description heretofore given and now in his possession consisting of five negroes to him and his heirs forever.

Fourthly I give devise and bequeath unto my granddaughter Mary ITE Roberts one small negro girl by the name of Betsy and her future increase to her and her heirs forever.

Fifthly I devise and bequeath unto my son Zachariah Josephus Gregory the following property to wit Edwin, Munford and Hannah two colts one bed and furniture now in his possession also one negro boy Richard and all the upper end of the tract of land I now live on to a cross fence running nearly a north and south course having [or leaving/jgs] the dwelling house and other out houses to the east of said fence to him and his heirs forever.

Sixthly I give and bequeath unto my daughter Susan the wife of Doctor M. Keith the following property to wit ______, linda?, Matt, Mary & one bed & furniture and four hundred dollars now in possession, also a boy Yelb__? & a woman Kitty to her & her heirs forever.

Seventhly I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Gregory, all the residue of my estate real and personal, during her natural life, and after her death to be divided among my children in the following manner.

I give devise and bequeath unto my son Zachariah Josephus Gregory after the death of my wife Elizabeth Gregory all the land bequeathed to her and one full seventh part of all the personal estate willed to the said Elizabeth Gregory as the residue of my estate to him.

Secondly I give devise and bequeath unto my son Thomas N. Gregory, Nancy Camp wife of Joshua Camp, Roderick R Gregory, Jackson Gregory, David S. Gregory and Susan Keith the wife of Doct M Keith after the death of my wife Elizabeth Gregory, as the residue of my estate, to them and their heirs forever.

Lastly I appoint Thomas N. Gregory & Roderick R. Gregory Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other former wills by me heretofore made.

And further it is my will and desire that no security is required of Executors for the _____ performance of _______.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 15 day of June 1832

Signed John Gregory (seal)

Sealed published and declared in the presence of
Henry May
E Lee
Robert Saunders

In Lunenburg County court 10th October 1836 the within written last will and testament of John Gregory dec'd was produced in court, and was proved by the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and in the said court the 8th day of June following on the motion of Thomas N Gregory one of the executors named in the foregoing will who having made oath according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining probate of said will in due form whereupon the entered into court? With approved security for the purpose according to law reserving liberty to the other executor name in the said will in due form

Wm H Taylor clerk

Submitted by JoLee Gregory Spears

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