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Victoria High School
Football Team 1946/1947
This photo is missing. It was labeled "Football Squad of '46" with names and was signed by: Linemen: Rudy White, Willie Barnes, Ralph Porterfield, Charles Powell, Alfred Clark, Woodie Slayton, John Abbitt. Q-back: L. S. Bowden Backs: Glenn (Spec) Booth, C. C. White, Jackie O'Brien
Note: We would appreciate another copy of this photo if anyone has a copy. In the fall of 1946, a number of World War II veterans (previous VHS graduates) returned to VHS to pick up subject(s) needed for college entrance. "Veteran" is placed by their names. Year of graduation was not determined in some cases. - Jo Lee Spears
1. Charles Powell, deceased (1929-1996) |
1947 |
16. Ralph Porterfield |
1948 |
2. Jimmy Waddill |
1950 |
17. Spec Booth, deceased |
1943 Veteran |
3. Willie Barnes, deceased |
1942 Veteran |
18. Jackie Obrian (signed "Obie") |
1945 Veteran |
4. Woody Slayton |
Year? Veteran |
19. Boyd Glover (signed "Little Joe") |
1947 |
5. C.C. White, Jr. , deceased |
Year? |
20. Walter Douglas |
1950 |
6. Rudolph "Rudy" White, deceased (1929-2004) |
1947 |
21. Everette Seay, deceased |
Year? |
7. Bobby Carter, deceased (1929-1996) |
Year? |
22. L.S. Bowden, deceased |
Year? Veteran |
8. Bobby Tyler |
1947 |
23. Shorty Moss |
Year? |
9. John Abbitt |
1946 |
24. "Moose" Faris |
Coach |
10. Epes Nelson, deceased (1926-1999) |
Veteran |
25. Kenneth Roach |
1943 |
11. Sonny Gallion |
1950 |
26. Eddie Billmeyer, deceased |
Year? |
12. James Leonard Williams "Jimmy" |
1950 |
27. __?__ Whitaker? |
Year? |
13. Weldon "Nick" Nichols, deceased |
Year? |
28. Edwin Burnette, deceased (1932-2002?) |
1950 |
14. James Gay, deceased |
Year? |
29. Garland Hawkes |
Year? |
15. Alfred Clark |
1949 |
VHS Scores 1946 Victoria 0 - Hopewell 25 |